Issue No. 43, Feb 2012

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POINTS TO PONDER True strength is keeping everything together when everyone expects you to fall apart. Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. It is the beginning of February... the financial year end is closing in. Understandably, the pressures must be at all time high. It is here and now, that one should muster all his strength to hang in there. Because victory belongs to the one who raises one extra time as compared to the one who gives up... it belongs to the person who gathers the strength to go on....

SAFETY CORNER Atlas, Chakan Rohan Safety Team at Atlas site conducted 'Mock Drill for instances of snake bite on site' on 9th January 2012. In this mock Drill the victim was given first aid and shifted to Sanjivani Hospital for treatment. Emergency was declared on site. All the workers assembled at emergency assembly point for headcount. Instructions were given by Mr. Khandekar about the incident. After Head count it was declared that all was clear. The entire processes took about 10 minutes.

Also, Fire Fighting Training was organized on 7th January. The Training was conducted by Mr. Rajendra Kale. Various Topics were covered in this training such as types of fire, types of fire extinguisher, fire extinguishing method, how to handle fire emergency at site, fire extinguisher operating method for DCP, Co2 etc. 60 Laborers and 24 staff participated in this training. On 4th January 2012, First Aid Training was organized at site. Mr. Prasad Patil from VK Edutech Pvt. Ltd conducted this training. Topics, such as components of first aid, Identification of various casualties and their first aid Treatment, assessment of Respiratory collapse, Cardiac arrest, burns fractures, eye/ear injury, various types of shocks and bleeding and their first aid management was covered in this training. 21 people participated in this training. Safety Motivation Program was organized at Atlas Copco site on 25th Jan 2012 from 4.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Welcome speech and Safety pledge was given by Mr. K.M. Dhokare and Mr. Ramdas Shende. Safety speech was given by Mr. Audumbar Khandekar and Mr. Mandhare. Safety skit was performed by 6 workers. Awards were distributed to the workers during the program.



SAFETY CORNER Times of India, Bhosari The third Safety Motivational Program was conducted at Times of India, Bhosari site on 31st December 2011. Mr. Murugan -Project Manager Rohan Group and Mr. Ganeshan, Mr.Kshirsagar, Mr.Sangodkar, Mr. Maneesh Gowami from Times of India were present for this program. Also, 30 staff members and 183 Laborers (180 Male and 3 Females) of Rohan Builders whereas 18 other staff members of Times of India were present for the same. Inaugural speech was given by Mr. Pradeep Patil (Safety Officer Rohan Group). During the program Motivational gifts were distributed by Rohan Group to the labour who practice safe working methods on site. Sweets were also distributed to all the Labors and Staff. At the end of the program, safety pledge was taken by all the members present for the program. Times of India distributed T-Shirts to safety Dept. of Rohan Builders and 5 supervisors of labour contractors. The program was memorable & inspirational for the staff.

MRF, Perambalur - Road Safety Week As a part of 23rd Road Safety week 2012, being celebrated at MRF Site, safety department at MRF site organized training on Driving Safety for the employees to make them aware about the road rules and regulations.

Hindalco, Shingrouli

Rohan Leher, Pune

In-house Training at Cast House site.

Free diabetes and blood pressure Check up camp was organized at Rohan Leher site on 19th January 2012 from 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Total 54 employees of Rohan Leher site benefited from this camp. This camp was organized in collaboration with ARKRAY Healthcare.

Training on 'Basic Engineering in construction' was conducted on cast House of Hindalco Site on 29th January 2012. Topics, such as, Major activities in construction, How to Proceed for Excavation, How to take / transfer Levels, How much productivity for Each Employee in value, How to control cost in excavation with proper planning & utilization were covered in this training.

Ashok Leyland, Pantnagar Scaffolding technical safety training regarding erecting & removing. The training was conducted on 27 January 2012 at 02:00 p.m. to 03:00 p.m. by Mr Manoj Sharma. (Asst. Mgr. Safety) and Mr. Keshav Singh (Safety sup). It was regarding how to do safe erecting scaffold at construction site and also explained about double lanyard safety harness what's imports of double safety harness while working at height work at site. After that, safety staff Mr. keshav Singh given demonstration with double lanyard safety harness on scaffold with ascending and descending systems always should be apply to every workers and staff also. Training on 'working at height' was also conducted.



