Issue no 70, may 2014

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ISSUE NO. 70 | MAY 2014


for private circulation only.



- Ramabai Ranade


- 25th Jan, 1862


- 1924

Nationality - Indian Known for

- Women's' Rights, Social Reforms and studying doctory (MBBS)


- Mahadev Govind Ranade

Ramabai Ranade was an Indian social worker and one of the first women's rights activists in the 19th century. She was born in Kurlekar family in 1862. At the age of 11, she was married to Justice Mahadev Govind Ranade, who was a distinguished Indian scholar and social reformer. In that era of social inequality, when women were not allowed to go to school and become literate, Ramabai, soon after her marriage, started to learn reading and writing with strong support and encouragement from Mahadev Govind Ranade. Starting with her native language Marathi, Ramabai strove hard to master English and Bengali. Inspired by her husband, Ramabai started 'Hindu Ladies Social Club' in Mumbai to develop public speaking among women. Ramabai was also a founder and President of 'Seva Sadan Society' in Pune. Ramabai devoted her life to the improvement of women's lives. Ramabai Ranade opened famous girl's school in Pune "Hujurpaga". Early life and background Ramabai Ranade was born on 25 January 1862 in Kurlekar family, living in a small village, Devrashtre of Sangli District, Maharashtra. As educating girls was a taboo in those days, her father did not educate her. In 1873, she was married to Justice Mahadev Govind Ranade, a pioneer of India's social reform movement. He devoted his time to educate her in face of opposition of the women in the house and helped her to become an ideal wife and a worthy helpmate in social and educational reform. With his strong support and sharing his visionary path, Ramabai spent all her life making women self-reliant and economically independent. She was barely 11 years old when she was married to Mahadev Govind Ranade, who was a scholar, idealist and a revolutionary social activist. Ramabai was illiterate when she was married as she lived in a time when considered a sin for a girl to read or write. Her husband’s overarching thinking, dynamic vision, passionate and devoted social commitment strongly inspired Ramabai and illuminated her path for future social work. Education Ramabai made it a mission to educate herself, so that she could be an equal partner in the active life led by her husband. Justice Ranade gave regular lessons to young Ramabai in writing and reading Marathi, History, Geography, Mathematics and English. He used to make her read all newspapers and discuss current affairs with him. She became his devoted disciple and slowly became his Secretary and his trusted friend. Ramabai's important literary contribution is her autobiography Amachya Ayushyatil Athavani in Marathi in which she gives a detailed account of her married life. She also published a collection of Justice Ranade's lectures on Religion. She was very fond of English literature.

Ramabai made her first public appearance at Nasik High School as the Chief Guest. Justice Ranade wrote her maiden speech. She soon mastered the art of public speaking, both in English and Marathi. Her speeches were always simple and heart-touching. She began working for Prarthana Samaj in Bombay. She established a branch of Arya Mahila Samaj in the city. From 1893 to 1901 Ramabai was at the peak of her popularity in her social activities. She established the Hindu Ladies Social and Literary Club in Bombay and started a number of classes to train women in languages, general knowledge, tailoring and handwork The latter half of her life was tragic as it was shadowed by the death of her husband. She left Bombay and came to Pune and stayed at their old ancestral house near Phule Market. For one year, she led an isolated life. Finally, she came out of her self-imposed isolation to organize the first Bharat Mahila Parishad in Bombay. Ramabai lived 24 years after her husband's death - a life full of activity for social awakening, redressed of grievances and established social institutions like Seva Sadan for rehabilitation of distressed women. Ramabai vigorously worked for the next 25 years for women's education, legal rights, equal status, and general awakening. She encouraged them to enter the nursing profession. At that time, this profession was not looked up on as service-oriented and was so considered forbidden for women. To encourage women to come forward, she always asserted, "Don't we nurse our father or brother when he falls ill? All male patients are our brothers and nursing them is our sacred duty. Thus more and more women came forward to learn nursing." The first Indian nurse was the product of Seva Sadan. Ramabai took great pain to win orthodox opinion in favor of nursing as a career for women and to encourage young girls and widows to join the nursing course in Seva Sadan. Work for society Ramabai made her entry into public life in the 1870s, but it was after Justice Ranade's death in 1901 that she wholly identified herself with the cause of women in India. She became a regular visitor to the Central Prison, especially the women's wing, to kindle self-esteem amongst prison inmates. She paid visit to boys in the reformatory school, spoke to them and distributed sweets to them on festive occasions. She regularly visited patients in local hospitals, distributing fruits, flowers and books. She also went out to Gujarat and Kathiawar in 1913 to organize relief for famine-stricken people. Even in the final years of her life she went to Alandi at the time of Ashadhi and Kartiki fairs, with volunteers from the Seva Sadan, to render help to women pilgrims visiting the shrine of Sant Dnyaneshwar. In taking up this activity she laid foundations for a new type of social service for women. In 1904 when Ramakrishna Gopal Bhandarkar, Shri.Bhajekar and other leaders of Social reform proposed to organize an All India Women Conference they approached Shrimati Ranade for her co-operation, lead and support. The first session of the conference was held under the Presidency of Smt. Ranade in December 1904, at Bombay. Work for Women In 1908 Shri. B. M. Malbari and Shri. Dayaram Gidumal came across with the idea of founding home for women and training Indian women to be "sevikas". They then turned to Smt. Ranade, the President of the first All-India Women Conference for her guidance and help for starting a Society and thus Seva Sadan (Bombay) came into being In 1924, when Smt. Ranade died, the Pune Seva Sadan was training more than one thousand women in different departments. It was largely owing to Smt. Ranade's initiatives, guidance and exertions that Seva Sadan found a footing and grew so rapidly in spite of prevailing prejudices. The last two outstanding contribution which Smt. Ranade made were - the organization of agitation for extending compulsory and pre-primary education to girls; and secondly organization of Women's Suffrage Movement in Bombay presidency in 1921-22. In popular culture

