Gml rotary bulletin (jan 2016)

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Vol. 7 January 2016

RI President K R Ravindran

District Governor Subodh Joshi

GML - RID 3131

ि य िम ानो, ं पिहले सहा मिहने कसे भरकन ु सपले ं ू वेळाप का माणे आतापयत ं हे कळलेसु ा नाही. सपण पार पडले या काय मामळे ं ये उ साहाचे वातावरण आह.े सवच किमटी-पातळीवर ं ू ाताम ं ु सपण अ यतं चोखपणे कामकाज चालू आह.े तसेच याचा े सु ा उ कृ आह.े ं आपसातील ं ताळमळ DG-ि हिजट या िनिम ाने आप या िडि टची मला न याने ओळख होत आह.े िक येक ल जची गती, याचा ं काम कर याचा आवाका, यां या िवचाराची ं झपे थ क करणारी आह.े जयपरू या इि टटयटम ् ू ये िडि ट ३१३१ला िमळालेले भ य यश न क च मनाला सखवन ् ू एकदर ु ू गेले. जयपरू या इि टटयटची ं आखणी व माडणी ं िन वळ लाजवाब होती. समकालीन ातपालाची ं ं पु हा भटे व अधवािषक अहवाल ही या वषाची िवशषे बाब होय. नवीन वषा या वागताला ‘आिव कार’ आपली वाट बघत आह.े िद. ९ व १० जानेवारी या रोटरी कॉ फर स आिव कारची तयारी सवच पात यावर ् ं े ं जोरात चालू आहे ती सवच किमटयाच डायरे टस तसेच िविवध िडि टचे ऑिफसस यां या योगदानमळे ु . कॉ फर स या सभासदन दणीने १०००चा प ला सहज गाठला आह.े या वष थमच कोण याही ायोजकािशवाय ही ं कॉ फर स पणू कर याचे िशवधनु य सपण ं ू कॉ फर स-किमटीने लीलया पेलले आह.े यजमान- लब या ना याने पेण-ओरायनम ये अितशय उ साहाचे वातावरण आह.े माझे सपण ु ुं या काय माम ये मा या पाठीशी उभे आह.े सपण ं ू कटब ं ू ातं या इ हटकडे एका वेग या आशने​े बघत आहे याची मला क पना आह.े सपण झालर आह,े ती हणजे बदं पडलेले तेरा ं ू आनदा ं या वातावरणाला एकच दःखाची ु लब. मागे वळनू पाहताना असे ल ात आले, क जनू २०१५म ये १० ल ज व िडसबर २०१५म ये १३ ल ज असे एकण ू २३ ल ज या पाच मिह यातं बदं पडले आहते. याचा प रणाम मबरिशप या आकडयावर ् ं िनि तच झाला आह.े पण मला खा ी आह,े क िकतीही मोठा खडडा ् पडला तरीही तो भ न पढेु वाढ याची मता या िडि टची आह.े तर आता, आपण भटेू या आिव कारम ये. सबोध ु जोशी िडि ट ग हनर

Editorial ि य रोटे रय स, आपण आप या GML म ये आप या िडि टम ये जे िविवध सि हस ोजे टस थान दते ् करीत असतो यातील ् ं काही ठळक ोजे टसना असतो. रोटरी या वेबसाईटवर आपले अनेक उ मो म ोजे टस ् अपलोड के लेले असतात. परतं ु यातील ् मािहती यो य रीतीने ं ब याच ोजे टसची माडले ् GML म ये थान दतेा येत नाही. ते हा याचं े लेखन चागं या रीतीने हावे. ु अशा चागं या ोजे टसना ं ली नसते. यामळे रोटरी सि हस ए पोम ये सहभागी झाले या ल जचे सि हस ोजे टसच ् े बॅनस आपण आप या िडि ट कॉ फर सम ये दशनासाठी ठे वणार आहोत. आपण आता न या वषात पदापण करीत आहोत. पढील े मख ु वषासाठीचे ग हनर रो. शातं दश ु यानीदख ं े ील आप या टीम या िश णाची सु वात के ली आह.े स या सव िडि ट कॉ फर स आिव कार याची तयारी चालू आह.े सव सभासदाची ं न दणी तसेच दोन िदवसां या काय माची ं तयारीही जोरात सु आह.े ते हा आता आपली भटे िडि ट कॉ फर स आिव कारम ये. पराग कणक े र सपादक ं 9422094325

End Polio NOW!

