Issue No. 39, Oct 2011

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POINTS TO PONDER It is "Ravan Dahan" time again... good that this day comes again and again every year. Festivities- there are!!!! This year lets resolve to bring festivities within us... Let us resolve to kill all the Ravans inside us.. The "Ravan" of anger, greed, jealousy, apathy, laziness, carelessness, vices and addictions, chalta hai attitude.... It is strange how easy it is for us to pick up these vices.. at times even we don't realize how they become a part of our lives, even without our knowledge, absolutely one ever teaches us to be bad.. yet we learn them. In fact everyone teaches us to be good and good only... but it is so hard to let goodness run in our really takes a lot of effort. Let us learn to practice goodness and consciously not to pick up evils.. then it will be Diwali all along...

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