Issue No. 44, Mar 2012

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POINTS TO PONDER Silence speaks louder than words....we may have Points to Ponder upon but not enough silence to allow them to take the front seat... .... this time... let's just not say anything.... just try to listen to the inner voices.... rather than allowing them to get lost in the clutter of noises within as well as around us... concentrate... on understanding what is 'voice' and what is 'noise'...


MVML, Zaheerabad Safety motivational cum 7,00,000 safe man-hours achievement programme was organized by MVML Zaheerabad team on 14th January 2012. Speeches were given by HSE Manager, Sr. Project Manager & Sr. Engineer. MVML Personals, TCE's Safety officer during the program. Workers who are following the safety norms were rewarded by the RBIPL. Prizes were also distributed to the 'Best Engineers and Supervisors' who follows the safety norms. The program was followed by the sweet distribution to the staff.

Safety Training on 'Fall protection' was conducted by Karam Group, Safety Dept. it was combination of lecture and demo. The training was conducted at Jharoka II on 13th February 2012.

Abbott, Jhagadia Safety Practices such as, safety gate, safety Park, Emergency assembly point, Safety office, induction room, first aid centre, Safety pathway, Display boards, Safety signage, Scrap yards, Rest rooms for staff, Tree plantation, Doctor visits in labor camp started at Abbot Jhagadia Site. Tool box talk meetings are being conducted every morning on different topics.


2 MARCH 2012


Kayem Food, Sonipat Training on DDS Book, Labour Billing, and Client Billing was conducted at Kayem food Sonipat site on 20th February 2012 The training was conducted by Mr. G. C. Pandey. (Project Manager of Kayem Food Sonipat) 28 Candidates attended this Training. The importance of regularity and appropriateness of DDS was emphasized upon.

Hindalco, Singrauli

Nestle, Una

HR/IR training program to HR Team Singrauli site, was conducted on 16.02.2012. Nine candidates from Hr department at Singrauli site attended this training. Following topics were discussed during the training-

Training on filling of Daily Duty Slip (DDS) was organized on 5th February 2012. The Training covered calculation against amount of DDS & site work, extra duty slip etc. The Training was conducted by Mr. Aslam Shaikh, Project manager of Nestle Una. 14 employees of Nestle Una site attended this Training.

1. Procedure for collecting labour license from licensing officer. 2. How to submit the Half yearly return at licensing officer under Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) act 1970 in Form-XXVI. 3. Annual return Under Minimum Wages Act, 1948 in Form-III. 4. Annual return Under BOCW Act, 1996 in Form-XXV 5. Other Statutory Compliance reports submitted to labour office.



3 MARCH 2012

NEWS FROM SITE Ghat Ki Guni, Jaipur M r. S h a n t i D h a r i w a l U r b a n Development Minister (Rajasthan Govt.) and Mr. Kuldeep Ranka, Jaipur Development Commissioner along with other Jaipur Development Authorities visited our Ghat ki Guni Tunnel project on 17th January 2012.

Wedding Celebration of Mr. Ashwin Lunkad Entire Rohan participated in the wedding celebration of Mr. Ashwin Lunkad son of Mr. Suhas Lunkad - CMD. All the remote sites organized feast in their honor of the day and distributed sweets in the labor camp.

Rohan Tarang

MVML, Zaheerabad

Abbott, Jhagdia

The Inauguration of School for labourers children was done at Rohan Tarang Site on 27th February 2012. The school is run in the collaboration with Door Step School. Ms. Akita Yadav from Door Step School was present for this program. 25 children in labour camp were present for the inauguration ceremony.

TWENTY -TWENTY MATCH BETWEEN ROHAN vs. TCE/MAHINDRA Cricket match between Rohan an TCE / Mahindra was organized on 5th February 2012 at Sangmitra Ground. In this match Team Rohan won the match by 2 runs. Team Rohan won the toss and elected to bat first. Mr. Kishan Chittampalle was declared as Man of the Match for scoring 36 runs and a wicket. Commentary given by Mr. Jabbar Khan. Mr. Pandurang Patil was declared as Best all rounder for scoring 22 runs, one wicket, two catches and one stumping.

Bhumipujan at Abbott, Jhagdia site.


