D47 Sunshiner - March, 2004

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Since 1955

Bimonthly Bulletin of District 47 Toastmasters Serving Florida and the Bahamas www.toastmastersd47.org


Distinguished District for the Third Consecutive Year!

March/April 2004

Announcing The Toastmasters 2004 District 47 Conference


May 21 - 23, 2004


“Marching to New Heights”

April With


Paul Meunier, DTM, Region VIII International Director Craig Valentine, World Champion of Public Speaking Pat Williams, Senior Vice President Orlando Magic


Orlando Marriott - Lake Mary 1501 International Parkway Lake Mary, Florida 32746 (800) 380-7724 (407) 995-1100 www.marriotthotels.com (group code TSTTSTA)

ce feren n o gC e! Sprin ails Insid Det

The hotel is located 15 miles north of Orlando, I-4 Exit 10A The Toastmasters room rate is $75 per night plus tax, with free parking Make your reservation no latter than May 10, 2004 1

District Governor’s Message

Bay Pines Charter Presentation

Margaret Wan, DTM

Chances, Challenges, and Champions Do you know that District 47 has not produced a World Champion of Public Speaking in its history of almost 50 years? We have many talented speakers among our 7,000 members. This year we are hosting the Region VIII Conference in Jacksonville. What a perfect time for our District Champion to become the Regional Champion, and then the World Champion! If you have won the International Speech Contest at your club or area, be sure to participate at the next level. Whether you are a seasoned Toastmaster or a new member, take the chance, accept the challenge, and work toward the goal of becoming the next World Champion of Public Speaking! Remember, anything unattempted remains impossible. The same logic applies to our district performance in the Four Critical Success Factors 350 Paid Clubs, 15,300 Dues Payments (or Per Caps), 760 CTMs, and 350 ATMs. Here, we must also start from you, the member. Sponsor a new member this month. Set a date within the next two months to complete the educational award you are working on. Assist your area and division governors in new club formation. In doing these things, you may be venturing into new territory. If you take the chance, you will overcome the challenges that make life rewarding. By contributing to the success of your club, area, division, and district, you are a champion of the Toastmasters cause.

International Director Paul Meunier, DTM, presenting new club charter to Bay Pines Club 602900 President Sandra Johnson

More District 47 Babies! Viera/Suntree Club #605137 Charter Date: 2/10/2004 Alignment: Division B Area 9 Sponsors: David Clarke and Cathy A. Koyanagi

South Shore Club # 619417 Charter Date: 3/19/04 Alignment: Division J Area 32 Sponsoring Clubs: 5264 and 1810 Sponsors: Bill Hodges and Phyllis Hodges Mentors: Tom Cummings and Joan Noble

First Edition Club #639107 Charter Date: 3/2/2004 Alignment: Division D Area 4 Sponsoring Club: 2004 Sponsor: David S. Jess Mentors: Frederick C. Herdeen and James L. McKeen

We have set our sights to new heights. Now is the time to reach the new heights. We are taking chances because we will not see all the results of our work until July. We must overcome challenges, particularly in the area of Paid Clubs. When we put in our best effort, however, the championship of being a President’s Distinguished District is well within our reach. Wouldn’t it be a thrill if we can go to the International Convention as a President’s Distinguished District and have one of our own members win the World Champion of Public Speaking?

... and a Future Toastmaster

Congratulations to Area 6 Governor, Laura Finney, ATMB/CL, and future Toastmaster Katherine Diane Finney


What Happens Between

Teamwork in Action

Ted Wood, DTM, PIP

Kevin Kelleher, Area 3 Governor

Recently a Club President posed this question, “Should we have more business meetings to help our club become more successful?” (After a brief discussion, I learned that business meetings meant Executive Committee meetings.) I pondered the question for several days after hearing it and decided to share my thoughts with the Club President about the question and what constitutes a successful club. Here is my response and my thoughts about strong, successful quality clubs.

BankAtlantic Officers and all the Branch Mangers in Dade wanted to learn more about Toastmasters! Representatives from the “new” BankAtlantic Club put on a fabulous 30-minute Mini-Toastmasters meeting for this group of company leaders. The 30 minutes was filled with fun, information, applause and laughter! After the meeting, people from the audience raved about the success of this club’s efforts and thanked all involved. Those leading the session were:

My response to the question was no, as it is not the number of meetings you hold, it is what you discuss at the meetings and what you do between meetings that have the most impact on whether a club will or will not be successful. In addition, when Club Officers know in advance when meetings are scheduled and the content of the agenda, this also contributes more to success than conducting frequent meetings. Once a decision is made to do something that is in the best interest of the club and contributes to achieving success in the DCP program, then the club officer assigned the task has the responsibility to carry out that decision; however, the President plays a crucial role in assuring that decisions are fulfilled. I recommend that Club Presidents develop a schedule for contacting the officers assigned to each task, to follow up and learn what progress has been made. You will want to avoid contacting assigned officers too soon because an officer might consider frequent contacts as harassment or as a lack of confidence in their ability to do the job. Occasionally Club Presidents are required to make independent decisions and following up on the status of officer assignments is when such decisions may have to be made. For example, you contact an officer who is responsible for planning, developing and implementing a membership recruitment program and discover that not much has been done to get the program underway. The President must decide what must be done to get this important task accomplished. It may mean providing assistance for the assigned officer or deciding upon continuance of the project. If the latter is a consideration, I would suggest polling the members of the Executive Committee.

Marta Armas (Founder) Santiago Quintana (President) Rolando Ochoa (Toastmaster) Kevin Kelleher (Speaker “Join Toastmasters: It’s a good thing!”) Claudia Alexander (Table Topics) Julio Llanes (Evaluator) This was a great experience for this group of new Toastmasters! Individually they shined and their success as a TEAM was apparent to ALL! The relationship between BankAtlantic and Toastmasters has truly

Palm Harbor Club 8248 Supports the District Mission of Extending the Network of Clubs

These can be tough decisions, but necessary for the club and your goal of being a successful club. Leadership requires making decisions and for some such action is new and often approached timidly. Keep in mind that a Toastmasters club is a forum where we are developing and improving as communicators and leaders. Even if the decision is not popular or results in being the wrong decision, in Toastmasters we can be satisfied with having made a decision. Thus, it is okay to make decisions as we learn by doing and making decisions is part of the leadership experience. There is an old saying that goes, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always had.” Change and decision making for many is not easy to embrace but in today’s changing world they are often necessary. I have had the privilege of serving as a Club President seven times during my 36 plus years as a Toastmaster. The first time in 1968 my mentor advised that quality meetings for the club and the actions of the Executive Committee were directly tied to a successful club. I never held more than five Executive Committee meetings during a club year. However, I must emphasize following up between meetings. I learned how important follow up was the first time I contacted an officer to learn the status of a project. Following up is also a way of saying to the assigned officer that the President cares about the decisions made and about having a quality club. Frequent Executive Committee (business) meetings do not assure success. Regularly scheduled meetings, agendas distributed in advance, and what happens between meetings do.


With a substantial increase in membership during the past year, Palm Harbor Toastmasters decided to replace its generic banner with a new one personalized with the club identification, and to donate the plain banner to District 47. The plain banner will be used at the meetings of new clubs before they are chartered. Shown in the photo, from left to right, are Club President Chuck Mainard, ATMB/CL, Immediate Past President Jack Lynch, CTM/CL, and VP Education Dan Kyburz, ATMS/CL, presenting the banner to District Governor Margaret Wan, DTM.

District 47 Toastmasters Spring Conference May 21-23, 2004

Each Toastmaster should complete a separate registration form Name (please print clearly as this will appear on your name badge): ________________________________________ Are you a contestant? TT Intl Non-Toastmaster/Spouse/Guest: ________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ________________________________ Phone: _______________________ E-mail_______________________ Club Number(s): ______________________ Toastmasters Designation (please circle all that apply): CTM ATM ATMB ATMS ATMG CL AL DTM Circle Office(s): Pres VPE AreaGov DivGov Lt Gov District Gov IntDir PDG (year ____) Past Intl Officer (year _____) Is this your first time attending a District 47 Conference (please circle)? Yes No Do you need special assistance or wheelchair access for seating at functions (please circle)? Yes


Section I (BEST VALUE) – Includes Registration, Friday Banquet & Table Topics Contest, Saturday Continental Breakfast, Workshops, Workshop Resource Book, Saturday C&L Luncheon and Saturday Banquet & International Speech Contest.

Toastmaster Non-Toastmaster

$90.00 per person ($110.00 after 5/10/04) $80.00 per person ($100.00 after 5/10/04) Check Number _______

[ ] Vegetarian entrée

$ $ Total


If you are not going to be attending the entire conference, please complete Sections II, III and IV.

