Shakira Taylor, DTM 2021-2022 District 47 Director
“When we live by the bar of unrecognizable, we let go of mediocrity and become an inspiration to ourselves and others.” ~ S. Taylor Welcome to the District 47 Reimagined Conference Experience Fellow Toastmasters and Guests, Upon reflecting over the last few months, I have concluded that a reimagined world awaits us all. People tend to think that a reimagined world is in the future. My take away from serving as District Director, is that each day, perhaps each moment, offers the opportunity to reimagine the next step forward. Life in all its splendor displayed many curveballs this year but through it all District 47 members remained committed to the mission, guided by the four core values and operated by sheer love for our community. The Toastmasters program offers us an opportunity to unleash creativity and create real value for each other every day. Not a day goes by without hearing the incredible impact and transferable nature from members across the District. Thank you for all you do! This 4-day virtual conference experience you are embarking on is no exception. You’ll attend sessions, hear keynotes, cheer on your favorites in the competitions, participate in fun and creative social experiences and will be left not only wanting more but inspired to reimagine your horizons. I hope you will accept the challenge. This conference is about your rediscovery and the recognition of your unique greatness so that you can choose to influence others for the better. As I am coming to the end of my term as your District Director, I want to thank each of you for allowing me the opportunity to learn from you. I am inspired from your partnership and commitment. The program year is not yet over. Please stay focused on the higher level of excellence we have committed ourselves to achieve by the end of this year. Encourage others to join, to participate actively and to experience how Toastmasters will change their lives. Take all you can from this conference and share it out into your club(s) and the world. Welcome to your District 47 conference experience.
Yours In Service, Shakira Taylor, DTM District Director