In her honor, the Indian Post issued a Postage stamp picturing Ramabai on 15 August 1962, in her birth centenary year for her great contribution towards the Indian society.


- 2nd Oct, 1883, Prague, Czech Republic


- 25th Oct, 1963, Winchester, Massachusetts, United States of America

Occupation - Civil engineer, Geotechnical engineer Spouse

- Ruth Doggett Terzaghi


- Anton Terzaghi and Amalia Eberle

He was a Czech civil engineer and geologist known as the "father of soil mechanics". Early life In 1883, Karl von Terzaghi was born the first child of Army Lieutenant-Colonel Anton von Terzaghi and Amalia Eberle in Prague, Czech Republic. Upon his father's retirement from the army, the family moved to Graz, Austria. At the age of ten, Terzaghi was sent to a military boarding school, where he developed an interest in astronomy and geography. At age fourteen, Terzaghi entered a different military school, in Hranice, the Crown of Bohemia. He was an excellent student, especially in geometry and mathematics, and graduated with honors at the age of seventeen. In 1900, Terzaghi entered the Technical University in Graz to study mechanical engineering, where he also developed an interest in theoretical mechanics. He was nearly expelled at one point but ended up graduating with honors in 1904.[3] Terzaghi then fulfilled his compulsory one-year military service. While fulfilling his military obligations, Terzaghi translated and greatly expanded a popular English geology field manual into German. He returned to the university for one year and combined the study of geology with courses on subjects such as highway and railway engineering. Shortly thereafter he published his first academic paper on the geology of terraces in southern Styria. Early professional years His first job was as a junior design engineer for the firm Adol Baron Pittle, Vienna. The firm was becoming more involved in the relatively new field of hydroelectric power generation, and Karl became involved in the geological problems the firm faced. His responsibilities quickly increased, and by 1908, he was already managing a construction site, workers, and the design and construction of steel-reinforced structures. He embarked on an ambitious and challenging project to construct a hydroelectric dam in Croatia. He went on with great success to an even more chaotic project in St. Petersburg. During six months in Russia, he developed some novel graphical methods for the design of industrial tanks, which he submitted as a thesis for his PhD at the university. His growing list of achievements began to open more opportunity to him. He resolved to go to the United States, which he did in 1912. In the United States, on his own, he undertook an engineering tour of major dam construction sites in the West. This was no ordinary tour, but was his opportunity to gather reports and firsthand knowledge of the problems of many different projects, and he used it to the fullest before returning to Austria in December 1913. When World War I broke out, he found himself drafted into the army as an officer directing a 250-man engineering battalion. His responsibilities further increased, to leading 1,000 men, and he faced combat in Serbia and witnessed the fall of Belgrade. After a short stint managing an airfield, he became a professor at the Royal Ottoman College of Engineering in Istanbul (now Istanbul Technical University).

