District 3060 DG Pinky Patel GML June 2018

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R.I. President Barry Rassin

District Governor Pinky Patel

R.I. Director C Baskar

Rotary year 2018-19

DGE's News Le er

District 3060

June 2018 For Private Circulation only

DGE’s MESSAGE Dear Rotarians,

R. I. President Barry Rassin

Rotary Greetings! When I am writing this rst message to our District 3060, just 24 days remain for the new Rotary year. As our Rotary International President Elect Barry Rassin is from the Bahamas, a place surrounded by the sea, he presents the coming year’s theme logo resplendent with vibrant colours, blue waves and a heart. This I interpret as “The vibrant year 2018-19 is arriving like a sea wave and it will also go away. But we would like to make a mark in the hearts of people by virtue of our good work in the society”. “Setu”, the district’s monthly letter from me, will be a bridge between me and our 4000 plus members. Rotary year 2018-19 will see some changes in the district. Primarily our year is based on strategic planning, as the key to success lies in this virtue. Another secret to success is good leadership, and good leadership is all about making the lives of our team members or workers better.

R. I. Director C. Baskar

I will explain this in my own women way. When a delicious dish is served on the table, one must understand that the dish is not prepared instantaneously. Right from buying necessary ingredients to presenting on the dining table it needs planning, cooking skills, right quantity of masala and proper timings. Putting everything together is an art. So my dear friends, to give you a perfect Rotary year our core team has worked meticulously and earnestly. My advice: delete the energy vampires, clean out all complexities, build a team around you that allows you to y, remove anything toxic, and cherish simplicity in life. Because that's where genius live. Looking forward to yet another wonderful Rotary year ahead. Do enjoy reading this vibrant 3060’s happening “Setu”. All the best, Enjoy Rotary!

District Governor Pinky Patel

Pinky Patel DG 18-19

FROM THE EDITOR Warm Rotary greetings to Rotarians 3060 and beyond ! The GML 18-19 has been aptly named “SETU” as it will bridge the district bringing you updates and happenings of our pulsating, vibrant and dynamic district through the year. It’s the usual hot and humid month of June. The wind bears the rain clouds from the steaming sea, which the sky gathers in its eternal fold and the parched earth awaits the life giving drops to fall. It may be the beginning of monsoon, but in Rotary it’s spring time! A season of new leaves which promises, a new beginning, the fragrance of a novel story, and the bright colours of progression. This spirit of resurgence is imbibed at all levels of the organisation as new leaders pick up the mantle of leadership, preparing for the year ahead, with dreams, plans and goals in their minds. Come January and stagnating PP’s like me, await a phone call from the DGE, offering an assignment for the coming year. Mostly, it’s a post in the various district committees, wherein within a few months the district forgets all about us and we forget all about the committees. This seems to be working well for both the parties. But, jokes apart, this January, I received a call from DGE Pinky Patel, with a very surprising and unexpected engagement, Editor GML! I don’t know why and how she saw me t for this, considering the fact that I have never even edited my club bulletin. But her behest certainly appealed to me and I decided to grab the opportunity. I love writing and what better task than to sit at your desk with a cup of steaming coffee and connect the whole district through your iPad. I think that one on the main qualities of a leader is the ability to pick the appropriate candidate for each and every job.

So here I begin and a privilege indeed to communicate with you through the Governor’s Monthly Letter, which aims to keep you informed, involved, motivated, and connected through the year. This bulletin is a powerful tool through which the DG can spread out relevant messages, ideas, event details, outstanding stories, club and Rotary news from the district and around the world. I hope to do a good job by being regular, informative and entertaining. However, it would be quite monotonous if this becomes a one way communication. So here I invite you all to share your story, experience, achievements, travels or thoughts with me. Do drop some lines at monasitwala@yahoo.co.in and it will be incorporated and shared with all our readers. I also suggest that you share this convenient e copy with your club members and friends and thus help in reaching out and building our public image. Let us innovate, bring forth new ventures and serve to “Be the Inspiration” to others during the year. At the same time, let’s be inspired by novel objectives, out of the box concepts, worthwhile services and distinguished personalities around us. 2018-19! Bring it on !

