The Sunshiner J
Winter Convention "77" At Orlando (January 14-16, 1977)
Wher e except at th e Winte r Conventio n ca n yo u stan d t o experience so muc h of Toastmasterin g i n a short tim e an d at prices yo u ca n afford ! B y th e tim e yo u rea d this article , each clu b wil l have receive d copies of th e Conventio n Activitie s Schedule, an d a lon g list of Seminar Topic s fo r
each of 3 (!) seminars W e pla n t o practic e Toastmasterin g b y employin g session chairma n t o ensure tha t bot h presentatio n an d discussion of topi c materia l is accomplishe d i n a concise an d timel y manner Thi s wil l mak e i t possible fo r yo u t o hav e choice instea d of chance!
W e pla n t o satisfy you r needs durin g th e Winte r Convention Won' t yo u pla n to hel p b y requestin g th e combinatio n c f registratio n an d mea l ticket s neede d today ? (Mea l ticke t sales at th e conventio n wil l be limited. ) Also , enclose you r mote l registratio n request i n th e same envelop e an d save anothe r 13tf
Toastmasters an d Friends l
Th e SUNSHINE R is you r magazine
Please endorse you r Distric t magazine , th e SUNSHINER , wit h articles an d contributions
Be liste d as a Gol d Sponsor b y donatin g $10 0 o r more Patrons and/or businesses are liste d fo r $2 5 o r more , or fo r $10
I f you r clu b is no t receivin g th e SUNSHINE R MONTHLY , send you r subscriptio n list an d chec k t o Dav e Meeks , DT M — 830 3 Millwoo d Drive , Tampa , 33615
Article s an d photos fo r publicatio n shoul d b e sent t o To m Guth , Distric t
Editor , 522 3 Lawnwoo d Drive , Templ e Terrace , 33617 Th e 15t h is th e deadline
Al l Decembe r ne w membe r applications mus t reac h WH Q n o later tha n Januar y 10 , 1977 Credi t fo r Sharin g 7 6 sponsors ca n onl y b e give n i f officia l form s are submitte d b y Januar y 31 , 1977 Chec k you r copies o f th e Octobe r an d Decembe r issues o f TH E TOASTMASTE R fo r th e rules an d officia l forms
Th e Wordmaste r Gave l Clu b No 16 (in Avon ) Par k Christma s Part y has regretfull y bee n cancelled, fo r Decembe r 21 , 1976
Speechcraft Lift-off
A proposa l has bee n submitte d an d is bein g favorabl y studie d b y th e uppe r managemen t o f th e Kenned y Space Cente r fo r a Speechcraf t tha t wil l later becom e a club Pa t Feller , Fre d Sharpe an d Hug h Cairn s wrot e th e proposal , an d wha t a beautifu l bi t o f wor k i t was! Mr Erni e Spievie, Chie f o f Training , wh o has turne d dow n othe r requests, is i n ou r corner, an d has ou r promis e t o keep i t a clu b t o produc e bette r speakers, bette r understanding , an d self-motivatio n wit h a bare minimu m o f pape r work
Thi s clu b an d Speechcraf t wil l b e steered b y th e Cap e Canavera l Lift-of f Club , wit h Scott y Leed s as th e coordinator
As LGE D I woul d lik e t o than k th e above-mentione d TM' s fo r thei r hel p an d th e tw o othe r TM' s wh o hav e
helpe d m e wit h thei r advic e an d knowhow Bo b Bradle y (Osceola Club ) an d Rober t Blakely , DT M an d ou r Internationa l President T o th e tw o Bobs, than k yo u fo r you r hel p from : th e Eastern Division , Are a 11 , th e Cap e Canavera l Lift-of f Club , an d Scott y Leed s — than k you !
DCP and Swiftness
Tamp a T M Clu b No 181 0 ma y b e th e firs t clu b t o complet e thei r DCP O n Decembe r 1 1 at thei r Christma s Party , i t wil l b e wrappe d up Tardy Per Capitas
clubs hav e no t pai d pe r
1202, 2271 , 2310 , 2593 , 2824 , 3106 , 3330 , 3651 , 3869 T M Clu b No 363 1 has no t sent i n it s membershi p list t o
When Who What
January 1 All Happy New Year!
