Gml rotary bulletin (november 2015)

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Vol. 5 November 2015

RI President K R Ravindran

District Governor Subodh Joshi

GML - RID 3131 िम ानो, ं ऑ टोबर हा मिहना अ रशः भारावले या अव थेत भरकन ु सपला. ं मिह या या सु वातीपासनच ू ‘रोटरी सि हस ए सपो’चे वेध लागले होते. जसजशी ए पोची तारीख जवळ येत होती तसतशी कामाला एक गती व ससु ू ता येऊ लागली होती. ोजे ट चअ े रमन राम कतवळ व यां या सपण ु ंू टीमने हा ए पो यश वी कर याचा चगच ं बाधला ं होता. य ात ए पो या िदवशी उपि थत असलेले १८०००पे ा जा त ि हिजटस, ४०पे ा जा त लबाचा ु सहभाग नाही तर ओसडनू जाणारा ं नसता उ साह, महश े माजरे ं कर आिण उ हास को हटकर याची ं दमदार उपि थती अशी अनेक बल थाने या ए पोची सागता ं येतील. रे िडयो, बस, र ा, हायवे व गावातील ु आिण इतर सोशल ं बॅनस, फे सबक नेटव स अशा अनेक मागानी आपण अ रशः लाखो लोकापयत ं रोटरी नेऊन पोहोचवली. रोटरी या भ यिद य कामाची या ी के वळ समाजाचचे न हे तर काही रोटे रय सचहेी डोळे िदपवणारी होती. या रोटरीचे सदर ंु प बरु यामधनू बाहरे काढनू ते समाजािभमख ु कर या या RID 3131 या यश वी य नाना ं माझा ि वार मजरा! ु पढील ु मिहना हा सणासदीचा ु असला तरी सपण ं ू ाताच ं े ल आप या पढील ु ने यां या िनवडी या ि येकडे लागणार आह.े सव रोटे रय स व यां या कटिबयाना े न येथेच ु ुं ं दीपावली या शभेु छा दऊ थाबतो. ं सबोध ु जोशी िडि ट ग हनर

Editorial ि य रोटे रय स, काही अप रहाय कारणामळे ं ु हा अक ं आप यापयत वेळेवर आणणे श य झाले नाही, याब ल आ ही िदलगीर आहोत. आप या िडि ट ग हनरानी ं गे या मिह यात आयोिजत के ले या सि हस ए पो या क पनेने अनेक रोटे रय सना ेरणा िमळाली आह.े आप या दश े ात या व पाचा काय म थमच आयोिजत कर यात आला होता. या िनिम ाने रोटरीचे काय सवसामा य जनतेला समजणे अिधक सोपे झाले आह.े २०१८-१९ या रोटरी-वषासाठी िद. १५-११-१५ रोजी आपण भावी िडि ट ग हनरपदासाठी िनवडणक ू होणार आह.े आपण सवजण यासाठी उ सक ु आहोत. आता आप या सवाना वेध लागले आहते ते रोटरी कॉ फर स आिव कारच!े यासाठी अनेक मा यवर उपि थत राहणार आहते. यात ामु याने डॉ. अिनल काकोडकर, अ य , अटॅॉिमक एनज किमशन, डॉ. उदय िनरगडकर, मु य सपादक, झी २४ तास; ी. दवेद नागे (जय म हार या मािलके तील खडें राया), ीमती वीणा पाटील ु ं (वीणा व ड या सचािलका) अशा सु िस यि म वाचा ं ं समावेश आह.े आप या या कॉ फर सम ये सवाची उपि थती अपेि त आह.े पराग कणक े र सपादक ं 9422094325

RID 3131 Service Expo Best Service Project (Community) Award First Quarter 2015 Hear est congratula ons to the following clubs that have been

4. Road Safety & Traffic Awareness

presented with Best Service Project (Community) Award for first quarter on 24th October in RID 3131 Service Expo: 1. Child Welfare & Malnutri on Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4

