D47 Sunshiner - February 1977

Page 7

Volume XVII, Number 7

D-47 Winter Convention A Huge Success!

A sunny glow was obvious at the World Inn, Orlando, on Saturday, January 15, as dynamic Toastmasters from all over District 47 (most of the state of Florida) met for their winter convention The glow was not outside, as cloudy skies prevailed all day, but inside where an excellent educational session, three enjoyable banquets, a lively Executive meeting, and the Annual Speech Contest were being held

The educational session involved twenty-seven sessions of fourteen minutes each Three at a time were conducted in various rooms on many subjects of general interest to Toastmasters Accomplished Toastmasters led these sessions covering speaking, office-holding, management and chairmanship, starting speechcrafts, YLP's and of course, new clubs What was feared to be a potential mass of confusion went flawlessly and was raved by all who participated With Idea Fairs, staffed by the leaders of the sessions, the education continued throughout the afternoon Therein lay the true depth of the success inaugurated by the hard-working men and women who devoted their time to making sure that the essence of the sessions could be garnered throughout the day merely by stopping and chatting

Winner of the Advanced Speech Contest was Bob Gelfand, DTM, LGSD As usual the prime rib was excellent

Yes, the sun shone inside the World Inn Saturday and "tanned" many Toastmasters with valuable knowledge and motivation Those "pale" ones who missed it had better be planning to attend the Spring Convention in Ft Lauderdale, May 13-15!

Sonny Dixon, CTM, TVP Jose Gaspar No. 3668

The ^ Sunshinerj

Official Publication of District 47

Starting Early

Often we sit in quiet anticipation, awaiting the next speaker's thoughts Frequently our minds drift along inward avenues, while outwardly we garner little of the words intended for our enjoyment, inspection, and growth

The same anticipation seemed to precede the first utterances of the two young guests at the District Governor's Luncheon which began promptly on Saturday at 12:15 What could have been a dull day (like the poor weather that noon) turned out to be unusual. Unusual fits the luncheon, because the Toastmasters received inspiration from the young instead of from the older, more experienced leaders of our clubs and District 47

A girl attending St Mary's sixth grade in Rockledge, Margy Erts, and a freshman at Rockledge High School, Jonathon Cyr, talked to us about, "My Hometown Hyde Park," and "How to Give a Speech," respectively Many Toastmastering faces obviously lit up at the well done deliveries and thoughtful presentations of these two Youth Leadership graduates

Their speeches were on a par with those given by Toastmasters with similar levels of experience That is to say that these talks were very good, especially for pre-sixteeners As Hermann Hesse said, "Even the most insignificant work of art, a pencil sketch consisting of six lines, or a four-line poem, aims boldly and blindly at the impossible; it is a striving for totality, an attempt to enclose chaos in a nutshell!" He was basically referring to adult artists, not to youth when he made this remark But it applies here

In Toastmasters we strive to communicate, and to listen, in such a way that chaos is turned into clear expression. We wish to be succinct. We aim to have others appreciate our attempts

February, 1977

When we were younger, many of us had no YLP to go to It is good that many youths have this benefit. Thus it was good that we had the chance to hear Jonathon and Margy Not only did we really listen to them, they showed us two more examples of good communication Repeated exposure to speeches is part of the Toastmastering learning process But the most important thing that I feel should be remembered long after the convention memories fade into our mental recesses is that insight into good communication can be gathered from many sources, not the least of these being the young

Installation Of JAX Southside TM Club No. 546

On December 14 at the Bonanza Steak House, Southside Toastmasters held an Installation and Past Presidents' night Five Past Presidents were present In 1977 this club is pursuing a vigorous program In the caption below, the new President Ron Whitend received the gavel from Lance Ferrelli, the immediate Past President (right)

Left to right: Ron Whitend, new President, receiving gavel from outgoing President Lance Ferrelli, December 14, 1976


Toastmasters and Friends!

