D47 Sunshiner - September, 2009

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The Sunshiner September 2009


We’re #5 in the World

District 47 presented with the Presidents Distinguished District award for 2008-2009 at the Toastmasters International Convention held in Mashantucket Connecticut in August. The accomplishments of each member of the District helped us to achieve the ranking of #5 in the world. Accepting the award from the Immediate Past International President Jana Barnhill (pictured in red) are the ecstatic District 47 members l-r Margaret Wan, Joseph Miller, Kathy Dyke, Kristina Kihlberg, Antionette Fox, Rick Furbush, Tony Vivaldi, Pamela Rolle and Laz Sanchez. Take a look at pages 9-10 for more Convention photos. Page 1

Kristina’s Korner What are the 4 Crits?

Publisher Kristina Kihlberg, DTM

It’s our continuous journey as Toastmasters. Think of it as a score card, how the District is measured; just like the Clubs have their Distinguished Club Plan (DCP). The “real” name for the 4 Crits is the FOUR CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS. This is how we know that the members in District 47 are continuing their Toastmaster journey. Toastmasters International establishes goals for our District based on the Four Critical Success Factors below. At the bottom of Kristina’s Korner every month you’ll see our progress as a District. This is what District 47 is tasked to accomplish by June 30, 2010. Membership: Goal to reach 11,000 membership payments. Every time we pay our dues, it counts as one payment. Since we pay twice a year, it sort of counts us all twice. So, all we have to do is pay our dues on time, every time, and invite our friends and family to join. Clubs: Goal to reach 257 paid Clubs. It shows zero now until the first pay period, but we have 221 active Clubs to date. All Clubs have to pay up and then we all have to work together to get the other 36 new Clubs to join us. Think about it, that’s only 4-5 new Clubs per Division. Piece of cake!! Imagine how many more people we can make happy that they found Toastmasters. Do you know of a corporation or organization that could benefit from confident communicators and leaders? Competent Communicators (CC’s): Goal to reach 600 CC’s. We are off to a good start with 62, but have some ways to go. Did you know that you can go through the CC manual EVERY YEAR? Advanced Communicators (AC’s): Goal to reach 300 AC’s. Our journey never ends. There are 15 advanced manuals to choose from. Take yourself to the next level!

We all play an important role in this progress. We all have a piece of responsibility to our success as a District.

District 47 Executive Officers for 2009-2010 DG LGET LGM PRO Secretary Treasurer IPDG

Kristina Kihlberg Rick Furbush Pamela Rolle Pierre Taschereau Patricia Martinez Laz Sanchez Antionette Fox

District 47 Leaders District Advisor SAA Parliamentarian Webmaster Conference Chair Division A Governor Division B Governor Division C Governor Division D Governor Division E Governor Division F Governor Division G Governor Division I Governor

Loretta Sandy Jim Ellis George Shyrock Jeanine Kinsey David Clarke Scott Vail Elizabeth Taschereau Melody Tapley Karen Novek Jason Smith Mack Payne Beatriz Williams Anthony Longley

The Mission of the District is to enhance the performance and extend the network of clubs, thereby offering greater numbers of people the opportunity to benefit from the Toastmasters educational program by: ♦Focusing

on the critical success factors as specified by the district educational

Kristina Kihlberg, DTM District Governor

and membership goals ♦Ensuring

that each club effectively fulfills its responsibilities to its members


effective training and leader-

ship development opportunities for club and district officers

Four Critical Success Factors Membership

Paid Clubs



The Sunshiner is a publication of District 47 Toastmasters. Reproduction of articles is strictly prohibited without the express permission of the District 47 Governor. Toastmasters International and Toastmasters International emblems are trademarks of Toastmasters International registered in the Untied States, Canada and many other countries.