Mona Sitwala

FORGING THE GOLDEN LINKS “STROTRA”, The Assistant Governor Training Seminar -Part 1, was held at Udaipur on 7 and 8th October, 2017. RC Bharuch Narmadnagri hosted this event organised for the 25 Assistant Governors of 2018-19. The AG’s serve as a golden link between the District Governor and the clubs and thus their role is very signicant in the proper functioning of the district. The programme started after registrations on Saturday afternoon with an audio visual prayer, followed by the customary lightening of the lamp. The four way test was presented as a visual clip. The delegates were then welcomed by the representative of host club. The District Trainer PP Sunil Vakil then took charge and motivated the AG’s by his address, which highlighted the great opportunity that this post offers to them and how they could help in the success of the coming year. Next, DGE Pinky Patel, who will rely on these AG’s for helping her out with designated clubs, conveyed how they would serve as her limbs and help to strengthen their assigned clubs. DG Ruchir Jani talked of how his AG’s were working hard with their assigned clubs and making them stronger and vibrant. He shared his positive experiences with the incoming AG’s. Next, it was turn of PRID Manoj Desai to address the audience with a talk on “Skills set to carve out a niche”. This was an interactive session which brought out many interesting facts and a healthy discussion ensued. In his turn, RPIC PDG Ashish Desai broached the topic of Rotary being an ocean of volunteers, and how Rotary beneted and progressed by the seless contributions of Rotarians. Creating a break from these serious proceeding next on agenda was a participatory exercise,conducted by Rtn. Rajiv Maniar, “Coordinate to co excel”.

Day two of this training seminar started with a prayer, and opening remarks by DT Sunil Vakil as he outlined the proceeding for the day. DGE Pinky Patel requested AG’s to seize this golden opportunities and to study their respective clubs and how they can be improved. Later, PRIP Kalyan Banerjee was introduced by Dr. Sarmistha Desai. In his major address Kalyanbhai shared his views of how clubs : their functioning and vibrancy matters and how these units could be made more alive by the Ag’s. “TRF funding to build temples of humanity”, this all too important aspect of Rotary was discussed by DGSC Manish Shah and PDG Suresh Gandhi. PDG Ashish Ajmera with PP Harish Mehta then spoke of why AG’s should motivate their clubs to be magnanimous in their contribution to TRF, the backbone of Rotary. DT Sunilbhai then took up the topic of “Sense and essence of roles and relevance”. In this he pin pointed the role of AG and how they could be relevant in the overall improvement of clubs and the district. “Vital veins of Rotary membership; growth and sustainability” was taken up by PDG Ashok Kapadia and PP Nilesh Sheth. Rotary needs new members of quality who will secure the future of this organisation and help it grow even stronger. IPDG Hitesh Jariwala, DS’s Mitesh Bhatt and Utkarsha Hathi took up “Club administration and communication; the back bones of effectiveness”. Club administration is a very important point which makes all the difference in making clubs vibrant and strong. Timely and clear communication whenever needed would make matters simpler and easy. The event concluded by an open session and closing remarks made by DT Sunil Vakil and DGE Pinky Patel.


