360 Oslo Airport Magazine (no. 23): The Playful Edition

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o s lo ai rPo r t M agaZi n E N O 2 3 • j u Ly/Au G u ST 2 01 4

>>> acro flyinG the biggest loops > inDian WeDDinG glitter and gold > the traVeller geir ness > Playful fooD international trends > shoPPinG > aPPs > Wine


40 BanGkok

a guide to the backstreets of thailand's capital.

50 orlanDo

What every kid dreams of: Disney World.

68 lofoten

the biggest playground in norwegian nature.

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The playful eDITIon o

eDitor-in-chief eivind eidslott eivind@dinamo.no

ne MonDay afternoon, i climbed a tree. it had been a long time since i had last done it, much too long, and then i hadn't even gone halfway. i climbed to the very top, where the trunk is smaller and you get a whole new perspective. i could see all the way back to my own childhood. Memories of all the time spent playing outdoors popped up: building a dam in a bubbling mountain stream, making a pine cone animal, launching boats made of bark in a small pond in the forest, building a cabin from bits of scrap lumber, playing football on a vacant lot, racing each other on foot, knowing that Disney World was as remote as the planet Mercury, but playing just the same. Playing the way only children can play. in time, "play" became more advanced. as grown-ups, we call climbing gear "toys." a mountain bike goes into the same category, as do sea kayaks, alpine skis, skates, skateboards, motorcycles, kitchen appliances, gas grills, remote-controlled airplanes and running shoes. and that is good. there should always be room in our lives for playing. the famous norwegian philosopher arne naess sr. was once asked why he started climbing. "i didn’t start," the philospher replied. "it was all the others who stopped."

The eDITor


n ManDaG etterMiDDaG klatret jeg opp i et tre. Det var lenge siden sist – altfor lenge – og jeg stoppet ikke halvveis. jeg klatret helt til topps, der stammen er tynnere, der du får et helt nytt perspektiv. jeg kunne se helt tilbake til min egen barndom. Minnene om alle de ulike utelekene dukket opp: å bygge en demning i en sildrende fjellbekk. Å lage kongledyr. Å sjøsette barkebåter i et lite tjern i skogen. Å bygge ei hytte av gamle plankebiter, spille fotball på løkka, løpe om kapp. Å vite at Disney World er like langt unna som planeten Merkur, men leke likevel. slik bare barn kan leke. senere blir leken gjerne mer avansert. som voksne kaller vi klatreutstyret vårt for leketøy. terrengsykkelen går under den samme benevnelsen. Det samme gjelder havkajakker, seilbrett, alpinski, rulleskøyter, skateboard, motorsykler, kjøkkenmaskiner, gassgriller, fjernstyrte fly og joggesko. og godt er det. Det bør alltid være plass til lek i livet. Den kjente norske filosofen arne næss senior ble en gang spurt om hvorfor han begynte å klatre. «jeg har ikke begynt», svarte filosofen. «det var alle de andre som sluttet.»


Marte GarMann Marte Garmann is an Oslo-based photographer who takes on a range of assignments. She also runs her own publishing house – Garmann Forlag.

freDrik nauMann Photographer Frederik Naumann has covered news, features and conflicts around the world for a variety of newspapers and magazines.

jo strauBe Jo Straube is a freelance photographer who has contributed to major Norwegian newspapers and magazines. He is currently based in Yangon.

kaia eriksen kaia eriksen was formerly a journalist for Norwegian national newspaper Dagbladet. Now, she travels a lot and writes for national newspaper VG.



The playful eDITIon

The cover


oslo aIrporT magazIne no 23 • juLy/AuGuST 2014

360 challenged students at Westerdals school of Communication to create a cover picture for this issue. and the winner is... i denne utgaven utfordret 360 studenter ved Westerdals høyskole til å lage coverbildet. Og vinneren er ...

360 is published by oslo airport Contact OSL: MeTTe SHeTeLIG mette.shetelig@osl.no Managing director Oslo Airport: NIC NILSeN


editor-in-chief eIVIND eIDSLOTT eivind@dinamo.no Design & production DINAMO MAGAZINe 360@dinamo.no

sonDre røe is 21 and

comes from Harstad. He is a second year student in Art Direction at Westerdals School of Communication and works at Acne Studios. He wants to be an advertising man – or maybe something else?

THe WOrk

"I like to work conceptually with advertising, film and art. Visually, my expression is simple and clear. I hate decoration. I like the crossroads of where practicality meets digital."


"I made this after I bought an ice cream and discovered that the popsicle reminded me of a diving board. Then I took a picture of the popsicle and put a man diving on it. each design is printed and cut out before it is put together in a collage. The title is painted in acrylic. everything is further scanned and processed digitally."


sonDre røe er 21 år og

kommer fra Harstad. Han går andreåret på art Direction på Westerdals høyskole og jobber i acne studios. skal bli reklamemann – eller kanskje noe annet?

Translator DOUG MeLLGreN copy editors MArTe MeSNA YASHA WALLIN


– Jeg liker å jobbe konseptuelt med reklame, film og kunst. Visuelt er uttrykket mitt enkelt og tydelig. Jeg hater pynt. Liker krysningen mellom det å jobbe praktisk og digitalt.

repro DINAMO print kroonpress AS e-mail 360@dinamo.no


– Jeg lagde dette etter at jeg kjøpte meg en is og oppdaget at ispinnen minnet om et stupebrett. Deretter tok jeg et bilde av isen og satte på en stupende mann. Hvert motiv er printet og klippet ut før det er satt sammen i en collage. Logotittel er malt med akrylmaling. alt er videre scannet og bearbeidet digitalt.



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>>> ACRO FLYING The biggest loops > INDIAN WEDDING Glitter and gold > THE TRAVELLER Geir Ness > PLAYFUL FOOD International trends > SHOPPING > APPS > WINE



A guide to the backstreets of Thailand's capital.


What every kid dreams of: Disney World.


The biggest playground in Norwegian nature.

360 is published by Dinamo Magazine. The contents of this magazine are fully protected and nothing can be reprinted or reproduced without the expressed permission of the publishers. Special care is taken in compiling the contents of this magazine, but we assume no responsibility for the effects arising therefrom. The publisher does not accept liability for any content used by advertisers in this edition. OSL does not necessarily share the opinions expressed in 360 Magazine.

ISSN 1892-3976



"ViRGiN FOReVeR" (art sEriEs For thE MagaZinE APARTE PAPER.) 541-004 TRYKKSAK





Table of contents Go to




Gate 1

Gate 2

Gate 3



Destination Oslo

Destination Norway

The playful artist: Grafitti art in Shanghai ............ 14

10 best: The best playgrounds in the world.....

What´s on ....................................... 58

News ..................................................... 66

The playful walk: The extraordinary bridge........ 16

The playful celebration: Join an Indian wedding ......... 26

City culture: ................................. 60

The sky is the limit: Playful holidays on the Lofoton Islands .................. 68

The playful bird: The strange habits of a raven.............................................. 18

The traveller: Geir Ness ........................................... 36


City secrets: Bangkok ............................................. 40 GO! Swinging charity .............. 48 World of Mousecraft: Visit Disney World ..................... 50 Travel apps .................................... 54




City living: The toy store .................................. 62 Food: Playing with fire............................. 64

GO! Norways most advanced toys ............................... 74 Gateway to the Northern Lights: Where to see the magic in the air .............................. 76

Photo Mattias Fredriksson





Gate 4

Gate 5

Gate 6

Gate 7





Photo documentary: The playful people ..................... 95

Playing with food: The international way of cooking ............................. 110

News ..................................................

News .....................................................


Cloud dancer: Acro flying above Norway................. 84 GO! Living in a 727 .................... 80

Wine: Gert Nygårdshaug ................... 118

Three hours: Istanbul Airport ................................ 90

Shopping: Fashion fun ................................... 120

Aviation history: The playful flight ............................ 92


GO! Meet Felix&Fiona ..................... 130 Yellow pages: OSL.......................................................


Afterword: Joachim Førsund..................... 138



g 1

ImagInaTIon the playful edition

The playful arTIsT singapore this mural was created by the lithuanian artist Ernest Zacharevic. the image appears on a private estate in victoria street in singapore. Zacharevic has gained many admirers since he started doing these graffitistyle paintings in the otherwise grafitti-hostile city of singapore. Dette veggmaleriet er signert den litauiske kunstneren ernest Zacharevic. Bildet er malt på en privat eiendom ved Victoria street i singapore. Zacharevic har fått mange beundrerer etter at han begynte med slike graffitimalerier i den ellers så grafittifiendtlige byen singapore. ››› zachas.com



Photo Ernest Zacharevic




G 2 1

Hovedsak IMAGINATION The playful edition



phoTo CORBis


The playful Walk Duisburg, germany Walking along this elevated pathway by german artists heike Mutter and ulrich Genth is like being on a roller coaster. The 21-metre-high sculptural walkway is named "tiger and turtle" – Magic Mountain and sits on a hilltop in Duisburg, germany. Vandringen langs denne opphøyde gangbroen, signert de tyske kunstnere Heike mutter og Ulrich Genth, er som å være på en berg-og dalbane. Den 21 meter høye skulpturelle gangveien heter «tiger and turtle – magic mountain» og er plassert på en bakketopp i Duisburg, tyskland. ››› tigerandturtle.duisburg.de



g 1

ImagInaTIon the playful edition

The playful bIrD in recent years, biologists have recognised that birds engage in play. common juvenile ravens are among the most playful of bird species. they have been observed to slide down snowbanks, apparently purely for fun. they even partake in games with other species, such as playing catch-me-if-you-can with wolves, otters and dogs. i de senere årene har biologer funnet ut at fugler deltar i lek. Vanlige ravner er blant de mest lekne av alle fuglearter. De har blitt observert mens de sklir ned snøflanker – tilsynelatende kun for moro skyld. De engasjerer seg gjerne selv i lek med andre arter, som for eksempel å spille fang-meg-hvis-du-kan med ulver, oter og hunder. ››› wikipedia.com



Photo Gettyimages



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Your hair loss stops and at the same time you see new hair Ny pille kan styrke ditt hår oghair. din Your selvtillit. becomes much heavier Your hair loss stops and and thicker hårtykkelsen med 22.5% i løpet av ni måneder og at the same time you see official 38.7% etter 18 måneder. Håret blir fyldigere website,ditt and ships worldwide. TRX2 er for øyeblikket Europas mest populære new hair. Your hair www.trx2.com supplement for hårtap og blir solgt i over 100 land. og tykkere. Du beholder contact@trx2.com Det fungerer for menn og kvinner i alle aldre. Prisen becomes much heavier Oxford Biolabs Ltd, ligger rundt NOK 400 (€49) per pilleglass (måned). ditt and thicker The Oxfordsunne Science Park,hår. Oxford, UK Produsenten tilbyr en ‘pengene tilbake’ garanti


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Places you shoulD Go anD thinGs you shoulD knoW >>> 26 iNDiaN WeDDiNG > 36 tHe tRaVeLLeR > 50 ORLaNDO

MinneaPolis, usa

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g 2

InspIraTIon 10 best


Best PlayGrounDs in the WorlD (or hoW to Make your kiDs Want to traVel) TexT Per ASBJØrN rISNeS Jr. phoTo COrBIS

1. DraGon GarDen, Paris In the Parque de la Villette in Paris, nature, art and technology meet in 12 different gardens. The Garden of the Dragon is the most spectacular with a 30-metre (nearly 100-foot) slide. i Parque Villette midt i Paris møter naturen kunst og teknologi i 12 forskjellige hager. Dragehagen er den mest spektakulære med en 30 meter lang sklie. >>> villette.com



2. Princess Diana Memorial Playground, London

og betongsøylene står igjen. Spanske Basurama inviterte lokalbefolkningen til å lage et nytt sted. Sammen bygget de en lekeplass av resirkulerte bildekk og andre bildeler. >>> basurama.org 4. Britzer garden, Berlin

In Kensington Gardens, near Princess Diana's former home, this fenced playground ­features a huge pirate ship, small teepees, wooden bridges and sculptures to play on. Midt i Kensington Gardens, like ved Prinsesse Dianas tidligere bosted, ligger den inngjerdede lekeplassen med et digert piratskip, små tipier, trebroer og lekeskulpturer. >>> royalparks.co.uk 3. Ghost Train Park, Lima

Berlin is bustling with great playgrounds, and this is one of the best. It has huge gardens with numerous play areas, including a maze, a massive world map and an area where ­children can dig and build. Et av Berlins mange fine ­lekeområder. Enorme hager med flere lekeplasser, inkludert en labyrint, et enormt verdenskart og et leireområde der barn kan grave og bygge selv. >>> gruen-berlin.de 5. Children's Island, Prague Dětský ostrov, or Children's­ Island, is a fenced-in playground in the middle of the Vltava River with a view of Prague's famous Charles Bridge. Older children can go to neighboring Strelecky Ostrov and try its fantastic log. Detsky Ostrov, eller barneøya, er en inngjerdet lekeplass midt i Vltava-elven med utsikt til Prahas berømte Karlsbro. Større barn kan dra til naboøya Strelecky Ostrov, som har en fin hinderløype av trestokker.

Designed by an architect and built by hiring the unemployed, this park has an organic playground, rivers, green islands and a 200 metre (650 foot) long wood bridge that hovers above the ground. Arkitekt-skapt park bygget av arbeidsledige, med organiske lekeapparater, elver, grønne øyer og en 200 meter lang trebro som flyter over bakken. >>> sansehaver.dk 7. The Land, Wales A dump that children played in anyway became a free playground two years ago, allowing kids to build, create, ravage, burn and wreck to their heart’s content under gentle super­ vision. Opprinnelig en lokal fylling som barna lekte i likevel. For to år siden ble det gjort om til et fritt lekeområde der barn kan bygge, skape, herje, leke, brenne og ødelegge så mye de vil. Kun med lett oppsyn av lekevakter. >>> avow.org 8. Takino Hillside National Park Playground, Tokyo

The electric train never reached Lima, but its tracks and concrete pillars remain in place. The Spanish firm Basuramen invited locals to join in building a playground from recycled car parts and tires. Det elektriske toget kom aldri til Lima, men sporene

This playground is in the ­ entre of Stavanger, outside c the city’s oil museum. It was was designed by architects Helen & Hard and made from recycled, oil industry equipment. Lekeplass midt i Stavanger sentrum på kaien like utenfor oljemuseet. Området er tegnet av arkitektene Helen & Hard og konstruert av resirkulerte materialer fra oljeindustrien. >>> norskolje.museum.no 10. Gulliver's Children Park, Valencia

This playground, on a hillside outside Tokyo, was designed to give children living in urban environments a taste of the ­wilderness. Bonus: it has a ­giant moon-shaped trampoline. Lekepark med en diger måneformet trampoline i en åsside utenfor Tokyo. Opp­-­ rinnelig laget for å gi urbane barn en gradvis følelse av villmark.

This park was built as a t­ ribute to Jonathan Swift's classic children's book. A huge model of Gulliver is tied to the ground with rope. Children pretend to be Lilleputs as they climb his legs and slide down his hair. Parken ble bygget som en hyllest til Jonathan Swift sin klassiske barnebok. Gulliver er bygget i gigantstørrelse og bundet til sanden, slik at barna kan oppleve å være lilleputter som klatrer på beina og sklir ned håret hans.

>>> tlp.co.jp

>>> valencia-cityguide.com

>>> praguewelcome.cz 6. Valbyparken Nature Playground, Copenhagen

9. Geo Park, Stavanger



G 2

Inspiration Indian wedding

Playful wedding. There aren’t many quiet moments during the four day wedding celebration in New Delhi.




the playful celebration Text and photo Kristin Olsen Folsland

We are among 300 guests at a wild New Delhi wedding party. Vi ble en av de 300 gjestene under en spinnvill bryllupsfeiring i New Delhi.



G 2

Indian wedding



(1) Getting ready. The bride has to put on a different outfit and fresh makeup for each new ceremony. (2) Patience. While 300 guests are well into the celebration, the bride has to wait patiently until she is allowed into the party.


here’s the bride? It’s 10 o’clock. Isn’t it time for the ceremony?” asks a dressed up Norwegian at the Hotel Royal Plaza in downtown New Delhi. We are waiting for the ceremony as well as for the bride, Dipali Gosain. She’s nowhere to be seen. Today is the fourth and final day of wedding celebrations, and we are starting to get the picture. “They probably meant 10 o’clock Indian time,” I say. After having joined a variety of programs and festivities in India's capital over the past few days, we should have known that the concept of 10 a.m. sharp does not exist here. Shortly afterwards, the mother of the bride comes along and let’s us know that the ceremony will start at 11. It actually starts just before noon.

Indian weddings are known for being spectacular and l­avish – with gold and glitter, colourful clothes, ­garlands, music, dance and vast quantities of food. Wedding traditions­ vary greatly, depending on a family’s region, religion and economic­status. Often, the two families divide the hosting of various feasts and ceremonies between them. Tradition­ ally, most marriages in India were arranged, but “love ­marriages” are becoming more and more common. One thing remains the same: Indian weddings go on and on, lasting for days on end.




vor er bruden? Klokka er ti. Skal ikke seremonien

begynne nå? spør en av de festkledte nordmennene som sitter i lobbyen på Hotel Royal Plaza i sentrum av New Delhi. Vi venter på at en bryllupseremoni skal starte,­og den vi venter på, er bruden: Dipali Gosain. Hun er ikke å se. I dag er det finale på den fire dager lange bryllups­ feiringen, og vi begynner å skjønne tegninga. – Det er nok ment klokka 10, indian time, sier jeg. Etter å ha vært med på diverse opplegg og festligheter de siste dagene her i Indias hovedstad, burde vi vel alle skjønt at ti sharp – det eksisterer ikke her til lands. Ikke lenge etter kommer brudens mor og forteller at ­seremonien skal begynne klokka 11. Sånn litt før tolv er seremonien i gang.

Indiske bryllup er kjent for å være spektakulære og over­ dådige – med gull og glitter, fargerike klær, blomster­kranser, musikk, dans og store mengder mat. Bryllup­stradisjonene er likevel svært ulike avhengig av hvor i ­landet man ­befinner seg, hvilken religion man tilhører og hva slags økono­ misk ­situasjon familiene er i. Ofte deler de to involverte familiene­på å arrangere de ulike festene og seremoniene. Tradisjonelt har det blitt inngått mest arrangerte ekteskap i India­, mens det nå til dags er mer og mer vanlig med såkalte «kjærlighets­ekteskap».



(1) In focus. Women from the bridegroom's family flock around the bride and shower her with gifts during the ring ceremony. (2) Bridegroom's speech. Half-Norwegian bridegroom Willy Sharma holds a speech and then launches into a whopping rendition of the Bollywood tune "Chammak Challo" to the delight of the guests. (3) Shake your booty. The bride and groom cut loose on the dance floor.





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Indian wedding

Engagement. In the Shagun ceremony, the couple exchanges rings.




I look like a Christmas tree!

Jeg ser ut som et juletre!

The bride, dipali gosain

bruden, Dipali Gosain

The wedding celebration day by day Act 1: Norwegian-style ­welcome brunch On the first day, the couple invited long-distance travellers from Norway to a get acquainted over brunch.

was born and raised in Norway, with Indian parents. Her betrothed, Willy Sharma, has a Norwegian mother and an Indian father, and also always lived in Nor­ way. Since Indian traditions remain strong in both families, the couple decided to ­exchange vows in New Delhi. It’s a "small" wedding, with "only" 300 guests. Indian rela­ tives are glad that the couple decided to get married here, as are the Norwegian guests, since seeing India like this is an unparalleled cultural experience. The bride gets out of bed, into her sari. Then the Batna ceremony can be performed, in which she is adorned with several red bracelets – chooras – worn for at least 40 days or until they fall off. Afterwards, guests line up and wait their turn to smear a mix­ ture of turmeric,­flour and oil on her face to ensure beauty. When the morning ceremony is over, you have just enough time for a catnap, until it starts all over again with another round of playful pomp and ceremony. It takes stamina to be an Indian wedding guest.

Men én ting er likt – uansett hvilket indisk bryllup du går i: Feiringen varer og varer. I flere dager til ende.

Our bride

The bride herself is now in the hotel room, getting ready for the evening’s party. She will wear a beautiful red outfit called "ka lengha". The outfit consists of a long, gold-embroidered­skirt, a short top and a matching shawl. The bride has gold jewel­ lery around her neck and on her fingers, ears and forehead. Long, intricate ornamental creations­dangle from her wrists. “I look like a Christmas tree,” says Gosain and laughs. The clock is ticking and the big night is approaching, yet the hairdresser is still not here. He should have been here an hour and

Act 2: Day off Just hop into a rickshaw in the bustling, narrow streets to visit tailors and markets. Buy Indian festive attire.

er født og oppvokst i Norge, med indiske foreldre. Den utkårede – Willy Sharma­– har norsk mor og indisk far, og har også bodd hele sitt liv i Norge. Siden de indiske­tradisjonene står sterkt i begge ­familier, har paret bestemt seg for å gifte seg i New Delhi. Det legges opp til et «lite» bryllup,­med «bare» 300 gjester. Den indiske slekta er glade for brudeparets valg om å gifte seg her, det samme er de norske gjestene. Å få oppleve India på dette viset er en kultur­ opplevelse utenom det vanlige. Bruden kommer seg opp av senga, inn i sarien­og Batna-seremonien kan gjennom­ føres. Her blir hun påsatt mange røde armbånd,­chooras, som skal bæres i minimum 40 ­dager – eller helt til de faller av. ­Deretter står gjestene­på rekke og rad og venter på tur til å smøre en blanding av gurkemeie, mel og olje i ansiktet hennes. Dette for å bringe skjønnhet. Når formiddagsseremonien er over, er det akkurat tid til en liten cowboystrekk før det er det på’n igjen. Mer leken stas og ståhei i vente. Det gjelder virkelig å ha god feststamina­når man er gjest i indisk bryllup.

Vår brud

Bruden selv er nå på hotellrommet og gjør seg klar for kveldens fest. Hun skal ha på seg et vakkert, rødt antrekk som kalles «ka lengha».­­Antrekket består av et langt, gull­ brodert skjørt, en kort topp og et matchende sjal. Bruden har gullsmykker rundt hals og fingre, i ørene og i panna. Lange, prydfulle kreasjoner dingler fra håndleddene hennes. – Jeg ser ut som et juletre, sier Dipali ­latter­mildt.