The SUNSHINER is your magazine Please endorse your District magazine, the SUNSHINER, with articles and contributions

Be listed as a Gold Sponsor by donating $100 or more Patrons and/or businesses are listed for $25 or more, or for $10

If your club is not receiving the SUNSHINER MONTHLY, send your subscription list and check to Dave Meeks, DTM — 8303 Millwood Drive, Tampa, 33615

Articles and photos for publication should be sent to Tom Guth, District Editor, 5223 Lawnwood Drive, Temple Terrace, 33617 The 15th is the deadline


Area Seven may be losing two clubs, but it is meeting its goals

Read in last issue about the MT M and determine to sign the resolution and to forward it to WHQ.

The Southern Division is the first division to ever receive a non-profit unit mail rate from the Post Office

There is a club in Area 5 with 62 members and associates

The Osceola Club is getting so big that it may branch into two clubs It has three members who are currently serving as AG's. They are Ken Clinton, ATM, A-6 and Club 3668 Jose Gaspar, Jim Buchanan, and Chuck Taylor

Brandon T M Club apparently will fold

In Area 10, Bernie Key, ATM, is the new AG He replaces Bob Schofield

Jose Gaspar Club of Tampa had four members and their guests present: DG Dave Meeks, DTM , wife Wilma and family, Ken and Barbara Clinton, Sonny Dixon, CTM, Mark Goins, Tom Guth, CTM, and Jane and Jimmy Stretch

If you did not realize the lack of expense to a Youth Leadership Program, Lou Funk made it clear that for five students, at 70^ each, YLP is a bargain. With 10-25 students per class, this basic cost can be saved on with a little bit of

diligence And, if you don't think that Youth Leadership works, listen sometime to the testimonial that Lou so correctly and forcefully gives: During week 1, students in one of his YLP's spoke an average of 6 seconds on Table Topics, and 20 seconds on icebreakers By week 8 the students were delivering full Table Topics and speeches of 7 minutes duration.

Nelson Burnette and Jack Boldrick attended the convention from Tampa Toastmasters Club No. 1810.

Edward Carey, ATM, President of 1600 is the only charter member remaining since the Bahama Club's conception in 1969

The new Chairman for the Patrick Henry Program is Alan Toor, 6421 Blvd of Champions, Ft Lauderdale 33603

DCP Datelines

The 1976 DCP'S are due to be received by DCP Chairman Dick Battin no later than 4/1/77

The 1977 DCP's should be started as of 1/3/77 Don't wait until the end of the year to complete yours in order to turn your DCP in on 4/1/78 Start early and work on it as a steady pace throughout the year Successful districts throughout the years have had over 50% of their clubs utilizing the DCP for a blueprint to success




Floyd Sewell, DTM, LGE

Begin collection of semi-annual dues

Complete Annual Speech Contest

Area Governors hold Area Council Meetings

Submit Club Membership List and $9.00 Per Member to TMI (Per Capita Reports)

Eastern Division Annual Speech Contest

Western Division Annual Speech Contest

Dead-Line for Submitting Semi-annual reports to Tl and District Governor

Page 2 THE SUNSHINER February, 1977 100% SUBSCRIPTION CLUBS Palm Beach # 22 Downtown Jacksonville # 297 Seminole Chiefs # 736 Stonewall Golden Gulf Orlando Conquerors Bahama State Farm EasternAir Miami Downtown #1323 # 837 # 911 #1066 #1095 #1178 #1295 #1652 #1695 #1702 Pan Am Coral Gables Fort Myers Greater Homestead Jupiter TeQuesta #1951 Great Ft Lauderdale Charles S Swan Mem Bold City High Noon Dunedin Pathfinders Miracle Mile Orange Park #1967 #2004 #2084 #2092 #2096 #2166 #2271 #2283 #1980 Coral Springs #2445 Ormond Beach #3826 North Miami #3840 South Dade #2463 Creative Thought #2484 Merritt Island #2537 Gold Coast #2727 Calliope #2821 Gulfbreeze #2824 Naples #2835 Saturday Morning #2840 West Broward #2903 Friendly Pompano Beach Titusville Harbour City N Jacksonville Everglades Deerfield Beach Midweek Sunshine City Sparkling Early Bird Jose Gaspar Hollywood Seminole Noonshiners Sattelite Beach #3001 #3003 #3018 #3042 #3106 #3112 #3299 #3397 #3524 #3602 #3659 #3668 #3770 #3771 #3909 #3921 Editor Thomas E Guth CTM Managing Editor David Meeks, DTM Distribution and Circulation Manager __James Bradley CTM Circulation Committee Jose Gaspar Photographer Ed Basdekian Deadline tor submitting articles Is the 15th of each month GOLD SPONSOR $100 or More JO SWAN (In Memory of Charles Swan) PATRONS $25 or Mors Richard Bashaw ATM S R Dunn, DTM, PDG Robert Gelfand, DTM & E F Hutton Gene Lease Dave Meeks DTM DG Veto Melfl Dale Saville Frank Tillman DTM LGND PATRONS $10 or More John Barreto, DTM, PDG Thomas E Guth, CTM Charles Jones DTM PDG Scott Leeds DTM LGED Kar Righter, DTM, PDG AG-2 LouRosa ATM Carlton Smith DTM PDG George Veltman, DTM, LGA Summer Convention Treasury Flip and Bea Donoghue ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 $1.00 after January 1
March 1 Clubs by March 31 Areas by March 31 Areas by March 31 Clubs April 2 April 9 Division Division by April 10 Clubs

