Discovering De Soto
Holidays...a time of remembering, reflecting and enjoying good food
While there may be some empty spots at the dinner table this Holiday Season, there are still many ways to connect. Skype, FaceTime and Zoom in your guests virtually. Consider sending a Holiday Dinner from your local grocer or providing food to your local food pantry. Keep the “thanks” and “giving” in this year’s Thanksgiving!
Pre-order your Martha Harp Holiday Dinner with all the trimmings!
Harps is offering complete holiday dinners that serve 6 to 8 guests this Holiday Season. Dinners include: 10-12 lb. baked HoneySuckle White turkey, 1 dozen Martha Harp rolls, 2 lbs homestyle cornbread dressing, 2 lbs broccoli rice casserole, 1 lb turkey giblet gravy,12 oz cranberry orange relish, 1 8-inch pumpkin pie, and 1 8-inch pecan pie. Dinners are fully cooked and sold cold. They are ready to heat and serve in about 90 minutes. Additional 1 or 2 lb. sides may also be ordered Pre-order online now and pay when you pickup: Dinner
De Soto High School Apparel Now Available at Harps!
Just in time for Holiday gift-giving! You’ll find an assortment of De Soto Wildcats hooded sweatshirts and t-shirts now available at Harps Foods in De Soto. Display is located in the front aisle, across from greeting card area. There are a variety of sizes and styles available in the Wildcat school colors of De Soto green and white. Show your school spirit!
Sanitized Carts for your Safety and Care
We’re Here to Serve YOU Visit us in De Soto 34040 E Commerce Dr
Holiday Hours: Thanksgiving Day Closed Christmas Eve 6 am to 7 pm Christmas Day Closed USE HARPS EASY & CONVENIENT ONLINE GROCERY DELIVERY & NEW PICK UP SERVICE 14