Act 3: Shagun Ceremony The groom's family hosts an engagement ceremony, where the couple puts rings on each other's fingers. The bride and groom receive gifts from each other's families, and by accepting gifts, called shagun, the bride is accepted into the groom's family. Act 4: Mehndi night The bride and groom have separate parities for their own friends and family. In keeping with a 5,000-year-old tradition, the bride's hands and feet are painted with henna paint to bring good luck. Act 5: Shaadi This is the actual wedding day. In the morning, the two families have separate ceremonies, before the big party begins at night. The wedding ceremony, Saat phere, is performed by a priest. The bride and groom exchange seven vows that bind them as a couple. Finally, everyone at the wedding goes through an important ceremony called Doli. Morning After: Family Fest in Old Delhi The day after the wedding, a small number of immediate family gather to perform rituals, play games and shower the bride with gifts and compliments from her new in-laws.



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Indian wedding



(1) Mendhi night. The bride’s hands and feet are adorned with henna paint to ensure happiness. (2) Beauty ceremony. The bride’s face is smeared with a mixture of turmeric, flour and oil as a beauty treatment.


a half ago. His clock also seems to run on Indian time. One of the bride's girlfriends calls and gives him a serious talking to. Even though the conversation is in Hindi, it is not hard to grasp the message: “Get a move on!” The talk appears to help, because the hairdresser and his helper soon appear. With blow-drying, trimming and styling underway in earnest on the 10th floor, the rhythmic beating of drums can be heard in the streets below. A loud procession is approaching. It’s called a "Baraat,” and is when the groom and his family lead the husband-tobe along the streets to the wedding feast. The groom can be seen above the singing and dancing crowd. He is mounted on a white horse, adorned with a gold embroidered blanket, with white plume on his forehead. The groom rides like a prince, handsome and dressed in white. Prince Willy is on a mission, and today he will marry the love of his life. The groom has to work hard to get into the party. True to tradition, he must convince the bride's sister that he is good enough, and he must offer her a sum of money to buy the bride. After an intense round of bidding, Sharma is finally allowed through the gate. It’s late evening, about 10 p.m. before the actual wedding ­ceremony, or "Saat p here," starts. This is the most impor­ tant of the many wedding ceremonies. A priest sits on the floor with the bride and groom under a party tent decorated

Klokka tikker og den store kvelden nærmer seg. Nå er det


bare én som mangler. Hvor blir det av frisøren? Det er halv­ annen time siden han skulle ha vært her. Det er tydelig at også hans klokke er innstilt etter indian time. En av brudens venninner ringer og tar en alvorsprat med vedkommende. Selv om samtalen foregår på hindi, er det ikke vanskelig å forstå budskapet. – Få opp farta! Det ser ut til å hjelpe – ikke lenge etterpå dukker f­ risøren og hans hjelper opp. Og mens det fønes, fikses og friseres her oppe i 10. etasje, høres taktfaste trommer fra gaten­ utenfor. En høylytt prosesjon er på vei. «Baraat» kalles det når ­brudgommens venner og familie geleider brud­ gommen g­atelangs på vei til bryllupsfesten. Midt i det syngende og dansende menneskemylderet troner brud­ gommen. Ridende­på en hvit hest som er pyntet med gull­ brodert ­dekken og en hvit fjær i panna, sitter han som en prins. Hvitkledt og vakker. På hodet bærer han en paghri, en slags krone, med en fjær. Prins Willy er på tokt, og i dag skal ­prinsessen kapres! Brudgommen må virkelig anstrenge seg for å komme inn på festområdet. Tradisjonen tro må han overbevise brudens­søster om at han er god nok, og han må tilby henne en penge­sum som for å få kjøpe ut bruden. Etter en heftig ­budrunde slipper Willy til slutt gjennom porten.



(3) Prince on his way. The groom arrives on a white horse in a noisy procession.

five favourites in india 2. Kerala

3. Darjeeling

4. Varanasi

5. Goa

The giant white marble palace in the city of Agra is one of India's major tourist attractions and is on UNESCO's World H ­ eritage List. The majestic­structure was created between 1632 and 1653 and was built on the orders of Mughal ruler Shah Jahan. The mausoleum was erected in memory of his late wife. If you visit the Taj Mahal, arrive early. Lines get long fast.

In the Indian state of Kerala, you can take trips lasting several days on a houseboat in a large delta area comprised of lakes and lagoons. The landscape is green and lush, and there is an abundance of birds and wildlife. The state of Kerala has the highest literacy rate in India. Residents are highly educated and politically active. The capital of Kerala is called Trivandrum.

The former British ­ olonial town is at an c elevation of over 2,100 metres (6,890 feet) in West Bengal. Popular Darjeeling tea is still grown here on plantations founded by the British in the late 1800s. On a clear day, you can see the world's third highest mountain, Kanchenjunga, from here. Darjeeling is a great base for hiking in the eastern Himalayas.

On the banks of the Ganges, this city is ­considered sacred and an important pilgrimage ­centre for Hindus. Bathing in the Ganges is consi­ der­ed cathartic. Bathing areas, called ghats, and cremation sites are found side by side along the river in Varanasi. The city of about 1.2 million people has some 1,500 Hindu temples, a large textile industry and many bazaars. Varanasi is also known for its many yoga centres.

Goa is a great place for a time-out on a long, white beach, and is known for excellent cuisine, with much use of coconut and fish. You can stay in a cosy straw hut for 40 kroner (euro 4.80) a night, while watching the sun sink behind the horizon while a flock of dolphins play far out to sea. If you want to party, head north to Baga beach.

photos corbis

1. Taj Mahal



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Indian wedding

Facts New Delhi Population of nearly 18 million. One of the world's fastest growing cities. Hinduism is the major religion. New Delhi took over as the capital of India in 1911 after Kolkata. Getting around: New Delhi has a wellfunctioning­metro. Be aware that it can get crowded and very cramped. There is a separate­ticket queue and ­carriage for women. Busses, taxis and rickshaws are other modes of transport. Avoid rush hour when crossing town because you can get stuck for hours. Shopping: Connaught Place is the centre of shopping in New Delhi, with fashion accessories, electronics, fancy restaurants, and more. Janpath is a good choice if you like markets, offering handicrafts, clothes, shoes, jewellery and more. Hectic Chandni Chowk in Old Delhi is an exciting area with narrow shopping streets and small markets. You can find ­everything you need plus everything you didn’t know you needed, here. Accommodation: Prices for accommodation in New Delhi range from a 10s of kroner (a few euro) for simple hostels to thousands at the up Shangri-La Hotel. Check reviews on TripAdvisor.

Newlyweds. After four days of celebration, the couple can finally call themselves husband and wife.

with flowers. Close family sit around them in a circle, with the flames of a small fire ­flickering. There is a bowl full of bananas, flower petals, spices and money. Incense is lit, and waifs into the cool, dark city night. The sounds of a constantly noisy capital can be heard in the distance.

Bruden er ikke like heldig.

Soon the couple gets up and walks in a c­ ircle around the fire while holding hands. They round the circle seven times, with the priest reading wedding vows from a small book. When the seventh round is completed, and the last vow is read, the two are husband and wife.

Hun får ennå ikke vise seg for forsamlingen. Mens det skravles og skråles og sosialiseres, må hun sitte inne på hotellrommet og vente. Først langt ut på kvelden, i 22-tiden, finner­ selve vielsen, eller «Saat phere», sted. Dette er den aller viktigste av de mange bryllup­ seremoniene. En prest sitter på gulvet sammen med brudeparet under et blomster­ pyntet party-telt. I en ring rundt sitter den nærmeste familien. Flammene fra et lite bål blafrer foran dem. På en skål ligger en banan, blomsterblader, krydder og penger. Røkelse er tent, og siver opp i den kjølige, mørke stor­ bynatten. Lydene fra en konstant larmende hovedstad høres i det fjerne.

opp og går i ring rundt bålet mens de holder hverandre­ i hendene. Sju ganger går de slik, og for hver runde leser presten opp et bryllupsløfte fra en liten bok. Når den syvende runden er gjennomført, og det siste løftet lest opp, er de to blitt mann og kone.

Snart reiser brudeparet seg

Fastest way there New Delhi: To New Delhi Indira

Gandhi International Airport via Helsinki with Finnair (from 8 hours, 45 minutes).



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INSPIRATION The traveller

Norwegian in LA. “It is important to get away from home a bit. Many children today have parents watching over them all the time, and they become closed off in the end,� says Geir Ness, a famous Norwegian fragrance designer.





Fragrance designer Geir Ness, 46, never leaves a hotel room messy, since he used to clean them. Parfymegründer Geir Ness (46) klarer ikke å forlate et uryddig hotellrom. Han har selv levd av å vaske dem.



was Geir Ness’ ticket out into in the n hvit løgn førte Geir Ness ut i verden. Etter world. After his first vacation with friends, the sin første venneferie stilte Bekkelaget-gutten til Oslo native interviewed for a job as a travel guide jobbintervju­for å bli reiseleder på Mallorca. I on M ­ ajorca. He won out over several hundred applicants konkurr­anse med flere hundre uten å kunne et ord spansk. ­without k ­ nowing a word of Spanish. – Så jeg sa at jeg var flytende, minnes Geir Ness og hugger “I said I was fluent,” recalls Ness, digging in to a vegetable inn i en grønnsaksfylt eggehviteomelett på et av sine gamle filled egg-white omlet at one of his old Hollywood haunts. stamsteder i Hollywood. The man behind the colognes "Laila" and "Geir" used to Gründeren bak parfymene «Laila» og «Geir» pleide å bo live in the neighborhood under the Hollywood sign before her i strøket nedenfor Hollywood-skiltet før han fikk New he ended up with New York, Miami and Palm Springs as his York, Miami og Palm Springs som hovedbaser. I fjor hadde main bases. Last year, he travelled 317 days, but his most han 317 reisedøgn, men den viktigste reisen startet med en ­important journey started with a w ­ hite lie that ended up løgn som ikke bare skulle gi Geir Ness reise­lederjobb. getting Ness far more than just a tour – Det er interessant å se hvordan man guide job. kan komme seg videre ved å virkelig ville­ “It's all about seing how far you can noe. Jeg kunne ikke spansk, men jeg BEST TRAVEL TIP get by really wanting something. I hadde innmari lyst til å bli reiseleder og couldn’t speak Spanish, but I wanted­ visste at jeg kunne klare jobben. Slik var Travel simple and light. Avoid so badly to be a tour guide and knew det med parfymen min, også. Hadde jeg layovers if you can. I always try not I could do the job. It was the same ikke visst at det ville gå bra, hadde jeg ikke to check my luggage, at least if I am headed for a beach vacation thing with my fragrances. If I hadn’t satset. Motivasjonen min er ikke å tjene and do not need much. And turn felt sure it would have gone well, I penger, men å skape noe selv. off the phone! I have my own wouldn’t have bet on it. My motivation­ business, but for two weeks I turn isn’t to make money, but rather to everything off. create­something by myself,” he says. DA HAN KOM frem til Magaluf, ante ikke Geir Ness hvor på øya han var. Neste ­morgen måtte han improvisere ved å tolke kart og snakke WHEN HE GOT TO the resort town of Magaluf, Ness had no idea where on the island he was. The next morning he tullespansk når han booket taxi for en svensk turistfamilie. ­improvised by reading maps and talking "Spanish gibber­ Det endte med forfremmelse etter at svenskene skamroste ish" when booking a taxi for a Swedish family. It ended with Geir i et brev. – Det er viktig å komme litt bort hjemmefra. Mange barn ­a promotion after the Swedes showered praise on Geir in a i dag har foreldrene over seg hele tiden, de blir lukkete letter. “It is important to get a away from home a bit. Many mennesker­etter hvert, mener Ness. Blant favorittreisemålene hans er Maui, Lima, Buenos children­today have parents watching them all the time, and Aires, Barcelona og Paris. Men aller helst drar han til Puerto they become closed people in the end,” says Ness. Among his favorite destinations are Maui, Lima, Buenos Vallarta i Mexico eller til Mallorca. – Jeg elsker Spania! Mallorca har en helt spesiell plass Aires, Barcelona and Paris. But best of all is Puerto Vallarta i hjertet mitt. Å ligge på en strand, slappe av og ikke tenke in Mexico or Majorca. white lie



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The traveller

People think I'm crazy when I say that I travel to Majorca to get away from people.

Folk tror at jeg er gal når jeg sier at jeg reiser til Mallorca for å slippe unna mennesker.

Geir Ness

Geir Ness

“I love Spain!” he says. “Majorca has a very special place på noen ting. Folk tror at jeg er gal når jeg sier at jeg reiser in my heart. Lying on a beach, relaxing and not thinking til Mallorca for å slippe unna mennesker, men jeg går på about anything. People think I'm crazy when I say that I stranden­før andre. Jeg pleier å ta med frokost og slappe av travel to Majorca to get away from people but I head for the før jeg trekker meg tilbake. beach before the others. I usually bring breakfast and relax Selv tror han mange familieferier kunne vært reddet om before I leave again.” ambisjonsnivået hadde vært lavere. I stedet for å stresse He believes many family holidays could be saved by småbarn rundt i storbyer eller fornøyelsesparker, vil Geir having lower ambitions. Instead of dragging stressed Ness slå et slag for den gode, gamle sydenturen: ­ toddlers around big cities or amusement parks, Ness is an – Familier bør dra der de kan kose seg og slippe bort fra advocate for the tried-and-true beach holiday. mas. Ferie skal være kos! “Families should go where they can enjoy ­themselves and get away from the TURISTMAGNETEN MALLORCA mener hustle and bustle. A vacation­should be Ness er unik. BEST VACATION TIP enjoyable,” he says. – Innbyggerne er ikke stresset som resten av Europa, de har en godhet, Go to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. It is on the West Coast where you trygghet og er følsomme. De er ikke THE TOURIST MAGNET MAJORCA is have a combination of the old bare på telefonen hele tiden. Spanjolene unique, says Ness. and new Mexico. Mexico has a tjener­jo ingenting, men de yter service. “The people of Majorca aren’t as bad reputation because of all the Natten før intervjuet var flyet hans stressed out as in the rest of Europe. cartels, but I find it to be a lovely place. Mexicans are happy and fra Miami til L.A. fire timer forsinket, They have an air of kindness, confi­ service minded. They live simply men det velger forretningsmannen å dence and sensitivity. They are not on and are beautiful people who will snu til sin fordel ved å observere andre the phone all the time. The Spaniards do anything to give you the time reisende­. Under «Laila»-­promoteringen earn nothing, but they provide service,” of your life. i 1998 var den tidligere skuespilleren­ he says. og modellen så fattig at han stilte på The night before the interview, his plane from Miami to LA was four hours late, something the lansering­i en bruktdress til fem dollar­. Han tok melkeruter businessman turned to his advantage by watching other rundt i USA på de billigste flybillettene, delte felles­motell­ ­passengers. While promoting his fragrance "Laila" in 1998, bad med prostituerte og smuglet med seg ekstra smørbrød the former actor and model was so broke that he a­ ppeared når han fikk gratis servering. En fortid som hotell­rengjører at the launch in a used, five dollar suit. He took cumbersome gjør at Geir alltid legger igjen tips eller en gave på ­hodeputen. – Hva har reisingen lært deg? travels around the United States on the cheapest flights, and – Å like meg selv og være ok med å være alene. Reising shared a common motel bathroom with prostitutes. Also, as a former hotel room cleaner, he always leaves a tip or a gift lærer deg også å behandle andre. Du lærer å lese folk kvikt. – Har reisingen en pris? on the pillow. – Prisen er at det er vanskelig å ha et forhold. Når man He says travelling has taught him “to like myself and be okay with being alone. Travelling teaches you how to treat reiser­så mye som meg, må man kanskje være sammen med noen som reiser selv. Så kan man heller møtes underveis. others. You learn to read people quickly.” But he conceeds there is a price to so much travel: “It is difficult to have a relationship. When you travel as much as me, maybe you have to be with someone who also travels a lot, so you can meet somewhere along the way.” 38


• >

Love of travel. “Families should go where they can enjoy themselves and get away from the hustle and bustle. A vacation should be enjoyable,” Geir Ness says.



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inspiration City secrets

Your playful weekend in

Bangkok Text and photo jo straube

Bangkok has gone from being a place you fly past to a place to go for a city holiday. Bangkok har gått fra å være stedet du flyr forbi, til å bli stedet du burde dra på storbyferie.




Shopping for all / Shopping for alle Shopping in Bangkok includes everything from luxury cars in glass cases to antiques you buy on the street after sunset. Shopping i Bangkok innebærer alt fra luksuriøse biler utstilt i glassmontere til antikviteter du kjøper på gata etter solnedgang.

Concept Shopping / Konseptshopping

kopi av bamsen til Mister Bean og bli tatt bilde av foran en toetasjes buss. Tokyo-etasjen byr på fotomuligheter foran den største vinkende katten du har sett. Og de har en 36 meter lang rulletrapp. A day in China / En dag i Kina

Terminal 21 2,88 Sukhumvit Soi 19 (Wattana) Sukhumvit Rd. ››› terminal21.co.th At the entrance to the shopping centre "Terminal­ 21," a man stands at attention­. His uniform is white, with a captain’s hat and gloves. He escorts you through security. And now you are ready to discover the world, spread out over nine floors. On the London floor, you can buy a copy of Mr Bean’s Teddy Bear, and have your picture taken in front of a double-decker bus. The Tokyo floor offers photo opportunities with the biggest waving cat you've ever seen. And they have a 36-metre (118-foot) long escalator. Ved inngangen til shopping­senteret «Terminal­21» står det en mann i stram givakt. Uniformen hans er kritt­hvit med tilhørende kapteins­lue og hansker. Han geleider deg gjennom sikkerhetskontrollen. Og nå er du klar for å opp­­ dage hele verden, fordelt på ni etasjer. I Londonetasjen kan du kjøpe en

Yaowarat Road is the area’s main road. Chinatown in Bangkok is not exceptional. It is pretty much like Chinatowns anywhere, but it is always exciting to wander among red lanterns and neon signs with Chinese characters, with cheap food and great shopping. Plus, you can drop by the temples Wat Mangkon Kamalawat and Wat Traimit. Chinatown i Bangkok er ikke eksepsjonelt. Det er ganske likt chinatown i andre byer, men det er jo alltid spennende med en travetur blant røde lykter og neonskilt med kinesiske tegn. Billig mat og finfine shopping­ muligheter. I tillegg kan du stikke innom templene Wat Mangkon Kamalawat og Wat Traimit.

Peace in the centre / Ro i sentrum Centre Point Silom 1552/2 Soi 50 ­Charoenkrung Rd. ››› centrepoint.com This hotel is an ideal base for shopping, ­centrally located, near ­canal boats and the Skytrain. Plus, the hotel shares a building with a shopping center. Best of all are all the recreational offerings. You can lay by the pool and be waited on until well after sunset. Dette hotellet er et ideelt utgangspunkt for shopping. Du bor rett ved både kanalbåter og skytrain. I tillegg ligger hotellet i samme bygg som et shoppingsenter. Det beste av alt er likevel rekreasjonsmulighetene.

Her kan du slange deg ned ved bassengkanten og bli oppvartet til langt etter solnedgang. Cost of luxury / Luksusdyrt

Siam Paragon BTS (Skytrain stop) Siam Rama 1 Road, Pathumwan ››› siamparagon.co.th

You can easily reach the shopping area Siam with the Skytrain. Even before chugging into the station, you’ll see the exclusive centres of glass and ­concrete. This is where you can buy a Rolls Royce or a book written by Jo Nesbø. It also has clothing­, including­ inter­national designer­brands and cheaper varieties but it is generally more expensive than most of Bangkok. Du kommer lett til shopping­området Siam med Skytrain. Allerede før du tøffer inn på stasjonen kommer de eksklusive sentrene i glass og betong­ til syne. Her kan du kjøpe en hvit Rolls Royce eller en bok skrevet av Jo Nesbø. De har også klær, både internasjonale­ designer­­ merker og billigere­ varianter­. Men alt er dyrere enn de fleste andre steder i Bangkok.



G 2

City secrets

Fleas and flashlights / Lopper og lommelykter

Khlong Thom Market/ Flashlight market Luang Rd, Charoen Krung Rd, Worachak Rd and Suape Rd. You can buy everything you never knew you needed­here. A guitar without­strings, neon signs, a rickshaw, framed


photos of strangers or a plastic soft ice cream. The real fun is shopping in the dark with the the complimentary flashlights they provide. Her kan du kjøpe alt du aldri har tenkt på at du trenger. Gitar uten strenger, neonskilt, rickshaw, innrammede bilder av folk du ikke ­kjenner eller en plastsofis? Det m ­ orsomme er at s ­ hoppingen foregår i ­mørket, og samtlige shoppere er utstyrt med lommelykt! Street Sales / Gatesalg Nana BTS / Skytrain stop Sukhumvit Soi 9


If you happen to get off the Skytrain at the Nana Station, head down to street level. Take a seat at the football pub ­over­looking the stalls, and just watch. This is where

they sell sex toys, valium and viagra! Hvis du tilfeldigvis går av på skytrain-stasjonen Nana i løpet av ferien, bør du ta en tur ned på gateplan. Sett deg på

f­ otballpuben med utsikt mot salgsbodene og observer. Her selges det sexleketøy, valium og viagra!


Thai food mania / Thaimatmani Your tastebuds will love a tour of Thailand's capital. Ganen din kan med god grunn glede seg til en rundreise i Thailands hovedstad.

lot of interesting small dishes to test on your tastebuds. Gå ikke glipp av andekjøttvaffelen og ­hibiskuspunsjen! Her spiser og drikker du deg mett for 500 norske ­kroner i trendy ­omgivelser. Ha med deg noen gode venner og bestill litt av alt. Her er det mange ­interessante småretter å teste tunga på. Street Smart / Gatesmart

ghet til å få en lokal venn! Kom i snakk med de som sitter rundt deg. Gjør for all del dette, uavhengig av hvilket budsjett­du reiser på. Det er en severdighet, i tillegg til et billig måltid. Let, og du vil finne din favoritt! Nice view / Gode utsikter Restaurant Zoom 4 Zoom 5 Soi Lang Wang, Wang Lang Market, Siriraj With the wind in your hair and stunning views,

Thai tapas / Thailandsk tapas Restaurant Mess ­Opposite Hall 27/1 Sukhumvit Soi 51, 2nd Floor ››› oppositebangkok.com

Don’t miss the duck ­ affle or the hibiscus w punch. You can eat and drink your fill here for the equivilant of 500 kroner (60 euro) in a trendy ­setting. Bring good friends and order a bit of ­everything. There are a

enjoy a ridiculously cheap meal at this gem of a local eatery. Food prices start a 40 baht (€ 0,91). A pitcher of beer costs 65 baht (€ 1,47). The views include the Grand Palace and canal boats on the Chao Phraya River. Med vind i håret og fantastisk utsyn kan du innta et latterlig billig måltid på denne perlen av et lokalt spisested. 40 bath (NOK 7,50) starter prisen for mat på. En mugge med øl får du for 65 bath (NOK 12). Utsikten inkluderer Grand Palace og de forbipasserende kanalbåtene på Chao Phraya.

