Emu + Leonay Gazete February 2013

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ROSS FOWLER Penrith City Councillor

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ross@rossfowler.com.au February 2013

& Gazette Emu Leonay your community news


26 YEARS Serving Emu Plains The Travel Professionals

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Delivered monthly to Emu Plains, Emu Heights & Leonay

Issue 74

BRING IT ON! Starting kindergarten can be quite overwhelming for many kids (not to mention the parents), and every year in school yards all across the country tears are shed as mums and dads pry their reluctant charges from their arms to wave good-bye on the very first day of school. There were no tears for twins Mason and Ava Eekman though. They’ve have been counting down the days. The twins, who will turn 5 in August have an older sister, 8-year-old Alyssa, who has been pepping them up for the big day. They’ve been practicing their drawing and reading skills in anticipation of their first of school at Our Lady of the Way, Emu Plains. Mason thinks the most exciting things about school is playing on iPads, listening to music and trying Reading Eggs. Ava said the thing she was most looking forward to was having a tuna sandwich for lunch! Their mum Carly, who is a teacher at Our Lady of the Way, has assured her children of wonderful learning opportunities at their school and she’s looking forward to meeting Mason and Ava’s new little school friends. Then it’ll be up to Mason and Ava to teach their two younger siblings the ropes when their turn comes.

Twins Mason & Ava Eekman, excited about their first day of school at Our Lady of the Way

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February 2013 1


Emu Leonay Gazette

Emergency Services

(Police, Ambulance, Fire)

Local Editor Vicki McAuley 0417 267 690 emueditor@districtgazette.com.au

Penrith Police Station 4721 9444 Police Assistance Line 131 444 Lifeline 24-Hour Counselling 131 114 WIRES (Wildlife rescue) 4754 2946 NSW Rural Fire Service 1800NSWRFS

Head office... PO Box 8254 Glenmore Park NSW 2745 Phone/fax: 4733 0792

Churches Anglican Church

St Paul’s, Emu Plains 47351001

General Enquiries... info@districtgazette.com.au Advertising Enquiries... advertise@districtgazette.com.au Account Information & Enquiries... accounts@districtgazette.com.au For all artwork submissions & approval... design@districtgazette.com.au

Baptist Church

Emu Plains Community

Our Lady of the Way, Emu Plains 4735 1041

Uniting Church

Emerald St, Emu Plains

4735 1620


4739 1446

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 0438 006 290 Spiritual Church Girl Guides Glenbrook Lions Club Emu Plains Probus Nepean Rotary Club Scouts Emu Plains Sitters Club Soroptimist International Toastmasters Glenbrook VIEW Club Nepean

or PICK UP YOUR FREE COPY from the folllowing locations... EMU SPORTS CLUB Leonay Pde, Leonay LENOX VILLAGE NEWSAGENT Lenox Village Centre, GWH, Emu Plains EMU PLAINS NEWSAGENCY 69 Great Western Highway, Emu Plains

BMX Penrith Panthers 0434 267 785 Junior AFL 0412 579 061 Cricket Club 0418 209 105 Hockey 0419 226 698 Junior Rugby Union 4736 3912 Junior Rugby League 0437 711 716 Karate Goshin Ryu 0411 136 237 Little Athletics Emu Plains 0438 039 913 Little Athletics Glenbrook 0438 357 478 Netball 0 419 357 165 Rugby League 4736 3912 Self Defence Emu Heights 0422 648 206 Soccer 0416 117 858 Soccer BMFC 02 4739 5121 Swimming Club Nepean 0416 311 453 Tennis Club Glenbrook 4739 1675 Triathlon Club Panthers ptc2750@bigpond.com

Advertising policy... Priority is given to businesses connected to local residents. An editorial focus on a local business may be included if space permits, at the Editor’s discretion. Community news... The Emu Leonay Gazette welcomes community news and events, local achievements, births, deaths, obituaries, weddings, engagements and anniversaries (published free of charge) Articles of interest will be accepted at the Editor’s discretion. Articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editor. Letters to the Editor may be printed and edited as necessary. Names must be submitted but can be withheld from publication at the writer’s request. Every effort is made to print correct information but no responsibility can be taken for errors or omissions.


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February 2013


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Catholic Church

NEXT ISSUE DEADLINE 20 February 2013

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From the Editor Welcome to 2013! The year has started off with some erratic weather - scorching one day, cold the next, but here’s hoping that it will settle down to some perfect sunny (not too hot days for the last month of this summer season! I’ve included a couple of fresh summer BBQ recipes for you on page 10. Get the lads out to fire up the barbie and test out their new Christmas BBQ aprons (Santa seemed to be handing them out to everyone I know!) And of course, February 14 is Valentine’s Day. My son asked the other day, “What is Valentine’s Day and why do we celebrate it?” Apart from the obvious commercial interests, there is in fact a history shrouded in mystery. Have a read about the legend on the next page. In the next breath, my son asked if dad ever gave me flowers for Valentine’s Day. “Mmmm,” I said. “He did pick some roses from the little old lady’s garden on his way home from work once,” was my reply, much to my young boy’s amusement! In this edition, we also celebrate some very talented and inspirational locals – pg 7 highlights our Australian day award recipients Jessica Fox, Dr William Gayed, Jan Bradley, Benjamin Egge and Michael and Jo-ann Morris and read about the outstanding academic achievement of St Paul’s Grammar student Pranita Dhanji of Leonay on pg 5. Enjoy your summer reading and please feel free to email any contributions - we’re always on the lookout for interesting local news! And, Happy Valentine’s Day!


