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AUGUST 2020 | Issue 157
Where’s Wally the Koala? See Article Pg 9
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www.emuleonaygazette.com.au August 2020 1
Emu Plains Lions Raise Awareness for DonateLife
FAITH - EMU PLAINS ANGLICAN Article Written + Submitted by: David Simmons | Assistant Minister | P: 4735 1001 E: david@epac.org.au W: www.epac.org.au Service Times: Sundays @ 8:00am, 9:30am and 6:30pm | Plus activities for adults and young people throughout the week
Cardboard Cutouts Just Don’t Cut It When the footy came back in late June, it came back to empty stadiums – well, almost empty except for cardboard cutouts. For $22, you could get a life size cut out of yourself as part of the NRL’s ‘Fan in the Stand’ initiative. But the cardboard cutouts just don’t cut it as a crowd. They don’t clap or cheer or celebrate, and they don’t boo when the ref gets it wrong. It made me realise how much we love gathering together with a common purpose and how much we have missed doing it in this coronavirus season. Coronavirus has not only kept fans from the stands, but its kept people from gathering in all kinds of ways. People have missed birthdays, funerals, weddings, concerts, and in our case - church. When our doors shut, we moved to putting church services online. For those of us who preach, instead of talking to a room full of people, we sat in a quiet room staring into the glass lens of a camera. It felt like talking to a cardboard cutout. Why do we love gathering? The Bible tells us it’s because God made us this way. In the beginning, when God created everything, it was all good except for one thing - Adam was alone - that was not good (Genesis 2:18). God made us ‘gatherers,’ best of all, to be gathered by him to hear his word. This is what we do at church and this is what we have missed so much. Church apart just doesn’t cut it, so we can’t wait to get back together and hopefully by the time you’re reading this we will have started back again. So, come and check out church on a Sunday and find out why it’s so good to be gathered by God.
Emu Plains Lions are helping to raise awareness of organ and tissue donation for the Government’s ‘DonateLife’ initiative. “You can join the Australian Organ Donor Register easily. It only takes a minute and all you need is your Medicare Card number. Once you have this, visit the DonateLife website” said Jim Devine of Emu Plains Lions. Other ways in which you can register include: • Using your existing myGov account • Update your details via the Express Plus Medicare app • Download and mail a new registration or update my details form The Lions recently held a presentation on the 16th of July last month at Emu Sports Club in Leonay. The important night included liver transplant recipient Kyla Devine and her mother Katelan, providing an insight into transplants. They were joined by Specialist Nurse, Jodie Cowell, the Clinical Nurse Consultant for Organ and Tissue Donation from the Intensive Care Unit at Nepean Hospital. Kyla, a local resident now attends Year 7 at Penola Catholic College in Emu Plains, after receiving a liver transplant when she was only 3 months old. Kyla received the life changing transplant which now allows her a normal life, including playing sports like netball and athletics, gymnastics, and swimming. The Devine family are extremely grateful to the donor family for selflessly providing a loved one’s organs to change the life of someone, in this case, to give life. For more information, visit https://donatelife.gov.au/registerdonor-today. r Kyla Devine getting ready for school this year | Image: Katelan Devine
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Penrith City Council has received an offer of emergency funding from the NSW Government to improve safety along Nepean Avenue, by putting temporary traffic and roadside changes in place. Pedestrian and cyclist traffic on the Great River Walk has increased and temporary measures are needed to support the required physical distancing and keep the increased number of people on the shared pathway safe. Penrith Mayor, Ross Fowler OAM said the Great River Walk was one of the city’s most loved open spaces and the safety of those using the shared pathway was paramount. “It has been wonderful to see so many people taking advantage of the Great River Walk over recent months,” Cr Fowler said. “I’d like to thank the NSW Government for working with us to help our residents exercise safely and within current public health guidelines”. Council is consulting with Nepean Avenue residents on the proposed short-term solutions which include temporary flexible traffic barriers, a designated two-way pedestrian lane, speed cushions and reduced speed limits. In addition, cyclists will be directed to use the roadway to ensure their safety, ‘speed cushions’ will be installed and the speed limit on Nepean Avenue will be reduced to 40km/hr for pedestrian and cyclist safety. Council will continue its consultation with residents and users of the Great River Walk in an endeavour to develop a permanent solution to enhance the safety for both users and residents. This information will be used to inform a review of the program where a longer-term solution for this popular feature of our City may be considered, Council will also be seeking broader community feedback as part of this review. r
Yandhai Nepean River Crossing Bridge | Image Supplied
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Dunheved Road upgrade
PROJECT UNDERWAY Melissa McIntosh MP is helping deliver local infrastructure for our community. The Dunheved Road upgrade will bust congestion, improve safety and support local jobs. Delivering $63.5 million for the first stage of the Dunheved Road upgrade. Kick starting the project with $4.2 million towards planning and investigation work. Follow Melissa on Facebook to stay up to date with this project and more!