The Assistant Governors training seminarpart 2, titled “PRATIBADH”, was hosted by RC Baroda Jawaharnagar on 11th March, at Baroda. This event attracted 43 registrations including the participants and trainers. The meeting started with welcome address by President Anita Jandial. She welcomed the attendees by quoting RI Theme of 18-19 “ Be the Inspiration”. Event Chair Chandresh Makhija kick started the proceedings by inviting various faculties to conduct the training programmes divided in 3 sessions. District Trainer Sunil Vakil motivated the newly appointed AG’s to give their best and take the post as an opportunity to contribute to the organisation by helping the clubs to do better and make them vibrant. DG Ruchir Jani shared his experience of 17-18 and emphasised that AG’s are the backbone for the efcient working of the District. Incoming District Governor Pinky Patel motivated the Assistant Governors to give their best. She addressed them as the enablers, who will help in the Miracle Chasing of dreams. PRID Manoj Desai then dwelt on the topic “Inspire the Aspirer”, and how AG’s could inuence the presidents to attain greater heights. EMGA Ashok Panjwani and DRFC Ashish Ajmera then discussed the endowment fund and increasing the number of major donors in the district. They highlighted the importance of collecting more fund towards TRF, through which community service can be undertaken by clubs. PP Alok Desai and PP Santosh Pradhan spoke on Branding and Bonding of Rotary which is all too necessary in the present scenario. Public Image has become a thrust issue and to remain relevant we need to publicise all the good work that we do. In the second session DT Sunil Vakil asked

the AG’s to connect with the Presidents before the new year commences and also thereafter. PRID Manoj Desai and PP Hemant Antani talked of Vibrancy and Potency of the Rotary Clubs. PDG Devang Thakore ,PP Mitesh Bhatt and PP Utkarsh Hathi discussed sustainable membership and why members who join Rotary should be retained and motivated during rst few years. After the concluding remarks the meeting ended with Vote of Thanks by Event Chair Chandresh Makhija.


The President and Secretary Elect Training Seminar (PETS/SETS) organised for the incoming Presidents and Secretaries is a great learning opportunity for them. It gives a clear picture of what they are expected to do and how they can go about it. The training faculty under the leadership of District Trainer PP Sunil Vakil did a marvellous job of motivating, inspiring, teaching and preparing the leaders of tomorrow such that they can be successful and take their clubs to greater heights. PETS/SETS part1,named“PRASHIKSHA” was held at Diu on 24 and 25th March 2018, for Saurashtra and Central zone. In the inaugural session delegates were welcomed by host club president Rtn. Vivek Shah. DG Ruchir Jani talked of his journey through the year and how his team is working tirelessly to make a difference. DGE Pinky Patel then spoke on ‘Miracle Chasing’, how her task was cut out and how the Presidents could help her in achieving success through the year. After the lightning of the lamp PRID Manoj Desai made a major address highlighting the essentials of leadership. He motivated the presidents to lead from the front and laid emphasis on strategic planning and innovation. The plenary session started with an interactive session on The Rotary Foundation. This was taken up by District Trainer Sunil Vakil. DGND Prashant Jani and PP Nilesh Sheth took up the all important aspect of how to strengthen clubs and make them vibrant. Strong clubs will help in sustaining Rotary and securing its future. Rtn. Rajiv Maniar then involved all participants in a team game ‘Coordinate to Co excel’. This exercise showed the importance of team work and leadership. The day was wound up by closing remarks of DT and DGE. Day two started with another focus area of

bonding and branding of Rotary taken up by PDG Ashish Desai. Public Image of Rotary has become a thrust area and need of the hour. The practical side of running a club and district was taken up by DS’s Mitesh Bhatt and Utkarsh Hathi. They gave practical tips on the administrative part and what to keep in mind while running the club. An animated lm was presented which again gave useful pointers on organising club meeting in a Do and Don’t format. DT Sunilbhai then summarised the feedback received from the clubs. This was followed by an interactive face to face session with PRID Manoj Desai. After a break the plenary session continued with a talk on membership growth and retention of members by PP Hiten Anandpura and PP Pradip Vaishnav. Both these aspect are the life line of Rotary and a base for a sound future. The various programmes which Rotary offers to help in enhancing its effectiveness was taken up by Rtn. Vikram Sanghania. The event concluded by closing remarks, an open house and vote of thanks.