Section II (REQUIRED) Friday: Includes Friday Workshop and Workshop Resource Book

Toastmaster Non-Toastmaster

$10.00 per person ($20.00 after 5/10/04) $ 5.00 per person ($15.00 after 5/10/04)

$_____ $_____

Saturday: Includes Saturday Continental Breakfast, Saturday Workshops and Workshop Resource Book

Toastmaster Non-Toastmaster

$15.00 per person ($25.00 after 5/10/04) $10.00 per person ($20.00 after 5/10/04)

$_____ $_____

$25.00 per person ($35 after 5/10/04) $15.00 per person ($25 after 5/10/04)

$ $

Both days:

Toastmaster Non-Toastmaster

Section III

[ ] Vegetarian entrée Friday Night Opening Ceremonies, with Banner Processional (Bring your club banner) Includes: Banquet and Table Topics Contest $30.00 per person ($35.00 after 5/10/04) Saturday Communication & Leadership Luncheon $19.00 per person ($24.00 after 5/10/04) Saturday Night Banquet & International Speech Contest $33.00 per person ($38.00 after 5/10/04) (semi-formal or formal attire)

Check Number _______Total from Sections II and III

$_____ $_____ $_____ $_____

The District will pre-select your seat for the meal events, based on the order in which the registration is received. Attendees who wish to sit together must mail their registration forms and payments together. All pre-selected seat locations are final. Hotel reservations at the Marriott Orlando-Lake Mary are not included. Make check payable to “District 47 Toastmasters”. Allow minimum five days postal delivery! Mail to: District 47 Treasurer, Cleveland Stevens, DTM, P.O. Box 998, Dunedin, FL 34697. After May 16, 2004, reservations can be made by e-mail only, sent to cstevens@aegonusa.com Questions on registration should be directed to Registration Committee Chair, Claire Knafla, DTM, cknafla@tampabay.rr.com, 727-518-1114 (home).


District 47 Toastmasters Spring Conference May 21-23, 2004

Spring Conference Workshops Potential workshops for the Spring Conference are given below. Check District web site for updates. (www.toastmastersd47.org)

“Marching to New Heights”

Tentative Schedule of Events

Motivational Leadership

Friday May 21, 2004

Dynamic Club Programs

Building New Clubs

Humor in Speaking

Speech Evaluation

Writing Newspaper Articles

Contest Judges Training

Membership Building

Parliamentary Procedure

Being A Club Coach

Closing the Sale

From Ice Breaker to ATM-Gold

Mentoring Club Members

Being an Accredited Speaker

Training the Trainer




Registration 3:00 P.M. Workshop 3:30 P.M. Contest Briefing 5:00 P.M. Evening Program 6:30 P.M. Opening Ceremonies, Banner Parade, Dinner, World Champion Speaker, and Table Topics Contest

6:30 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 10:30 P.M.


12:00 A.M.

10:30 P.M.

Saturday May 22, 2004

Continental Breakfast 6:30 A.M. Registration 7:00 A.M. First Timer’s Meeting 8:00 A.M. Workshops - Morning 8:00 A.M. Credentials 8:00 A.M. Communication and Leadership Luncheon 12:00 P.M. Workshops - Afternoon 1:15 P.M. World Champion Speaker District Council Meeting 2:30 P.M. Contest Briefing 5:00 P.M. Registration 4:00 P.M. Cash Bar 5:00 P.M. Evening Program 6:30 P.M. District Officer Installation, Keynote Address, Award Recognition, and International Speech Contest

8:30 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 8:25 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 12:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 2:15 P.M.


10:30 P.M.

12:00 A.M.

9:00 A.M.

10:30 A.M.

5:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 10:30 P.M.

Sunday May 23, 2004

Leadership Breakfast


Notice of Spring District 47 Council Meeting The Spring District 47 Council Meeting will be held at 2:15 pm on Saturday, May 22, 2004 at the Spring Conference in the Orlando Marriott - Lake Mary, Florida. The voting members of the District Council are: • District Executive Committee (District Governor, Lieutenant Governors, Immediate Past District Governor, District Secretary, District Treasurer, District Public Relations Officer, Division Governors, and Area Governors) • Club President and Vice President Education of each Club The Club President or Vice President Education may designate any active member in good standing of the Club to act as proxy or proxies. A proxy may be delivered to the proxy holder by a reasonable means of transmission including e-mail. The proxy holder must present the proxy in paper form to the credentials desk. If the proxy does not bear a handwritten signature, it must have the typed name of the club officer(s) giving the proxy or some other indication that the club officer(s) authorized the proxy to be given. An active member in attendance who carries the proxies of both the Club President and the Vice President Education from the Club is entitled to two votes. If he or she is also a member of the District Executive Committee, he or she is entitled to a maximum of three votes. The maximum number of votes that any Toastmaster may cast is three, regardless of the number of Clubs to which that Toastmaster belongs.

