Welcome Event and Recogntions
Keynote from Darren LaCroix, AS, CSP "CHUMP TO CHAMP "
Story Slam
2020-2021 Club Officer Training - all 7 positions
Main room open for socializing
Lunch with Darren LaCroix - informal chat session
2020-2021 Club Officer Training - all 7 positions
Main room open for socializing
Dinner Break - Main room open for socializing
Keynote from Anthony J. Longley, DTM, ID, "WHERE LEADERS ARE MADE", DTM Walk and 2020-2021 Officer Installation
Lunch Break - Main room open for socializing
2020-2021 Club Officer Training - all 7 positions
Main room open for socializing
All events EXCEPT Club Officer Sessions will take place in the Main Event Room which can be accessed through the "Access Online Event" link in your confirmation or reminder email. You will also need the "Access Code" from the same email.
Once you are on the Event Page, you will be able to click "Launch" for the All Access Pass, or be provided unique Zoom Room Links for your officer training.
If you registered to take a Club Officer Session, the link has been emailed to you.
District Director Leonardo C. Burrows DTM
Program Quality Director Ivan C. Thompson DTM
Club Growth Director
Public Relations Manager
Andrew Bern DTM
Andre Kelly DTM
Finance Manager Barbara Strasdas DTM
Administrative Manager Shakira Taylor DTM
Logistics Manager
Antoine Rolle
Immediate Past District Director Maurice Fuller DTM, IPDD
Division A - Clint Conliffe DTM
Area 10 - Andrea Robinson
Area 11 - Anita Fain Taylor
Area 12 - Peter Agbeyegbe
Area 13 - Lisa Cumes
Area 14 - Jane Cabrera
Area 15 - Price Polynice
Division B - Moe Haji DTM
Area 20 - Janeille Calnick
Area 21 - Anthony Elie
Area 22 - Carolina Duarte
Area 23 - Jose Navarette
Area 24 - Benjamin Yen
Area 25 - Peter Palmer
Division C - Austin Canonica DTM
Area 30 - Samantha J. Inguanzo
Area 31 - Jose Luis Mercader
Area 32 - Cedric Clement
Area 33 - Dhwani Shah
Division D - Orlando Zuniga
Area 40 - Ann McLaughlin
Area 41 - Valerie Johnson DTM
Area 42 - Sudhakar Uppu
Area 43 - Herbert Sennett
Area 44 - Jennifer McDougle
Area 45 - Erich Wilner
Division E - Phyllis May DTM
Area 50 - Jay Smith
Area 51 - Sarah Cherres
Area 52 - Eddie Martinez
Area 53 - Brandon Diaz
Area 54 - Betty Ortiz-Valdez
Area 55 - Laura Larrabee
Division F - Garth Jackson DTM
Area 60 - Ernesto Williams
Area 61 - Gerard Rolle
Area 62 - Ikysha Beneby
Area 63 - Juliana Clarke
Division I - Deandra Dorsette DTM
Area 90 - Antoine Brooks
Area 91 - Merla Pawar
Area 92 - Verna Bonaby
Area 93 - George Maillis
Administrative Support
Program Quality
Club Growth
Maurice Fuller DTM, IPDD
Antionette Fox DTM, PDD, PRA
Jeanine Kinsey DTM, PDD
Roy Ganga DTM, PDG, PRA
DLC Chair
Credentials Chair
Audit Committee Chair
Realignment Chair
Technical Support Team
Program Quality Team
DTM Chairs
Conference Chairs
Speech Contest Chairs
TLI Chairs
Pathways Chair
Club Growth Team
Club Coach Chairs
Club Extension Chair
Club Retention Chairs
Community Outreach Chair
Club Health Strategy Team
Public Relations Team
Web Master
Social Media Chair
Graphics Artist
District Photographers
Antionette Fox DTM, PDD, PRA
Pamela D. Rolle DTM, PDG
Joset Simms DTM
Kristina Kihlberg DTM, PID
Lois Margolin DTM
David Carr DTM
Cynthia Beckles DTM
Hieu Huynh DTM
Jeanine Kinsey DTM, PDD
Nikenya Rolle DTM
Lois Margolin DTM (Florida)
Patricia Hamilton DTM (Bahamas)
Antoinette Bailey DTM (Florida)
Tiffany Burrell-Roberts DTM (Bahamas)
Brandon Kinsey DTM
CeCe Espeut (Florida)
Kendra Munroe DTM (Bahamas)
Patricia Stevenson DTM
Roosevelt Jean DTM (Florida)
Kevin Ferguson (Bahamas)
David Esposito DTM
Kristina Kihlberg DTM, PID
David Carr DTM
Glenisha Albury
Verna Bonaby
John Schneyer DTM (Florida)
David King (Bahamas)
Executive Team
District Director Barbara Strasdas, DTM
Program Quality Director Shakira Taylor, DTM
Club Growth Director Austen Canonica, DTM
Finance Manager Ann Marie McLaughlin
Adminstrative Manager Patty Stevenson, DTM
Public Relations Manager Andre Kelly, DTM
Logistics Roosevelt Jean-Francois, DTM
Immediate Past
May 21, 2020
Fellow Toastmasters in District 47, Greetings!
Spring is the time to rejoice when nature displays its full splendor; when trees and flowers blossom; when there is a spirit of rejuvenation all around. Despite the challenging time we are all experiencing right now due to the pandemic, the annual conference of District 47 conducted virtually this year, with its theme ‘Thriving Through Adversity’, provides a happy occasion to celebrate this wonderful season in all its glory.
Just as spring provides a new beginning, Toastmasters helps us discover ourselves anew. We find courage and confidence to express our feelings and sentiments. We let go of our inhibitions and find ways to thrive through adversity and boost the spirit of Toastmasters We learn to find the leader in ourselves. Toastmasters transforms us from being local leaders to become global leaders
The path that we follow in Toastmasters springs from its vast repository of experience and knowledge derived over the last ninety-five years. The transformation that we see in ourselves is nothing short of magical. Think back to the time you attended the first Toastmasters meeting as a guest and feeling bewildered, wondering if you would ever be able to speak coherently, competently and confidently. Remember your first tentative step as an ‘ice-breaker’ speaker. Recall the euphoria of becoming a competent communicator with a newfound spring in your footsteps! You never allow any adversity prevent you from thriving! It is like a colorful butterfly emerging from its drab chrysalis
Let us spread this wondrous experience to as many people as we can whether they be friends, family or colleagues. Let this unique online conference be the occasion for you to light up your dream and dazzle the world! Let the fire of passion for Toastmasters make you the flame that leads the world from darkness to light.
Your District leaders have the passion burning in them brightly as they lead District 47 to achieve great heights in 2020 during this unprecedented time. I wish them and their conference team all the best for a fantastic conference! I wish each one of you an experience that will help you continue thriving through adversity and exude renewed energy and assurance
Toastmasters: Where Leaders Are Made!
Best Regards,
I extend greetings on behalf of International President, Deepak Menon, DTM, Chief Executive Officer Daniel Rex, DTM, and the wonderful staff of World Headquarters, and my fellow Directors of The Board of Toastmasters International. I am honored to be serving as your International Director being a proud product of District 47. It is also my pleasure to wish you a Happy 65th Anniversary!! As a Past District 47 Governor myself, I know the sacrifices involved therefore, I applaud and extend our heartfelt appreciation to all Past-District Leaders who have brought you to this juncture. Most importantly we commend our members for showing a tremendous commitment to achieving your personal goals. By your dedication, you are all helping to preserve the rich legacy of this great district for generations of Toastmasters to come. Congratulations!
Districts around the world have displayed amazing creativity these past few months since the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic has impacted the world. Throughout history, it was during the most difficult times when great leaders emerged. No other District can attest to this more than District 47. The past 10-15 years have presented many challenges for you, including two district splits. However, the bright side is, you’ve given birth to two new Districts, 84 and 48. Although the pains of rebuilding have at times been chronic, you have persevered; every time rebounding mightier than before. We appreciate you!
