Architecture and Design-Portfolio & CV

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GEORGAKILLAS DIMITRIOS Department of Architecture School of Engineering University of Patras MArch

selected works 2014-2021

Content Curriculum Vitae Greek.................................................................................................................4 English...............................................................................................................6


ParaSite - A Model / Experimental School Academic project | 2014 .......................................................................................8 The Gentle Cell - Welcome to your enclosed ecosystem Diploma Thesis | 2018-19.......................................................................................12 The Experiental Memorial - Transfering the memory of Hiroshima into Trinity Site Competition | 2021..............................................................................................24 Architectural Design - Hotels/Residential/Private

Student Residence in Cyprus | 2021.............................................................. 30 Social Condencer in Eleonas | academic | 2015...............................................32 Hotel Development in Cyprus | 2020-21.........................................................34 Hotel Resort in Egypt | 2018-19......................................................................36 Villa in Egypt | 2017-18.....................................................................................38 Interior Design - Hotels/Residential/Commercial

Pool Restaurant in Egypt | 2019...................................................................40 Roof Garden and a Yard in Psyri | 2021.........................................................42 Family Room in Egypt | 2019.........................................................................44 Room & Reception in Kefalonia | 2020.........................................................46 Apartment in Mykonos | 2021.......................................................................48 Ongoing Projects...............................................................................................50 Content 3

ΓΕΩΡΓΑΚΙΛΛΑΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΣ Αρχιτέκτων-Μηχανικός | Τμήμα Αρχιτεκτόνων Μηχανικών-Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών Μέλος Τ.Ε.Ε. : 147397 Παξών 25, Κυψέλη, Αθήνα, 11362 t: +30 210 6135872 | mob: +30 694 038 8962 | mail:

Πάθος για την αρχιτεκτονική και το design ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΣΗ 2011-2019 Τμήμα Αρχιτεκτόνων Μηχανικών Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών, Πάτρα, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Βαθμός Πτυχίου : ΛΙΑΝ ΚΑΛΩΣ 7,95\10

Τίτλος Διπλωματικής Εργασίας ”Εναλλακτική μορφή κατοίκησης σε περίοδο τροφικής κρίσης” Υπεύθυνος Καθηγητής Π. Δραγώνας | Πάτρα Μάρτιος 2019 | Βαθμός 9,2\10

Τίτλος Ερευνητικής Εργασίας “Κινηματογραφικές και Χωρικές Αφηγήσεις: Η αναλογία του μοντάζ και του περιπάτου στην Αρχιτεκτονική “ Υπεύθυνος Καθηγητής Π. Δραγώνας | Πάτρα Μάρτιος 2017 | Βαθμός 9,8\10