The bike-ride that helped raise $4.4 Million

The fight to eradicate polio got a major financial boost from the annual Miles to End Polio bike ride that took place 21 November in Arizona, USA. Rotary General Secretary John Hewko and a team of eight RI staff members helped raise $4.4 million. The Bill & Melinda Gates Founda on will match the funds 2-to-1, bringing the total contribu on to PolioPlus to more than $13.5 million. This is the fourth year in a row that Hewko has biked in the 104-mile (167 km) El Tour de Tucson ride, one of the country's top cycling events. More than 100 Rotary members from Arizona and around the world hit the pavement with the Evanston team. The RI staff riders have been training together since September. “In the beginning, riding 104 miles seemed impossible,” says Jean Stanula, Rotary's Global Events supervisor. “But we came together early Saturday mornings and rode 20, 40, 60, and 80 miles. A er a while, it felt like we could do anything.” Contribu ons of District Designated Funds (DDFs) were a big part in this year's fundraising effort, with more than $1.4 million collected. Districts can con nue to donate DDFs to support the fundraiser through 30 November. President-elect John Germ will visit the district that donates the most DDFs, and the top five contribu ng districts will be recognized onstage at the 2016 Rotary Conven on in Seoul. Rotary members have taken part in the ride since 2009, when the End Polio Now campaign was designated an official beneficiary of the race, allowing Rotary cyclists to gather pledges for the campaign. In the first year, 27 cyclists raised $35,000. The number has grown exponen ally ever since.“But we came together early Saturday mornings and rode 20, 40, 60, and 80 miles. A er a while, it felt like we could do anything.”

(Courtsey -


Medical Camp Donation to Special Children Club – Pune Chinchwad Beneficiaries : 20 President : Sanjeev Datye Non-Rotary Partner : Ursula Cchool children Descrip on : Clothes and food grains were given to special children of Tara orphanage. These children are physically handicapped.

Workshop on Making Paper Bags Club – Pune Central Beneficiaries : 12 President : Ramesh Dumbre Descrip on : A Paper-bag workshop was conducted on 22nd Dec. 2015 at Yogi Park O ffi c e . 1 2 wo m e n f ro m Panvel a ended.

Donation of Benches Club – Chinchwad Pune Beneficiaries : 600 President : Sanjeev Datye Descrip on : Dona on of 10 benches to Trinity School for poor and needy children of Akurdi area. 600 students from low socioeconomic class take educa on in this school.

Club – Pune Royal Beneficiaries : 300 President : Jayant Rajput Non-Rotary Partner : Shri Da a Seva Pra shthan Kadsun Healthcare Pvt Ltd, Life Line Diagnos c Centre, Madhav Baug Descrip on : A medical check-up camp was arranged at Ghorpade Peth in associa on with Shri Da a Seva Pra shthan, Kadsun Healthcare Pvt Ltd, Lifeline Diagnos c Center and Madhavbaug to examine haemoglobin, blood group, blood sugar, blood pressure, eyes, stress, heart etc. Pa ents with deficiency of iron and calcium were given medicines to last a month.

Xmas Program with Special Children Club – Pune Central Beneficiaries : 250 President : Ramesh Dumbre Descrip on: RC of Pune Central celebrated 15 th Xmas party for the special children on We d n e s d a y 2 3 Dec. at the Ladies’ Club, Poona Camp. A b o u t 2 5 0 children from different NGO’s , schools and h o s p i t a l s par cipated in the celebra on. There were various games to be played. A magic show was the biggest a rac on for their enjoyment . The bumpy-jumpy ride was overcrowded by the children. The whole atmosphere was of joy, happiness and sa sfac on for one and all. Un l now around 4000 children during the last 15 years have par cipated in and enjoyed the Xmas party. Innerwheel members contributed 250 gi s for the children.


