GML August 2018

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Barry Rassin Esther Rassin RI President 2018-19




Month - August 2018 | Issue No.: 2 | Editor: Rtn. Dr. Chandeashekhar Purandare

Rtn. CA Ravikiran J. Kulkarni Ann. Vishakha R. Kulkarni District Governor 2018-19 RI District 3170


From DG’s Desk

CA Ravikiran Kulkarni DG 2018-2019

Dear Fellow Rotarians Greetings ! While the Editorial Team places this e GML on Website and on App we are almost mid way the month of August 2018. August is the Membership Development month in Rotary and is celebrated by inducting new members in almost Rotary Clubs. With the Induction of new members the responsibility of the existing members does not come to an end in my opinion. On the other hand the responsibility of all of increases further in the sense that we have to accept , assimilate and gradually involve the new members in the main stream of Rotary. The New Members we induct in to our Clubs are our precious assets – in fact existing members are also our assets and it is the responsibility of all of us to see to that the existing as well as newly inducted members give their precious time, the resources at their disposal and their commitment to the cause of the organization. It is pertinent to note that as we induct a new members in a Club the organization – Rotary – starts investing in him / her in terms of the resources we spent on their training and up-dation of Rotary information and knowledge and once we accept this we have to get ourselves convinced that Rotary can not afford to loose such precious assets in future. I have been receiving reports from the Clubs about new members being inducted by many Clubs and during my Official visits to Clubs I had an occasion to induct a few members in the respective Clubs. At District level we have kept a target of 10% net addition of membership with 100% retention as a goal. It is the responsibility of all of us to see to that no Club in the District remains below the Membership of 30 Members in order to make it a viable and active Club.


At DG ‘s Office a track of membership addition has been kept and DG Office will come out with the growth of the Members at the end of each quarter. I have been receiving updates about the discharge of Financial Obligation and happy to note that many clubs have discharged their Financial Obligation in full. While I pen this communication to you 87 Clubs out of 124 have completed their payment of District Fund using the Online Tool made available on District Website and I am sure remaining 37 Clubs will soon fall in line and complete the payment of District Fund. At DG Office preparations are on to open the Registration Process for 60th District Conference – PRERANA – to be organized in the first week of January 2019 and I appeal to all of you to register in a big number. Wishing you all an eventful Rotary Year 2018-19 ahead. Yours in Rotary CA Ravikiran Kulkarni DG 2018-2019

Follow DG RID 3170 on Twitter




Dr. Chandrashekhar Purandare Editor

Friends, Warm Greetings from the Editor’s desk. It is a pleasure to release the 2nd issue of GML, just in the time limit we had promised. As you are all aware, August is the Membership Development Month, and two articles by PDG Pratap Puranik and Rtn. Subhash Sajane on the subject have been included in this issue. This GML will also have the selective photographs of your showcase projects which will act as an inspiration to others. Of special mention is an article from GML 3040 by Rtn Rukhsana Ankalesaria (Rotarian wife of DG 3040 Gustad Ankalesaria ), which all of you must read to know the good done by Rtn. Sachin Shinde & Rtn. Rajendra Kale from R. C. Ratnagiri in the hour of need. All of us receive Rotary News every month. Edited by Rasheeda Bhagat, it is very well compiled and eminently readable with a lot of Rotary information. Please do take some time out to go through it every month. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I am going to present some pearls from the Rotary News July 2018 issue here. This is the first time that India has two women Governors in the same batch – Stuti Agarwal from RID 3120 & Pinky Patel from RID 3060, both of whom have committed to work for women empowerment. The issue also covers the story of path breaking initiative by Rotary Peace Scholar Swati Chavan, a family court judge from Pune. She has launched ‘Swayam Siddha’, a self empowerment project for women who have been deserted / divorced by men refusing to pay maintenance granted by the courts. With the initiative of Rtn. Vaishali Bhagwat from Pune, RID 3131 is partnering with the family court to skill these women to earn incomes up to Rs. 20000/R. I. President Barry Rassin in his opening remarks reminds us about how to unite, take action, work to create lasting change across the globe and in our communities. He wants us to work with a transformational impact. There is an article “Call me Barry” describing his lifestyle, his passion for nature, fellowship, Golf and social service. R. I. Director C. Basker tells us how great leaders communicate their vision so