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The Legend of

St Valentine

The history of Valentine’s Day – and the story of its patron saint – is shrouded in mystery. We do know that February has long been celebrated as a month of romance, and that St. Valentine’s Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. But who was Saint Valentine, and how did he become associated with this ancient rite? 

 The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death. 

 Other stories suggest that Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons, where they were often beaten and tortured. According to one legend, an imprisoned Valentine actually sent the first “valentine” greeting himself after he fell in love with a young girl--possibly his jailor’s daughter--who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter signed “From your Valentine,” an expression that is still in use today. Although the truth behind the Valentine legends is murky, the stories all emphasize his appeal as a sympathetic, heroic and--most importantly--romantic figure. By the Middle Ages, perhaps thanks to this reputation, Valentine would become one of the most popular saints in England and France.


Origins of Valentine’s Day: A Pagan Festival in February While some believe that Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the middle of February to commemorate the anniversary of Valentine’s death or burial--which probably occurred around A.D. 270 – others claim that the Christian church may have decided to place St. Valentine’s feast day in the middle of February in an effort to “Christianize” the pagan celebration of Lupercalia. Celebrated at the ides of February, or February 15, Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus. 

To begin the festival, members of the Luperci, an order of Roman priests, would gather at a sacred cave where the infants Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, were believed to have been cared for by a she-wolf or lupa. The priests would sacrifice a goat, for fertility, and a dog, for purification. They would then strip the goat’s hide into strips, dip them into the sacrificial blood and take to the streets, gently slapping both women and crop fields with the goat hide. Far from being fearful, Roman women welcomed the touch of the hides because it was believed to make them more fertile in the coming year. Later in the day, according to legend, all the young women in the city would place their names in a big urn. The city’s bachelors would each choose a name and become paired for the year with his chosen woman. These matches often ended in marriage. Valentine’s Day: A Day of Romance Lupercalia survived the initial rise of Christianity and but was outlawed—as it was deemed “un-Christian”– at the end of the 5th century, when Pope Gelasius declared February 14th St. Valentine’s Day. It was not until much later, however, that the day became definitively associated with love. 
 During the Middle Ages, it was commonly believed in France and England that February 14 was the beginning of birds’ mating season, which added to the idea that the middle of Valentine’s Day should be a day for romance. Source: http://www.history.com/topics/valentines-day


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February 2013 3

Emu Plains Anglican Church

office@emuplains.anglican.asn.au www.emuplains.anglican.asn.au

A Chance to have your Questions Answered?

If you could ask God one question, and knew it would be answered, what would it be? I don’t think I would be going out on a limb if I said we all have questions we’d love to have answered. In February, we’d like to hear what you would ask. As we serve the Emu Plains, Leonay and Emu Heights community, we’d like to know where you’re itching. Then in March we’re going to run a series, God’s Answers to Big Questions. We’ll pick the most commonly asked questions, and tackle them from the Bible as part of church each week. Everyone is welcome to make a response. Go to our web site during February to make yours. And of course, why not come to church and hear God’s answers to the most commonly asked questions. Yours may well be among them! Rev. Roger Cunningham Romans 8:37-39 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.


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February 2013


St Paul’s Students are on Top of the World! The St Paul’s Grammar School, Penrith, class of 2012 International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma students received their results in January at the school, highlighting the long history of high academic achievement at the St Paul’s. Principal Paul Kidson, congratulated students, families and staff noting that these outstanding results come from collective efforts: “These results, combined with our excellent HSC results, confirm the School’s status as Greater Western Sydney’s leading comprehensive school for academic success and a well-rounded education. It is thrilling to see both our IB & HSC students exceed expectations. This has lifted the School’s long term results to even higher levels; more than 40% of students from the combined HSC & IB groups are now regularly earning ATARs higher than 85.00. These results highlight the School’s commitment to seeing students flourish, both HSC and IB.” Results released today show that Kelly Li of Quakers Hill, was the Dux of St Paul’s from the class of 2012 with a rare perfect IB score of 45 out of a maximum possible 45 equating to the top possible Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) of 99.95! A total of seventeen students achieved IB scores of 37 or above, equating to ATARs above 95. The number of students in the cohort this year was 49. IB Diploma results are not included in school rankings based on HSC scores and as such do not report that St Paul’s Grammar School is one of the best schools in NSW in terms of academic results. Other top scoring IB Diploma students included Pranita Dhanji of Leonay with IB 43: ATAR 99.65.