2007-2011 Δεύτερο Λύκειο Βριλησσίων, Αθήνα, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Απολυτήριο Γενικού Λυκείου | Βαθμός 17 ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΚΗ ΠΕΙΡΑ 2021 Μελέτη και σχεδιασμός των mockup rooms διεθνούς φήμης Ξενοδοχειακής Εταιρίας σε Αθήνα,Κρήτη, Κόρινθο Αρχιτεκτονική εσωτερικού χώρου, διακόσμηση, 3D δωματίων και άλλων χώρων Συμμετοχή σε αρχιτεκτονικό διαγωνισμό για την υλοποίηση Φοιτητικών Εστιών στη Λευκωσία, Κύπρος Παραγωγή τρισδιάστατων εικόνων Ατομική συμμετοχή σε διεθνή αρχιτεκτονικό διαγωνισμό ιδεών για την δημιουργία Μνημείου Αρχιτεκτονική μελέτη, σχεδιασμός τρισδιάστατου μοντέλου, σύνθεση και εύρεση μορφής Αρχιτεκτονική μελέτη για πολυτελές Ξενοδοχείο στου Ψυρρή, Αθήνα Διαμόρφωση Roof Garden και αυλής, αρχιτεκτονική εσωτερικού χώρου 2020-2021 Αρχιτεκτονική μελέτη για Ξενοδοχεία σε Αθήνα και Θεσσαλονίκη διεθνούς φήμης Ξενοδοχειακής Εταιρίας Αρχιτεκτονική εσωτερικού χώρου, διακόσμηση, 3D δωματίων και άλλων χώρων Νικητήρια συμμετοχή αρχιτεκτονικού διαγωνισμού για πολυτελές Ξενοδοχειακό συγκρότημα στην Λάρνακα Παραγωγή σχεδίων , 3D, σύνθεση και εύρεση μορφής, βίντεο παρουσίασης , animation 2018-19 Αρχιτεκτονική μελέτη Τουριστικού Συγκροτήματος διεθνούς φήμης στην Αίγυπτο, Ερυθρά θάλασσα Σχεδιασμός και αρχιτεκτονικές αναπαραστάσεις εσωτερικών και εξωτερικών χώρων 2018 Βοηθός αρχιτέκτονα στην ανακαίνιση Βραβευμένου Ξενοδοχείου στη Μύκονο Αποτύπωση και σύνταξη αρχιτεκτονικών σχεδίων σε 2D και 3D 2017- Σήμερα Αρχιτέκτονας στο αρχιτεκτονικό γραφείο “Liakos and Associates Architects”, Αθήνα , ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Σύνταξη μελετών και αρχιτεκτονικών σχεδίων, CGI Architectural Visualization, Interior Design 2017 Πρακτική Άσκηση στο αρχιτεκτονικό γραφείο “Liakos and Associates Architects”, Αθήνα , ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Σύνταξη μελετών και αρχιτεκτονικών σχεδίων σε 2D και 3D 2016 Υπηρεσίες Ταξινόμησης και Πιστοποίησης με την εταιρία “Bureau Veritas Hellas A.E. ”, Πάτρα, ΕΛΛΑΔΑ Επιθεώρηση φορτίων μελάσας στο οινοπνευματοποιείο Β. Γ. Σπηλιόπουλος ΑΒΕΕ


Βιογραφικό σημείωμα


> > > > >

MSOficce: Design Software: Render Engines: Image/video editing: Other:

Word •••| Excel ••| Powerpoint ••• Autodesk AutoCAD •••| 3DSMAX •••| Rhino •••| SketchUp ••| Archicad• Corona •••| V-ray ••| Adobe Photoshop ••• | InDesign ••| After Effects ••| Illustrator • Animation ••• | 3D Printing experience •• | CNC machine experience •


Μάρτιος 2020, PANDEMIC ARCHITECTURE International Ideas Competition, Tίτλος συμμετοχής Gentle Cell: Welcome to your enclosed Ecosystem Curated by Design Ambassador for ARCHISEARCH Διάκριση TOP 100


Μάιος 2021, The Last Nuclear Bomb Memorial Tίτλος συμμετοχής The Experiential Memorial Curated by Bee Breeders Architecture Competition Organizer


Σεπτέμβριος 2020, Δημοσίευση της συμμετοχής στον διαγωνισμό Pandemic Architecture, περιοδικό GALA, τεύχος 118, Εκδόσεις Πρώτο Θεμα Εκδοτική Α.Ε.


Ανώνυμα δημοσιευμένο έργο: Χρήση αρχιτεκτονικών απεικονίσεων στην Greece Sotheby’s International Realty για μια πολυτελή βίλα στη Μύκονο.


Ανώνυμα δημοσιευμένο έργο: Χρήση αρχιτεκτονικών απεικονίσεων σε ιστιοσελίδες διαφόρων φημισμένων Ξενοδοχειακών Εταιρειών


Μάρτιος 2018, 3D Visualization For Beginners: Interior Scene with 3DS MAX, Online Course, Udemy , Instructor : Widhi Muttaqien

> Ιούνιος 2017, Emergent Form , Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών, Εισηγητές: Emanouil Vermisso, Αικατερίνη Λιάπη > Μάιος 2017, U.A.U. Unitary Applied Urbanism, Athens Digital Arts Festival , Εισηγητής: Mariano Equizzi ΞΕΝΕΣ ΓΛΩΣΣΕΣ