January 1 Clubs Begin New Distinguished Club Plans (1977)
January 8 Division Western Division Advanced Speech Contest
January 9 District Club New Officer Training and Executive Training Program
January 14-16 Area Winter Executive Committee Meeting
Profile Of Robert A Martin
"Non e bu t himsel f can b e his parallel " states the inscriptio n alongside his pictur e i n th e "Hematite, " th e yearboo k for th e 1925 graduatin g class of Hibbing , Minnesot a hig h school
Th e person is Bo b Martin
Bo b entere d th e Universit y of Wisconson at Menomoni e an d got his B.S degree i n education
Detroit , Michiga n was his next mov e wher e h e receive d his Masters' degree fro m Wayn e State Universit y whil e teachin g i n th e Detroi t publi c school system
Bo b joine d T M Clu b No 699 at An n Arbor , Michiga n i n 1960 A ne w clu b was forme d i n Ypsilanti , th e cit y wher e he live d — so h e transferre d t o tha t clu b i n 1961 Because of Bob's teachin g nigh t school i n Detroi t i t wa s necessary for hi m t o dro p Toastmasters Afte r a year, he joine d Clu b No 1909 i n An n Arbor
I n 1966 Bo b was eligibl e fo r retiremen t fro m th e Detroi t publi c school system — so h e too k th e BI G step I n 1967 Bo b accepte d the editorshi p of the "GRAPEVINE, " th e Toastmasters Distric t 28 Bulleti n wit h approximatel y 1300 circulation Th e "GRAPEVINE " was judge d b y T I t o be one of th e To p Te n Distric t Bulletins
Florida , wit h its semi-tropica l atmosphere , an d wit h so man y of thei r friend s an d acquaintance s livin g there, seemed lik e th e logica l plac e fo r Rut h an d Bo b t o live September , 1970 was step No 1 — movin g int o a house the y ha d purchased the year befor e i n Cap e Coral Th e transfer fro m Clu b No 1909 t o th e For t Myer s T M Clu b No 1702 cam e abou t i n Decembe r of 1970
Soon after, i n 1971 , Bo b too k o n th e task of developin g a bulleti n fo r his ne w clu b Th e PAL M CIT Y COMMUNICATO R evolved No w i n its sixth year, he is stil l th e edito r adjudge d i n 1976 b y T I t o be a To p Te n Clu b Bulletin
Bo b has served as President, AVP , Secretary-Treasurer, an d Sergeant-at-
Arms ; i n 1973-74 h e was Are a Governor Durin g Carlto n Smith' s reig n as Distric t Governor , he wa s Distric t Award s Chairman
Ther e seem t o b e tw o mai n interests i n Bob's lif e now , besides his wif e of course: gol f an d Toastmasters H e carries a 12 handica p o n th e Cap e Cora l Countr y Clu b course an d plays thre e days a week Furthermore , h e devotes a great dea l of of tim e t o tw o Toastmasters Clubs , No 1702 an d No 2938 I n one word , perhaps, DEPENDABILITY , woul d be th e wor d t o best describe him
Debate Contest
Debatin g has always bee n a par t of T M programming However , man y clubs hav e no t take n advantag e of this typ e o f activity A s Debat e Chairma n fo r Distric t 4 7 i t is m y missio n t o encourag e this for m of competitiv e speaking
Th e Are a Governors hav e bee n give n th e responsibilit y of choosin g a Debat e Tea m compose d of th e tw o best debators i n thei r Area s b y Decembe r 31 The y ma y use an y metho d desired t o choose thei r debators The y shoul d be encouragin g th e clubs i n thei r Areas t o hol d debates Eac h debat e hel d scores 10 point s i n th e DCP , u p t o 4 pe r year
Th e Divisio n Lt Governor s mus t select a Tea m fro m amon g th e best Are a Debator s b y Marc h 31 , an d these 4 teams wil l compet e durin g th e Educationa l Session at th e Sprin g Distric t Counci l Meetin g nex t May Th e winnin g tea m member s at this meetin g wil l receive trophies indicatin g tha t the y are 1977 Distric t 4 7 Debat e Champions
Fiv e subjects fo r debates are recommende d fo r club , area, an d divisio n competition On e of these, draw n b y lot , wil l b e i n th e finals :
RESOLVED , tha t states shoul d adop t single house legislators
RESOLVED , tha t tria l b y jur y b e abolished i n crimina l cases
RESOLVED , tha t th e President shoul d be elected b y direc t popula r vote
RESOLVED , tha t capita l punishmen t shoul d b e abolished
RESOLVED , tha t th e President of th e U.S be electe d fo r a 6-year term , an d no t be eligibl e fo r re-election
Th e traditiona l forma t wil l be used i n th e finals wit h shortened tim e limits Eac h of th e openin g statements wil l be 4 minute s wit h 2 minute s fo r rebutta l for eac h membe r of eac h team Thi s wil l permi t a complet e debat e i n less tha n 30 minutes Th e prope r order fo r speakers is 1st Affirmative , 1st Negative , (Continued on Page 4)
Sarasota's 20th Anniversary
Th e Sarasota T M Clu b No 1958 celebrate d a Doubl e Anniversar y Mont h i n October , 1976 Th e clu b observe d bot h its 20t h anniversary an d th e 52n d anniversar y of TI Ro n Norman , Mayor , Cit y of Sarasota, issued a Proclamatio n designatin g Toastmaste r Mont h i n tha t city
I n issuing th e Proclamation , Mayo r Norma n note d "th e Toastmaste r Clu b i n Sarasota makes importan t contributions t o th e publi c goo d throug h its participatio n i n communit y service an d charitabl e programs. " H e also added , " I urg e th e citizens of this communit y t o suppor t th e Toastmasters i n thei r worth y undertakings. " Th e Mayor' s Proclamatio n wa s displaye d i n Cit y Hall , publicize d i n bot h loca l newspapers, an d distribute d t o fou r loca l radi o stations, tw o T V channels, an d th e loca l Chambe r of Commerce