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Rick’s Room CONGRATULATIONS Club and District Officers!! Club and District Officers are very highly commended for an outstanding job of delivering and receiving training! Over the last 2 months your Club Officers and District Officers have been attending and delivering training at the three TLI’s (Toastmasters Leadership Institute) and the many Division and Area sponsored Training held throughout the District. What makes Toastmasters the number one organization for developing communication and Leadership skills and why it has been around for 85 years is its volunteers. Each Club is independent and self-governed by those individuals willing to step-up, take responsibility and become an Officer. Not only do your Officers volunteer their time to help your Club and you achieve the goals and dreams, but they are trained extensively to ensure your Toastmaster experience is all it can be. As the Lt. Governor of Education and Training it is my responsibility to ensure everyone receives the education and training needed to fulfill your goals. That is done by the hard work of your Club Officers. Your Officers have done a magnificent job! Please take time out to thank your Club Officers. Rick Furbush, DTM Lieutenant Governor Education & Training rickfurbush@mac.com

Pamela’s Place The Treasure Chest Remember when you first joined Toastmasters? Remember the excitement coupled with fear, particularly during Table Topics? We have such a wonderful opportunity to share the benefits of our organization with our colleagues and friends. The experiences of presenting that first speech or attending that first District conference are memories that will last a lifetime. Toastmasters is a treasure chest, and once we join, we are presented with keys that unlock endless possibilities. I had the opportunity to attend a kick-off meeting recently at one of the local community colleges in The Bahamas. The meeting began at 7 p.m. and ended shortly after 8 p.m. There were about 32 prospective members in attendance. They had a dynamic and exciting time, but this was no ordinary meeting. There was one thing missing. There was no electricity! The local power company experienced periodic blackouts throughout the day, and the electricity was off in this section of town. Despite being in the dark, the kick-off meeting went on as scheduled. The room was dark and hot, but to my surprise, no one left! This was amazing! I quickly realized that these individuals wanted what we have. They all want to become Toastmasters. I believe we will soon welcome them into the District 47 family, and give them the keys that will unlock their own treasure chest. The world is our prospect list, and many individuals are eager to become a part of our organization. As Toastmaster ambassadors, it’s our responsibility to encourage everyone we meet who may be interested to become a member. Imagine what would happen if each District 47 member sponsored one new member? Many more individuals would enjoy the opportunity to unlock their own treasure chests. They would become better leaders and more effective communicators. So go ahead− open your treasure chest− and search for that priceless item! It may be something that will make a huge difference in your Club. Pamela D. Rolle, DTM Lieutenant Governor Marketing lgm@toastmastersd47.org Page 3

PRO-Public Relations Officer Action…Networking…Exposure…Listening…Be in the know…Grab the opportunity… Our District 47 Governor is on FIRE! Well, when you decide to be ‘numero uno’ in the world…you outta put your dancing shoes on! Let’s all team up and support this awesome plan. Jeanine Kinsey, our Webmaster wasted no time in updating the District website and we encourage all of you to set your account to receive the monthly District newsletter, The Sunshiner, electronically. The Newsletter team is accepting articles and ready to post your stories, anniversaries and newsworthy events.

The latest GOLD RUSH is definitely Social Networking…Toastmasters and people around the world are creating their Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter accounts to stay in touch in this new electronic age dimension. The next PRO venture is to create a Facebook group for District 47 Toastmasters to share opinions, photos, event information, have discussions, share videos and post links. By sharing a Facebook group, our members will instantly get information, throughout the District, allowing for enhanced communication and outstanding results leading to being the No.1 District in the World!

Ultimately, we are here to enhance your Toastmasters experience and we hope that these extended The Speakers Bureau Chairman Matt Kinsey and Vice services will assist you in taking your leadership and public speaking game to the next level. Chair Antionette Fox will unveil the full project at the next District conference in Naples, Oct 30-Nov 1. Thank you for making our District number ONE! Don’t miss this special meeting as it may provide new speaking opportunities for you. We hope that this new Speaker’s Bureau will help you to kick off your professional speaking career or Pierre Taschereau enhance the one you currently have. District PRO For certain, it will be one more way ptaschereau@toastmastersd47.org to ‘Get the Toastmaster’s EDGE!’

The Smedley Award Do You Know… About The Smedley Award?

new member application is received in August.