From The District Governor

Why is it some people submit many articles to the SUNSHINER and others just can't think of something or just can't get their articles in on time? Part of the answer of course is motivation, work load, and personal discretion But, if you make it easy on yourself, articles will just flow. Here are some suggestions.

1 Have you ever given an educational speech? to Toastmasters? to any group? With very little modification, educational speeches make excellent SUNSHINER articles Most experienced Toastmasters have given many educational speeches

2. Have you ever watched District Editor Tom Guth at a District Convention? He keeps a small note pad and makes notes on what is going on He takes home more than enough material for an article on the convention You Lt Governors and Area Governors can do this as you visit other clubs Club members can do this to report noteworthy club events It's easy and it works

3 Keep your ears open, and you'll pick up ideas at business sessions, educational sessions, and speech contests A visit to a certain speech contest gave me the idea for this article When the idea hits you, write it down Get out that small note pad again or write it down on anything

Follow these ideas I've outlined and you'll be surprised what a prolific writer you are; and don't worry about a Pulitzer Prize What District 47 needs is communication — not literary geniuses.

Let's hear from some of you who have never written before Try it, it's fun

David Meeks, DTM, DG-47


New interest has been generated this year in debates Many clubs have held debates and more Toastmasters have expressed interest in this field than ever before

Ten areas have selected teams to compete at the Division level, and four teams representing the four divisions of District 47 will compete for trophies at the Spring District Council Meeting The area representatives are:

Area 1 — Bill Derr and Joe Lee

Area 2 — Bob Petschow and Jim Lowe

Area 3 — R E Bush and W Loughridge

Area 4 — Jay Wood and Ray Floyd

Area 5 — Bob Cinquino and Leonard Huffman

Area 6 — Ken Clinton and John Morse

Area 10 — E d Goldberg and Bob Schofield

Area 12 — Ann Tillman and Jack Sanders

Area 13 — Bill Grierson and Charles Tarjan

Area 15 — Bob Bacon and George Wass

Area 21 — Jim Hudson and Lois Huffman

In all but one division runoff contests will be held, some during the Area Speech Contests. Plan to come to the Spring Convention and head the best debators in our District

Charles Jones, DTM District Debate Chairman

LGE Report

Three Step Evaluation

I Open with an honest compliment for something good that the speaker said or did

II . Select two, but not more than three things that the speaker could do to improve his presentation

III Close with a complimentary reference to some positive aspect of the speaker's talk


The key to the success of this form of evaluation is found in the constructive honesty in which it is given and the straightforwardness of its presentation CAUTION: Do not overstate or embellish your complimentary remarks Above all, do not fabricate! Remember, both your audience and the speaker know the truth when they hear it. The opening is couched in complimentary fashion to insure a favorable reception for the constructive comments which are the body of the evaluation. The complimentary closing is to insure a lasting, pleasant impression

LGA Report


BULLETIN EDITORS: The District Editor will evaluate bulletins and select the five top ones Results will be pubished this summer. Please submit them no later than June 1 The T I rules concerning submission and evaluation hold for District 47's contest, otherwise These rules can be found in the SUNSHINER 1/77 issue, and in other T I publications