forcefully, that other people adopt it as their own vision. He asks us to inspire by leading, listening, with integrity, sharing credit, teamwork, highlighting Rotary’s success stories & recognizing good work. There is an article about Rotary Editor’s meet in Evanston. It discusses how Rotary does not want you to keep the Rotary publications as status symbols, but READ them. Samir Husni wants you to be ‘Masters of storytelling’ in putting your point across. There are Community Service reports like Tata technology MOU for Elearning with RID 3131, Cath lab with RID 3110, Green village at Pingori near Pune, Happy schools in Jalandar, RID 3070, Water & sanitation in RID 3240 and solar lamp project in RID 3190. There is also a gripping article about Bharatnatyam, calling it a fusion of body, mind & soul. Sheela Nambiar discusses about Wellness in the workplace, saying that Good health is not merely the absence of disease and also gives valuable suggestions to improve your workplace. The success of any publication is in its viewership. We want every Rotarian to go through this GML issue and come up with suggestions for its improvement. You can upload your feedback on the website, or personally to me or the D.G. Dr. Chandrashekhar Purandare Editor


Profile of PDG Bansidhar Sadashiv Dhurandhar

Bansidhar Sadashiv Dhurandhar PDG 2008-09, RID 3141

Rtn. Bansidhar Sadashiv Dhurandhar, fondly called as “Bansi” inherits a huge legacy of his illustrious Dhurandhar family. With a Diploma in Business Management and Master of Science in Biochemistry from the University of Bombay, he started his career in the field of Pest Control. A strong scientific base & affinity towards research, made him acquire expertise in handling toxic gases. His research in the field of sterilization for developing countries earned him a prestigious award from The World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva. Bansi’s pioneering work in the conservation of historical monuments including the World Heritage caves of “Ajanta” is well recognized. Way back in 1983, a clear foresight and business acumen made him start MICROTROL, a company to provide sterilization services to the manufacturers of disposable medical devices and food ingredients. Sheer hard work & will to succeed resulted in rapid growth of his company. For the present, Microtrol sterilization services pvt. Ltd. has more than 20 facilities all over India, In 2006 Microtrol went International with a facility in Vietnam. Today Microtrol has become synonymous with Highest Quality and Prompt Service. Most of the Multi-national food and Pharma companies are on their clientele list. Bansi’s involvement in Rotary started in the lap of his father, a renowned criminal lawyer and a staunch socialist reformer, Late Rtn. Sadashiv Dhurandhar. Bansi, a charter member of Rotary Club of Bombay Airport, led the Club admirably as the President in 1994-95. Recipient of Rotary’s highest award, The service above self, he rose to the most coveted position of District Governor of Rotary International District 3140 in the year 2008-09 and provided leadership to 6000 Rotarians of 125 Rotary clubs. His charismatic leadership resulted in substantial increase of more than 550 new members, addition of four new Rotary clubs and his appeals motivated members and corporates to contribute 1.73 million US dollars, to The Rotary Foundation, 2nd highest in the world, during the year. A major donor himself to The Rotary Foundation, He is recipient of TRF’s Citation for Meritorious Service. He initiated Two path breaking concepts.

1. Revive old projects to manifest that Rotary is reliable & he called it ‘Nav-Prerana’. 2. Develop sense of belonging & he named it ‘Asmita’. In 2011-12 he represented RI President Kalyan, at Dist. Conference of RI Dist. 5320, in Los Angeles, California, USA. While in 2012-13 he represented RI President Sakuji Tanaka, at Dist. Conference of RI Dist. 3050, at Udaipur.



As a Zonal Co-ordinator for Rotary India Literacy Mission, for three consecutive years, Bansi contributed immensely towards implementation of TEACH programme. He continues to help the industry by sharing his vast experience and had been Convener of Hospital Equipment Sectional Committee of Bureau of Indian Standards. He is also a Certified Lead Auditor for ISO. Bansi strongly believes in repaying his dues. Interested in education, he is on the Board of Directors & Treasurer of Parle Tilak Vidyalaya Association, (his alma mater), which runs many schools, colleges, Institute of management and sports academy. A deep feeling and empathy for the underprivileged has led him to establish a rehabilitation centre for mentally challenged. The Artificial limb centre has been providing Jaipur foot to the needy, free of cost and by now more than 1000 amputees have benefitted. A sensitive soul, Bansi inherited art from Dhurandhar family and pursues his hobby of Painting and Rangoli. The fighting spirit that he manifests is the result of his representing school and college in Table Tennis, cricket and Kho-kho and other out door sports. Bansi is complemented by his wife, Dr. Surekha, who is a Consulting Pediatrician by Profession and dedicated social worker by choice. Surekha works consistently for polio eradication and is known for effectively organizing numerous large scale vaccination camps. Recently she was conferred upon Rotary International’s “Rotary Spouse Service Award”. The couple is blessed with two sons. Nishad and Paraj. And a grand daughter ‘’Shauna’’. Nishad, MBA from Drake University, Iowa, works with Bansi and is married to Devashree who is a cost accountant. Paraj, MBA from University of Mumbai, works for Ernst & Young & is Married to Kajal who is fashion designer. Bansi represented RI Dist.3140 at Council on Legislation, Rotary’s Parliament held in April 2016. For the current Rotary year, he is Asst. Rotary Public Image Co-ordinator.