Zone 1

RC Patalganga Zone 3

RC Akurdi RC Narayangaon RCP Pashan RCP Prime City

Zone 4

Zone 1

Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3

Zone 4

Zone 4

RCP Kalyaninagar

Zone 1

Zone 3

Zone 4 RC Poona Downtown RCP Tilak road Zone 4

RCP Kalyaninagar

RCP Ganeshkhind

RCP Hillside

RC Pradhikaran RCP Hadapsar RCP Far East

3. Women Empowerment Zone 3

RC Poona Downtown

RC Mahad

RCP Katraj RCP Shivajinagar

RC Patalganga

6. Economic & Community Development

RCP Warje Zone 3

RCP South

RCP Katraj

RC Pradhikaran RC Purandar

RCP Deccan Gymkhana

RCP Synergy

RC Kharghar Midtown RC Uran

RC Poona main

5. Entrepreneurship Development:

RCP Prime City 2. Peace & Conflict Resolu on

RC Kharghar Midtown

RCP Sarasbag

Zone 4

RCP Horizon RCP NIBM RCP Katraj

Service Expo 2015

Rtn Asmita Indalkar

Secretary RID 3131 Service Projects (Community) team

Rotary District 3131 has created history with a unique event “Service Expo” which was first me organised by a Rotary District in India. The Service Expo was organised at Ganesh Kala Krida, Swargate, Pune on 24-25 October. We do so many need-based projects for the society using our resources like me, money etc. In our District 3131, we do excellent projects worth crores of rupees with all proud Rotarians and the beneficiaries are in lakhs every year! However, in the society, Rotary's work gets unno ced. We never publicise our mammoth work in masses. The Service Expo Rocket was ge ng ready since 3 months with stages of Venue booking, Stall booking, Adver sement & Execu on. In the final stage, RID 3131 PI commi ee gave a final very strong push to the Service Expo Rocket and the Service Expo Rocket was launched very successfully in Rotary Interna onal space on 24th October. The Service Expo volunteer team of Abhay

Sontakke, Shirish Karnik, Dippak Wani, Asmita Indalkar, Mahesh Ghorpade, Rajesh Kadu, Mangesh Hande, DRR Mohit Barve, Aditya Sontakke, Rashmi Kulkarni, Sunetra Mankani, Prakash Joglekar, Sa sh Khade, Vilas Pathak, Makarand Tillo was highly mo vated by the Service Expo Chairman Ram Kutwal. The grand Inaugura on was done by the famous well-known actor couple Mahesh & Medha Manjarekar on 24th October. The couple was curious to know about Rotary projects a er the Inaugura on and visited each & every stall in the Service Expo. Actor Mahesh Manjarekar saluted the work by Rotary in his speech and declared 1 crore rupees as funding for drought sufferers from MICTA. He also assured his full support for any ac vity regarding help to drought sufferers in future. There were 30 Rotary Club stalls (ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE SHANIWARWADA, ROTARY CLUB OF PEN ORION, ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE METRO, ROTARY CLUB OF PIMPRI TOWN, ROTARY CLUB OF POONA, ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE PARVATI, ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE LOKMANYANAGAR AND AUNDH, ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE LAXMI ROAD, ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE KALYANINAGAR, ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE SOUTH, ROTARACT CLUB OF PUNE SINHAGAD ROAD, ROTARY CLUB OF CHINCHWAD PUNE, ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE KARVENAGAR, ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE TILAK ROAD, ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE PASHAN, ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE SAHAWAS, ROTARY