Director of International Relations, Mr. Antony Mayrhofer, congratulated the students commenting that, “The outstanding academic results of St Paul’s IB Diploma graduates reflects their commitment to the International Baccalaureate Diploma over the past two years. The dedication of their teachers, whose vast IB experience in the classroom, as IB examiners and in IB curriculum development is unequaled in Australia must also be credited with these fine results. It should also be noted that as St Paul’s is the only NSW school to offer all three IB Programmes, some of these students have only known an IB education!” Pranita Dhanji from Leonay (IB 43: ATAR 98.05) hopes to study Medicine either at Sydney or Adelaide having sat for the UMAT (Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test) and attended admission interviews across the country at the various tertiary medical faculties. She reflects that balancing the needs of study across her subjects, along with the requirements of the IB CAS (Community Action Service) component, as well as the demands of the UMAT & medical entry prerequisites was difficult, especially as much of the UMAT and medical interviews occurred during exam periods. Pranita encourages others to seek balance in their senior years journey: “Don’t stress the little things. Time management is important to work out in Year 11 as this helps at the end of Year 12”. Pranita’s mother cites her settled nature as important for her great results: “She was always calm, methodical and composed throughout Year 12. She knew when to work hard and when to relax.” r Pranita Dhanji of Leonay with her proud parents

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February 2013 5

HEALTH MATTERS New Dimensions Delivers Diabetes Wellbeing Program

Do you suffer from diabetes? A new 20-week wellbeing program run by New Dimensions in Leonay and Mt Druitt could be what you’re looking for. Who Delivers The Program? The Diabetes Wellbeing Program is delivered by Accredited Exercise Physiologists and Accredited Practicing Dietitians. What Is An Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP)? An AEP is a university qualified allied health professional, who specialises in clinical exercise interventions for persons at high-risk of developing, or with existing chronic and complex medical conditions and injuries. These interventions are provided by exercise delivery including health and physical activity education, advice and support and lifestyle modification with a strong focus on achieving behavioural change. AEPs are the most qualified health professional to prescribe exercise for people with chronic disease. What Is An Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD)? An APD is a university qualified allied health professional, who specialises in the skills to provide expert nutrition and dietary advice. APDs are trained to assess nutritional needs. They also assist people to manage health conditions and diseases using food as Medical Nutrition Therapy. APDs help treat a wide range of conditions including chronic disease, cancers, gastrointestinal diseases, food allergies, food intolerance’s, disordered eating as well as overweight and obesity. APDs can help with everyday healthy eating by translating scientific health and nutrition information into practical advice. Referral Process Arrange an appointment with you local doctor to see if you are eligible for the Diabetes Wellbeing Program. If you are eligible, your doctor may recommend booking another appointment to create a, or manage an existing, Management Plan and Team Care Arrangement. Make an appointment with the Exercise Physiologist for the initial individual assessment. Once the assessment is completed, you are ready to start the Diabetes Wellbeing Program. Patient Eligibility To be eligible for the Diabetes Wellbeing Group program under the Medicare Benefits Schedule you need to meet the following criteria: • You have been diagnosed with Type II diabetes • Your doctor has prepared a GP Management Plan for group services • Your doctor has prepared a Team Care arrangement for individual services With the appropriate referral forms, the 20 week Diabetes Wellbeing Program is 100% bulk billed through Medicare. You will incur no out of pocket expenses when attending the program. For further information please contact our Allied Health Coordinator 1300 858 639 www.ndwellness.com.au Fax: (02) 9629 6722 Shop 4, 32 Leonay Parade, Leonay NSW 2750

Mmmmm... • An average heart beats 100,000 times a day, pumping some 2,000 gallons of blood through its chambers. Over a 70-year life span, that adds up to more than 2.5 billion heartbeats. • It has been said that over 350 million people suffer from Facebook Addiction Disorder. • Staying awake for 17 hours is the same for your body as drinking 2 glasses of wine. • Women have about four times as many foot problems as men; lifelong patterns of wearing high heels are often the culprit. • Obsessive nose picking is called Rhinotillexomania. • Your thumb is about the same size as your nose. • The levels of two stress hormones, cortisol and epinephrine which suppress the body’s immune system, will actually drop after a dose of laughter. • Scientists estimate that laughing 100 times is equivalent to a 10-minute workout on a rowing machine.

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February 2013


Six Local Residents Scoop Council’s Australia Day Awards

Olympic medal winner Jessica Fox was one of six local residents presented with a Penrith City Australia Day Award when council hosted a formal dinner in the lead-up to Australia Day. The awards are part of the Australia Day Council’s National program and recipients were nominated by their friends, family or peers as outstanding citizens who deserved a pat on the back for their community work. Penrith City Mayor Mark Davies said: “They are people who have demonstrated excellence in their field and are inspirational role models to others in the community.” Award winners... · Jessica Fox (Leonay), Penrith Citizen of the Year and Penrith Sports Person of the Year won a silver medal for canoeing in the 2012 London Olympics. In 2010, she won gold in the Singapore Summer Youth Olympics and a bronze in the Canoe Slalom World Championships. · Dr William Gayed (Emu Plains), Penrith Appreciation Award, has a long history of community work as a general practitioner, surgeon, former Penrith Mayor (1992-93), founder of the Senior Citizens’ Club in Werrington and local radio station WOWFM, plus he is a Coptic Achievement Award winner for his work and service with Egyptian Coptics in Australia. He also formed the Nile Family Association to help families from Egypt and the Sudan as well as the Sub Federation of Egyptian Migrants, and was a co-founder of the Arabic Medical Association. · Jan Bradley (Luddenham), Penrith Appreciation Award. She is a stalwart of the Wallacia and Mulgoa Rotary Club, having been its president twice in the past 12 years. She has also helped many local charities in donating furniture to the local youth homeless centre. She is a dedicated mother and grandmother; has three children and two step children and has hosted many exchange students from overseas.