Αγγλικά (C2), Ελληνικά (μητρική), Ισπανικά


> > >

Γλύπτική-Κατασκευές, Κατασκευή-Σχεδιασμός επίπλου Ποδόσφαιρο,Snowboard,


Βιογραφικό σημείωμα 5

GEORGAKILLAS DIMITRIOS Architect-Engineer | Department of Architecture School of Engineering University of Patras Member of Τ.Ε.Ε. : 147397 Pakson 25, Kipseli, Athens, 11362 t: +30 210 6135872 | mob: +30 694 038 8962 | mail:

Passion for architecture and design EDUCATION 2011-2019 Department of Architecture School of Engineering University of Patras, Patra, Greece Estimated GPA : 7.95/10

Diploma Thesis Title “Alternative form of housing in a time of food crisis” Responsible Professor P. Dragonas | Patras March 2019 | Grade 9.2 / 10


Second High School of Vrilissia, Athens, GREECE Graduated/GPA: 17/20

Title of Research Paper “Cinematic and Spatial Narratives: The Analogy of Montage and Architectural Promenade” Responsible Professor P. Dragonas | Patras March 2017 | Grade 9.8 / 1 0

WORK EXPERIENCE 2021 Study and design of mockup rooms of internationally renowned Hotel Company in Athens, Crete, Corinth Interior architecture, decoration, 3D of rooms and other spaces

Group participation in an architectural competition for the implementation of Student Housing in Nicosia, Cyprus Production of 3D images

Individual participation in an international architectural competition of ideas for the creation of a Memorial Architectural study, 3D model design, composition and form finding

Architectural study for a luxury Hotel in Psyrri, Athens Architectural plans and sketches for the layout of Roof Garden and yard, interior architecture

2020-2021 Architectural study for Hotels in Athens and Thessaloniki of an internationally renowned Hotel Company Interior architecture, decoration, 3D of rooms and other spaces Winning participation in an architectural competition for a luxury Hotel Complex in Larnaca, Cyprus Production of drawings, 3D model, composition and finding form, presentation video, Animation 2018-2019 Architectural study of an internationally renowned Hotel Resort in Egypt, Red Sea Design and architectural representations of interior and exterior spaces 2018 Assistant architect in the renovation of an Award-Winning Hotel in Mykonos Documentation and composing of architectural plans in 2D and 3D environment 2017- Today Architect at “Liakos and Associates Architects”, Athens, GREECE Architectural studies in 2D and 3D environment, Architectural Visualization, Interior Design 2017 Internship at the architectural office “Liakos and Associates Architects”, Athens, GREECE Architectural studies in 2D and 3D environment 2016 Classification and Certification Services with the company “Bureau Veritas Hellas A.E. “, Patras, GREECE Inspection of molasses consignments at the distillery VG Spiliopoulos SA


Curriculum Vitae


> > > > >

MSOficce: Design Software: Render Engines: Image/video editing: Other:

Word •••| Excel ••| Powerpoint ••• Autodesk AutoCAD •••| 3DSMAX •••| Rhino •••| SketchUp ••| Archicad• Corona •••| V-ray ••| Adobe Photoshop ••• | InDesign ••| After Effects ••| Illustrator • Animation ••• | 3D Printing experience •• | CNC machine experience •


March 2020, PANDEMIC ARCHITECTURE International Ideas Competition, Entry title: Gentle Cell Welcome to your enclosed Ecosystem Curated by Design Ambassador for ARCHISEARCH TOP 100


May 2021, The Last Nuclear Bomb Memorial Entry title: The Experiential Memorial Curated by Bee Breeders Architecture Competition Organizer


September 2020, Publication of the participation in the Pandemic Architecture competition, GALA magazine, issue 118, Proto Thema Publications Publishing SA. Anonymously published work: Usage of architectural visualizations in Greece Sotheby’s International Realty for a Luxurious Villa in Mykonos

> Anonymously published work: Usage of architectural visualizations in the sites of various renowned Hotel Companies SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS/COURSES >

March 2018, 3D Visualization for Beginners: Indoor Stage with 3DS MAX, Online Course, Udemy, Instructor: Widhi Muttaqien

> June 2017, Emergent Form, University of Patras, Instructors: Emanouil Vermisso, Ekaterini Liapi > May 2017, U.A.U. Unitary Applied Urbanism, Athens Digital Arts Festival, Instructor: Mariano Equizzi LANGUAGES


