GML Rotary District 3131

Page 1

Vol. 4 October 2015

GML - RID 3131 िम ांनो, हसतखेळत रोटरीमधील पिहले तीन मिहने संपलेसु ा! सव लबचे काय म अ यंत उ साहात चालू आहत े . ीगणेशाचे आगमनाने आसमंत पिव

RI President K R Ravindran

झाला आह.े

ीमंत दगडू शेठ हलवाई येथील गणेशासमोर

आवतनांची िमळालेली संधी न च खास होती. पुणे-हडपसर व पुणेसंहगड या लबचे मनापासून आभार. लब या भेटी िनयोिजत वेळाप का माणे पार पडत आहत े .


लबचे काही खास अि त व आहे हे जवळ गे यावर ल ात येते.


लब हा िविवध गुणांनी भरलेला आह.े खरोखरीच आपली रोटरी समृ आह.े येणा या मिह याम ये Rotary Service Expo हा एक अ यंत District Governor Subodh Joshi

मह वाकां ी काय म द. २४ व २५ ऑ टोबर रोजी होणार आह.े रोटरी

लब या कायाचे

दशन व

या िनिम ाने रोटरीची

जनमानसामधील ितमा उं चाव याचा हा एक आगळावेगळा काय म आह.े सव सभासदांना माझी

ि शः अशी िवनंती आह,े क या

काय मासाठी आपण आपला जा तीत जा त वेळ दऊ े न, तसेच आप या मो

ा िम प रवाराला आमं ण दऊ े न हा काय म यश वी करावा. रो. राम कु तवल आिण यांची संपूण टीम अ यंत िनयोजनब रीतीने

काम करीत आह.े याच काय मांमधून आपण दु काळ मदतीसाठी एक मोठे काय उभे करीत आहोत. DG सुबोध जोशी

तां या

Editorial ि य रोटे रय स, स या आप या दश े ात िडिजटल वारे वाहत आहते. आपले पतं धान नर मोदी यानी ं िडिजटल भारत असा नारा िदला आह.े याला ितसाद दतेाना आप याला अनेक फे सबक-िम िदसत आहते. आपले DG सबोध ु ु जोशी यानीदख ं े ील वषा या सु वातीला PETS पासनू िडिजटल िडि ट असा नारा आपले रोटरी इटरनॅ ितसाद िदला ं शनलचे ेिसडट के . आर. रिवं न यां यासमोर िदला. DG या या आवाहनाला सव लबनी अ यतं चागला ं आह.े नक यतर ु याच झाले या DRMम ये सव AGनी के ले या ेझटेशनम ये याचे चागले ं ं आले. सहज मनात आले, पतं धान नर मोदी आिण DG सबोध जोशी या यात बरे च सा य आह े - अगदी यां या लहानपणापासनू ते यां या आतापयत या ु ं वाटचालीत...िवशषेतः यां या ि कोनात. असो, अिधक खोलात जा याची ही वेळ न ह.े गणश े ो सवा या काळात िविवध लबनी अनेक उप म अमलात आणले. रोटरी लब —िभगवण, पणु े हडपसर व पणु े रॉयल याचा ं ं उप म अ यतं तु य आिण पयावरणास पोषक अस याचे िदसते, व या तीनही लबनी िवसिजत के ले या समारे सकलन के ले आह.े ु ४००० मतू चं े पनवापरासाठी ु ं पराग कणक े र सपादक ं 9422094325 Dear Dimakh & Team, Sanjay, DG Subodh The e Governance workshop conducted at District office was of immense importance & happy to share that it was a great success. All my Presidents, Parag, Prakash, Deepa 1, Deepa 2, & Atul and their colleagues a ended this workshop. Every body found it very useful and solved their mul ple queries in one go. I also see that different clubs have increased their ac vi es on the portal and already in healthy race. Total beneficiaries / Total Cost / Total Project - CLOCK is cking fast! I could see the amount of efforts & thinking that has gone in crea ng this wonderful transparent and easy to use system. DG Subodh's idea has been efficiently shaped into the func onal reality by applying "Dimakh ka Dimag" !!! Hats off to the en re TEAM ! Rtn Subodh Malpani AG - Region 23 (2015-16) RID 3131