I commend District Director Burrows and the entire 2019-2020 District leadership team. Thank you for your service and unwavering commitment to the members of District 47. To the incoming team, whether you’re an elected or appointed officer, know that challenges are inevitable. However, I encourage you to view these merely as stepping stones to your success. Members, remember you’ll always gain more from Toastmasters than you’ll ever put in… but you must put something in! Just give the program at least an 80% commitment and always be guided by the Toastmasters Four Core Values of Integrity, Respect, Service and Excellence. If you do these things, you’ll definitely experience phenomenal growth as a communicator and leader and you’ll acquire skills that are transferable into your personal and professional life.
Fellow Toastmasters, I leave you with these words by a personal mentor, Past District 47 Governor, Rick Furbush, DTM, “If it isn’t fun, it’s not Toastmasters!” TOASTMASTERS WHERE LEADERS ARE MADE! Enjoy your virtual conference and best wishes for a phenomenal year!
Anthony (Tony) Longley, DTM International Director, 2018-2020 Toastmasters InternationalGreetings District 47 Toastmasters:
As your Region 8 Advisor, I am honoured to have served the District 47 leaders and members.
Embrace the theme for this virtual Empowerment weekend by Thriving Through Adversity! Each District 47 event brings its own unique flavour connecting with new people and an opportunity to provide networking with a wealth of talent, and reacquainting with old friends, even in this virtual world!
Congratulations to the new Distinguished Toastmasters (DTMs), who have worked so hard to earn this prestigious status!
Everyone has worked hard with the planning and coordinating to organize this virtual Empowerment Weekend, so please extend a huge Thank you. Enjoy the Keynote Speakers, Educational Sessions and most of all the District Contests, including the District International Speech contests.
District 47 appreciates you sharing your Empowered Weekend and “Thriving Through Adversity!
Lana S McFarlane, DTM Region 8 Advisor2019-2020
Fellow Toastmasters of District 47,
Please accept my warm greetings. It is a great privilege for me to share a few words with you on the occasion of your Virtual Empowerment weekend. Congratulations to the District Leaders for this unique initiative which allows you, our members, the opportunity to develop, fine-tune or share your skills, celebrate the members’ and District successes, virtually network and reconnect with friends, and find inspiration for continuing leadership and service.
The theme “Thriving Through Adversity” is fitting for the unprecedented times we are going through and depicts our ability as Toastmasters to, despite the difficult circumstances, adapt and stay [focused] in pursuit of higher levels of personal development and leadership excellence. Today more than ever, effective communication is critical to bridge the social gaps in our communities. I have heard many testimonials about how the Pathways program or leadership experience on Club and District levels have been crucial for the member to transition to the new normal, especially in the professional arena.
To me the Toastmasters program has equipped me with the necessary skills to serve and thrive even through difficult times. Be it the ability to communicate with confidence or lead with purpose, these are just a few of the many competencies that this program offers to the individual. It is especially in trying times like these, that we as Toastmasters have proven again and again that we are leaders made to successfully thrive in adversity.
Thank you for participating and for contributing to the success of this event. Please share your experiences with potential members and with those who were unable to attend. Encourage them to join, work the program and reap the fruits of their efforts. And by doing so, continue to thrive through adversity and reach higher levels of excellence.
When I was elected as District Director, I was honored and humbled about the opportunity to serve. I anticipated obstacles along the way, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine a category 5 hurricane would devastate the islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama, adversely affecting our Bahamian members.
In addition to that, no one could have predicted a pandemic, called Covid-19 would bring the world to a screeching halt. Forcing everything as we knew it to change immediately, commanding everyone to adapt to a new normal. These events, coupled with personal setbacks and tragedies, have made things cumbersome for our members and leaders.
Despite this, the indomitable fervor displayed by each of you is allowing us to weather this storm with great anticipation and optimism! You did not cower in fear or allow the pandemic to overpower you. You strategized, stuck in there, shoulder to shoulder with your Toastmaster’s family, remained steadfast. Although we were not able to host our annual spring conference in May, DTM Jeanine Kinsey, our Conference Chairperson and her team has planned a virtual empowerment weekend that will knock your socks off!
You will be able to enjoy the bells and whistles of conference featuring keynotes from Darren Lacroix 2001 world champion of public speaking and DTM Anthony Longley International Director Region 8. There will still be educational sessions, Story Slam, installation of the incoming leadership team, and yes you guessed it, the DTM recognition celebration. Club officers training for the 2020/2021 Toastmasters year will also be done during this weekend. I am encouraging every club officer to register and take advantage of this opportunity.
This virtual empowerment weekend is a first for our district. I am looking forward to seeing as many of you over the course of this weekend. Martin Luther King reminds us that “the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort or convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy”. Let’s continue to stand strong, supporting each other, praying for one another and providing a shoulder for someone to lean on.
With this, I welcome you to the inaugural District 47 Virtual Empowerment Weekend under the theme: “Thriving Through Adversity”
Leonardo C. Burrows DTM District 47 Director 2019-2020Greetings fellow Toastmasters, Leaders and Guests,
I am pleased to welcome you to this historic District 47 Virtual Empowerment Weekend
Focusing on our theme “Thriving through Adversity” this weekend is designed and geared towards all key aspects of Communication, Leadership and Training that will positively impact our members now, and in the future.
This year we were faced with many challenges and obstacles, from Hurricane Dorian to the Covid-19 global pandemic. However, we did not succumb to or allow these tragic events to detour us from achieving our personal, educational and Toastmasters goals. This speaks of the commitment that we have made; we promised to foster comradery and teamwork, Inspire our members while serving them with excellence, restore confidence and respect in the organization, Empower clubs to meet and exceed their goals, Determination to succeed. United we stood to fulfil the toastmaster’s Promise.
The journey as a Toastmaster is a team effort; however, it also requires the input and effort of the individual. I encourage and will support you, our esteemed members, to set your goals high and to improve your listening, thinking, leadership, and speaking skills, so that you can grow in your personal life as you use Toastmasters as your guide.
In closing, I would like to personally Thank you, the members of District 47 for affording me the opportunity to serve you for the past three (3) years. You have afforded me the opportunity to grow as a leader, foster new bonds and friendships, and create unforgettable experiences. I am a better individual because of it.
“The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it.” Kalpana Chawla
Enjoy this dynamic Weekend!
Warm Toast,
Ivan C. Thompson DTM Program Quality DirectorToastmasters International District 47
• On behalf of the Club Growth Director’s Team and the Club Health Strategic Team
• The Division Support Teams and Division Directors
• Newly appointed Coaches and Mentors 2019-20
Members of District 47, members of the DEC and Trio, Leaders, Functionaries, and Guests.
The Club Growth Director Team’s focus has been to help with the District mission “to build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.”
With just days left to the end of this year, your help is needed in bring in new members and clubs, and help existing clubs reach for Distinguished and beyond. Toastmasters “Beat the Clock” membership contest recognizes clubs who enroll 5 new members during May and June. I know we can do it. It will help the District reach Distinguished and more. You can make a difference with your efforts. Winners of our incentive programs will be announced at the Hall of Fame.
The challenges of Covid-19, Hurricane Dorian, disruptions and insecurity in finances, social isolation and changes in family responsibilities has deeply affected of us and our membership.
We would not have had the successes of this year (18 new clubs and more to come, almost 80 new coaches and mentors appointed) without the support of the Trio and Senior Leadership, the Public Relations team, the District Executive Committee, Club Officers, Area and Division Directors, and our teams.
Each of us has a story to tell. Each of you has reached deep to overcome the obstacles we have faced this year. Through all these challenges, District 47 has innovated, created opportunities, and grown. Over these next 22 days, we need everyone’s help to push forward. To look to a brighter tomorrow and help everyone “find his or her voice!”
As you plan on participating in our “Thriving through Diversity” and officer training this weekend, remember this famous quotation from Walt Disney: “It's kind of fun to do the impossible. The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
It has been my honor to serve as your Club Growth Director for District 47 2019-2020. Working together to reach new heights.
With gratitude and respect,
I hope that you and your loved ones are in good health and spirits as we continue to navigate our way through the COVID-19 pandemic. These unprecedented times have presented to us, as Toastmasters, extraordinary challenges and opportunities. The world as we know it has been up ended, requiring us to rapidly innovate new ways of living, working and being in community with each other. And so, it is for us in District 47. What has emerged for us, even more strongly than before, is a resilience anchored in a profound reinforcement of the significance of our mission as Toastmasters to the world, revealing the interconnected nature of our reality through exploration and personal discovery. The pandemic has awakened many questions and longing in District 47 allowing us to connect in deeper ways.