The Smedley Award commemorates the October 22, 1924, founding of Toastmasters International by Dr. Ralph Smedley. He initiated a program that would go on to affect millions of people. In his honor, when your Club adds FIVE new, dual, or reinstated members between August 1 and September 30, you will receive a Smedley Award ribbon to display on your Club's banner. In addition to the ribbon, now qualifying Clubs will also earn a special discount code for 10% off their next Club order with Toastmasters International. This new Smedley discount is effective July 1, 2009.

What are you doing to help your Club promote the Smedley Award? Are you inviting guests? Do you have a membership drive amongst your members? Does your Club have exciting, varied meetings? Are you promoting your Club through the freetoasthost website, or your individually designed club website? Create a Club climate that members and guests can enjoy. If you’re having fun during club meetings, your guests will be eager to join.

Membership applications and payment for members who join August 1 through September 30, MUST be received at World Headquarters or online no later than September 30. Each member's "join date" as listed on their application must be no later than September. Remember, transfer and charter members do not count for credit towards this award. Also, Clubs do not have to apply for the Smedley Award; your Club is automatically entered when the first Page 4

Get off to a great start this year! Add five new members, and win the Smedley Award for your Club. Put your Club on track to become a Distinguished Club! Make Ralph proud.

District Secretary Secretaries Unite! Ours is a very important job. If you are not certain of that, consider the following folks who have made a difference with their extraordinary service as secretary in their organizations: Colin Powell, Alexander Hamilton, and Kofi Annan. The continuity of our club depends on us, as we are the keepers of history. How can we make our club better? Below you will find a link to best practices and a sample minutes template, which may help you along the way. These are working documents so, please, feel free to show your exemplary leadership by forwarding any suggestions on how we can make your job and your club work even better. By now, you should have a firm lay of the land and clearly targeted goals for 2009 - 2010. What targets have you set for yourself and your club? Be confident in knowing that you have great ideas to share! Let us know what they are. Together, we can improve the efficacy of our clubs.

A great quote for you: “Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.” John W. Gardner. Best Practices: http://www.toastmastersd47.org/districtresources/secretarys-corner/190-club-secretary-best-practices Famous Secretaries And Their Careers: http:// www.oldandsold.com/articles35/secretary-training-19.shtml Famous secretary quotes: http://thinkexist.com/quotes/top/ occupation/secretary Top 10 Qualities of a Great Secretary: http:// www.businessknowhow.com/officesupport/apweek/ greataps.htm WOW, why didn’t I think of that? http:// www.toastmastersd47.org/component/artforms/?formid=15

Have you logged on to the District website this week? In order to reach your target, you have to set your target. Our target is President's Distinguished District #1 in the World!

As for me, I started on my Toastmasters path in June What task can I do this week, that will help us reach our goal? 2007. About a month into my membership, I was elected treasurer for Boca Raton Toastmasters Club # 3299, and the next year I was elected president. During this same year, I was appointed District 47 Patricia Martinez Fall Conference chair. What wonderful experiences Secretary these have been! My Toastmasters job today is District 47 secretary and professionally I’m a financial representative for New England Securities. On both counts, I’m privileged to educate and help change lives. I live in Boca Raton with my husband, Al and our pet dwarf Jackson chameleon lizard, Max.


BEAT the Dues Renewal Deadline! Membership renewals are due by SEPTEMBER 30th. Here are a few tips that will help ease the dues blues when processing membership payments: Renewals can be submitted ONLINE, by fax or by mail. Pay online by credit card. It’s so easy! We recommend that you do not submit renewals by e-mail because it is not secure. At least SIX MEMBERS must pay dues; three must be renewing. If paying by check, you can print the list with the renewing members checked, and mail, along with payment to World Headquarters. Check must be payable to Toastmasters International.

Visit the Club Business login at: www.toastmasters.org/clubbusiness

Become a DISTINGUISHED Club! Renew Dues Online TODAY! Page 5

Speaking in Praise ing at it regardless of how difficult the road may be. She was sometimes challenged in the pursuit of her goals but realizing her success would come through the people and teams she worked with, Antionette made herself readily available to the people she lead and motivated everyone to be their best and to achieve their goals.