१२ स टबर २०१५ आज १२ स टबर २०१५. अमे रके या साम याचं तीक, व ड ेड सटरचे दोन मनोरे , जवळपास ३००० बळी घऊ े न आिण अनेक हजार लोकाच ं े व यां या कटिबयाच ु ुं ं े जीवन उ व त क न जमीनदो त झाले. झाले न ह,े कर यात आले या िनघणृ घटनेला काल १४ वष पणू झाली. याची मती ृ हणनू दरवष या िदवशी या जागेतनू रा ी या आकाशात दोन नील झोत सोडले जातात. जणू जगाला बजावीत, 'आ ही पु हा या राखतेनू परत उभे राहणारच' . अजनही ू अमे रके त या लोकाचा ं या िदवशी या के वळ आठवणीने थरकाप होतो. आज सकाळी टी हीवर या मित ृ ी यथ झालेला काय म बघताना मन हल े ावनू गेलं. या वेळी कोवळं मन असणारी मल ु ं आता वयात आली आहते आिण याच ं े आईवडील िकवा ं नातलग या वेळचे बळी ठरले होते या मला ु ं या भावना अितशय ती िदस या. “कसं िवसरायच?” ं हा यां या ताबारले या डो यातं िदसत होता. परदःख ं ु शीतल असतं असं हणतात पण या वेळी सव जगच यां या बरोबर अ ू ढाळत होतं असं वाटल.ं माझीही १४ वषापवू या या िदवशीची आठवण मतीतन ृ ू जात नाही. मा या आयु यातील दोन अ यतं जवळ या य या घनघोर सगातन ं ू जेमतेम िनसट या हो या. मी या िदवशी पु यातच होतो. बाहे न काहीतरी काम उरकन ू घरी आलो तर समोर टी हीवर य कोसळणा या मनो याच! ं ं मी िथजनच ू गेलो. समोरच बसले या विडलाना ं िवचारलं तर ते हणाले काहीतरी िसनेमातलं असेल. पण णभरातच व तिु थती मा या ल ात आली. ओकार, ययॉक या जवळच राहत होता. मा या मनात शकें ची ु ू ं माझा मलगा पाल चकचकली. ताबडतोब फोनकडे धाव घतेली आिण याचा नबर ु ु ं िफरिवला, पण नो र पॉ स. वेड् यासारखा पु हा पु हा य न के ला पण काही उपयोग नाही. शवेटी एक आयिडया सचली. कॉ यटरवर गेलो आिण ु ु चिॅटगचा ु ै ाने लाईन िमळाली आिण अजनू सदव ु ै हणजे ं चा स घतेला. सदव ओकारही लाईनवर होता. खरं हणजे ितथं या वेळी सकाळचे १० वाजत ं आले होते. हणजे तो ऑिफसम ये असायला हवा होता. तो हणाला, 'मी ऑिफसला पोहोचतच होतो तेवढयात ् ही बातमी ऐकली आिण मी घरी आलो'. काळजीची गो अशी होती क आमची सनबाई आ े षा या वेळी ू वॉल ीटवर नोकरीला जायची आिण ित या ेनचं उतर याचं टेशन व ड ेड सटरच असायच.ं ओकार ं हणाला 'रोज मी ितला आम या इथ या टेशनवर सोडतो, पण आज मला उशीर झा याने ती चालतच गेली होती. मी ितला फोन करतो आहे पण काहीही सपक ं झालेला नाही'. झालं आम या काळजानं ठावच सोडला. यानतर ं जवळजवळ ६ तास काहीही बातमी कळत न हती. आमचे सव दवेाना ं नवस बोलनू झाले. शवेटी आप या रा ी दोन वाजता ओकारचा िम लाईनवर आला. तो हणाला क आ े षाचा कॉ टॅ ट झाला ं आिण ओकार ं ितला आणायला जस ीट टेशनवर गेला आह.े आम या या वेळे या मन:ि थतीचं वणन करणं कठीण आह.े तरी य आ े षाशी बोलायला अजनू दोन तास लागलेच. नतर ली हक गत हणजे ं ितनं सािगतले ं 'एक अ ात करागली ं ु िलिहते' यावर िव ास बसावा अशीच होती. ती या िदवशी टेशनवर चालत गे यानं ितची नेहमेीची ेन चकली. घतेलेली पढची ु ु ेन काही टेशनानतर ं ं थाबली ं आिण अनाउ समट झाली क ही ेन इथनू पढेु जाणार नाही. याना ं यू यॉकला जायचे असेल यानी ं दसु या लॅटफॉमव न ेन घऊ े न िमड टाउनला जाव.ं नेटवक जॅम अस याने ितला कणाशीही बोलता ु येईना. शवेटी, ितने िमड टाउनला जाऊन नतर ं बसने वॉल ीटला जावं असा