· Benjamin Egge (Claremont Meadows), Penrith Appreciation Award. His work as a corrections officer in a sex offenders jail inspired him to train females in self defence. He also coaches in anti bullying skills, work ethics and helping troubled people improve their self identity. He also runs a project to save a type of endangered Kite bird by securing land and ensuring a breeding environment for it – he had been inspired to do so as he said he loved watching the birds as a child. · Michael and Jo-ann Morris (Cranebrook), Penrith Appreciation Award set up a foundation, the Samuel Morris Foundation, to raise awareness about childhood drowning. They were prompted to set up the foundation after nearly losing their two-year-old son, Samuel in 2006 to a drowning accident. Samuel was left severely disabled. www.samuelmorrisfoundation.org.au

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February 2013 7


Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital

$1000 Guide Dog Donation Happy New Year from the team at Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital! Santa Claus visited Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital during December 2012 and photos were taken with your pets. We all enjoyed watching your pets get dressed up with Santa hats and scarves and sitting on Santa’s knee for a photo. With a lot of laughs and giggles, we took many cute Santa photos. Thank you for all of the donations for the photos. With your great support, we raised $1000 for The Guide Dogs NSW. We all had lots of fun and The Guide Dogs get a great donation. Thanks again for participating. Too much fun!!

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Valentine’s Day – Beware of Chocolate!

We all love our pets and with Valentine’s Day coming up, please be aware of chocolate toxicity in pets. You may buy your beloved furry friend a Valentine’s gift that is safe, however if you are lucky enough to receive a box of chocolates, then your pet may find your secret stash and help themselves. Chocolate is toxic to pets. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which when ingested by a dog or cat, causes vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, increased heart rate, restlessness, muscle twitching, increased urination, excessive panting and if left untreated can be rapidly fatal. If your dog does accidentally eat some chocolate it is vitally important that they are seen within 30 minutes to an hour by your local veterinarian. The veterinarian will give an injection to make your pet vomit, which removes most of the toxins from the body. Sometimes, your pet will be hospitalised, where intravenous fluids may be used, an enema or stomach pump may be required, and we may also need to use muscles relaxants and activated charcoal. There are a few simple precautions you can take to ensure that your pet has a safe Valentine’s Day. Ensure all chocolate is kept out of reach from your pets. Ensure small children do not give your pet any chocolate. And distract your pet with their favourite treats while chocolate is around. Please feel free to pop in anytime and meet the team at Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital. Call 4736 2027 to make an appointment. 8

February 2013


Get up to Speed with NBN Classes Make the most of future improved broadband speeds by picking up some new computer skills with free courses being run at Penrith City Library. The Federal Government has provided $638,000 in funding for courses and resources to ensure Penrith residents can make full use of the increased internet speeds as the National Broadband Network rolls out. The courses, run by Penrith Council and Nepean Community College, start on February 11 and include one-on-one training as well as group sessions on topics such as: · Computers for total beginners · Email for beginners · Getting started with Facebook · Protect yourself from viruses · Shopping online The classes are just the start of a digital revolution at Penrith Library. Soon the library will transform into a Digital Hub with PCs, wifi and video conferencing facilities to make the most of the upcoming rollout of the NBN. To view the Digital Hub training program, visit ncc.nsw.edu/au/ digital_hub.html. To enroll, Phone 4721 5368

PARENTS’ CORNER Article by: Narelle Smith (Family Worker) Nepean Community & Neighbourhood Services. Ph: 0409 986 121 Email: Narelle@nepeancommunity. org.au Blog: http://oranaplaygroup.wordpress.com

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Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world”. Mention this ad & receive the following Specials (valid until 31March) When I address parents at the beginning of every parent 1. Enjoy a delicious cooling Hydration Thalgo Facial group, I start by saying that they have probably started the for $60 (valued $75). This will leave your skin saturated with moisture and fully hydrated. group to find out how to fix their child’s “problem” behaviour, and they will leave the course thinking about how much they 2. Take 10% off any waxing service. need to change their own behaviour, parenting and otherwise. 3. 20% off any full priced Thalgo product, plus If your children are yelling at each other, where do they see and receive $10 off your next treatment! hear yelling? Where do your children learn: to be kind; to persist To book your next appointment, call/sms Debbie 0418 642 546 at a task; to stay and sort things out rather than walk off in a huff; to say please and thank you? “YOU are what you teach your children.” – Magda Gerber Many people struggle with parenting because they have lots of ideas about what they didn’t like about their childhood, but they don’t quite know what else to do. Your parents were your role models, you learnt how to parent from them. The hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands of interactions between you and your parent/s were stored in your procedural memory, and now parenting has become automatic. You say the same thing that your parent/s did, you respond in the same way, and you say to yourself “I’m starting to sound like my mother/father”. This • Residential, Commercial, Industrial • Locally owned and operated may displease, upset, or concern you. • Most pests, insects, wasps, mice etc • Reasonably cheap costs You want to be different, and that’s the first step in becoming • On-time everytime • Fully Insured (great peace of mind) • All Sydney metro areas • Warranties available a “reflective parent’. Reflective parenting is not easy, it is really hard work, but it is worthwhile. It is stopping and thinking before you react to your children, thinking about how your child may be feeling and thinking (empathy), and thinking about what may have gone wrong in the interaction with your child and resolve to do better next time. It means pulling apart the interaction: what you said; what she said; thinking about how she may have felt; how you felt when certain things were said; what were your intentions and motivations; the point at where things went wrong and misunderstandings occurred; and what went well. This technique is grounded in the understanding that your child is a separate being with his/her own attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, intentions, desires, and motivations. How do we become really good role models for our kids when our own role models weren’t so great growing up? Sheer will power. Getting some therapy when it’s needed. Some of the parents I work with have had terrible childhoods. These parents work really hard on becoming good role models for their kids by thinking every day in every way about how much they want to change for their children’s sake. Wanting to make themselves reflective better so their kids can be better. They have developed parenting as a way of life. When they stuff up, which they do (as IMAGINE YOUR CAR we all do) they sit with their kids, and explain how they felt about the child’s behaviour (owning their own feelings, not blaming the Sparkling… INSIDE AND OUT child), they apologise (sincerely), and they engage in a dialogue about how they can do better next time. This is such good stuff, There’s nothing like that clean fresh car feeling! transformational stuff, the stuff that changes the lives of children * CARS CLEANED from just $50 and future generations. It takes a lot of courage to get past old wounds, face up to where you are going wrong, and learn new * FULL DETAILING is our speciality ways of knowing, being, and doing. Parenting is always a work Call Today and ask about in progress. this month’s other Special Offers “Who we are and how we engage with the world are much PENRITH stronger predictors of how our children will do than what we Call 0416 019 695 know about parenting. If we want to teach our chilldren to dare We Come to You 1300 85 14 16 greatly in this “never enough” culture, the question isn’t so much “Are you parenting the right way?” as it is: “Are you the adult that Car CCare ar Care -­‐ TMobile he Mobile ar Detailing Professionals – The CarCDetailing Professionals you want your child to grow up to be?”.” – Brene Brown