Here he began a productive and contented period, in which he began his lifelong work of bringing true engineering understanding to soil as an engineering material whose properties could be measured in standardized ways. He set up a laboratory using only the most rudimentary of equipment, and began his revolution. His measurements and analysis of the force on retaining walls were first published in English in 1919, and was quickly recognized as an important new contribution to the scientific understanding of the fundamental behavior of soils. Later years One of his first tasks in the United States was to bring his work to the attention of engineers. This he proceeded to do by writing a series of articles for the Engineering News Record, which were published in the winter of 1925, then as a small book in 1926. He found the facilities at MIT abominable and had to deal with obstruction from the administration. Brushing these obstacles aside, he once more set up a new laboratory geared towards making measurements on soils with instruments of his own devising. He entered a new phase of prolific publication and a rapidly growing and lucrative involvement as an engineering consultant on many large-scale projects. In 1927, Aurelia Schober Plath, who would become the mother of the poet Sylvia Plath, worked as a secretary for Terzaghi. She was of Austrian descent and worked for him by translating a handwritten manuscript in German dealing with new principles of soil mechanics. After work they would have dinner together, when Terzaghi's conversation led her to Greek drama, Russian literature, the works of Hermann Hesse, the poems of Rainer Maria Rilke, as well as the writings of great world philosophers. She claims the experience affected her for the rest of her life and that she "realized how narrow my world had been and that self-education could be and should be an exciting lifelong adventure. It was the beginning of my dream for the ideal education of the children I hoped some day to have". From 1926 to 1932, Arthur Casagrande, another pioneer of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, worked as Terzaghi's private assistant at MIT. Terzaghi was much sought-after as a dinner companion and was a fascinating conversationalist. His striking good looks and evident power was very attractive to women. In 1928 he met the young Harvard doctoral student in geology, Ruth Dogget, and fell deeply in love. In 1928, Terzaghi was finally fed up with MIT and its president, and determined to return to Europe. He accepted a chair at the Vienna Technische Hochshule in the winter of 1929. He married Ruth, who became his editor and collaborator as well. A short consulting trip to Russia before taking up his post horrified him, and he came to oppose the Communist system there as a regime exemplified by its brutality and chaos. Using Austria as his base he traveled ceaselessly throughout Europe, consulting and lecturing, and making new professional contacts and collaborations. His teaching workload was now relatively light, so he continued his experimental investigations, and became especially interested in the problems of the settling of foundations, and of grouting. He began writing the manuscript for a much updated and expanded version of Erdbaumechanik, now set for two volumes. However, the political turmoil in Austria began to interfere with his work, and in 1935 he decided to take a leave from Vienna during 1935 to 1936. He began his sabbatical with a short trip to consult with Todt and the architects of the proposed grandiose plans for immense buildings at the Nazi's Party Day Rally site in Nuremberg. This led to a conflict over the best way to lay a sound foundation, which led to a discussion with Hitler himself, who took an intense interest in all details of the architecture. Terzaghi then returned to America where he gave a plenary lecture at the International Conference on Soil Mechanics at Harvard University (this event led to the establishment of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering; Terzaghi was its first President). He made a lecture tour of many other universities, but discovered that prospects for employment were dim. He returned to Vienna in November 1936, shortly after the birth of his first son Eric. In Vienna, he returned to a nasty professional and political controversy (including an acrimonious dispute with Paul Fillunger), which he overcame only with some difficulty. He memorably stated "The Fatherland denoted me as a Nazi, the Nazis as a Bolshevik, and the Bolsheviks as a conservative idealist. Certainly only one of the three could be right, and that one is the Bolsheviks". He escaped from Vienna frequently by extended consulting trips to major construction projects in England, Italy, France, Algeria, and Latvia, adding greatly to his engineering experience. Legacy The American Society of Civil Engineers established in 1960 the Karl Terzaghi Award to an "author of outstanding contributions to knowledge in the fields of soil mechanics, subsurface and earthwork engineering and subsurface and earthwork construction".The Terzaghi and Peck Library, which is managed by the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, in Oslo, Norway, holds an extensive collection of his papers. The Mission Dam in British Columbia, Canada, was renamed in his honor as the Terzaghi Dam in 1965.


