Issue No. 39, Oct 2011

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POINTS TO PONDER It is "Ravan Dahan" time again... good that this day comes again and again every year. Festivities- there are!!!! This year lets resolve to bring festivities within us... Let us resolve to kill all the Ravans inside us.. The "Ravan" of anger, greed, jealousy, apathy, laziness, carelessness, vices and addictions, chalta hai attitude.... It is strange how easy it is for us to pick up these vices.. at times even we don't realize how they become a part of our lives, even without our knowledge, absolutely one ever teaches us to be bad.. yet we learn them. In fact everyone teaches us to be good and good only... but it is so hard to let goodness run in our really takes a lot of effort. Let us learn to practice goodness and consciously not to pick up evils.. then it will be Diwali all along...

SAFETY CORNER Hindalco Shingrauli HSE Initiative: Members of Hindalco Shingrauli HSE team for initiating Safety Pledge before starting the Daily Tool Box Talks and ending with some exercise (PT) to enhance Our Site Safety Culture. Half an hour daily is spent on this activity which involves enthusiastic participation from the workers and our Execution staff.

Members of Hindalco Shingrauli HSE initiative also conduct Contractors weekly safety and security Meeting at their Carbon site,

Wheel Guard for Hydra Cranes from Scrap Material.

JK Tyre, Perambalur The Team of JK Tyre, Perambalur conducts Safety Tool Box meeting daily.

Rohan Mithila A First Aid training was facilitated by St John's Ambulance at Rohan Mithila,Pune on Sunday Sept 18, 2011. The training is being given to 30 members out of which 7 are ladies. A booklet on 'First Aid to the Injured' was distributed to the staff and live demonstrations were also done. Based on the success of this training, a second round for personnel of other sites as well is being organized in the upcoming months.


2 OCTOBER 2011

CELEBRATIONS AT ROHAN Ganesh Chaturthi Here are glimpses of Ganesh Utsav Celebrations across some of our Sites in Rohan Group.

FAG Bearings Ltd, Vadodara

Cadbury, Baddi

MRF Perambalur

Hindalco, Shingrauli

MVML, Chakan

Nipro Shimizu, Shirwal

Nestle, Goa

Ashok Leyland, Alwar Mahindra & Mahindra, Zaheerabad


3 OCTOBER 2011

Rohan Mithila, Pune

Vishvakarma Puja Viswakarma is known as the divine engineer since the Puranic age. As a mark of reverence he is not only worshipped by the engineering community but also by all professionals. This festival is celebrated in the month of September. On this day all the workers in the workshops and offices worship their tools and instruments in front of Lord Viswakarma, which are generally used in their profession. This is the puja of Lord Viswakarma, the main architect of the universe who had fabricated the universe as per the direction of Brahma, the lord of creation.

JK Tyre, Perambalur

The festival is observed on the Kanya Sankranti (September) Day which follows the Ganesh Puja.

Nipro Shimizu, Shirwal

ART GALLERY A space dedicated to the Artist within every Rohanite... let the hidden talent not remain hidden anymore!! Artist Rohanite Parag Pande HR - Executive, Pune

Artist Rohanite Mangesh Wankar ISO Co-ordinator, Pune

Inviting contributions of your finer artistic side for the "Art Gallery".


4 OCTOBER 2011

Note : Editorial team's decision will be final.

TECHNOLOGY Prefab Structures This is a new technology in construction by using 'Prefab Structures' which is adopted by our NIPRO Shimizu, Shirwal Site. The initial cost of this may be higher, but the material can be reused at least up to 4 times. Plus, very low maintenance and replacement is required. In the long run therefore, it becomes very cost effective.

3. Other Advantages – e)The structures are light, thereby require minimal foundation. They can be erected on any firm base or on stilts.

Advantages of the Prefab Structure:

f) Prefab shelters help to provide instant accommodation with better living conditions in projects and other townships.

