Nigeria-Morocco Business Forum

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Business Forum

His Majesty King Mohammed VI and Nigerian President Muhammadu Bouhari in tune for the Nigeria-Morocco pipeline project

Business Opportunities Strengthen trade between Nigeria and Morocco

03 October 2018 Sofitel Rabat “Roses’ Garden”

Signature of several economic agreements, during the visit of the Nigerian President to Morocco, in June 2018


Nigeria: Open for Business NIGERIA AND MOROC-

Today, bilateral trade remains

This meeting will allow to multi-

CO both enjoy a strong

below the real potential of the

ply the actions likely to favor the

and dynamic economy, open to

respective economies of our

bilateral trade and to establish a

Africa and favourable to business

two countries. It is imperative to

quality economic partnership be-

and enterprises.

redouble our efforts and make

tween the two countries.

best use of the opportunities Although the cooperation be-

offered by both sides, with the

From now on, the relations be-

tween our two countries dates

aim of establishing a mutually

tween Rabat and Abuja take on

back to the liberation strug-

advantageous economic partner-

new dimensions, thanks to the will

gle of the African peoples, it

ship, due, among other things,

displayed on both sides, to con-

has had a major jump with the

to the links established between

stitute an example and a model of

historical visits of His Majesty

our communities.

South-South cooperation.

in December 2016, and that of

After Lagos in 2016, this Second

We look forward to helping them

the President of Nigeria, H.E. Mr.

Nigeria-Morocco Business Forum

move forward.

Muhammadu Buhari, in Rabat

will be the flagship event in busi-

Morocco, in June this year.

ness relations between Morocco

King Mohammed VI to Abuja,


and Nigeria for 2018.


Ambassador of Nigeria

5 Objectives of the Nigeria-Morocco Forum 1

Sharing Experience


Nigeria is today one of

Present Business Opportunities.


Networking. The Nigeria-Moroc-

the most dynamic economies in

Nigeria has a new law on private

co Forum will offer numerous

Africa. Morocco also has many as-

investment, linked to its National

networking opportunities and

sets and forges new partnerships

Industrial Plan: important infor-

make it a point of honor to facili-

with African countries. The

mation to share with Moroccan

tate business networki

Nigeria-Morocco Forum brings to-


gether government officials and economic leaders to share their

Promotion of industrial ecosys-

experiences and analyzes.



Strengthening SouthSouth Relations.


As an initiative of economic

Companies already

diplomacy, the Forum fits in

active in Nigeria inform and edu-

perfectly with the new royal

cate participants about the areas

orientations for strengthening

of study.

south-south cooperation.

The 4 Sectors of High Potential AGRO-INDUSTRY AND FISHERIES


Agriculture and agro-food are the first drivers of de-

Moroccan industries (construction, pharmacy, ...) are

velopment and growth in Africa for which synergies

looking for new markets for which strategic partner-

are already developed with Morocco

ships must be concluded with Nigerian partners



Extractive industries, fossil fuels and renewable en-

Morocco develops and exports its experience in the

ergies are at the heart of new industrial emergence

field of construction to countries in sub-Saharan

policies. Reciprocal expertise must be shared

Africa. Another promising sector for Nigeria


A high-level economic meeting to assess the attractiveness of the Nigerian market and drive a new dynamic in our bilateral trade

Join the Nigeria-Morocco

Business Forum 2018 This SECOND NIGERIA-MOROCCO

The meeting, aimed at boosting

Moroccan companies will benefit

BUSINESS FORUM will be held in

bilateral economic exchanges,

from a meeting forum where

Rabat on 3 October 2018. This

will allow you to become

exchanges can be deepened and

unique meeting is scheduled

acquainted with the Nigerian

private business meetings are

under the auspices of the

foreign investment policy.


Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, organized by

The key sectors of the economy

the Nigerian Embassy in Rabat.

will also be presented by senior Nigerian officials, from the governmental and private spheres.

Thematic Conferences the major economic players share their analyzes with you

B2B Business Meetings with appointments setup upon confirmation of participation

Nigeria-Morocco Forum 2018 organized by the Embassy of Nigeria to Rabat

Organization & Registration

Ph: +212-537-63.99.99 Fax +212-537-63.88.88 E-mail

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