Th e Sarasota T M Clu b was chartere d o n Octobe r 29, 1956 Its 20t h anniversary wa s marke d b y a special meetin g attende d b y pas t an d present members O f th e 23 charte r members , 12 are stil l i n Sarasota Tw o of these wer e guest speakers The y wer e Glen n Rose, forme r Directo r an d Executiv e Vic e President of Souther n Suppl y Co an d E d Poire, President of Automotiv e Clinic , Inc
Ge t some charte r member s together an d th e tal k naturall y turn s t o "wa y bac k when. " Viewe d i n th e context of th e 52 years of TI , the 20-yea r ol d Sarasota T M Clu b does no t hav e as muc h history Bu t th e charte r member s wh o helpe d mak e tha t histor y turne d out The y swappe d anecdotes, brough t i n an d displaye d a series of photograph s take n b y loca l newspapers tw o decades ago, triggerin g ancien t an d half-forgotte n memories, an d greete d other past an d curren t Toastmasters Present members talke d faster tha n th e earlier ones, probabl y due t o today's stepped-u p pace of living
To m Montalbo , DT M President Sarasota T M Clu b
Profile Of Robert A Martin
"Non e bu t himsel f can b e his parallel " states the inscriptio n alongside his pictur e i n th e "Hematite, " th e yearboo k for th e 1925 graduatin g class of Hibbing , Minnesot a hig h school
Th e person is Bo b Martin
Bo b entere d th e Universit y of Wisconson at Menomoni e an d got his B.S degree i n education
Detroit , Michiga n was his next mov e wher e he receive d his Masters' degree fro m Wayn e State Universit y whil e teachin g i n the Detroi t publi c school system
Bo b joine d T M Clu b No 699 at An n Arbor , Michiga n i n 1960 A ne w clu b was forme d i n Ypsilanti , th e cit y wher e he live d — so h e transferre d t o tha t clu b i n 1961 Because of Bob's teachin g nigh t school i n Detroi t i t was necessary for hi m t o dro p Toastmasters Afte r a year, he joine d Clu b No 1909 i n An n Arbor
I n 1966 Bo b was eligibl e fo r retiremen t fro m th e Detroi t publi c school system — so he too k th e BI G step I n 1967 Bo b accepte d th e editorshi p of the "GRAPEVINE, " th e Toastmasters Distric t 2 8 Bulleti n wit h approximatel y 1300 circulation Th e "GRAPEVINE " was judge d b y T I t o be one of th e To p Te n Distric t Bulletins
Florida , wit h its semi-tropica l atmosphere, an d wit h so man y of thei r friend s an d acquaintances livin g there , seemed lik e th e logica l plac e fo r Rut h an d Bo b to live September , 1970 was step No 1 — movin g int o a house the y ha d purchased th e year before i n Cap e Coral Th e transfer fro m Clu b No 1909 t o th e For t Myer s T M Clu b No 1702 came abou t i n Decembe r of 1970
Soon after, i n 1971 , Bo b too k o n the task of developin g a bulleti n fo r his ne w clu b Th e PAL M CIT Y COM -
MUNICATO R evolved No w i n its sixt h year, he is still th e edito r adjudge d i n 1976 b y T I t o be a To p Te n Clu b Bulletin
Bo b has served as President, AVP , Secretary-Treasurer, an d Sergeant-at-
Arms ; i n 1973-7 4 h e wa s Are a Governor Durin g Carlto n Smith's reig n as Distric t Governor , h e was Distric t Award s Chairman
Ther e seem t o b e tw o mai n interests i n Bob's lif e now , besides his wif e of course: gol f an d Toastmasters H e carries a 12 handica p o n th e Cap e Cora l Countr y Clu b course an d play s thre e days a week Furthermore , h e devotes a great dea l of of tim e t o tw o Toastmasters Clubs , No 1702 an d No 2938 I n one word , perhaps, DEPENDABILITY , woul d be th e wor d t o best describe him
Debate Contest
Debatin g has always bee n a par t o f T M programming However , man y clubs hav e no t take n advantage of this typ e of activity A s Debat e Chairma n fo r Distric t 4 7 i t is m y missio n t o encourag e this for m of competitiv e speaking
Th e Are a Governors hav e bee n give n th e responsibilit y of choosin g a Debat e Tea m compose d of th e tw o best debators i n thei r Areas b y Decembe r 31 The y ma y use an y metho d desired t o choose thei r debators The y shoul d be encouragin g th e clubs i n thei r Areas t o hol d debates Eac h debat e hel d scores 10 point s i n th e DCP , u p t o 4 pe r year
Th e Divisio n Lt Governor s mus t select a Tea m fro m amon g th e best Are a Debator s b y Marc h 31 , an d these 4 teams wil l compet e durin g th e Educationa l Session at th e Sprin g Distric t Counci l Meetin g nex t May Th e winnin g tea m member s at this meetin g wil l receive trophie s indicatin g tha t the y are 1977 Distric t 4 7 Debat e Champions
Fiv e subjects fo r debates are recommende d fo r club , area, an d divisio n competition On e of these, draw n b y lot , wil l b e i n th e finals :
RESOLVED , tha t states shoul d adop t single house legislators
RESOLVED , tha t tria l b y jur y b e abolishe d i n crimina l cases
RESOLVED , tha t th e President shoul d be electe d b y direc t popula r vote
RESOLVED , tha t capita l punishmen t shoul d be abolished
RESOLVED , tha t th e President of th e U.S be electe d fo r a 6-year term , an d not b e eligibl e fo r re-election
Th e traditiona l forma t wil l be used i n th e finals wit h shortene d tim e limits Eac h of the openin g statements wil l be 4 minute s wit h 2 minute s fo r rebutta l for each membe r of eac h team Thi s wil l permi t a complet e debat e i n less tha n 30 minutes Th e prope r order fo r speakers is 1st Affirmative , 1st Negative , (Continued on Page 4)
Sarasota's 20th Anniversary