1. Fast Track Construction – The prefab shelters are easy to installation and erection.

g) Excellent surface finish – takes all decorative treatments.

a) Tongue and groove joining system allows faster construction

h) Excellent thermal and sound insulation properties.

b) Easy workability – no special tools required c)Lightweight panels allows easy handling and erection

i) Usages of fly ash and timber-free makes it eco-friendly. Photographs of the prefabricated structure and GI Sheet structure:

d) Prefab shelters are made in small components, thereby easy for transportation in difficult terrains. e) The erection is simple and fast. Prefab shelters can be dismantled and re-erected at different places, if required. 2. Strong & Durable – Prefab shelters are comfortable, durable and affordable. a) Panels are manufactured from high quality materials imparting adequate strength and long life. b) Excellent water, termite and fire-resistant properties to withstand adverse weather conditions. c)Fire rating is adequate. d) The structures are light and thereby safe in earthquake prone areas.


5 OCTOBER 2011

NEWS FROM SITE Ganesh Utsav at MRF Site During the Ganesh Chaturthi celebration, various Fun Games and Sport Competitions were organized for the members of MRF Site. Fun Games Like Lemon Spoon, Musical Chair, Tug of war, Bucket and Ball and also Sport Competitions like Volley Ball were organized on site where every one participated enthusiastically in these games.

SGL Bhiwadi Team Rohan completed its first ever Chimney at SSGL project, Bhiwadi safely & successfully on 9th September 2011. • Total height of slipping : 100.91 m • No. of days took to complete total slipping : 78 days • Inner diameter at bottom of shell : 7.7 m • Inner diameter at the top of shell : 3.91 m • Wall thickness at bottom of shell : 450 mm • Wall thickness at the top of shell : 250 mm • Slip form shuttering quantity : 3906.3 sqm • Shell RCC quantity : 642.4 cum. • Grade of concrete : M30 • Shell Reinforcement steel quantity : 45.9 MT • Name of the Project Manager who has completed chimney : Mr Dhruv Chandra Pande and Team. • Name of the slip form sub-contractor : Sai Krishna Engineering & Construction Co., Thane

MRF Medical Camp at Perambalur In the month of September Medical Check up Camp was organized for the construction Labourers in Labour Camp.


6 OCTOBER 2011


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7 OCTOBER 2011

ARCHITECTURAL WONDER CN Tower, Toronto, Canada The CN Tower inspires a sense of pride, inspiration and awe for Canadians and tourists alike. However, its origins are firmly rooted in practicality. In 1972, Canadian National (CN) set out to build a tower that would solve the communications problems, serve as a world class entertainment destination, and achieve international recognition as the world's tallest tower. HIGHLY PRACTICAL The Tower's microwave receivers are located 338 m (1,109 ft) above the ground in the radome (the donut-shaped collar at the base of Sky Pod). The important VHF, UHF and television equipment intrinsic to the Tower's purpose as a broadcast transmission facility are located here. The transmission equipment, although powerful, is extremely sensitive. The Radome, designed to protect it from the elements, is a Tefloncoated fiberglass-rayon fabric which can hold the weight of an average adult male yet measures only 1/32 of an inch. Its balloon-like shape results from inflating the skin to five times its normal size then maintaining constant pressure. BREAKING NEW GROUND The construction of this building was path breaking as never before had anyone been faced with the task of designing a base so far into the ground and they came up against many construction challenges unique to this project. They removed 56,234 metric tonnes (62,000 tons) of earth and shale before pouring a thick concrete and steel foundation 6.71 m (22 ft)