Orphanage Home Visit

Book Distribution Club – Chinchwad Morya Beneficiaries : 160 President : Vinayak Ghorpade Descrip on : Our club distributed Yoga Sandesh Books to Rotary Club Members and our guest to spread the knowledge of yoga & mental peace. It was explained that regular yoga prac ce and medita on would keep one fit and away from diseases.

Club – Intract Club of Pune Cantonment Beneficiaries : 30 President : Khuzem Chhatriwala Descrip on : On 18 Dec 2015 the Interact members went to visit an old age home named Prem Niwas and they spent their me with the old folks. They gave them gree ng cards, biscuits, sugar, rice , soap, toothpaste. Some students sang songs, while the others danced solo or in groups. Some of them told jokes. Later the old folks sang a song for the students and they enjoyed a lot because the students made their day wonderful and exci ng and brought happiness to them.

Medical Check-up Camp Eye Check-up Camp Club – Pune Kalyaninagar Beneficiaries : 200 President : Sejal Mehta Descrip on : A camp was held at Sau Hirabai Gopalrao High School, Kasari, Taluka Shirur.

Club – Pune Magarpa a City Beneficiaries : 400 President : Nandu Chaudhari Descrip on : Our club organised a medical check-up camp for the students of Mhatoba Madhyamik Vidyalay, Hadapsar. Lectures by a die cian and gynaecologist were arranged.


Blanket Distribution to Anathalaya Club – Chinchwad Morya Beneficiaries : 35 President : Vinayak Ghorpade Descrip on : We distributed blankets to small children from Rishta Children's Home - Anathalaya, Behind Bhosari Panjarpol , Bhosari, Pune on Monday 14-12-2015. As it is the me of winter, these children were very happy and sa sfied a er receiving the blankets. We gave them what they wanted. It's a need-based project. It was a great moment for us to look at their happy and sa sfied faces. This project is successful because of all members of RC Chinchwad Morya. Anns also par cipated in this. Annet Manasi Dhanashree & Vishvam Ghorpade took part in distribu ng the Blankets.

Educational Visit to a Factory Club – RC patalganga Beneficiaries : 100 President : Milind Bhagat Descrip on : We arranged an educa onal visit to the famous snack-producing factory known as ‘Parle’. The Anns and Annets of our group, and some students enjoyed watching the process of produc on of chocolate, biscuits and mineral water. The visit certainly proved worthwhile and added much to our informa on.

Eye Check-up Camp Club – Pune Horizon Beneficiaries : 50 President : Rajendra Harale Descrip on : We arranged a third eye check-up camp at Ramtekdi slum area near Hadapsar, Pune, along with the local Mandal and S. V. Desai Hospital, Mohammedwadi, Pune. We examined about 300 senior ci zens. Forty pa ents were detected for cataract opera ons and 100 pairs of spectacles were distributed to the needy.

Book Distribution Club – Pune Gandhibhavan Beneficiaries : 550 President : Prakash Bha Descrip on : We distributed the books wri en by the past President of India APJ Kalam to the students of Kusgaon Dhangar Vas School .


Special Day Celebration Club – Chinchwad Pune Beneficiaries : 3000 President : Sanjeev Datye Descrip on : On the eve of Special Day celebrated at Bal Kalyan Pune, about three thousand special children from various schools in and around Pune par cipated. On this occasion, special children from Kamayani Vidyalaya ( Nigdi ), Jeevan Dhaara School ( Rasta Peth Pune ) and Prizm Founda on ( Prabhat Road, Pune ) were offered biscuits on behalf of Rotary Club Chinchwad.

Yoga Training Club – Pune Sahawas Beneficiaries : 100 President : Sunil Pa l Descrip on : Yoga Training was conducted in Interact Club Ginnibai Mi al School at Ambegaon. The Programme was a ended by 50 boys and 50 girls of 8th and 9th std. President Dr. Sunil Pa l chaired the programme. Ann Ruta Raje demonstrated the warm-up exercises for eyes / neck / shoulder / hands / legs. Students enjoyed doing these warm-up exercises. Ann Raje then demonstrated various yogasanas. Around 10 asanas were demonstrated. Students performed these yogasanas. This was followed up by Surya Namaskar and Pranayams.