0413 090 583


February 2013 9


2012 12 s n io 20 amp mpion h C a b Clu ade Ch r /B G

Looking for some light and easy meals on these hot summer nights? Fire up the barbie – here’s a couple of delicious and healthy BBQ options for you to try...

Ginger and Lime Grilled Salmon with Wild Rice Salad • Cooking time – 30 mins • Serves 4 Ingredients 2 tablespoons kecap manis ¼ cup (60ml) lime juice 1 tablespoon grated ginger 4 salmon fillets 2 teaspoons fish sauce 1 tablespoon caster sugar 1 tablespoon oil 2 lebanese cucumbers, diced 1 avocado, diced 2 green onions (shallots), finely chopped 1 cup chopped coriander leaves, plus extra to serve 1 ½ cups cooked basmati rice (½ cup uncooked) 1 ½ cups cooked wild rice (½ cup uncooked) grilled lime slices, to serve Method 1. Combine kecap manis, 1 tablespoon lime juice and ginger in a shallow bowl. Add salmon and toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour to marinate. Stand salmon at room temperature for 15 minutes before cooking. 2. Combine fish sauce, sugar, oil and remaining lime juice. Toss cucumber, avocado, green onion and coriander through rice. Drizzle with dressing and season to taste. 3. Preheat barbecue on high. Drain salmon from marinade and cook for 4-5 minutes, turning once and brushing with marinade, until lightly charred and cooked through. 4. Serve salmon with extra coriander, rice salad & grilled lime slices.


Riverlands Club (Glenmore Park) • Physical Culture is a modern low impact exercise • Promotes good posture and presentation to ensure good physical health • Open to all ages beginning from 3 • Exercises are structured according to the ability of the age group and modern, popular music is used

Classes are held on Monday evenings starting with the 3-4 year age group at 4.30 p.m. at Regentville Public School, Kenneth Slessor Drive, Glenmore Park or Schoolhouse Road, Regentville

For more information, please contact Lyn – 0414 472 460 Charmaine – 0418 887 780 Nicole – 0402 343630 Bring this ad, register, and receive first two classes FREE

Zucchini Fritters with Tomato Mint Salad • Cooking time – less than1 hour • Serves 4 Ingredients 6 medium zucchini (720g), grated coarsely 1 medium brown onion (150g), chopped finely 1¼ cups (85g) stale breadcrumbs 3 egg whites 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh oregano 1 teaspoon sumac cooking-oil spray 1/3 cup (95g) low-fat natural yogurt 2 teaspoons finely chopped preserved lemon (Use only the rind from the preserved lemon; rinse rind well under cold water then drain, dry and chop finely.) tomato mint salad 200g red grape tomatoes, quartered 200g yellow grape tomatoes, quartered 1/3 cup firmly packed fresh mint leaves Method 1. Squeeze and discard excess liquid from zucchini. 2. Combine zucchini, onion, breadcrumbs, egg whites, oregano and sumac in medium bowl. 3.Spray heated barbecue flat plate with cooking-oil spray for two seconds. Drop heaped tablespoons of zucchini mixture onto flat plate; using metal spatula, flatten slightly. Cook about 2 minutes each side or until fritter is cooked through. Remove from barbecue; cover to keep warm. Repeat with remaining mixture to make a total of 16 fritters. 4. Meanwhile, make tomato mint salad. 5. Make the Tomato mint salad by combining ingredients in medium bowl. Serve fritters with salad and combined yogurt and preserved lemon. 10

February 2013


ol o h c s e r P • Catering for 2-6 year old children • Situated in quiet and safe street • Preschool and School Readiness specialty program • Qualified Early Childhood Staff • Operational hours 8am till 4pm • Large outdoor play area with new play equipment 8 Tabor Street, Glenbrook NSW 2773