Antionette Fox, IPDG, DTM I remember when I first met Antionette – it was the year she served as president of the Bahamas Baptist now known as Club 9477. The Club then was not one of the most vibrant in the Bahamas but yet its leadership was awesome and focused on overcoming challenges. Antionette and I continued to cross paths but it was not until we both served on the Division I board together that I saw firsthand her commitment to the Toastmasters program. Antionette served as an Area Governor and I as the asst. Division Governor for Education and Training. Antionette is passionate – that is certain and she has a drive to be successful. She is very competitive and cherishes wining. She puts her all into any task and determines her end result from the beginning. Antionette determined she would be the #1 Area Governor in the District and achieved this very goal. This began the journey to conquer the District. Antionette has served in every Division leadership position and then challenged herself to take on District roles. Her motivation ties into the success she has personally gained from the Toastmasters program and her desire to see other people live successful and self-actualized lives. Antionette overcame many obstacles during the last 3 years she served at the District level, but with persistence and dedication she took her licking but kept right on ticking. She reminds me of the little red engine tugging up the hill saying “I know I In 2008 Antionette is installed can, I know I can”. as District 47 Governor by In-

Antionette with some of her winning team l-r PRO Pierre Taschereau, LGET Kristina Kihlberg, LGM Rick Furbush and Treasurer Jeanine Kinsey

Some of her accomplishments include – • President’s Distinguished Area and Area Governor of the Year • President Distinguished Division Governor and Division Governor of the Year • President’s Distinguished District (only 6 in the world get this honor out of 81) • Excellence in Marketing • Chartered 49 clubs as LGM • Excellence in Education

ternational President Chris Ford

Antionette made her mind that she would work hard and one day hold the position of District 47 Governor. She has had many successes along the way. Antionette plans her success and keeps workPage 6

Antionette with her younger daughter Ciarrah

Speaking in Praise Antionette Fox, IPDG, DTM (cont’d) Madame Immediate Past District Governor, we are very proud to have served under you and be fellow member with you here in Division I, the beautiful islands of the Bahamas. Duquesa Dean, DTM Immediate Past District Secretary

The greatest friend and leader you will ever find. Jamaro Thompson, DTM; Past Division I Governor

DTM Fox taught me that strength, determination and perseverance when mixed with a positive attitude, open mind and willingness to improve on weaknesses is the key to success. - Vanessa Scott, ACG, Past Area 82 Governor

Here’s Antionette with the newly elected International President Jana Barnhill at the 2008 Annual Convention in Calgary, Canada

Antionette is pictured here with Kristina Kihlberg and Toastmasters International Executive Director Dan Rex in Calgary

DTM Antionette Fox is certainly an ambitious Toastmaster who has achieved greatness in the program. - Sharmaine Goodman-Davis, DTM; Past Area 85 Governor

Antionette follows the example of other leaders but develops her own image in the progress. In so doing has led by example. - Godfrey Springer, DTM; Past District 47 Governor

Fast forward to the 2009 Convention in Mashantucket Connecticut where Antionette chats with the newly elected International leadership team (l-r) Second Vice President Michael Notaro, Senior Vice President Pat Johnson and International President Gary Schmidt

Antionette is all smiles with the newly crowned 2009 World Champion of Public Speaking Mark Hunter

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International Convention Memories Let me tell you about my first… Now, in case you are wondering, I am not writing about my first kiss, my first date, my first car, or my first deep fried Twinkie. I am writing about my first Toastmasters International Annual Convention.

fulfilling as their first time had been. I think it helped that I had a “First Timer” ribbon on my badge. It really means a great deal to have someone pay special attention to you as you go through the Convention experience.