4 MARCH 2012

Cƒ aŠVMmn (Hyper Tension) Cƒ aŠVMmn H$s dOh go XþZr`m _o H$B© gmao bmoJ {nS>rV h¡& hmbmH$s Cƒ aŠVMmn amoJ Zhr h¡, `h [Xb H$m Xm¡am, ñQ´>moH$ Am¡a JwX©o H$s {d\$bVm H$m bjU AWdm H maU hmo gH Vm h¡& Cƒ aŠVMmn Ho$ amoH$Wm_ Ho$ {bE {Z`_rV ê$n go aŠVMmn H$s Om±M H$s OmZr MmhrE & Cƒ aŠVMmn Ho$ bjU : · WH$mZ · MŠH$a AmZm · ~oM¡Zr VZmd · bJmVma noem~ Cƒ aŠVMmn Ho$ {bE Am`wd¡XrH$ Amhma Cnm` · Cƒ aŠVMmn Ho$ {bE AnZo earV H$m dOZ {OVZm H$_ aI gH$Vo hmo CVZm hr AmnH$m aŠVMmn H$_ aIZo _o _XX hmoVr h¡&

`h ImÚnXmW© Zht ImZo MmhrE : · _m§g · A§S>o · Z_H$ · H°$\o$Z Am¡a Yw_«nmZ Am`wd©oXrH$ Amhma · A§Jya · H$am¡Xm · Va~wO `moJm : Cƒ aŠVMmn na edmgZ EH$ à^mdr `moJmgZ h¡ & `h EH$ ~w{Z`mXr Am¡a gab `moJ H$s pñWVr h¡ Á`mo H$hr na ^r H$s`m Om gH$Vm h¡& Ü`mZ Am¡a àmUm`m_ ^r em§Vr Am¡a EH$mJ«Vm àXmZ H$aVo h¡& Amhma, ì`m`m_ Am¡a {dlm_ Cƒ aŠVMmn go ~MZo Ho$ ~ohVarZ VarHo$ h¢&

APSA (Amngm) "Amngm' ~ƒm| Ho A{YH$mam| na H$m_ H$aZodmbo gm_wXm`rH$ {dH$mg g§JQ Zm h¢& "Amngm' geŠVrH$aU Ho$ à[H«$`m Ho$ _mÜ`_ go g_wXm` Ho$ {dH$mg H$s [Xem _o H$m_ H$aVm h¢& BgH$s ñWmnZm 1981 _o hþB© & Amngm Ho$ CnH«$_ NAMMANE (AnZm Ka) `h CnH«$_ 1991 _| a¡Z-~goam Ho$ _mÜ`_ go ewê$ hþAm& {OZ ~ƒm| H m H moB© [R H mZm Z[h ahVm CZH mo Amgam [X`m OmVm h¢& e¡jUrH$ CnH«$_ : Amngm BZ ~ƒmo H$mo {ejm Ho$ àdmh _o bmZo Ho$ {bE H$moere H$aVr h¢& Amngm Am¡nMmarH$ Am¡a AZm¡nMmarH$ {ejm Ho$ H$B© [H$ñ_ Ho$ _m°S>çyb {dH$grV H$aVm h¢& H$m¡eë` (Vocational Training Center) : NAMMANE _o ahZo dmbo `m ~mha Ho$ ~ƒmo H$mo Bg H|$Ð _o H$m¡eë` na AmYmarV à{ejU [X`m OmVm h¢& {nN>bo XeH$ _o 2000 ~ƒo Á`mo nhbo ~mb _OXÿar H$aVo Wo dmo {díd{dÚmb` Ho$ ñZmVH$ (Graduate) ~Zo h¢& S>oŠgQ>m°n àH$meZ, {gbmB©, pñH«$Z {àQ>tJ Am¡a ñQ>oeZar ~ZmZm, {~Obr H$m H$m_ AmXr {df`m| na à{ejU [X`m OmVm h¢& ñb_ AmCQ>[aM n[a`moOZm : Amngm ~|Jbmoa Am¡a h¡Xam~mX Ho$ 135 ~ñVr`m| _| {dH$mg H$m`©H«$_ boVr h¢& Bg H$m`©H«$_ Ho$ _mÜ`_ go bJ^J 2,00,000 go A{YH$ bmoJm| H$mo gwMZm H$m A{YH$ma, amO{ZVrH$ geŠVrH$aZ, Am{W©H$ geŠVrH$aU AmXr nar`moOZmAm| H$m bm^ {_bm h¢& ~mb_OXÿar CnH«$_ : Amngm ~mb_OXþam| H$r {ejm na Á`mXm Omoa XoVr h¡& g^r ~ƒo ñHw$b _o Om`o BgHo$ {b`o n[admamoH$m| _ZmH a ~ƒm| H mo ñHw$b ^oOZoH m à`mg H aVr h¢& MmB©ëS> hoën bmB©Z Am¡a nw{bg à{ejU : Amngm Ûmam ~|Jbmoa {gQ>r nwbrg Ho$ gh`moJ go MmB©ëS> hoën bmB©Z MbmB© OmVr h¢& {dH$bm§J ~ƒmo Ho$ {bE CnH«$_ : AmngmZo {MH$sËgm Am¡a gm_m{OH$ g_mdoe H o _mÜ`_ go ~|Jbmoa Ho$ 7 _{bZ ~ñVr`m| _o ahZodmbo 70 {dH$bm§J ~ƒm| H$r _XX H$s h¢& {dH$mg : `wdm nrT>r _| g§doXZ{ebVm ~T>mZo Ho$ {bE `wdH$mo H m| H$m`©H«$_mo _o [hñgm boZo Ho$ {b`o Amngm àoarV H$aVr h¢& öX`ñneu amohZmB©Q Amngm amohZ {~ëS>g© Ho$ "PamoH$m' gmB©Q> no _OXÿam| Ho$ ~ƒm| Ho$ {b`o ñHw$b MbmVr Wr& amohZ {~ëS>g© H$s Va\$ go S>m°. _`waoe Ho$_H$a, S>m°. A{ZHo$V qeJQo Am¡a S>m°. am°H$s _H$mgao AmXr Zo gwhX _§S>b ñHw$b Ho$ 68 ~ƒmo Ho$ ñdmñW H$s Om§M 3 \$adar 2012 H$mo H$s & Om§M Ho$ gmW g^r S>m°ŠQ>g© Zo Bg ñHw$b Ho$ {ejH$m| H$mo ~ƒm| Ho$ Amhma Ho$ ~mao _o ^r _mJ©Xe©Z H$s`m &