English (C2), Greek (mother tongue), Spanish


> > >

Sculpturing, Painting, Sketching Design of custom furniture Soccer, Snowboard


Curriculum Vitae 7


Para-site| 2014 | Academic

A MODEL / EXPERIMENTAL SCHOOL Para-site | 2014 | Academic 9

Para-Site Model School is an academic project from 2014. It is a team proposal for a model/experiment school. The main idea of the project is the communal space that exists under the curved canopy and links all the shcool facilities. The curved roof is an architectural element operating like a “parasite” ,hugging the volumes which host the school programm. The main uses of the model school are classes, laboratories, athletic spaces, lecture venues, amphitheater and other communal spaces which are distributed horizontaly in the site. Classe’s orientation is southern in order to keep the class sunny in the winter and cool in the summer. The arrangement of the space results from the existing traffic drawings of the site. Last but not least we could say that both the layout and the form were chosen in order to unify the school building with the existing place.

Interior Architectural Visualisation

Idea sketch


Para-site | 2014 | Academic


Section A-A’

Architectural Visualisation


Master Plan

Para-site | 2014 | Academic



Gentle Cell | 2018-19 | Diploma Thesis

WELCOME TO YOUR ENCLOSED ECOSYSTEM Gentle Cell | 2018-19 | Diploma Thesis 13


Gentle Cell | 2018-19 | Diploma Thesis

Gentle Cell | 2018-19 | Diploma Thesis 15


Gentle Cell | 2018-19 | Diploma Thesis

Gentle Cell | 2018-19 | Diploma Thesis 17


Gentle Cell | 2018-19 | Diploma Thesis

Gentle Cell | 2018-19 | Diploma Thesis 19

20 Gentle Cell | 2018-19 | Diploma Thesis

Gentle Cell | 2018-19 | Diploma Thesis 21


Gentle Cell | 2018-19 | Diploma Thesis

Gentle Cell | 2018-19 | Diploma Thesis 23

THE EXPERIENTIAL MEMORIAL 24 The Experiential Memorial | 2021 | Competition

TRANSFERING THE MEMORY OF HIROSHIMA INTO TRINITY SITE The Experiential Memorial | 2021 | Competition 25

Trinity Site 17 July, 1945

Trinity Site 7 October,1996

Hiroshima before the explosion

Hiroshima after the explosion

Idea Diagram-Scale down and move a part of Hiroshima into Trinity site. The diameter of red circle becomes from 2000m to 200m.

This project was my individual proposal for an international architecture competition. Participants were tasked with creating a memorial in a decommissioned nuclear weapon testing site as an act of supporting the call for a ban on nuclear weapons. I chose symbolicaly the Trinity site where was realised the first detonation of a nuclear device by the United States Army on July 16, 1945, as part of the Manhattan Project. The main concept of the project was bringing the memory of Hiroshima, which was the primary target of the first atomic bombing mission on 6 August, 1945, into the “birthing place” of atomic devices. I think that was a way of creating a memory connection between those two historical places. Another more poetic reading of this gesture would be that of paying tribute to the lost citizens of Hiroshima. Finding the form that would encapsulate the memorial was of a great importance also. The main idea ,as mentioned above, was transferring the city plan by downscaling in order to fit in a diameter of 200 meters. The purpose of this was for the visitors of the memorial to be able to experience and walk through the edifice freely but also perceive identity of the city of Hiroshima.. Concept Visualisation

26 The Experiential Memorial | 2021 | Competition

The very next important design finding was capturing the event of the explosion in means of architectural design. This was achived by accepting a fictional contract that by the event of the explosion a crater would be created in the ground and the building volumes would break in half. The first half with black marble would stay in the ground symbolizing the

grave of the lost citizens while the second half would go up in the sky shining and reinterpreting the travel of the soul through heaven. Last but not least those lights would be standing above the “graves” with the help of the metallic skeleton and alltogether reminding the mushroom-like shape of a nuclear explosion.