What really impressed me about the Convention was the variety of the learning opportunities. I Have you ever heard the saying, “you never forget saw speakers who were hilariously humorous, your first…?” I am getting up there in years so my speakers that grabbed a hold of my heartstrings memory is not what it used to be, but I think for and never let go, speakers who gave me insight I the most part, you never forget your firsts. Here’s never would have dreamed of, speakers who gave a first time experience I can look back on and re- me useful tips of crafting fantastic speeches. I saw member fondly for years to come. speakers I can learn from, speakers who motivated me to make changes in my life, and most imporMy first ever trip to tantly, speakers providing inspiration to me to the Toastmasters achieve goals I never thought possible. International Annual Convention in On Saturday morning, I went Mashantucket, Conto the World Championship of necticut was a truly Public Speaking. I had a great memorable experiseat, front and center, as I ence. I can say with watched the best speakers in all honesty, if evethe world, eye to eye. What a rything had gone great feeling to see the best the way I planned it, it would have paled in com- of the best, at their BEST! By parison to the wonderful experience I ended up the way, in case no one told having at the “Big Show”. you, they are really good. But speakers are not Everything was exceptional at the Convention. The all that’s available to enjoy at the Convention. As learning opportunities, the entertainment, the re- good or better are the relationships you forge, the lationships, the networking, great people sharing friends you make and the interesting things you great experiences − I had not expected anything of learn about your fellow Toastmasters −and yourself! Hey, I accomplished one of my life’s simple this magnitude. but deep desires at the Convention: I learned how From the moment I arrived at the airport I was to tie my own bow tie! Thanks coach! treated like a VIP. Toastmasters made sure every If you are wondering about the food, I’ve got you detail was covered. There was transportation waiting for me when I arrived. I was taken to the covered. I was not a bit disappointed when lunch MGM Grand Hotel, the host venue for the Conven- and dinner were served at the Convention; in fact tion. I walked over to the Convention registration the food was tasty and succulent at every meal. desk and just like that, I was ready to go. As a First Timer at the Convention you might think I would be a little intimidated by all the activity and people, but that was not the case at all. In fact, everyone was friendly and helpful. I could tell they wanted my first time experience to be as Page 8

Let me help you decide your summer vacation next year. Why not consider attending the Convention in Palm Desert, CA August 11-14, 2010? I bet you’ll end up having your own fine set of firsts that you will remember for years to come– Laz Sanchez

Photos from the International Convention

IPDG Antionette Fox is recognized for being a Presidents Distinguished District by Jana Barnhill

Winners of the International Speech Contest, l-r: Second Place Mary Cheyne from Massachusetts, 2009 World Champion Mark Hunter from Australia, and Third Place Erick Rainey from Oregon

District 47 is all smiles at the opening ceremonies District 47 leaders attend the Golden Gavel luncheon

D47 Team dressed up in purple shirts to take their place on stage at the Hall of Fame

District 47 rocks the Convention as 5th in the world!

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Photos from the International Convention

D47 and D84 in a friendly dance off

Such handsome men in our District

Lots of awards were presented to our District

All dressed up for the President’s Dinner Dance on Saturday night

With our Toastmasters family at dinner

And so much love was shared

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Speaker’s Bureau The District 47 Speaker's Bureau will be launched master. The vice-chair is Antionette Fox, DTM. Anat the Fall Conference in October. This is the culmi- tionette is our immediate past District Governor and nation of a vision from our District Public Relations led the District to President's Distinguished Status. Officer, Pierre Taschereau. There are 2 main missions for the Speaker's Bureau: There are several opportunities for you to become involved with the Speaker's Bureau. We are still 1. To increase awareness of Toastmasters within completing the Speaker's Bureau committee. If you District 47 by providing speakers to qualified are interested in helping with the formation and opcommunity organizations and businesses. erations of the Bureau, please contact Matt at 2. To provide interested and qualified Toastmasters mkinsey@toastmastersd47.org. We have opportunities in marketing and in operations. the opportunity to improve their speaking skills by speaking to groups outside of the club environment. Beginning at the Fall Conference, you will have the opportunity to become a registered speaker with the The Speaker's Bureau will provide non-paid speaking Speaker's Bureau. The requirements are that you engagements for our members to community organi- have completed 6 speeches at Toastmasters and have a specific area of expertise that you speak zations like the Kiwanis, Rotary Clubs, other nonabout. Full information will be available at the Fall profit organizations, and potentially to businesses. Members will speak on their area of exper- Conference being held October 30 – November 1 in tise based upon the needs of the requesting organi- Naples. Also, we’ll provide details on the upcoming District 47 Speaker's Bureau website, zation. http://speakers.toastmastersd47.org. The first chair of our District Speaker’s Bureau is Matt Kinsey, DTM. Matt is a past Area and Division We look forward to seeing you there! Governor and served last year as the District Web-