Membership Development An ongoing process for Success of Rotary Pratap Puranik DG 2001-02 Counsellor for Membership Development 2018-19

Rotarians, Club leaders and team members, Rotary year 2018-19 is an inspiring and exciting year. All of us are and will inspire each other from within and also friends around us. You will have opportunity to showcase the good works that have been done and are doing. By this we can attract and invite many prospects and can provide platform for them to serve and opportunity to fulfil their ambitions in helping others those need it. As all of us know that month of August is designated for Membership development in Rotary. Throughout the Rotary world new team gets oriented and inspired to bring in new energy in their Clubs by doing Membership Development. Membership Development is Three Tong Strategy namely, recruiting new successful community leaders in our existing Clubs, retaining existing members in our Clubs and staring a fresh new Club with new members. Each one is an important component and plays vital role in building any District’s membership thus adding to total of RI. All of us know that we are privileged to be Rotarians, as someone asked us to join the Club. In turn we need to share the same privilege with our non-rotarian friends and/or colleagues, inviting them to join our Clubs! This is one of our obligations as a Rotarian. But, very few understand it! If each one of us does it judiciously year after year, we can certainly make this world a better place to live! Our strategy should be “Keeping the Members in Rotary and Keeping Rotary in Members” if this is achieved, we can grow exponentially. This will give more hands for doing more Service and adding other resources to do “Good in World”. We are stagnant around 1.2 million members mark for last several years and now need to break it and move forward each year at lest by one net gain per Club each year. This will take care of Recruitment & Retention as mentioned above. It can be


achieved by: 1. Informing all non-Rotarians of various Rotary International programs. 2. Inviting a prospect member personally visiting Club's membership committee. 3. Inducting new members in a digniďŹ ed and meaningful manner. 4. Orienting new member properly showing that he/she is a valuable asset of Club. 5. Educating the new member about Rotary. 6. Involving after induction from day one in Club Projects. Finally, focus of Membership Developments has to be on both growth and quality.

Pratap Puranik DG 2001-02 Counsellor for Membership Development 2018-19



Subhash Sajane DMC

Last year President Ian urged for a simple project. plant many trees! But what would happen, if we all just planted lots of trees and did not water them, or care for them, ensuring proper sunlight or manure for them ? They would die...right? Simply planting trees and not nurturing them, makes no sense! The same aspect of SUSTAINABILITY ought to be applied to Membership.. simply inducting many new members and not nurturing the rotary clubs is resulting in decline in membership. Past RI Director John Mathews opines that, in the last 10 years, the number of Rotary clubs increased but the average club size dropped from 42 to 34 and the total number of members in the world remained constant. This suggests that our core business is declining. WE ARE NOT NURTURING OUR CLUBS ! Statistically, the figures are alarming. Back in 1997 we had 12,06,112 members and 21 years later, on the same date, our strength was 12,11,732 and over the two decades the number of women members had a net increase of 21%. Our district 3170 fares no differently. Every year, the District Governor and his team inducts about 300 to 500 new members, many new clubs are chartered but on July 3, our figures are back to the constant 5500, and the magical figure of 6000 sounds a distant dream! Last year IPDG Anand spared no efforts and over 350 new Rotarians were inducted but the euphoria could not sustain the June 30 –July 1 deletion spree over fear of impending club voucher. Number of Rotarians of 3170 as on July 1, 2017 was 5343 members and the number of Rotarians on July 2, 2018 read as 5353 members and over the last month, we have grown to 5393 members, a net growth of just 50 members.