Republic Day Celebration Hindustan Zinc, Pantnagar Hindustan Zinc, Pantnagar site celebrated Republic Day of India on 26th January 2012. Flag was hosted by Mr. A. K Singh (A.G.M.) and Mr. Rajendra Khantal (P.M.). More than 50 staffs and 200 workers participated in this program. All section heads given their speeches on the occasion of Republic Day. The program was followed by distribution sweets to the staff as well as Laborers in Labor camp. Ashok Leyland, Pantnagar Republic Day was celebrated on site. Flag hoisting was done at the hands of Mr. V.K Singh along with Mr. P.K Chaturvedi, Cap. Rautela (ALL) Mr. MSC Karki, Mr.V.S. Prasad, Mr. Raj and Mr. Manoj Sharma. Sweets were distributed to all employees of Ashok Leyland site.

Times of India Republic Day was celebrated at labour camp of times of india site. 25 staff and 90 workers of Rohan Builders were present for the program. Sweets and chocolates were distributed to the staff members.

RO, Gurgaon Republic Day was celebrated at Regional Office, Gurgaon. On the occasion the Regional Office was decorated. Everybody in the office had dressed up in white colour. Mr. Prakash Bhushan Singh was the guest for this program. Sweets were distributed to all the staff of RO.

ART GALLERY A space dedicated to the Artist within every Rohanite... let the hidden talent not remain hidden anymore!! Photograph by Rohanite Manoj Sharma Assistant Manager, Safety Department, Ashok Leyland, Pantanagar.

Inviting contributions of your finer artistic side for the "Art Gallery".



Note : Editorial team's decision will be final.

NEWS FROM HR HR Meet of West and South Zone Two days Training on 'Latest amendments in various Labour Laws and New Automation in HR Process' was organized by Head Office- HR Team for West and South Zone's site HR officials. It was organized on 25th and 26th January 2012. 22 people attended this Training. The objective of the training was to bring about: 1. Same level of understanding in maintaining documents of Statutory relevance 2. Same level of understanding in maintaining documents that are relevant from Client/Bill submission point of view 3. Same level of understanding in calculations and data handling that is important for administrative purpose (Payroll, Reward Card, Musters, Biometric and Web Attendance etc.) 4. General awareness about amendments in relevant acts like Contract Labor Act, Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Wages Act, PF, ESIC and Bonus and Gratuity 5. Through knowledge of operating HR relevant software for a. Leave management b. Performance management c. Transfer management d. Training details e. Gate MIS 6. A glimpse to the software being developed for current data and archive of Welfare related matters. 7. Basic understanding of WC/GPA/ CAR policies and the actions that are immediate and necessary if any unwarranted event happens


8. Recruitment Procedure and process Case Studies were used along with other multimedia tools such as Internet for training. Sessions were punctuated by relevant quizzes, tests and recall sessions. Top rankers were felicitated at the end of the program. Mr. U Kishore from MVML, Zaheerabad Site stood first, Mr. Abhilash S. from Bajaj, Akurdi Site Stood Second whereas the third prize was tied up in two participants Mr.Swapnil Metake from Tetrapak, Chakan Site and Mr. Mahesh Gaikwad from Times of India, Bhosari Site. Mr. N K Jha also was applauded for his exceptional performance. Trainees evaluated the performance of the trainers also. The training was conducted by the HO HR team with assistance from the software developers. Anil, Chetan, Deepti, Sagar and Sameer excelled in one or the other aspect of training as evaluated by the trainees themselves.


NEWS FROM SITE Roher Leher, Pune Rohan Foundation Day was celebrated at Rohan Leher Site on 1st January 2012. Two teams i.e. G and H building and F Building were made in which staff, Contractors & workers were involved. Following are the winners: Match Winner F Bldg. Team Man of the mach - Mr. Yogesh Dabade, Man of the Series - Mr. Amol Gramopdyae, Best Bowler - Mr. Sachin Niwangune, Best Partnership - Mr. Parshuram Kalokhe / Mr. Mohan Kadam, Best Umpire - Mr. Madhav Dabhade, Best Captain - Mr. Harun Shaikh, Best Catch - Mr. Nilesh Yadaw, Best Wicket Keeper - Mr. Mahesh Swai, Best Fielder - Mr. Navnath Katke, Best Sixer - Mr. Dilip Sutar

Tetra Pak, Chakan Tetra Pak, Chakan celebrated for achieving 1 million safe man hours on 19th January 2012 with Mr. Suhas Lunkad - CMD. Mr. Anil Indapurkar, Mr. Marian Nahrona, Mr. Sanjiv Pathak - Sr. Project Manager, Mr. Vijay Patil - Project Manager, Mr. Singh MD of Marketing Department of Tetra Pak & Mr. Subhash Kulkarni - Co-ordinator. Sweets were distributed to the staff & labours.