Eye Donation Awareness Club – Poona Downtown Beneficiaries : 100 President : Supriya Banerjea Descrip on : On 11 December 2015, there was a joint project of Organ Dona on Awareness with Rotary Club and Rotaract Club of Kothrud. The program was held at the auditorium of Marathawada Mitra Mandal College. Our Rtn. Pradeep Munot projected the movie Phir Zindagi which is recently made for Organ Dona on Awareness. Ar Gokhle from ZTCC was the Chief guest who explained to the audience the details of organ dona on. The students had a lot of queries about organ dona on.

Blood Check-up Club – RC Khopoli Beneficiaries : 45 President : Niraj Jadhav Descrip on : Our club organised a blood check-up camp for the Adivasi people from an Adiwasiwadi at Jambrung in Karjat Taluka. Most of the beneficiaries were examined for their blood groups. Later they were given cards that carried the informa on about their blood groups.


Blood Donation Club – Panvel Sunrise Beneficiaries : 189 President : Vijaykumar Kulkarni Non-Rotary Partner : Kutch Yuvak Sangh, Panvel Descrip on : Our club organised a blood dona on camp in old Panvel.

Distribution of Green Boards Club – Pune Kalyaninagar Beneficiaries : 3000 President : Sejal Mehta Descrip on : Club donated 9 Green Boards at Sant Shri Anand Rishiji Maharaj School, Wadgaonsheri.

Health Check-up Club – RC Shikrapur Beneficiaries : 75 President : Ravi Bhujbal Descrip on : The Health Check-up Camp was arranged at Shikrapur, for Shikrapur Police Sta on Staff & their family on Sunday, 06/12/15. Total 75 policemen & their families par cipated in the camp. Various tests for Height, Wt, BMI, BP, HB, BSL, Lipid Profile, ECG were done free of cost. Rtn Dr0 Macchindra Gaikwad, Rtn. Dr. Ram Pote, Rtn Dr. Sharad Landge & other Rotarians of the club got involved in the camp to make it a great success.

Worries are like a bird, let them fly over you, but, don't give them a chance to build a nest on your head!

Medical Service Club – Pune Karvenagar Beneficiaries : 3500 President : Rajendra Kulkarni Descrip on : Medical service were offered to warkaries during Kar ki Yatra at Aalandi. Many doctors from Sassoon Hospital and areas around Pune par cipated. rou ne complaints of injuries, fever, dressings, asthma were a ended.

Try to understand people before trusting them because we are living in such a world where artificial lemon flavor is used for welcome drink and real lemon is used for finger bowl!


Sports for Special Children Medical Check-up Club – RC Khopoli Beneficiaries : 76 President : Niraj Jadhav Descrip on : We organised a Medical Check-up and Dental Check-up Project in a school at Jambrung Adiwasi Wadi in Karjat Taluka.

Club – Pen Orion Beneficiaries : 200 President : Prasad Godbole Non-Rotary Partner : Aai Day Care Sanstha Descrip on : We organised a special Sports Meet for challenged children to commemorate the World Handicapped Day. These ac vi es were organised on the playground of Private High School. 200 children from 15 special schools in Raigad district par cipated.

Medical Camp

Basic Fire-fighting Awareness

Club – RC Mahad Beneficiaries : 350 President : RAHUL SHETH Descrip on : Rural areas need medical aid in abundance, hence, we organised a medical check-up camp in a village called Pachad on 23 December. At the end of our ac vi es Dr. Nutan Sukale and Dr. Rahul Sukale spoke on child health and general medical precau ons.