5 MARCH 2012 AJa Amn [H gr Eogohr gmWrH mo OmZVo hmo, Vmo [\ S~°H ~m°Šg Ûmam Adí` gwMrV H a| &

ARCHITECTURAL WONDER The Oresund Bridge In 1991 the Denmark and Swedish governments agreed to build a bridge to connect the two countries across Oresund. Later that year the two parliaments ratified the agreement and scheduled the design to be completed by 1994. The 16 km long Oresund link between Sweden and Denmark is now complete. At 6 am on August 14, 1999 the final section of the Oresund bridge was placed in position by the floating crane, "Svanen". Six hours later, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark met on the bridge to mark the fact that Denmark and Sweden are linked once more - 7,000 years after the Ice Age when they were landlocked. The project opened to traffic during the summer of 2000. The Oresund Bridge is the world's longest single bridge carrying both road and railway traffic. In the design full advantage was taken of repetition by composing the major part of the bridge of identical spans. The high bridge with its record-breaking cable-stayed span of 490m is designed to harmonize both structurally and aesthetically with the approach bridges. In the construction phase the on-site activities were completed in just 2 1/2 years due to an extensive use of prefabrication and erection of large units.


Mar 07 – Holi Mar 08 – Dhulivandan, Womens Day Mar 10 – Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti Mar 23 – Gudi Padwa


6 MARCH 2012

WELCOME TO ROHAN Deepak Gavit, Ajay Kumar Rana, Latif Shaikh, Satish Mhaske, Basheerahmed Kerur, Farooque Patel, Dinesh Yerawar, Amol Ghume, Yash Sanghavi, Rakesh Kudale, Swapnil Bhosale, Vishal Mahajan, Pravin Mali, Chandrashekar E C, Shriram Patil, Somesh Bilgunde, Daitari Ghadei, Lakhan Parsi, Vishal Desai, Raghavendra Kulkarni, Chandra Muralidhar, Pramod Barik, Kamal Digarse, Md. Asman Ali, Ravindra Barapate, Prashant Joshi, Pranay Rangari, Suresh Kumar Pillay, Pravin Sakore, Vikas Nale, Ulhas Gunjal, Baljinder Singh, Deepan R, Chandra Yadav, Rajiv Ranjan, Shivji Singh, Dushyant Gour, Ranjeet Kumar Raushan, Abdul Salman Khan, Awadh Kishore Singh, Dangarwala Jaimin K, Bishw Mohan Kumar, Satya Narayan Yadav, Vilas Bajirao Raut, Mitesh Lalit Sonigara, Pradeep N. R. Rai, P Raghuvaran, Purna Chandra Sahoo, Umakant Kumar, Sanjay Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Pandey, Amit Kumar Mandal, Abhishek Singh, Gopal Udgire, Deepak Kumar, Pramod Patil and Nil

ART GALLERY A space dedicated to the Artist within every Rohanite... let the hidden talent not remain hidden anymore!!

Photograph by Rohanite Manoj Sharma Assistant Manager, Safety Department, Ashok Leyland, Pantanagar.

Inviting contributions of your finer artistic side for the "Art Gallery".


7 MARCH 2012

Note : Editorial team's decision will be final.