Keep the body of the evaluation positive! Say, "Wouldn't it have been better to ., " not something in the negative vein Do not call attention to the error Suggest a better way of saying or doing what was intended. Limit the suggestions to no more than three items There will always be another time for the other changes that might be suggested. You don't want to discourage the speaker by burying him under good intentions

Remember what you would like to hear if you were the one being evaluated and keep it honest, simple, short, and positive

February, 1977 THE SUNSHINER Page 3

Eastern Report

I would like to express my appreciation to all that worked on the Winter Convention I believe that everyone enjoyed it as we heard very few complaints To some of the unsung heros of this convention I would like to express thanks The five area governors: Cary Cowan, Val Croskey, Gene Lisa, Chuck Taylor, Ned Wagnon — you did a fine job and I appreciate it Each in his own way contributed more than any Lieutenant Governor could have hoped for

Chuck Taylor opened up the desk, because he was committed to perhaps losing the sale of a home; Gene Lisa worked so diligently on the last minute tasks just doing what had to be done; Cary Cowan and his year old Vanguard club really turned out in numbers and worked! Val Croskey accepted the job of being the Treasurer of this convention, and he did an outstanding job with the help of the Sattelite Beach Club and Joe Oppenheim Ned Wagnon helped in the last minute stuffing and distributing of the free packages

Remember those beautiful planters that each of you wanted to win? They were made and donated by one of our Toastmasters from the Vanguard Club in Winter Park, Leonard Huffman Thanks also to Bill and Ann Gerkin from the Merrit Island Club who folded programs and were willing to help They did so in many ways in the background Bill is perhaps Toastmasters' oldest active member as a very young age of 81

Maxine wishes to thank Fran Middleton for planning the first Ladies' Coffee This was very much appreciated.

Gene Lease, the Convention Chairman, did a fantastic job — we all knew he would! It was my priviledge to work with and learn from Gene one more time

Hugh Cairns was out of town the week following the convention Thus I held his Youth Leadership class Margy Erts is in that class All smiles, she told

me she had gotten seven letters including one from a Past International President Quoting Margy, "My record book this year is going to be something else!" think she was saying thank you to all you Toastmasters out there I would like to thank all that wrote and were responsible for that big smile on Margy's face; for, next to Toastmasters, those 4-Hers are very dear to me

Words From The West

a far better communicator, for without both speaking and listening, verbal communication does not exist What about giving some thought to your thinking habits.

The Western Division Advanced Speech Contest held on January 8 was a success due to the efforts of five fine speakers and sixty-nine Toastmasters and guests who provided the vital ingredient a receptive audience My sincere thanks to everyone, from our District Governor to our newest member for making this contest indeed memorable A special congratulation to Toastmaster Jim Lowe, Club 911 in Area 2 who won the contest Jim is one of the youngest Toastmasters in the District and a product of a youth leadership course which had the pleasure to coordinate

Congratulations are also in order to Scott Leeds, DTM, LGED; Gene Lease, ATM; and their committee for a "Scotch" convention in Orlando which was scotch only in theme and very generous in educational opportunities If you were there you know what I mean — if not, believe me the loss was yours!

"When in charge, ponder; when in trouble, delegate; when in doubt, mumble."

Obviously as Toastmasters we may find ourselves in charge or even in trouble — and sometimes the two go hand in hand But we may never be in doubt for as everyone knows, Toastmasters may not mumble — it's against the rules! The most talented speaker is a failure as a communicator unless he or she can make himself heard — for indeed hearing is the prerequisite of understanding.

Sometimes I think that we tend to place too much emphasis on the speaking portion of the Toastmasters credo — and not enough on the process of listening and thinking It's obvious at times that many people speak without thinking and all too often without first listening to what has been previously said Of course no Toastmaster would ever be guilty of this error — or would he? Analyze your habits in the art of listening and give yourself an honest critical evaluation How much of what you hear do you comprehend and then, having understood, how much do you retain? It is true that the man who is always speaking learns nothing, for it is to a great extent through the listening process that we learn to develop our intellect If you think about it a while, I believe you will find those who are the best speakers are also known as good listeners. Certainly the good listener is