Ph: 47391008 Fax: 47391109

WHAT’S ON? Kids at the Gallery Thursday mornings – 10:30– 11:30am 8 week program – cost $80 per child Here’s a great new eight week workshop program for preschoolers and their gran-up. Come along and spend a creative hour with your child working on a series of crafty projects ranging across simple painting, sculpting and printmaking activities. All materials are supplied. The 8 week programs are for 3-6 year olds at a cost of $80 per child however parents are free! 7 Feb – 28 March Colour & scale in nature and sculpture 9 May – 27 June People, places and patterns 25 July – 12 Sept Fantasy ideas and recycling 17 Oct – 5 December Other living things and texture Bookings are essential. Phone the gallery on 4735 1100 or email gallery@penrithcity.nsw.gov.au

Swing to the BEAT The AlphaBEAT School was created in 2008 and is designed as an introduction to music to let your child explore and discover what they have fun doing and what they would like to further develop. Our class is not just a dance class but more of a musical experience where they learn to feel the music. We sing, dance and play instruments using rhythm sticks, shakers, musical bells, bongos and tambourines. We also introduce keyboard and drums. Our dance styles mainly focus on Tap, Hip Hop and Jazz and we incorporate vocal exercises and singing to help with confidence building. Classes for local Playgroups with preschool age children are held in Community Centres during the morning and classes for the 5 to 12 year age group in the afternoon using our exclusive program called The BEAT. B elieve in yourself

E nergy A ttitude T iming Research shows that Music Education uniquely contributes to cognitive growth and involves and integrates an enormous range of abilities. Enjoying music is very therapeutic in many different ways too. I enjoy seeing children grow and learn and develop their own love for music. At the AlphaBEAT School, our vision is for all of our young people to have the best possible start in life and we would like to assist their learning potential with our Musical Dance program.

Dance for Fun and improve your rhythm, beat & Dance for Fun and your rhythm, beat & selfimprove confidence. self confidence.

Classes for Term 1 will commence on Tues 5thth February 2013. Classes for Term 1 will commence on Tues 5 February 2013. 5 – 8 years : 3.30pm and 9 – 12 years : 4.20pm 5 – 8 years : 3.30pm and 9 – 12 years : 4.20pm Each class goes for 40 minutes and runs for 10 weeks. Each class goes for 40 minutes and runs for 10 weeks. Classes Emu Heights HeightsPublic PublicSchool. School. Classesare are held held at at Emu To register your child contact Barbara on To register your child contact Barbara on

phone or 0401816196 0401816196 phone 47351649 47351649 or

email email::thealphabeatschool@gmail.com thealphabeatschool@gmail.com ~~ Limited registerearly early ~~ Limited places so register


February 2013 11

THIS SPORTING LIFE Tupaea on Top of her Game Life for sixteen-year old Tahlia Tupaea of Glenmore Park promises to be just as hectic in 2013, as it was during a whirlwind 2012. The talented young basketball player began her 2013 representative program at the East Coast Challenge (ECC) in mid-January, with the two NSW Under 18 women’s team playing against two Victorian Metro teams. This tournament was followed by an Australian Under 17 Development Camp from 21-25th January, where Tupaea hopes to move closer to securing a berth in the national team for the 2014 Under 17 World Championships. The first step towards the World Championships will be held in September, when Australia competes in the FIBA Oceania Qualifying Series. In between the above dates, the Australian Under 18 Championships are also being held in April, with the NSW Metro team to be announced following the completion of the ECC. 2012 was of course unbelievably hectic for Tupaea, who won three “Most Valuable Player” Awards during the year, including the Under 16 Metro League (premiers with Penrith Panthers), Waratah Youth League (Premiers with Penrith Panthers) and National Schools Championships (bronze medal with NSW). Trials with both the Australian Under 19 and Under 17 Women’s team, plus selection in the national Under 17 team for the Oceania Youth Championships, highlighted the extraordinary talent of this modest young girl during 2012. Tupaea finished 2012 on the sidelines through injury but will be hoping to stay fit during 2013, as yet another healthy representative season beckons.

rTahlia Tupaea gave an MVP performance in the 2012 Waratah Youth League grand final v Emllie Junod Ellie in action for the Bankstown Bruins in the WCL Playoff Series in 2012 - photos courtesy of Noel Rowsell (www.photoexcellence.com.au)

Take the Challenge! Did you make a New Year’s Resolution to get into shape? Well, Contours is here to help make 2013 your year! Contours National 6 Week Challenge is starting on 11th Feb and we are raising money for Ovarian Cancer Research as well as helping hundreds of women to reach their fitness goals in 2013! So why not take the challenge? Call in to see Natalie and her friendly team at Contours – 2/84 Old Bathurst Rd, Emu Plains or call 4735 4464. The girls are keen to get you going!

Junod Joins Kilsyth Lady Cobras The Swinburne Kilsyth Lady Cobras are happy to announce the signing of Ellie Junod for their 2013 season. Ellie Junod of Glenmore Park comes to the Swinburne Kilsyth Lady Cobras from the Sydney Uni Flames where she has been playing in the WNBL. The 19 year old forward has most recently enjoyed success with Bankstown Lady Bruins, where she was named the 2012 Under 21 Youth Player of the Year in the Waratah Championship League (WCL) competition and also named in the Waratah All Stars Side. Ellie said that she’s thrilled to be about joining the Swinburne Lady Cobras and is “feeling really good about the move, if not a tad nervous and excited at the same time. I am looking forward to the new experience and a new level of basketball” she said, it will be something different but I’m ready for the challenge.” Head Coach of the Swinburne Kilsyth Lady Cobras Peter Gay stated that he is “very excited about Ellie joining the team as she has had an exceptional junior career in NSW. ” 12

February 2013


Love your future self with the Contours 6 Week Challenge! Challenge starts 11 February 2013

Hurry, spaces are limited! Visit contours6weekchallenge.net.au.