Authorised by Melissa McIntosh MP, Liberal Party of Australia, 331 High St, Penrith NSW, 2750
4 August 2020 www.emuleonaygazette.com.au
331 High Street, Penrith NSW 2750
4722 0600
Kids Can Do Yoga Too!
Did you know that yoga is not just for adults? That’s right, there are now yoga classes for kids! According to local Emu Plains yoga instructor, Shannon Herps of Little Lotus Studio, the popularity of kid’s yoga is on the rise, with children as young as 5 now attending the health and wellbeing classes. Kid’s yoga is different to adult’s yoga, where classes are tailored to specific age groups, much like school, with an element of fun thrown in. “With kid’s yoga, it’s important to keep the children engaged. Each week has a different focus, with themes covered including coping with emotions, resilience, compassion, and gratitude, as well as lighthearted topics such as a trip to the beach, going camping and other imaginative adventures. In our classes, we play games, move our bodies through yoga poses, read books and at the end of every class, relax” explained Shannon. There are many benefits of yoga for kids. Children are guided through movement, breath and games designed to help them understand their bodies, manage their emotions and to give them invaluable tools for dealing with circumstances in life. “Kid’s yoga works the whole body, calms the mind, teaches stillness, stretches and strengthens the muscles and makes you feel good!” added Shannon. Having also been a high school teacher for over 17 years, Shannon noticed an increase in anxiety and mental health concerns in teenagers over the years. “I found yoga when my youngest child was a baby and loved the way yoga made me feel, connected to my body and aware of my breath and my overall emotions and wellbeing. This led me to pursue qualifications in teaching kid’s yoga, so I could incorporate practices into my classroom and home with my own children. I love learning and decided to continue down this pathway. I enjoy sharing my passion and hopefully making differences in young people’s lives through yoga” reflected Shannon. For more information about kid’s yoga, email shannon@littlelotusstudio.com.au or visit www.facebook.com/littlelotusstudioemuplains. r Shannon Herps and daughter, Eliza Herps, practicing their yoga poses | Image Supplied
New Strategy to FutureProof Volunteering A boost for volunteer participation and opportunities to create a more innovative sector are key to the NSW Government’s first 10-year Volunteering Strategy, launched in Penrith recently. Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services Gareth Ward said, drought, bushfires and the COVID-19 pandemic have demonstrated the important and often lifesaving role volunteers play in our community. “The past twelve months have brought into sharp focus just how critical volunteers are to our communities and our State” Mr Ward said. “Whether they are donating their time and skills responding to natural disasters or coaching children’s sport, volunteers are part of the fabric of our communities. “This strategy focuses on the need to future-proof the volunteering sector, by using technology to promote participation and make volunteering more accessible”. Member for Penrith Stuart Ayres said there was also an opportunity to recognise some of the community’s brightest volunteers. “Volunteers are the heart and soul of our community here in Penrith and this was a great opportunity to celebrate the enormous contribution they make” Mr Ayres said. “This was also the opportunity to present two locals with volunteering awards, Mr Aaron Tyers and Ms Gai Hawthorn. “Aaron and Gai are both passionate Penrith locals, tireless volunteers that love to give back to our local community”. Discover how Wycliffe Christian School can help your child find their place and their purpose in God’s world.
P-12 School Tours Wednesday 26 August, 2020 9am, 10:30am, 12pm and 1:30pm Register at enrol@wycliffe.nsw.edu.au or by calling (02) 4753 6422. Please note that registration is essential to enable the school to adhere to Covid health requirements.
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Year 7 Orientation Day
Wednesday 9 September, 2020 Register via our website at
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www.emuleonaygazette.com.au August 2020 5
Article Written + Submitted by: Narelle Smith Family Practitioner E: handsheartsandminds@gmail.com Blog: https://handsheartsminds.wordpress.com/
Got a fussy eater?