Area Governors' SUNSHINER Article Contest

1 Any articles previously submitted this year can be used for the purpose of the contest

2 Articles should be in the possession of the District Editor no later than April 15!

3. Please submit a photograph of yourself to be included within the article

4 Articles must be no more than 400 words in length

5 LGA George Veltman, DTM, will announce the winner at the May convention. There will also be a surprise.

6 The top articles will be in the SUNSHINER during the summer

7. The content of the articles should be limited to the edification of Toastmasters This seventh condition is to be interpreted loosely

8 Articles are to be written by the Area Governors, themselves

Page 4 THE SUNSHINER February, 1977



Sponsor: Scott J Hoehn, DTM — Membership Chairman





1 Five Name Membership Procedure must be used See page 4 article In November, 1976 SUNSHINER: D-47 Membership Contest

2 Copies of five (5) names to be used must be registered by sending copies to Membership Chairman — Scott J Hoehn, DTM, 1045 N.E 109 Street, Miami, Florida 33161

3 New members who are promoted by five name procedure, and who join other TM Clubs will be accredited to the Club which initially promoted the name


1) Administrative Vice President (AVP) handles entire procedure

2) AVP asks each Toastmaster for 5 names, addresses and phone numbers

3) AVP mimeograph or copies 5 times the number of members of sample copy No 1* blank spaces are for names, phone numbers, Toastmaster Clubs, date, time, place*, club member, Toastmaster phoning, club number, name of club and AVP signing letter

4) AVP types in all blank spaces for all members of his club

5) AVP orders stuffers for total mailing

6) AVP personally hands each member 5 letters and 5 stuffers

7) AVP ask member Toastmaster to

a) Invite by mailing one new prospective member one week in advance the first name on his list of five

b) be sure he calls prospective member to arrange to escort new member to meeting

c) AVP — at meeting — follows up to see that each Toastmaster is doing his job

d) Club to have one or two sessions of table topics as to the result of phone calls to prospective members

8) This plan has been tried and will work! It definitely needs "Follow Up!"

May Election Declarers

Calvin Coolidge once said, "All growth depends on activity There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work. Work is not a curse; it is the prerogative of intelligence, the only means to manhood, and the measure of civilization." Anyone desiring to hold office within District 47 should heed these simple words To become a leader, one must want to lead Then comes the work, work

Many interested Toastmasters announced their intentions to run for offices when the elections occur at the May convention For the office of District 47 Governor George Veltman and Floyd Sewell, both DTM's have declared Robert Gelfand, DTM , is running for Lt Governor of Education Kenneth Clinton, ATM and AG-6, and Scott Leeds DTM and LGED are contesting the position of Lt Governor of Administration For the office of Lt Governor of the Northern Division Ken Kaplan, AG8, announced Cary Cowan, AG-5, and

Northern Division Report

The motivation and inspiration one gets from attending a district conference could have a far reaching effect Area governors, division officers and club officers are priviledged to receive intensive training in those areas which are vital to a good Toastmaster program But, does it ever get to the club level and the member?

The Northern Division feels that the answer to this question may be the answer to why many prospects go in the front door and out the back door

Val Croskey are seeking the Lt Governorship of the Eastern Division. So far, Dan Claxton is running unopposed for the position of Lt Governor of the Western Division The Lt Governor of the Southern Division is being sought by Alan Toor and Virginia Heddinger She is the AG of Area 4 Finally, Charles Jones, DTM, PDG, seeks the International Directorship


1 Please supply a picture of your choice.

2 No more than 1 column will be allowed per contestant. This is your space and can be utilized as you wish Note to regular columnists: Please use your monthly space for your article, because space in the April issue is extremely limited

3 Articles are to be submitted to me, the District Editor, no later than March 5!

It is our intent in the Northern Division to have the persons who attend the district conventions participate in Operation Dissemination This means we will have them share the information they gathered at the convention with those persons who could not attend The enthusiasm and knowledge thus shared could motivate other club members to attend conventions and thus provide training for more Toastmasters at the club level

How can this be accomplished? First of all, the Lt Governor will remind all area governors to visit their clubs and report on the conventions. This can do two things — count as an official visit and bring the convention to the club members Then any member of the club who attended the convention will be given special recognition in the meeting and have the opportunity to report the activities

The District Conventions require a great deal of planning and organization. Let's not let the persons who attend be the only ones who benefits from them When we come back from the convention enthusiastic and "fired up" about Toastmasters, let's get everyone else on the fire also

February, 1977 THE SUNSHINER Page 5

Profocol And The V.I.P.

