D47 Sunshiner - September, 2005

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District Calendar September Areas conduct Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contests 30th - Semiannual Report due at WHQ by 5pm Pacific Time October Divisions conduct Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contests 21-23 - District 47 Fall Conference Holiday Inn, Tampa November 19 - District Executive Committee Meeting - Orlando January 7 - Planet Toastmasters, Darden Training Center, Orlando (no other officer training permitted on this date.) 28 - District Executive Meeting & Training Program - Orlando February Clubs conduct International Speech and Table Topics Contests March Areas conduct International Speech and Table Topics Contests 25 - District Executive Meeting & Training Program - Orlando

September 2005

Craig Valentine alentine,, 1999 World Champion of Pub lic Speaking Public Keynote Speak er at the Speaker all Conf erence! F Fall Conference! Craig Valentine, 1999 World Champion of Public Speaking, will be the Keynote Speaker at the Fall Conference in Tampa. Craig is not only the world champion but is an incredible talent who shares content, character and creativity that will change your life. Craig is an author or a well known book, “The Nuts and Bolts of Public Speaking”. Read the following kudo from Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, President, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC): “Here is an author who knows his subject well. An excellent speaker, Valentine writes with clarity and simplicity about what it takes to be an effective public speaker. The Nuts and Bolts of Public Speaking tells us how to develop, organize, and present a cogent message. Valentine has the ability to connect quickly with his audience not only in speaking, but also in writing. After finishing the book, one easily sees that Valentine has spent a lifetime speaking and reflecting on the art itself. This is a must read for all who want to strengthen their speaking skills.”

Toastmasters this is an opportunity that you should not miss. Sign up now for the Fall Conference in Tampa, registration form on page 4 of the Sunshiner or visit www.toastmastersd47.org.



Godfrey Springer, DTM District 47 Governor

Senator Paulette Zonicle

Fellow District 47 Toastmaster Members, the success or failure of the District depends on all of us. District 47 is the largest Toastmasters’ District in the world and we should set the example for all the rest. Each assignment, each achievement, each meeting and each office is important in making our legacy unforgettable.

Insurance Executive and veteran Bahamian Broadcast Journalist, Senator Paulette Zonicle recently visited Healing Communicators Toastmasters Club 7178, delivering a powerful and moving speech on, ‘Why I am proud to be Bahamian.’ Senator Zonicle’s enthusiastic address came as the club joined the nation in celebrating its 32nd anniversary of independence. Her speech was not only inspiring, but also humorous.

The objectives and plans for this year were developed with two basic thoughts; first, every Toastmaster member is important and second, every Club can be distinguished. The emphasis must be directed toward meeting the interests and objectives of the members as well as the mission of the Clubs and the District.

Senator Zonicle captured the attention of Toastmasters and guests through an address that was filled with personal anecdotes that drove home her point as to why she is a proud Bahamian. Her sense of patriotism was evident as she spoke with national pride.

A toast to the year: Let neither of us walk in front of the other, but always side by side so we can accomplish success together.

At the end of her speech, Senator Zonicle was given a rousing round of applause and a standing ovation by Toastmasters and guests. President of Club 7178, Pamela D. Rolle ATMS-CL presented Senator Zonicle with a fruit basket as a token of appreciation. Club 7178 was recently awarded ‘Club of the Year’ for the 2004-2005 Ttoastmasters year among 25 clubs in Bahamas Division I of Toastmaster International.


(Photo by Anthony Longley DTM)


Craig Valentine, 1999 World Champion of Public Speaking Keynote Speaker at the Fall Conference! October 21 - 23, 2005 Holiday Inn Tampa 2701 East Fowler Avenue Tampa, FL 813-971-4710 For Reservations $76 per night - Ask for District 47 Toastmasters Friday night join us for the Evaluation Speech Contest and a Halloween Party. Come in costume or just come and enjoy the festivities. Saturday workshops are being planned with outstanding presentations. Workshop agenda will be on the www.toastmastersd47.org site shortly. Masquerade Ball Saturday Night This will be a grand evening with interesting masks.

Send in your registration form today! Go to Sunshiner page 4 or visit www.toastmastersd47.org 3

Toastmasters Chatter


TEAM TOASTMASTERS TEAM Toastmasters – If you are Thoughtful, Energetic, Active and Managerial, then you are needed to help build a more effective and efficient District 47. With your experience and expertise, we can make it happen! That is why we need you to become a member of TEAM Toastmasters. Our commitments are to promote member satisfaction and to focus on club development. The first commitment will address the needs of the individual members; giving them the best quality and most benefits from their Toastmaster experience. The results will be increased participation and greater retention. The second commitment will ensure greater corporate, agency and community awareness of Toastmasters ad a developer of communication and leadership skills. The results will be increased membership and more new clubs. These commitments go to the core of Toastmasters. An enthusiastic TEAM can make it happen! Take the opportunity to volunteer a few hours of your time to serve on a TEAM Toastmasters committee and join in a victory celebration next year. From the list of committees, select one that you are willing to serve on and volunteer today. Marketing – Develop a sound overall marketing plan in conjunction with the District Officers. Focus on making Toastmasters available to more people and emphasizing a dedication to current member services. Membership Development – Recommend membership development and retention programs encouraging achievement of reasonable growth targets for each member. District Club Rescue – Implement programs to assist Clubs with less than 20 members to strengthen them. New Club Development – Assist in the Marketing of Toastmasters to corporations and agencies. Coordinate the chartering of new clubs. Youth Leadership Coordination. – Promote the Youth Leadership Program with the District as a means of introducing the Toastmasters Program to future leaders. It is easy to join TEAM Toastmasters, just contact Wanda Brown, DTM, Lt. Gov. Marketing at dtmwandab@bellsouth.net