Our average club size is 42 and we have 467 women members, which is just 8.66% as against the world average of over 21%. We are compiling the number of young members below age of 40 years and these two categories, women members and young professionals, will help us to enhance our figures. CHALLENGES WE COULD FACE IN ATTRACTING NEW MEMBERS : In today’s fast paced world, Membership in Rotary should be a VALUED PROPOSITION. Our public image and the standing of the local club in the community will matter the most. Every Rotary club is DOING GOOD IN THE COMMUNITY, yet the general populace is unaware of it. We still carry the ‘wine n dine’ tag. In our line of duty, we come across several individuals but we fail to point out to them, the good work we are doing and whether they would like to be a part of us... Every avenue of service, be it Club service, Vocational, Community, Youth or International, is an opportunity for a rotary club to attract new members, provided we go about it, in the right manner. Every entrepreneur we felicitate, every guest speaker we invite to address our meeting, even the chief guest for our event, IS A POTENTIAL NEW ROTARIAN. Nine out of 10 Rotarians, when asked the question, Why did you not join earlier, replied..... because no one asked us to ! Truthfully, each one of us in 3170 could ask ourselves–Have I proposed a new member in the last 5 years ? August is designated as Membership Development and Retention Month and the all important District Membership Seminar is on Aug 19’th, which is a Sunday. The venue is Hotel Pavilion, Kolhapur. We begin late into the morning , 10.30 am, to enable every rotary club of our large district, to reach in time and we will definitely conclude by 3.30 pm , so each of you could drive home in time. The hosts : Rotary club of Kolhapur Sunrise, need no introduction, with them hosting so many prestigious events gracefully over the years. An added attraction will be a full fledged New Members Orientation wherein all new members and even prospective members can learn about our organisation and receive a certificate upon completion! Looking forward to seeing you all in person in Kolhapur ! Jai Hind ! Jai Rotary !

Subhash Sajane DMC


From GML of RID 3040 My Rotary Motivational Story : By Rtn. Rukhshana Anklessaria


Glimpses of District Events : Seminar on Public Image & WinS “PRATIMA”


Glimpses of DG Installation

Dignitories on the Dias

Members present for the Installation Ceremony 1

Members present for the Installation Ceremony

Handing over of Gavel by DG Anand to DG Ravikiran

Handing over of District Key by DG Anand to DG Ravikiran

Rotary Club of Sangli will flash the Banner proudly for one year


Glimpses of DG Installation

New Website of the District was inaugrated at the hands of Chief Guest PDG Sam Patibandla

Felicitation of Rtn. Chidamar Kulkarni President of R C Bailhongal for becoming Major Donor

Chief Guest PDG Sam Patibandla addressed the gathering

Felicitation of Chief Guest PDG Sam Patibandla

Felicitation of DRR Nishita Pednekar at the hands of Chief Guest PDG Sam Patibandla

Respected Members of CoG present for Installation Ceremony


Glimpses of District Events : TRF Level - 1 Training Seminar “DHANSANCHAY”


Around the District - Projects by Rotary Clubs

R C Bijapur North - Swach Bharat Abhiyan Program at City Bus Stand

R C Gargis Kolhapur - Distribution of Sewing Machines to Bachat Gat members

R C Honavar - Dist Level Free Artificial Limp Camp for Handicaps and Medical Tool Kit to Senior Citizen

R C Ichalkaranji Textile City - Note Book and Study material Distribution to the needy student

R C Jaysingpur - Distribution of LED Sceen and School Bags in adopted school

R C Kolhapur - Blood Donation at Deshpande Automech Pvt Ltd (100 bags)


Around the District - Projects by Rotary Clubs

R C Kolhapur Sunrise - Menstrual Hygiene Management Awareness program for NCC Girl students at 6 Maharashtra Batalian

R C Mapuca - Seed Bomb distribution to all Clubs in RID 3170 present for DG Installation

R C Miramar - Drama Festival For The Disabled Children

R C Panaji Riviera - Visit of Rural School children to the Goa Legislative Assembly

R C Porvorim ROTARY RAIN RUN 2018

R C Venugram Belgaum Free Cancer Detection Camp


Upcoming District Events & Programme

District Membership Development Seminar “Vistar” Date : 19th August 2018

Venue : Hotel Pavilion, Kolhapur.

District Global Grants Orientation Seminar “Tantra” Date : 19th August 2018

Venue : Hall of Rotary Club of Kolhapur, Sunrise

MR Co-ordination Meet Date : 19th August 2018

Venue : Hall of Rotary Club of Kolhapur, Sunrise

Hosted by Rotary Club of Kolhapur Sunrise


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