Reprinted from "Tips"


The following checklist will help you get the most out of your next visit by a district or area official:

• Announce the forthcoming visit several meetings in advance and in your club bulletin.

• Contact, personally, those who are expected to attend your meeting Make every effort to insure full attendance, especially by all club officers and committee chairmen.

Profile Of Ann Tillman

As most of you undoubtedly know, the primary function of our districts and areas is to assist the clubs in every way possible to insure that the ultimate goal of the Toastmasters program is met that of providing the individual Toastmaster with the best possible program of self-improvement and communication

Consequently, World Headquarters has always requested that area governors make a minimum of two visits during the year to the clubs in their areas Additionally, in many districts, one or more of the district officers often visit the clubs at regular intervals throughout the year In most instances, the area or district officers will contact one of the club officers in advance to schedule these visits at regular club meetings


All clubs are urged to take full advantage of these visits Both the members and officers alike will find that they can learn from the experience and "know-how" of the visiting officers, as well as gain valuable insight into how other clubs are meeting their objectives.

But you — the club officer — also have a major responsibility when a district or area officer visits your club You have the responsibility of protocol, to provide the visitor every opportunity to complete his or her mission

• Discuss, in advance, questions or problems that you would like to review with the visiting officer.

• Schedule time for a meeting between your club's executive committee and the visitor

• Provide time for the visitor to address the entire club during a regular club meeting If a business session is normally held, try to take care of that at an earlier meeting

• If the meeting is a meal event, plan to pick up the tab of the visitor Also, give the visitor "VIP" treatment whenever appropriate Seat them at your head table, if there is one

• Assign one individual to be on hand to personally greet the visitor and introduce him or her to all your members.

Remember that the district or area officer, like yourself, is a volunteer; his or her time is limited — and valuable Schedule accordingly and make the visit beneficial to both of you!

Thought For The Month

Better never trouble trouble

Until trouble troubles you, For you only make your trouble

Double trouble when you do; And your trouble like a bubble

That you're troubling about May be nothing but a cipher With the rim rubbed out

Toastmaster Ann Tillman has been a member of the Bold City Challengers TM Club No 2092 for three years She has served as Sergeant-at-Arms, Secretary, EVP, and President in that short period of time

When not busy with Toastmasters, her family of four children (five if you count her husband Frank, who is the Lieutenant Governor of the Northern Division), or various church activities, designs and coordinates in-service training programs for the teachers and administrators of the Duval County School System.

The story of Ann's continuing education is testement of her belief in the value of education. After marrying Frank, Ann received her Bachelor degree and entered the teaching profession While teaching, starting their family of four, and moving from place to place — due to Frank's military transfers — Ann received her Masters degree Still working both in and out of the home, Ann continued her studies to receive her Doctoral degree in education in 1975 Her fellow club members now refer to her as Dr. Mrs. T M Ann Tillman.

There were three reasons responsible for Ann's becoming a Toastmaster First, she felt that Toastmasters would be an opportunity to share with her husband an activity in which he is interested Second, she felt that Toastmasters would be an opportunity for her to share with others the communication skills developed through her work. Ann freely admits that she felt very confident in her abilities as an accomplished speaker, but Toastmasters helped Ann identify a need to develop additional skills required to address an non-captive audience, with which she was now confronted She

Page 6 THE SUNSHINER February, 1977 LGSD Report

found that Toastmasters had something to offer her The third reason was a member of the club that Ann had visited This member took the time to meet Ann and talk with her, developing within Ann a sense of belonging to the group, a sense of personal relationship with the club That member said, "We'd like to get to know you." And Ann responded to the invitation by joining the club

Toastmastering has become a way of life for the Tillmans, and they haven't missed a District Convention since joining Ann is surrently coordinating a Youth Leadership program and serving as the club's DCP Chairman. Ann is still sharing the Toastmaster program with her husband and still developing and sharing communication skills (she was a contestant in the Northern Division Advanced Speech Contest) Ann enjoys meeting new club members while continuing to share in the many friendships developed with her club members over the years The BoM City Challengers feel very fortunate to have Ann Tillman as a member and friend

A Rhyme With Reason

Listen Toastmasters and you shall hear

How to finish a manual in less than a year

Takes only the planning, of which we all boast,

To make the wheels turn as you gain the most

When you come to a meeting have a speech in your pocket;

If a speaker is absent, volunteer for the docket.