Club Anniversaries Congratulations to these clubs celebrating anniversaries in September! In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In

Division Division Division Division Division Division Division Division Division Division Division Division Division Division Division Division Division Division

D, Area 41, Goldcoast Toastmasters Club, Club# 2727, Chartered September 1, 1960 B, Area 21, Early Bird Club, Club# 3659, Chartered September 1, 1963 D, Area 44, Boca Raton Toastmasters, Club# 3299, Chartered September 1, 1971 G, Area 72, Speakeasy Toastmasters Club, Club# 4698, Chartered September 1, 1981 B, Area 24, Pembroke Pines Club, Club# 6003, Chartered September 1, 1985 A, Area 10, Cape Coral Toastmasters Club, Club# 9051, Chartered September 1, 1992 C, Area 31, New Life Toastmasters, Club# 968, Chartered September 4, 2001 I, Area 85, THE NAVIGATORS, Club# 2437, Chartered September 30, 2001 D, Area 43, Office Depot Toastmasters, Club# 9086, Chartered September 10, 2002 F, Area 61, Manatee WCR Club, Club# 595823, Chartered September 23, 2003 I, Area 81, Scotia Dynasty Club, Club# 829842, Chartered September 28, 2005 I, Area 84, Club Destiny, Club# 839960, Chartered September 29, 2005 C, Area 33, Valrico Toastmasters Club, Club# 831439, Chartered September 14, 2006 C, Area 36, Woodland Corporate Center, Club# 1084115, Chartered September 10, 2007 E, Area 51, State Farm Miami Speakers, Club# 1088128, Chartered September 24, 2007 I, Area 83, The Soaring Orators of Johnson Park, Club# 1227605, Chartered September 3, 2008 D, Area 44, NCCI Toastmasters, Club# 1216633, Chartered September 5, 2008 D, Area 41, Hobe Sound Toasters, Club# 1206922, Chartered September 17, 2008 Page 11

Happily Ever After When Frank and I decided to get married, we knew we wanted to have a cheerful, upbeat, unforgettable wedding, and that we wanted our Suncoast Toastmasters club included. We discussed possible scenarios and decided to have a surprise wedding, one that was simply part of a regular Frank Shea slips a ring on the finger of his Toastmaster meeting. new bride, Sue Boe

We set the date for Tuesday, August 25, 2009. I signed up to be the Toastmaster, and chose the theme, “Dress for the Occasion”, with all members being encouraged dress appropriately as if they were scheduled speakers. My hope was to have fishermen, gardeners, beachgoers, party goers, maybe someone dressed for a job interview, someone in scrubs. Frank would be wearing a suit and tie, and I had a floorlength, cream colored dress adorned with tiny satin roses. Not wanting to give our surprise away, I would wear a brightly colored, floral print dress over my wedding dress until the actual ceremony. Only one dear Toastmaster friend, Jo Ranney Suncoast VPPR, was informed of the upcoming nuptials. Jo contacted District 47 Governor Kristina Kihlberg who arranged for our Lt. Governor Education & Training Rick Furbush to attend the meeting and photograph the ceremony. Other than Jo, no other member of Suncoast members had a clue that there was a surprise in store. Family and friends were “planted” in the audience, pretending that they were interested in learning more about Toastmasters. Frank was the third speaker for the evening. Dressed in a suit and tie, he looked prepared to deliver a professional presentation. The intro to his speech was, "It's been several years since Frank first went through his Competent Communicator manual. Some of you may remember that it took 3 tries and 19 1/2 minutes for him to complete his Ice Breaker. Recently a member of Suncoast presented Speech # 9, Persuade with Power. Frank later commented that he couldn't remember his 9th project, or whether he was able to persuade anyone to adopt his ideas, or to take action. So tonight, Frank is going to present speech # 9, once again, and hopes that this time he won't forget it and no one else will, either." Though the audience was expecting Frank to discuss an upcoming business presentation, Frank switched courses and invited me to stand with him at the lectern. He then began his proposal to me, asking me to