Contours EmuName] Plains Contours [Studio Ph: XXXX 2/84 OldXXXX Bathurst Road 4735 4464 * T&Cs apply. You do not need to be a Contours member to take part.

Cheerleading Champions! Located in Bromley Road at Emu Plains You Can Dance offer excellence in Performing Arts and American Cheerleading tuition - at an affordable cost. Their studios are a premier performing arts facility boasting 3 large air conditioned studios; large comfortable reception area; qualified, nurturing staff with extensive qualifications and experience; dynamic and challenging classes for all ages from 2yrs . Their affordable pricing structure reflects an understanding of the needs of the modern family. You Can Dance! Term fees are all inclusive – meaning no expensive costuming bills and no hidden extras! They also offer family & referral discounts of up to 25% per term and a 10% discount for all new students for 1st term 2013. You Can Dance blitzed the cheer and dance competition circuit...receiving countless first placings at NSW REGIONAL & STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS, and their Junior Cheer team received the prestigious award of REGIONAL & STATE GRAND CHAMPIONS (1st out of 144 teams)!! You Can Dance went on to become NATIONAL CHAMPIONS (competing against the best in Australia - over 4000 competitors at AASCF NATIONALS) in Senior Cheer, Junior stunt groups (both level 1 & 2), Junior Hop Hop & Senior Hip Hop. They also won a swag of 2nd & 3rd placings!! They also received exceptional results in their Glenn Wood tap examinations with numerous students receiving Gold Awards (98%+). You Can Dance also performed at numerous community events supporting Penrith’s Relay For Life, the Cameron Burke memorial Hot Rod Show, Carols By Candlelight at both Leonay & Penrith, nursing home performances and various school fetes and festivals to name just a few. You Can Dance has an all-embracing timetable offering a vast range of classes – Jazz, Classical Ballet, (R.A.D), Tap (G.W.T), Hip Hop, Contemporary, Musical Theatre, American Cheerleading, Tumbling/Acrobatics, Zumba, BOOTCAMP, Baby Boppers (23yrs), Hip Hop/breakdance for boys, Tiny cheer (4-5yrs) & a Special needs class for the intellectually challenged. “We have such a great network of people at You Can Dance! Teachers, students and their parents and friends really are a great indication of the quality of people that reside in our local community. We have a family oriented school, our people care about each other without unfriendly rivalry, we embrace each other’s successes and have had remarkable results with our students - something I am really proud of considering the large student body we have. Our 2013 teacher line up is outstanding, as is our new timetable. The quality of what we produce each year gets stronger without losing our overall school philosophies... Our results at 2012 AASCF NATIONALS really put us on the map and showed what the kids of Emu Penrith/Penrith and surrounds are made of! We are National Champion quality!! Not only were our students performances outstanding (5 groups of National Champions!!) they were also professional, friendly and cheered on their competition! We want our students to work hard, get excited about the progress they make and know it will be recognised...but more so, we want them to have fun, gain confidence, be professional and feel a sense of worth from what they do with us - knowing that they are succeeding and achieving great things – otherwise what’s the point!” Jane Houlihan studio owner. You Can Dance! is currently taking enrolments for 2013. Visit www.youcandance.com.au or call 0416 213 816 and make sure you check out the back page ad for more contact details and discount vouchers.

Exercise Boosts Brainpower! Not only does exercise improve your body, it helps your mental function. Exercise increases energy levels and increases serotonin in the brain, which leads to improved mental clarity. All that makes for a more productive day. Improved productivity not only makes you a better worker, it makes things better for everyone in the workplace. Companies with less wasted work hours and less sick time end up with lower health care costs– and an improved bottom line!

Come and Try BMX BMX Australia in conjunction with the State Associations and Member clubs will be holding a Free Come and Try Day this February. Kids and their parents can head down to their local club and see what BMX Racing is all about. Clubs will have clinics that the kids can join in for free and learn the basics of BMX Racing. Come and try for FREE at Penrith Panthers BMX Club on SUNDAY 24TH FEBRUARY (see ad below). BMX is a fast paced exciting sport. Riders sprint around a dirt track 300-400 meters long, with jumps and turns. In 2008 BMX made it’s Olympic debut in Beijing. Now is a great time to get involved in BMX so get on your bike and head to your local track to experience first hand the speed and excitement. We have riders ranging in age from 4 years old to 64 years of age. Riders of all ages, genders and riding abilities can take part in BMX. It offers a great alternative to those sports traditionally offered to kids, full of excitement and FUN! For attending the day kids will receive a showbag containing a hat, BMX DVD, stickers and other products and a certificate and have the chance to win a Redline racing bike.

National Sign On Day – Come and Try BMX!