Master Plan

The Experiential Memorial | 2021 | Competition 27

Architectural Visualisation- The ramps of observation

Architectural Visualisation- The crater

28 The Experiential Memorial | 2021 | Competition

Architectural Visualisation- The Mushroom skeleton

Architectural Visualisation- The Blocks of Perception

The Experiential Memorial | 2021 | Competition 29

ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 30 Student Residence in Cyprus | 2021 | Competition


Student Residence in Cyprus | 2021 | Competition 31

Section A-A

Section B-B

2nd Floor

The design of a Social Housing Condencer presupposes the coexistence of spaces and functions of different nature. This idea is well known since in the past architects were intrested a lot in this direction, from the Russian constructivists to Le Corbusier with the Unite de Habitation. A housing capacitor is a design challenge since it combines public spaces of a commercial nature with production units and residences. In order for such a system to work, it must maintain a balance between its different needs and the goals it is called to achieve. dining area

dining area

Forum administration offices

permanent residence

employee entertainment venues ephemeral habitation stairwells and elevators

1st Floor

permanent residence

ephemeral habitation public spaces

Production line 1.sorting 2.processing control 3.packaging cultivation farms

Usage Diagram

Ground Floor Floor


Social Housing Condenser in Eleonas | 2015 | academic

Physical Model

Arch.Vis. Bird’s Eye View

Arch.Vis. Open Horizon

Arch.Vis. The Ramp Of Production

Residence Typologies

Social Housing Condenser in Eleonas | 2015 | academic 33

Architectural Visualisation- Bird’s eye view of the development

Villa type B-First floor

Architectural Visualisation of Villa B

Villa type A

Villa type B-Ground floor

Architectural Visualisation of Villa A

34 Hotel Development in Cyprus| 2020 | Competition

This was a team project in Cyprus. Our proposal wind and furthermore th was orginized into 3 zon all guest rooms, appartm tel and Residential Tower in the center, and the fro hugging the rest of the d Hotel entrance is located ent swimming pools , day


Architectural Visualisation- Front View-Entrance

Architectural Visualisation- Room Interior

Architectural Visualisation- Reception interior

t bound for a competition of a Hotel Development located was based using the concept of the sea, water, waves, air, he idea of ships, yachts and sailing. The project development nes and positioned towards the sea views, making sure that ments and villas overlooked the sea. The 3 zones are the Hor in the back, the central pool area with floating villas aside ont costal Villas. The Hotel and tower opens up its arms like development creating a barrier to the North where the main d. In the core of the plot the wet element is dominant. Differybeds and water features blend with mediterranean gardens.

Master Plan

Hotel Development in Cyprus| 2020 | Competition 35

Architectural Visualisation-The Main Building


Main Building-Ground Floor

36 Hotel Resort in Egypt | 2018-19 | Team project

Main Building-First Floor

Architectural Visualisation-Hotel Rooms

This is a part of a bigger Hotel Resort located in Egypt. Here is demonstrated , on the one hand, the Main building, which houses various restaurants, bars, offices, and the Hotel’s Reception. And on the other hand is depicted part of the guest room’s wing. Both the Main building and the building of the hotel rooms are characterized by boho and vibrant aesthetics while in the same time the architectural forms create minimal and yet modern spaces affected by the character of the desert. Our main concern here was to create an architectural experience for the customers in a way that when they leave the accomodation they will remember a blend of raw desertous atmosphere and a luxury designed space.

Hotel Rooms-Ground Floor

Architectural Visualisation-Hotel Rooms 2

Architectural Visualisation-View from the balcony

Hotel Resort in Egypt | 2018-19 | Team project 37

Architectural Visualisation-Afternoon shot of the Front view

Ground Floor

38 Villa in Egypt| 2017-18| Team project

This project was part of a big touristi ed to create a tourist complex in the apartments, or even villas. Here we ca of the Villas. This Villa in Egypt can ex residence where the residents can e forms are being born through the mix and white-grey-beige tones of a plast and yet modern. There is enough par a swimming pool with overflow surro you can find a sitting space with a fir seattings such as daybeds and lounge and enjoy the view. The same comfort

Architectural Visualisation

Architectural Visualisation-Afternoon shot of the Back view

ic complex in Egypt. The client wante desert where you could find hotels, an see the depiction of the first type xist as an individual and autonomous enjoy its amenities. The architectural xture of local stones, lacquered wood, tered wall. The style remains minimal rking space, an enclosed garden, and ounded by communal spaces where repot in the center and various other e areas where the resident can relax tness goes for the interior of the Villa.