deep on a base of hand-and-machine-smoothed shale. Supporting the World's Tallest Building is a tall order and by the time it was finished the y-shaped foundation contained 7,046 cubic meters (9,200 cubic yards) of concrete, 453.5 metric tons (500 tons) of reinforcing steel and 36.28 metric tons (40 tons) of thick, tensioning cables. The thoroughness and speed with which the foundation was laid is noteworthy. The complete foundation was in place just four months after the first spade of earth had been turned. BUILDING A SEVEN-STOREY BUILDING AT 1,100 FEET In August1974, workers began building the Tower's crowning glory, the SkyPod, a 7-storey building that would eventually house 2 observation decks, a 360째 Revolving Restaurant (Horizons), a glass floor and various technical areas. This construction in the sky involved lifting 318 metric tons of steel and wood brackets up the sides of the Tower using 45 hydraulic jacks and miles of steel cable. To build the observation level, workers bolted brackets to tensioned steel bars and placed concrete in the wooden frames, then placed a 3-ft.high compression ring around the outside. The radome (the donut-shaped collar at the base of SkyPod) protects the Tower's sensitive microwave equipment and is essential to its intrinsic purpose as a broadcast transmission facility. All of the important VHF, UHF and television equipment is located here. Incoming signals are monitored and fed to the antenna for transmitting. The radome is designed to protect this equipment from the elements but still enable it to receive transmissions. Oct 02 - Gandhi Jayanti Oct 06 - Dassera Oct 15 - Karva Chauth Oct 24 - Dhanteras Oct 26 - Lakshmi Puja Oct 26 - Diwali Oct 28 - Bhai Dooj 8 OCTOBER 2011

WELCOME TO ROHAN Tukaram Khatal, Mayur Chothani, Rajkumar Jamadar,

Yuvraj Borate, Abdulrazaq Sipai, Arun Ghanekar, Deepti

Selvaperumal K., Bhimrao Tengale, Prakash Jagtap, Md.

Advirkar, Pankaj Kumar Singh, Rohidas Shelke, Rohit

Inam Masuk, Satya Prakash Singh, Ashok Yadav, Pankaj

Dayma, Dhirendra Kumar Singh, Abhijeet Gaikwad, Nitul

Kumar Srivastava, Shariq Ali Khan, Ganesh Parbat,

Yamb, Sushant Patil, Amrut Mane, Dattatray Basad,

Hanumant Baravkar, Sandip Baviskar, Narhari Sawant,

Akshay Sonale, Ganesh Bhalerao, Chetan Kawale, Pradip

Manoj Patil, Mahesh Narayana, Ajabrao Shirsat, Jeetendra

Patil, Gavaskar Sethi, Ashok Jadhav, Dhananjay Tripathi,

Kumar Pandey, Yogesh Phalke, Amit Kumar Dwivedi,

Sagar Pardeshi, Ishan Bhongale, Dhananjay Rajale, Kiran

Mahesh Kumar Soni, Kaza Vamsi Krishna, Santosh

Bhandare, Sham Pawar, Kailas Rathod, Surbir Singhbist,

Chavan, Tanaji Saste, Jagdish Lal, Sanjay Gupta, Parichan

Pyarelal Sharma, Deepak Varute, Bharat Arote & Mahadev

Yadav, Sandeep Sharma, Santosh Mane, Arjun vasava,


BREAKING NEWS Zee Business RICS Real Estate Award to Rohan Jharoka for Runner Up Best Residential Project - South India


