Discovering De Soto-Holiday 2020

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De Soto


Community & Business Feature Publication

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WELCOME........................................................................ 3

Discovering De Soto Creating a magazine/staff........4 -5 Sending Gifts.....................................................................5 Business News................................................................6


City Hall Security Updates............................................. 7-9 New Economic Incentive Policy................................... 8, 9 Mayor’s Christmas Tree Lighting.................................. 9 City Directory/ De Soto Parks & Recreation.......... 10 Fitness Stay fit this winter inside the gym................11 Health Johnson County COVID-19 Resources.......12-13 Gifts for your wellness....................................................13 Holiday Food Remembering & reflecting............... 14 Food Pantry/Gifts of food............................................15 HOLIDAY GIFT SHOPPING Map of De Soto............... 16-17 RESTAURANTS JT’s Breakfast with Santa.................18-19 WINTER IDEAS The Long Winter............................... 20 ORGANIZATIONS & GROUPS fundraising Gifts....... 21 USD 232 District COVID-19 Dashboard................. 22 Board of Education Meetings.................................... 22-23 The Gift of music/treats for pets................................ 23 PEOPLE Celebrations & recognition/Art Awards.... 24 A tribute to a godly man............................................. 25 Local author Connor Bichelmeyer........................... 28 FAITH Worship/Gifts of faith.......................................26-27 AUTO NEWS Speedy Express Detail........................... 28 Carriage Houses of Johnson County/Auto Gifts... 29


Master Deputy Wes Peel assigned to De Soto .......30

Christmas Tree Disposal........................................ 30 Holiday Safety Tips/Gifts to keep to safe............ 31 Rediscover Downtown & De Soto Rotary........... 32

Discovering De Soto is printed and distributed to De Soto residents and businesses throughout De Soto courtesy of the City of De Soto. Additional distribution in Western Lenexa, Linwood and Shawnee. Independently owned and published by RMB prints & design LLC. Publishing Quarterly Printed Harvest Graphics Print Solutions/Lenexa Online publications Copies $2.50 Not responsible for errors or misprints. Information is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, however “RMB prints & design LLC” is not responsible for the accuracy of information and not liable for any incurrances as a result of this publication. The material in Discovering De Soto is not intended for diagnosing or giving medical advice. A Business, Organization or Entity Featured is not to be construed as an endorsement of the product, individual, business or organization. Businesses featured are objectively selected for newsworthy content and/or being applicable to the current issue’s theme/focus/emphasis. Publisher/Editor reserves the right on final editing of all content herein, including acceptance of submissions and advertising.


The challenges of 2020 (sigh) have been something, and they are not about to let up. The long winter is ahead and I hope you find the Laura Ingalls Wilder books and Winter Tips helpful amidst these different times. The pioneer days do keep things in perspective. The holidays will still come. As COVID has already risen throughout the world, it will be different with family travels being affected. Many of us may not have our traditional gatherings. Keep adapting and remember, it will not always be this way. With the upcoming Christmas Season, kudos to our churches who have also adapted–learning and implementing new technologies to bring online services available to many. God’s peace and presence. Kudos to our school district staff and students, our postal workers, and the many businesses that have taken extra measures for our safety. Keep wearing those masks, washing those hands and keeping safe distances. This too shall pass.

Enjoy our “local” De Soto Gift Guide–with plenty of ideas for gift-giving. “Shop local” and online. Though much has been cancelled this year, enjoy the Rotary’s Fall Event (see back page), and some of the holiday markets in De Soto that have adapted and remain open. Blessings and Godspeed! Sincerely, Rose editor and publisher, Discovering De Soto

Kudos to our Advertisers who fund the staffing & production of Discovering De Soto! Published by RMB Prints & Design, llc Rose M. Burgweger, publisher / editor

Blake Bradford Contributing Graphic Designer Katherine Diaz Contributing Writer Dick Stine Contributing Writer Meg Johnson Administrative Assistant Helen Ash Copy Editor Ella Fixen Student Intern

Special Thanks to The City of De Soto who fund De Soto Printing & EDDM Distribution

Printed Copies also available at these locations: De Soto Harps Foods Steve’s Meat Market Downtown De Soto look for our new bin Lenexa Suburban Lawn & Garden Shawnee Price Chopper courtesy Kansas City Star Earl May Country Club Cafe like us on Facebook https//www.facebook.comDiscoveringDesoto 3

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