District 47s response to the crisis was swift and focused. Our leadership team responded with information and inspiration to calm our fears. Within days of the shelter-in-place orders, resources and what steps individual clubs needed to continue meeting and programs such as area and division contests were implemented. I wish to congratulate the senior leadership team, public relations, speech contest and conference teams for responding to our wellbeing, demonstrating that through creative leadership and core values of Toastmasters they were focused on the purpose of being in service to our members. The response has been resounding reflecting in increased participation in the many events and training offered to our members utilizing the online platform. The high level of quality and organization of these presentations has been exceptional and inspirational.
Our Spring Conference was canceled but we saw that with creativity and enthusiasm we continued with business as usual, District 47 is hosting a Virtual Empowerment Weekend – “Thriving Through Adversity” in its place. Many of the Spring Conference events will be presented virtually. I have observed the preparations for this weekend, and I am immensely proud that within District 47 we have leaders who are always ready to contribute their knowledge and experience. Kudos to our Conference Chair, Jeanine Kinsey, and her team!
This resilient District continues to excel in our District, Division, Area and Club performances. I am optimistic that we will once again be a Distinguished District. We are almost there, and I encourage you reach out to members whom we have not been in contact with to remind them of the reasons why they became a Toastmaster and renew their membership. Do not wait for the pandemic to be over, there is much to learn. We have seen what innovative ideas that has emerged from not only the leadership but also from members at the club level. We would love them to be a part of what ever emerges now and at the end of the pandemic.
I would like to congratulate the incoming leadership team and encourage them to continue focusing on our mission of providing unparalleled support for our members and to strengthen our District. Thank you for your commitment and partnership. Our organization is strong and healthy, and I know that you are ready to continue achieving and making the District better.
Toastmasters of District 47, our organization is strong because of you. I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your continued membership and support. Together, we will tackle this challenge and whatever the future may bring; District 47 will continue to thrive
In the presence of a storm, we find a safe harbor. In this time of the Corona Virus Pandemic, connecting with our family and friends is the key to our safety of mind and spirit. As you struggle whether economically, socially, or personally; always reach out to your family, your toastmaster support family.
Our current challenge gives us the opportunity to grow as a District and as members of this visionary organization founded 95 years ago. This next year will be one of Recovery - Regenerating the interest in Toastmasters, Reminding members WHY they joined this family of members around the World.
The District Leadership Team is here to support you. As the new Toastmaster Year 2020-2021 begins, we promise to be proactive in planning and communicating to you. We strive to bring beneficial educational workshops, webinars, leadership training and most important of all, we want to recognize our outstanding clubs and the shining members who are the backbone of the clubs. We will do this through award recognition and by providing club incentives.
The Culture of Community is the vision for this year. We are the epic example of servant leadership. Let us show our leadership in connecting with our community through Youth Leadership Programs, Speech Crafts, involvement with Junior Achievement, Boys & Girls Clubs, YMCA, and Rotary.
Toastmasters is a community that when you joined you elected to become part of this global empowering group. You may have wanted to gain more confidence, self-esteem or learn how to be an inspiring leader; but you discovered even more. Embrace the full breadth of this organization and it will empower you to be a better person, leader, and mentor.
Yours in Service, Barbara
B. Strasdas“Where Leaders Are Made”
Thank you for being a part of the history we are creating together in District 47. I encourage you to pause and acknowledge yourself for being a part of this incredible journey. We have so much to celebrate. We have faced all our challenges with creativity and togetherness under the phenomenal leadership of District Director DTM Leonardo Burrows and his dynamic team this year. Learn and embrace all you can this weekend by participating in all that is being offered. Stay open to learning and achieving skills that will make our next year together even more extraordinary. Remember to take everything you gain from the sessions and impact your clubs, areas, and divisions for the better.
Our lives have been impacted in ways far greater than we have imagined and the Toastmasters experience continues to enrich and transform us. I am confident that once we remain committed to the Toastmasters promise and club mission, with an appreciation of the transformational journey, we will meet every personal, professional, and collective goal.
Wishing us great success together!
Shakira Taylor, DTM - Program Quality Director-Elect, 2020-2021
Confreres! While the world weathers multiple storms concurrently convalescing, it is evident that we need quality leadership more than ever.
District 47 has been fortunate to have inspiring leaders such as DTM Leonardo Burrows, DTM Ivan Thompson, DTM Andrew Bern, and all of the other outstanding members of the District 47 Executive Council to serve and support us through this difficult Toastmasters year. I would be remiss if I did not also acknowledge the incredibly hard-working club officers and members of this international district that lead the way for so many to improve their communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth. The incoming Trio intends to continue all of the great work of District 47 by cultivating a culture of community amongst all of our stakeholders.
As your Club Growth Director-Elect, I pledge to uphold the core values of Toastmasters International, respect, integrity, service, and excellence, through my commitment to District 47’s marketing strategy, member retention, and club growth. We all stand to benefit from involving quality people in our Toastmasters programs. When clubs are struggling, we will help them. When members are struggling, we will support them. We will emerge from this pandemic and civil discourse stronger and more united than ever. Together, we will create a culture of community that will have a lasting impact on our exceptional members. I look forward to being at your continued service, District 47.
Austen Canonica, DTM - Club Growth Director-Elect, 2020-2021
Last year, Nick Smith and Nikenya Rolle began planning the annual District 47 Conference to be held on May 13 They had a fantastic program planned around “Culture Up – One District, Many Cultures.” In early March, things started to change around the world, and we began to realize that there might be changes required, possibly very significant changes.
As we started looking at what had to take place and when, we started to formulate new plans.
• Lois Margolin and David Carr put together a team to support our clubs, areas and divisions in moving to online platforms to protect our members’ health and continue to support their programs
• Our annual business meeting took place on May 2nd as a Virtual Meeting with an online election.
• We realized that the district contests had to happen before May 31st and our technical support team put together the first ever completely virtual district level contests for Humorous, Evaluation, Table Topics and International Speeches on May 30th and 31st.
• That left our Educational Sessions and the fun as the only pieces that had not been addressed. How could we make this into an event that would be worth our members time? What could we add to it to make it special? What theme made sense since we could not do the decorations and pageantry to go with the original theme?
We looked at everything this district has been through since we started on July 1, 2020.
On September 1st, Abaco and the northern islands of the Bahamas suffered tremendous loss at the hands of Hurricane Dorian. Our members lost family members, homes and livelihood. We mourned with them while we came together as a family to support them by helping with collection of supplies and money to send, and people from all over the district travelled to help We did not just give up, we thrived.
March 13th, the first announcements of school closings and “social distancing” began to change our lives overnight. This time, our entire district was impacted. Overnight, we had to close our physical doors and come up with new ways to meet, and we did! Many our clubs moved online, and not only kept meeting, but found new opportunities to expand their learning by meeting Toastmasters from all over the world. We learned new skills and did what Toastmasters do – we helped our members become better leaders and communicators in our clubs and at their jobs, and we thrived.
And our theme was born! – “Thriving Through Adversity”
This weekend and the new format allowed us to offer our members opportunities to do things differently, and in ways they have never been able to do before. Everyone can attend every education session and event without having to choose between them. We will be able to spend more time recognizing our new DTMs and we will be able to induct all of our incoming District Leaders. We will also have fun!
Thank you for letting me share my vision of a virtual conference with you. Engage, learn and have fun!