9 OCTOBER 2011

1st October : Prasad Burte, Kulkarni Dattatray G., Rana Hamesing, Dhara Amit B., Shirsat Ajabrao, Pawar Govind V., Sharma Manish Kumar, Karad Amol, Gurav Dipak, Gaikwad Amol, Jayanth G N 2nd October: Banerjee Ujjwal, Lambture Prakash, Bharat Prasad, Kushwaha, Patil Pandurang 3rd October : Sharma Subhash, Khandekar Subhash V., Anand Kumar, Singh, Arvind Kumar, Mahurkar Amit 4th October : Misal Mahendra, Santosh Shrimal 5th October : Desadla Parag, Pandey Amar Nath, Patil Rajaram, Mane Balasaheb, Chandrakant Sonawane, Rahul More, Santosh Mohite 6th October : Rathod Vinod, Bodani Jagdish, Indresh Yadav, Maninder Singh Labana, Sutar Navnath 7th October : Khot Sachin, Dhavale Lalesh, Jitesh Thakkar, Ramchandra Chavan 8th October : Mahindrakar Kishor, Sutradhar Prakash, Arvind Dave, Ashwin Lunkad 9th October : Bharath Desadla, Majumdar Rabindranath, Powar Anil T., Kamble Sharad, Latmale Sambhaji 10th October : Sharma Dinanath, Panchanaan Biswal, P.s.k Prasad, Patil Bhushan, Chetan Jain, Manoj Mahakol 11th October : Shiva Kumar C P, Thakare Nandkumar S., Pandya Sanjeev D., Chaube Yogesh Chandra, Lahane Mangesh, Arun Kumar 12th October : Suresh H S, Shelke Deepak D., Justine Thomas, Singh Mandeep, Kamalakar Shinde, Umesh Kharche 13th October : Naik Baburao, Nate Sandesh B, Singh Tarkeshwar Kumar, Gajanan Lahane 14th October : Korgaonkar Makarand, Aneesh R, Vaichal Shantanu, Thanesh Kumar, Rajesh Mewa Singh, Sandip Nande 15th October : Anand Prakash, Parameshwar Jadhav, Kamnoor Giridhar, Upadhye Rajesh, Thorat Ganpat, Sriwas Satya Prakash, Yadav Indrajeet, Ray Vivekanand, Amit Kumar,bhatewara Pratik, Ankush Yadav, Vinayak Shrigadi


16th October : Patil Pradeep, Mishra Mritunjay Kumar, Md Basir Ahmed, Balu B. Mahale 17th October : H Ramamurthy, 18th October : Joshi Mohan Chandra, Singh Bahadur, Sharma Manoj, Joshi Gajanan, Shinde Pradip 19th October : Deepak Bavaskar, Prashant Shinde 20th October : Mundhe Prasad K., Sharma Anuj, Jitendra Kumar, Jadhav Uttam D, Nitin Pitale, Sameer Joshi, Vishwas Godse 21st October : Kothekar Pankaj, Singh Abhinav Kumar, Nair Praveen Kumar, Manwatkar Mahadev, Pandey Naveen Kumar, Praphullkumar Taware, Sudhir Savant 22nd October : Baravkar Hanumant, Deepa Mahindrakar, Sachin A. Kanitkar 23rd October : Singh Vinodkumar R, Popahle Rajaram, Malpani Yogesh, Kangane Mhalu, Ramesh Y Sawant, Vijay M Vaspate, 25th October : Tripathi Yadvendra Nath, Singh Narinder, Nachane Sunil, Berma Kishor Kumar, Singh Susheel Kumar, Pimpalgaonkar Chetan, Anil Lunkad 26th October : Azharuddin Alam, Ravi Chandra R, Tiwari Jai Prakash, Sanjaykumar B.wabale 27th October : Ojha Udaybhan, Chaturvedi Prabhu Nath, Kalbhor Arjun 28th October : Bappa Mandal, Krishnamurthy. G, Kanse Anil L, Pandey Manojkumar 29th October : Kannan V, Manoj Joshi, Priyanka More 30th October : Changhbhale Manali, Sunil Mutha 31st October : Kamble Buddhanand, Badani Mitesh S., Dakve Nitin S, Thopte Rajesh

• Pariskshit Gaud (Project Manager - Hindalco, Shindrauli) was blessed with a baby Girl on 20th September, 2011. • Amar Sinh Patil (Sr. Exec. – HR, Shimizu Shirwal) was blessed with a baby boy on 23rd September 2011. • Manesh Chaware (Deputy Manager - Architect) was blessed with a baby boy on 28th September 2011.

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