Th e Sarasota T M Clu b No 1958 celebrate d a Doubl e Anniversar y Mont h i n October , 1976 Th e clu b observed bot h its 20t h anniversary an d th e 52n d anniversar y of TI Ro n Norman , Mayor , Cit y of Sarasota, issued a Proclamatio n designatin g Toastmaste r Mont h i n tha t city I n issuing th e Proclamation , Mayo r Norma n note d "th e Toastmaste r Clu b i n Sarasota makes importan t contributions t o th e publi c goo d throug h its participatio n i n communit y service an d charitabl e programs. " H e also added , " I urg e th e citizens of this communit y t o suppor t the Toastmasters i n thei r worth y undertakings. " Th e Mayor' s Proclamatio n was displaye d i n Cit y Hall , publicize d i n bot h loca l newspapers, an d distribute d t o fou r loca l radi o stations, tw o T V channels, an d th e loca l Chambe r of Commerce
Th e Sarasota T M Clu b was chartere d o n Octobe r 29, 1956 Its 20t h anniversary wa s marke d b y a special meetin g attende d b y past an d present members O f th e 23 charter members , 12 are stil l i n Sarasota Tw o of these wer e guest speakers The y wer e Glen n Rose, forme r Directo r an d Executiv e Vic e President of Souther n Suppl y Co an d E d Poire, President of Automotiv e Clinic , Inc
Ge t some charter member s togethe r an d th e tal k naturall y turn s t o "wa y bac k when. " Viewe d i n th e context of th e 52 years of TI , th e 20-year ol d Sarasota T M Clu b does no t hav e as muc h history Bu t the charte r member s wh o helpe d mak e tha t histor y turne d out The y swappe d anecdotes, brough t i n an d displaye d a series of photograph s take n b y loca l newspapers tw o decades ago, triggerin g ancient an d half-forgotte n memories, an d greete d othe r past an d curren t Toastmasters Present members talke d faster tha n th e earlier ones, probabl y du e t o today's stepped-u p pace of living
To m Montalbo , DT M
President Sarasota T M Clu b
Wit h th e holida y season upo n us, Wilm a an d I woul d lik e to wis h everyone i n Distric t 4 7 a ver y Merr y Christmas an d a Happ y Ne w Year an d wis h tha t yo u an d yours wil l prospe r i n 1977 an d hop e tha t yo u have me t th e challenges tha t yo u desire d t o mee t i n 1976
Durin g th e mont h of December , al l clubs are electin g officers I n earl y Januar y th e ne w officers wil l be installe d an d wil l be wel l on thei r wa y t o gettin g th e ne w year of f t o a goo d start T o th e AG' s be sure an d pla n a n effectiv e clu b office r executive program T o yo u ne w clu b officers, b e sure an d atten d the AG' s clu b office r executive developmen t program I f yo u don' t kno w of one bein g scheduled , cal l hi m an d insist he hav e one I t is importan t tha t yo u get off to a goo d start t o have a successful 1977 I t is easy t o keep puttin g th e ne w membershi p progra m off or th e updatin g of th e DC P of f or whateve r progra m yo u hav e planne d fo r th e improvemen t of you r clu b of f fo r a mont h or so Befor e yo u kno w it , six month s are gone an d yo u wil l b e changin g officers an d yo u haven' t don e anything Therefore , yo u mus t start wit h th e firs t wee k of January, get you r clu b officers, mak e you r plans fo r 1977, an d embar k o n the m immediately Perhaps i t is a speechcraft program , a yout h leadershi p progra m or both Mayb e yo u have th e nucleus of a ne w club Be sure an d get you r projects starte d early, because, as th e cliche says — tim e flies i n Toastmasters, th e eve n older clich e bette r late tha n never — usuall y means never
T o th e outgoin g Presidents: don' t forget yo u are responsible fo r th e 1976 DCP Yo u hav e th e mont h of Januar y t o get th e outgoin g officers togethe r an d to pu t th e sections of th e DC P i n order , so tha t i t wil l be presentable t o th e DC P Chairma n Batti n i n February Yo u mus t no t procrastinat e either, because i"his is a short perio d of time Effectiv e Januar y 1 al l of th e informatio n is available Let' s hav e 50 DCP' s thi s year Let's have mor e tha n th e whol e rest of T I pu t together
Again , Merr y Christma s an d a Happ y Ne w Year
Davi d Meeks, DT M Distric t Governo r
Club Educational Tracts For 1977
b y Floy d Sewell , DTM , LG E
Clu b EVP' s shoul d utiliz e th e followin g Ne w Membe r Schedulin g Procedur e fo r an orderl y progression of initia l clu b assignments:
1 Time r — ne w members ' firs t jo b
2 Grammaria n or A h Counte r
3 Ic e Breaker (b y thi s tim e TM I manua l shoul d hav e arrived )
4 Topicsmaste r
5 E valuato r
6 Toastmaster
7 Genera l Evaluato r
As fo r a complet e educationa l forma t to th e clu b programming , utiliz e th e followin g Educationa l Developmen t Subjects Fo r th e firs t six months :
1 Ho w to Introduc e Guests/Members/Speakers (111) (B-52)
2 Organizin g a Speech (C& L Manual)
3 Voic e of th e Speaker (213)
4 Ho w t o Use Gestures (110)
5 Wha t t o Tal k Abou t (B-16 )
6 Voca l Variet y (109)
7 Leadin g Informa l Discussions (Tabl e Topics ) (1315)
8 Th e Role of Maste r of Ceremonies (Toastmastering ) (200)
9 Formula s fo r Speech/Writin g (107)
10 Parliamentar y Procedur e (Basic) (166, 168, 1361 , B-25)
11 Buildin g a Speech (1340 )
12 Preparin g an d Usin g Audio-Visua l Material s (1193 )
Educationa l Developmen t Subjects t o b e utilize d fo r complet e program s fo r th e second six month s include :
1 Appraisal s an d Evaluation s (202)
2 Effectiv e Speech Outline s (107)
3 Motivatio n throug h Recognitio n (1208 )
4 Them e Program s (1314 )
5 Plannin g a Seminar (220)
6 Trainin g th e Traine r t o Trai n (1322 )
7 Th e Well-Constructe d Speech (C& L manual )
8 Advance d Parliamentar y Procedur e (166, 168, 1361 , B-25)
9 Listenin g t o Lear n (1200-1201 )
Readin g Opportunitiee s (126)
11 Humor , Poetry , Scriptur e i n Speeches (1192 , B-46)
12 Ho w t o pla n an d Lea d a Conference (212)
Follo w th e above forma t of ne w membe r schedulin g an d clu b programmin g an d yo u wil l experience a ver y successfu l year o n th e D-4 7 express
Am I Important?