“PRASHIKSHA ”, PETS/SETS 2, was held at Daman Ganga Resorts at Silvassa on the 14th and 15th of April 2018, for the “Miracle Chasers” of 50 clubs falling in the South and Maharashtra zone. Event was hosted by RC Vapi. After high tea and registrations delegates assembled and the rst session commenced with the customary prayer and four way test. Event Chair Rtn. Rajneesh Anand welcomed everyone and subsequently DG Ruchir Jani spoke on “My difference makers – Great journey this year”; highlighting how with the help of his team and club Presidents he is making a difference this year. He informed that membership of the district had crossed the 4,000 mark. DGE Pinky Patel then gave a detailed picture of her mission and vision for 18-19, laying stress on making clubs vibrant as this will make future of Rotary secure. Her area of focus will be Public Image, Membership development, more lady members and result oriented service projects. She wishes to start the year with the notebook project under which 12 lac notebook will be distributed throughout the district. The guest of honour Dr Bharat Pandya – Director Nominee 19-21, was introduced by DT Sunil Vakil and subsequently a special plaque was handed over to him. In his major address titled “Veni, Vidi, Vici” meaning I came, I saw, I conquered, he motivated the presidents and emphasised on relationships, integrity and focus. He showed how small actions can have big consequences and how commitment, competence and condence can yield positive results. PRID Dr Manoj Desai in his turn held the

audience spellbound as usual. He underlined the importance of strategic planning and asked PE’s to be like an orchestra conductor when dealing with club members and assess what they need to – stop, - keep, - start in their clubs. Chief guest PRIP Kalyan Banerjee gave an interesting view on Changing times – changing Rotary. He informed that future of Rotary in India was bright and it was growing signicantly. He envisaged the need for Rotary to change, to keep it relevant, and the steps that are being taken to do so. Day 2 of “Prashiksha” saw more of practical knowledge for the delegates starting with the all important TRF, the types of giving, how the various funds work, what are the different types of grants and how to avail of them. This session was taken up by PDG Ashok Panjwani, PDG Ashish Ajmera and PP Manish Shroff. This was followed by another important topic taken up by PDG Ashish Roy: Membership growth and retention and how to work towards the target of +700 set for this year. PDG’s Bal Inamdar and Hitesh Jariwala gave their views on the Bonding and Branding of Rotary – how public image is important, why we need it and what we can do about it. Dr. Binesh Desai showed how he recycles paper waste into bricks which are used to make low cost toilets. Then there was practical information in the form of Club Administration, taken up by DGND Prashant Jani, which gave many useful tips to the PE’s for the coming year. Event concluded by DT Sunil Vakil summarising the proceedings and vote of thanks.

PRIMING THE DISTRICT The District Training Seminar for the year 2018-19, titled “VIBRANT 3060”, was held at Rajkot on 28 & 29 April 2018, at the Marwadi University. It was hosted successfully by RC Rajkot Greater. The inaugural session started with the customary four way test, prayer and welcome address. The achievement of the year were highlighted by DG Ruchir Jani, which set a positive and inspiring mood. DGE Pinky Patel then gave the call for all leaders to get set for the coming task and responsibilities and go forth at full steam. She then presented the District Team for the year 2018-19 and introduced the District Secretaries & Assistant Governors. The plenary session commenced with Rtn. Banish Desai taking up the issue of social entrepreneurship and encouraging innovation. He talked about his initiative in the eld of recycling to build low cost toilets from paper pulp. Then followed a talk on membership being a matter of pride and privilege by Rtn. Ashok Gupta. He citied live examples of how the Rotary Pin and being a Rotarian can help you in a foreign land and when in trouble. The guest of honor for the event, Director Nominee 19-21, PDG Kamal Sanghvi was introduced by DT Sunil Vakil who subsequently gave his major address ‘Inspired Leadership’, thus motivating the incoming leaders to lead with zest and vigour. He dissected the two personalities - Ram & Krishna and how they inuence us as Rotarians & the society at large. It was an interactive session. PRID Manoj Desai then took over the stage and shared with the audience his thoughts on Chanakyaniti and how it can be applied in leadership. He discussed how he had a foresighted vision so many centuries back and how it is required in today’s time to evolve for the future. The session closed with the closing