CLUB OF PUNE INSPIRA, ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE PRIDE, ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE KATRAJ, ROTARY CLUB OF POONA MIDTOWN, ROTARY CLUB OF PANVEL, ROTARY CLUB OF LONAVALA, ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE SINHAGAD ROAD, ROTARY CLUB OF PIMPRI, ROTARY CLUB OF NIGDI PUNE, ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE HADAPSAR, ROTARY CLUB OF NEW PANVEL, ROTARY CLUB OF INDAPUR, ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE HILLSIDE, ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE HINJEWADI) which exhibited their service projects with beau fully designed stalls. Few NGOs (MANAVYA, ECOSUN, SHASHWAT ECO SOLUTION, QUEST, WOTR, DEEPASTAMBHA, DEENANATH MANGESHKAR HOSPITAL, LUPIN FOUNDATION, ADARSHA MITRA MANDAL, HASYA CLUB) & Commercial stalls (SPAN PUMPS PVT.LTD., KADSUN HEALTH CARE PVT.LTD. BRAINWISE, KAIZEN LINGUA PVT.LTD., KOMPKIN, SOLAR Re n ewa b l e s , D I A M O N D A DV E N T U R E PA R K , V R U KS H A LANDSCAPES - SARAL PRECAST TOILETS, MAHAVIR PRINTS, SURYATECH SOLAR SYSTEMS, PNB METLIFE LIFE INSURANCE, SATYAM CORPORATION, TIRUBBA TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD, PALSAI BAT TERY, CHAITANYA SOFTWARE, BLUE BAY WATER SPORTS, VANDANA CHAVAN) with few food stalls also contributed to the Service Expo. The visitors were curious to know about our service projects and many Rotarians came to know about service projects by other clubs due to this Service Expo. There were also stalls by RID 3131 TRF, Service Projets & RYE teams to explain about their work. There was an ac vity hall where 11 clubs (RCP South, RCP Pride, RCP Katraj, RCP Laxmi Road, RCP Tilak Road, RCP Lokmanyanagar & RC Aundh, RC Nigdi Pune, RC Panvel, RC Chinchwad, RYE, RCP Pashan, RC Kalyaninagar) conducted their VERA awards & cultural programs. RID 3131 Public Image commi ee headed by PI Director Rashmi Kulkarni in collabora on with 11 Rotary clubs presented special awards to 11 women who have done dis nguished work for the society. Service Projects (Community) team presented 35 awards to the Rotary clubs with Best Service Projects in first quarter of this Rotary year. The following ROTARY CLUB stalls were awarded as best ROTARY CLUB stalls: 1. ROTARY CLUB OF PANVEL 2. ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE LAXMI ROAD 3. ROTARY CLUB OF CHINCHWAD PUNE The District Rotaract team enthusias cally helped to distribute 1 lakh pamphlets of the Service Expo at various prime chowks at traffic signal with appeal to donate grocery, old toys, bicycles etc. The team was present at the entrance of Service Expo to collect the same from the visitors and they also helped to collect the feedback forms from the visitors. Total 16854 visitors visited the Service Expo in those 2 days. 2 tons of grocery was collected which will be given to drought sufferers this year. Every visitor was gi ed a small torch. The “Khwada” Marathi movie team also visited the Service Expo. All the Rotary clubs got benefited from this Service Expo with more donors for the Service projects. The event was covered by by local newspapers, the Lokmat, the Sakal, and TV channels.

Service Expo 2015

Service Expo 2015

Service Expo 2015

Service Expo 2015

Service Expo 2015

Service Expo 2015

"Respect" is the most important element of our "personality". It is like an investment. Whatever we give to others, it is returned to us with proďŹ t...!


SWACHATA ABHIYAN Club – Pune Ganesh Khind Beneficiaries : 76000 President : Babanrao Bondre Descrip on : We have got RCC at Mahalunge vllage. There was lot of dirt and grass grown on the main roads and crossroads of the village, so we carried out Swachhata Abhiyan with the help of Achalare Realtors and the Grampanchayat at Mahalunge.

SPARROW BACHAO Club - R C Mahad Beneficiaries : 5500 President : RAHUL SHETH Descrip on : New English School, Chandhave established a beu ful garden in the school premises. They invited our Rotary Club for tree planta on. We donated Rotary Sparrow House to the school. Message given to students: Save trees and birds.

ADOLSCENCE HEALTH HYGEINE AND DI ADDICTION FOR GIRLS AND BOYS Club – Pune Kalyani nagar Beneficiaries : 500 President : Sejal Mehta Descrip on : The club organised a workshop for adolescent girls and boys at St. Arnold's School, Wadgaonsheri. A ques on answer session with small physical exercise was conducted with Std. 9 and 10 girls. A psychological session for 9th and 10th grade boys was very successful. It covered all the details including physical and mental changes in the teenage group.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT Club – Pune Karvenagar Beneficiaries : 2000 President : RAJENDRA KULKARNI Descrip on : We conducted four training programs 1. Surface Mount technology by Rtn. Shirish Mandsorwale 2. Trends in pathology by Rtn. Dr. Amol Jawadekar 3. Accountancy and audi ng by CA Jayant Kulkarni 4. MEMS Maharashtra Emergency Medical Service awareness program. All programs were conducted by club members and were very well accepted and welcome by the students. BVG group provided two ambulances for demonstra on with their staff and doctors gave an audio visual presenta on. Dr. Jawadekar gave a beau ful presenta on for DMLT students. Shirish Mandsorwale gave comprehensive presenta on with the help of PowerPoint, videos and actual samples, overview of world electronic industry was also shown.

SERVICE PROJECTS ... MUSICAL SMILE Club – Pune Kalyaninagar Beneficiaries : 100 President : Sejal Mehta Descrip on : Music Smile with Paraplegic Rehabilita on Centre, Khadaki. We really felt happy that they were so much relaxed forge ng their pain and wounds for the me being. We keep sharing our li le happiness with such people like these, proud wounded soldiers, and seeing them smiling.