NEWS FROM Regional office, Delhi Celebration of Rohan Foundation Day The Rohan foundation day of Rohan Builders was celebrated at Gurgaon (North Zone Regional Office) with much fanfare. The RO was decorated with coloured papers and balloons. Celebration started by cutting scrumptious Chocolate Cake. After a brief recap on the history of the organization, the staff members participated in various fun games. All staff members participated enthusiastically and enjoyed every moment of the celebrations. The staff enjoyed the company of Mr Parikshit (PM S i n g h ra u l i ) a n d family who also joined to celebrate the day with them. Staff members were given flowers and chocolates and served snacks.




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ARCHITECTURAL WONDER Magdeburg Water Bridge, Magdeburg, Germany The Magdeburg Water Bridge is a navigable aqueduct in Germany that connects the ElbeHavel Canal to the Mittelland Canal, and allows ships to cross over the Elbe River. At 918 meters, it is the longest navigable aqueduct in the world. The Elbe-Havel and Mittelland canals had previously met near Magdeburg but on opposite sides of the Elbe. Ships moving between the two had to make a 12-kilometer detour, descending from the Mittelland Canal through the Rothensee boat lift into the Elbe, then sailing downstream on the river, before entering the Elbe-Havel Canal through Niegripp lock. Low water levels in the Elbe often prevented fully laden canal barges from making this crossing, requiring time-consuming off-loading of cargo.


Feb 14 - Valentine's Day Feb 16 - Id-e-Milad Feb 19 - Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti Feb 20 - Mahashivratri



WELCOME TO ROHAN Nitin Ghule, Sarfaraz Zartarkar, Chandrashekhar Pacharne, Gopal Desai, Sachin Temgire, Prashant Kunjir, Santosh Chandanshive, Melba Rodrigues, Madhukar Dani, Rahul Ravlekar, Anjana Sinha, Ratnadeep Kulkarni, Jayashree Shirodkar, Vishwajeet Pawar, Mahadev Borade, Bhimashankar Byelle, Tammanna Gore, Santosh Nilvarn, Vandana Deshpande, Swapnil Belamkar, Bidekanada Rout, Hanumant Ghante, Pradeesh Puthiyandi, Inamdar Vajid, Swapnil Ambekar, Pratap Shankpal, Ganesh Mandal, Balasaheb Patil, Madhav Gotmukle, Vishal Somvanshi, Shashi Kant, Pandurang Mhamane, Balu Khade, Arindam Biswas, Haridas Dunghav, Avinash Roogi, Vishal Panchal, Dattatray Barate, Ramkishan Yadav, S Chandra Shekhar, Kadali Nagadasaryulu, Ashok Vasava, Manishkumar Vasava, Manshi Barpande, Mukesh Pawar, Yunus Shaikh, Deepak Kumar Mallah, Md. Zakir Haider, Vinay Kumar Singh, Mariappan P, Upendra Singh Parihar, Vivek Singh, Bala Balaji, Ankit Kumar Singh, Santosh Kokane, Md. Asif Ali, Sachin Mandlik, Manish Debaje, Avinash Nimase , Tusher Biswas, Uday Shankar Barik, Dattatray Bagewadi / Kasar, Akshatha Shetty, Nilesh Kadam, Shivaji Rasal, Atul Dhanorkar, Indrajeet Yadav, Sukumar Sahoo, Sachin Kalbende, Syed Asad Uddin, Prakash Bhoi, Sharad Jadhav, Amar Rahora, Anup Singh Rana, Aji Kumar V., Deepak Rai, Shiva Prasad P. S., Deepak Kumar Upadhay, Amol Date, Guranna Goud, Bhushan Saidane, Ravindra Patil, Amit Kumar Shah, Bhagwant More, Manoranjan Ghadai, Shivkan Tiwari, Anurag Dorle and Manish Kumar Singh

AWARDS & ACHIEVEMENTS Rohan Mithila, Pune One more feather added to Rohan Group's cap. For the first time PCERF (Pune Construction Engineering Research Foundation) have instituted a 'Construction Safety Award' for the year 2011 – 2012 and Rohan Builders won the Silver Cap in the Residential / Commercial Project Category for their project – Rohan Mithila, Viman nagar, Pune. The award, Trophy and certificate was received by Mr. Rajeev Nehru – General Manager Rohan Builders along with Mr. Satish Pise – Assistant General Manager Rohan Mithila, Pune at the hands of MR. J R TANTI, Managing Director Sinfra Engineering Construction Ltd. The ceremony was held on 12th January 2012 at International Fair, Constro 2012, Pune.