remarks from DT Sunil Vakil. The second day was a learning session with members divided into seven class rooms for dedicated teaching on various subjects after an initial brieng by DT Sunil Vakil. The groups comprised Club Presidents in group 1; session taken up by PDG Bipin Vadhar. Club secretaries, treasurers, and club service chair in group 2; taken up by PDG Surendrasinh Parmar and DGND Prashant Jani. Third group dealt with bonding and branding of Rotary( Public Image); by ARPIC Hitesh Jariwala, PDG Jatin Bhatt. Fourth group for membership growth and retention was taken up by PDG Devang Thakore. Fifth group led by EMGA Ashok Panjwani and DRFC Ashish Ajmera broached the area of the Rotary Foundation and the joy of giving. Sixth group led by PDG Nilay Mufti and PP Rajneesh Anand took up the Rotary programs like Rotaract, GSE and VTT. Seventh group was the spouse session handled by PP Sharmistha Desai and PP Meera Panjwani. PRID Manoj Desai moderated and initiated an interactive dialogue with senior Rotary members PP Sharmishtha Desai, PP Sunil Vakil & PP Rajneesh Anand. It was very interesting to hear them talk about how Rotary has become their chief passion. Dr. Desai made a heart touching and proud statement for all Rotarians. She said Rotary is spread across the world with different languages and culture but there is one thing in common between all Rotarians and that is a warm hand shake, a hug and a smile. Dr Amisha Mehta launched the District project of eco friendly sanitary napkins. Host club made wonderful arrangements for entertainment & food. Saturday evening was fun & fellowship complemented very well with live entertainment by local Gujarati performers and delicious food.

District Training Seminar

THE TEMPLE OF HUMANITY The District Rotary Foundation Grant Management Seminar was held at Rajkot, on 28th April, 2018. PP Bhavesh Vegda welcomed the delegates. DGE Pinky Patel took over the proceedings by making the opening remarks and stressed on the purpose of the seminar. DG Ruchir Jani motivated all to work with zeal, innovation and commitment to make a difference at all levels of the district. DRFC Ashish Ajmera unveiled the various TRF programmes which would be implemented through the year 2018-19. DGSC Manish Shah then presented the TRF updates, while DT Sunil Vakil discussed the various grants available to the clubs and how they could avail of them. Stewardship, a very important aspect of grants was taken up by PP Sarja Patel. Accountability, proper and timely reporting, transparency in dealing with the

grants are of utmost importance and stressed upon by him. The highly knowledgeable and experienced EMGA Ashok Panjwani talked in depth about the good work done through the Rotary foundation and how it was instrumental in building the temples of humanity all over the world. PP Parimal Naik, a specialist on Global Grant took up a case study which explained the purpose, working and advantages of Global Grants. A panel discussion and an open house were conducted by DGE Pinky Patel, PDG Ashish Ajmera and PP Manish Shah which saw a healthy interactive session and active participation. Concluding remarks were made by various dignitaries and seminar ended by PP Parvesh Kotecha proposing a vote of thanks.

TOWARDS A LITERATE INDIA The rst great project of District 3060, committed to the Rotary India Literacy Mission, gets launched at the onset of the new Rotary year. DG 2018-19 Pinky Patel initiates the ambitious “DISTRICT NOTE BOOK PROJECT”. Under this initiative 2 lac students of Government and Municipal schools throughout the district will be given 6 notebooks each, through the clubs, who will have to keep the required records. A total of 12 lac full scape notebooks, attractively designed bearing the Rotary logos, 4 way test and Club name will be distributed to needy student under the Rotary Literacy project. The 12 lac gure represents the 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide. Project chairman Rtn. Siddharth Mehta doing excellent service to make a difference in the eld of child development and eradication of illiteracy. This will benet thousands of students in their quest for a better future and at the same time a big Public Image opportunity for Rotary. Rotary will thus touch the life and reach out to over 2 lac underprivileged families. Let’s all support this noble venture with all our might.

Club Service Projects will be incorporated in the GML each month. For this please send one project photograph (of good quality) with 2-3 lines description. Email (no Whatsapp please) this to monasitwala@yahoo.co.in, before the 20th of each month.

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