W e constantl y hear ho w importan t th e Are a Governor s are O f course, the y are referre d t o as th e tru e workhorses
Th e rea l fac t is a n A G is bu t a Toastmaster wit h a title Hi s whol e progra m depends o n you , th e clu b members
Eac h mont h a repor t is complete d b y you r A G an d sent t o me Thi s repor t contains th e activities an d accomplishments of al l th e clubs i n a n area Ho w ca n yo u help ? Numbe r one, be informed Th e informatio n importan t t o th e report s is as follows C& L completions , ATM's , DTM's , YLP's , Speechcrafts, outside speeches, Are a Counci l meetings, an d Toastmasters attendin g area, division , an d distric t contests al l ad d point s to you r area These are bu t a fe w of th e thing s th e AG' s loo k fo r ever y mont h as he files his report
Unless th e A G can atten d ever y clu b meetin g he is unabl e t o remembe r al l tha t has bee n accomplished Thi s is wh y yo u are so important Whe n you r A G visits or calls, mak e sure yo u hav e this informatio n availabl e to him So man y point s are missed each mont h because informatio n has no t been passed along Thi s is al l reall y importan t t o th e Are a Governor s because of th e points ; it's importan t t o m e so tha t I ca n judg e wher e th e distric t stands wit h respect toward s its goals Ar e yo u importan t — YO U BET !
George Veltman , DT M Lieutenan t Governo r of Administratio n
(Continued from Page 3)
2n d Affirmative , 2n d Negative Th e rebuttal s follo w wit h 1st Negative , 1st Affirmative , 2n d Negative , 2n d Affirmative
I f an y furthe r informatio n is needed , contac t you r Debat e Chairma n at 1244 Lak e Otos Roa d SE, Winte r Haven , Florid a 33880
Charles Jones, DT M
Words From The West
"Words that come from the heart enter the heart." — Moses ib n Ezr a
Th e Wes t is ver y prou d of Toastmaster Sonn y Dixo n fro m Jose Gaspar
T M Clu b No 3668 Sonn y delivere d a Humorou s Speec h Contest i n Jacksonville Distric t 47 wil l b e abl y represented at th e Regiona l Conventio n i n Norfolk , Virgini a nex t Spring
Meanwhil e "bac k at th e ranch " i t is tim e fo r clubs i n th e Wes t t o nominat e an d elect officers fo r th e comin g 1977 term Th e futur e of you r clu b i n particula r an d th e Distric t i n general lies i n th e leadershi p exerted at th e clu b level Ther e are rea l opportunitie s i n clu b offic e t o develo p responsibilit y an d leadershi p traits tha t are mos t important Th e hour s tha t yo u as a n officer spen d i n guidin g an d developin g you r clu b wil l be some of th e mos t rewardin g yo u wil l ever experience an d th e reward s wil l accrue t o yo u ove r an d over agai n as yo u go forwar d i n life I urg e al l Toastmasters t o mak e a commitmen t t o excellence — no t onl y t o themselves bu t t o thei r fello w Toastmasters throug h clu b service I f yo u don' t avai l yourselves of thi s opportunit y yo u wil l cheat yourselves of a ver y importan t aspect of th e overal l Toastmaste r program
Th e Wester n Divisio n Advance d Speech Contes t wil l be hel d Januar y 8, 1977 at th e Holida y In n Sout h i n St Petersburg Th e In n is locate d o n U.S Rout e 18 Sout h just tw o miles nort h of th e Sunshine Skywa y Bridge A fin e banque t has bee n planne d an d entertainmen t wil l b e provide d b y fiv e of th e best speakers i n th e West Thi s wil l be th e firs t event of 1977 Let's al l start th e Ne w Year wit h a resolutio n t o mee t at 6:30 p.m o n Januar y 8 fo r Toastmasterein g Wester n Style!
As w e approac h a ne w year an d complet e 6 month s of th e Distric t 4 7 year, I wis h sincerely t o than k al l those wh o hav e give n of thei r tim e an d talents fo r th e bettermen t of us all I a m prou d t o be a Toastmaster an d tha t prid e becomes multiplie d whe n I see so man y
expendin g thei r effort s t o mak e thei r Club , Area , an d thei r Distric t second t o none I t is th e dedicatio n of suc h Toastmasters tha t has mad e Distric t 47 th e env y of al l Toastmasters International
A Blessed Christma s t o yo u al l an d ma y th e Ne w Year b e brightene d wit h th e fulfillmen t of you r expectations Dic k Wood , DT M Lieutenan t Governo r fo r th e Wester n Divisio n %
LGED Report
Conquer Your Membership Problems
LGSD Report
Red Letter Day
Saturday, January 8,1977
For Incoming Officers
Hav e yo u ever bee n electe d a n office r of a clu b onl y t o fin d ou t tha t yo u are unsur e of th e duties yo u are expecte d t o fulfil l an d no t equippe d t o handl e the m whe n yo u are advise d of th e scope of th e office? Possibly th e office r proceedin g yo u di d no t perfor m t o his ful l capacit y because he di d no t care Bu t mos t probabl y h e ha d neve r attende d an Officer Trainin g Session an d wa s unawar e of th e duties of his offic e an d ho w the y shoul d be carrie d out
Th e questio n the n arises — i f you r predecessor neve r learned , ho w ca n h e teac h you ?