Penrith Panthers BMX Club is holding a FREE COME AND TRY DAY

Sunday 24 February 2013 9:00 am – 11.00am Panthers St Marys BMX track Creek Road St Marys

(Behind Blair Oval, Near Ripples Swimming Pool)

For attending the day kids will receive a show bag and certificate PRE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED Visit our website for further info:

http://panthers.bmxnsw.com.au phone: 0434267785 email: penrithbmxclub@gmail.com


February 2013 13

Community Noticeboard Searching for Mrs Campbell

Join the International School of Music Penrith’s Show Choir. A great way to learn how to sing and perform. For students aged 7+. For further information call 47321444

Thursday February 7 Red Cross Penrith Branch Meeting

CWA Hall Tindale St, Penrith Coffee available from 9:30am Further details – Diane 9623 978 9

Februar y 13 We dnesday Meeting Penrith Branch Arthritis NSW CWA Hall nrith Tindale St, Pe d Care Rights r: TARS (Age ke ea Guest Sp gal service) er persons le ld O c. in e ic Serv am ble from 9:30 Coffee availa 23 9789 ils – Diane 96 Further deta

Saturday February 16

(3rd Saturday each month)

Lower Blue Mo untains Rotary Club

Monthly Markets Glenbrook Infants School, Ross Street, Glenbrook. Rotarians helping their com mun ities.

Mon day February 18

Nepean Evening VIEW Club Nepean Evening View Club will be holding its Dinner meeting at Panthers Penrith at 7:00pm. Cost $25 . Women of VIEW support the Smith Family’s Learning for Life project. New members warmly welco med. Details and bookings by February 11: Anne 4721 5757. (if unavailable, please leave name, number and message).

Pam Doust (front cover story of Christmas edition) was delighted to have so many wonderful visitors come to admire their festive display in December. Pam is trying to track down one particular visitor – a lovely lady named Mrs Campbell who’s maiden name was also Doust. Mrs Campbell’s daughter now lives in Emu Plains. Pam is hoping to contact Mrs Campbell again to discuss the Doust family tree. So, if you are Mrs Campbell nee Doust, Pam would love for you to give her a call on 4735 4114. Every Tuesday

MIGHY MIGHTS Playgro up 10am-12pm Meet other mums & prescho olers Emu heights Community Centre Ph: Bronwyn 0413 269 930

Every We dnesday

NEPEAN GIGGLES Playgroup 9.30am-11.30am

Meet other mums & preschoolers Emu Heights Com munity Centre Ph: San dra 0403 326 017 or Chris 0425 222 035

day Ever y Thurs

p ls Playgro u Little Rebe 11.30 am 9.30 am – Centre s Com munity ht g ei hts Emu H g ei oa d, Emu H We dmore R d meet ith ki ds an Have fun w s other mu m 546 588 gg ie 0417 a M Contact

Ever y Saturday

FREE Tai Chi lessons Saturdays at Dukes Ov al, Emu Plains 8.30am Contact crispeny@big pon d.net.au

Sun day February 24


Fortnightly Events

Glenbrook Toastmasters


meet at the Blaxland Library Short St, Blaxland 7.30pm 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month Enquiries: Peter – 0408 692 770

Emu Plains Lions Club

Meet at Emu Plains Sport & Recreation Club 7:00pm 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month. Enquiries: 4735 5120

Lower Blue Mountains Men’s Shed

Blue Mountains Woodcrafts Centre, 19 Calver Ave, Mt River view 9am - 12 noon... 1st & 3rd Monday of the month 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month Enquiries: Ramon 4751 6819 www.lmshe d.org

Senior Ladies Train Travellers

2nd & 4th Friday each month Retirees 60 and over looking to find ways of travelling using Seniors Concession Rail ticket $2.50 Guest speakers, exercise through walking, disco ver new places and frien dships, group meetings. Enquiries– send stamped, self addressed envelope & phone contact to: Senior Ladies Train Travellers PO Box 477, St Marys NSW 1790

Penrith Panthers BMX Clu b is holding a FREE COME AND TRY DAY Panthers St Marys BMX tra ck Creek Roa d St Marys Gro up, for 40’s+ FREE Com munity Chat & outings See ad pg 13 for full details ! Plains Emu , 283 Great Western Highway Monday February 19 ngs and Lets get together, to chat, plan outi building, tage Nepean / Blue Mountains Prostate Cancer Support Group have fun. Situated in a cozy heri ing, park easy s, step 6.30pm. Lecture Room 1, Learning & Development Unit, SWAHS comfy lounge area. No 2 . ndly frie very building Nepean Public Hospital airconditioned, g your ideas. ...co me along and have fun, brin All meetings are available to males and their partners who are Lets make this a success. seeking information on this cancer, and who live in the Blue Mounta ins, Meetings Tuesday’s 11am-1pm Blacktown, Hawkesbury and Penrith areas. Come along and experie Wednesday’s 7pm-9pm nce the caring and benefits offered by our Support Group whose motto or 0406171879 is Ph: Deirdre/Narrelle 4727-6532 YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Alan Moran, President 4730-3122 sures Trea less Time s ’ dma Gran at See More Visit our website www.prostatesupport.org.au 14

February 2013


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BRAZEWELL TAX & ADVISORY Local & friendly Chartered Accountancy practice offering: • Accounting / Bookkeeping • Taxation/BAS/IAS • Business Start Up • Payroll Administration For individuals and business at reasonable rates. Please call to arrange an appointment at a time convenient to you. Renee Barry CA 0408 118 142 Glenmore Park renee.barry@brazewell.com.au




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February 2013 15

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February 2013

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February 2013 17

KITCHENS Quality Affordable Kitchens

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February 2013

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February 2013 19

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February 2013



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