marry him. At that point, I removed the bright red dress I was wearing to reveal the wedding dress underneath. I accepted his proposal, saying, in part “Yes, Frank, I will marry you.” To the audience’s surprise and delight, Frank said, “Well, let’s get married right now, here, tonight.” A planted guest, Diane Kuenzel, authorized by the state of Florida to marry, stood up and offered to marry us. Frank’s daughter, Linda, produced a marriage license, and other friends and relatives produced wedding rings and flowers. Within the requested time of 8 to 10 minutes, Frank and I were married. After a huge round of congratulations and applause, the meeting commenced with Table Topics, evaluations and awards.

At a reception afterwards, our fellow Suncoast Toastmasters commented that they had never seen anything like this done at Toastmasters before, that it was a great execution, and one of the best and most memorable weddings they had ever attended. And of course, that is just what we intended.

The newlyweds are pictured here with LGET Rick Furbush and his wife Kathy. Thanks to Sue Boe for sharing this wonderful story with us.

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Looking at the Past by George Shyrock, DTM

In the beginning… It is possible for colossal experiences to have unbelievably modest beginnings. One perfect example is our Toastmasters International. Looking back to October, 1924, we find a man named Ralph C. Smedley, a recent college graduate employed as Director of Education for the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) in Santa Ana, California. Smedley was quick to recognize many of the youthful YMCA patrons could definitely use some improvement in their public speaking and meeting chairmanship skills. In the true spirit of our program, he simply wanted to help them improve their communication and leadership skills and so formed what he called The Toastmasters Club. Smedley created a friendly, supportive atmosphere in which young men were trained to speak effectively in public and to preside efficiently over important meetings. All this initial effort took place in the basement of the Santa Ana YMCA, in a pleasant, social environment that strongly appealed to these young men. Ralph Smedley’s Toastmasters Club was very successful, and soon there was growing interest in other communities.

the name was changed to Toastmasters International when clubs were chartered in Canada. The first Toastmasters newsletter, The Gavel, forerunner of today’s Toastmaster magazine, was published in December of 1930. From its modest beginnings in the basement of the Santa Ana YMCA, Toastmasters has grown steadily since 1924, and today, in the 21st Century, our terrific organization literally spreads across the globe. There are more than a quarter million members in 12,500 clubs located in 106 countries! This expansion continues a pace where men and women throughout the world are now benefiting from the Toastmasters program.

Our mission statement says it best: Toastmasters International is the leading movement devoted to making effective oral communication a worldwide reality. Through its member clubs, Toastmasters International helps men and women learn the arts of speaking, listening, and thinking – vital skills that promote self-actualization, enhance leadership potential, foster human understanding, and contribute to the betterment of mankind.

In January of 1926, a little over a year after the initial club began, the second Toastmasters Club was formed in nearby Anaheim, California. What had begun as one man’s sincere effort to help othThank you, Ralph Smedley, for your simple spirit ers improve their communication and leadership of helpfulness which has resulted in a colossal skills started a phenomenal growth path! In late worldwide success! 1928, Smedley copyrighted the very first Toastmasters Club manual. Two years later, in 1930,

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District 47 Fall Conference Online Registration

NOW OPEN Get Your Early Bird Price Today! Full Conference Package just $115 Until October 6

Nightly Room Rates at the Naples Hilton just $109/standard $169/bedroom suite

Go to www.toastmastersd47.org for reservations call for convenient credit card signup 1-800-HILTONS Ala Carte Rates available or www.hiltonnaples.com Contact Fall Conference Chair ask for District 47 Fall Conference rate Dave Clarke for full details fallconferencechair@toastmastersd47.org