- सरेु श नातू

िवचार के ला. या माणे ती जायला लागली तर यू यॉकला पोहोच यावर पोिलसानी ं सवाना सािगतल ं ं क इथे सव बदं कर यात आलं आहे तरी आ या पावली परत िनघा. ितथे तपास के यावर मग ितला व ड ेड सटरवर या ह याची सव हक गत कळली. परत घरी यायचं तर गाडयाच ् ं े ग धळ आिण चडं गद . शवेटी ितने बस िमळते का याचा तपास के ला. ितथेही नसता ु गदारोळ. िशवाय अडचणीची वेळ हणनू आप याकड या सारखीच, अ वा या स वा भाडं मागनू अडवणक. ू शवेटी काही लोकानी ं वाटाघाटी क न माग काढला आिण ती जस िसटीला येऊन पोहोचली. या िदवशी ितची नेहमेीची गाडी चकली ु नसती तर काय अनथ झाला असता या या क पनेनेच अगावर ं शहारे येतात. याच िदवशी माझा धाकटा भाऊ सतीशसु ा व ड ेड सटर या समोर याच िबि डगम ु ु यू जस म ये कामाला ं ये होता. याची बायको कमद होती. ती ऑिफसला जात असतानाच कारमध या रे िडओवर ितने या ह याची बातमी ऐकली आिण काळजीने लगेचच सतीशला फोन के ला. सदव ु ै ाने यावेळी नेटवक चालू होतं आिण फोन लागला. सतीश या श दात सागायच ं ं हणजे 'आ हाल आधी काहीच क पना न हती, पण चडं मोठा आवाज झाला हणनू सगळे िखड याशी ं जमनू बघायला लागलो. आधी काहीच कळत न हतं पण थोडया ् वेळानं वर या मज यावं न काळा धरू येताना िदसला, या नतर ं कागदप े या याबरोबर बाहरे येऊन तरगायला ं लागली आिण मग भयानक हणजे मानवी दहे या शभरापे ा वर या ं मज यां या िखड यातन ं ितकड या ं ू बाहरे फे कले जाऊ लागले. यानतर आजबाज ू ू या सव ऑिफसेसमध या लोकाना ू िद या ं बाहरे पडाय या सचना गे या आिण ज थे या ज थे या घटना थळापासनू श य तेवढया ् लाबं जा यासाठी पळू लागले. काय झालं आहे याची कोणालाच क पना न हती यामळे ु काय ग धळ माजला असेल आिण िकती भीितदायक वातावरण असेल याची क पनाच के लेली बरी.' व ड ेड सटरची िबि डगं बाजू या िबि डं सवर कोसळली असती तर काय अनथ झाला असता? महाभारतात या यु ात घटो कच कौरवां या सै यावर कोसळला याचीच आठवण! यानतर ै चालत जाऊन उिशरा यू यॉकलाच एका ं सतीश िक येक मल िम ाकडे रािहला. याला य पाहीपयत कमद ु ु ् या िजवात जीव न हता. अवघा १० सेकं दाचा खळ े . १९७० पासनू िदमाखदारपणे उभं असलेलं, जगातलं एक आ य मानावं अस,ं ११० मजली उच े णं वा तिश ु प बघता ं दख बघता जमीनदो त झाल.ं यां या १४०० फट ू उच ं ग चीवर उभ रािहलं क सबधं िव कवेत आ याचा भास होई. िमनो यामासाक या आिकटे टने या टॉवस या बाधणीच े आ हान वीकारले होते. इत या उचीच ं ं े बाधकाम ं करायचे अस याने ते बाधताना बाहरेील बाजनेू िविश कार या रचनेने ं टील या कॉल सचे जाळे उभे के ले होते. याची सपण मु यत: ं ू बाधणीच ं िविवध कार या यो यतेचे टील वाप न के ली होती. या टॉवसची बाधणी ं करताना, अनपेि त येणारा वा याचा जोर, भकप ू ं इ. गो ी िवचारात घते या हो या यामळे ु ३०० टन वजना या िवमाना या धडके मळे ु सु वातीला फार मोठं नकसान झाल नाही पण या िवमानात या जवळजवळ ९०००० िलटस ु इधनाने पेट घते यावर जी चडं उ णता िनमाण झाली यामळे ु सव टीलचं ं जाळं कमजोर झालं (structural failure due to distortion) आिण टॉवस

कोसळायला सु वात झाली. बाहरेील बाजचू े कॉल स बाहरे वाकले यामळे ु सबधं िबि डगचा ं अतं फ ट (implode) झाला आिण टेिल कोप बदं करावा तशी िबि डगं उभीची उभी खाली आली. वर या मज याच ं ं पडणारं वजन सहन न झा याने खालचे मजले झपाटयाने ् पडत गेले. या सव ि येला आग लाग यापासनू तासभरच लागला असेल आिण नतर ं जवळजवळ ५०,००० टन वजन असणारा टॉवर १० सेकं दात जमीनदो त झाला. ९० या मज यावर िवमानाची धडक बसलेली होती यामळे ु वर या मज या वर या माणसाना ं बाहरे पडायची सधीच ं िमळाली नाही. होरपळनू जा या या भीतीने अनेकानी ं याही उचीव न बाहरे उडया ् टाक या ( याचे उपल ध फोटो आिण ि हडीओ ं बघवत नाहीत), तर अनेक आगी या भ थानी पडले. यातनही ू जे वाचले ते िकतीतरी काळ नतर ं मानिसक ध यातनू सावरलेच नाहीत. टॉवस या समोर

नदी या पलीकडे यू जस या िलबट पाकम ये या दघट ं ु नेत बळी पडले याची नावे असलेले एक मित ृ थळ उभारले आह.े यात पिहलच ं नाव एका भारतीयाचं आह.े अशी मित ृ थळे अनेक िठकाणी उभारली गेली आहते. हे टॉवस बाधताना २ ल टन टील वापरलं होत.ं टॉवस पड यानतर ं ं यापैक बरच यू यॉक ही यु नौका बाधं यासाठी वापरले गेले ु ं टील हे य.एस.एस. आह.े टीलचे अनेक तकडे स, आिण ु अमे रके तील येक रा यात यिझअ ु सावजिनक सं थानी हे हणनू जतन के ले आहते. अजनही ृ ू यासाठी ं मितिच मागणी होतच असते. पिह या टॉवस याच िठकाणी आता तसाच भ य टॉवर उभारला गेला आहे पण अमे रके या दयावरची जखम अजनू भळभळतेच आह.े इ यलम.

Managerial Skill What's your managerial style: like Lord Ram or Lord Krishna? In Hindu mythology there are two great epics. One is called Ramayan and other is called Mahabharat. The center story of both these books is around victory of good on evil. In one story Lord Ram leads army to defeat Ravana in his land, while in the second Lord Krishna oversees Pandavas defeat Kauravas in the ba le of Kurukshetra. In Ramayana, Lord Ram is the best yodhaa of his side. He leads his army from the front. Strategies & directs different people to do things which will meet the objec ves. His people are happy to follow orders & want to get all the apprecia on for being the best executors. Lord Ram set direc on & also tells people what to do during difficult mes. Ul mately they won the war & the final outcome was achieved. On the other hand Lord Krishna told Arjuna, I won't fight the ba le. I won't pick up any weapon; I would be there on your chariot as a charioteer. And he did what he said. He never picked up the weapon & he never fought.