Th e mos t successful clubs are th e ones whos e incomin g officers atten d trainin g sessions; or, ther e are enoug h "Ol d Timers " wh o kno w th e ropes an d are willin g t o take th e tim e an d effor t t o teach thei r knowledg e t o th e officerselect
have sent notices t o eac h Are a Governo r of th e Souther n Divisio n t o contac t al l of thei r clubs t o ask, plead , force , or cajole ever y incomin g office r t o atten d th e Pre-Conventio n Office r Trainin g Session Al l pertinen t literature , whethe r free or availabl e at a fee, has been ordere d fro m T I an d wil l be o n display
Rober t Gelfand , LGS D
Doe s you r clu b have difficult y i n th e transitio n fro m guest t o membe r or i n keepin g th e ne w member s fro m goin g inactive? Since I hav e becom e LGED , hav e attende d 16 of th e 2 1 clubs an d fin d some clubs have a proble m of keepin g ne w member s active believ e I hav e foun d a solutio n t o this i n th e Orland o Conqueror s Clu b No 1066 Tha t clu b hold s a trainin g session every othe r meetin g instea d of a business meeting T I is a trainin g organization , yet man y time s w e fai l t o trai n or pass o n th e experience d gained I believe th e solutio n lies wit h th e EV P assigning a 5-7 minut e speech wit h 5 minute s of questions an d answers after it Th e speeches shoul d be o n questions like , "Ho w t o Organiz e a Speech, " "Ho w t o Us e Voca l Varieety, " "Ho w t o Giv e Ora l Evaluations, " etc I n usin g th e mor e advance d Toastmasters t o trai n newe r members , w e save bot h groups fro m droppin g ou t of Toastmasters Th e advance d gai n ne w experiences whil e th e ne w Toastmasters learn
Woul d al l yo u officers get i n th e Officers ' Lists so tha t you r tire d ol d
LGE D ma y hav e a HAPP Y HO G MIN' , an d no t b e chasing dow n form s o n Ne w
Years EVE
Scott Leeds , DT M
Lieutenan t Governo r fo r th e Easter n Divisio n
Frank Tillman, DTM, Lieutenant Governor Northern Division
LGND Report
Th e Norther n Divisio n faces a rea l challeng e t o maintai n a hig h leve l of active TM's Because of the large geographica l area i n th e Norther n Division , wit h th e largest concentratio n of th e populatio n i n th e Jacksonville area, I believe tha t i t is essential tha t w e strengthe n ou r lines of communicatio n wit h al l communities , such as Tallahassee, Gainesville , Palatka, etc W e mus t recognize tha t th e miles betwee n us can be bridge d wit h th e peopl e i n the communitie s alon g the way , such as Lak e City , McClenny , Starke, etc B y strengthenin g these lines of communicatio n an d usin g people tha t are communicatin g wit h others, lik e one woul d use a bridge , I believe w e can shorten th e distance betwee n cities A s air trave l has shortene d distances, so can communication
I realize tha t I a m settin g a goal tha t wil l requir e a considerable amoun t of wor k an d cooperatio n fro m al l of us However , the en d results wil l mak e i t wel l wort h any or al l efforts tha t w e migh t pu t forth
visualize the Norther n Divisio n as a powe r station wit h sufficien t energy an d curren t to mee t the needs of the members Th e AG' s of the Nort h wil l operate as the transmission lines of this energy, an d th e Clu b Presidents wil l functio n as th e switc h flipper s wh o tur n th e electricit y on Th e juic e flowin g t o th e members are th e experiences of enthusiastic TM' s throughou t the division A s th e member s get turne d o n the y wil l shine as a guidin g ligh t t o al l wh o wis h t o improv e themselves b y becomin g involve d i n th e Toastmasters program
Fran k Tillma n Lieutenan t Governo r of th e Norther n Divisio n
Tom MontalboOur Man In Sarasota
Ho w d o yo u rebuil d a club ? Pu t ads i n th e newspaper ? Arrang e fo r a T V interview ? Cal l o n the Distric t Officer s fo r help? Yes, of course, unless you r clu b is i n Sarasota Ther e yo u merel y contac t a ma n calle d Thoma s Montalbo , DTM
Six month s ago, th e Sarasota T M Clu b No 1958 wa s o n th e verg e of dissolution To m Montalbo , DTM , wa s elected President an d thing s bega n t o happen Whereve r To m went , he talke d Toastmasters H e personall y invite d guests to thei r Wednesda y mornin g meetings (7:30 a.m.) an d saw t o i t tha t the y wer e there Hi s clu b no w boasts 25 members , almost al l of whic h are active, regula r attendees A t th e rat e he's going , w e wil l hav e a ne w clu b i n Sarasota soon
To m runs a tigh t ship Hi s stron g leadership an d sincere applicatio n t o Toastmasters is easily visible whe n yo u visi t the Sarasota Club Tom' s professional approac h to his jo b as President is enhance d b y his enthusias m an d read y wit H e has prove n th e latte r b y his man y win s at club , area, an d divisio n speech contests i n recen t years T M Montalb o is quic k t o share credi t fo r Sarasota's success wit h the lik e of his VP's Georg e Dickso n an d Georg e Brogning , as wel l as regulars Pau l Wilk e an d 16-year vetera n Lewi s Grabber wis h al l Clu b Presidents i n Are a 2 woul d submi t thei r monthl y reports as promptl y an d as detaile d as those To m does I n fact, To m Montalb o woul d be an idea l candidat e fo r ou r next Are a 2 Governor Ho w abou t it , Tom ? Lo u Rosa, ATM , AG- 2
Building Bridges
Yo u are T M of th e evening ! Thi s is one of th e times yo u wil l hav e th e privileg e of servin g as master of ceremonies — th e social hea d of th e clu b meeting , l t is a pleasant duty !
Servin g as a T M fulfill s the T M progra m of givin g each membe r a n experience i n leadership i n ou r learnin g laboratory Let' s consider th e goals of a
Toastmaste r an d ho w w e can accomplis h them
Imagin e w e are at a regula r meetin g an d th e presidin g office r has turne d contro l of th e meetin g over t o you Ho w d o yo u contro l th e meeting ? Ther e are a numbe r of thoughts
You r firs t responsibilit y is t o b e a gracious host fo r th e meeting I t is you r business t o create a n air of expectancy , interest an d receptivit y i n th e audience Yo u are responsible fo r th e friendl y atmospher e betwee n th e speaker an d his audience Whe n yo u accomplis h this yo u mak e i t easy fo r the speaker t o d o his best work T o illustrat e this : "Ther e is a bartende r i n Paris wh o can determin e th e nationalit y of an y custome r after tw o double-martinis Whe n asked ho w he can do it , h e said, ' A Frenchma n wil l wan t t o mak e love ; a Spaniar d wil l dance; a Germa n wil l yodel ; an Italia n wil l sing ; an Irishma n wil l fight , an d a n America n wil l wan t to mak e a speech!'