Approach the Toastmaster with a gleam in your eye;

As he's swearing 'bout the program say, 'Look, here am I! "

"I'm ready and willing to be the third speech

So that my goals that much sooner I'll reach."

Then give it your best and just look what you've gained;

You're a planner, a speaker, and your goal is attained!



Who Wants The Job?

Every club office in Toastmasters is an elected position This ensures that the responsibilities and duties of the' office go to those who want to assume them

The top district officers are also elected to their respected positions for the same reason that club officers are.

But thre is one job, and only one job, that is not an elected position In Toastmasters International, the Area Governor is the only position that is appointed by the District Governor or selected by the division Lt Governor with the DG's approval

The big question becomes, "Who wants the job in the first place?" What kind of Toastmaster would subject himself to the paperwork, travel, pressure, and responsibility of the Area Governor?

The answer to that question is obviously the person who cares about TI , his district, and the clubs in his (or her) area It's the Toastmaster who feels that the operation of the area and district can always be improver through the work of good Toastmastering

Many Area Governors have made one basic mistake in performing their jobs They have only visited their clubs during the time that speech contests are being prepared This leads many Toastmasters in the area to believe that the Ara Governor's only duty is to organize speech contests This is particularly true for the new members in the clubs My fellow Area Governors and former Area Governors can attest to the fact that there is more to their duties than mere-

The Area Governors alone with the assistance from the Division Lt Governor is the direct connection between the many clubs in the district and the district management team The Area Governor is responsible for the training of club officers, assisting clubs in their educational and administrative needs, and providing the motivation the club needs to contribute to the district's goals

No. 3668

TI introduced the AG Handbook this year The merits of this handbook can not be denied, but as my fellow Area Governors realize, what works on paper does not always work in practice The new Area Governor learns quickly that each club has its own personality and none quite fit the mold presented in the

AG Handbook

An Aren Governor can only be successful if he learns the principles of motivation and leadership, as well as the handling of administrative duties of his office

One of the best methods of motivating a club to perform is to delegate the duties of his office to his respective clubs Care must be taken not to delegate all of the duties to the clubs The danger of too much delegation is that the clubs will think that the Area Governor is not working for them. Therefore you must delegate, but you must work harder tha nthe clubs so that they will work to equal your level of performance

You must also maintain contact with your own club. You can not make a visit twice a year and maintain contact You must visit your other clubs monthly, but go home to your own each week if possible — even if for but a few minutes. At home in your own club while visiting the others at least monthly ensures you that you know what is going on throughout the area. You can carry ideas from one club to another Also, while you are visiting, you can compile the monthly reports; and we can use all the help we can get on those.

The Area Governor's job is involved, but it can be made easier if the Area Governor uses the proper techniques Delegation of duties, and keeping in close contact with the clubs are two of the best methods for making the job easier

So, who wants the Job? Any good Toastmaster should want it

Ken Clinton, ATM, AG-6

February, 1977 THE SUNSHINER Page 7

Pictorial of Success

Are they interested? You can see it in their faces as Anna Conley can be viewed delivering a speech in they listen to DTM John Barreto as he conducts the the YLP program sponsored by the Dunedin ToastYouth Leadership program for 18 Eighth Graders at masters John Barreto was the coordinator for the Our Lady of Lourdes School in Dunedin. program.

Jo's Woes

Recently Jo Swan broke three bones in her knees and has been hospitalized in the Memorial Hospital in Sarasota. She will be in a cast for at least six weeks. She can be reached at P. O. Box 5296, Sarasota, Florida 33579

Coordinator Barreto presents a Toastmasters International Certificate to one of the Eighth Grade students who completed the eight week YLP course Eighty parents and friends attended the graduation exercise held in conjunction with the Dunedin Toastmasters' regular meeting

The Sunshiner

8303 Millwood Drive Tampa, Florida 33615

Page 8 THE SUNSHINER February, 1977
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