a project for ISKO - I-SKOOL project
Ifwe remove the f irst two letters of the word ''woman'' we get the word ''man'', and the same happens with the word female.
This is the aim of my project, because I started from the real meaning of woman to get the f igure of man. I compared the main aspects of the two f igures, for example the choice of using the red colour to underline the woman's world, her passion and the elegance of her movements. The universe of man is represented by jeans pants, that are dark blue with big red seams.
At the frontal side of these pants there are big details, such as the pocket and the loops, on the contrary, on the back, they are really small. This is a comparison between the size of woman's clothes and the man's garments. The bra and the tights symbolize the real woman's clothes. On the bra there is the title of the project: ''Wo-man'', which has become an embroidery. The main garment of the project is the pants. They become a skirt with two zips, but then they can return pants. So, in the end, they are a skirt and pants for both, woman and man.
ISKO - I-SKOOL project
4th edition 2016/2017
Diletta Bonollo
IUAV Venezia
gen-feb 2017