"Bein g typica l American s an d Toastmasters, yo u wil l hear some ver y fin e an d excitin g speeches — al l withou t tw o double-martinis ! Ou r speakers wil l be tellin g us abou t pirates, books, tre e farming , an d a n incredibl e machine ! Also, ou r Tabl e Topics-maste r has promise d some interestin g an d provocativ e subjects fo r Tabl e Topics Al l together, i t promises t o b e an excitin g meeting! "
Yo u shoul d hav e determine d fro m previou s conversations tha t wee k th e themes of th e speeches, whic h woul d hel p yo u prepar e fo r th e meeting However yo u d o it , CREAT E A N AI R O F EXPECTANC Y AN D ENTHUSIASM !
Nex t comes the par t of th e progra m wher e yo u introduc e th e speakers I f Tabl e Topic s wer e humorous , or serious, you mus t mak e th e transitio n t o th e themes of th e speakers I n TOASTMASTER S i t is referre d t o as "building ' a bridge. " W e buil d a bridg e betwee n wha t recentl y has gone befor e an d th e next par t of th e program Yo u migh t say somethin g like , "W e hav e ha d a numbe r of humorou s experiences shared in Tabl e Topic s no w I invit e you r attentio n t o somethin g ne w an d different T M Joh n Smit h wil l speak t o us abou t pirates. "
Several days before th e meetin g yo u mad e arrangements of wha t shoul d be said i n the introductions I migh t gentl y remin d yo u tha t a speech of introductio n is a short speech — SHORT A s Judg e Jacob Braud e said, "Al l wor k an d n o plagiaris m makes a might y dul l speech! "
(Continued on Page 7)
Margaret, Ted, Dorean Deerfield Beach's Best
Thi s is a personalit y profil e — no t of an individual , bu t rathe r tha t of a club , Deerfiel d Beac h T M Clu b No 3299 Th e clu b has reason t o b e prou d of its members ' accomplishments Rea d on
Fro m a "pape r club, " 329 9 has grow n not i n members , bu t i n statur e an d maturity It s active, hard-workin g members take a n eager interest i n inter-clu b activities, communit y affairs, Are a Counci l meetings ; an d the y follo w throug h at th e Divisio n an d Distric t levels
"Little " 329 9 proudl y hoste d th e Are a 4 Humo r Contest i n August , wit h a turnou t of 106 people , wh o cam e fro m as fa r sout h as Cora l Gables an d as fa r nort h as Wes t Pal m Beach , an d are stil l receivin g favorabl e comment s an d congratulation s fo r a jo b wel l done Besides tha t the y mad e a profi t fo r th e club
Membe r Ra y Floy d wo n th e Are a 4 Contes t 1st Place Troph y an d wen t o n to 2n d Place i n th e Souther n Division
Th e clu b is ver y prou d of AT M Floyd Ray's article "Chef , Coo k or Bottl e Washer " appeare d i n th e Augus t TOASTMASTER ; this is th e second tim e h e has bee n publishe d recently
I n hono r of Toastmaster month , thi s "little " clu b arrange d fo r th e Proclamatio n of same i n three cities: Deerfiel d Beach , Boca Raton , an d Delra y Beach , wit h follow-u p publicit y furtherin g th e aims of TI Th e phot o above shows Margare t Miller , President, Te d Miller , Past President, an d Dorea n Dunn , Secretar y holdin g th e Proclamation s the y receive d fro m th e Mayor s of th e above cities An y othe r clu b to p this?
Dorea n Dun n is also th e creator, editor , an d publishe r of "In-formation" th e club's bulletin
So contrar y t o rumor s tha t hav e bee n circulating , 329 9 is aliv e an d well , and no w wit h a ne w member , the y are 10 i n number Al l 10 belon g t o th e clu b tha t carries th e titl e of TH E GREATES T littl e clu b i n Are a 4 !
Sponsor: Scott J Hoehn, DTM — Membership Chairman
1. Five Name Membership Procedure must be used See page 4 article In November, 1976 SUNSHINER: D-47 Membership Contest
2 Copies of five (5) names to be used must be registered by sending copies to Membership Chairman — Scott J Hoehn, DTM, 1045 N.E 109 St., Miami, Florida 33161
3 New members who are promoted by five name procedure, and who join other TM Clubs will be accredited to the Club which initially promoted the name
Al l clu b officers are important , bu t i t is th e Educationa l Vic e President wh o hold s th e ke y t o a successful club Wit h effectiv e planning , th e EV P ca n inspir e ne w members , an d stimulat e th e "regulars " wit h a feelin g of bein g needed
"Right! " yo u say "Lik e Motherhood! " yo u say But , does this always happen ? Regretfull y i t does not , bu t i t coul d happe n mor e ofte n i f th e EV P was provide d wit h a plannin g format Therefore , I offe r th e followin g outlin e of a plan , consistin g of tw o standar d forms :
ITE M 1 : A Maste r Assignmen t Schedule
ITE M 2: A Programmin g Plannin g
1 Th e Maste r Assignmen t Schedule is a preprinte d 8M-11 sheet These is space o n each lin e fo r a member' s name , phon e number , nam e of partne r at home , and eigh t blan k squares fo r meetin g assignments Lette r symbols are used fo r assignments, identifie d o n th e righthan d side of th e page Onc e prepared , th e master ca n be up-date d mid-mont h (and perhap s issued t o members ) t o indicat e assignments fo r th e followin g month I t is no t recommende d t o projec t beyon d 5 weeks
2 Th e Progra m Plannin g Sheet is a preprinte d 8J2XII sheet Blocks are provide d fo r enterin g al l progra m assignments fo r one meeting Duplicate d fo r use b y those takin g an activ e par t i n the meeting , this Progra m Plannin g Sheet ca n prov e t o be quit e a tim e saver
J- J- Smit h
Building Bridges
(Continued from Page 6)
As th e Toastmaster, yo u are concerne d wit h gettin g th e speaker of f th e startin g bloc k wit h a fast start an d o n th e "righ t foot. " Answerin g these 4 questions wil l hel p accomplis h you r purpose
1 Wha t is th e SUBJECT ?
2 Wha t wil l I get ou t of th e speech? (Is i t t o inform , entertain , educate, etc.?)
3 Wha t are th e speaker's qualifications fo r deliverin g th e talk ?
4 Wha t is th e speakers NAME ?
I f these 4 questions are answere d withi n you r introductio n of th e speaker, and i f yo u use imagination , you'l l hel p th e audience fee l excite d an d important Mor e tha n that , you'l l giv e th e speaker a nice shot of enthusiasm!! !