Afternoon shot of the pool

First Floor

Villa in Egypt| 2017-18| Team project 39

INTERIOR DESIGN 40 Pool Restaurant in Egypt | 2019 | Team Project


Pool Restaurant in Egypt | 2019 | Team Project 41

Roof Garden Transformation

Roof and Cityscape

0.90 2.10

Existing Roof

Roof Garden and a Yard is a personal architectural study of a hotel renovation located in Psyri. The client wanted to transform the hotel roof from an existing apartment into a cosy and hipster roof garden with a bar. In the brief was also included and a yard of an apartment located in the groundfloor. The suggestion here was to design both spaces with the same architectural language. Our design strategy was affected mainly by the materials, furniture and decorative elements . With economic but yet stylish design moves we tried to create a funcional and fun roof garden where all the customers would be able to enjoy the city view comfortably while existing in a fresh and well designed roof. As for the yard the the mission was also to create a well designed and cosy “nest”

Yard Plan Moodboard

42 Roof Garden and a Yard in Psyri | 2021| unrealised

Yard elevation

Roof Garden elevation 3

Roof Garden elevation 2

Roof Garden Plan

0.75 2.00

0.90 2.00

0.90 2.00

0.90 2.00

0.90 2.00

Roof Garden elevation 1

Roof Garden and a Yard in Psyri | 2021| unrealised 43

Architectural Visualisation-Morning shot of the main room

This is a Family Room located in a luxurious resort in Egypt. The interior space was designed in a way to bring the guest in a dialog with the materiality of the area and synchronize with “earthly vibes”.The pallet of colors, the fabrics, and the texturing was carefully selected in order to create this “earthly” interior.The selection of the furniture and their forms were also designed and put together creating a familiar, and friendly interior for the users of the hotel. Off-white tones, beiges, and greys highlight a boho atmosphere while rustic forms, thick wood sections, and built-in furniture make an experience in between traditional and modern. 44 Family Room in Egypt| 2019 | Team Project

Family Room Plan

Architectural Visualisation-Main room,Corridor

Architectural Visualisation-Morning shot of the second room

Architectural Visualisation-Bathroom

Architectural Visualisation-TV, desk and closet

Family Room in Egypt| 2019 | Team Project 45

Architectural Visualisation-Morning view of the room 1

Architectural Visualisation-Morning view of the room 2

46 Room & Reception in Kefalonia | 2020 | Team Project

Architectural Visualisation-Morning view of the Reception

Room Plan

In this interior you can feel the elegance and the strict luxury of the designed spaces that the client ordered. The style of this Room and Reception in Kefalonia, remains classic and sophisticated but yet modern and open for reinterpretations. The same design strategy was applied in the rooms, the reception, and all over the hotel spaces. The desired hotel experience was achieved through gestures of highend design, a careful selection of architectural elements and furnishing, and a color palette

Architectural Visualisation-Bathroom

Room & Reception in Kefalonia | 2020 | Team Project 47

Architectural Visualisation-The Seating Room

Architectural Visualisation-The Dining room

48 Apartment in Mykonos | 2021 | Team Project



Architectural +43.80 Visualisation- The Bedroom

101 102

TV TV +45.20 +43.80


Apartment Plan

Architectural Visualisation-The Bathroom


Minimal and luxurious elements combined with the white sculptural walls and the clean atmosphere, make an open and fresh interior. Simple and yet contemporary, not too much neither too little, the balance between the decoration and the architectural elements in this project reveil its true character. The Mykonian lifestyle of exclusivity and privatness also exists in this Apartment in Mykonos. The generous character of the space reveals its comfortness, inviting the resident into an airy and bright enviroment. Wooden floors, hidden lights, build-in architectural elements, high end design and luxurious furniture shape this sensual interior. 1.30 2.30

Apartment in Mykonos | 2021 | Team Project 49

“The Sun does not realise how won

50 Ongoing projects

nderful it is until after a room is made” Louis Kahn

Ongoing projects 51

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