You can sit down on a plastic stool and have good food almost ­anywhere in Bangkok. Pad Thai is, naturally, a must. This is also your chance to make friends with a ­local. Strike up a conversation with those around you. Don’t miss it, regardless of your travel budget, it’s both an attraction and a cheap meal. Seek and thou shall find your favorite! Du kan slå deg ned på en plastkrakk og få god mat nesten hvor som helst i Bangkok. Pad Thai er selvfølgelig et must på et tidspunkt. Dette er også din muli-



G 2

City secrets

Seafood on the roof / Sjømat på taket Victory Plaza Bar & Seafood BTS (Skytrain stop) Victory Monument The entrance is hard to find, but it is definitely worth the search. Take a seat among partying Thais and listen to almost unrecognisable

renditions­of American hits ­performed an always­ enthusiastic­band. The seafood is supurb, and they bring you a water pipe. Inngangen er vanskelig å finne, men det er helt klart verdt letingen. Her sitter du blant feststemte thaier og hører på nesten ugjenkjennelige versjoner av amerikanske­ hits, fremført av et evig ­entusiastisk band. Sjømaten er i tillegg

supergod, og stedet tilbyr vannpiper til folket. Coffee stands / Kaffebod

Real coffee is almost impossible to find in Bangkok­. But if you hit it off with the proprietor of a coffee stand, you can influence the preparation. Talk your way into the ­perfect blend of coffee beans and it may turn out okay. The coffee stand of your dreams can be found through exploration and ingenuity! Ordentlig kaffe er nesten umulig å oppdrive i Bangkok. Men hvis du får en god tone med ­innehaveren av en kaffebod, er det mulig å påvirke tilberedningen. Snakk deg frem til den perfekte miks av kaffebønner og eventuelt­ miks. Til slutt kan det faktisk bli ok. Kaffeboden i ditt hjerte finner du med en kombinasjon av leting og kløkt!



Higher than the sky / Høyere enn himmelen Sirocco Skybar 1055 State Tower, Silom Rd ››› lebua.com/Sirocco Sirocco may well be a tourist trap. The prices were raised from expensive­to more expensive­after the place was seen in the movie "Hangover 2." Now a drink costs over 100 kroner (12 euro) but it’s actually

worth it. Go just before sunset and stare your eyes out at the view. Sirocco er vel kanskje en turistfelle. Prisene ble ­oppjustert fra dyrt til dyrere etter at stedet var med i en scene i ­filmen Hangover 2. Nå koster en drink over 100 kroner. Men det er faktisk verdt det. Dra rett før ­solnedgang og speid deg blind på utsikten.


Worthwhile adventure / Opplevelsesverdig After the obligatory round of temples, there is still a dizzying amount left to see. Etter den obligatoriske sjarmøretappen med templer, er det så mye igjen å se at du fortsatt blir svimmel.

Living green / Bo økologisk The Bangkok Tree House Ferry from Bang Na Pie, speedy longtail boat across the river ››› bangkoktreehouse.com You’ll be picked up at a concrete pier by a longtail boat with pink heart decorations, and a surprising number of horsepower that will take you to this environmentally green hotel. Everything is made from materials found onsite. Upon arrival, coconut water is delivered to your door. Manager Manu with blue orthepontic braces organises firefly spotting tours in the twilight. På en brygge laget av betong blir du plukket opp av en longtail båt med rosa hjertedekorasjoner og overraskende mange hestekrefter, som tar deg over til dette økologiske hotellet. Alt er laget av m ­ aterialer funnet i området­. Ved ankomst får du kokosvann levert på døra. Manager Manu med blå tannregulering arrangerer­ ildfluespotting-turer i tussmørket.

Film set / Filmsettet Mandarin Oriental Hotel 48 Oriental Ave Alley Bang Rak ››› mandarinoriental.com/ bangkok Mandarin Oriental is a venerable hotel opened in 1876 and offers suites overlooking the Chao Phraya River. It is probably a bit pricey for most, but also offers cheaper rooms. You can also visit the hotel just to see it. In the lobby, there is a decoration made from several metres (yards) of clover blossoms strung on thread and a tuxedo-clad band playing classical music. Plus “Only God Forgives” – starring Ryan Gosling – was filmed here. Mandarin Oriental er

det ærverdige hotellet som åpnet i 1876 og tilbyr suiter med utsikt mot elva Chao Phraya. De er nok i dyreste laget for de aller fleste, men det finnes også billigere rom, selvfølgelig. En annen ­mulighet er å besøke hotellet kun for å se det. I lobbyen finner du en ­dekorasjon satt sammen av metervis med kløverblomster tredd på tråder og et band som spiller klassisk musikk iført smoking. I tillegg er det verdt å nevne at Only God forgives med Ryan Gosling i hovedrollen er spilt inn på hotellet.

Thailand. Have one for dirt cheap at some random palour on the street, or book a luxury version with a wider range and quieter surroundings. Search or call, as needed! Thai-massasje ­kommer du ikke utenom i Thailand. Slå deg ned på et superbillig sted du passerer tilfeldig på gata, eller book deg inn på en luksuriøs variant med bredere tilbud og roligere omgivelser. Let eller ring etter behov!

Relax / Slapp av There is no way around a Thai massage when in



G 2

City secrets

Exercising in the woods / Trene blant trærne

Queen's Park Skytrain station: Sapan Khwai or Mochit Subway: Kamphaenpetch There’s nothing wrong with taking a break in a park while on a big city tour. Queen's Park can be enjoyed both with sore feet on high heels or in trainers. If you choose the latter, check out the outdoor area that offers training with free weights at no charge. Det blir aldri feil med et avbrekk i en park når du er på storbytur. Queen's park kan inntas både med såre føtter stablet på høye heler og jogge­ sko. Hvis du velger det sistnevnte, er det kanskje interessant for deg å vite at det finnes et område i parken der du kan trene vekter gratis, ute i det fri.



Swinging Thais / Thaier i swing

shoes. Break into a waltz or just watch. Some days, they have courses for beginners. Dra hit på en lørdag kveld. Da er det nesten stappfullt med svette thaier i ført sine vakreste 50-tallsklær og dansesko. Du kan slenge deg med i valsen eller være linselus. Noen dager arrangeres det også nybegynnerkurs.

because their prices are never firm. Humpete veier, ingen hjelm, men raskt på plass uten å merke noe som helst til rushtrafikken. Du finner dem o ­ veralt. Med signaloransje ­refleksvester og et prøvende smil. Prut alltid.

Scooter-taxi / Scooter taxi The Hop Bangkok 252/8 Silom Road, ­between Soi 18-20 ››› bangkokswing.co This is a place to go on Saturday night, when it is packed with sweaty Thais in their beautiful 1950s clothes and dancing

Bumpy roads and no helmet aside, this is how to get around without even noticing rush hour traffic. You can find scooter­-taxis everywhere. Look for the safety orange vests and a ­tentative smile. Always haggle

Fastest way there Bangkok: Daily departures with Thai Airways and up to four weekly departures with Norwegian (from 10 hours, 45 minutes).

There’s a new wallet in town


Available at the Capi shops at Oslo Airport

Inspiration GO! Photo stacy keck

G 2

The swing. Jeffrey Waldman first raised money via Kickstarter to set up swings for poor children in Bolivia. Now, Waldman's swings are found in many places around the world.

Swinging charity Happiness is a small swing. Lykken er en liten huske. Jeffrey Waldman and friends strolled around San Francisco on a Saturday, five years ago with a backpack full of rope and wooden planks. They hung up rope and seat swings all around the city and got people to try them. “The easy answers to finding pure joy were from our childhood and the most common were swings,” Waldman once said. “Every time I see children beg their parents to be pushed on one of my swings, I become all the more commit­ ted to [this becoming] a movement on a global scale.” The project then expanded to Los Angeles, moved on to Bolivia and is now all over the world. A partnership with Coca-Cola led to people all over Latin America hanging swings in parks and public areas over the course of a day. The swing seats list con­ tact details for Waldman, and every day he hears from people who rediscover­ed childhood smiles on a swing.



Jeffrey Waldman og kameratene ruslet rundt i San Fransisco en lørdag for fem år siden – med en ryggsekk full av tau og plankebiter. De hang opp slengdisser og husker over hele byen, og overtalte folk til å prøve. – Husker var barndommens letteste måte å bli lykkelig på, så det har jeg for­ søkt å videreformidle. Hver gang jeg ser et barn som trygler om å få mer fart på en av huskene mine, blir jeg sikker på at dette skal bli globalt, har Waldman sagt. Siden den lørdagen vokste prosjektet til Los Angeles og deretter videre til Bolivia og hele verden. Et samarbeid med Coca-Cola førte til en dag der folk over hele Latin-Amerika satte opp husker i parker og felles­ områder. Alle setene har kontaktinfo til Waldman. Daglig får han meldinger fra folk som har fått smilet tilbake av å svinge seg litt i hverdagen.

Facts Awesome Swings The Awesome Foundation,­for arts and sciences, invited Waldman to hang up 50 swings in Los Angeles. Waldman raised money via Kickstarter to set up swings for poor children in Bolivia. Waldman's swings are now found in San ­Francisco, Los Angeles,­the Marshall Islands, Panama, Bolivia, ­Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras and Mexico.

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G 2

Inspiration Walt Disney World

A kid's dream. If you don’t ever want to take your kids to Disney World, make sure they never find out about it, because if they do, they will keep nagging until your ears feel like they are the size of Mickey Mouse's.




World of Mousecraft Text Randi Fuglehaug photo corbis

At Walt Disney World outside Orlando, Florida, your kids run free in an area twice the size of Manhattan. In other words, it takes planning. I Walt Disney World utenfor Orlando slipper du barna dine løs på et område som er dobbelt så stort som Manhattan. Det krever med andre ord litt planlegging.


f you wonder how much Walt Disney World means to Florida's fifth largest city, take a look at the local news­ paper, the Orlando Sentinel. There is not just a reporter dedicated to covering the city’s amusement parks, but there is even a separate column called CThe Daily Disney.” Not surprising, given that the city proudly bears the nickname “The Theme Park Capital of the World” and Disney World alone employs about 65,000 people. They are not called ­employees, but “cast members” and they do not go to work, but rather go “on stage.” The world's largest amusement park leaves little to chance.


vis du lurer på hvor mye Walt Disney World har hatt å si for Floridas femte største by, ta en kikk i lokal­avisen – Orlando Sentinel har ikke bare en ­reporter som kun dekker byens fornøyelsesparker, men også en egen spalte ved navn «The Daily Disney». Ikke så rart, all den tid byen stolt bærer kallenavnet «The Theme Park Capital of The World» og Walt Disney World a­ lene sysselsetter rundt 65 000 mennesker. De kalles ikke ­ ­ansatte, men «cast ­members», og de går ikke på jobb, men «on stage». I verdens største fornøyelsespark er lite overlatt til tilfeldighetene.

Be aware of this:

If you don’t ever want to take your kids to Disney World, make sure they never find out about it, be­ cause if they do, they will keep nagging until your ears feel like they are the size of Mickey Mouse’s. If, on the other hand, you do want to experience the mothership of Disney magic, then it’s a good idea to plan ahead. The park area is about 120 square kilometres (46 square miles), twice the size of Manhattan in New York. It is divided, among other things, into four theme parks and two water parks all requiring a map. The most important thing: Do not try to do it all, you’ll never make it and if you try, your holiday will become be a marathon, a very expensive marathon. Choose one or two parks so you can also enjoy life on Florida’s beaches.

For å ta det med en gang: Hvis du aldri har tenkt å ta barna dine med til Walt Disney World, bør du sørge for at de heller ikke får vite at den finnes, for gjør de det, ­kommer de til å mase til ørene dine blir like store som Mikke Mus sine. Har du imidlertid lyst å oppleve Disneys magiske ­moderskip, kan det være lurt å planlegge litt. Et område på 120 kvadratkilometer – dobbelt så stort som New Yorks Manhattan – fordelt på blant annet fire temaparker og to badeland, krever sitt kart. Det viktigste: Ikke prøv å gap over alt. Dere rekker det ikke heller, og om dere prøver, kommer ferien til å føles mer som en maraton. En skikkelig dyr en, også. Velg én eller to parker, så rekker dere å nyte livet på Floridas strender i tillegg.

Small children? Head for the Magic Kingdom, with lots of shows and rides for kids, plus a fairlytale, in the shape of Cinderella's Castle where you can have breakfast with Dis­

Har du små barn? Dra til Magic Kingdom. Her ­finnes en rekke show og karuseller for de minste, i tillegg til ­selveste eventyrslottet Cinderella’s Castle, der man kan



g 2

Walt Disney World

facts Walt Disney WorlD


The world's largest theme park, opened in 1971. encompasses 120 square kilometres (46 square miles) in Lake Buena Vista outside Orlando, Florida. Consists of Magic kingdom, ePCOT, Disney's Hollywood Studios and Disney's Animal kingdom, as well as water parks Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard Beach, shopping and nightlife area of Downtown Disney and a number of hotels. >>> disneyworld.disney.go.com oTher amusemenT parks In anD arounD orlanDo:



(1) The castle. Have a breakfast with a Disney princess in Cinderella's castle. (2) big smiles. In Disney World there seems to be a new great experience around every corner. (3) The tech paradise. ePCOT is for slightly older kids who like technological innovation.

Universal Studios: Consists of the two parks Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. SeaWorld: Includes SeaWorld and Aquatica water park. Legoland: America's second branch (the first is in San Diego, CA) of the Danish Legolabd amusement park. >>> universalorlando.com >>> seaworld.com >>> florida.legoland.com

ney princesses. The huge park Animal King­ dom also has lots of kid­friendly fun, and in addition to being a giant zoo, also offers a Broadway­worthy version of "The Lion King" and "Finding Nemo" on stage. EPCOT is for slightly older kids who like techno­ logical innovation, space ship simulators, fast auto racing tracks, and watching young people from all over the world sweating in their national costumes at the World Show­ case. And Disney's Hollywood Studios is the park that will make you lose your stomach most often, with such attractions as the free fall Tower of Terror and the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster.

spise frokost med alle Disney­prinsessene. Enorme Animal Kingdom har også masse barnevennlig moro, og i tillegg til å være en gigantisk dyrehage, vises Broadway­verdige versjoner av Løvenes Konge og Finding Nemo på scenen. EPCOT er for de litt større barna som liker teknologi­innovasjon, romskip­ simulatorer, raske bilbaner og å se ungdom­ mer fra ulike land svette i bunader og andre nasjonalkostymer i World Showcase. Og dette er parken som vil få det til å kile mest i magen, med attraksjoner som fritt fall­ tårnet Tower of Terror og berg­ og dalbanen Rock ´n´ Roller Coaster.

remember to pick up your free "Fast Pass" tickets early in the morning, so you can skip the queues. No matter how tired you may be of the children in a Donald Duck trance, hold out for the fireworks that go off at the Magic Kingdom and EPCOT every night. Disney fan or not – New Year's Eve will never be the same.

Wherever you go,



husk å hente ut gratis «Fast Pass»­billetter på morgen­ kvisten, så slipper dere unna noen køer. Og uansett hvor sliten man kan bli av barn i Donald­rus, hold ut så lenge at dere får sett de overdådige fyrverkeriene som blir sendt opp fra Magic Kingdom og EPCOT hver kveld. Enten du er Disney­fan eller ikke – nyttårsaften blir aldri det samme.

facts orlanDo According to the 2010 census, Orlando has a city-proper population of 238,300. Orlando is nicknamed "The City Beautiful" and its symbol is the fountain at Lake eola. Orlando is also known as "The Theme Park Capital of the World" and its tourist attractions draw more than 51 million tourists a year, including 3.6 million international guests.

uanseTT hvor Dere Drar,

Fastest way there orlando: Two weekly departures with Norwegian (8 hours, 55 minutes).

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g 2

InspIraTIon Travel apps

hit the road The app you need when driving route 66. Dette er appen du trenger når du skal kjøre route 66. If you’re even considering a road trip in the United States, this app must be in you car. As you cruise well­known highways and obscure byways through America, it will keep you posted about nearby hotels, historical facts, sights, shops, attractions, tour opportunities, exciting detours and perfect places to pitch your tent. The land of opportunity will whiz by in a blur if you don’t do a little advance re­ search, or have this app. In addition to maps and search options, it also lets you chat with other road trip­ pers, who could end up joining you for the desert crossing.

hvIs Du

«roaDTrIppers» free

«roaDTrIppers» free

siMPle Pleasures/ enkle GleDer

iceBreaker/ isBryter

sonG GaMes/ sanGlek

Puzzle/ Pusle

Humour can be painfully simple. In fact, it can be as easy as just swapping people’s faces and getting a good laugh out of the result. The Face Swapper app does just that – swaps faces in your pictures to make you laugh. Humor kan være såre enkelt. Noen ganger er det bare å bytte ut ansiktene på folk for å få seg en god latter. appen Face swapper gjør nettopp det, bytter om plasseringen på ansiktene og får deg til å le.

Facing a long flight with someone you don’t know very well? Let the IceBreaker app ask some good questions and you’ll suddenly find yourselves chatting away happily. Then – poof! – the the flight has landed. Har du foran deg en lang flytur med en du ikke kjenner så godt? La appen fra iceBreaker stille de gode spørsmålene, og dere vil brått være langt inn i en god samtale. Vips, så er flyturen over.

karaoke is embarrassing and fun at the same time. With access to over 500 songs, you’ll definitely warm up your voice with this app. How about a song battle with a friend? Karaoke er både pinlig og gøy. med tilgang til over 500 sanger er du her garantert å bli varm i stemmen. Hva med en sang-battle med en god venn?

This minimal puzzle game has enthusiasts rejoicing worldwide. The task is simple: piece together an assortment of geometric shapes. Sound easy? Dette enkle og minimalistiske puslespillet har fått hjernetrimentusiaster verden over til å fryde seg. Oppgaven er enkel: Foran deg har du en klynge av forskjellige geometriske former, din oppgave er å koble dem sammen. men var det nå så lett likevel?

«face sWapper» nok 14 (euro 1.70)


overhodet tenker på å dra på roadtrip til USA, er dette appen du tar med deg i bilen. Langs kjente og ukjente veier gjennom Amerika kan du sjekke ut nærliggende hoteller, histo­ riske fakta, attraksjoner, butikker, severdigheter, fine turmuligheter, spennende avstikkere og perfekte steder å sette opp telt. Mulighetenes land fyker ellers fort forbi om du ikke har gjort den rette researchen, eller har den rette appen. I tillegg til kart og søkemuligheter kan du også chatte med andre roadtrippere – kanskje dere ender opp med å krysse ørkenen sammen?


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Fra Ingierstrand i ny og ne, til hele Norge, hele tiden. Året var 1934. Ingen sivile flyplasser var ennå bygget. Flypionerer som vår grunnlegger, Viggo Widerøe, måtte bruke Ingierstrand som base og landets fjorder og innsjøer som landingsstripe. I dag, 80 år senere, er Viggos visjon mer enn oppfylt. Vårt selskap som fremdeles bærer hans navn, flyr i hele Norge, hele tiden. Takk for reisefølget så langt, og velkommen tilbake om bord! wideroe.no

Hele Norge. Hele tiden.

Øk lesegleden! 8 av 10 liker Donald Duck*




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DesTInaTIon norWay BiG thinGs froM a sMall country >>> 62 City LiViNG > 68 LOFOteN FUN > 76 tHe NORtHeRN LiGHts TexT thoMas KarlsEn phoTos Kristian riDDEr-nilsEn

oslo, norWay

the PlayGrounD In November 2006, Oslo's largest non-commercial playground, Frognerborgen (Frogner castle) opened in Frogner Park. the playground is 20x20 metres (about 65x65 feet), has a seven metre (23 foot) high tower and is for children from about ages 3 to 12. There is room for 200 children to climb, jump, slide and – not least – smile at the same time. i november 2006 ble Oslos største ikke-kommersielle lekeplass, Frognerborgen i Frognerparken, åpnet. Lekeplassen er 20x20 meter stor, har tårn som er opp mot sju meter høye, og passer for barn fra ca. tre til tolv år. Her kan 200 barn klatre, hoppe, rutsje og – ikke minst – smile samtidig.


››› visitoslo.com



G 3

OSLO What´s on

A summer love story

Now you see it, now you don’t Museum: One nice thing about Oslo is that there is even a museum for things you would never imagine needing one for: Children's drawings, miniature bottles, wooden skis, and – abracadabra – magic tricks and props! Opened in 1997 as the Norwegian’s Magician Archives, it changed its name in 2001 to the Norwegian Magic Museum (Norsk Tryllemuseum). Its original goal was to collect Norwegian magicians’ history through posters, newspaper clippings, programs, advertising cards and photos. They later added props, costumes and other equipment used by Norwegian magicians. In 2001, the museum’s permanent exhibition was opened, and continues to welcome the public every weekend. If you dream of becoming a magician, you can buy books and magic sets here, and watch the weekly magic show at 2 p.m.

festival: Anyone who has ever been to Oslo during Øyafestival without a ticket will say the same thing: Raining or not, it’s just sad. Everyone else is there, and you’re stuck at home alone kicking yourself for not being a little quicker on the draw. In just five days, the whole city transforms into one big concert venue and Oslo is never more beautiful than during those four festival days in mid-August, just before a new academic year begins at schools and universities. In these late days of summer, the people of Oslo wander around in a sort of collective state of bliss, whether at the main festival or at one of the many concert venues elsewhere in town. This year’s line-up is as diverse as a box of chocolates: Outkast is coming, Queens of the Stone Age, Röyksopp and Robyn are back by popular demand, Neneh Cherry is in the line up, The National will be there with the world’s best rainy day songs, and disco prince Todd Terje has the honour of closing the show. There's no reason to sit on the fence this year either, even though the party has been moved from the Medieval Park to the Tøyen Park.

museum: Oslo er fint sånn sett: Du finner et museum for ting du aldri kunne forestille deg trengte sitt eget samlingssted. Barne­ tegninger. Miniatyrflasker. Treski, for å nevne noe. Og ... simsalabim! Tryllekunsteffekter! I begynnelsen het det Norsk Tryllearkiv, før det i 1997 skiftet navn til Norsk Trylle­museum. Hensikten var å ta vare på de norske trylle­ kunstnernes historie gjennom å samle plakater­, avisomtaler, programmer, reklame­ kort og fotografier på ett sted, og etter hvert kom det også inn rekvisitter, kostymer og annet utstyr som har tilhørt norske trylle­ kunstnere. I 2001 åpnet museets permanente utstilling, en utstilling som er åpen for publkum hver søndag. Går du med en tryllekunstner i magen er det dessuten mulig å kjøpe bøker og tryllesett, og klokken 14.00 starter det ukentlige trylleshowet.