Club – RC Kharghar Midtown Beneficiaries : 130 President : Sunil Bha a Non-Rotary Partner : Ann Medha Phadnis, Ann Neeru Khanna, Anna Girijakant Mishra, Guest Friend of Rtn. Shubhangi Malandkar Descrip on : Generally people are not aware of figh ng fires in houses or offices. The project was intended to spread the awareness, and demonstrated the use of fire ex nguishers. The program was arranged with the help the Sta on-in-charge of CIDCO Fire Sta on. This was a second such program. People were requested to volunteer as Fire Wardens who would work with Management Commi ees of socie es for regular fire drills and will be trained in more details.

Rubella Vaccination Club – Chinchwad Pune Beneficiaries : 150 President : Sanjeev Datye Descrip on : Awareness about adolescent health problems and counseling of adolescent girls as well as their mothers was done at Janaki Devi Bajaj Seva Vikas Kendra on 28th Dec. Dr. Sangeeta Ranade gave a lecture on Physiology and Psychology of adolescent children. Dr. Amruta Datye gave a lecture on the importance of Haemoglobin and Rubella vaccina on. 70 ladies a ended the lectures. On 29th December Rubella vaccina on was administered to 52 adolescent girls.

Kali Umaltana Club – RC Daund Beneficiaries : 90 President : HARISHCHANDRA THOMBARE Descrip on : Project Kali Umaltana was held in L. B. Agrawal School, Daund. This program included sex educa on for teenage girls, along with awareness about AIDS.

Woman Empowerment Club – RC Patalganga Beneficiaries : 1000 President : Milind Bhagat Descrip on : Under the Women’s Empowerment’ program, 15 women from a “Mahila Bachat Gat” from Patalganga were sent to Pune to receive training in making paper bags. The efforts were very useful in that the trained women wanted to start their own venture. They approached Bank of India for loans and built up some infrastructure. The members of our club helped them to secure the financial help from the bank. Later, with a view to keeping environment healthier, these women appealed the Sarpanch of their village to ban plas c bags from being used in the market. Plas c bags, as everybody knows, are dangerous to environment.

SERVICE PROJECTS ... Eye Check-up Camp

Joint Surgery Camp

Club – Poona Downtown Beneficiaries : 848 President : Supriya Banerjea Descrip on : This month’s camp of GIFT OF VISION was held at Dr. Ambedkar Technical High School and S. M. Joshi Hindi High School on 14th December 2015. We also checked 120 students from ZHEP School for special children and some others from many Cantonment schools nearby area. As usual, our team of Gi of Vision and volunteers of Dr. Gogate EYE Care Founda on which comprised of Dr Minaz, Dr Sailesh, Dr Sampat, Ashok, Archana, Shaiada and our members Ullhas Bhosle, Anil Chaddha, Shashank Jauhri, Shereen Masters, Rajesh Gupta and Pritee Gupta started the camp at 11 a.m. And by the end of the day we were able to screen 848 students from class I to X out of which 85 students needed spectacles. They will be provided with spectacles within 15 days. Some students were advised to go to Dr. Gogate’s clinic for further inves ga on and treatment. Everybody worked relessly throughout the day to make this camp a great success. It was nice to see new members, mainly Shashank and Shereen, come forward and take ac ve part in our club’s project . Anil Chaddha now has become a part of our team.

Club –Nigadi, Pimpri, Pimpri Town, Chinchwad, Chinchwad Morya, Pradhikaran, Alephata, Junnar Shivneri, Narayangaon, Rajgurunagar, Manchar, Dehu road, Lonavala, chakan & Chakan Airport Beneficiaries : 73 President : Ranu Singhania Descrip on : A Surgery camp for hand & cosme c correc ve, general surgery of cancer, cataract & squint was organised in associa on of D. Y. Pa l Medical Hospital & Research Centre at Pimpri. 14 other Rotary clubs of Pimpri, Pimpri Town, Chinchwad, Chinchwad Morya, Pradhikaran, Alephata, Junnar Shivneri, Narayangaon, Rajgurunagar, Manchar, Dehu road, Lonavala, chakan & Chakan Airport joined hands for this project. Doctors like Dr. Pankaj Jindal, Shankar Subhramanium, Gajanan Kanitkar, Sanjay Devdhar, Sanjeev Date, Mayuri Rajapurkar, Noel Bri o, Sharan, Bharat Raut & the team of D. Y. Pa l Hospital performed the surgeries. 73 opera ons were performed. The pa ents are doing well. Around 48 Rtns & Anns par cipated from our club.