1st March: Joshi Baburao, Dommeti Apparao, Singh Amit Kumar, Sharma Govind, Jha Ravi Shankar, Satee Jagdish, Sinha Sanjeev Kumar, Singh Nanhe Kumar, Brajesh Kumar, Md Abdul Karim, Singh Digvijay, Irle Sanjay, B. Nagaraj. 2nd March: Shrishrimal Vinay, Ashok Prasad, Muralidharan V. S, Dias Manuel, Tiwari Shambhu, Sanjay Kumar, Singh Bharatkumar, Singh Arun, Amrit Anshu Kumar, Mehta Gorkhnath, Amit Shetty, Ratnadeep Kulkarni. 3rd March: Singh Sukhdev, Kokane Santosh, Paswan Kumar, Md. Rakesh Ali, Satish Kumar, Maity Dulal, Deepak Dave, Gavaskar Sethi, R. Shantharaj. 4th March: Dubey Purushottamlal, Pandey Girish Chandra, Joshi Manmohan, Gunjal Ulhas, Mohanta Dinabandhu, Arunkumar Sutar, V. Subramani, Om Sekhar Reddy. 5th March: Daftari Vandana, Md. Sohail Alam, Mhatre Amit, Ture Prakash, Vinod Yadav, Gaikwad Atul, Avadhoot Gholap, Manish Singh, Dandu Pradan. 6th March: Bakke Uttam, Navale Abhijit, Narendra Dhande, Somnath S. Mahanad. 7th March: Sahani Kailash, Das Prabir, Kamble Jaypal, Taralekar Sandeep, Shinde Ganesh, Kulkarni Ganesh. 8th March: Rajput Sagar, Shailendra Kumar, Md Sajid. 9th February: Singh Keshaw, Murugan K, Singh Jaiveer. 10th March: Mandal Navin, Sagin Mandal, Dhumal Vishwajit, Rawool Gaurav, Sutar Digambhar, Rajesh Kumar, Ambadas Garje, Shriniwas Sonawane, J. S. Nagannachari, Arjun Palai. 11th March: Pandey Lalbabu, Bhati Ashish, Singh Kunj Bihari, Rajendra Mahadik. 12th March: Tiwari Deobart, Roy Asim, Pise Satish P, Nair Rajesh G, Deepak, Mali Amol, Ashok Patil, Shashank Chandavale, R. Esha.


13th March: Suryawanshi Tushar, Sahu Krishna, Sharma Nisha. 14th March: Chetan Chavan. 15th March: Prasad V S, Maharana Benudhara, Tiwari Shree Prakash, Mistry Chinmay, Kamble Vikesh, Sakore Pravin, Singh Anil Ramavtar, Abdul Salman, Prashanti Sawant. 16th March: Sharma Surendra, Archana Prabhu, Uttam Kale. 17th March: Golangade Rajeev, Patharwat Mahadev, Mayur S. Kamble, Shailaja M. G. 19 th March: Mare Deepak, Shendage Atul, Shinde Nana, Chandrashekhar Pacharne. 20th March: Atiqur Rehman Ansari, Singh Sanjay Kumar R, Jadhav Jothiba, Karmalkar Gaurishankar. 21st March: Lunkad Rohan, Brij Mohan Sharma, Deepak Dalvi. 22nd February: Farooque Patel. 23rd March: Ratan Kumar, Sk Sarif, Baravkar Amar. 24th March: Rajesh Singh, Kamble Rajendra, Sachin More. 25th March: Singh Manoj Kumar, Ojha Pawan, S. Sureshkumar, Jadhav Digamber, Dhamal Dattatry, Vinay Kumar Singh, Mayuresh Kemkar. 26th March: C. D. Sam, Singh Jogendra 27th March: Rajesh M. N, Behera Mahesh, Sharma Mudit, Amrut Ghorpade, Shirish Kulkarni. 28th March: Dhagale Vijay, Patil Pravin, Jadhav Sandeep, Shinde Sunil, Kanitkar Harsha, Jadhav Navnath, Shetty Akshatha, Prashant Karanje, Vinay Joshi. 30th March: Saranobat Shashikant, Bhardwaj Manish. 31st March: Singh Avinash Kumar, Dhiman Yogesh, Kailas Jagtap, Sachin B Bhilare.

• Mr. Pavan Kumar P - Site Engineer of Jharoka blessed with baby boy on 29.01.2012. • Mr. Ashwin Lunkad weds Ms. Bhavana on 08.02.2012. • Ms. Dipti Reddy - Jr. Engineer – Planning, Rohan Mithila, Viman Nagar Pune weds Mr. Aniket on 12.02.2012. • Mr. Sukhadev Mandavkar Assistant – Office RBIPL, Pune weds Ms. Rani on 26th February 2012. We wish to all couples a very Happy Married Life.

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