1st February: Vyankat Solunke, Nutan Randive, Thakur Pawan Kumar, Bijay Ram, Tiwari Prithvi Y., Lande Arun, Paswan Shyam Kishor, Pintu Kumar, Ranjan Kumar O. 2nd February: Rajendra Lohar, Singh Nityanand Prasad, Nayek Probodh, Mahendra Ram, Bhattacharyya Rajendra P., Bhura Ram Saini, Ghosh Parimal, Umesh Prasad. 3rd February: Yadav Rajesh Kumar, Dwivedi Atal Bihari, Rajiv Kumar, Kasti Ramchandra, Bhor Chetan. 4th February: Rakeshkumar, Arvindkumar Kulkarni, Ghatge Anil, Giri Ravi K., Dhakane Bharat, Choudhary Roushan Kumar. 5th February: Avadoot Patil, Karki Mahesh Chander Singh, Singh Shyamanuj, Narayan Ray, Varma Vinod Kant, Mantu Kumar Singh, Shinde Amit. 6th February: Gujar Prashant, Malewar Avinash, Shinde Pravin. 7th February: Vishal Ashtekar, Rajkumar Mahto, Sehgal Prakash Kumar, Lunkad Milind K. Kulkarni Abhishek. 8th February: Shivanand Swami, Girish R. Bobade, Kamal Kumar Garg, Pandit Raj Narayan, Dabhade Dadaso, Pandey Anilkumar, Patil Ameeth. 9th February: Kanifnath Khedekar, Paul Vedraj Simeon, Shinde Ramesh D., Nirala Niraj Prasad. 10th February: Rudrayya Swami, Sanjay Patil, Srivastava Nishikant, Bandre Arun P., Sharma Sanjay Kumar, Jha Subhash Chandra, Karki Shankar Singh, Patil Manoj. 11th February: Paswan Dharmendra, Shahapurkar Rohan. 12th February: Prafulla Kamble, Dharmesh Gaikwad, Chandrakanth B R, Tiwari Manoj Kumar, Shahu Surendra, Mohd Zaki Haider, Kasar Tejas.


13th February: Yashwant S. Joshi, Tripathi Chandan Kumar, Rout Vijay, Chauhan Ajay, Tambe Shyam, Singh Abhishek Kumar. 14th February: Prakash S Chunekar, Mubarak Pasha, Adams P, Birendra Prasad, Prasad Jagdish, Faizan Ahmad Hashimi, Pambare Nachiket. 15th February: Jayawant Ghag, Maria Vanitha, Paramasivam, Pandey Kamlesh Kumar, Vishwakarma Sanjay, Choudhary Ranjit Kumar, Yadav Manoj Kumar, Shukla Sanjay Kumar U. 16th February: Kale Anirudha. 17th February: Rocky Makasare, Raut Mahindra N. 18th February: Juhi Mohammed, Mitra Sukanta. 19th February: Nitin Sawant. 20th February: Anil Kumar E S, Mithlesh Kumar, Shende Kailas M., Patil Gomtesh, Shinde Vijay V., Ubhe Gorakh, Ugale Narendra S, Pawar Sunil, Sawant Ravindra. 21st February: Sinha Ranjitkumar, Awachar Milind. 22nd February: Kishor Pullaya, Narayanasamy S, Upendra Singh Parihar, Babhale Sandeep 23rd February: Indapurkar Anil V. 24th February: Nilesh Bhilare, Rana Deepak, Dadpe Chaitany C. 25th February: Anwar. 26th February: Prakash Zambare, Kale Kalindi A., Chavan Sanjay, Mohammad Hussain, Jadhav Sachin P. 27th February: Mahesh Bhamre. 28th February: Mistri Sanat Kumar, Debnath Jadab, Made Santosh, Jain Abhishek A. 29th February: Alve Ganpat S.

• Mr. Pravin S. Bhave, Project Engineer-Planning from MRPL, Mangalore was blessed with baby Girl on 3rd January 2012. • Mr. Vinayak Shrigadi, Graphic Designer from RBDPL, Pune was blessed with baby Boy on 8th January 2012. • Prachi Kulkarni – Daughter of Mr, D. G. Kulakrni, Sr. Exicutive Accounts, RBIPL, Pune weds Vaibhav on 30th January 2012. We wish the couple a very happy Married Life.


MRF, Perambalur : We glad to inform that, MRF Perambalur site has achieved 3 million Safe Man Hours without any injury on 10-Dec-2011. Tetra Pak, Chakan : We glad to inform that, Tetra Pak, Chakan site has achieved 1 million Safe Man Hours without any injury.

Write to... Deepti: Sujatha: Juhi: M.Karki: Vinayak:

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