The very best way to deal with eating difficulties is not to stress about it. Look at the positive. Rather than focusing on what he doesn’t eat, focus on what he does eat, and expand his range and variety ever so slowly. Look upon it in the spirit of adventure rather than with fear and dread. The mirror neurons in your child’s brain will pick up on your attitude and feelings. If you have anxiety about mealtimes, your child will smell the fear and respond accordingly. If he gets a lot of attention for his fussy eating, he will do more of it. One strategy is the back-up meal (Dr Thomas Phelan). You give your child tiny portions of the family meal. A teaspoon of everything, separated from each other on a small plate. The child must try what was on the plate. He can eat what he wants and leave what he wants, but he must give it a bit of a go. If he likes some of it, he can have more. Give descriptive praise for what he tries and eats. When he has had enough of that meal, if he is still hungry, he can ask for his back-up meal. The criteria for the back-up meal is that it is quick and simple to prepare, and somewhat nutritious. It could be as simple as a peanut butter sandwich or tinned spaghetti on toast. You don’t give descriptive praise if the child eats the back-up meal. This strategy can take a long while. Most of parenting is slow and consistent. When I tell people about the above strategy, they are concerned about the child “winning”. I advise parents to never start a war with their child over food – you will not win. The back-up meal is a positive way to increase your child’s tolerance for different tastes. If you would like more information, look up the Fussy Eating Resources on the Cancer Council NSW website. Also look up Dr Ellyn Satter’s ‘division of responsibility’ model. r
Image: www.pixabay.com
6 August 2020 www.emuleonaygazette.com.au
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Playspace upgrades underway in Emu Plains and Emu Heights Taking the family to the park will soon be even more enjoyable with upgrades underway to create more modern, safer, and accessible playspaces at Emu Plains and Emu Heights. The playspace in Bunyarra Reserve in Emu Plains is being updated with new play equipment, additional bench seating and picnic facilities, and shade sails over the playspace. Outlook Avenue in Emu Heights is set to receive a completely new playspace, which includes the installation of new play equipment, a shade sail over the playspace, an accessible pathway, picnic table and shelter. Penrith Mayor Ross Fowler OAM said these projects form part of Council’s Sport and Recreation Strategy which has identified 82 projects valued at $125 million to be delivered between 2019-2024. “Earlier this year, we released The Sport and Recreation Strategy which set a clear direction for our open space, play, sport and recreation provision and we’re wasting no time starting the delivery of this program of capital projects that it outlined for our community, Cr Fowler said. “We know our community values playspaces and I’d like to thank everyone who contributed their input and feedback into the proposed changes and new designs during the consultation process. “With the help of our community, we’re delivering playspaces which appeal to families with kids of all ages and abilities and promotes a healthy lifestyle of active and outdoor play”. Upgrades to the playspaces in Bunyarra Reserve in Emu Plains and Outlook Avenue in Emu Heights will be complete by September 2020. For further information, please visit: penrith.city/playspace-upgrades. r
Outlook Avenue Playground - artist's impression | Image: Penrith City Council
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www.emuleonaygazette.com.au August 2020 7
Adventurous August
Puzzle 2 Puzzle 1
8 August 2020 www.emuleonaygazette.com.au
Where’s Wally the Koala?
Wally the koala was recently discovered almost 40kms from where he was first found. Science for Wildlife, a notfor-profit in wildlife conservation, has been working with koalas in the Blue Mountains for the last six years to find koala populations and to help conserve them. Wally was initially part of Science for Wildlife's Blue Mountains Koala Project, in the Kurrajong area in early 2018. Last month, he was rescued by a passer-by from the roadside at Mitchell's Pass in Glenbrook, in the Lower Blue Mountains. An ear tag that Wally was wearing and a photo of him were sent to Science for Wildlife's CEO, Dr Kellie Leigh, to check if she knew him. It was then that Dr Leigh was delighted to discover Wally had been part of their Blue Mountains Koala Project. Dr Leigh is not sure how Wally ended up in Glenbrook. “He may have made his big move back in 2018, when he was a young male of dispersing age. Or he may have found a patch to call home in the same region and only this year moved off on his big adventure because of the bushfires, a mammoth trek from Kurrajong, his original home” explained Dr Leigh. Initially, Wally was diagnosed with chlamydia and successfully treated by WIRES carer Morgan Philpot. Morgan then volunteered with Science for Wildlife and tracked Wally in the urban development zone, until he disappeared out of signal range later in 2018. Wally once again went into care with Morgan last month, and before his recent release he was tested for chlamydia and given the all-clear. Wally was soon released to a safer area in Mount Riverview, only 9kms from where he was rescued, with members of the community already sending in sightings to Science for Wildlife. He has been placed in another important study with Science for Wildlife to monitor how koalas fare being back in the wild when they have been in care and rehabilitated. Wally will be a control animal, an animal that was not treated while in care, in Science for Wildlife's joint program with NSW National Park's and Wildlife Service. The team at Science for Wildlife will track Wally regularly to check up on him and to find out ‘Where's Wally’. To learn more about the program, go to www.scienceforwildlife.org or to report a koala sighting send an email to info@ scienceforwildlife.org. r Feature Article: [Cover] Wally the koala sitting by the roadside at Glenbrook before being rescued | Image: Eli Bendall [Above] Where's Wally the koala in the canopy at Mount Riverview? | Image: Brie Sloggart (Science for Wildlife)
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Address: Shop 23, Tattersalls Centre, 510-534 High Street, Penrith NSW 2750 Phone: (02) 4722 8660 Email: penrith@parliament.nsw.gov.au Authorised by Stuart Ayres MP. Funded using parliamentary entitlements.