BUND GARDEN RIVERBANK CLEANING Club – Pune Inspira Beneficiaries : 500 President : Shobha Nahar Descrip on : Under the Rotary Interna onal Costal Cleanup projects, Inspira RCP ed up with RCP Downtown. A group of around 70 people—Rotarians , school students, college students— joined together and cleaned the Bund Garden Riverbank.


HB CHECK-UP Club – Poona Midtown Beneficiaries : 90 President : Subodh Gulavani Non-Rotary Partner : Mangeshkar Hospital Blood Bank. Descrip on : HB Checking of Interact Club was conducted in Vijay Vallabh High School. A er Diwali, the lecture on diet habits for parents as well as for the girls will be arranged. Mangeshkar Hospital Blood Bank will sponsor the same. Director Samir Mohire addressed the girls on the importance of HB and good dietary habits.

COASTAL CLEAN-UP Club - Poona Downtown Beneficiaries : 1000 President : Supriya Banarjee Descrip on : R C P D, j o i n t l y with other clubs, around twenty students and some teachers from Sajnabai School on Tadiwala Road undertook the cleaning of the Mula-Mutha. The studets collected a lot of used plas c bags, chappals, glass bo les, pices of thermocol, a collec on of non-biodegradable material. 16 large bags were needed to contain this waste.

DISTRIBUTION OF BICYCLES Club – Pimpri Town Beneficiaries : 10 President : Chandru Chandnani Descrip on : We donated 10 bicycles to the needy students to help them a end School at Man in Mulshi Taluka.

SWACHATA ABHIYAN Club – R C Patalganga Beneficiaries : 1000 President : Milind Bhagat Descrip on : SWACHATA ABHIYAN A project conducted at Chavne village and Z .P. School, Chavne In Patalganga MIDC area with the help of the villagers and students of the school. We cleaned the surrounding of the village and whole campus of the school with 50 people of the village and 400 students of the Chavne school. We gave ps and advice to all students on cleanliness and personal hygiene.

HAPPY SCHOOL Club – Nigdi Pune Beneficiaries : 550 President : Ranu Singhania Non-Rotary Partner : Mr Joshi and Mr Katkar from NOV. Descrip on : Under Happy School Project, RC Nigdi in associa on with M/S Na onal Oilwell Varco (NOV), have distributed 2750 notebooks to students from 2nd std to 10th std on 4th Sept 15. Handed over 140 benches on 7th Oct 15, for students from UG/KG to 10th standard.

SERVICE PROJECTS ... Miracles of Rotary Ar sts Club – Pune Mid East Beneficiaries : 10000 President : KIRAN SATARKAR Descrip on : To lend a helping hand towards " Rotary Founda on", a dream pain ng exhibi on from the mind of President Rtn. Kiran Satarkar finally came into existence. We brought together all the rotary ar sts from Rotary Dist. 3131. Eight clubs and 11 Rotarian ar sts par cipated. The exhibi on took place in " Balgandharva Art Gallery" from 10.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. on 24 and 25 Oct. 80 pain ngs regarding our club and Interna onal Rotary Dist. 3131 were showcased. The event was inaugurated by the chief guest MLA Mrs. Megha Kulkarni. 10000 people visited the exhibi on. 5000 "Ashi hi Rotary" were distributed.

Medical Camp Club – Talegaon MIDC Beneficiaries : 150 President : Da atray Pawar Descrip on : A free medical camp was held at Dr. Nagare Accident and General Hospital for blood sugar check-up, blood pressure check-up, himoglobin check-up, bone mineral density, and asthma check-up. 105 pa ents were given treatment and sugges ons.

Blood Dona on Chinchwad Morya – 75 Bo les R C Nigdi – Pune – 61 Bo les R C Chakan - 42 Bo les E club of Pune Diamond - 100 Bo les

Dental Check-up Camp Pune Karvenagar – 750 beneficiaries Pune Magarpa a City – 86 beneficiaries Pune Gandhi Bhavan - 110 beneficiaries Pune Gandhibhavan – 345 beneficiaries

Visit to Old Age Home Club – Pimpri Town Beneficiaries : 50 President : Chandru Chandnani Descrip on : We, with our own interact club of Jai Hind School students, visited an old age home at Kamshet, Talegaon. We collected more than 400 kg. of grocery items and donated them to the ashram.