Jeanine Kinsey DTM, PDD Virtual Empowerment Weekend Chair 2020Distinguished District Director Maurice Fuller, DTM
Distinguished Program Quality Director Leonardo Burrows, DTM
Distinguished Club Growth Director Ivan Thompson, DTM
Public Relations Manager Linda Chapman, DTM
Finance Manager Joset Simms, DTM
Administration Manager Andrea Johnson
Logistics Manager David Esposito, DTM
Imm. Past District Director Antionette Fox, DTM
(P) Division A Director Florence Stewart
(D) Area A10 Ana Garcia
(S) Area A11 Stephanie Foster
(S) Area A12 CeCe Espeutt Area A13 Nina Obier
(P) Division B Director Andrew Bern, DTM
(P) Area B20 Matt Saravick
(S) Area B21 John Quick
(S) Area B22 Walter Bernuy
(S) Area B23 Lorraine Campbell
(P) Division C Director Michelle LeWay, DTM
(S) Area C30 Stephen Winters
(S) Area C31 David Borenstein
(P) Area C32 Elizabeth George
(S) Area C33 Antoine Rolle
(S) Division D Director Dilcia Morales Area D40 Anna Simeon Area D41 Manohardeep Josan
(S) Area D42 Paulo Barto
(S) Area D43 Orlando Zuniga
(S) Division E Director Sandra Jackson,
(D) Area E50 Joy Davis
(S) Area E51 Berta Garcia
(S) Area E52 Patrick Alexander
(D) Area E53 Nelsy Arellano
(S) Area E54 Jillian Allonge
Area E55 Maryann Warren
(P) Division F Director Tiffany BurrellRoberts, DTM
(P) Area F60 Monique Hanna
(P) Area F61 David King
Area F62 Ambrosina Forbes
Division I Director Nikenya Rolle
Area I90 Wycliffe Barnett
(S) Area I91 Deandra Dorsett
(S) Area I92 Tristan Beneby
(P) = President’s Distinguished
(S) = Select Distinguished
(D) = Distinguish
Audit Committee Chair Rita Pinder
Credentials Chair Samantha O’Neil, DTM
Webmaster Dalmo Mendonca, DTM
Social Media Chair Darren Kennedy, DTM
Audiovisual Chair Nicholas Smith, DTM
DTM Co-Chair Cindy Beckles, DTM
DTM Co-Chair Hieu Huynh, DTM
Speech Contest Chair Sheree Thomas, DTM
District Leadership Chair Lynda Hammond, DTM
Area Director of the Year
Division Director of the Year
Toastmaster of the Year
TLI Chair (Bahamas) Kendra Munroe, DTM
TLI Chair (South Florida) Ana Rezende, DTM
Pathways Chair Brandon Kinsey, DTM
Conference Co-Chair Jose Alvarado, DTM
Conference Co-Chair Ana Rezende, DTM
Club Coach Chair Barbara Strasdas, DTM
Club Extension Chair Kristina Kihlberg, DTM
Realignment Chair Kristina Kihlberg, DTM
CeCe Espeut
Michelle LeWay
Rosler Oriol
Anthony J. Longley, DTM, of Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas, is an executive financial services representative at Colina Insurance Limited, where he has worked for the past 27 years. Longley has extensive experience involving personal finance planning, selling individual life and health insurances and employee benefits planning. Additionally, he performs confidential financial needs analyses to determine risks and vulnerabilities for his clients.
Longley was appointed to the management committee of the Million Dollar Round Table, where he headed the International Membership Communications Committee. Working remotely, he led a multi-national network consisting of hundreds of members, where he promoted the organization’s intrinsic value. He also served as a former board member and is a current member of the Communications Committee for the Saint Mathew’s Anglican Church.
A Toastmaster since 1987, Longley is a member of his home club, First Bahamas Branch Toastmasters in Nassau. He has held a number of high-profile leadership positions within Toastmasters and has attained the Distinguished Toastmaster designation the highest level of educational achievement in the organization. He says, “I often share my journey and my stories of challenges and triumphs with prospective members. I let them know that they too can reap the same rewards once they commit to the investment of time and effort as I had to do.”
As a member of the Toastmasters International Board of Directors, Longley is a “working ambassador” for the organization. He works with the Board to develop, support and modify the policies and procedures that guide Toastmasters International in fulfilling its mission.
Saturday – 2:00 PM
In this session, International Director Longley will draw from his depth of experience and share leadership strategies to enhance Member Awareness, Engagement and Participation, the key elements of club excellence.
Saturday Keynote Address – 7:00 PM
History has shown that new leaders emerge during times of crises. In this presentation, ID Longley will share how to identify prospective leaders at all levels within our organization. He will also share aspects of his personal journey from new member to International Director, including revelations never before disclosed. Hear how Toastmasters Training can transfer to your personal and professional life. You won't want to miss it!
Darren’s Bio:
He felt invisible in high school. He failed as a business owner. He worked in a cubicle for over a decade. Today he's a world champion speaker. What made the difference for him can make the difference for you.
After a failed business in 1992, Darren LaCroix took the stage in a Boston comedy club and bombed miserably. It was horrible. The headliner that night told him to "keep his day job." Friends told him that his dream of making people laugh for a living was crazy and stupid He didn't listen.
He may have been born without a funny bone in his body, but Darren possessed the desire to learn and the willingness to fail. These were the essentials for achieving his dream. This selfproclaimed student of comedy is living proof that anything can be learned.
Less than nine years later, in 2001, Darren LaCroix outspoke 25,000 contestants from 14 countries to become the World Champion of Public Speaking. He did it with a very funny speech. Some said it was one of the best speeches in the history of the contest.
Since that victory, Darren travels the world demystifying the process of creating a powerful presentation. His story has inspired audiences in 45 International cities including faraway places like Australia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, China, Oman, Malaysia, and Taiwan with his inspirational journey from Chump to Champ He is passionate about showing people that if you are a sponge and have the right mentors, anything is possible.
Darren is currently the only speaker in the world who is a CSP (Certified Speaking Professional), an AS (Accredited Speaker), and a World Champion of Public Speaking. Darren always stresses, “Don’t go for the designations to get letters after your name; do it for the professional you will become in the process ”
He is the co-host of Unforgettable Presentations podcast and also the coauthor for two books, Laugh & Get Rich and the Speaker’s Edge. Through his live workshops and online programs, Darren works with presenters eager to learn what it takes to connect deeply with their audiences. As the founder of StageTimeUniversity.com he shows presenters how to be unforgettable.
7:00 Friday Night Keynote
11:00 Saturday Morning
Workshop Session
Followed by an Informal Lunch session with Darren
11:00 Sunday Morning
Workshop Session
Friday – 3:00 PM
If you believe that the most important leadership instrument you have in life and work is You, how about spending some time on transforming yourself?
Becoming a more conscious leader enables us to observe the bigger picture while at the same time making choices to align our behaviors with who we want to be.
This course will cover differences in leadership styles, offer insights into what being a leader really means and practices that will help you get the most out of your team."
Bill Kirby has been a Toastmaster since 2003 and has made a point of going and practicing outside the club.
Bill grew up in Quebec Canada, is fluent in French and English and has travelled to 3 continents. He is the very proud father of 3 and lucky to have the most wonderful and intelligent partner (clearly the best half of this duo).
Professionally, Bill works as a project manager for an international manufacturing company and greatly enjoys the daily interpersonal and organizational challenges this presents.
On a personal level Bill is a chronic volunteer in his community sitting on many advisory boards for arts and culture, trails development and community well-being, focussing on issues such as homelessness, the opioid crisis, youth & senior engagement just to name a few.
Bill also acts in community theatre, sings and is an avid cyclist. He is most passionate about advocating for those who cannot for themselves and frequently coaches individuals on how to engage municipal government and achieve success. Travelling and meeting new people is always a thrill.
“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” – Neale Donald Walsch
Kip Barkley, DTM
“Elements of Storytelling”
Friday – 4:00 PM
Kip will present a one-hour workshop on what makes for a good story. There is you the Teller, your audience, and the Story. There are characters, setting, plot, and some conflict to liven things up. Kip will demonstrate classic tales and then pick them apart.
How does Kip go about being creative? What about ethics: whose story is this? How to apply Toastmaster skills like gestures, face, voice within ZOOM.
DTM Barkley has been a Toastmaster for 30+ years and is a member of the Florida Storytelling Association. Come, be entertained, and tell a better story. See www.KipBarkley.net."
Kip Barkley has been in Toastmasters for over 30 years, and has now discovered the Florida Storytelling Association. After years of consulting and a couple trips around the world, Kip is nearly retired. Already being located in South Florida is convenient for that life style. See www.KipBarkley.net.
Ambika has an interactive workshop packed with tools, tips, and tricks to help you prepare to speak and get over stage fright. From breathing and centering to vocal warm-ups and visualizations you are going to gain everything you need to walk out in front of a group, get on camera, and speak with confidence and grace. This session is sure to change your way of gearing up to present for good giving you extra space to focus on your subject and deliver your message comfortably and relaxed!