Article Written + Submitted by: Andreas Klein Nutritionist + Remedial Therapist from Beautiful Health + Wellness P: 0418 166 269
Dynamic Loading - The Secret to Fighting Osteoporosis and Building New Bone Epidemiological data shows that there are 200 million osteoporosis cases worldwide, including 1.2 million Australians, 210.2 million Americans, and 15 million European men and women over 50. Of Australian men over 50, 28,5000 will be osteoporotic and 2.48 million osteopenic by 2022. A person’s bones adapt to regular mechanical ‘loading’. Animal research shows bone production is determined by the magnitude, and the rate and frequency of loading. Evidence shows dynamic loading makes more bone than static loading. The optimal exercise prescription for prevention and management of osteopenia and osteoporosis is regular application of dynamic, high magnitude loads to bones at a rapid rate. What does this mean? Dynamic refers to the requirement that the exercise requires motion. Standing will put a static load on leg bones and running provides dynamic load. High magnitude means forces experienced by bones during exercise must be relatively high – e.g. forces on leg and hip bones through jumping 30cm into the air and landing with two feet on a hard floor. Applied at a rapid rate means you might complete 5-6 30cm jumps and landings in quick succession. Combining high intensity resistance training with high impact jumping elicits high strain and strain rates on bone. Theoretically, this is an optimal exercise protocol for bone strength. Australian researchers put women aged 61-71 years on either
a low load home-based exercise program or a supervised high intensity high impact program (called HiPRT). Participants had lumbar spine T-scores of -2.15 ± 0.72 i.e. osteopenic or osteoporotic lumbar bone densities. Both programs involved 2 x 30min exercise sessions weekly on non-consecutive days, over 8 months. Bone density and strength effects were compared: HiPRT Program 1. overhead press 2. deadlifts 3. squats 4. jumping chin ups with drop landings Low Load Program 1. 10-min walking warm-up, 2. 4 stretches, 3. 4 low resistance lunges, calf raises, standing forward raises 4. 5-min warm down walk There were no reported injuries in either group. Researchers found HiPRT women became faster, fitter, stronger and amazingly GAINED femur and lumbar bone density and increased their overall height. Low load program women became slower, less fit, shorter, and lost bone density. Can the contrast be any starker, or the message be any clearer?
www.emuleonaygazette.com.au August 2020 11
Article Written + Submitted by: Camille Brandt from Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital A: 49 Wentworth Rd, Orchard Hills P: 4736 2027
Puppy Preschool We will be restarting Puppy Preschool in August 2020. We had cancelled puppy preschool due to the Coronavirus crisis. Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital's Puppy Preschool Course offers new puppy owners upto-date information on training and behaviour, with a focus on using positive reinforcement and force-free methods of training. This means you can not only train your dog to be the best companion, but do so in a way that makes it enjoyable for both you and them!! Why use positive reinforcement methods? Positive reinforcement involves rewarding your dog for good behaviour, so that it is more likely to occur again. It is the most humane method of training, and has also been scientifically proven to be the most effective. Using these methods will also strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Dogs are social animals, and want nothing more than to be a part of the family. Starting their training from an early age will help to make sure that they are the company that every family member wants! Puppies aged between the ages of 8-14 weeks with a minimum of one vaccination can be enrolled. The course duration is 5 weeks and spots are limited, so please call us on (02) 4736 2027 to find out more. For more information check out our Facebook, website www.orchardhillsvet.com.au or call 02 4736 2027. r
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Our Commitment to Give Back The District Gazette supports the Lung Foundation Australia, with specific financial support of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, through their IPF Program. In memory of the late, courageous, strong and determined, Wendy Frame
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(Police, Ambulance, Fire) Penrith Police Station Police Assistance Line Lifeline 24-Hour Counselling WIRES (Wildlife Rescue) NSW Rural Fire Service State Emergency Service
000 4721 9444 131 444 131 114 4754 2946 1800NSWRFS 132 500