AG Narendra Bakhale

Here are some of the basic differences in two styles: Lord ram – A skilled warrior, lead monkeys, was emo onal, gave precise roles & instruc ons, mo vated the army to fight for his cause; Lord Krishna – works with best the professionals, provides strategic clarity, allows team members to take lead, fights for the cause of the team, did not depict his true emo ons. Look at your team/ family & reflect what type of leader/ parent you are. One who keeps answering/ solving problems for people/ kids Or who asks relevant ques ons from their people/ kids so that they can find their own solu on. Are you someone who tells/ directs all the me or someone who clarifies doubts & allows their people/ kids to find their own ways. Are you someone who has monkeys in the team & the way you deal with it. Or you have the brightest experts in their area ge ng stuck with issues?

S ll, pandavas won the war & final outcome was achieved. So, what was different? It was their managerial style & it was also the type of people who were being lead. Lord ram was leading army of 'MONKEYS' who were not skilled fighter & they were looking for direc on. While on other hand, Lord Krishna was leading Arjuna who was one of the best archer of his me. While Lord ram's role was to show it & lead from the front. Krishna played the role of a coach whose job was to remove cobwebs from his protegee's mind. Krishna couldn't teach Arjuna archery but he could definitely help him see things from a very different perspec ve.

Younger genera on doesn't want you to tell or show how things are done, they want to know the meaning of their task and how it makes a difference in this world. They are Arjuna's who don't necessarily seek more skill/ knowledge but they need someone to clarify the cobwebs in their mind, if you s ll apply Lord ram's style on them, you bound to fail as manager. On the other hand if there are people who aren't skilled enough but rely on your exper se to sail you through appropriate. Isn't good for us to reflect & think what managerial style will bring the best result for you and your team/ family? Is it Lord Ram or Lord Krishna?

Youth Seminar on 13th September On Sunday, 13th Sept “Rotary Youth Exchange” of D 3131 par cipated. 17 foreign students, who are in our District for Long Term Exchange, a ended the event. These students have arrived from Mexico, Brazil, Argen na, France, & Belguim. District Officers of TEAM-RYE brought these An innova ve Welcome to all Foreign Students was arranged. Each student was welcomed by a tradi onal way by applying “Kumkum Tilak” on forehead, followed by flowers, & each one was escorted to the main venue, by one li le child from a primary School. In the inaugural session, RYE Director Rtn Deepak Bodhani unfold the procedure of applying to RYE. He also explained the financial obliga ons to the sending parents / & or Sending Club. The role of District Commi ee was explained in the PPT Slide Show. The payback of this program to the student, to the Rotarian & to the Club was nicely put forward with couple of live examples through the PPT. The sta s cs from RI & from D3131 was shared. A er the break, Rtn Rashmi introduced each student. All girls performed a typical Indian Dance. The Student Heloisa, choreographed the dance. A small skit on “Afzalkhan-Vadh by Shivaji” was performed by boys. The story was narrated by 3 girls, Viz. Ms. Ferni, Ms. Malu & Ms. Margurite in Marathi. It was amazing performance, as these students have landed India just couple of weeks back. The performance proved, that they are ge ng merged with Indian culture very well. Rtn Rashmi, then took interviews of 3 parents. During that, many mis-concep ons were cleared by the parents. Rtn Ashok Bhandari, covered the topic, New Genera on Service Exchange with PPT. This program is a re-designed version of earlier 'New Genera on exchange'. RI declared it in 2013. Our District is at No. 2 posi on in execu ng this program successfully. Under this, any student or a Graduate can do his internship abroad, with free home stay by the hos ng Club. He / She can go any me which is suitable to both sending & hos ng families.

Report about the Youth Seminary On Sunday, 13th of September, me and all the other exchange students had been on the Youth Seminary in Panvel. There were many Rotarians, interactors, rotaractors and rotexes present, including members of my host club: Pune Kothrud. In the seminar, we had very nice lectures about the new genera ons of Rotary Internacional, such as the earlyact clubs and exchange students. The RYE students had the opportunity to perform a typical dance and a Marathi drama about one of Shivaji's stories.We also had host families sharing experiences and nice debates about the future and par cipa on of the earlyact clubs. It was very nice for me, to be able to see how strong Rotary is and how worried they are about our youthness. Warm Regards, Malu Menani (Brazil)


Career Guidance

Swachh Village ... Swachh Bharat

Club – Talegaon MIDC Beneficiaries : 200 President : Da atray Pawar Descrip on : Our club had arranged a karyashala for pupils to choose from the streams a er their educa on of 10th standard. We had called a team of 3 members from Colaba, Mumbai, and, Mr. Bashir, PhD for this. He had guided the pupils for more than 2 hours with detailed informa on of various sites available a er SSC and Std 12. Very deeply and briefly he gave a presenta on and everyone appreciated. Now we have decided to keep the display of these sites in our schools. Also, we will take another programme for parents on a big scale.