Festival: Alle som noen gang har vært i Oslo under Øyafestivalen uten billett, kan fortelle deg det samme: Det er bare trist, regn eller ikke regn. Alle andre er nemlig der, hvilket gjør at du i stedet ender med å sitte alene hjemme og ergre deg over at du ikke var litt kjappere på avtrekkeren. I løpet av fem dager forvandles hele byen til en eneste stor konsertscene, og aldri er Oslo så vakker som disse fire dagene i august, like før skolene og universitetene igjen begynner, seinsommer­ dagene da byens innbyggere ramler rundt i en slags kollektiv lykkerus, enten det er inne på festivalområdet eller inne på de mange konsertstedene rundt omkring i sentrum. Årets line-up er som alltid en konfekteske: Outkast kommer. Queens of the Stone Age kommer. Röyksopp og Robyn gjør ønskereprise. Neneh Cherry er på plass. The National kommer med verdens beste regnværssanger. Og diskoprins Todd Terje har fått æren av å avslutte det hele. Ingen grunn til å sitte på gjerdet i år heller, altså, selv om festen i år er flyttet fra Middelalderparken til Tøyenparken.


Øyafestivalen 5-9 August Tøyenparken ››› oyafestivalen.com

Munkedamsveien 65B

››› tryllemuseet.no 58


Photo ntb scanpix

Gliding through the air Adrenalin rush: Few, if any, landmarks in Oslo are so alluring to daredevils than the Holmenkollen ski jump. For years, the show “Ta Sjansen” (Take a Chance) was the showcase for the boldest (and most imaginative) bicycle and boat makers in the country, as they raced across the Besserud Pond in their ­rickety, homemade craft. This year the Ski Association added an option that is bound to make some hearts skip a beat: the socalled Kollensvevet zip line, some 350 metres (yards) of heart pounding, gut-wrenching flight. Okay, you are not sent down the precipitous jump with only a wish of “good luck” and two narrow boards on your feet. Instead, they hook you up to a wire, a zip line, strung from the top of the ski jump tower to the bottom of the hill. However, the feeling of being in fight is exactly the same. The line is 361 metres (1,183 feet) long, with a breath-taking vertical drop of 107.5 metres (352 feet). Don’t forget: Holmenkollen has a lot of fog, so pick your day wisely if you want the view to be as intense as the adrenaline rush.

adrenalinkick: Få, om noe, landemerke i Oslo har slikt et forlokkende preg på våghalser som Holmenkollen – i årevis var Ta sjansen et årlig utstillingsvindu for de dristigste (og mest fantasifulle) sykkel-og båt­ snekkere i landet, der de satte seg fore å forsere Besserud­ tjernet på kortest mulig tid. I år har Ski­foreningen introdusert et alternativ som sannsynligvis vil få like mange hjerter til å hoppe over et par slag – det såkalte ­Kollensvevet, 350 meter med sug i magen og hamrende puls. Riktignok slippes du ikke utfor bommen med to tynne skiplanker på beina og et «lykke til» nedover et stupbratt ovarenn – istedet festes du til en vaier som er spent opp mellom toppen av tårnet og bunnen av bakken, men flyfølelsen er – det får vi anta, i alle fall, siden vi aldri har sluppet oss ut fra bommen i en hoppbakke – den samme. Selve linen er 361 meter, og høydeforskjellen mellom topp og bunn er på smått hesblesende 107,5 meter. Bare husk: Kollen er tradisjonelt plaget av mye tåke, så plukk dagen med omhu om du kommer like mye for utsikten som for adrenalinrushet.

KOLLENSVEVET Holmenkollen ››› skiforeningen.no



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oslo Culture

animal farm outDoors: it is easy to think that people have always lived in cities, eagerly bustling between stone, glass and concrete. but that was not always so: until 200 years ago, only 10 per cent of the Western world’s population lived in cities, with the rest in rural areas. Mass migration to the cities also changed people’s relationship with animals, with interaction now mostly limited to cats and dogs. however, at Kampen Økologiske barnebondegård (Kampen organic children’s Farm) you can experience norwegian livestock in the heart of the concrete jungle, with pigs, horses, sheep, goats, ducks, turkeys, chickens and rabbits, all living together in apparent harmony on the small farm. While there are no cows, there is a real donkey, named tussi, with mule-like stubbornness. tussi is probably the only donkey in norway with performances at the norwegian opera on its resume, after a role in carmen some years ago. the farm is open to all on tuesday, while the other days are for school groups by reservation. utenDørs: Det er lett å tenke seg at menneskene alltid har oppholdt seg i byer, ivrig myldrende mellom stein, glass og betong, men slik er det altså ikke: inntil for 200 år siden bodde bare ti prosent av Vestens befolkning i byer – resten holdt til i distriktene. med masseinnflyttingen forandret også menneskets forhold til dyrene seg, og i dag er vår omgang med dyr i hovedsak begrenset til hunder og katter. På Kampen i Oslo, derimot, ligger et lite rødt hus – Kampen Økologiske Barnebondegård – hvor du kan oppleve norske husdyr midt inni tykkeste asfaltjungelen: Gris, hest, sau, geit, ender, kalkuner, høner, kaniner – alle lever de sammen i tilsynelatende harmoni på den vesle gården. Kyr fins riktignok ikke, til gjengjeld fins det et vaskeekte esel på gården, en stabeis som går under navnet tussi – sannsynligvis det eneste eselet i Norge som kan føre opptredener i Den norske operaen som arbeidserfaring på CV-en, etter å ha medvirket i «Carmen» for noen år siden. tirsdager er det åpent for alle, ukas øvrige dager er åpen for skoleklasser etter bestilling.

fiGht ecoloGical kiDs farMhouse Skedsmogt 23 ››› kampenbarnebondegard.com



Boarding completed Food and drinks: Othello? Hidden Diamonds? Monopoly? Or newer board games, like Kokkelimonke or Bezzerwizzer? Almost no matter what you prefer, you'll find it at Colonel Mustard café on the Alexander ­Kiellands plass. It is not just a game parlour but is also a gastro pub with an impressive selection of beers in bottles and barrels, including Schouler on tap, an Oslo beer that was gone for more than 20 years before making a comeback. Colonel Mustard was introduced to the world in 1948 through the detective board game Cluedo as one of several suspects in a murder mystery. Naturally, that and 50 other board games are available at the Colonel, which is open from early morning until after midnight, in case you become entangled in Risk, a strategy game that tends to last into the night. One small suggestion: Try the French fries, they are best in town. mat og drikke: Othello? Jakten på Diamanten? Monopol? Eller nyere spill, som Kokkelimonke eller Besserwizzer? Nærmest uansett hva du foretrekker vil du finne det på Colonel Mustard på Alexandser ­Kiellands plass, som ikke er utelukkende spillebule, men også en gastropub med et imponerende utvalg ølsorter på såvel fat som flaske, inkludert Schous-øl på fat, Oslo-ølet som var borte i mer enn 20 år før det fikk sin r­ enessanse. Colonel Mustard ble selv introdusert for allmenheten i 1948 gjennom detektivbrettspillet Cluedo, som en av flere ulike mistekte i en drapsgåte, og selvsagt finner du spillet her, sammen med mer enn 50 andre spill som alle er til utlåns. Obersten holder åpent fra tidlig ­formiddag til etter midnatt, om du er så uheldig å vikle deg inn i Risk, strategispillet som har det med å utarte til langt på natt. Om vi skal komme med en aldri så liten anbefaling: Prøv pommes fritesen – den er fort Oslos beste.


Darresgate 2, Alexander Kiellands plass

››› colonelmustard.no



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oslo City living

Toy store This shop is like a house you remember from the fary tales. Denne butikken er som et hus du husker fra eventyrene.

Shopping: When did you actually stop caring about toys? When did you stop dragging your parents over to toy store windows, stop circling things in toy catalogues before Christmas, and quit having toys in bed at night? When did that child give way to the worried adult? If you are among those who have the nagging feeling that you lost something along the way, a lot can be fixed at this hidden gem in the Homansbyen area. Entering Marthes Lekestue (Marthe’s Playroom) is like stepping into a house you recognise from fairy tales, where the toys cover the walls and ceilings, and you constantly find things you feel drawn to: paper dolls, dollhouses, teddy bears, toy cars. In short, it is a paradise for children and adults searching for their inner child. In addition to old-fashioned toys, interior decorations, and hobby supplies, homemade jewellery and vintage clothing are also on offer. Plus, you can just about hear the echoes of history, since this is where Roald Amundsen, the Norwegian polar explorer who was the first to reach the South Pole in 1911, lived in the 1880s.



Shopping: Når sluttet man egentlig å bry seg om leker? Når sluttet man å trekke foreldrene etter seg til lekebutikks­ vinduene, sluttet å ringe ut ting i leketøyskatalogene før jul, sluttet å ha lekene med seg i senga om kvelden? Når måtte barnet vike plass for de voksnes bekymringer? Om du er en av dem som kjenner den gnagende følelsen av noe som har gått tapt, vil mye kunne repareres i denne litt bortgjemte perlen i Homansbyen. Å komme inn i Marthes Lekestue er som å tråkke inn i et hus du husker fra eventyrene, der l­ekene dekker alt av tak og vegger, og du hele tiden finner nye gjenstander du instinktivt føler for å ta nærmere i øyensyn. Papir­ dukker, dukkehus, bamser, lekebiler – kort sagt, et p ­ aradis for barn og voksne som leter etter barnet i seg. I tillegg til gammeldagse leker selges også en del interiør­artikler og hobbyvarer, samt hjemmelagde smykker og vintage-plagg, og mens du er her inne, kan du også formerlig høre historiens vingeslag: Akkurat i dette huset bodde på 1880-tallet Roald Amundsen, polfareren som ble den første til å nå Sydpolen.

MARTHES LEKESTUE Hegdehaugsveien 28 ››› facebook.com/ martheslekestue



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DesTInaTIon norWay Food

Playing with fire a restaurant where the heat is the most important thing. en restaurant hvor sterk varme er det aller viktigste.

Grilleriet Folketeaterpassasjen, Storgata 21-23 ››› grilleriet.no

restaurant: Ask chef Jan Dahdji at the Grilleriet restaurant in the city centre if there are any foods that are not suited to grilling. His conclusion? No – there's nothing you can't put on the BBQ. Long pause. “Okay, maybe there are a couple types of fish that are unsuitable, because the meat isn’t firm. But otherwise it's just about carte blanche,” he says. In other words, just do it. Luckily, it was precisely that – grilled food – that was foremost in Dahdji’s mind when he opened for business three years ago. He built Grilleriet around a nice coal barbecue to cook food over an intensely high heat. “Most of the food is done on the Josper charcoal grill, which is the heart of the restaurant and the kitchen, and with possible temperatures of up to about 1,100 degrees C (2,000 °F), so the meat stays juicy,” says Dahdji. If you can take the heat, you can also sit with a full view of the kitchen, since all the food at the Grilleriet is prepared "on stage." But don’t be surprised if you witness a mishap. “Let me put it this way: We go through more than a few tubes of burn ointment every year,” he says.



restaurant: spør sjefskokk Jan Dahdji på Grilleriet i Folketeaterpassasjen om det fins mat som ikke egner seg til å grilles, og han vil til slutt komme fram til at ... nei, noe sånt eksisterer ikke. Alt kan grilles. Pause. – Okei, det er kanskje et par fisketyper som ikke egner seg, som er for løse i formen. men ellers er det nærmest fritt fram. sånn sett er det jo greit at det var akkurat dette, grillet mat, som var kongstanken til Dahdji for tre år siden – en restaurant bygget rundt en kulegrill og mat tilberedt på intenst høy varme. Om du holder ut varmen, kan du også få sitteplass med fullt innsyn til kjøkkenet – all mat på Grilleriet prepareres for åpen scene. Bli heller ikke overrasket om du skulle bli vitne til en liten arbeidsulykke. – Det meste av maten tilberedes på en Josper kullgrill. Den er selve hjertet i restauranten og på kjøkkenet, og med mulighet for temperatur på nærmere 1100 grader gjør den at kjøttet beholder sin saftighet, sier Dahdji. – For å si det sånn – det går noen tuber med brannsalve i løpet av året.

Ph: Alessandro Belluscio


THE FREE FALL EXPERIENCE • Experience the feeling of free fall in a safe environment • The only indoor skydiving tunnel in Scandinavia • Suitable for everyone. From 5 years and up • Great for teambuilding and events with the option for meeting rooms, food and beverage • Fun activity for families and friends • Gift certificates are available and very popular for Bachelor parties

Ph: VossVind

Ph: Frøydis Asp Ormåsen

Ph: Frøydis Asp Ormåsen

Located in Voss, 1,5 hours from Bergen City by train or car. Contact info: phone: +47 40 10 59 99 | mail: post@vossvind.no | web: www.vossvind.no

g 3

DesTInaTIon norWay News

Bike MaDness / sykkelGalskaP


In Hemsedal, people plunge down steep mountainsides year round: on skis in winter and on bikes in summer. riders in protective gear and astride bikes with airless tires can choose between 21 graded, marked trails covering more than 225 kilometres (140 miles). Down at the Hemsedal ski centre is a skills park where cyclists can take on waves, jumps and balance challenges. i Hemsedal kaster folk seg jaggu utfor bratte stup hele året. På vinteren på ski, på sommeren på sykkel. med solide sykkeldekk og heldekkende utstyr har de fartsglade over 225 km å boltre seg på – totalt 21 sykkelruter, merket og gradert etter vanskelighetsgrad. Nederst i Hemsedal skisenter har de også en teknikkbane med bølger, hopp og balanseapparater, hvor mountainbikerne kan øve seg på ferdighetene. ››› hemsedal.com

Play in the Mountains / lek i fjellet


What could be more playful than gallivanting around in the great outdoors? The mood is always good at the Norwegian Mountain Festival in the romsdal district town of Åndalsnes. eight days of fresh air, blisters, ants in your hiking pants and new friends. This year, it runs 6-13 July. Over the past 16 years, the festival has evolved into the biggest of its kind in Norway.



Hva er vel mer lekent enn å være ute i naturen? Forsere fjell etter fjell med vill natur i alle retninger. i Åndalsnes i Romsdalen er det alltid god stemning når Norsk Fjellfestival går av stabelen. Åtte dager med frisk luft i lungene, gnagsår i skoene, friluftslopper i blodet og nye venner. Festivalen har i løpet av 16 år utviklet seg til å bli den største festivalen for friluftsliv i Norge. i år varer den fra 6.–13. juli. ››› norsk-fjellfestival.no

Photo Tore Kruken

Watch out for / se opp for

››› filmweb.no

Summer pastures / Sommer på setra Leksvik, in the heart of Norway’s Trøndelag district, offers mountain farm experiences at their best. It has 12 setre (summer mountain farms), that welcome visitors coming for as short as a few hours to as long as overnight stays. All the farms keep livestock, and you can even help with evening chores such as milking goats and cows. You meet horses, hens, pigs, rabbits, cats and dogs. During the day, the farms produce butter, sour cream, porridge, cheese and gomme, a traditional Norwegian dish of sweet cheese and boiled milk. During breaks, try traditional setre games, such as cow dung bingo! For more information about opening times, lodging and directions, visit the website.

I Leksvik i hjertet av Trøndelag kan du oppleve seterlivet på sitt beste. Hele 12 forskjellige setre er åpne for besøk, enten det er for noen timer eller for hele dager med overnatting. Alle setrene har dyr, og kommer du til kveldsstellet, får du være med på mating og melking av kyr og geiter. Du kan også treffe på både hest, høne, gris, kanin, katt og hund. På dagtid blir det laget smør, rømme, gomme, grøt og ost, og mellom slagene blir det også tid for morsomme og litt uvanlige seterleker: kukakebingo, for eksempel! For mer info om åpningstider, overnattingsmuligheter og veibeskrivelser, besøk nettsidene. ››› seterbygda.no

Morell / Morell On the last weekend of July, you can eat long and well in the Hardanger district’s village of Lofthus at the Sweet Cherry Festival, where cherry pits ­literally fill the air. One of the highlights of the festival is the cherry spitting competition, with the current record set at 14.24 metres (46.72 feet) by a gifted local in 2003. In addition to being Norway's sweetest festival with sun-ripened cherries and nice people, it also offers dancing, concerts and a market. This year, the dates are 24-27 July. Siste helgen i juli blir det spyttet usedvanlig mye og langt i Lofthus i Hardanger. Det er Morell­festival, og morellsteinene nærmest hagler gjennom luften. Rekorden er til nå på hele 14,24 meter, og ble satt i 2003 av en lokal harding med usedvanlig god teknikk. I tillegg til å være Norges søteste festival med solmodne moreller og hyggelige mennesker, byr de også opp til dans, konsert og marked. Årets festival finner sted mellom 24.-27. juli. ››› morellfestivalen.no

Photo Nadin Martinuzzi

Who: Lars Saabye Christensen What: Norwegian author Why: The 29 August premiere of "Beatles," the film adaptation of Lars Saabye Christensen’s pop­ular novel of the same name. The film and book are about four ­buddies – Kim, Seb, Ola and ­Gunnar – who share a love of The Beatles as they grow into e ­ arly manhood. Set in 1965 through 1972, the tale deals with love, politics, revolution, friendship and music. The 1984 book was Saabye Christensen's breakthrough novel. fugit veliquid minvenihit. Hvem: Lars Saabye Christensen Hva: Norsk forfatter Hvorfor: Den 29. august er det premiere på Beatles, film­ atiseringen av Lars Saabye Christensens populære oppvekst­roman med samme navn. Filmen og boken handler om de fire kompisene Kim, Seb, Ola og Gunnar, som alle er Beatles-frelst og som er på vei inn i voksenverdenen. Handling­ en er lagt til årene 1965 til 1972 og tar for seg kjærlighet, politikk, revolusjon, vennskap og musikk. Boken ble gitt ut i 1984 og var Saabye Christensens gjennombruddsroman.

G 3

destination Norway Lofoten fun

Lofoten's most beautiful village. Reine is a small fishing village almost at the very bottom of of the Lofoten 足Islands. Surrounded by steep mountains and deep fjords it sure looks like paradise, especially on a beautiful morning, like the one picture here.




The sky is the limit Text Hakan Stenlund Photo Mattias Fredriksson

The Lofoten Islands are a giant playground. Here, you can be as active as you like on holiday. Lofoten er som et gigantisk lekeland. Her kan ferien din bli så aktiv som du bare vil.


hey say the weather will be beautiful. That the rain that started when our car ferry from Moskenes docked yesterday will pass. Two independent sources – our breakfast hostess and the owner of “rorbuer” cabins in the fishing village of Reine – says “fair weather” is coming and I choose to believe them. There are already cracks in the clouds when I pack a light backpack with some food, clothes and two litres of water. If it dries up, we can do a nice hike up to the top of Reinebringen Mountain for a classic view of Reine. The summit is only 448 metres (1,470 feet) above sea level and the hike takes just a few hours. The reward at the top is incredible scenery. Often, especially among us travel writers,­people disparage “tourist traps.” I don’t get it: The view from Reinebringen in sunshine or moonlight is simply iconic.

I head south on highway E10 towards the v­ illage of Å. By the tunnel, I take a nice path that runs along the road. Just as the trail is about to merge into E10, I see a yellow arrow pointing to the start of the climb. The nice warm-up walk along the asphalt now moves on to a steeper­ section that brings me to higher ground. At first it is a bit soggy, since the rains haven’t dried up yet in the Birch ­forest. But as I pass the tree line, there is more wind, so it is dry and nice for walking. It's warm and I take off a layer. I stop several­times along the top ridge to take in the view and catch my breath. At the top, there are two options: Go down the same way to Reine or turn left on a three hour, roundtrip route. At some point, I'll have to decide, but there is no rush at the moment. I put on a thin down jacket, and sit down to enjoy the scenery. It is hard to imagine anything more beautiful.

D ­

e sier at det skal bli pent vær. At regnet som kom

da vi kom inn med bilferja fra Moskenes i går, skal gi seg. To uavhengige kilder – først frokost­vertinnen og senere eieren av Reine rorbuer – sier at det skal bli «pent vær», og jeg velger å tro dem. Det er allerede sprekker i sky­ dekket når jeg pakker en lett ryggsekk med litt mat, litt klær og to liter vann. Hvis det tørker opp, kan vi få en fin vandring opp til toppen av Reinebringen – hvor vi får den klassiske utsikten over Reine. Selve toppen er bare 448 meter over havet, og turen opp tar ikke noe mer enn et par timer. Men vel oppe får du en utrolig belønning i scenografi. Ofte, ikke minst blant oss reiseskribenter, prates det nedsettende om såkalte «turistfeller». Jeg har ikke riktig skjønt hvorfor. Ut­ sikten fra Reinebringen – i solskinn eller månelys – er helt enkelt ikonisk. langs veien E10 mot Å. Ved tunnelen følger jeg en fin sti på utsiden av veien. Akkurat når stien er iferd med å gå sammen med E10 igjen, ser jeg den gule pilen som peker ut starten på selve stigningen mot toppen. Den fine oppvarmingen langs asfalten går nå over i en brattere del som tar meg høyere opp i terrenget. I be­ gynnelsen er det litt bløtt – det har ikke tørket opp i bjørke­ skogen ennå. Men når jeg kommer over tregrensa, har det blåst litt mer – her er det tørt og fint å gå. Det er varmt, og jeg tar av meg en trøye. Jeg stopper flere ganger langs toppegga for å ta inn utsikten og for å få til­ bake pusten. På toppen fins det to alternativ: å gå samme vei tilbake ned til Reine, eller å gå til venstre for en tre timers rundtur. En eller annen gang skal jeg bestemme meg for hva jeg skal gjøre. Akkurat nå er det ingen hast. Jeg tar på en tynn dunjakke og setter meg ned for å nyte. Det er faktisk vanskelig å tro at noe kan være vakrere enn dette.