Renovation of Post-mortem Room Club – RC mahad President : Rahul Sheth Descrip on : The post-mortem room in Mahad Government Hospital badly needed restora on, as it was all but dilapidated. The dirty room had to be totally revamped. So our club arranged for its restora on. The walls were repaired and painted anew. Electrical wires were removed, appliances were replaced. The surrounding area was cleaned, and wherever it was possible, trees were planted. Paver blocks were used to repair the paths. We helped make the post-mortem room a useful place. And in the presence of local MLA Ho. Bharatsheth Gogawale, the room was handed over to the Government Hospital on December 1, 2015.

Health Check-up Club – Pune Metro Beneficiaries : 300 President : Kiran Kumbhar Descrip on : RCPM conducted a health check-up camp at Panditrao Agashe English Medium School for the Interact Club from 07:15 to 11:00 a.m. on 9 Dec. 2015,. 200 students took the benefit of this camp. The team of doctors compriced of Dr. Maya Tulpule, Dr. Mukta Tulpule, Dr. N. N. Mantri and Dr. Aruna Chaphekar for general check-up; Dr. Madhavi Mehendale and her team for eye check-up; and Dr. Aditya Sontakke and Dr. Neha Bakshi for dental check-up. President Kiran, Ann. Neha , Rtn. Bhavana , Ann. Kavita , Rtn. Madhavi Chauhan, Rtn. Vivek , were present .

Computer Lab for Schools Club – Pune Central Beneficiaries : 1500 President : Ramesh Dumbre Non-Rotary Partner : FOUNDATION BRAKE MFG PVT LTD Descrip on : Our club helped establish a computer lab setup at Z P School Bavdhan & Z P School Botarwadi.

Gram Swatchata Abhiyan Club – RC Bhigvan Beneficiaries : 4000 President : Sanjay Chaudhary Descrip on : Rotary Club with the help of Grampanchayat carried out the Gram Swacchata Abhiyan in Bhigwan. It is a must project for such a market place. We deployed around 30 men and women and 2 tractors along with 1 JCB Machine to clean major areas of Bhigwan town.

Squint Surgical Camp Club – Pune Sarasbag Beneficiaries : 167 President : Amit Shah Descrip on : Squint correc on surgical opera ons were carried out on 167 pa ents from rural area across districts of Pune, Solapur, Satara. 13 diagnos c camps examined 700 pa ents. 260 pa ents needed correc ve measures. 167 opera ons were carried out.

Rela onships never die a natural death... They are murdered by EGO, A tude and Ignorance...! CONTACT:

Rotary Global Women of Action for 2015 The six Rotary Global Women of Ac on for 2015 were recognized during Rotary Day at the United Na ons on 7 November in New York City for their dedica on and service, which have improved the lives of thousands around the world. “The women we are honoring here today are leaders in Rotary,” said Rotary President K.R. Ravindran. “They are pushing the boundaries of Rotary service, pushing us all to do more, be more, and achieve more.” Lakshmi Puri, assistant secretary-general of the United Na ons and deputy execu ve director of UN Women, praised Rotary for its acknowledgment of the crucial role women play. “I'm very pleased you have picked this team of gender equality and women empowerment,” she said. The six women, who were selected by Rotary senior leaders and staff from more than 100 nominees from around the world, are: Dr. Hashrat A. Begum, of the Rotary Club of Dhaka North West, in Bangladesh, who has implemented several large-scale projects to deliver health care to poor and underserved communi es. Stella S. Dongo, of the Rotary Club of Highlands, in Zimbabwe, who leads the Community Empowerment Project in the city of Harare. The project provides basic business and computer training to more than 6,000 women and youths affected by HIV/AIDS. Lucy C. Hobgood-Brown, of the Rotary E-Club of Greater Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia, who co-founded HandUp Congo, a nonprofit that promotes and facilitates sustainable communitydriven business, educa onal, social, and health ini a ves in underprivileged communi es in the Democra c Republic of Congo. Razia Jan, of the Rotary Club of Duxbury, in Massachuse s, USA, who has spent decades figh ng for girls' educa onal rights in Afghanistan. An Afghan na ve, she is the founder and director of the Zabuli Educa on Center, a school that provides free educa on