Club – Aundh Beneficiaries : 300 President : Ravindra Ulangwar Descrip on : Swachh Village is one of the step towards sanita on and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan promoted by our Prime Minister. This ac vity is undertaken with the help of students from the village and students of Murkoote School of Baner. This has given great opportunity to both the schools to work together through our Rotary Club for this Noble cause. Cleaning of roads and lanes in villages as well as various areas of the village was our aim.

TB Awareness Program

Blood Donation Chinchwad Morya – 51 Bo les Pune East – 52 Bo les Pune Wisdom – 354 Bo les

Happiness has two Great Advantages over money: people can't borrow it from you, and, you love sharing it with everyone willingly...!

Club - Chinchwad Beneficiaries : 5000 President : Sanjeev Datye Descrip on : 20 exhibi on boards were handed over to City TB Officer of PCMC for public awareness. Public awareness started with Ganesh Utsav. The boards were displayed in Ganapa mandals for the public to read. About 2000 people visited the mandals and awareness was created. These boards will be displayed in schools and public places from me to me to create awareness on a large scale.

The truth may sometimes hurt for a moment. But... the pain you experience from a Lie can last forever...!


Happy School


Club – Pune Mid East Beneficiaries : 15 President : KIRAN SATARKAR Descrip on : The club has sponsored Aanganwadi in the Remote area Gherasinhagad in Durukdara. Gherasinhagad is the area around the Sinhagad fort in a hilly area. Durukdara village area is in the jurisdic on of group Grampanchayat Thopatewadi, Gherasinhagad. There is an Aanganwadi in Thopatewadi but it is far away from Durukdara and many children from the age group of 2.5 to 5 years are not able to a end Aanganwadi. Therefore the basic educa on and other facili es available in Aanganwadi are not available to these children in Durukdara. Our club has sponsored an Aanganwadi in Durukdara by appoin ng Mrs. Sonali Londhe as an Aanganwadi-Tai. The Aanganwadi has started enrolling 15 children from the 1st day, i.e. on 24/09/2015. We have provided school bags, slates, toys, blackboards, books, sweets, and other educa onal and other material to the Aanganwadi. Ini ally we are going sponsor the honorarium and expenses on food ll the said Aanganwadi is taken over by the Panchayat Sami ee. Inaugura on was made by the hands of the vice president Taluka Panchayat Sami e Haveli Mr. Kisan Jori. He assured us that he would take over the Aanganwadi under the control of Panchayat Samitee, Haveli, by comple ng necessary formali es as early as possible. Our club through Aanganwadi-Tai is also going to a have literacy programme in the villages.

Club – Panvel uptown Beneficiaries : 1000 President : Anand Acharya Descrip on : An advanced re noscope was handed over to the Yusuf Meharali Center at Tara in Panvel Taluka for eye check-up.

Breast Cancer Awareness Club – Talegaon Dabhade Beneficiaries : 128 President : Shriram Dhore Descrip on : A Breast Cancer Awareness and Check-up camp was arranged at Dhore Wada, Vadgaon, and at Maru Mandir, Talegaon.

Medical Check-up Club – Pimpri Town Beneficiaries : 120 President : Chandru Chandnani Descrip on : We had arranged a medical check-up camp in Pimpri. 120 ci zens had a medical check-up and were treated with the medicine that our club distributed to them.


Green Ganesh Awareness Rally

Teaching Meditation Session at Happy School Club – Poona Downtown Beneficiaries : 110 President : Supriya Banerjea Descrip on : On Saturday, 19 September, a special session of medita on was organised for the girls of VIII, IX and X standards of Sajnabai Bhandari School at Tadiwala Road. Dr. Laila Garda organised this program to help the girls to reduce their stress and tension related to their studies, rela onships or family problems. The ladies of the NGO-Light of Life, came to conduct the session. Dr. Yasmin, Mrs. Padma, Ms Namita, Ms Bela and Mr. Samir arrived at the school at 7.30 in the morning. From 7.30 am to 9.30 am they conducted the program in three sessions for the students of three classes. The main point in their teaching was to iden fy the seven Chakras in our body and say small prayers touching each chakra one by one. Lastly they were asked to concentrate for a short while, as long as they could. 110 girls were present for the session. When asked how they felt a er the session, all the girls said they felt absolutely refreshed. It was quite a sa sfying project for the adolescent girls. From RCPD, President Supriya, Dr. Laila and Manju Mookerji were present.

Workshop on Eco-friendly Ganesh Club – Pune Cosmopolitan Beneficiaries : 55 President : Dhananjay Bagul Descrip on : Teaching children and other members of the society the art of making Ganpa which is eco-friendly and not a threat to the environment.

Club – Kalyani Nagar Beneficiaries : 1000 President : Sejal Mehta Descrip on : An eco-friendly-awareness-walk to spread the holy message of Green Ganesha to make Green Pune. The rally started from Joggers Park to Adlab Chowk and ended at the Ganesh Temple, Kalayaninagar. MLA Mr Jagdish Mulik and Co-Corporator Naushad Farniturewala were kind enough to grace the event.

Importance of Nature Club – Panvel Sunrise Beneficiaries : 43 President : Vijaykumar Kulkarni Descrip on : A nature trek was organised at Ransai Dam, with the help of Care Of Nature NGO. Rot. Raju Mumbaikar explained to the Rotarians the importance of Nature, water resources & life of tribal people in this region.