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Educational Awards Congratulations to these Toastmasters who have received Educational Awards in the month of August! Competent Communicator Amengor, Culham B. Andrews, Valerie Evett Balfour, Denison Jenene Bauman, Carmen Josefina Behling, Don E. Card, Karen Carlin, Kriss Carlson, Linda Collis, Fred H. Delossantos, James Anthony Fischer, John Jay Grimes, Stephen T. Helmintoller, James Zachary Hopping, Dan Hutcheson, Judith M. Huynh, Hieu H. James, Nerissa Johnson, Thomas William Karpe, Craig Kumar, Amit Leadbetter, Graham Owen, Michael W. Padro, Hector Peters, Lesley Reese, Kelley J. Rodriguez, Andrea Salvary, Susan Schreima, Cathy Jo Spanks, William Usher, Lawrence M Wright, Mary L.

Club# 8370 Club# 946127 Club# 969479 Club# 1261950 Club# 8437 Club# 7306 Club# 5486 Club# 1034639 Club# 7306 Club# 2284 Club# 2652 Club# 2652 Club# 771864 Club# 2284 Club# 612315 Club# 5173 Club# 760344 Club# 6273 Club# 2582 Club# 1187415 Club# 969012 Club# 1216688 Club# 771864 Club# 1126118 Club# 3937 Club# 2463 Club# 1216633 Club# 1269043 Club# 5222 Club# 2463 Club# 1084115

Advanced Communicator Gold Goodman-Davis, Sharmaine Club# 658738 Lynch, Jack Club# 8248 Riccio, Rebecca Club# 1958 Competent Leader Balfour, Denison Jenene Co, Dianne Leider, Denise S. Lian, Ming-Ren Peduzzi, Peter Raasch, Sandi Rubin, Roberto David Sankah, Isaac Kwamena Somerville, York T.

Club# 969479 Club# 9086 Club# 1307407 Club# 3518 Club# 479 Club# 5486 Club# 9086 Club# 479 Club# 2284

Advanced Leader Bronze Malette, Michael J. Rice, Ronald Sims, Marsha J.

Club# 589263 Club# 2652 Club# 6003

Advanced Leader Silver Gibbs, Kalesa D. Taschereau, Pierre

Club# 1314025 Club# 2096

Leader Excellence Goodman-Davis, Sharmaine Horowitz, Nate Riccio, Rebecca

Club# 658738 Club# 590751 Club# 9352

Congratulations Distinguished Toastmaster Davis, Dwayne Allen

Advanced Communicator Bronze Bald, Walter Club# 3299 Hopping, Dan Club# 2284 Raasch, Sandi Club# 5486 Advanced Communicator Silver Boerner, Donna J. Club# 7943 Dalie, Joan V. Club# 5390 Hamel, Dennis M. Club# 5899 Simms-Symonette, Nakera S. Club# 7108 Tollen, Kayla R. Club# 6298

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Club# 1600

Achieve GOALS

Club Opportunities


MORE MEMBER PROGRAM Recruit 6 NEW members from July 20 – September 20 and win the 4 PACK CC MANUALS and a NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION KIT! KIT

The TOP 10 Clubs with the most NEW members between July 20 – September 20 will be entered in a drawing to WIN a free Fall Conference Registration!


START NEW CLUBS Clubs chartered this year will receive a free CUSTOMIZED CLUB BANNER and BANNER BAG! Additionally, new clubs that charter ON OR BEFORE September 30, 30 also receive a Toastmasters International

$25 Gift Certificate Page 16

Club Opportunities 9 DCP Points


by December 31 & Clubs receive a set of

ALL 15 Advanced Manuals

Achieve & Receive Rewards! Clubs with 4 CCs by December 31 will receive FOUR Advanced Communicator Manuals

9 DCP Points

ADVANCED by December 31 and Clubs will be entered into a drawing to win a



Clubs with 2 ACs by December 31 will receive TWO Manuals from the Leadership Excellence Series

Spring Conference Registration

Here’s Your Reward!

Page 17

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