Churches Anglican Church St Paul’s, Emu Plains Baptist Church Emu Plains Community Catholic Church Our Lady of the Way, Emu Plains Uniting Church 7 Green Street, Glenbrook Presbyterian The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Spiritual Church Elevation Church Penrith
47351001 4735 1050 4735 1041 4739 6295 4739 1446 0438 006 290 0439 453 430 4722 8489
Community Groups Girl Guides Glenbrook Lions Club Emu Plains Lung Support Group Probus Nepean Rotary Club Scouts Sitters Club Toastmasters Glenbrook VIEW Club Nepean
4739 6087 4735 5120 4735 1542 4782 5593 0419 725 302 1800 SCOUTS (1800 726 887) 4733 1179 0408 692 770 4735 4982
Sports Clubs Baseball Club Penrith BMX Penrith Panthers Junior AFL Cricket Club Hockey Junior Rugby Union Junior Rugby League Karate Goshin Ryu Little Athletics Emu Plains Little Athletics Glenbrook Netball Rugby League Self Defence Emu Heights Tennis Club Glenbrook Soccer BMFC Swimming Club Nepean
0434 116 940 0434 267 785 0412 579 061 0418 209 105 0419 226 698 4736 3912 0404 116 226 0411 136 237 0438 039 913 0438 357 478 0419 357 165 4736 3912 0422 648 206 4739 1675 4739 5121 0416 311 453
Triathlon Club Panthers
Managing Editor Belinda Sanders Writer / Sales Cim Sanders Writer / Educational Consultant Sara Drebber
Flynnko Pty Ltd ABN: 65 601 734 472 trading as:
THE LAST WORD FROM THE EDITOR OK August... be kind! July brought with it a degree of uncertainty as we continue on through this COVID chapter of our 'new look' lives. Many have commented that we have taken two steps forward and four steps backward. It's more important than ever to observe, learn and follow the rules. Keep your distance and wash, wash, wash your hands. Take care and remain vigilant for those around you, particularly those that are in known high-risk communities. Here at the District Gazette 'We Live. Love.Local' and take great pride in sharing stories that are local and relatable. We're reaching out to (you) our readers for YOUR good news story. Do you have a story to share? A great achievement, a milestone, an accomplishment against all odds (during COVID)? An interesting career, a rare find, a talent, an unusual skill or hobby? We'd love to share your story, it might be exactly what our readers need to hear or know. Each month we receive a tonne of feedback which always puffs up our collars.... just like this one from Alison "It’s so nice to see the inclusion of Kid’s Corner in the Gazette!"..... aww thanks Alison, we're glad you like our new look puzzle pages! Enjoy Your Community News. 'Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy'.
Belinda Find us on Facebook facebook.com/districtgazette facebook.com/emuleonaygazette
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Advertising Policy... Payment on booking secures your space. The Business Directory offers cost effective advertising to businesses in an alphabetical format. Premium Placement may be available, at an extra charge. An editorial focus on a local business may be included if space permits, at the Editor’s discretion. Community News... The Emu+Leonay Gazette welcomes community news and events, local achievements, births, deaths, obituaries, weddings, engagements and anniversaries (published free of charge) Articles of interest will be accepted at the Editor’s discretion. Articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editor. Letters to the Editor...may be printed and edited as necessary. Names must be submitted but can be withheld from publication at the writer’s request. Every effort is made to print correct information but no responsibility can be taken for errors or omissions.
Emu Sports Club n local Leonay Pde, Leonay VID-19 o ct of CO he health and a p m i e h t Lennox Newsagent Due to tVillage n mind, d with ses, an xtended team i g this busines in r r e u Lennox Village Centre, GWH, Emu Plains u d o s f t o safety t pick up poin ry. a Chatterbox y va copies n Cafe as riod ma ntinue . ai pe l coPlains uncertVillage Lennox Centre, GWH, Emu es s wil m w i e t N g y n t engi Communi(GP) e chall YourPractice Good to thesSurgery mall business s e adapt w , r e ev 19 Watt Place, Emu Plains re than port! Now moPatisserie us r sup Michel’s u o follow y s d nee time to to receive atGWH, e r g E a B Lennox Village Centre, Emu Plains I This is OOK and SUBSCR ctly to your dire ACEB Penola College on FCatholic DITION GITAL E y: I D a 75 Mackellar St, Emu l Plains NSW 2750 IQ5 x month inbo
.cEmu + Leonay urlthe If you would:/ /etoephave p like t t h Gazette available for collection at your place of business, please contact us.
www.emuleonaygazette.com.au August 2020 15
INSURANCE 16 August 2020 www.emuleonaygazette.com.au