Donation of Grains Club – Pune Heritage Beneficiaries : 100 President : Madhumita Barve Descrip on : We donate foodgrains to Vivekanand Residen al School for their daily need.


Man Karare Prasanna

Book Donation

Club – Pune Hadapsar Beneficiaries : 300 President : Pramod Paliwal Descrip on : A mo va onal speech by Dr Sanjay Upadhye on posi ve thinking was arranged by our club.

Club – Pune Heritage Beneficiaries : 775 President : Madhumita Barve Descrip on : Books were donated to Torana High School to enhance their library.

Dental and Eye Check-up

Medical Service at Kumbhmela

Club – Pen Orion Beneficiaries : 180 President : Prasad Godbole Descrip on : 180 students from a high school at Bhal run by Pen Educa on Society school were examined for dental problems and the health of the eye. Tablets to kill worms were also administered to all children to prevent worms and subsequent anaemia.

Tree Plantation Club – Pune Heritage Club – Pune Horizon

Club – Karvenagar Beneficiaries : 9999 President : RAJENDRA KULKARNI Descrip on : We conducted a ten-day long medical camp at Sadhugram, Nasik with permission from Collector, and Police Commissioner of Nasik . Dagadusheth Ganapa Halwai Trust gave us a brand new ambulance with a driver for ten days free of cost . RC Nasik Deolali gave full-fledged support at short no ce making arrangements for our stay, food on all days, transport, physical a endance on all four days. We are obliged by the support of President Deolali Rtn. Kalyankat . Rotarian Hitech Karia and his wife provided all the support, medicines . It was indeed a priviledge to work with such noble souls of RC Deolali we are indebted to them. We provided service from 8 am to 8 pm and then at site at different akhadas at Sadhugram ll late night. On an average 1000 x 10 = 10000 pilgrims, sadhus received medical help. It was an interdistrict project and we are very happy to be associated with them for Gi to the World.

Your smile is a signature of GOD on your face, do not allow it to be washed away by your tears or erased by your anger...!


Kali Umaltana

Interact Club Workshop

Club – Daund Beneficiaries : 175 President : HARISHCHANDRA THOMBARE Non Rotary Partner : Ann Dr. Kalpana, Ann Sushma Ingle, Ann Savita Gharad, Ann Snehak Deshmukh, Ann Vandana Khangal. Descrip on : Sex educa on & guidance for the teenaged girls through Kali Umaltana and for boys through Tarunyachya Latevar. Our expert team guided the students about proper diet, regular exercise & good health. Students nicely interacted with the team & revealed their problems and got the solu ons for that..

Club – Pune South Beneficiaries : 300 Cost : 10000 President : Vinayak Deshpande Descrip on : A workshop was conducted by Mr. Jatkar for the students of Nandeep High School. Electricity safety was the main subject. Ann Asmita Apte and Ann Sunita Prabune supervised over the programme.

Vocational Excellence Award Dental Check-up Club – Pune Katraj Beneficiaries : 1062 President : Suvarna Kutwal Non Rotary Partner : Bhar Dental College Descrip on : Dental Checkup camp was conducted for the students staying in hostel at PVG, Sadashiv Peth and Pune Vidyarthi Gruha. This dental checkup camp was conducted in collabora on with Bhar Dental College. The doctors checked up all the students at both palces and their status was recorded and provided to them. The doctors also conducted training for providing the children informa on on maintaining healthy teeth

Club – Pune Shivajinagar President : Sonia Shikarpur Descrip on : The Voca onal Excellence Award was given to a teacher Kailash Gunjal. He is a winner of Na onal Award to teachers. He works in a school at Daund Taluka.

Worrying doesn't reduce yesterday's sorrow, but it empties today's strength! So stay happy! Keep smiling…

SERVICE PROJECTS ... Wheelchair Donation Club – Pune Royal Beneficiaries : 100 President : Jayant Rajput Non-Rotary Partner : Khajina Vihir Dahihandi Utsav Sami , Sadashiv Peth, Pune Descrip on : Wheelchairs and Bedsheets were donated to Apang Kalyankari Sanstha, Wanworie. This is a joint project with Khajina Vihir Dahihandi Utsav Sami .

Dahi Handi Club – Pen Beneficiaries : 60 President : Mitesh Shah Descrip on : Our members , anns, annets celebrated the Dahi Handi Utsav at Child Haven School situated at Sawarsai where more than 50 orphan students reside. Our members ed two dahi handis, one for the girls and the other for the boys. They enjoyed the fes val with music and snacks.

Booth for Traffic Police Club – Panvel Beneficiaries : 1000 President : Abhinay Jogi Non Rotary Partner : NAVI MUMBAI TRAFFIC POLICE Descrip on :This Project is to erect Traffic Booth for Local RTO and to create awareness about the Traffic Rules and Green Ganesha travelling to Kokan on Na onal Highway—Pen to Goa , to celebrate Ganpa Fes vfal . We erected 4 Traffic Booths to control traffic on Na onal Highway at T- Point-NH-4 B junc on , Palspa Junc on , Near Kshanbhar Vishran (Shirdhon), Kharpada . Leaflets containing Ganesh Ar and Trafic rules & Appeal to follow Green Ganesha were distributed to Ganesh Bhaktas travelling to Kokan . Rotaract Club of Panvel was our partner for this project . Rotary Members Rtn. Amar Mhatre, Rtn. P. P. Subhash Deshpande, Rtn. P. P. Rasik Thakkar, Rtn P. P. Ramesh Bhole , Rtn. Sa sh Pawase, Secretary Santosh Ambavane and President Abhinay Jogi were Present. Rotaract Club of Panvel's President Pramod Shinde and Secretary Sameer Sonawane and other rotaractors par cipated in distribu ng leaflets . This project was inaugurated by Honourable Traffic P. I. Gade in presence of traffic police team, Rotarians and Rotaractors. We also distributed 200 roses to first 200 Ganesh Bhaktas.