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Name Architect Year of Construction Height Floor Buildup Area


Gherkin Foster & Partners 2004 180mtr 40s 76400 m2

Introduction At the heart of the City, 30 St. Mary Axe, known as the Gherkin, is the headquarters of the Swiss Reinsurance Company (Swiss Re). The building is not only a unique reference point in the London skyline, but it is also the first skyscraper built in the British capital with green technology. The building emerges where once was the headquarters of the Baltic Exchange, a company that managed the sea and rents that dealt with the sale of ships. When in 1992 an IRA bomb destroyed the building, it was thought possible in a restaurant, but later realized that the old structure could not be recovered. Only in 2000, however, consent was given for the completion of new construction. The integration of the Swiss Tower in the context of the City had yet to be submitted to the rules of the authorities in London, which specifically requested that they be respected identity and style of other buildings. Swiss Tower certainly not going unnoticed and are clearly distinguished in the landscape of London, especially from afar, but it is also true that while walking along St. Mary Axe is not immediately perceived the presence of a building "anomalous" through the mass, not overly impressive. The futuristic tower, which seems almost ready to take off from land to launch a missile into the sky, is an incredibly aerodynamic shape, despite its monolithism; design won in 2004, the prestigious RIBA Stirling Prize to a vote first unanimous. In 2007, Swiss Re sold the building to IVG and Evans Randall. However, Swiss Re continues to use the building along with another tenant, Kirkland and Ellis.

Concept The Forms The variation of the diameter of the plants is significant, it measures 49 meters at the base, 56.5 at its widest, narrowing to 26.5 on the top floor, which is what gives it the appearance of "Rocket" or "cucumber" as the Londoners have been baptized. The oval shape achieves an average area of 1,400 square meters per floor, which rises to the level in 1800 and 16 drops to 600 in 34. According to the author, this "helps the flow of winds around the walls, reducing the pressure on the structure and avoiding any way to ground level, which could affect pedestrians." Likewise, the advantages in the interior and the possibility of orthogonal available in the areas of desktops and in the center, a rectangular area of bathrooms and staircases. Most rooms have views of the exterior: only 3% of Swiss Re's spaces are closed. Green Building With a height of 180 meters, this spectacular XXI century tower has a circular diameter grows in their development towards the top, then fall again when approaching the top of the tip. Thanks to this has been possible to increase the area available for the entry of natural light, and improve, therefore, air circulation, thus taking advantage of natural ventilation in indoor spaces. On each floor, a series of interstices with 6 pipes made of natural ventilation system, functioning as a double glazing. Pipes used for cooling in the summer, drawing warm air from the building, and for heating in winter. They also allow for easier entry of light, with a consequent reduction in the cost of lighting. The systematic internal microclimate and solutions for energy savings have led to a 50% reduction in energy consumption in any case necessary for a building of this size. Structure Is the structure that differs from the majority of the tall buildings that use the center for lateral stability. This structure consists of a core surrounded by a grid of interconnected steel elements diagonally. The bearing system of the tower is secured by the outer steel armor whose cornerstone is formed by two powerful inverted V, which have the height of two levels. There are 18 pieces that make up each ring of the structure, complete, has 19 rings superimposed. The grid of the external facade is made up of three panels of thick glass double outward and inward laminated glass, to maximize revenue without removing light views. It is a laborious orchestration of light and glare control. The brightness is greater at lower levels, while from the waist of the building as the plants are tuned, the effects of solar reflection were minimized. This was made possible by digital tools deployed in the design. In total, some 5,500 panels that are mounted on the structure: they are all flat (except for the dome), and only those located in the atrium outside can be opened for ventilation. When carrying the grid, the kernel will not demand any kind of reinforcement diagonal. This gives greater flexibility to plants. This work, say those who closely followed, it was only possible thanks to the harmonious interaction between Foster and engineers Arup.

good4you ,





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• Prashant Chavan ,

• Vinod Surve • Rahul Bhaware • Mahanta Krushna • Brijesh Kumar Kushwaha • Apoorva Swapnil Lunkad • Ravindra Chavan • Mohammed Jaffer