On e wor d of CAUTION T I suggests tha t w e avoi d usin g "crutches , stale phrases, or cliches. " Be simpl e an d specific!
Th e speaker has just complete d his speech Again , th e Toastmaster mus t buil d tha t bridge I t woul d be wel l t o say somethin g like , "Mr TM , w e are indebte d to yo u fo r you r mos t informativ e speech. " Thi s is muc h bette r tha n a trit e "than k you " because th e speaker ma y get th e ide a he is bein g pidgeonholed Sincere appreciatio n wil l please th e speaker; bu t again , one wor d of CAUTION D o no t mak e a commen t tha t wil l influenc e th e judging Bridge s have been buil t fro m Tabl e Topic s t o Speakers an d t o th e Maste r Evaluator Yo u are read y t o tur n contro l of th e meetin g over t o th e presidin g officer Yo u hav e one mor e bridg e t o build A t a gracious host, than k al l wh o participate d i n th e evenin g progra m and commen t ho w thei r thought s benefite d everyon e at th e meeting
A goo d introductio n is as importan t to a speech as a pictur e t o a frame Whe n yo u hav e th e opportunit y t o present a speech of introductio n undertak e th e jo b seriously It' s a n occasion fo r a most enjoyabl e experience t o serve as a gracious host i n ou r learnin g laboratory , whe n YO U are Toastmaster of th e evening
Willia m Johannsen, AT M Tamp a Noonshiner s
T M Clu b No 390 9
Winter Convention
PLEASE NOTE: Meal price s and availabilit y canno t be guarantee d afte r 13 JAN 1977 II I
NAME Curren t offic e hel d
ADDRESS ' Clu b It Area tt ZIP
/ / - The enclose d check/cas h C S ) cover s th e purchas e o f item s checked
/"7 - I wil l forwar d a check i n th e amount o f S by 10 JAN 1977 t o cove r th e purchas e o f item s checke d below
PACKAGE PLANS (include s registratio n fee , breakfast , luncheo n S banquet )
PLAN A (availabl e unti l 15 DEC 1976) S 16.50
PLAN B (availabl e 16 DEC 1976 thr u 13 JAN 1977). 17.50
INDIVIDUAL MEAL TICKETS ( availabl e t o registere d toastmaste r ) BREAKFAST 3.00 LUNCHEON It.00 BANQUET 8.00
CHILDREN'S BANQUET (burge r o r dog, fries , drin k 8 ic e cream) 2.00
•»**••#»*»»»•**»»**»«••*•»»*•**»•»•«»•*»*»••«••*»*»•****••***•»*•••»**•••»**»*»***»* « pleas e make check payabl e to : Distric t Ul Conventio n Committee MAIL TO: Gene Lease 519 Worthingto n Dr Winte r Park, FL 327B9
NAME ARRIVAL DATE JANUARY 1977 ARRIVAL TIME (estimated ) ADDRESS DEPARTURE DATE JANUARY 1977 DEPARTURE TIME (estimated ) ZIP ACCOMMODATIONS NEEDED (childre n unde r 18 fre e i n room wit h parent ) singl e room(s ) @ S 16.00 ( one adult ) doubl e room(s ) @ 18.00 (S20.00 fo r 3 o r adults )
^"i* " ^ \ roll-awa y bed @ <t.00
^o S*J~ OTHER (describe )
LATE ARRIVAL GUARANTEE (confirmatio n wil l be provide d by th e WORLD INN) f~~J - BankAmericar d Number /~ J - Maste r Charge Number
/~ J - America n Expres s Number /~7 - My check fo r th e firs t day i s enclosed NOON CHECK-IN & CHECK-OUT ( 3 PM CHECK-OUT ARRANGED FOR SUNDAY 16 JANUARY 1977 ONLY )
World Inn, 1-4 at 33rd Street exit Orlando, Florida 32805 305-841-6450
December Quote
We must begin not with political methods and forms of government, but at the beginning, with the building of the personality, if we wish again to have minds and men capable of securing our future.
Hermann Hesse
Com e an d enjo y Toastmasterin g wit h motivate d TM' s fro m al l part s of Florida Hea r 2 1 Are a Governor s repor t clu b progress durin g th e breakfact Choose fro m thre e differen t seminars an d experience th e educationa l happenin g of th e year Visi t th e Ide a Fai r displays t o lea m mor e abou t T M program s an d mee t th e Distric t 4 7 chairmen Enjo y lunc h an d liste n t o tw o sparklin g speeches b y graduates of Yout h Leadershi p programs See fo r yoursel f wha t reall y happen s at a Distric t 4 7 business meeting Mee t ou r Distric t Governo r an d pass you r ideas o n t o him Experienc e th e tense competitio n of fou r Divisio n contestants competin g fo r th e Distric t Advance d Speech Contes t trophies
TI Proclamation
Mayo r Arthu r W Harri s of Winte r Have n proclaime d Octobe r t o b e T I Month , an d urge d tha t loca l citizens shoul d see th e loca l T M club s i n action Mayo r Harri s presente d th e Proclamatio n t o Imperia l Pol k President Joe Whigha m (righ t standing) , t o State Far m T M Clu b President Da n Chandle r (left standing) , an d t o Are a 13 Governo r Ji m Merric k (lef t seated)