Distribution of Story Books

Blood-Group Checking Club – Pune West side Beneficiaries : 685 President : Rajaishwari Dhotre Descrip on : A Blood-group checking camp was arranged for 685 students from 1st std to 10th std at Smt Shan devi Gupta Vidyalaya, Bhaje.

Club - Pen Hirkani Beneficiaries : 200 President : Dipashree Potphode Descrip on :We distributed story books for school children in Municipal Corpora on schools. We also gave them some sweets and biscuits.

SERVICE PROJECTS ... Marathi Book Library in Muscat

Drivers’ Day

Club – E Club of Pune online Beneficiaries : 200 President : Swa Bhide Descrip on : It's a social community service project. It will be helpful in membership development & crea ng good contacts with people.

Club – Patalganga Beneficiaries : 200 President : Milind Bhagat Descrip on : We organized the Drives’ Day for truck drivers for their health. We conducted this camp and a seminar at Balaji Auto At Khanavle village on old Mumbai-Pune highway. We provided vision check-up (EYE), HIV check-up, Blood-sugar and general health check-up. We provided this facility free of cost and also provided them with medicines. About 200 truck drivers par cipated and got benefited from this camp. We gave them ps for safe driving and maintaining their health during travelling.

Cervical Cancer Detection and Multidiagnostic camp Club – Pune SportsCity Beneficiaries : 225 President : Madhav Kankawale Descrip on : Cervical Cancer Detec on and Mul diagnos c camp at Dhamane near Chakan was organized by our club.

Nirmalya Bag Distribution Club - Gandhi Bhavan Beneficiaries : 5000 President : Prakash Bha Descrip on : This was an effort to educate ci zens about water pollu on and the importance of using reusable, less harmful bags . 5000 bags were distributed to ci zens who visited vendors for purchasing Ganpa idols on 16 th and 17th Sep. 2015. The message about using the containers for offloading Nirmalya and reusing the bags provided was spread across 15000 strong popula on.

Eye check-up camp Club – Indapur Beneficiaries : 125 President : SANJAY DOSHI Descrip on : Rotary club of Indapur, Indian Medical Associa on and Pradhan Charitable Trust from Solapur arranged lasik Lesser eye-checking camp. Out of 125 pa ents 38 pa ents were found to have problems and got 20 % discount on their further treatment. For this project Rtn. Sa sh Deshpande and Rtn. Swapnil Shinde played an important role .

Dental Check-up Camp

Club – Pune Ganesh Khind Beneficiaries : 3390 President : Babanrao Bondre Descrip on : The objec ve of this project was to ensure good dental health of the students in various PMC Schools. Dr. Chunawala with his team of 15 den sts conducted this camp. Each student was given 1 toothpaste, 1 toothbrush and 1 bo le of mineral water.

Club – Pune Synergy Beneficiaries : 452 President : Sumit Nagpal Descrip on : An Oral and dental check-up camp was conducted in Savitribai Phule School of Pune Municipal Corpora on. The purpose of the project was to create awareness in school going children especially of 8th, 9th, 10th standards about tobacco addic on. The addic on is more in the said school in the said standards. Many efforts in terms of seminars had already been taken up by the school but had no effect. An innova ve way by Synergy Club to conduct oral and dental check-up of such students worked wonders. The actual checking helped. The project was organised by Rtn. Dr. Virendra Ostwal, and Dir. of Medical Projects.

Drawing Competition

Health Check-up Camp

Club – Chinchwad Beneficiaries : 1500 President : Sanjeev Datye Descrip on :To inculcate the concept of clean and beau ful India and educated India, we organized a drawing compe on at Saint Ursula School for 1500 children of age 6 to 13 yrs. We provided drawing papers to all children. Prize distribu on will be held in near future.

Club – Pune Nagar Road Beneficiaries : 200 President : Rajendra Danke Non-Rotary Partner : Doctor Jayashree Todkar. Descrip on : We organized a camp to examine eyes, blood and sugar, blood pressure. We undertook 8 free cataract opera ons with the help of Desai Hospital and our Pune Nagar Road Club. We distributed 200 goggles for the blind and semi-blind people. Dr Jayashree Todkar examined eyes of 300 pa ents, and gave a seminar on diet and health.

Dental Camp

Cataract Surgery Club – Pune University Beneficiaries : 200 President : Deepa Gadgil Descrip on : RCPU donated a total of Rs. 30,000 to Sassoon Hospital for conduc ng 200 cataract opera ons.