- Maharashtra Din, Labor Day

2nd May

- Akshay Trutiya

14th May

- Buddha Paurnima

28th May

- Swatantryaveer Savarkar Jayanti

30th May

- Goa Rajya Din

31th May

- Maharana Pratap Jayanti

Maharashtra Din Maharashtra Day, commonly known as Maharashtra Diwas in Marathi is a state holiday in Maharashtra, India commemorating the formation of the state of Maharashtra from the division of the Mumbai State on 1 May 1960. Maharashtra Day is commonly associated with parades and political speeches and ceremonies, in addition to various other public and private events celebrating the history and traditions of Maharashtra. Labor Day International Workers' Day is a celebration of the international labour movement that occurs on May Day, May 1, a traditional Spring holiday in much of Europe. May 1 is a national holiday in more than 80 countries, and celebrated unofficially in many other countries. In some countries the public holiday is officially Labor Day while in others the public holiday marks the traditional Spring festival known as May Day. Other countries, such as the United States celebrate Labour Days on another date, usually with special significance to the labour movement in that country. Akshay Trutiya Akshay Tritiya is one out of the three and a half auspicious occasions (muhurts). This day is significant as according to some it is the beginning of the Krutayug or the Tretayug. Since Indians always consider the first day of any time period to be auspicious, the scriptures prescribe rituals like ritualistic bathing, donations (dan), etc. on such days. The ritual performed on this day encompasses a bath with sacred water, ritualistic worship (puja) of Lord Vishnu, chanting, a sacrificial fire (hom), donations and offerings to ancestors (pitrutarpan). The scriptures recommend a rite for the departed (shraddha) without the use of rice balls (pinga) if feasible, or atleast an offering of sesame seeds. Articles which give protection from the sun like an umbrella, a pair of slippers, etc. should also be given away in charity on this day. This day is also of great significance to women as they are supposed to immerse Chaitragouri (the female deity) worshipped by them in the lunar month of Chaitra. Under that pretext they also perform the ceremony of haldikumkum.’ Budha Pournima Buddha Poornima, which falls on the full moon night in the month of Vaisakha (either in April or May), commemorates the birth anniversary of Lord Buddha, founder of Buddhism. Notwithstanding the summer heat (the temperature routinely touches 45 degrees C), pilgrims come from all over the world to Bodh Gaya to attend the Buddha Poornima celebrations. The day is marked with prayer meets, sermonson the life of Gautam Buddha, religious discourses, continuous recitation of Buddhist scriptures, groupmeditation, processions, worship of the statue of Buddha. The Mahabodhi Temple wears a festive look and is decorated with colourful flags and flowers. It is an important to give a summarized description on the Buddhist festivals in India, especially in the main places of worship. The principal annual ceremony for all the Buddhist is the Vaisaka Purnima known in Sri Lanka as Wesak festival and in India as Buddha Jayanti. Vaisaka Purnima day is fixed by the full-moon day of the month Vaisaka, which falls in May. Like all other Buddhist festivals it falls according to the Lunar year. It was of this day of the year, according to the year.


Swatantryaveer Savarkar Jayanti Vinayak Damodar Savarkar (28 May 1883 – 26 February 1966) was an Indian pro-independence activist, politician as well as a poet, writer and playwright. He advocated dismantling the system of caste in Hindu culture, and reconversion of the converted Hindus back to Hindu religion. Savarkar created the term Hindutva, and emphasised its distinctiveness from Hinduism which he associated with social and political communalism. The stated aim of Savarkar's Hindutva was to create an divisive collective identity. The five elements of his philosophy were Utilitarianism, Rationalism and Positivism, Humanism and Universalism, Pragmatism and Realism. Later commentators have said that Savarkar's philosophy, despite its claims to furthering unity, was divisive in nature as it tried to shape Indian nationalism as uniquely Hindu, to the exclusion of other religions. source and for more info, visit:

Maharana Pratap Jayanti Maharana Pratap, is a name worth remembering to begin one’s day with. His name is engraved with gold among the list of valiant kings who protected the Nation, Dharma, Culture and Freedom of this country by sacrificing his life ! This is a holy remembrance of his valour ! Who does not know the name of the great king of Mewar, Maharana Pratap Singh? In the history of India, this name has always proved to be motivating for qualities like valour, bravery, sacrifice and martyrdom. Many brave warriors like Bappa Rawal, Rana Hamir, Rana Sang were born unto the Sisodiya family of Mewar and were given the title of ‘Rana’ but the title of ‘Maharana’ was only bestowed on Pratap Singh. Childhood of Maharana Pratap Maharana Pratap was born in 1540. Rana Uday Singh, the Second, of Mewar had 33 children. Among them, the eldest was Pratap Singh. Self-respect and virtuous behaviour were the main qualities of Pratap Singh. Maharana Pratap was bold and brave right from his childhood and everyone was sure that he was going to be a very valiant person as he grew up. He was more interested in sports and learning to wield weapons rather than general education. Maharana Pratap's Coronation During Maharana Pratap Singh’s time, Akbar was the Mughal Ruler in Delhi. His policy was to make use of the strength of Hindu kings to bring other Hindu Kings under his control. Many Rajput kings, abandoning their glorious traditions and fighting spirit, sent their daughters and daughters-in-law to the harem of Akbar with the purpose of gaining rewards and honour from Akbar. Uday Singh appointed before his death, Jagammal, the son of his youngest wife as his heir although Pratap Singh was elder to Jagammal but he was ready to give up his rights like Prabhu Ramchandra and go away from Mewar but the chieftains did not at all agree with their king’s decision. Besides they were of the opinion that Jagammal did not possess qualities like courage and self-respect which were essential in a leader and king. Hence it was collectively decided that Jagammal would have to sacrifice the throne. Maharana Pratap Singh too gave due respect to the wish of the chieftains and the people and accepted the responsibility of leading the people of Mewar. source and for more info, visit:

1st May

2nd May 3rd May 4th May

5th May 6th May 7th May 8th May 9th May 10th May 11th May 12th May 13rd May 14th May 15th May

- Narkhede Vinod B, Nakade Vijay E, Chakradhari Ashok, Singh Bharat, Shekhawat Hamendra Singh, Kore Mahadev, Malwade Advait - Faeem Javed, Atish Kumar, Nair Sheela, Sudhakar S., Joshi Manjiri - Khote Gautam P, Singh Gitesh Kumar, Mahesh Kumar P. B., Desadla Parag - Singh Jitendra Kumar M, Mohanty Bijay Kumar, Pandey Binay Kumar, Kalikate Shivaji, Kadam Mohan, S. R. Venugopal, Bacche Ganesh, Deshmukh Prashant - Ghantimane Hanmant - Chinchore Shantanu, K. Prakash Kumar, Janorkar Priya - Surve Pandurang, Ray Dayanand, Bangar Subhash, N. Nataraj - Shindge Chandrakant, Vishwajeet Kumar, Patil Ravi, Mohan Kumar. S - Gade Nanasaheb, D Raja, Kajale Panjabsinh - Lokhande Parshuram, Kushwaha Suresh Kumar, Singh Rajkumar, Mule Samadhan, Kamble Tukaram, Lunawat Sachin, Rakhasiya Mahesh - Bagwan Alim R, Lokhande Arvind - Gaud Ambarish, Sethi Sahadev, Jadhav Nitin - Phale Yogesh N, Kumbhar Deepak - Sharma Kanti, Habil Hossain, D. Gopalkrisna, Hannure Sameer - Chandrakesh Pandey, Thorat Yogesh, Desai Gopal, Turai Vaishali 16th May 17th May 18th May 19th May 20th May


21st May 22nd May 23rd May 24th May 25th May


26th May 27th May 28th May 29th May


30th May


31st May


Anandakuttan G Nair Santosh Kumar, Surve Tejashri Khedlekar Uday Singh Bhairaw, Shinde Mohan, Yadav Nilesh Vichare Kiran D, Panchal Abhijit, Hiwale Deepak, Venkatakrishna H.P., Bhagwat Mahesh, Shaikh Innus, Dham Sonal Singh Purushottam Prasad Jena Manoj Kumar P. Venkatesh, Tambe Pradeep Bhagwat Pooja, Krishna Yellapu Atigre Uttam B, Mahto Jitendra, Raulo Arun Kumar, Kulkarni Raghavendra, Golesha Mahendrakumar, Chhajed Santosh, Johnson Felix, Kanade Savankumar Jagadish Patra, Singh Karamjeet, Deepan R Vernekar Shailendra, Md. Shahid Latif Shinde Nikhil Kikale Anant V, Sutar Suresh, Sahu Sunil, Kanherkar Rajendra, Mathew Harry P M Rajendran, Chavan Ravindra R, Phadtare Mohan, Namdas Devendra, Singhar Mahesh Samanta, Babar Jeetendra Wagh Pravin, Naniwadekar Abhishek

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