MARTIAL ARTS for Kids There are numerous benefits of martial arts for kids, including improved physical health and a boost in self-confidence. It can also teach children self-defense skills that can help them ward off bullies and protect themselves from violent attacks. More importantly than fighting off others, however, martial arts teaches kids how to become masters of themselves: how to control thoughts, emotions, actions and responses.
Martial arts help kids feel empowered. It is about being part of a team, part of an extended family, pushing yourself mentally and physically to achieve and exceed goals, aspirations and expectations in ways that are unmatched by any other sport. Nigel Burgess, Former UK MMA Coach
MENTAL HEALTH Developing confidence and surrounding yourself with good people are two key aspects of maintaining good mental health. Discipline Recent studies show that those who participate in martial arts for kids learn proper behaviours, grow more sociable and pay better attention in class. The ability to discipline yourself and focus on realistic goals helps kids succeed in every aspect of life. Reaching those goals by maintaining discipline and a strong will builds self-confidence and makes the personality grow. Focus Focus is that extremely important ability of the mind to hone in on an objective, avoiding distractions, until it becomes all your mind can envisage. The power of focus therefore increases potential. Researchers found that mental acuity and focus is so pronounced in martial arts that their stronger punching force occurred as a result of better muscle control in the brain than an actual increase in muscular strength. Confidence Due to today's issues with cyber and physical bullying, many children have low self-esteem and minimal confidence. These negative feelings can be catastrophic to a young mind, often leading to depression, anxiety, anger and guilt.
Martial arts are arguably the best way to boost a child’s confidence and improve their self-esteem. They believe in themselves more with each new achievement and feel more confident as their body gets into better shape. Above all, they’ll be able to socialize with other members and make new friends. These social aspects will give your child more confidence in their ability to talk and communicate with other people. Respect One of the first things taught in kids’ martial arts classes is the art of respect. It is crucial that each child understands that everyone on this earth is different and to respect those differences. Developing respect makes all other aspects of martial arts easier including discipline, focus, and confidence, as mentioned above.
Healthy weight Martial arts is a moderate-intensity physical activity that burns calories faster. Those who practice martial arts also tend to have low food cravings. Stamina When training in martial arts, you are taught how to complete a range of short burst moves over longer periods of time. These techniques are designed to increase endurance, allowing your body the energy to keep going. As children learn martial arts, their entire body is engaged, triggering large and small muscle groups. These continuous actions build their stamina and lung capacity, giving them the strength to do more and more.
Being healthy makes it easier to feel confident and to focus in school or other important aspects of life. An active lifestyle means more energy to tackle the tasks that come with our everyday routines.
The physical health benefits of martial arts are unmatched by any other sport.
One of the best ways to enhance your posture is by improving your flexibility. Stretching is immensely important in martial arts for kids. It prevents injury, increases their range of motion, as well as improves overall performance and blood flow to muscles. These practices will also have physical benefits to your child’s posture, avoiding those potential health issues it can cause.
As students improve their conditioning, fighting stances, and footwork, they gain more power in their arms, legs, and abdomen. Each exercise focuses on multiple muscle groups at once to tone all parts of the body.
In every martial arts class, stretching is a key part of each instruction. Effective routines are followed to stretch arms, hamstrings, core, and other vital muscle groups before the classes begin.
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