As an international, award-winning author and indie publisher of three books, and an expert astrologer, Ambika Devi is a riveting and dynamic speaker. She specializes in igniting your intuitive magick, expanding your creativity, by showing you how to tap into the unified field of consciousness through the state of meditation, and introducing you to your inner wizard! This speaker’s pockets are filled with multiple degrees in fields of study, including: A Masters in Yoga and Meditation, and bachelor’s degrees in Astrology, and Fine Arts. Stuffed inside her backpack are colored pens, a journal, a kindle, a passport full of stamps, and a deck of tarot cards. Absorb her passion and be guided to find inner peace, outward success, and a greater level of health and happiness. She has appeared on The Learning Channel, network radio, and in periodicals as a relationship and communication expert. In addition she has taught Holistic Health at the university level for 21 years, and is a true guide on your forward journey to reach your highest potential!
Saturday – 8:00 AM
Participants will learn techniques for setting goals by focusing their intent, clarifying destination, identifying steps, and setting deadlines for success. Participants will be assigned accountability buddies to help them be successful.
with a focus in Curriculum and Instruction from Concordia University and has a Bachelor’s in English with Secondary Education Certification from Florida Atlantic University. She has been writing, teaching, directing and producing theatre in Palm Beach County for over 20 years to all levels of students. She ran area tutoring centers where she found that children desperately need the life skills developed through participation in the performing arts! You may recognize her in commercials or corporate training videos. Erin is passionate about arts and communication education. She founded Standing Ovation Performing Arts (alongside hubby, J.R.), ACTademics, and TE3N Empowerment and teaches theatre and communication classes at Standing Ovation and elsewhere. She is a former Palm Beach County High School Drama and English Teacher, Recreation Consultant, and currently runs a Middle School Speech and Debate program and teaches Public Speaking at The Greene School. Erin serves as the President of her area Toastmasters club, speaks professionally, serves on the board for an upcoming arts charter school, and is actively involved in arts education groups. She judges local theatre and debate competitions regularly and LOVES teaching! Erin is married to a wonderful comedian, has four children, ages ranging from 8 to 24, and a dog. She enjoys thrift shopping, playing poker, travel, and photography.
Erin Coley earned her Masters of Education
Saturday – 9:00 AM
Do you find yourself constantly on the go with a calendar filled of events that are time wasters? Or maybe you are consistently looking to others for answers on achieving your goals? Has anyone every called you a “people pleaser”? If you can relate to one or all these statements, then this workshop is for you. As a recovering people pleaser who said yes to all the things and was always asking permission or looking for validation, I have discovered another way to look at leadership, self-leadership to be exact, because who are we with the most? 24/7? Ourselves. Join me as we explore 13 Ways to Be Joyful in Everything.
Nina Obier is an Inspirational Speaker, FUNness Facilitator and Clarity Coach. In her seminars, workshops and keynotes she brings her positive energy and a unique ability to make the complex simple. As Founder and CEO of Success Simplified, Nina’s mission is to provide action-oriented tools and strategies so that her audiences and her clients lead a life of harmony, seamlessly balancing the challenges of business, life and home.
Nina is and has always been a leader. Whether as the Rooms Executive at her corporate hotel job at Hyatt Hotels International, her position as the Senior Training Specialist at the Federal Reserve, within her Direct Selling business for 15 years she consistently created an environment of success. The challenges that leadership presented further developed Nina’s strengths in relationship building, professionalism, organization, and communication. It’s these life lessons that Nina uses to inspire her audiences to help them grow. Nina focuses on developing the leader within ourselves.
For more than 25 years she has been a FUNness Facilitator and Coach supporting her clients in enjoying the ride while they achieve their next level of professional and personal success. Nina is the acclaimed author of Listen.Learn.Love.Lead - 40 Simple Messages for an #inspiredlife and My Daily Clarity- 90 Days to Connect.Create.Communicate.Celebrate.
Saturday – 1:00 PM
Public Speaking is like a plant. It needs to be fed, watered, and nurtured in order to cultivate its true potential - beautiful fruit to benefit others. Come and learn of proven unique, interactive, and fun activities that all Toastmasters can use to supercharge and nurture the skills of the public speaker within!
As a young Bahamian male, Ernesto G. Williams is a 2009 Graduate of Faith Temple Christian Academy & a 2015 Graduate of The College of The Bahamas, having achieved a Bachelor of Secondary Education in English Language & Literature. In his lifelong pursuit to become a Writer & Doctor of the Arts, he also aspires to be a College Professor and a Policy Changer one day.
Over the years, he has accomplished tenure as Coordinator & Deputy Director of the Volunteer Division for the 2015 IAAF/BTC World Relays Bahamas, 20122013 President of the College of the Bahamas Union of Students, Director of Communications and Character Academy Coordinator for the Society Against Stigmatization and Hate, English Language/Literature Teacher at Bishop Michael Eldon School in Grand Bahama and D. W. Davis in New Providence, and a PROUD President of the Luminaries Toastmasters Club #1510789.
He is currently employed as a Curriculum Editor for the Anglican Diocese of The Bahamas & Turks and Caicos Islands, an Adjunct Lecturer at the Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute, and Area 60 Director. He sees himself as a humble, sociable, and extraordinary humanitarian with an unconventional mind and a passion for philosophy, public administration, compliance, education, leadership, governance, emotional intelligence, and socialization. One of his favorite ideologies of life is from the Late Sir Martin Luther King Jr. which states “If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, 'Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.” He survives by his mother Ernestine, his family, and of course, The Lord.
Saturday – 4:00 PM
DTM Lois Margolin, President of Online Presenters, spent 3+ years meeting week after week in the Zoom platform so she can COMMAND with her presence. Now she is ready to share her secrets with YOU!
Have you discovered how to engage your audience with emoticons, breakout rooms and Zoom polling tools? Do you understand when you should sit close vs stand? Does the camera love you? Wondering how to make that Power Point presentation keep your audience on the edge of their seat? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then let “Just” Lois help you COMMAND Your Virtual Presence."
Lois is currently a member of 2 brick and mortar clubs, 1 online club and mentoring a corporate club. She is the President of her Online Presenters club which she helped charter 3 years ago and the Treasurer of Outspoken Toastmasters.
As the President of Online Presenters, an advanced club, Lois learned how to welcome guests and members 30 minutes before their weekly meeting. Lois discovered there is a knack to handling virtual introductions, being welcoming to guests and keeping the attendees engaged before, during and after a meeting.
Becoming the ultimate virtual engaging speaker doesn’t happen by chance. It takes work!
This session will be utilizing the following Zoom tools: breakout rooms, polling, chats, nonverbal-communications and effective virtual backgrounds
Each tool listed above will help to keep your audience wanting more. Lois will encourage you to step up to the plate and be the person in the room everyone looks to for guidance and an interesting speech. Learn to COMMAND the room with your virtual presence.
Hold onto your seats as we take a fun, fast paced ride to see how YOU can COMMAND the room with your virtual presence.
Most people fail to realize their potential because their dreams remain hypothetical. PUT YOUR DREAMS TO THE TEST, takes your dream from ethereal to achievable. Attend this workshop and learn how to crystallize your vision and galvanize your commitment. Learn how to be intentional, both privately and professionally-by working with purpose and having a solid plan. Being intentional is about relying on a pre-determined strategy. You will leave this workshop not only having a dream, but also knowing how to achieve it. Attend and learn 10 Questions That Will Help You See It and Seize It!
Dorrette Keen, is a wife and mother of 3 lovely children. She is originally of the beautiful Island of Jamaica.
As a Distinguished Toastmaster and a Certified John. C. Maxwell Speaker|Trainer|Coach, Dorrette has been empowering individuals, employees, entrepreneurs, business owners and nonprofit organizations. Motivating, impacting and inspiring them, to step out of their comfort zones and go beyond, sometimes their own unrealized limits, placed on themselves.
Dorrette, is also the founder of Doing His Will Book Club, an inspirational book club, which has been in effect over 14 years. D.H.W Book Club, focuses on empowering families through READING AND INSPIRATION. All age groups are welcome to join, no matter where they are located and membership is FREE.
When not impacting lives through her speaking career, Dorrette, also works as a Substitute teacher. This gives her the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our young generation while being a part of the School Board’s Team of Educators. She is also a business owner with Legal Shield, a company that provides Legal and Identity Theft Protections to: Individuals, Families, Small Businesses and Employees.