From Reine,

Fra byen går jeg sørover

Lofoten in summer is a playground for active people. Here, you can do whatever you want. Fish one minute, hike the next. Cycle in the morning, then swim in the sea. There

Lofoten om sommeren er et lekeland for aktive ­mennesker. Du kan gjøre hva du vil: fiske i det ene øyeblikket, gå en tur



G 3

Lofoten fun




(1) A kayakers' dream. Lofoten is on the bucket list for kayakers around the world. Its clear water and dramatic nature makes the experience unique. Here Ann-Elin Norddal and Elle Cochrane paddle in Reinefjorden. (2) Active vacation. Make your Lofoten vacation active and fun. The mountains are extremely steep, but there are some gentle hills that also work well for mountain biking, like here in Reine. (3) Explore the islands. There are lots of nice places to

are world-class whale and bird safaris. You can ­paddle a sea kayak or surf or climb. Since the 1980s, the North Norway Climbing School (Nord Norse Klatreskole) in the village of Henningsvær has been an institution in the Scandinavian climbing world. Founded by Thorbjørn Enevold, he teaches climbers and climbs himself on the perfect granite nearby. In addition to the climbing school, Enevold also runs a climbing café that has drawn people for 20 years. The Climber’s Café – as Norwegian adventurer­and writer Stein P. Aasheim once put it – is "... a strange cross between an English pub, Nepalese tea house, a sidewalk restaurant­in Nice and base camp on Everest."

i det neste. Sykle om morgenen og svømme i havet etterpå. Det fins hvalsafari og fuglesafari i verdensklasse. Du kan padle i havkajakk. Du kan surfe. Du kan klatre. Siden 1980-tallet har Nord Norsk Klatreskole i Henningsvær­vært en slags institusjon i Nordens klatre­ verden. Torbjørn Enevold har kurset klatrere og selv klatret på den perfekte granitten rundt Henningsvær. Ved siden av klatreskolen driver Enevold en klatrekafé som har lokket til seg folk i 20 år. Klatrekafeen er, for å sitere den norske eventyreren og forfatteren Stein P. Aasheim «... en underlig­ hybrid mellom engelsk pub, nepalsk tea house, fortaus­ restaurant i Nice og base camp på Everest».

unlikely entry on the world map of tourism, like Indonesia’s Raja Ampat, Big Sur in the U ­ nited States or Chile’s Torres del Paine: Places with almost b ­ rutal beauty. Places that make you think “we need to go there” when you see pictures. Over time, these areas became

Henningsvær is an



av de usannsynlige plassene som ­ ukker opp på turismens verdenskart. Akkurat slik som d indonesiske Raja Ampat, amerikanske Big Sur eller ­ ­chilenske Torres del Paine. Steder med nærmest brutal skjønnhet. Steder vi ser på bilder og øyeblikkelig tenker «dit må vi». Etter hvert har disse destinasjonene blitt utviklet

Henningsvær er en



visit on the Lofoten Islands. Make sure to explore a bit. What better way to do that than hiking? Here Elle Cochrane is en route back to Vinstad after a day at Bunes beach. (4) Beach life. The Lofoten Islands are mostly known for their mountain life and fishing culture, but they're not as famous for the world class beaches. There are plenty of them and Bunes Beach, close to Reine, is one of the nicest.

­ eveloped. Entrepreneurs emerge to sell coffee and beer, d rent out rooms, cook mussels in wine, serve wine. Refine and facilitate. With luck, they don’t destroy the place’s soul. And sometimes, if you’re really lucky, these entrepreneurs manage to amplify that soul and charm; feeling pride and joy over sharing the place of their dreams with you.

videre. Entrepenører har dukket opp. De selger kaffe og øl. Leier ut rom, koker musling i vin, serverer vin. Forfiner og tilrettelegger. Har du flaks, ødelegges ikke sjelen ved stedet. Og noen ganger er man så heldig at sjelen – og sjarmen – bare forsterkers av slike aktører. Menneskene som bor her, føler stolthet og glede ved å få dele sitt drømmested med deg.

You need a car in the Lofotens. While it’s technically possi­

Lofoten er absolutt et sted der bil er nødvendig. Du kan selvsagt klare deg uten – men alt blir så mye enklere med bilen. Du kommer deg mer rundt. For eksempel til noen av øygruppens fineste strender: Unsrad, Utekleiv og Eggum – alle på vestsiden. Eller til Reine, Henningsvær og Svolvær på østsiden. De første tre stedene er blitt til på grunn av ­havets styrke. De tre siste ligger mer i ly. I dag skal vi besøke Svolvær – en slags hovedstad i ­Lofoten. Hurtigruten seiler innom her – og det kan være litt over­raskende å se alle turistene som går rundt i denne vesle byen. Lunsjen tar vi på Bacalao – en favoritt helt siden ­stedet åpnet. Navnet kommer selvsagt av at dette er stedet hvor det

ble to get by without one, a car makes things so much easier. You can get around more, for example to some of the finest beaches, such as Unsrad, Utekleiv and Eggum on the west side. Or to Reine, Henningsvær and Svolvær on the east side. The first three were created by the power the ocean. The last three are more sheltered. Today, we’re going to Svolvær, a sort of capital of Lofoten. The Hurtigruten passenger and cargo ships stop here and a surprising number of tourists wander around the small town. We have lunch at Bacalao, a favourite restaurant ever since it opened. The name, of course, reflects this area ­being



G 3

Lofoten fun

(1) Fishy business. There is a huge amount of artic cod in northern Norway and that is the reason the fishing industry on the Lofoten Islands has been such a gold mine during many years. Commercial fishing takes place in the winter time while tourists can try their luck during the summer months. (2) One with nature. It is a relaxing atmosphere being around beautiful mountain peaks, an amazing landscape and the fjords. The environment inspires to spiritual activities, like yoga overlooking the Reinefjord. (3) Dried fish for bacalao. Dried fish, often called stock fish, is unsalted fish – mainly cod – that has been dried naturally by the sun and the wind on wooden racks on the foreshore. Most of the stock fish is exported to Portugal and Italy where the fish is used for bacalao.


FACTS Lofoten Accommodation In Reine, the Reine Rorbuer ­cabins are great. In Henningsvær, you can stay at the C ­ limber’s Cafe ­(nordnorskklatreskole.no). You can also stay in one of ­Gammelfileten Brygges rorbu apartments. Svolvær has ­numerous options, but we recommend Svinøya Rorbuer. Activities In Lofoten, you do can every­ thing between heaven and earth (and sea). Reine A ­ dventure (reineadventure.com) is a good choice in Reine. In Henningsvær, we have already mentioned the North Norwegian Climbing School. Northern Alpine Guides (alpineguides.no) also has many tempting offers. >>> lofoten.info

Fastest way there Svolvær: Via Bodø to Svolvær

with SAS and Widerøe (from 2 hours, 16 minutes).





Europe’s main supplier of klippfisk, the dried fish used to make bacalao. Even though tour­ ism is increasing, fishing remains the cor­ nerstone here. We sit and enjoy the magnificent views, again. Lofoten peaks are reminiscent of the wild rocks of the Alps. It's just that the Alps have long since lost touch with the sea. We decide to climb Hermannsdalstind peak – 1,028 metres (3,371 feet) above sea ­level – the next morning. But then we hear some young people at the bar saying the surf is going to be good at Unstadveien beach. Once again, it’s hard to choose: Hike or surf? We order cloudberries for dessert, hoping that will make the decision easier. And so the days pass in the world's most playful vacation spot.

meste av Europas klippfisk ­produseres. For selv om turismen øker, er det fortsatt fisket som er den største inntektskilden. Her sitter vi og nyter den storslagne ut­ sikten igjen. Lofottoppene minner om ­Alpenes ville fjell. Det er bare det at Alpene forlengst har mistet kontakten med havet. Vi bestemmer oss for å bestige Hemanns­ dalstind – 1028 meter over havet – i morgen. Men så hører vi noen ungdommer borte ved baren som sier at det vil bli god surf ved ­Unstad. Nok en gang blir det vanskelig å velge. Fjelltur eller surfing? Vi bestiller en multebær til dessert og tenker at det vil gjøre valget enklere. Slik går dagene i verdens mest lekne ferie­ område.

Afrik a

PÅ FØRSTE REKKE Nå opplevd av mer enn 30.000 skandinavere: „Det er bare perfekt! Rett og slett verdt alle pengene” (Morten og Lotte)




Sommertilbud: Ta barn med for dkk


* Pris pr. pers. for 10 dagers luksussafari med alle måltider, daglig safariprogram, transfer og fly t/r. Prisen gjelder hele 2014.

På Nyati Safari Lodge får du ditt livs safariopplevelse. Bli med på et 10 dagers safarieventyr og la deg pleie i din egen eksklusive River Bungalow midt i Kruger National Park med direkte utsikt til Olifants River. Fra din private terrasse vil du hver dag kunne følge med på det rike dyrelivet langs elven. Du kan også velge å bo i våre luksu riøse private villaer på 200m² med eget svømmebasseng og plass til hele familien, eller leie din helt egen private Cheetah Camp på 500m². Denne kommer med privat sjåfør/guide, eget turprogram og egen kokk for et mindre tillegg. Oppholdet på Nyati Safari Lodge inneholder et fullt safariprogram i åpne safaribiler med skandinaviske/engelske guider. Mellom aktivi-

tetene vil det være tid til å slappe av i Lodgens store pool-, lounge- og barområde eller til et par tilleggsaktiviteter som f. eks jakt og golf. Maten på Nyati Safari Lodge er et høydepunkt i seg selv. På ekte Karen Blixen-vis serveres kulinariske menyer til stearinlysenes skjær ved pent dekkede bord eller i «bomaen», den tradisjonelle afrikanske grillplassen. Vi sørger for flytransport helt til den lokale flyplassen ved Kruger National Park, slik at du ikke trenger å kjøre den lange turen fra Johannesburg til Kruger National Park. Vil du oppleve enda mer av Afrika, kan du kombinere ditt safarieventyr med f. eks Cape Town, Mozambique, Mauritius, Victoria Falls og mange andre reisemål.


Fredag Avreise fra København eller Oslo**. Lørdag Velkomstlunsj og tid til å nyte de eventyrlige omgivelsene. Søndag Bushwalksafari om morgenen. Big 5 safari i åpne biler om ettermiddagen. Mandag Opplev livet i en lokal landsby og besøk den lokale heksedoktoren. Tirsdag Utflukt til verdens beste Big 5 safariområde: Kruger National Park. Onsdag Bushwalk og frokost over bål i naturen. Solnedgangssafari. Torsdag Panoramaruten. Opplev verdens 3. største canyon i Drakensberg-fjellene, de fantastiske jettegrytene Bourke’s Luck potholes og gullgraverbyen Pilgrim’s Rest. Fredag Bushwalk, gamedrive eller avslapning ved svømmebassenget. Solnedgangssafari i åpne biler. Lördag Gå på bushwalk og slå et par baller på Nyatis egen driving range. Avreise fra Nyati. Söndag Ankomst København eller Oslo**. ** Vennligst noter at det kan tilkomme flytillegg på avganger fra Oslo.



Medlem av Rejsegarantifondet reg. nr. 1803, Bohemian.dk


destination norway GO! Photo tusenfryd.no

G 3

The loops. At the Tusenfryd amusement park just outside Oslo you can go upside down as many times you want to.

Play in the park At Oslo’s Tusenfryd amusement park, advanced toys await you. På Tusenfryd utenfor Oslo finner du Norges mest avanserte leketøy. You bring excited children to the Tusenfryd amusement park, near Oslo. You’ve already decided just to look at the rides, not to try them. Maybe you buy an ice cream, sit down in the sun and enjoy a moment of peace. But then the kids want you to try some­ thing called the SpinSpider. “What's the SpinSpider?” you ask. “That's it,” respond the children, pointing to an ­extraterrestrial ride upon which 40 terrified passengers are being hurled toward the sky, partly upside down as they rotate counterclockwise, in an unending nightmare. The children insist on trying and you join them in the queue, saying you will just watch from the ground. But then the kids start laughing at you, calling you a wimp, and suddenly you find yourself hanging upside down, 44 metres (144 feet) above the ground.



Du tar med deg forventingsfulle barn til Tusenfryd. Du har bestemt deg for at du bare skal se på karusellene – ikke prøve selv. Kanskje du kjøper deg en is, setter deg ned i sola og nyter et øye­ blikks ro. Men så kommer barna og vil ha deg med opp i noe som heter Spin­ Spider. «Hva er SpinSpider?» spør du. «Det er den der», svarer barna, og peker på en utenomjordisk karusell hvor 40 skrekkslagne passasjerer slynges­ opp mot himmelen – delvis opp-ned – samtidig som de roterer mot klokka, i et slags evigvarende mareritt. Barna insisterer på å få prøve, og du blir med dem bort til køen, sier at du kan stå der og se på. Men så begynner barna å le av deg, de kaller deg en pyse, og plutselig henger du opp-ned selv, 44 meter over bakken, og slipper ut et primalskrik: «uæææææ!» Etterpå føles det som om du ser ­verden med helt nye øyne.

Facts Tusenfryd is a big amusement park at Vinterbro outside Oslo. Notable attractions are SpeedMonster, ThunderCoaster, ­SuperSplash, SpaceShot, SpinSpider and Thor's Hammer. Tusenfryd is Norway's largest summer job ­provider, with 750 ­employees. >>> tusenfryd.no

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G 3

destination norway The outdoors

North. In Norway you can experience the Northern Lights – perhaps the most beautiful light you will ever see.




gateway to the northern lights Text marianne alfsen photos Fredrik Broms

Tourists are flocking to north Norway like never before to see the magical Northern Lights. Aldri før har så mange turister flokket til Nord-Norge for å se det magiske nordlyset.


have fascinated people for c­ enturies. The Aurora Borealis was long associated­ with fear and supernatural forces. The Vikings ­believed the lights were the reflections of dead virgins. The Inuits believed the lights enveloped spirits, which were ­celebrating the darkness with an undulating dance of death. Reason and research have replaced superstition but the magic remains. “Many Asian tourists are still quite spiritual about the Northern Lights. They believe the lights assure happiness for marriage and children. Westerners are more eager to experience the phenomenon itself, because this is n ­ ature’s most spectacular light show,” says Pål Brekke, a solar ­researcher at the Norwegian Space Centre. He is a world-class expert on the northern lights, both as a researcher and communicator. he Northern Lights

The Northern Lights belt cuts a swath through the Arctic

regions of several countries, where the aurora is part of local mythology. And it is not by chance that north Norway has staked its claim on Northern Lights tourism. “Nowhere on Earth are the Northern Lights more ­accessible,” says Brekke. Thanks to the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, Norway has a far more liveable Arctic climate than, for example, Canada, Alaska and Siberia, not to mention the bitter cold of Antarctica, where the Southern Lights put on an equally spectacular show. The Aurora Borealis has also been extra active in recent years, leading to increased focus on the phe­ nomenon in the world news media. North Norway’s tourism industry has taken full advantage of that attention. Places where hotel beds were empty during the dark of ­polar win­ ter night, now report up to 90 per cent occupancy rates for key Northern Lights months (September-April) in Tromsø,


ordlys har fascinert mennesket i århundrer. Lenge var fenomenet forbundet med frykt og over­ naturlige krefter. Vikingene mente lysene reflekterte­ døde jomfruer. Inuitene trodde nordlyset svøpte ånder, som feiret mørket med en bølgende dødsdans. Fornuft og ­forskning har overtatt for tidligere tiders overtro – men ­magien vedvarer. – Mange asiatiske turister er fortsatt ganske gudommelige­ i sin tilnærming til nordlyset. De mener det bringer både lykke i ekteskapet og barn. Folk fra den vestlige verden er mer opptatt av å oppleve fenomenet i seg selv. For dette er jo naturens mest spektakulære lysshow, sier solforsker Pål Brekke ved Norsk Romsenter. Han er en av verdens største kapasiteter på nordlys – både som forsker og formidler. Nordlysbeltet går gjennom flere land i Arktis, der nordlyset er en del av den lokale mytologien. At det nettopp er Nord-Norge som «eier» den økende nordlysturismen, er ikke tilfeldig. – Ingen steder på jorden er nordlyset lettere tilgjengelig, påpeker Brekke. For takket være Golfstrømmen har Norge et langt mer levelig klima i nord enn for eksempel de nordlige deler av Canada, Alaska eller Sibir – for ikke å snakke om ­Antarktis, hvor Sørlyset er synlig. I tillegg har Nordlys-aktiviteten vært ekstra stor i senere år, som igjen har gitt økt fokus på fenomenet i media verden over. Det har turistindustrien i Nord-Norge visst å benytte seg av. Massiv satsning på nordlys­turisme de siste årene har gitt eventyrlige resultater.­ Der hotellsenger før lå brakk i vintermørket, meldes det nå om opp mot 90 prosent belegg i enkelte nordlysmåneder i Tromsø (september til april). Midnattssolens land er også blitt nordlysets rike.



G 3

The outdoors

What are the Northern Lights? The sun, 150 million kilometres (93 million miles) away causes the Aurora Borealis. The Northern Lights occur when powerful solar winds fire electrically charged particles toward Earth. The particles are electrons and protons that form the light when they collide with gases in Earth's atmosphere. Northern Lights can normally be seen in a belt around the magnetic poles, and are seen as rolling lights in the night sky, 90 to 300 kilometres (55-185 miles) above the Earth. The colour spectrum ranges from blue and green to red and orange. The Northern Lights' intensity varies according to solar activity.

A prelude in Oslo App. The free app "Norway Lights" allows you to easily and quickly find the most likely places to see the Northern Lights in northern Norway. You can also search for other towns in Norway.

the main city of the Norwegian ­Arctic. The "Land of the Midnight Sun," as it's been nicknamed, is also becoming the Land of the Northern Lights.

Oslo Lufthavn er inngangsporten til nordlyset. Det er hit de først k ­ ommer, de inter­nasjonale nordlysturist­ene. Herfra går ferden videre til en av de ni definerte «nordlys­ flyplassene» som kan håndtere store passasjerfly: Bodø, Harstad, Andøya, Bardufoss, Tromsø, Alta, Lakselv, Kirkenes og Svalbard. – Til nå har Tromsø hatt mest nordlys­ trafikk, men vi håper og tror satsningen­ på nordlysflyplassene vil bidra til å styrke­ nordlysturismen også i andre deler av Nord-­ Norge, sier trafikkutvikler Iver ­Holter-Andersen i Avinor. – Dette går nemlig bare én vei: oppover!

Oslo Airport is the Gateway to the North­

ern Lights. This is the first stop for inter­ national aurora tourists. From there, the journey continues to one of nine designated “Northern Lights Airports” that can handle the largest aircraft: Bodø, Harstad, Andøya, Bardufoss, Tromsø, Alta, Lakselv, Kirkenes and Svalbard. “So far, Tromsø has had the most North­ ern Lights traffic, but we hope and believe the ­focus on Northern Lights airports will help strengthen aurora tourism in other parts of northern Norway as well,” says Iver Holter, of Norway’s national airport ­operator, Avinor. “In fact, it’s only going one way and that is up!”



Oslo has its own kind of aurora, with the Ski Museum's audi­ torium in the Holmenkollen area showing Pål Brekke's spectacular documentary "Northern Lights – a lifetime experience." "The film is a door opener, which we hope will inspire more people to travel north and experience the Northern Lights in real life," says Karin Berg, director of the Ski ­Museum. In cooperation with the Ski Museum, Oslo Airport is showing clips from the film in the baggage claim area. >>> holmenkollen.com/Ski- Museum

The ultimate guide One way to make the most of your Northern Lights adventure is to get a copy “Northern Lights – A Guide" written by solar researcher Pål Brekke and aurora photo­ grapher Fredrik Broms. It covers everything from the myths and facts about the phenomenon to where and when you can best see the Northern Lights. The book also has a chapter on photographing the Northern Lights.

Dinamo | Foto: Marcel Leliënhof / Tinagent

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you’ve dropped off your bag, checked in, cleared security and boarded your flight. at last, you’re airborne and are eager to check out the games and films on offer. if you want the very best, the independenttraveller. com website says virgin america, jetblue, Singapore Airlines, air canada and Emirates all garnered praise for onboard entertainment. Du har levert bagasjen, sjekket inn, kommet deg gjennom sikkerhetskontrollen og inn på flyet. Nå er du endelig i lufta – og gleder deg til å sjekke ut film- og spilltilbudet. Vil du ha det beste tilbudet av alle, bør du ifølge nettsiden independenttraveller.com fly med Virgin america. JetBlue, singapore airlines, air Canada og emirates får også skryt for underholdningen ombord. ››› independenttraveller.com



aviation News

Photo corbis images

G 4

Toilets for dogs / Toalett for hunder Like humans, dogs also need to relieve themselves before a long flight. The Brisbane Airport in Australia has taken that to heart, and opened two toilets for animals. This means passengers who, for example, travel with a guide dog no longer have to leave the terminal and clear security again each time natures calls. The restrooms have artificial lawns and water bowls. fugit veliquid minvenihit. Også hunder må gjøre sitt fornødne før lange flyreiser, ikke bare mennesker. Dette har Brisbane lufthavn tatt på alvor, og har åpnet to toaletter for dyr. Dette skal gjøre det enklere for passasjerer som for eksempel reiser med førerhund, slik at de slipper å forlate terminalen og gå gjennom sikkerhetskontrollen på nytt når naturen kaller. Toalettene­er utstyrt med kunstig gressplen og vannskål.

The largest UK departure / Den største britiske avreisen The hundred most iconic departures from Britain by plane, train, boat or car have now been named. A British survey found that The Beatles’ departure to the United States in 1964 was voted the most legendary departure. Some 3,000 fans had turned up at Heathrow to wave goodbye to the band before they boarded Pan Am flight 101 to JFK where 5,000 fans and 200 reporters and photo­ graphers were waiting for them.

››› bne.com.au

De hundre mest ikoniske avreisene fra Storbritannia med fly, tog, båt eller bil er nå kåret. I den britiske spørre­ undersøkelsen ble The Beatles’ avreise til USA i 1964 stemt frem som den mest legendariske avgangen gjennom tidene. 3000 fans hadde møtt opp på Heathrow for å vinke farvel til bandet før de bordet flight 101 med Pan Am til JFK, hvor 5000 fans og 200 journalister og fotografer ventet på dem. ››› heathrowairport.com

Flying on sunlight / Flyr på solstråler

Photo getty images

The world's first "green" jet fuel has seen the light of day and it is made from sun rays. Scientists have developed a new reactor that produces jet fuel from solar energy, water and carbon dioxide. The renewable fuel suits current jet engines, and its makers believe it could revolutionise the airline industry and be an important factor in cutting emissions.