RYLA Club – Pune Deccan Gymkhana Par cipants – 250 Club – Pune Shivajinagar Par cipants - 1050 Club – Pune Baner Par cipants - 200

SERVICE PROJECTS ... Krutrim Talav for Ganesh Visarjan and Nirmalya Kalash Club – Panvel Central Beneficiaries : 9999 President : Hiten Shah Descrip on : We had an ar ficial pond built for the immersion of Ganesh idols during Visarjan, thereby preven ng the pollu on of the Ballaleshwar Lake.

Teachers’ Health Check-up Club – Pune Haveli East Beneficiaries : 68 President : Rahul Kalbhor’ Non-Rotary Partner : Dr Rajeshwar Nangare Dr Anjali Kalbhor Shivam Hospital Team Descrip on : On the occassion of Teachers’ Day on 5th September 2015, RCP Haveli East in associa on with Shivam Healthcare Organisa on (Charitable Trust) and Shivam Mul speciality Hospital (Loni Kalbhor) arranged a free health check-up camp for teaches in 5 villages—Loni Kalbhor, Fursungi, Theur, Kunjirwadi and Uruli Kanchan. Teachers were given free consulta on by specialist doctors. Tests for haemogram, urine rou ne, blood sugar random, ECG and blood pressure etc. were done free of cost. 68 teachers took the benefit of the camp and expressed gra tude towards the social work done by Rotary Club in associa on with Shivam Group.

Donation of School Uniforms Club – Lonavala Beneficiaries : 30 President : Dhananjay Sakharekar Descrip on : School uniforms were given to girl students of Lonavla municipal council schools.

Suvarna-Prashan Club – Pune Paud Beneficiaries : 435 President : Jayprakash Somani Descrip on : We organized Suvarna Prashan Sanskar for children with the help of Niramay Polyclinic.

Swimming Competition for Disabled Children Club – Pune Pashan Beneficiaries : 180 President : Neelam Pathak Descrip on : We organised State level swimming compe disablee children. 180 students par cipated.

on for

Rubella Vaccination Club – Pen Beneficiaries : 100 Club – Pune Mid-East Beneficiaries : 150

RDEP Club – Daund School - 1] Shrima Parva bai Kumbhar Primary School 2] Shrima Shantabai Kaluram Thombare Primary School, Daund. 3] Learn & Play School, Daund; Shishu Vikas Mandir, Daund Club – Pune Lokmanyanagar

Cyber security awareness Club – Pune Mukund Nagar Beneficiaries : 52 President : Anjali Hugay Descrip on : Cyber security awareness lecture at Arena Anima on Ins tute (Aptech Ltd), Tilak Road, for the students of Anima on Engineering. The lecture was regarding the cyber laws for various cyber crimes and the power point presenta on of live modules of security measures.

Dental camp Club – Koregaon Park Beneficiaries : 150 President : Niraj Mehta Descrip on : Under the guidance of Dr. Yusuf Chunawala, (Head of Department Paediatric Den stry, MA Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences & Research Centre, Pune) and Rotatry Club of Koregaon Park, Pune, paediatric dental camp held in Sant Gadge Maharaj Primary and Secondary School Koregaon Park Pune. Doctors present during the dental camp were Dr. Yusuf Chunawala, Dr. Naveed Waddo, DR. Poonam Gawli, Dr. Radhika Warulkar, Dr. Priyanka Bamane, Dr. Krupa Doshi, Dr. Abubakar Kazi, Dr. Hashim dumba, Dr, Niharika Ray, Dr. Sameep Bumb, Dr. Ayesha Syed, Dr. Sameer Ahsan, Dr. Arif Laheri, Dr. Karishma Ratani, Dr. Pooja Rathi, Dr. Khan Sabiha, Dr. Aasma Salmani and Dr. Shivani Sanche .

Man asked GOD, give me everything to enjoy life. God replied I have given you LIFE to enjoy everything… Enjoy each and every moment of Life… When you pray for others, GOD listens to you and blesses them… when you are happy and feel blessed, remember that someone has prayed for you… या अंकाती

े ख मुळाबर कूम छाप े आहे त. -संपादक


Calendar of D. G. visits October 2015 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 23 26 27 29 31

Thursday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayPune Saturday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Wednesday Friday Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday

Alephata Main Khadki Karjat Aundh Yavat Sahawas Indrayani Nagar Manchar Poona Airport Pimpri Town Pune South East Panvel Central Talegaon MIDC Talegaon Dabhade Pune Nagar Road Pune Riverside Pune Far east Pen/Hirkani/Orion Mahad Pune Karvenagar Pune Katraj

रोटरी ब - िभगवण गणे मूत चे संक न - पयावरण ेही उप म िवसजन कर ात येणा या सुमारे १००० गणे मूत चे रोटरी ब, िभगवण याने संक न के े . या सग ा मूत चे पु ा रं गकाम क न पुढी वष िवत रत कर ात येणार आहे त. े. संजय चौधरी, सिचन, बोगवत, नामदे व कुदळे आिण रयाझ ेख यां नी पुढाकार घेऊन गावक यां ा मदतीने हा उप म अंम ात आण ा.

“ Most difcult is changing others, which we always try and fail. Easiest is changing ourselves, which we never try at all...!”

Top Five Clubs in Rotary District 3131 in Service Projects, Founda on and Administra on as on 30.9.2015 Best Performing Clubs under FOUNDATION

Best Performing Clubs under SERVICE PROJECTS

Best Performing Clubs under ADMINISTRATION














































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