Dorrette is truly known for her passion and willingness to help others achieve their goals, maximize their potential and ultimately fulfill their life's purpose.
"What is a “Moment of Education” role?
Sunday – 8:00 AM
This role, “Moment of Education” or MOE, is a public speaking tip, given in 1-2 minutes at a club meeting. This workshop reviews this role. Several public speaking tips in the format of a picture quote will be shared.
Why is it on the agenda? These questions and more will be addressed in this workshop. Engage, educate, and empower with “Educational Moments for Toastmasters and Beyond”.
The full PDF version of “Educational Moments and Beyond” is available upon request for use at Toastmaster clubs."
Marlene Smith is a retired Family Physician, now teaching Nutrition at the graduate school level. As a Toastmaster, she has completed 2 pathways and is sharing with us today her DTM project, “Educational Moments for Toastmasters and Beyond”.
Moments to engage, educate and empower both ourselves and those around us occur all of the time. These educational moments are often overlooked. Marlene has compiled her pearls about public speaking into picture quotes, utilizing her own photography and the drawings of the late artist and personal friend, Thornton Utz. As a Toastmaster and educator, she hopes that you will incorporate educational moments into your club’s weekly agenda.
Sunday – 9:00 AM
Discover best practices to ride waves of uncertainty and navigate turbulent paths by implementing a fluid leadership style. Fluid leadership utilizes various known and highly effective leadership styles, identifying and selecting the ideal fit appropriate to unique and highly specialized situations. As leaders we routinely face dynamic, high-intensity, obscure, precarious, and sometimes perilous conditions. Equip yourself with resources, skills, and attitudes to stay calm and remain buoyant while overcoming any trial regardless of circumstances.
Learn tactics to employ during tumultuous times, strategies to support and encourage team members, and mindsets to imbue excellence.Berta is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation, a certified Go-Giver Speaker, author and creator of the YOUniversal Success Program and founder/director of the Dreamers Succeed Series of keynotes, workshops, seminars and retreats which help audiences realize their goals, find new paths to fulfillment, and motivate those who need a little push to change their view of life for the better.
Samantha J. Inguanzo is a first-generation university graduate, native Floridian, fashion model, and pilot. She graduated cum laude from Florida Atlantic University with her Masters of Bioengineering and a Masters of Business Administration concentrated in Entrepreneurship. During her studies she co-founded two Biotech startups within the Healthcare Industry, and was recently 1 of 5 U.S. students recruited to visit Norway to participate in an event addressing Environmental challenges plaguing the world’s oceans. Samantha joined Toastmasters in April 2018 and has held the positions of Area 30 Director as well as Secretary and Vice President of Membership for the Toastmasters Club at FAU. She is passionate about STEAM, active citizenship, music, ethical leadership, organic, gardening, traveling, nature, and aviation.
Sunday – 10:00 AM
Learn how to avoid using gendered, jarring, or stereotypical language when writing your speeches.
Luiz Bravim has taught, trained, and managed people around the world. He is a two-time District 47 Speech Champion in Evaluation and Table Topics. As a seasoned public speaker, Luiz enjoys breaking new ground with high-challenge, high-impact speeches. He has coached and motivated aspiring speakers in China, South Korea, the Netherlands, and throughout the U.S.
Sunday – 1:00 PM
In his workshop “Pro Speaking After COVID-19”, Jim Barber will explore the current state of the professional speaking industry (spoiler: it's in shambles). But despite the months and years of chaos ahead of us, Jim will also show why this just might be the best time ever to enjoy a career as a pro speaker.
Jim has been a professional speaker for over 40 years. As a technical trainer, keynoter, voice talent, webinar presenter, workshop facilitator, Master of Ceremonies, podcaster and more, Jim has spoken for thousands of hours to hundreds of organizations in six countries.
But Jim also believes that a successful pro speaker can't rely on platform skills alone. Jim is the author of 18 manuals (including “The Complete Professional Speaker's Office Kit”), a book editor and publisher, and a developer of multiple websites. (He created his first standalone web site in 1995, and in 2000, PC World magazine declared his web site, The Barber Shop, to be a “top ten” site for professional speakers.)
Jim has been an active member of Toastmasters International for over 30 years; he's currently active in both a brick-and-mortar club (Plantation Toastmasters) and an online club (Online Presenters). He's twice served as president of the Florida Speakers Association, and served as the Chapter Liaison to the National Speakers Association. Jim also gave the closing TED Talk at the 2016 West Broward High TEDx event.
But here's the most significant thing about Jim Barber he's had good years (some of them very good), and he's had bad years (some of them very bad). But after 40+ years, he's still around, and he's still speaking professionally. He's a survivor... and he'll show you how you too can survive and quite possibly thrive as a professional speaker during these turbulent times.
What did the first video make you feel?
How does that relate to your speech?
Mark’s Story:
Darren’s Story:
How were they different?
What was the one thing they had in common?
Secret #1)
Mark’s Questions: ? ? ? . What you _____________________________________________________________________________
Toastmasters District 47 Online Conference
June 12, 2020
Welcome, each and every one of you. You are the Tellers.
We don’t use the label “story teller.” No, we tell. What a about a fortune teller? She tells. Researching the word, we see a teller tells, narrates, or counts. What about Penn & Teller? They are illusionists and entertainers.
And so it is with us, all of the arts come together, for we are the Tellers.
Points to Remember:
The Story Triangle: You, the Story, and your Audience
The Elements: Three Characters, Setting, Plot, Conflict
Think in Pictures - Don't Memorize Lines
Some Resources
National Storytelling Network www.storynet.org
Florida Storytelling Association www.flstory.com
Toastmasters www.toastmasters.org
The Moth www.themoth.org
Story Corps www.storycorps.org
The Great Courses:
The Art of Storytelling: From Parents to Professionals
Professor Hannah B. Harvey
Public Speaking tips by Marlene Smith
Utah Shakespeare Festival, Beverley Taylor Sorenson Center for the Arts, Cedar Bay, Utah
Easily add such a Moment of Education to your club agenda
Photographs, drawings & pearls about public speaking
Start with a single page to engage, educate & empower
Full presentation of picture quotes is free to all clubs
Experience art, nature, words of wisdom & story telling
Full PDF version available upon request
The Distinguished Toastmaster designation is the most prestigious educational award in Toastmasters International. Only one percent (1%) of the Toastmasters membership attains this award. Accomplishing it, comes with a glorious and rewarding feeling. I take this opportunity to salute and congratulate each of you for sacrificing, serving and completing each speech and assignment. I can relate, as I have done this four times and I’m eagerly looking forward to my fifth DTM award.
I am certain there are incredible stories behind each achievement. I encourage you to use the platforms Toastmasters provide to share these stories with your clubs, areas, divisions and district. Your success serves as the spark of encouragement to new members and seasoned members who need an additional motivation.
Let this defining moment drive you to do more and give back. There are many Toastmasters who achieve their DTM and walk away from the program. I challenge you to use what you have learned to mentor and coach new member as well as also to sponsor and support a club. Toastmasters International has many ever-evolving doors. There is always something new to learn and adventures to discover.
Speaking about discovering, as the legacy program comes to a close, the Pathways Program is our revolutionary alternative. Steven Covey penned it accurately when he said to “sharpen the saw”. In an ever-changing society we must continuously upgrade our skills and seek greater opportunities for growth.
On behalf of the entire District 47 leadership, its officers and members, I offer my esteemed congratulations to each of you, and wish you every success!
I extend warm congratulations to the newest Distinguished Toastmasters of District 47
The Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) recognition is the greatest honor that can be earned by a member of Toastmasters International (TMI). The DTM award is only given to those who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and communication skills and who have used these skills to help others in their self-development efforts.
Attaining this award is not an easy task. You have completed projects of progressive complexity, earning successive awards to reach DTM status. These accomplishments have given you a greater perspective of the value of being a good communicator and an effective leader.