The Agenda will include: Credentials Committee Report Secretary’s Report - approval of minutes of Fall 2003 District Council Meeting Adoption of Alignment of Clubs within Divisions/Areas Report of Nominating Committee Election of District Officers - District Governor, Lieutenant Governor Education and Training, Lieutenant Governor Marketing, and Division Governors Midyear Audit Committee Report Treasurer’s Report Reports by Senior District Officers - District Governor and Lieutenant Governors

District 47 Toastmasters - Spring District Council Meeting Proxy The Orlando Marriott - Lake Mary, Florida May 22, 2004 This form must be presented to the Credentials Committee if the Club President or Vice President Education designates another Club member as voting delegate for the District Council Meeting. Club Name __________________________________________ Club # _______________________ I hereby appoint ________________________________________, an active member in good standing of the Club, to vote as Club proxy at the Conference stated above.

Signed ______________________________________________ Date _________________________ Club President or Vice President Education


Distinguished Club Program Progress Report

Education In the Spotlight

DCP Goals Achieved as at 3/15/04 Jim Ocque, DTM Lt. Governor Education and Training

The Toastmasters of District 47 are receiving their training! One by one the members are receiving their Competent Toastmaster awards for a District total of 393. One by one the members are receiving their Advanced Toastmaster awards for a District total of 157. The Club Officer Training program ended with 60% of our Clubs having 4 or more Officers trained. We had 1,007 Club Officers trained in December through February. A hearty ‘Thank You’ is extended to all who have reached an educational milestone and to the Club Officers who gave their time to be trained. Also, a well deserved ‘Thank You’ for all of our presenters in the Club Officer Training program. However, as a District we are not yet able to step into the full spotlight. Our goals for the year are still before us. We are just a little over half way to having our 760 CTMs this year. Tradition says that we will have 100 CTMs awarded in June; that means that we need to average 90 members receiving their CTMs in each month of March, April and May. ATMs is the other area where we need to have members work toward receiving their awards. Our stretch goal is 350 ATMs this year. In this area we are less than 50% there. Receiving training in every aspect of the Toastmasters program is essential for all of us to get the full benefit of the program. I encourage you to receive your next award by June 30th. Feel the warmth of the bright spotlight as it hits you and the warmth of satisfaction knowing that you are growing in communications and leadership skills.

Nine Goals 1066 1600 1810 1978 Eight Goals 1095 1980 2362 3179 3299 4413 6045 6796 9477 9649

Seven Goals 28 968 1958 2225 2284 2262 2437 5725 5758 6544 7362 9392 9958

Six Goals 984 1667 2445 2588 2733 2824 2923 3466 3518 3651 4454 5264 5390 5985 6440 6886 7178 7250 7911 8248 8945 9086

Clubs must have at least 20 members or a net growth of at least 5 members on 6/30/04 to qualify for Distinguished Club.

Since 1955


Make up Officer Training The make-up Officer Training held in Division E featured outstanding presentations, enthusiastic participants, and excellent ambiance!

Margaret Wan, DTM District 47 Toastmasters 500 37th Avenue North Saint Petersburg, FL 33704-1248 e-mail: wan@acustarconsulting.com

First row: Ken Karger, Domingo Castillo (Area 1 Governor), Kathi Gathercole


Cathy Epler, DTM e-mail: cepler@gte.net Co-Editor:

Second row: Sergio Amador, Jim Bussey, Nancy Dunker, Claudia Perla

Don Spencer, CTM e-mail: spencerd@AyresAssociates.com The Sunshiner is printed by Impressive Printing - Tampa, Florida


Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID Tampa FL 33612 Permit #2788

District 47 Toastmasters

500 37th Avenue North Saint Petersburg, FL 33704-1248

Since 1955

Cathy Epler, DTM, Editor cepler@gte.net Don Spencer, CTM, Co-Editor spencerd@AyresAssociates.com

TOASTMASTER CHATTER Region VIII Conference and International Speech Contest

Happy Anniversary District 47 celebrates clubs that have reached a special benchmark. The following clubs have done just so!

45 Years

30 Years

15 Years

Naples #2835

Club Awesome #2445 Donoghue-Dunedin #2166


40 Years

20 Years

Sarasota W.C.R. #7327 Real Talkers #7306 Highrisers #7362

Gavin Blakey, DTM Immediate Past President Toastmasters International

Seminole #3771

Venice Area #5486 Southwood #5459

June 24, 25, and 26, 2004 Jacksonville, Florida

Jim Key 2003 World Champion of Public Speaking James W. Kennedy Director, Kennedy Space Center For more information, see http://www.region8tm.org/r8conf.pdf

10 Years Doral #861

New on the District 47 Web Site! Dues Renewal Information http://www.toastmastersd47.org/clubs/clubadm/duesrenewformapr.pdf Membership Building Ideas http://www.toastmastersd47.org/marketing/mktgmain.htm Win a Prize http://www.toastmastersd47.org/flashnews/prize.htm DCP Progress Report http://www.toastmastersd47.org/flashnews/04-02dcp.pdf 8

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