Verdens første «grønne» flydrivstoff har sett dagens lys, og det er laget av solstråler. I en ny type reaktor har forskere klart å produsere flybensin av solenergi, vann og karbondioksid. Det fornybare drivstoffet kan brukes i dagens jetflymotorer, og produsentene mener det kan revolusjonere flyindustrien og bli et viktig tiltak for å redusere utslippene. ››› solar-jet.aero


airPort roBots are coMinG / flyPlassroBotene koMMer Before you know it, you’ll be asking airport robots for your gate number. PAL robotics launched its reeM airport robot that can serve as an aiport guide and information source. The company hopes the robots will start service this year. reeM is 170 centimetres (5 feet, 7 inches) tall, and weighs 90 kilograms (198 pounds) and has navigational equipment, a camera, a touch screen and facial recognition software. Plus, it can shake hands with passengers. Før du vet ordet av det står du på en flyplass og spør en robot om hvilken gate du skal gå til. PaL Robotics lanserte nemlig i vår sin flyplassrobot Reem som kan fungere som passasjerguide og informasjonskilde, og selskapet håper roboten kommer i drift i løpet av året. Reem er 170 centimeter høy, 90 kilo tung og har navigasjonsutstyr, kamera, berøringsskjerm og programvare for ansiktsgjenkjenning. Dessuten kan den håndhilse på passasjerer. ››› pal-robotics.com

the WorlD's Best airPorts / VerDens Beste flyPlasser Singapore Changi Airport has been named the world’s best airport for the second year running. With attractions like a cinema, a butterfly garden and a rooftop pool, the airport topped the Skytrax 2014 World Airport Awards, where nearly 13 million passengers worldwide voted for their favourite aiports. London Heathrow T5 won for best terminal, and Munich Airport was europe's best airport. singapore Changi airport er kåret til verdens beste flyplass for andre året på rad. med attraksjoner som kino, sommerfuglhage og svømmebasseng på taket gikk flyplassen rett til topps under skytrax 2014 World airport awards, hvor nesten 13 millioner passasjerer fra hele verden har stemt fram sine favorittflyplasser. Prisen for beste terminal gikk til London Heathrow t5, og münchen lufthavn ble kåret til europas beste flyplass. ››› worldairportawards.com

G 4

Aviation Acro flying

Aerobatic plane. “You don’t get into the plane, you put it on,” says Håvard N. Iversen about his Pitts Special aerobatic plane.




Cloud dancer Text Marianne Alfsen photos Fredrik Naumann

Håvard N. Iversen's red biplane makes his boyhood ­dream come true. Every week. I en rød dobbeltdekker går guttedrømmen til Håvard N. Iversen i oppfyllelse. Hver uke.



G 4

Acro flying

Facts The Pitts Special American Curtis Pitts designed his first aerobatic biplane in the 1940s. The design has been refined continuously since the prototype's first flight in September 1944. However, the current Pitts Special still remains quite close to the original in concept and design. G-force G-force is a measurement of acceleration felt as weight, based on gravitational force. When an aerobatic plane pulls six g, it means those aboard feel a force that is six times their own weight. G-forces occur during ­acceleration, deceleration and tight turns. A positive g-force pushes you into your seat, while a negative g-force tries to lift you out of the plane. In an airplane, positive g-forces are typical for an inside loop, while negative g-forces are usual in an outside loop. Sources: Norwegian Astronautical Society, Wikipedia and Norwegian encyclo­paedia Store norske leksikon

Facts calendar Where to see Håvard N. Iversen fly this summer: 15 June: Wings and Wheels Nord­hordaland 2014 (Knarvik) 21 and 22 June: Værnes ­Airshow 16 August: Skien-Geiteryggen Air Show 30 and 31 August: Rudskogen Motor Festival




have always felt that flying in a straight

line was boring, says Håvard N. Iversen, 39, with a smile. This father of two’s hobby would make most people lose their stomachs. In a tiny, red aerobatic biplane, he rolls and spins though the sky, with gravity pushing his body to the limit. “The plane can pull up to six g, which means your body feels six times its own weight. It can be hard just to lift your arm,” says Iversen, who has learned to keep a cool head (and stomach) through the ordeals.

Iversen’s passion for airplanes was passed down by his stepfather, who built his own plane in his basement in Vigra, in western Norway’s Sunnmøre district. Iversen started with gliders at age 15, and worked his way up to a commercial license. In 2003, he got his aero­ batic license. He works on the ground crew at Oslo Airport. But most weekends, he heads for the Kjeller air­ strip, north of Oslo, where his plane has a hanger. “Playing in three dimensions offers an in­ credible feeling of freedom,” says Iversen. He’s not the only one he amuses. As a “ ­ display pilot,” Iversen travels the Nordic ­region to put on air shows. His dream is to fly in some of the big events in the United States, the cradle of aerobatics, where ace pilots like Rob Holland and Shaun D. Tucker rule the skies. In addition to shows, Iversen and other aerobatic pilots duel it out in contests. “I compare aerobatic competitions to ballet, because it’s just as visual,” says Iversen. Within an airspace called an aerobatic box, with a length, width and height of 1,000 m ­ etres (3,280 feet), pilots do routines of their own making, as well as unrehearsed, required pro­ grams. Contestants are judged by the grace and accuracy of their antics.


eg har alltid synes det er kjedelig å fly rett frem, smiler Håvard N. Iversen­ (39). Tobarnsfaren har en hobby som får ­magen til å vrenge seg for de fleste. I et knøttlite, rødt Curtis Pitts 1971 akrobatfly både ­looper, roller og spinner han seg over himmelen,­mens tyngdekraften presser kroppen­til det ytterste. – Flyet tåler å trekke opp til 6 g. Det betyr at kroppen blir seks ganger så tung. Det kan være vanskelig bare å løfte på armen, forteller Hå­ vard, som har lært seg å holde magen i ro gjen­ nom strabasene.

fra stefaren, som bygde eget fly i kjelleren på Vigra på Sunnmøre. ­Håvard begynte selv med seilfly i 15-årsalder­ en, og avanserte videre til kommersielt fly­ sertifikat. I 2003 var også akro-sertifikatet i boks. Til daglig jobber han som bakkemannskap på Oslo Lufthavn. Men nesten hver helg går turen til Kjeller småflyhavn, der akrobatflyet hans har hangarplass. – Det gir en vanvittig frihetsfølelse å få leke seg i det tredimensjonale, sier Håvard.

Flydilla arvet han

Som såkalt display pilot reiser Håvard Norden rundt og holder show. Drømmen er å komme på nivå med de store i USA, luftakrobatikkens vugge, der helter som Rob Holland og Sean D. Tucker regjerer akrobathimmelen. Foruten å fly show deltar Håvard også i ­konkurranser. – Jeg sammenligner gjerne akrobatfly-­ konkurranser med ballett, fordi det er like ­visuelt, sier Håvard. Innenfor et luftrom på 1 x 1 x 1 kilometer skal akrobatflyverne utføre et egenutviklet program, samt et ukjent program de får utdelt på konkurransedagen. Deltakerne blir bedømt etter hvor grasiøst og presist de gjennomfører If I’m going to compete against the best in de ulike krumspringene. the world, I need a more powerful aircraft,” says Iversen, revealing the ultimate show Skal jeg konkurrere i den høyste klassen,­ and ­competition machine that is under con­ trenger jeg et kraftigere fly, forteller Håvard,­og struction in his garage. avslører at den ultimate show- og k ­ onkurranse­-­ “My goal is to build the most awesome maskinen er under bygging i garasjen. ­machine in Europe,” he says. – Målet er å bygge den råeste maskinen i And the legacy is being passed down again: ­Europa, fortsetter han. His oldest son, seven-year-old Aaron, has Og arven går videre. Eldstesønnen Aaron (7) flown with dad. har vært med pappa opp: “He didn’t want to land,” says Iversen. – Han ville ikke lande igjen, ler Håvard. Han morer ikke bare seg selv.

(1-2) Upside down. As a display pilot, Håvard N. Iversen has a special permit from the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority to go below the normal minimum flight ceiling, giving audiences a close-up view of his aerobatics. (3) Popular. Iversen has been an aerobatic pilot since 2003. The sport is growing in Norway, while the U.S. and France are the biggest "aerobatic nations.” (4) Control. “You become a better pilot by flying aerobatics because you learn to control abnormal movements,” says Iversen.



avIaTIon GO! phoTo jOhN bREchER/NbcNEWS

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flying home. Bruce Campbell bought a used Boeing 727-200, took it apart and then put it back together deep in the woods of Oregon, USA. Now, this is his home.

Living in a 727 an airplane to you. a home to him. et fly for deg. et hjem for ham. American Bruce Campbell is more than a little passionate about airplanes. He bought a used Boeing 727­200, took it apart and then put it back together deep in the woods of his home state, Oregon. The idea was to turn the old plane into a practical, functioning home. Now the cockpit is a reading room, with a working computer monitor in the instrument panel. One of the original toilets still does its original job, while another toilet is now a temporary shower of sorts. One of Campbell's coolest ideas was to replace the plane’s original floor with a translucent one. Now, he and visitors can see the wiring and electronics that went into a 727­200.



Amerikaneren Bruce Campbell er en over gjennomsnittet flyinteressert mann. Han kjøpte et brukt Boeing 727­200, demonterte det og satte det sammen igjen i et skogholt hjemme i Oregon. Målsettingen var å for­ vandle det gamle flyet til et praktisk og funksjonelt hjem. Nå er cockpiten lese­ rom – med en fungerende pc­skjerm integrert i instrumentpanelet. Et av de originale toalettene fungerer slik det skal, mens et annet toalett inneholder en slags midlertidig dusj. Lasterommet fungerer som en oppsiktsvekkende stor bod, og vingene egner seg som balkonger. En av Campbells morsomste ideer var å fjerne det originale gulvet inne i flyet og erstatte det med et gjen­ nomsiktig. Nå kan både han og gjestene se alle ledningene og all elektronikken som utgjorde en 727­200.

facts The Boeing 727 is a mid-size, narrow-body, three-engine jet aircraft. It can carry 149 to 189 passengers and later models have a 4,400 to 5,000 kilometre (2,7003,100 mile) range. Intended for short and medium-length flights, the 727 can use fairly short runways at smaller airports. The 727-100 first flew in February 1963. The stretched 727-200 flew in July 1967. The 727 was heavily produced into the 1970s; the last 727 was completed in 1984.

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Ekornene i Central Park er triste på mandager

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G 4

aviation Three hours at the airport



Playful landing Text John-Arne Ø. Gundersen photo ntb scanpix

Nothing makes time fly like a slot car track or a pool table at Istanbul Airport. Ingenting får timene å gå som en bilbane eller et biljardbord på flyplassen i Istanbul.

HOUR one

HOUR two

HOUR three

Yes, you can obviously pass the time by shopping for colourful souvenirs, reading a magazine for the second time, or halfway dosing off on a bench. But time passes fast if you play. And when you land at Istanbul Airport Ataturk, you should be in a playful mood. First, seek out high speeds and sharp corner turns in Turkish Airlines CIP Lounge, where you will find a slot car track with red racers speeding through a miniature model of Istanbul, across bridges, past historic buildings and lush fields. Buckle up!

Playtime is far from over. Turkish Airlines' newly renovated CIP Lounge spans two floors and can accom­modate over a thousand guests. Once inside, ­ignore massage chairs, the green garden and the piano player, and set your sights on a hole-in-one. Indoors. With slightly bended knees, take a hit with your club in the gold simulator, and watch your shot sail onto the green. Or, if you like other games, stroll into the library, pick up a cue and start shooting pool.

1. TIME Ja, man kan selvsagt få tiden til å gå med å handle fargerike ­suvenirer, lese et magasin for andre gang eller halvsove på en benk, men tiden går ­fortere hvis man leker. Og når du lander på ­Istanbul lufthavn, Atatürk, bør du være i det lekne hjørnet. Først skal du oppsøke stor fart og krappe svinger på Turkish Airlines’ CIP Lounge. Der inne lyser den mot deg, bilbanen, med sine røde racerbiler som speeder gjennom en ­miniatyrmodell av Istanbul, over broer, forbi historiske bygg og langs grønne sletter. Du har bare å spenne sikkerhetsbeltet.

2. TIME Leken er langt fra over. Inne

Finally, you’ll be spending some money, and will be doing that in the many stalls of the Old Bazaar, which is an imitation of the Grand Bazaar, an old market with thousands of small shops in Istanbul. With its labyrinth of arches and pillars – and a supposedly authentic smell – the market will make you forget that you are at an airport. The bazaars offer 1,800 local products, including Turkish textiles, highly potent coffee, and olive oil soap. And when your shopping bag is full, head for your flight. Passing three hours was playfully easy.

på Turkish Airlines’ nyrenoverte CIP Lounge som strekker seg over to etasjer og rommer over tusen gjester, ignorerer du massasjestolene, den grønne hagen og pianoet som spiller av seg selv. Du har nemlig tatt mål av deg til å forsøke på en hole-in-one. Innendørs. Med lett bøyde knær i golfsimulatoren svinger du golfkølla av full kraft og ser ballen suse mot greenen. Hvis du derimot ønsker å prøve et annet ballspill, kan du rusle inn i biblioteket hvor du plukker opp en kø og begynner på et slag biljard.

3. TIME Helt til sist skal du bruke

penger, og det skal du gjøre i de mange butikkene du finner i Old Bazaar, som er en etterlikning av Den store basaren, et gammelt marked med tusenvis av småbutikker i Istanbul. Med en labyrint av bueganger og søyler – og visstnok autentisk lukt – skal markedet få deg til å glemme at du er inne på en flyplass. I disse basarene selges over 1800 lokale produkter, som tyrkiske tekstiler, kruttsterk kaffe og olivenoljesåpe. Og når handleposen er full, kan du gå mot flyet. Lekende lett har tre timer gått.



g 4

avIaTIon The historic image

The playful pIloT


charles huron Kaman (1919-2011) was an American aeronautical engineer, businessman, inventor and philanthropist, known for his work with helicopters. here he tries to get to a 3-point landing on the heads of Mrs. charles h. Kaman, ann griffin and another girl, who each hold a sheet of plywood. k-125 was charles kaman's first helicopter that used a patented stability control. It first flew on 15 january 1947. Charles Huron Kaman (1919–2011) var en amerikansk luftfartsingeniør, forretningsmann, oppfinner og filantrop, kjent for sitt arbeid med helikopter. Her forsøker han å få til en trepunkts landing på hodene til mrs. Charles H. Kaman, ann Griffin og en annen jente, som alle holder hver sin plate med kryssfiner. K-125 var Charles Kamans første helikopter som benyttet en patentert stabilitetskontroll. Det fløy første gang 15. januar 1947.





G A t E 5 text Zackary Canepari/Panos/Felix Features and Eivind Eidslott

The playful people

Photo Zackary Canepari/Panos/Felix Features

Some people dress up their whole life. Noen mennesker kler seg ut hele livet.



Visualization The playful people Photo xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

G 5



(1) The shave. Christopher Dennis shaves as he prepares to put on his Superman costume, which he will wear on Hollywood Boulevard in LA. He has been entertaining tourists, posing for photographs with them for the last 19 years. (2) On his way to work. When you work as a Superman impersonator, you have a different work outfit than everybody else you see in the streets.


e usually starts his day with a Pall Mall. Then he maneuvers his skinny, 45-year-old frame through his cramped apartment and into his bathroom. A sign over the door reads "I Can Do Anything." He brushes his teeth quickly and then starts on his hair. Hair spray. Lots of hair spray, until he gets the perfect Christopher Reeve curl in the middle of his forehead. Then some more hair spray to hold it in place. Satisfied, he moves back to the cramped living room and lights another menthol. Still smoking, he starts slipping into the full body muscle suit, legs first. He puts his cigarette out into an ashtray and slips his arm into one side and then into the other. He hasn't always worn the muscle suit but it's now a staple. Finished, he sits and makes a call. "You're going to meet me over there?" he asks. "You're going to be Wonder Woman, no?" He hangs up, satisfied with the response. 45-year-old Christopher Dennis has worked as Superman on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles for 20 years. If you try to call him, you receive the following message on the answering machine: "Hello Earthlings, you have reached the one and only ­Kryptonian – Christopher Dennis – also known as Hollywood Superman. Please leave your name and number after the beep and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Till then, cheers." Dennis is not the only one who likes to dress up. Across the globe you will find people who don completely ­different clothes than the average office worker. Maybe they live to dress up, like our Superman. Maybe they disguise themselves as part of an alternative lifestyle. Or maybe they just dress up in their spare time – because their favourite outfit is not suitable at work. On the following pages we'll get to know some of these playful people.




an starter vanligvis dagen med en ­sigarett. Så manøvrerer han den tynne, middelaldrende ­kroppen sin gjennom den trange leiligheten og inn på badet. På et skilt over døra står det: «Jeg kan gjøre alt.» Han pusser tennene og starter deretter arbeidet med frisyren. Hårspray. Veldig mye hårspray – inntil han får den perfekte Christopher Reeves-sleiken. Og deretter litt mer hårspray for å holde det hele på plass. Fornøyd beveger han seg tilbake til den vesle stua og tenner en ny sigarett. Med røyken i munnen glir han inn i supermanndrakten, føttene først. Så legger han fra seg sigaretten i et askebeger og tar armene inn i drakten, først den ene, så den andre. Nå er han ferdig. Han setter seg ned og tar en telefon. – Møter du meg der borte? spør han. – Du skal være Wonder Woman, ikke sant? Han legger på – tilfreds med svaret. 45 år gamle Christopher Dennis har jobbet som Supermann på Hollywood Boulevard i Los Angeles i 20 år. Hvis du prøver å ringe ham, får du følgende beskjed på telefon­ svareren: ­ «Hallo, jordboer, du har kommet til den eneste Krytonian – Christpher Dennis – også kjent som Hollywood Superman. Vær snill og legg igjen navn og nummer etter pipe­ tonen, og jeg skal ringe tilbake til deg så raskt jeg kan. Ha det bra så lenge.» Dennis er ikke den eneste som liker å kle seg ut. Over hele kloden finner du mennesker som tar på seg helt andre klær enn den gjennomsnittlige kontorarbeider. Kanskje de lever av å kle seg ut, slik som vår Supermann. Kanskje de kler seg ut som en del av en alternativ livsstil. Eller kanskje de bare kler seg ut på fritiden – fordi favorittantrekket ikke egner seg på jobben. På de neste sidene skal vi bli bedre kjent med noen slike lekne mennesker.

all Photos Zackary Canepari/Panos/Felix Features


The gathering. 45-year-old Christopher Dennis wears a Superman costume on 足Hollywood Boulevard as he talks with 足Batman and Spiderman.



The playful people

Photo getty images

G 5




Photo Zackary Canepari/Panos/Felix Features



(1) The naked cowboy. Robert John Burck, better known as the Naked

Cowboy, is an American street performer whose stage is New York City's Times Square. He wears only cowboy boots, a hat, and briefs, with a guitar strategically placed to give the illusion of nudity. (2) Dressed up. A woman dressed in a Wonder Woman costume, entertaining tourists on Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles, USA.



G 5

The playful people

The furries. The furry fandom is a subculture interested in fictional anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics. Here are Fruitloop, a bat, and Pazuzu, a demon lord, relaxing in their yard.



Both Photos Tom Broadbent/eyevine


Everyday furry life. Examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions,

the ability to speak, walk on two legs, and wear clothes. Furry fandom is also used to refer to the community of people who gather on the Internet and at conventions. Here is Zuki, a gargoyle, at home.



Photo xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

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The playful people




Both Photos Tom Broadbent/eyevine



(1) The bird. There are so many diffent kinds of flurries. Here is Chi, a great bird, eating breakfast at home. (2) Star Wars. And here is Fangorn, a Jedi tiger, at home in Swansea.



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Xxxxx xxxxx people The playful



Playful in Japan. Lolita fashion is a subculture originating in Japan, based on Victorian-era clothing. The Lolita look began primarily as one of modesty with a focus on quality足 in both material and the manu足facturing of 足garments. Lolita fashion has evolved into several different sub styles and has a subculture that is present in many parts of the world. Cosplay, short for "costume play," is another form of performance art that is popular in Japan. Here, participants wear costumes and fashion accessories to represent a specific character or idea that is usually identified with a unique name. Cosplayers often interact to create a subculture centered on role play.



all Photos getty images


The playful people

all Photos getty images

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(1) A Female Superhero. Nicole Abramovici poses as Prowler during her night patrol in Brooklyn, New York. Risking her safety to help those in need, New York's latest superhero is a real-life catwoman. (2) Street patrol. The Statesman patrols the streets at night in Birmingham, England. Like an

image straight out of a comic book, The Statesman watches silently over the bright lights of the British city – waiting for a crime or cry for help to ring out. (3) Your friend. One of Prowler's superhero friends poses for the camera during the night in Brooklyn, New York.

people dressing up In the big city streets around the world, you will find people dressing up as somebody else – maybe a superhero or a superstar – trying to earn some money from it. Others like to dress up as part of an alternative lifestyle – like the Lolita fashion girls in Japan. The film "Confessions of a Superhero" (2007) chronicles the lives of four mortal men and women who work as characters on the sidewalks of Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles.





>>> furnation.com >>> furryfandom.info >>> lolitafashion.org >>> supermanhomepage.com








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G 6

Temptation Happy meals

Street party. Hitchhiker grabs the best from the world’s streets and mixes it up in a colourful way.



playing with food Text Per Asbjørn Risnes Jr. Photos Marte Garmann

If cooks hadn’t played around in the kitchen, restaurants would only serve Ratatouille. Uten lek på kjøkkenet ville restauranter fortsatt bare servert ratatouille.



G 6

Happy meals



(1) Not your average chefs. No white puffy hats for chefs Stian Floer and Jan Robin Ektvedt. (2) Surf and turf. Dumplings with pork and shrimp with spring onions and bok choy salad.


n recent years, the level of a chefs' playfulness in the kitchen has reached a peak. Adrian Ferran at El Bulli has played with a chemistry set. Heston Blumenthal fooled around with dry ice and sous-vide. Jamie Oliver has lisped his way through feasts in a macho kitchen. And Nordic cuisine, led by Maemo and Noma, has experimented with new combinations of local moss and ­ ­pulverised oysters. At the same time, colourful street food has gone global, which is easy to see at the new Oslo ­restaurant Hitchhiker in the city's culinary temple, Mathallen, or Food Hall. “I like eating at places with a fun and informal feel. ­Places where you can pick up a fork even if you dropped it on the floor. That’s why I created such a place myself,” says Stian Floer.

Above the bar is a toy trailer that was a housewarming gift from colleagues. The chefs all wear black jackets with a wriggling, colourful octopus graphic on the back and black caps instead of white toque hats. When they run out of chairs, they use barrels with special sitting boards. The menu is not the only creative thing at Hitchhiker. It’s global, to say the least, offering noodle soups, steamed




e siste årene har kokkenes kjøkkenlek nådd et fore­

løpig klimaks. Adrian Ferran på El Bulli har lekt seg med kjemisettet. Heston Blumenthal har tullet med tørris og sous vide. Jamie Oliver har lespet seg gjennom en fest av et machokjøkken. Og det nordiske kjøkkenet med Maemo og Noma i spissen­har testet seg frem til stadig nye kombinasjoner av kortreist mose og pulverisert østers. Men samtidig har den ­fargerike gate­maten blitt global. Det kan man se på den nye Oslo-­restauranten Hitchhiker i byens kulinariske tempel ­Mathallen. ­ – Jeg liker best selv å spise på steder der det er litt gøy og uformell steming. Der du kan plukke opp gaffelen selv om du mister den på gulvet. Så da laget jeg et slikt sted selv, sier Stian Floer.