to more than 480 girls in Deh'Subz, outside Kabul, Afghanistan. She was also recognized as a CNN Hero in 2012. Kers n Jeska-Thorwart, of the Rotary Club of Nürnberg-Sigena, in Germany, who launched the Babyhospital Galleproject a er surviving the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka. With a budget of $1.8 million and the support of 200 Rotary clubs, the project rebuilt and equipped the Mahamodara Teaching Hospital, in Galle, Sri Lanka. The hospital has served more than 150,000 children and more than 2.2 million women. Dr. Deborah K.W. Walters, of the Rotary Club of Unity, in Maine, USA, a neuroscien st who has served as director of Safe Passage (Camino Seguro), a nonprofit that provides educa onal and social services to families who live in the Guatemala City garbage dump. Each of the women addressed a endees and led discussions on topics related to her work. More than 1,000 Rotary members, UN officials, Rotary youth program par cipants, and guests gathered at this year's annual event, which celebrated 70 years of partnership between Rotary and the UN. A morning youth session was open to high school students, including members of Rotary's Interact and Youth Exchange programs. Guest speakers included Fabia Yazaki, ac ng chief for evalua on and communica ons in the UN's department of public informa on; Karin Ryan, senior project adviser for the human rights program at the Carter Center; Ambassador at-Large Susan Coppedge Amato, director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons for the U.S. Department of State; Melissa Russell, vice president of strategic partnerships for the Interna onal Jus ce Mission; Jeffrey Kluger, Time magazine editor at-large; and Archie Panjabi, Emmy Award-winning actress and Rotary polio ambassador. (Courtsey -

Rotary Christmas Street Collections

This year's Rotary Christmas street collec ons in Ely have raised a record amount for charity. The city's Rotary clubs, who organise the annual collec ons, have announced that the Santa street collec on from December 8 to December 21 raised a whopping £5,929. The collec ons in the High Street on two Saturdays in December raised a further £1,405, bringing the total amount to £7,334. A Rotary spokesman said: "This is over £1,000 more than last year and a record for the same collec ons for at least the past 15 years. The clubs are extremely grateful to residents and those visi ng Ely for their great generosity. "The money will be used to support local chari es, as well as major na onal and interna onal disasters like the flooding in the north of the country." He added: "We also wish to express our sincere thanks to Chris Favell Cars, The Dock, Ely, for providing a suitable vehicle to tow the sleigh and Father Christmas around the streets over 11 nights. "1st Call (Hire & Sales), The Dock, Ely also generously provided a generator to power the ligh ng and music. Without their support they would not have managed to reach so many people. "Joining the two Ely Rotary Clubs were members of the Inner Wheel Club of Ely, members of the local charity Pos+ability, members and leaders of the Soham unit of the Cambridgeshire Police Cadets and some volunteers to whom they are also most grateful. (Courtsey -


Calendar of D. G. visits January 2016

"Respect" is the most important element

Kurkumbh MIDC


15th January 2016

Chinchwad Morya


16th January 2016

It is like an investment.



17th January 2016

Whatever we give to others, it is

Pune Warje


19th January 2016

returned to us with proďŹ t...!

Poona Mid Town


20th January 2016

Koregaon Park


21st January 2016

of our "personality".

A knowledgeable person may make you realize

Pune Mayur


22nd January 2016

Pune Central


23rd January 2016

But it's only a loving person

Pune Pashan


24th January 2016

who makes you realize



27th January 2016

how wonderful you are

Pune Baner


29th January 2016

in the world...!

how wonderful the world is.

Top Five Clubs in Rotary District 3131 in Service Projects, Founda on and Administra on as on 31.12.2015 Best Performing Clubs under

Best Performing Clubs under

Best Performing Clubs under

















































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