“Therewillbeobstacles.Therewillbedoubters.Therewillbe mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits.” -Michael
Phelps, Olympic swimmerToday we celebrate you as you take center stage to receive this prestigious award. You have done well and I encourage you to be a beacon for others to emulate. Warm Toast,
Congratulations from the Club Growth Director on your achievement of Distinguished Toastmaster in 2020. Your recognition represents a significant achievement. Less than 1% (Ref Google) ever accomplish the DTM designation. It represents achievement, persistence, and tenacity in developing communication and leadership skills which are then applied in service to others. The Distinguished Toastmaster may signify the pinnacle of the Toastmasters educational curriculum, but it also represents the opportunity to go out in the world, in service, and help those who want to develop confidence, speaking skills, and leadership.
The DTM represents a vehicle to further grow through participating in the club officer and mentorship programs, the Area, Division, and District leadership positions. You will be looked upon with pride as accomplishing a great achievement. Others in the organization will flock to you for guidance, wisdom, help, and mentorship. You have the chance to lead by example. Let others benefit from what you have gained. Please take that opportunity to be in service to others.
With my heartfelt congratulations, respect, and appreciation for all of your hard work!
Andrew Ira Bern, MD, DTM, Club Growth Director, District 47, 2019-2020Congratulations on completing a milestone that so few accomplish! Whether your journey was short or lengthy, I truly hope that you enjoyed the process and growth that you realized in this personal development. It may have included triumphs and stumbles along the way, but your determination to persevere is commendable. May this accolade serve you well in the future as a mentor, paying it forward to those who strive to attain this coveted award.
My most heartfelt blessings to you,
District Finance Manager 2019-2020
District Director-Elect 2020-2021
District 47
“Where Leaders Are Made”
Many have dreamed of attaining this designation but for them, it remained just that - a dream. You did it! You have shown the world, your peers, your family, and your Toastmasters community what endurance, flexibility, commitment to personal growth, and servant leadership looks like. I commend you on your accomplishment and encourage you to keep moving forward. This is not the end of your Toastmasters experience, but just the beginning. Remain active in your clubs, areas, and divisions. Find ways to support other members whether through mentorship or programs that foster transformation. I look forward to serving alongside you in the new year! Congratulations. You did it!!!
Shakira Taylor, DTMAdministration
Our 2019-2020 DTMs
For every industry or sector, there is a pinnacle or an acme. For world-class Olympic athletes, it is a Gold Medal; for authors and scientists, it is a Nobel Prize; or for a military leader it is a Medal of Honor. The Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) Award is the highest honor that our organization bestows to members for proven excellence in communication and leadership. For a member to earn a DTM award means they embody the core values of Toastmasters International. Every DTM has respect for the Toastmasters process and educational program. Every DTM displays integrity while leading their clubs, areas, divisions, and the district as a whole; every DTM commits to the service required to support the members of their clubs, areas, division, and district; and every DTM exudes excellence in all they do involving communication and leadership. The newly-minted DTMs of District 47 are no exception to these criteria.
Congratulations to the newly-minted Distinguished Toastmasters of District 47! You have blazed a trail for so many Toastmasters to proudly follow. Enjoy every second. You earned it!
Austen Canonica, DTM Division C Director, 2019-2020 Club Growth Director-Elect, 2020-2021Antoinette Bailey joined Universal Toastmasters for her fear of public speaking. She has progressed through the ranks of Secretary - President to Area Governor to President Distinguished Division Director since joining Toastmasters in July, 2011.
Her commitment to Toastmasters has led her to continuously participate and volunteer at numerous Toastmasters contests, and TLIs, including as a workshop presenter and a host of other roles, all while consistently encouraging others to step up and volunteer. This year she serves District 47 as the TLI Chair for South Florida.
Antoinette’s life motto is “just because you fail once, it doesn'tmeanyou'regoingtofailateverything.Keeptrying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself becauseifyoudon't,thenwhowill?” Marilyn Monroe
Wycliffe E. Barnett is a Master Barber of more than twenty-five years, who lectures at The Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute (BTVI). His love for personal development has steered him to the Toastmasters International organization where he continues to grow personally as well professionally. He has been afforded the opportunity to hone his leadership skills while serving in various roles in his career field and Toastmasters. Wycliffe has served as the Vice President of the National Beauty Culture League Inc., Barber & Artisan Association, Past President of the second oldest club in The Bahamas and past Area 90 Director. In his quest for continued growth, he is currently pursuing his Doctorate Degree in his Barbering and continues to soar in the Toastmasters International program.
Originally from Green Bay, Wisconsin, Paula Barto was hired as a Special Education Teacher straight out of college to work here in Palm Beach County. When she left teaching, Paula worked in a variety of jobs and positions, primarily in sales and management. She got married in 1982. Paula has three children and four grandchildren. For 30 years she and her husband owned and operated an Air Conditioning company, where Paula handled the bookkeeping. They are currently retired. She keeps very busy with leadership positions in Toastmasters International and Council of Catholic Women. Her hobbies include entering sweepstakes, reading, and traveling.
Toastmaster Tristan Beneby joined Toastmasters in 2013, opting to make the First Bahamas Branch of Club 1600 his home club. He became a dual member of The Healing Communicators Club 7178 that same year and embraced multiple leadership roles. Serving as Sergeant at Arms, VP Membership, VP Education and ultimately as President in 2016-2017. Under his leadership, Club 7178 became a President’s Distinguished Club and still made time to complete numerous educational goals. During his year as President, TM Beneby also served as Sergeant at Arms for the Ernest T. Strachan. Advanced Club 7108.
Tristan is a creative professional in the Marketing field with over 20 years’ experience.
Ms. DaNevia Bethell is a proud mother of two young adults. DaNevia is a College Professor, Entrepreneur, and Motivational Speaker. DaNevia Bethell is also Business Administrator for two phenomenal learning institutions in Nassau. She is the CEO of Visualize Consultancy and an Entrepreneur of 20 plus years.
Academically, she holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Entrepreneurship from University of Liverpool and is near the completion of a Doctoral Degree in Business Administration from Walden University.
In addition, she is a certified Bahama Host, Communications and Customer Service Trainer for many organizations in Nassau, Abaco, and the United States. She is also Chief Judge for Jr. Minister of Tourism/Abaco Competitions.
July 4, 2019
August 28, 2019
New Providence Branch of Toastmasters
“Every successful story is a tale of constant adaptation, revision and change” – Richard Branson. Deandra C. Dorsette hails from the picturesque Crooked Island, one of the many beautiful islands of The Bahamas. She joined the Toastmasters International organization in November 2014, after obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education – English Language & Literature. Since then, with great alacrity she has had the opportunity to mentor, sponsor and hold various officer roles at the club and district levels. She has served as President of B.U.T Nation Builders, Area 91 Director 2018-2019 and currently serves as the Division I Director 2019-2020. Deandra C. Dorsette (with the ‘E’ at the end) is committed to the Toastmasters International program and helping others achieve their personal goals.
DTM Stephanie L. Foster is an accomplished leader with more than 25 years of military service and 6 years of entrepreneurship. Leveraging her expertise in personal leadership, this entrepreneur is also a leadership strategist who guides clients to dominance in their spheres of influence.
A practitioner and scholar of leadership, DTM Foster respects the transformational power of life-affirming words, intentionality, and consistent decisive action. Bold, relentless, and compassionate, her life reflects two of her life principles: "Do something about it!" and "Success is intentional!"
December 5, 2019
Elizabeth George works as a Sr. Training Manager at Johnson Controls. She has over 14 years of professional experience in training, education and culture change. Elizabeth has travelled around the US and the world delivering technical and sales training. A Toastmaster for nine years, Elizabeth has served in various club officer roles, recently being the Area Director for Division C (2018-2019). She has won many Club, Area and Division speech contests. She has mentored new members, contestants, DTM and soon to be DTMs. Elizabeth loves to read, garden and grow orchids. She lives in Delray Beach with her husband and two sons.
The African Proverb stands true, “It takes a village to raise a child.” It all began with wanting to make a teacher proud at a high school speech competition. Thereafter, a cascade of events has continued to inspire him to serve in the Toastmasters International program. Garth Jackson has possessed many leadership roles including serving in four officer roles at the club level, as an Area Director as well as Assistant Division Director, and now Division Director. Garth wants to express his gratitude to Andrew Albury, DTM for welcoming him into the program. Above all, Garth also extends his appreciation to the past and current members of his home clubs, Luminaries and Visionaries. Thank you for providing him a safe environment to mature. Thank you, Village!