Over baren står leketraileren han fikk i innflyttingsgave fra

kollegene. På ryggen av alle de svarte kokkejakkene ­spreller en vilter og fargerik blekksprut, og alle har svart caps i ­stedet for kokkelue. Når de går tom for stoler i restauranten, ­bruker de øltønner med spesiallagde seteplater. Det er mer enn menyen som er kreativ på Hitchhiker. Men den er til gjengjeld global.


Mutton pop. Japanese Lamb Kushyiaki with tabasco, mint and yoghurt.



G 6

Happy meals

(1–3) Crispy crepe. Jianbing is a thin fried egg pancake, a bit like the French crepe. This recipe uses crispy confit of duck instead of Peking Duck.


Jianbing with crispy duck

Eggepannekake med sprø and

Ingredients Jianbing: • 5 eggs • 1 tbs sugar • 1 tsp salt • Flour to the right consistency • Milk to the right consistency • 1 egg for frying

Ingredienser Eggepannekaker: • 5 egg • 1 ss sukker • 1 ts salt • mel til passe konsistens • melk til passe konsistens • 1 egg til steking

Peking Duck glaze: • 2 tbs Peking Duck sauce • 1 tbs black bean chili • 1 tsp grated ginger • 1 tsp grated lemon grass • 1 tsp finely chopped coriander

Peking Duck glaze: • 2 ss Pekingduck-saus • 1 ss black bean chilisaus • 1 ts revet ingefær • 1 ts revet sitrongress • 1 ts finsnittet koriander

PREPARATION Mix eggs, sugar and salt in a bowl. Whisk in the flour until the mixture is syrupy and free of lumps. Then whisk in milk until the texture is slightly thinner than pancake batter. Fry the jianbing in a medium hot skillet. Pour one decilitre (0.4 cup) and spread thin with a frying palette or spatula. Turn and fry for an equal mount of time. Heat confit of duck in the oven at 180 degrees C, (355 °F ) for about 15 minutes or until crisp. Cut into pieces. Add duck, watercress, iceberg lettuce and red onions. Mix ingredients for Peking Duck glaze, use amply as topping. Roll up and cut into portions.

Tilberedning Bland egg, sukker og salt i en bolle. Visp inn mel til røren er seig og fri for klumper. Så vispes inn melk til den har en fin konsistens – litt tynnere enn pannekakerøre. Stekes i medium varm stekepanne. Ha i 1 dl røre og stryk den tynt ut med en stekepalett eller stekespade. Pensle med vispet egg. Når den er gylden, snur du den. Stek den like lenge på motsatt side. Varm andeconfiten­sprø i ovn på 180 grader, ca. 15 minutter. Skjær i biter. Legg and, brønnkarse, isbergsalat og rødløk på pannekaken. Bland sammen ingrediensene til peking glace og bruk rikelig av det som topping. Rull sammen og skjær i ­passende porsjonsbiter.






buns, dim sum, Japanese yakitori skewers, chicken wings, ­jianbing, kebab and kimchi with chimichurri and pico de gallo as side dishes. “This is my food, the kind I like to eat,” says Floer about the cuisine. The restaurant’s name sums it up with dishes you might have tried if you hitchhiked around the world. ­ Floer and chef Jan Robin Ektvedt have brought street food home, ­deconstructed it and pimped it up with Norwegian ­ingredients to make the dishes their own. “We take all the great street food and freshen it up,” says Ektvedt as he measures and rolls out dough for steamed buns. The buns will rise three times before being rolled out and cooked in a bamboo steamer. They've taken classic dim sum and opened it up. The dough is shaped like tiny pita breads filled with a baked side of pork, crunchy cucumber and hot chili mayonnaise made with Thai Sriracha sauce and Mexican chipotle.

Her får du nuddelsupper, steam bun, dim sum, japansk yakitori-spyd, ckyllingvinger, jianbing, kebab, kimchi og ­tilbehør som Chimichurri og Pico de gallo. – Dette er min mat, sånn jeg liker å spise det, sier Floer om maten på Hitchhiker. Restaurantnavnet sier egentlig det meste. På menyen står det retter du kan få med deg hvis du hadde haiket rundt i ­verden. Sammen med kjøkkensjef Jan Robin Ektvedt har ­Floer tatt gateretter med seg hjem, dekonstruert dem, ­pimpet dem opp med norske råvarer og gjort dem til sine egne. – Vi tar den digge gatematen og gjør det friskere, sier ­Ektvedt mens han står og måler opp og ruller deigen til dampbollene. De skal heves tre ganger, før de trykkes flate og tilberedes i bambus-damper. De har tatt den klassiske dim sum-retten og åpnet den opp. I stedet for at svinekjøttet er innbakt, blir deigen ­laget som en liten pita som fylles med bakt svineside, knasende agurk og hot chillimajones laget med den thailandske ­sausen Sriracha og den mexikanske chillien chipotle.

The two chili varieties have been high on the West’s c­ ulinary hit list for the past year. The culture clash of world street foods is not limited to Oslo, with restaurants all over Europe and the United States adding Korean fermented kimchi salad and Japanese grilled dishes to their menus. Western chefs now take a more casual approach to ­playing with fusion foods than they did during a more strict wave in the early 2000s. Now, global food is usually made with ­local ­produce and a more rustic presentation, prefer­ably with childlike awe when mixing flavours and t­ echniques. “We had to play a bit to get the restaurant interior and the dishes on the menu right,” says Floer. That led to a custom built bar at the edge of Mezzanine and a new cocktail. Before they opened, the chefs studied the Chinese break­ fast pancake jianbing, wanting to glaze it with hoisin sauce and fill it with crispy duck. “I thought a drink based on the same ingredients might be nice. So I made an alternative hoisin sauce based on ­apricots and chili. We now use Tropic Thunder sauce on oysters and in cocktails,” says Floer. He says amateur cooks should also dare to play in the kitchen: “I can see why people don’t make restaurant meals every day. We don’t do that at home either. But if you dare to try new things, and learn by playing, it gets easier. Then you can improvise with whatever is in the fridge.” Norwegian restaurant fare has evolved in recent dec­ ades. In the past, the choice was basically between a bistro with Caesar salad, burgers and club sandwiches or a French

De to chillisortene har vært på det kulinariske trend­ barometeret over hele den vestlige verden det siste året. Kulturkrasj av gatemat fra hele verden er ikke noe som bare skjer i Oslo. Det siste året har restauranter i hele Europa og USA satt den koreanske fermenterte salaten Kimchi og ­japanske grillretter på menyen. Vestlige kokker leker seg med en litt mer uformell fusion­ mat enn den litt strenge bølgen på tidlig 2000-tallet. Nå er den globale maten som regel laget med lokale råvarer og mer rustikk fremføring. Og gjerne med barnslig innstilling til å kombinere smaker og teknikker. – Vi måtte leke litt for å få til både restaurantinteriøret og rettene på menyen her, sier Floer. Det førte til den spesialsnekrede bardisken på kanten av messaninen og en helt ny drink. Før de åpnet, forsket kokkene på den kinesiske frokost­ pannekaken Jianbing – som de ville glasere med hoisinsaus og fylle med crispy duck. – Da tenkte jeg at det kanskje ville være godt med en drink med de samme ingrediensene. Så da laget jeg en alternativ­ hoisinsaus på aprikos og chilli. Tropic thunder-sausen ­bruker vi nå både til østers og til å lage cocktail av, sier Floer. – Burde vi leke mer på hjemmebane også, for å unngå for mye ferdigmat? – Jeg skjønner godt at folk ikke klarer å lage restaurant­ mat i hverdagen. Vi klarer ikke det hjemme hos oss heller. Men hvis du tør å forsøke litt nye ting, tør å leke deg til ny konnskap, så går h ­ verdagen lettere etter hvert. Da klarer du også å ­improvisere mer med det du tilfeldigvis har i kjøle­ skapet, sier han.



g 6

Happy meals



(1) Popsicle. The dessert: Popcorn ice cream, of course. (2) kiddie friendly. The unicorn pinata was a present for the chefs at the opening.

a la carte gourmet menu. Now Oslo is full of small, specialised concept restaurants serving hamburgers, tacos or modernised farm fare. Norway has also received more Michelin stars for experimental Nordic, organic and local cuisine. “But no matter how creative you are, whether you're hanging upside down from the ceiling and eating locusts or baby calf, it should all taste good,” says Floer, as he serves us dessert, caramelised popcorn with ice cream and candy drops. “And this is as good as it looks,” he says.

Den norske resTauranTfloraen



har ut­ viklet seg de siste tiårene. Før kunne du velge mellom bistro med cæsarsalat, burger og clubsandwich på ene siden, og fransk a la carte gourmet på andre siden. Nå er Oslo full av små spesialiserte konseptrestauranter som bare serverer hamburgere, taco eller moderne husmannskost. Samtidig har vi fått flere Michelinstjerner for eksperimen­ terende nordisk, økologisk og kortreist gourmetmat. – Men uansett hvor kreativ du er, uansett om du henger opp ned fra taket og spiser gresshopper eller spekalv, så skal det jo smake godt, sier han, og serverer oss desserten: karamellisert popcorn med is og poppende drops. – Og dette er like godt som det ser ut, sier han.

facts fooDie oslo The restaurant scene in Oslo is bustling. Not only have five restaurants received stars of excellence from the Michelin controllers. But speceialized street food restuarants are popping up all over. After experimenting with the local home cooking bistro, Falcon Crest, the two childhood friends and chefs Tom Victor Gausdal and Stian Floer started the grand Strand restaurant in the posh seaside suburb of Høvik. Next in line was the urban neighborhood restaurant Smalhans. This year Stian Floer followed his own dream concept and opened the street food branch of the restaurant family, Hitchhiker, situated in the food court Mathallen.


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G 6

Temptation Wine

CHABLIS IN DUBROVNIK On the topic of taking a cable car in a lightning storm to enjoy vintage wine and a good meal. Om å ta taubane i tordenvær for å kunne nyte årgangsvin og et godt måltid.



to the top of Srdj Mountain in m du tar deg en tur med taubanen til toppen av Croatia offers a magnficant view. They say you can fjellet Srdj like ved Dubrovnik i Kroatia, får du en see all the way to Italy. There is a huge cross up at the praktfull utsikt. Det blir sagt at du kan se så langt top, which is said to have been hit by lightening hundreds som til Italia. Det står et enormt kors der oppe, et kors som of times. And thus, we get to the rest of the story, since Srdj visstnok skal ha blitt rammet av lynet hundrevis av ­ganger. is also called "­ Thunder Mountain," as my Croatian friend Og da nærmer vi oss denne historiens kjerne. For Srdj k ­ alles told me one afternoon that found us standing under the også «Tordengudens fjell», fortalte min k ­ roatiske v­ enninne heavy thunder clouds as we studied the menu oustide one meg en ettermiddag, da vi sto under torden­svangre skyer of ­Dubrovnik's most fashionable­ og studerte ­ menyen utenfor restaurants. We ­ noticed that en av Dubrovniks ­ fasjonable they served l­ obster, but at a price ­restauranter. De serverte hum­­ far above my travel b ­ udget. "You mer, kunne vi se, men til en pris fancy lobster?” asked my friend. som langt overgikk min reise­ “Too expensive­for us,” I replied. kasse. «Du har lyst på ­hummer, But she knew just what to do. In skjønner jeg?» spurte min fact, she knew the r­estaurant’s ­venninne. «Altfor dyrt for oss,» owner, and, since there was ­ svarte jeg. Men hun ­visste råd. thunder in the air, she also knew Hun kjente ­nemlig ­inne­haveren­ that the t­iming was right for a av restauranten, og e­ ttersom det very ­special offer. I understood nå var ­tordenvær i luften, lå det nothing. an til en helt ­spesiell avtale. Jeg The owner explained the skjønte i­ ngenting. Author Gert Nygårdshaug ­restaurant’s tradition. Any guest Restauranteieren forklarte­ is, among other things, known for his crime series who dared to take the c­ able car at det var en tradisjon for about gourmet and wine connoisseur Fredric up Thunder Mountain during a ­restauranten at den gjesten som Drum. In 360, Nygårdshaug shares his best wine thunder storm to pick r­ osemary i tordenvær våget å ta taubanen ­experiences from around the world. and sage that grew up there opp til «Tordengudens fjell» could choose a free meal from for å plukke med seg en bukket his menu. Put simply: I threw myself into this r­eckless med rosmarin og salvie som vokste der oppe, fikk velge et challenge. In pouring rain and with rumbling thunder gratis måltid fra ­restaurantens meny. Kort sagt: Jeg kastet ­ ­dangerously close, I took the cable car to the top, crawled meg ut i dette halseløse ­prosjekt­et. I øsende regn og med on all fours around the fortress wall and filled my lap with ­brummende torden i faretruende nærhet tok jeg taubanen what I thought was rosemary and sage. To applause from til toppen, krøp på alle fire rundt festningsmuren og rasket my ­female friend and a waiter who waited for my return, I med meg favnen full av det jeg trodde måtte være rosmarin handed over my freshly picked herbs just as the sky lit up og timian. Til applaus fra min venninne og en kelner som over Srdj Mountain, followed by a deafening clap of ­thunder. ventet ved nedkomsten, overrakte jeg mine nyplukkede And the lobster? It came on the table after a tasty krydderurter akkurat idet ­himmelen lyste opp over fjellet appetiser consisting of the local dish ajvar, ham p ­ ­ rsut Srdj – fulgt av et øredøvende tordenskrall. and sheep cheese from the island of Praq. And not to Og hummeren? Den kom på bordet etter en vel­smakende ­mention the wine; a superb vintage Chablis P ­ remier Cru forrett bestående av den lokale sausen ajvar, speke­skinke from ­ Billaud-Simon. A toast from the god of thunder prsut og saueost fra øya Prag. Og ikke minst vinen: en­ – Uzdravlje! ­ypperlig årgang Chablis Premier Cru fra Billaud-Simon. Tordengudens skål: Uzdravlje! photo steinar buhulm

aking a cable car



Photo veslemøy vrüskar

Facts The Chablis region is the northernmost wine district of the Burgundy region in France. The grapevines around the town of Chablis are almost all Chardonnay, making a dry white wine renowned for the purity of its aroma and taste. Chablis Premier Cru is a classification of the Chablis white wine. Wines made under this title are from vineyards identified as producing wines of higher quality than those classified simply as Chablis.



g 6

TempTaTIon Shopping at OSL

faShIon fUn phoTos anD sTylIng catharina caprino

at oslo airport, it's a breeze to go shopping. på oslo lufthavn går handlingen som en lek.

• skagen watch (NOk 1199) Travel value fashion • gold pencil (noK 22) ark • skandia bow tie (noK 399) arg fashion • dkNy eau de toilette (NOk 419) Duty free / Travel value




• Moods of norway shoes (NOk 1199) arg fashion • Furla handbag (NOk 3499) Travel value fashion • belt (NOk 130) accessorize

g 6

Shopping at OSL

• 3 pieces of Porsgrund’s Porcelain nordic lights, gold/platinum/copper (noK 99) christiania glasmagasin • tommy hilfiger watch (NOk 1539) Travel value fashion • snÖ of sweden bracelets (NOk 499) arg fashion • Marc jacobs watch (NOk 3195) Thune • skagen watch (NOk 799) Travel value fashion




• 2 x clinique foundation (noK 239 per piece) Duty free / Travel value • Dyrberg & Kern jewellery (NOk 1749) arg fashion



g 6

Shopping at OSL

• 5 Guerlain lipsticks (NOk 249 per piece) Duty free / Travel value



• sony wireless headphones (NOk 1199) capi • bag (NOk 355) accessorize • bloch shoes (NOk 1399) arg fashion





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BOOKING: tel 78 97 05 40 info@kirkenessnowhotel.com Kirkenes ligger 2 timer unna Gardermoen med 3 daglige direkte fly. Det går også fly fra Bergen til Kirkenes via Tromsø. Opplevelsen kan spekkes med fiske etter kveite og torsk eller gjedde.


g a T e 7

InformaTIon the yelloW PaGes 0f oslo airPort >>> 128 OsL NeWs > 130 OsL GO! > 138 aFteRWORD

osl, GarDeMoen

floorWalkers this summer, oslo airport will have floorwalkers available throughout the terminal to answer any questions or concerns travellers may have. they are there to help, so please feel free to contact them! OsL har ansatt sommervikarer som utelukkende skal være i terminalen for å bistå alle reisende. De kan svare på alle mulige spørsmål og er der for å hjelpe til. ta gjerne kontakt!


››› osl.no



g 7

InformaTIon osl news

The playful eDITIon What a wonderful spring we had! This year's spring months go into the record books as the hottest in living memory. Traffic-wise, it has also been a great few months for Oslo Airport. Increase in the number of travellers in both April and May, as well as the opening of new intercontinental routes with Norwegian, have given us a fantastic start to the summer season. The summer months are the busiest period for us at Oslo Airport. Many people are travelling, but we have different passengers this season than we do the rest of the year. The terminal is filled with families who are going on holiday and they have completely different needs than business travellers that dominate the rest of the year. Therefore, it is awesome that we started a service concept called Felix&Fiona, which will make the journey easier for children and families. Felix&Fiona will show the way to our child-friendly services – from the play areas via nurseries to child friendly food. Along with better information online and better visibility of the popular family gateway at security, we will show that families with children are important to us. If you are going to travel with children this summer, I hope you get the benefit of the assistance of Felix&Fiona. Have a wonderful summer!

for en fantastisk vår vi har hatt! Årets vårmåneder går inn i rekordbøkene som den varmeste i manns minne. trafikkmessig har det også vært fantastiske måneder for Oslo Lufthavn. Økning i antall reisende både i april og mai, samt åpning av nye interkontinentale ruter hos Norwegian har gitt oss en flott start på sommersesongen. sommermånedene er årets travleste for oss på Oslo Lufthavn. mange skal ut og reise, men de reisende er ikke så selvgående som passasjerene resten av året. terminalen fylles av barnefamilier som skal på tur – og disse har helt andre behov enn forretningsreisende som dominerer resten av året. Derfor er det utrolig flott at vi har fått i gang servicekonseptet Felix&Fiona som skal gjøre reisen enklere for barn og familier. Felix&Fiona skal vise veien til våre barnevennlige tilbud og fasiliteter, fra lekeområder til stellerom og barnemat. sammen med bedre informasjon på nettet og bedre synliggjøring av den populære familieinngangen i sikkerhetskontrollen vil vi vise at barnefamiliene er viktige for oss. skal du ut og reise med barn i sommer, håper jeg du får nytte av hjelpen til Felix&Fiona. Ha en strålende sommer!

Best regards, nic. nilsen Managing Director, Oslo Airport

With flyBe t0 BirMinGhaM / MeD flyBe til BirMinGhaM This fall you can fly daily to england's second largest city, Birmingham, with the U.k. airline Flybe. The route will start on Sunday 26 October and will carry passengers daily between Oslo and Birmingham. Fra høsten kan du fly daglig til englands nest største by, Birmingham, med det britiske flyselskapet Flybe. Ruten har oppstart søndag 26. oktober og vil daglig frakte passasjerer mellom Oslo og Birmingham. ››› flybe.com

neW cafÉ at osl / ny kafÉ På osl In May, a new cafe for travellers opened at OSL's outermost domestic pier. PArk is a cafe where you can enjoy a coffee and relax in green surroundings before your plane leaves. i mai åpnet et nytt serveringssted for reisende ytterst i innlandspiren. PaRKeN er et serveringssted hvor du kan nyte en kaffe og slappe av i grønne omgivelser før flyet går. ››› osl.no



Photo osl

Brand new Info kiosks / Helt nye infokiosker Oslo Airport has launched new self-service kiosks that will help travellers easily find the information they need at Norway's main airport. The six kiosks are strategically placed to help passengers navigate inside the airport. Oslo Lufthavn har lansert nye selvbetjente ­infor­masjonskiosker som skal bidra til at de reisende enkelt finner informasjonen de trenger ved hovedflyplassen. De seks kioskene er strategisk plassert for å hjelpe de reisende med å navigere inne på flyplassen. ››› osl.no

This summer, Oslo Airport, in partnership with the police, have a special focus on making the airport a safe place for all travellers. The most important thing you can do to prevent stolen valuables is to always have your eyes on your luggage. Particularly, in the departure hall, people are encouraged to pay extra attention. I sommer vil Oslo Lufthavn, i ­ amarbeid med politiet, ha s s ­ pesielt fokus på å gjøre flyplassen til et trygt sted for alle reisende. Det v ­ iktigste man kan gjøre for å for­hindre at man blir frastjålet verdisaker, er alltid å ha øynene på bagasjen. Det er spesielt i avgangshallen at folk oppfordres til å følge ekstra godt med.

SWISS to Geneva during winter / SWISS til geneve i vinter

Photo xxxx xxxxxx Photo swissair.com

Safe airport / Trygg Lufthavn

Although summer is ­coming up, you can already plan for winter. From 13 December SWISS is flying from Oslo Airport to Geneva. The winter route will have up to three weekly flights on Tuesdays, ­Thursdays and Saturdays. Selv om sommeren står for tur, kan man allerede nå planlegge for vinteren. Fra 13. desember flyr SWISS igjen fra Oslo Lufthavn til Genève. ­Vinterruten vil ha opptil 3 ­ukentlige avganger på tirsdag, torsdag og lørdag. ››› swissair.com

››› osl.no



Information OSL illustration osl.no

G 7

Meet Felix&Fiona Oslo Airport wants to make travel easier for families and children. Oslo Lufthavn vil gjøre reisen lettere for barnefamilier. Felix&Fiona is Oslo Airport's new concept designed to show children and parents the way to family-friendly facilities at the airport. We want to make it easier and more predictable for children and parents by identify­ ing our kid-friendly offers, therefore ­demonstrating our commitment to families. The journey starts at ­ osl.no/barn – where Felix&Fiona give useful tips for travellers with children. Felix&Fiona will also make the family gateway through security more ­recognisable, with footprints on the floor and colors and shapes that show kids the way. The popular toy planes at the aiport get new colors, and you will find Felix&Fiona at restaurants and at the nurseries. We are working to ­develop even more facilities this autumn. “This is an important step towards a more child-friendly airport”, says Knut Holen, director of terminal operations.