Education Spotlight


by Loretta Sandy, DTM Lt. Governor Education and Training EVERY CLUB CAN BE DISTINGUISHED!! In school, if you got 50% on an exam, what grade did you receive? A failing grade, right? If you got 70% then what grade did you get? Average, right? Well, the beauty of Toastmasters is that: if your club gets 50% of the expected annual goals, your club is considered Distinguished; if your club gets 70% your club is considered Select Distinguished; and with 90% your club is President’s Distinguished. Why is it important to clubs and their members to be Distinguished? Being Distinguished means your club is delivering the Toastmaster program. Having members achieve speaking goals, leadership goals, getting new members, and maintaining their administrative responsibilities, are critical to a club’s success. That is all the 10 DCP goals are...a measure of a club’s commitment to the Toastmasters educational and leadership program. Being Distinguished means your club has accepted the Toastmasters program and is using it productively. How can your club get there? It’s a breeze! Follow these easy steps and it will happen: 1. If 4 officers go to training in the summer and winter that’s one goal. 2. If 1 officer gets the membership list and dues in on time - that’s another goal. 3. If 2 officers or club members get their CTMs - that’s the third goal. 4. If those 2 officers who earned their CTM also earn their CL - that’s goals number four and five. At this point your club will be Distinguished. Remember, in order for a club to reach Distinguished they also must maintain membership of 20 or more or have a net gain of 5 to qualify. Don’t stop there - Select Distinguished is to reach 7 or 8 of the DCP goals. President’s Distinguished is 9 or 10 of the DCP goals. Put a Club Plan together; work with your members to achieve their personal goals; focus on new members and your club will be President’s Distinguished.



DIVISION A 2155 3661 1980

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DIVISION B 2058 6045 6690 8503

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DIVISION C 1066 5807 129 4413

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DIVISION D 646066 9745 3003 1978 3299 9086

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DIVISION E 8370 2508 5758 6003 2463

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DIVISION F 2449 6026 7923 9352

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DIVISION G 2284 2652 2824 8248

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DIVISION H 5459 3771 3019

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DIVISION I 6796 7178 9477 658738

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DIVISION J 9950 529 2104 2733 1667

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Getting Distinguished Read How One Club is Accomplishing Their Goals By TM Pamela Rolle, President of Club 7178 Healing Communicators Toastmasters Club 7178 (Nassau, Bahamas) is heading for Presidents Distinguished Club with 8 out of the 10 goals of the Distinguished Club Program. In order to earn the designation, club dues must be paid by April 1, 2006.

Welcome! New Clubs in District 47!

In July, we held a new member orientation and 20 members were in attendance. Sponsors for new members are as follows:




Voice of Maitland Club

Tm Suncher Johnson CTM/CL - 3 members Tm Hadassah Hall - 1 member TM Glennette Farquharson - 1 member Tm Kingman Ingraham - 1 member Tm Kirk Johnson - 1 member TM Cyrian Gibson - 1 member Speakers presented on topics such as: The Distinguished Club Program, The Toastmasters Education Program, Parliamentary Procedures, Mentoring, Effective Evaluations, Roles & Responsibilities of Club Officers. The purpose of the orientation session is to equip new members with basic information about the Toastmasters program so they can become better communicators. These sessions have proven to be beneficial to new member and give them a good head start in the Toastmasters Program. The Orientation Session was held outside the regular Club meeting venue and this provided new members with the opportunity to participate in a lively interactive session.

EDUCATIONAL AWARDS TO DISTRICT 47 TOASTMASTERS 13 – CTM’S 13 – ATM-B 12 – AL Congratulations to everyone that accomplished their goal.


CONGRATULATIONS DISTINGUISHED TOASTMASTERS Melissa Brown, #2155, Jacksonville Hector Padro, #2733, Tampa Abdurrahim Kahn, #6045, Kissimmee Cathy Naabe, #6273, Clearwater Kevin Dunn, #6440, Lake Mary Pimpuang Love, #6690, Melbourne John Becker, #6886, Jacksonville Jeff Mertens, #9352, Sarasota

Since 1955 Publisher: Godfrey Springer, DTM District 47 Governor

springtime@coralwave.net Public Relations Officer: Eleanor McCoy emccoy@tampabay.rr.com

Come to the Fall Conference and watch these DTM’s recive their awards and walk the walk!

Sunshiner Editor: Pat Abeling, DTM pat.abeling@comcast.net






Toastmasters’ Founder Dr. Ralph Smedley wrote, “The deepest joy of belonging comes as one learns to cooperate and contribute and help.” That spirit of sharing is a Toastmasters tradition, and will help us all conquer the challenges that remain ahead of us.

Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID Tampa FL 33612 Permit #2788

Since 1955 District 47 Toastmasters 122 E. Bershire Circle Longwood FL 32779



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