Barbara joined Toastmasters in 2014. She has held numerous officer roles at the club level and mentored a new club. Barbara served as a Pathways Ambassador and Guide and helped the District roll out Pathways. Since rollout, Pathways has been her hobby. Barbara believes everyone has gifts and talents that can make a lasting impact. She is passionate about helping each person find the way to make that impact. Barbara is proud to be a Toastmaster.
Dorrette Keen, is a wife and mother of three lovely children. She is originally from the beautiful Island of Jamaica. As a DTM and a Certified John. C. Maxwell Trainer/Speaker, Dorrette has been empowering individuals, employees, entrepreneurs, business owners and nonprofit organizations to step out of their comfort zones for many years. Her presentations are always filled with mind stirring, heartwarming and strategic goal setting principles which her clients/audiences have been able to embrace and implement.
When not impacting lives through her speaking career, Dorrette works as a Substitute teacher in Port St. Lucie, FL. Dorrette is truly known for her passion and willingness to help others achieve their goals, maximize their potential and ultimately fulfill their life's purpose.
Oris B. Martin was introduced to Toastmasters in 2010 when it was offered to employees at her company for no cost. Three years later when the club folded, Oris had solely achieved her Competent Communicator Award. Choosing to continue with Toastmasters was one of the most important decisions of her life. Toastmasters International has impacted every aspect of her life. It has made Oris a better speaker and communicator, and has given her greater confidence in herself as well as her abilities. Oris will also always be thankful for the relationships she has developed that have enriched her life in so many ways.
When Phyllis May joined Toastmasters International about 21 years ago, she had no idea what this organization would become to her. She had been an educator for 34 years, but did not join until after she had moved to Key West and retired. Phyllis became “The Fiery Retiree" and wrote two books, but the flexibility of time allowed her to get involved more easily outside the club level. Besides personal growth with speaking, the friendships and her Toastmaster family are invaluable. Phyllis would like to thank everyone for her memorable Toastmasters’ journey.
Jennifer McDougle attended her first Toastmasters meeting in 2013, and has been hooked ever since. She became an official Toastmaster in January 2014 after she completed her CPA exams. Jennifer has served as VP of Membership, VP of Education and most recently Area Director for Area 44. Outside of Toastmasters, she is an Accounting Manager for Florida Power and Light Company and spends her free time travelling near and far with her husband Darius.
Jamere McIntosh has been a Toastmaster since 2008 when he joined as a college student. He became as a member of Healing Communicators Toastmasters Club 7178 in 2011 where he has served as VP Membership and Club President before becoming Area 60 Governor (2014-2015). He is also a member of Pinnacle Seekers Club 1513325 and the Ernest T. Strachan Advanced Toastmasters Club 7108. Jamere credits the Toastmasters program for his personal growth in terms of communication, and being able to succeed as both a team player and a team leader.
DTM McIntosh resides in Nassau, Bahamas and holds a Master of Science (MS) degree in Economics. He has been employed by the Central Bank of The Bahamas for more than 10 years where he is presently a Policy Advisor.
Here's everything you need to know about Nina Obier: She loves taking selfies. She is a crazy fan of happy hours. Nina uses the phrase "in my humble opinion" a lot. She is passionate about personal development. Nina is known for having the wisdom of a 90-year-old with the energy of a 9-year-old. She SMILES for a living: Share, Motivate, Inspire, Listen and Elevate.
Tina Reine has been a Toastmaster for five years. Before joining
Toastmasters International she had so much fear of public speaking that she had three false starts in joining, meaning each time she joined, attended a few meetings and then quit. Eventually the pain of not being able to speak became greater than the fear of not addressing it. With the support of fellow Toastmasters she found her way! Tina has an MBA from Columbia Business School and works as an Environmental Commodities Trader. Her side gig is performing as an aerial acrobat. Tina is forever grateful for the incredible support on her speaking journey from Toastmasters members in the entire District for offering the opportunity to practice her TEDx talk at so many clubs, and she is especially grateful for the support of Freddy's Forum and El Cid Toastmasters clubs.
May 27, 2020
Davie Toastmasters
March 4, 2020
John Schneyer is a 2-time Distinguished Toastmaster, Area Governor of the Year who has completed 27 Competent Communication and 14 Competent Leadership manuals and recognized as the outstanding division toastmaster. He has presented at multiple Toastmaster Leadership Institutes and District Conferences. John has been District 47's lead photographer for several years and enjoys making Toastmasters smile through his pictures.
John enjoys taking pictures a few hours before sunrise especially on rainy mornings and nature pictures at the local wetlands.
Proud Speakers Club President, Vice President of Education, Vice President of Membership and Sergeant-At-Arms several times. Area 22 Governor Division B Governor
Anna Banks Simeon’'s Toastmasters participation in 8 clubs in 3 Districts includes DTM requirements plus lead contest roles at three levels, conference planning, and serving as District 40 Parliamentarian.
Happily retired, Anna evolved from engineer to accomplished corporate executive.
Anna holds active membership in other organizations, serves on multiple boards and foundations, and with a focus on select issues provides service to all mankind. Anna held elected office and was awarded honorary statewide positions. A widow with a remarkable son, Anna traveled the world. She settled into her 11th home on Florida’'s Treasure Coast, making time to earn her DTM.
Over the past four years, Patricia Stevenson has served Toastmasters International in many capacities including being Area 41 Director, Club President, Vice-President Education, Vice-President Membership, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sergeant-at-Arms. Patricia currently serves as District 47’s Club Growth Director and Club Extension Chair, South FL and previously curated Timely Tidbits for Toastmasters, an online District 47 publication. She will be serving the district in the 2020-2021 Toastmasters year as Administration Manager. She is a Second Generation Master Pilates Instructor, Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Instructor, Personal Trainer and Water Aerobics Instructor and is also certified by the Titleist Performance Institute to assess and teach golfers how to improve their physical skills for golf.
Jana Stubbs is currently the 700 Wines and Spirits Commercial Coordinator at Commonwealth Brewery Limited, where she oversees all marketing for 700 Wines & Spirits. Prior to joining CBL, Jana worked as Marketing Coordinator for Baha Mar and Nassau Airport Development Company, Supervisor for the Operations team at Fidelity Bank and in Corporate Reconstruction at Baker Tilly Gomez Accounting Firm.
Jana holds a BBA in Marketing from the University of the Bahamas (formerly COB) and is a Certified Risk Manager from the Chartered Institute of Banker in Scotland.
Jana is a member of The New Providence Branch of Toastmasters Club 3596 (President 2017/2018), and an active member of the University of The Bahamas’ Alumni Society (Director 2012-2014).
Toastmaster Joseph (JC) Sweeting joined the First Bahamas Branch Toastmasters Club 1600 in March 1975 - 45 years ago. He is also member of two (2) other clubs, Healing Communicators Club 7178 and the Ernest T. Strachan Advanced Club 7108. J.C. has served in various capacities, from Sergeant-at-Arms to Club President, and also as a Club Coach. He was recognized as Toastmaster of the Year in 1981, and Toastmaster of the Decade in 1984. He has authored a book titled "JC Sweeting and Positive Friends", and produces a quarterly newsletter with the same title. This Distinguished Toastmaster was presented with the Queen's Badge of Honour in 2009, and recognized as an Unsung Hero by the NAACP in 2013.
Nadia Usher is a member of West Kendall, Miami Advanced and Dade County Toastmasters clubs. Her journey began in 2008 with Premier Speakers (Belize). Her experiences as Area 52 Director (2017), President, VPE, VPM, and Secretary have helped her gained lifelong relationships and skills. As a Senior High Risk Review/Investigator at Helm Bank USA these skills are used to tread through changes and challenges encountered. While “Nothing beats a trial, but a failure” are words of encouragement, Nadia prefers this “Nothing beats a trial, but a failure to try”, it is not the loss or the win, but the lesson learned.
Brenda Watson-Ellis has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting and Business Administration. She has been a proud and active member of the MIA Tarmac Speakers since December 1, 2014. Within this time, her involvement with Toastmasters International has included being an Area Director (2017-2018), Club Coach and Mentor to her club members. Additionally, her club leadership roles have encompassed serving as President, VPE, VPR, and Secretary within MIA Tarmac Speakers. One of her favorite quotes by Frederick Douglass is simply “I am true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and incur my own abhorrence”.