Felix&Fiona er Oslo Lufthavns nye konsept som skal vise barn og foreldre veien til tilbud og fasiliteter på fly­ plassen.
Vi ønsker å gjøre det enklere og mer forutsigbart for barn og foreldre ved å gi en identitet til barnetilbudene, og synliggjøre satsingen på barne­ familier. Reisen starter på osl.no/barn – der gir Felix&Fiona nyttige tips til reisende med barn. Felix&Fiona skal også gjøre f­amilie­-­ slusen i sikkerhetskontrollen­mer gjen­ kjennelig, med fotspor på g­ ulvet og farger og figurer som viser barna veien. De populære lekeflyene får nye farger, og man vil finne Felix&Fiona på spise­ stedene og i stellerommene. Det jobbes med å utvikle enda flere tilbud utover høsten. – Et viktig steg mot en enda mer ­barnevennlig flyplass, sier Knut Holen, direktør Terminaldrift.

Facts Oslo Airport's new concept will make travel easier for families. The concept is named Felix&Fiona. Felix&Fiona will include guiding families from the ­security checkpoint, to the ­nursery and kidfriendly food. >>> osl.no/barn




g 7

InformaTIon Airport guide

transPort Oslo Airport is located 50 kilometres (31 miles) north of Oslo´s city centre. The airport is easily accessible from most of south-eastern Norway by train, bus or car. The railway station is integrated into the Terminal, and passengers can easily walk from the platform to the Departure and Arrival Halls under cover, to the multi-storey car park, and to the bus and taxi stops outside the Terminal.

distance of most of the main hotels in the centre of Oslo. The trip from the airport to the main bus station at Galleri Oslo takes 35 to 40 minutes. Catch the bus from Oslo Airport on the Arrival level outside the Terminal Building. (Tel. 177 from inside the airport /Tel. +47 815 00 176 outside)

Buses The bus company “ruter” runs regular services to the airport. (Tel. 177 from inside the airport/Tel. +47 815 00 176)

airPort exPress train The Airport express Train runs between Drammen (south of Oslo) and Oslo Airport, and stops at the following stations: Asker, Sandvika, Lysaker, Skøyen, the National Theatre, Oslo Central Station and Lillestrøm. For more details contact the Information desk in the Arrival Hall. (Tel. +47 815 00 777)

norWeGian state railWays All NSB regional Trains running between Skien, Oslo, Lillehammer and Trondheim stop at Oslo Airport. NSB Local Trains running between kongsberg and eidsvoll also stop at the airport. (Tel. +47 815 00 888)

flyBusseksPressen airPort coaches Airport coaches run to Majorstuen, Bekkestua, Ski/ Oppegård and Fredrikstad. Coaches from the airport stop directly outside the Arrival Hall and coaches to the airport stop outside the Departure Hall. Flybussekspressen.no (Tel. +47 815 44 444)

nor-Way BusseksPress NOr-WAY Bussekspress is the largest express coach network in Norway with seven national coach routes from OSL. The coaches run to Trysil, Trondheim, Ålesund/Molde, Volda, Måløy/ Lillehammer and kristiansund. nor-way.no (Tel +47 815 44 444)

sas airPort coach The SAS Airport Coach departs every 20 minutes to and from Oslo Airport, and stops within walking




lost ProPerty

There is a taxi stop on the Arrival level outside the Terminal.

Items that are left onboard planes arriving at Oslo Airport, in the Terminal or onboard the Airport express Train are delivered to the lost property department, which is located at the east end of the Arrival Hall. The lost property department is open every day from 5 a.m. to midnight. You can also check whether an item has been found at www.missingx. com within 24 hours. (Tel. +47 64 81 34 77)

car rental All the car hire firms have counters at the west end of the Arrival Hall (near the railway station). security At Oslo Airport, all passengers must go through security control before they can board their flights. You can help make the security control as efficient as possible by following the rules about what you are allowed to take with you through the security check. Any sharp items (knives, scissors, tweezers, etc.) must be checked in with your baggage. Place all metal items (keys, coins, mobile telephones etc.) in your hand baggage or coat pocket, and send it all through the x-ray machine. Laptops and other larger electronic devices should be packed so that they are easy to remove for screening. Shoes with metal details must be screened by the x-ray machine. Small amounts of liquids are permitted through the security check and must be in containers no larger than 100 ml. All containers must be placed in a transparent plastic bag that may be opened and closed. The bag may not contain more than one litre when closed. Place the bag with containers on the conveyor belt for x-raying. For more information, go to osl.no.

Vat refunD Global Blue: To have VAT refunded on items that are being taken abroad, present the goods, your passport and your Global Blue cheques at the counter in the Departure Hall. (Tel. +47 92 86 99 10) Tax Free Worldwide Norway AS: Fill out your name, address and credit card number on the cheque before arriving at the airport. Ticket and goods must be shown at the Tax Free Worldwide's counter in the Departure Hall at Gardermoen Service Center. For further information, visit taxfreeworldwide.com

internet receive a user name and password by SMS when requesting it on the “Gratis WiFi”/“Free WiFi” link on OSL’s log-in page from anywhere in the terminal. After logging on, you have two hours to surf for free. For extended time, you can use the airport’s payable WLAN service. If your internet provider is listed at OSL’s IP zoneportal. (www.osl.no/ wlan_osl), you can use your existing account. If you do not have a wireless network

account, you can buy shortterm access directly from OSL’s IP zoneportal, from CAPI and from radisson SAS Conference Center east. For more detailed information, go to OSL’s IP zoneportal. There are also a number of Internet stations at Oslo Airport.

cafÉs anD restaurants Departure hall W.B. samsON Tel. +47 64 81 16 34 Bakery. Domestic Departures: CaFFe RitaZZa Close to Gate 30 Tel. +47 64 81 16 31/ 64 91 16 34 Quality coffee, as well as fresh panini, ciabatta and warm croissants. mONOLitteN (CaFÉ) Close to Gate 30 Tel. +47 64 81 16 32 Oslo Airport’s extensive choice of hot and cold meals. siNNataGGeN BaR Close to Gate 30, 1st floor Tel. +47 64 81 16 33 This tapas bar has a large, comfortable seating area. Perfect for relaxation or large groups. CHRistiaNia BaR Close to Gate 21/23 Tel. +47 64 81 16 21 Bar and coffee shop with tempting snacks. O`LeaRys Close to Gate 22 Tel. +47 64 81 16 22 The bar for sports enthusiasts serves American food such as buffalo wings, burgers and steaks. FRaNKs Close to Gate 22 Tel. +47 64 81 16 26 Norway’s tastiest sausage concept.

UPPeR CRUst Close to Gate 20 Tel. +47 64 81 16 24 Freshly baked baguettes filled with the best ingredients. PiZZa HUt Close to Gate 18 Tel. +47 64 81 16 23 Genuine American pizza sold as part of a menu, by the slice or as a whole pie. seaFOOD BaR Close to Gate 24 Tel. +47 64 81 16 12 exciting seafood menu and a wide selection of wines and champagnes sold by the bottle. PaRKeN Tlf +47 64 81 16 28 enjoy barista coffee, cold beverages and hot or cold foccaccias under the trees in this inside park International Departures: Le GRaND COmPtOiR Close to Gate 34/36 Tel. +47 64 81 16 15 Modern French brasserie offering a complete restaurant experience, including easy breakfasts. yO! sUsHi Close to Gate 39 Tel. +47 64 81 15 19 YO! Sushi is the U.k.'s leading Japanese ‘kaiten’ sushi bar, and now serves over four million customers a year throughout the U.k. and across the globe. FOODmaRKet Close to Gate 39 Tel. +47 64 81 16 16 representing Oslo's variety of food, Foodmarket offers everything from brick oven pizza and noodles to sandwiches and pastries. The interior is inspired by Scandinavian design. O´LeaRys Close to Gate 39 Tel. +47 64 81 16 17 The bar for sports enthusiasts serves American food such as buffalo wings, burgers and steaks.

NORWeGiaN aQUaVit BaR Close to Gate 40 Tel. +47 64 81 16 11 Here you will find all kinds of aquavit and tasty snacks to satisfy your hunger. seaFOOD BaR Close to Gate 42 Tel. +47 64 81 16 12 exciting seafood menu and wide selection of wines and champagnes sold by the bottle. PiZZa HUt Close to Gate 44 Tel. +47 64 81 16 13 Genuine American pizza sold as part of a menu, by the slice or as a whole pie. UPPeR CRUst Close to Gate 44 Tel. +47 64 81 16 13 Freshly-baked baguettes filled with the best ingredients. NeWs BaR (Non-Schengen area) Close to Gate 48-59 Tel. +47 64 81 16 49 Bar and kiosk. arrival hall: staRBUCKs Tel. + 47 64 81 16 73 Starbucks is the leading retailer, roaster and brand of specialty coffee in the world. PePPes PiZZa Tel. +47 22 22 55 55 Varied pizza menu based on American-style pizza. La BaGUette Tel. +47 64 81 19 49 A modern lunch bar for people on the go. The café serves crisp baguettes with a choice of fillings. BeaCH CLUB Tel. +47 64 81 19 49 American-style diner renowned for its great hamburgers, with coarse ground meat and a secret mix of spices.

serVices DNB Close to Gate 32 and 38 and Arrival Hall. Tel. +47 03000 e-mail: dnb.oslo.lufthavn@ dnb.no ATMs before and after security control. iNFORmatiON DesK Service-desk. At Arrival Hall. Information telephone. Tel. +47 06 400 BUs iNFORmatiON DesK Tel. +47 64 81 03 90 eUROPaRK Airport parking Tel. +47 64 81 19 80 Fax. +47 64 81 19 90 P10, Felt 1B, 1 etg. gardermoen@europark.no shoPs Domestic Departures: aRK Close to Gate 32 Tel. +47 64 81 18 71 Bookshop with a good selection of books and magazines. aiRPORt RetaiL GROUP FasHiONsHOP Two shops, close to Gate 26 and Gate 30 Tel. +47 64 82 06 62 +47 64 82 06 69 Women's, children's and men's clothing. Wide range of sunglasses and accessories. tRaVeL VaLUe Close to Gate 28-30 Tel. +47 32 23 09 00 Perfumes and cosmetics at duty free prices. POiNt Close to Gate 26 Tel. +47 64 81 16 00 A good selection of books, magazines and kiosk goods.

CaPi Close to Gate 26 Tel. +47 64 81 14 85 Offers travellers a wide assortment of products in electronics, music, videogames and films. aCCessORiZe Close to Gate 24 Tel. +47 64 82 19 70 Accessories for him and her. POiNt Close to Gate 19 Tel. +47 64 81 16 00 kiosk with plenty of sweets and candy for the little ones. International Departures: DUty FRee Tel. +47 32 23 09 00 Perfumes and cosmetics, alcohol, tobacco and sweets. Open 24 hours, 365 days. saLmON HOUse Close to Gate 36 Tel. +47 64 81 16 51 Genuine, high quality Norwegian salmon, smoked and cured especially for the store. CHRistiaNia GLasmaGasiN Close to Gate 36/38 Tel. +47 466 14 210 Great gifts and souvenirs. aiRPORt RetaiL GROUP FasHiONsHOP Close to Gate 36/38 Tel. +47 64 82 06 63 Women's, children's and men's clothing. Wide range of sunglasses and accessories. tHUNe Close to Gate 36/38 Tel. +47 64 81 92 92 Good selection of brand name watches and jewellery. CaPi Close to Gate 36/38 Tel. +47 64 81 14 86 Wide range of photographic and video equipment, electronics and music.

POiNt Close to Gate 36/38 Tel. +47 64 81 16 00 Selection of magazines, books and kiosk goods. POiNt Close to Gate 43 Tel. +47 64 81 16 18 kiosk goods. aRK Close to Gate 40 Tel. +47 64 81 18 77 Bookshop with a good selection of books and magazines. tRaVeL VaLUe FasHiON sHOP Tel. +47 982 53 195 Close to gate 41 One-stop shop for fashion, jewellery and accessories. arrival hall: 7-eLeVeN Tel. +64 82 18 84 Convenience store. NaRVeseN Tel. +64 82 18 80 Convenience store. DatasPesiaListeN Tel. +47 64 81 92 75 Mobile phones and accessories. aRK Tel. +47 64 81 18 70 Good selection of books and magazines. International baggage hall area: DUty FRee Tel. +47 32 23 09 00 Perfumes, cosmetics, alcohol, tobacco and sweets for all arriving passengers. Open 24 hours, 365 days a year.

for More inforMation www.osl.no Tel. +47 06 400 (changes may occur)



g 7

InformaTIon Destinations

































































































Destinations / DiReCt ROUtes 2014

Destinations / DiReCt ROUtes 2014

Destinations / CHaRteR 2014










Inn szg vIe bru sJJ boJ var Dbv puy rJk spu lca prg bll cph aal aar Tll hel aJa bIQ boD gnb nce par ber cgn Dus fra ham muc aTh chQ cfu her efl kgs pvk rho JTr buD kef Dub Tlv cag cTa mxp olb pmo psa fco vce prn rIx

Innsbruck Salzburg Vienna Brussels Sarajevo Bourgas Varna Dubrovnik Pula rijeka Split Larnaca Prague Billund Copenhagen Aalborg Aarhus Tallinn Helsinki Ajaccio Biarritz Bordeaux Grenoble Nice Paris Berlin Cologne/Bonn Dusseldorf Frankfurt Hamburg Munich Athens Chania Corfu Heraklion kefalonia kos Preveza/Lefkas rhodes Santorini Budapest reykjavik Dublin Tel Aviv Cagliari Catania Milan Olbia Palermo Pisa rome Fiumicino Venice Pristina riga

Austria Austria Austria Belgium Bosnia-Herzegovina Bulgaria Bulgaria Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Cyprus Czech republic Denmark Denmark Denmark Denmark estonia Finland France France France France France France Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Israel Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy kosovo Latvia

plQ vno mla TIv rak ams Isb lhe gDn krk szz WaW fao fnc lIs Doh svo leD beg bTs alc bcn bIo fue lpa Ibz ace maD agp mah mJv pmI Tfs goT arn vby vxo gva zrh bkk gzp ayT Dlm IsT abz bhx eDI lon man kbp Dxb fll lax oak mco nyc

Palanga Vilnius Malta Tivat Marrakech Amsterdam Islamabad Lahore Gdansk krakow Szczecin Warsaw Faro Funchal Lisbon Doha Moscow Sheremetyevo St. Petersburg Belgrade Bratislava Alicante Barcelona Bilbao Fuerteventura Gran Canaria Ibiza Lanzarote Madrid Malaga Menorca Murcia Palma de Mallorca Tenerife Gothenburg Stockholm Visby Växjö Geneva Zurich Bangkok Alanya Antalya Dalaman Istanbul Aberdeen Birmingham edinburgh London Manchester kiev Dubai Fort Lauderdale Los Angeles Oakland-San Francisco Orlando New York

Lithuania Lithuania Malta Montenegro Morocco Netherlands Pakistan Pakistan Poland Poland Poland Poland Portugal Portugal (Madeira) Portugal Qatar russia russia Serbia Slovakia Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Thailand Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Uk (Scotland) Uk Uk (Scotland) Uk Uk Ukraine United Arab emirates USA USA USA USA USA

aua Inn szg boJ var bvc spu vra lca hrg ssh bIa cly gnb lys mrs nTe sxb Tls bJl chQ Jkh cfu her klx aok efl kgs mJT pvk rho smI JTr JsI skg zTh aho cTa rmI vce aQJ cun TIv fnc pDl alc leI fue ace lpa maD mah pmI Tfs kbv hkT nbe mIr gzp ayT bJv Dlm aDb Jer

Aruba Innsbruck Salzburg Bourgas Varna Boa Vista Split Varadero Larnaca Hurghada Sharm el Sheikh Bastia Calvi Grenoble Lyon Marseille Nantes Strasbourg Toulouse Banjul Chania Chios Corfu Heraklion kalamata karpathos kefalonia kos Mytilene Preveza/Lefkas rhodes Samos Santorini Skiathos Thessaloniki Zakynthos Alghero Catania rimini Venice Aqaba Cancun Tivat Funchal Ponta Delgada, Azores Alicante Almería Fuerteventura Lanzarote Gran Canaria Madrid Menorca Palma de Mallorca Tenerife krabi Phuket enfidha Monastir Alanya Antalya Bodrum Dalaman Izmir Jersey

Aruba Austria Austria Bulgaria Bulgaria Cape Verde Croatia Cuba Cyprus egypt egypt France France France France France France France France Gambia Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Greece Italy Italy Italy Italy Jordan Mexico Montenegro Portugal Portugal Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Thailand Thailand Tunisia Tunisia Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Uk











19H 19H

19G 19G

19F 19F


19E 19E

2-10, 2-10,12 12

19D 19D

19C 19C

11 11

19B 19B

13 13


14 14


19A 19A

15 15


14B-D 14B-D

12 12

16 16

18 18


44 55

Utgang Utgang Gates Gates


20 20



22 22


3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12

2 2









Innland Domestic




1 2

9 10

1 1





Security Security control control

11 11

11 FF G G




22 33 22



13 13



Short Short term term parking parking

33 12 12

18 18 19 19 20 20

16 16 17 17

15 15

14 14

13 13

14 14 13 13

Work Workzone zone

37A-C 37A-C

39 39

17 17

41 41

40 40

18 18

43 43

45 45

44 44

18 19 19 20 20 18

42 42

Utland Utland International International

17 17

16 16

37A-C 35A-B 37A-C 35A-B

16 15 15 16

14 15 15 14 11 10 10 11

38 38


International departures departures International

Utgang Gates


48 48

2119 19 21

58A-F 58A-F

50 50

51 51

53 53

Food Foodand andbeverage beverage Shops Shops 1919 Kiosk 21 21 News NewsBar Bar Kiosk

50-59 50-59

Passport Passportcontrol control

59 59

49 49

Utgang Utgang Gates Gates

57 57

47A-F 47A-F

56 56

46 46

g 2 7

Hovedsak InformaTIon OSL



Domestic arrivals



Toilets Playground Elevator Exchange /ATM Mailbox Meeting Point Trains Information Stairs Customs Escalators Parking















Domestic baggage International baggage Special baggage

Duty Free Mobiles Convenience Bookshop Kiosk





Baggage reclaim

Ankomst Arrivals




Innland ankomst Domestic arrivals





















7 10








Starbucks Peppes Pizza Beach Club Express La Baguette

Food and beverage

Short term parking



Airport express train / Trains Car rental SAS / Star Alliance Røros Flyservice Menzies Taxi and information services Customs Police Exchange office / bank Left luggage / lost property





Utland ankomst International arrivals


International arrivals


The game The man with one shoe. Mannen med én sko.



Photo agnete brun

man in one shoe was walking in front of me. He oran meg går en gammel mann med én sko. Han er was in a suit and flat cap, with deep furrows on his kledd i dress og sixpence og har dype folder i ­pannen. brow. “Why do you only have one shoe?” I might «Hvorfor har du bare én sko», kunne jeg spurt, men have asked, but I didn’t have to, since the man with one shoe jeg trenger ikke å spørre, for mannen med én sko satt ved had sat next to me at the stadium. He’d started out with both siden av meg inne på stadion. Han hadde begge skoene da. shoes. Fenerbahce was playing rival Galatasaray, teams from ­Fenerbahce spilte mot sin rival Galatasaray. Lagene holder opposite sides of the Bosporus Strait in Istanbul in a game til på hver sin side av Bosporosstredet i Istanbul. Det er øst mot vest, det er Asia mot Europa. that pitted East against West, Asia against Europe. Kampen begynte i et rasende tempo, og hele stadion The match started at a furious pace, and the stadium came alive, shaking and rattling. Fenerbahce scored, and levde, den ristet, den skalv. Fenerbahce ­scoret, og folk the people around me cheered, fell down between rows and rundt meg jublet, de falt nedover benkeradene, de ­reiste seg igjen, lykkelige. Men så, etter got up again. Eventually, it died hvert, stilnet det. Galatasaray­tok down. Galatasaray­took over the over spillet. De angrep i bølger, game. They attacked in waves, og rundt meg bet folk negler og and around me people were b ­ iting gjemte ansiktet i hendene sine. their nails and hiding their faces Så scoret de, og femti tusen menn in their hands. Then they scored snerret. Og gjestene fortsatte å and 50,000 men snarled. The team angripe. Mannen ved siden av stayed on the offensive. The man meg var uttrykksløs. Jeg tenkte at next to me was expression­less. I det kanskje ikke var så viktig for thought he might not care, that one ham. At man ble mer behersket og grows calmer and more magnani­ storsinnet med alderen. Så scoret mous with age. Then G ­ alatasaray Galatasaray enda en gang. Det sto scored again, making­it 1-2. The old 1-2, og den gamle mannen reiste man got up. He shook his fists. He seg. Han hyttet med nevene. Og så bent down, took of one, well-worn bøyde han seg ned, trakk av seg en black leather shoes and hurled it svart, sliten skinnsko, og pælmet onto the pitch. den ned på gresset. He didn’t say much after that. Joachim Førsund is a journalist and writer living in Oslo. He is 360´s travel columnist. Han sa ikke så mye etter det. The game withered. Fenerbahce Kampen visnet hen. F ­ enerbahce lost, Galatasaray passed them in the tapte. Galatsaray passerte dem standings. We walked in the dark by the B ­ osporus and the silence was oppressive. My friend with på tabellen. Og nå går vi her, i mørket ved Bosporos, og one shoe stopped in front of a younger man who was p ­ acking stillheten er t­ rykkende. Min venn med én sko stopper ved up a roadside stand. “Have you lost a shoe?” asked the seller. en yngre mann som står og pakker sammen en salgsbod. «Har du mistet skoen din?» spør selgeren. Den eldre nik­ The older man nodded, and said, “I threw it at the players.” “Why didn’t you buy an old phone or ring of keys from ker. «Jeg kastet den mot spillerne.» «Men hvorfor kjøpte du ikke en gammel ­telefon eller et nøkkelknippe av meg?» spør me?” asked the man at the stand. “I'm not interested in keys or phones,” the old man ­replied. ­mannen i ­boden. «Jeg er ikke interessert i ­nøkler eller tele­ “But I’m right here, selling things you don’t need so you foner», svarer mannen. «Men jeg står jo her og selger ting du ikke trenger, slik at du skal slippe å kaste dine egne sko», sier don’t have to throw your shoe,” said the seller. The old man shrugged, and said, “My shoes are old any­ mannen i boden. Den eldre trekker på skuldrene. «Skoene way. My wife and I will go to the market in the morning to mine er så gamle uansett», sier han. «Min kone og jeg skal ned i bazaren i morgen og kjøpe nye.» buy new ones.” Mannen i boden smiler. «Husk meg neste uke», sier han. The man with the stand smiled, and said, “Remember me next week. You are sure to want to throw something in a fit of «Du kommer helt sikkert til å få lyst til å kaste noe i raseri da, også. Og da ville det jo være synd å kaste en helt ny sko.» rage and it would be a pity of it was your brand new shoe.”



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