the gift of music Holiday 2020
USD 232 High School Holiday Concerts Adapt
Mill Valley Band Concert Wednesday, December 9 • 7 pm Mill Valley Choir Concert Thursday December 10 • 7 pm De Soto Band Concert - Monday, December 14 • 7 pm De Soto Choir Concert - Tuesday, December 1 • 7 pm Please see high school websites for performance updates
USD 232 School District Secondary Student, grades 6 through 12, will continue to remain in the Hybrid Learning Environment at this time. Students returned to school with designated A/Blue and B/Green Days, and C/Purple Remote Days.
2020 District Student Art Awards and Cedar Trails Exploration Center/Work-Based Learning Initiative presented virtually November 2 to Board of Education
Students from each school in the USD 232 School District were honored virtually this year at the board of education meeting that was streamed on November 2. Artwork was selected by district art teachers, created from the prior school year, and will become part of the district’s permanent art collection in the district office. Students and artwork are shown on page 24. Cindy Swartz, USD 232 Career and Techinical Coordinator, presented to the board information about The Cedar Trails Exploration Center and Work-Based Learning Initiative. Students will have the opportunity to connect their interests, skills and goals with career opportunities through Career Awareness, Career Exploration and Career Preparation. Exicting opportunities are ahead for our district’s students as Cedar Trails Exploration Center opens in 2021 and the Work-Based Learning Initiative continues to be developed and implemented.
ACT scores remain strong; more students taking exam Students in USD 232 continue to score above state and national peers on the ACT College Readiness Exam. According to official 2020 data released by ACT, district students recorded a composite average of 23.3. The score represents a slight decrease compared to the previous year of 23.5, but remains above the state average of 20.4 and nationally 20.6 for 2020.
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We look forward to providing care for you all and meeting your owners as well! -Dr. Matt Fehr, DVM Clinic Hours: Mon-Sat mornings 7:45-12 M-T-W-F afternoons 1:30-5:30 Closed Sun
We strive to provide high quality medicine, compassionate care, and super-friendly service for all patients. • Wellness Exams • Annual Wellness Dentistry • Preventative Medicine • Microchipping • Soft Tissue & Orthopedic Surgery • Chiropractic Adjustments • Acupuncture
The USD 232 band and choir holiday performances are highlyanticipated events for the school district’s students, parents, and community members alike. However, like most public performances in 2020, these concerts will face obstacles and limitations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Both the Mill Valley and De Soto High School bands are hopeful that in-person productions will be possible. If the district allows live concerts, the DHS band would perform in the school’s gymnasium, with limited seating being a challenge. DHS band director Matthew Bradford would need to split the band into groups, allowing family members and friends to view a portion of a performance. A livestream would also be available online. Mill Valley recently added a performing arts center, seating 800. MVHS band director Debra Steiner expects this seating amount to be satisfactory. Many options have been presented by the directors, including a meshed recording of multiple individual performances, or a live-streamed video of a combined musical display. With both band performances quickly approaching, a final decision is expected to be made by mid-November. The district’s high school choirs are currently anticipating live performances, following the Kansas State High School Activities Association’s instruction. KSHAA allows singers to perform for a thirty minute time period while wearing masks and remaining six feet away from other performers. Similar to the band concert, DHS choir director Mindy Fry would likely have to limit the amount of tickets available. The choir will be without its traditional concert finale, where members performed with former choir members. MVHS choir director Jessie Reimer will utilize the large capacity performing arts center. Reimer is still expecting for each choir to perform the traditional three pieces. In the event that these events would have to virtually transition, both directors expect to live stream performances. –Ella Fixen, Student Intern, De Soto High School
treats for pets
The Bridge Program–All Natural Dog Treats
Students in The Bridge Program have been selling homemade dog treats since the 2011-12 school year. Students (ages 18-21) in this program make and package these bone-shaped, canine treats developing work-based skills they can apply for future employment. All-Natural Dog Treats. small bags 10/$3 large bags 20/$5 Available online at https://www.usd232.org/Page/4687
De Soto Veterinary Clinic
33900 Lexington Avenue Phone 913-585-1115 desotovetclinic@gmail.com www.desotovetclinic.com 23 23