Dona on to Adivasi Hostel Club - Nigdi Beneficiaries : 350 President : Ranu Singhania Descrip on : The students at Gurukulam are mainly from communi es like Paradhi, Kaikadi, Dombari, Mariaaiwale, Sonzari, Tambat, Aadivasi, Vanvasi, Dalit, Bauddha etc. Slum dwellers, child labourers and children from economically weaker sec ons living in Pune-Chinchwad area also a end the school. This is an a empt to

educate deprived children. Parents of students of Gurukul come from different social strata. Paradhi parents have been branded as criminals and are suspected in the s, dacoi es and murders. Their huts are ransacked by police, they are le homeless. They toil, collect scrap, beg alms to earn their livelihood. But they send their wards to Gurukulam so that good values would be inculcated in the children and their lives would be be er.

Eye Check-up Camp Club—Poona Downtown – 1505 beneficiaries Pune Horizon - 500 beneficiaries Pen – 60 beneficiaries

Breast Cancer Awareness Club – Talegaon Dabhade Beneficiaries : 37 President : Shriram Dhore Descrip on : Breast Cancer Awareness and Check-up camp in Rajgurav Colony, Talegaon

Paper Bag Workshop Club – Pune Central Beneficiaries : 500 President : Ramesh Dumbre Descrip on : Our first event was at Katphal, a village close to the Piaggio factory. Rtn Shroff had carried all the different kinds of bags and material to the loca on. It was a pleasant sight to see almost 100 women gathered outside the Gram Panchayat building, enthusias cally wai ng for the program to begin. A er the ini al introduc ons, Rtn Shroff held the a en on and enthused the women with his talk for an hour and half. Not only were the women mo vated but the men among the crowd came up to him and thanked him for his inspiring talk. Some among the men even made the bag and presented to Rtn Shroff!! Each woman proudly carried home a paper bag presented by Rtn Shroff. A similar event was carried out immediately a er the first one in Gojubavi, another village close to Katphal. Parallel to this talk, a "Train the Trainer" program was conducted by Ms Nisha to train 10 women volunteers. The plan is to conduct many more workshops and teach the 400 women of the two villages to make paper bags. They have understood that this will not only generate income for them but also support the environment. Although this was a small beginning, the women of the two villages have realized the importance of banning plas c. On behalf of the Club I would like to thank Rtn Surendra Shroff for taking the paper bag project passionately forward. His effort and enthusiasm is commendable!

Eco-friendly Bags Club – Pen Hirkani Beneficiaries : 1500 President : Dipashree Potphode Descrip on : We collected 100 old sarees and gave them to Aai Day Care Centre, at Pen to make bags.

SERVICE PROJECTS ... Rubella Vaccina on Club – R C Indapur Beneficiaries : 800 President : SANJAY DOSHI Descrip on : Our club conducted Rubella vaccina on camp with Symbiosis College students. 800 doses were given to girls. Dr Rtn Shilesh Kalel did super work for this camp. Dr Milnd Khade, Dr Bongane, Dr Kadam, and Dr Kurudkar par cipated in this camp. Dr Milind Khade had sent his assistant doctor and the nursing staff. Congrats to all doctors for co-opera on. Symboisis students had donated Rs. 63500 to our club. Thanks to Symbiosis College students. President Sanjay Shet Doshi, Director Sagar Shet Doshi, charter member Shital Shet Bora took special efforts to make this camp a success. Charter Vice-President Mukund Shet Shah, Rtn Dyandeo Dombale, Padamsinh Jadhav, Nandkumar Gujar, Aabhay Shinde, Mahesh Nimbalkar and Dyandeo Shende graced the camp. Thanks to all.

The heart is a very good fer lizer because anything we plant— love, hate, fear, hope, revenge, jealousy— it grows and bears fruit. We have to decide what to harvest...!

Calendar of D. G. visits November 2015 1


Akurdi Pune



Pune Kothrud



Pune Tilak Road



Pune Hadapsar






Pune Gandhi Bhavan






Pune Ganeshkhind



Pune University





या अकातील लेख मळाबरहकम ु ू कािशत के ले आहते. ं -सपादक ं

Top Five Clubs in Rotary District 3131 in Service Projects, Founda on and Administra on as on 31.10.2015 Best Performing Clubs under

Best Performing Clubs under

Best Performing Clubs under

















































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