Emu + Leonay Gazette July 2021

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Preschool to Yr12

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July 2021 1

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Roar-Some Donation

Nepean Hospital Children’s Ward recently received a trolley load of toys courtesy of a generous donation by Emu Plains Lions Club. The toys and games donated help babies, children and young people have some much-needed fun while they're in hospital. The Lions Club also donated many new toys to Westcare, for their DV family accommodation. Lion, Steven Wallace, organised the toy collection and donation, and said, “It is the most rewarding work that I do for Lions and last Christmas we were unable to access the hospital due to COVID-19”. If you would like to participate in activities like the ‘toy-drop’, contact Memberships Chairman, John Choma, on jwchoma@ bigpond.com or 4735 5120. r Acting Nurse Lisa and team, plus Steve Wallace, Suepm Hunt and1Cheryl Devine of Emu Plains Lions Club | Image: Nepean Blue Mountains Advertisement 65mmManager x 190mm Jun'20.qxp_Layout 1 17/6/20 3:23 Page Health Services (Facebook)

Address: Shop 23, Tattersalls Centre, 510-534 High Street, Penrith NSW 2750 Phone: (02) 4722 8660 Email: penrith@parliament.nsw.gov.au Authorised by Stuart Ayres MP. Funded using parliamentary entitlements.


July 2021 3

Council Land Purchase in Emu Plains to Boost Economy Penrith City Council has announced the purchase of 16.29 hectares of industrial land at 158-164 Old Bathurst Road, Emu Plains, to enhance local employment opportunities and stimulate the local economy. The site, previously home to concrete pipe supplier Rocla until 2020, is in a prime position to become a new industrial and employment hub set to unlock one of the biggest industrial land parcels in the suburb in over 14 years. Penrith Mayor Karen McKeown OAM said the purchase of the site aligns with Council’s strategic vision for Penrith to become a world-class city with employment opportunities close to home, complementing our other city transformation projects at Soper Place, 131 Henry Street, City Park and Regatta Park. “As part of the revitalisation of our city, Council has purchased 158-164 Old Bathurst Road for a future industrial precinct to diversify our local job opportunities, attract investment to our city and locate businesses close to home,” Cr McKeown said. “We need to significantly increase our employment hubs in Penrith with our population set to grow by 60,000 in the next 10 years, and over half of our working population already commuting outside the area each day for work. Our proposed industrial precinct at Emu Plains will help us to achieve our employment targets by creating 300 - 350 new jobs once complete in essential industries such as advanced manufacturing, logistics, warehouse distribution and construction. “This new project will also inject $36.4 million into our local economy each year, helping to support our recovery from COVID-19,” Cr McKeown added. Council will seek to subdivide the site to improve the limited supply of medium-sized industrial land in the Penrith Local Government Area. This will help to attract over 40 businesses, large and small, to base their operations in Emu Plains and provide much-needed space for local businesses to start up or scale up. This strategic site will leverage the close proximity to the Penrith CBD, Blue Mountains, the M4 Motorway, Emu Plains train station and the proposed adjacent State Government commuter car park. As an industrial site, 158-164 Old Bathurst Road will help Council to diversify its portfolio of projects, to reduce reliance on rate income and allow Council to continue to provide high-quality services for the community now and into the future.  Council has now finalised contracts with settlement due in 2023 and can now commence the planning phases of the project with a development application expected to be lodged in mid-2022.


Artist impression | Image/Article: Penrith City Council

4 July 2021 www.emuleonaygazette.com.au

Need a Real Gardener? (one who prunes, weeds weeds and andfeeds feeds one who your yourgarden, garden, but butcan can also also mow?) mow?

THEN CALL JOHN 0423 019 053 Autumn brings falling leaves

sleep hasforcome sleep is over, Spring has comesleep TimeWinter to getWinter’s your garden ready Winters’ Time to prune and clean up your garden ready for Spring’s awakening of colour and new life and plantfull your bulbs for Spring’s awakening

Third Man Arrested A third man has been arrested after investigators seized two 3D-printed submachine guns, nine stolen vehicles and explosives during a joint-agency operation targeting the manufacture and supply of prohibited firearms. In May last year, detectives from the NSW Police Force and Australian Federal Police (AFP) – as part of the National AntiGangs Squad (NAGS) – commenced an investigation after receiving information relating to the manufacture and supply of prohibited firearms across the state. During the investigation, NAGS investigators, together with the State Crime Command’s Criminal Groups Squad, seized two 3D-printed submachine guns, three firearms and 28 sticks of explosives earlier this year. Following extensive investigations, officers executed five search warrants at Georges Hall, Bankstown and Brighton LeSands (Wednesday 2 June 2021). A 38-year-old man was arrested at Georges Hall and taken to Bankstown Police Station, where he was charged with 37 offences. He remains before the courts. During the search of a Bankstown business and home in Brighton Le-Sands, officers seized ammunition, a firearm, handcuffs, drugs, $20,000 cash and nine allegedly stolen vehicles. All items seized during the operation will undergo further examination. Following further inquiries, detectives arrested a 21-year old man at a home in Woy Woy (Wednesday 2 June 2021). He was taken to Gosford Police Station where he was later released pending further inquiries. About 2.45pm (Wednesday 2 June 2021), investigators arrested a 21-year-old man at Emu Plains. He was taken to Penrith Police station where he was charged with five offences including: * Possess, supply or make explosive for unlawful purpose, * possess explosive in public place, * knowingly deal with proceeds of crime, * supply prohibited drug (x2) The man was refused bail to appear at Penrith Local Court (Thursday 3 June 2021). Investigations are continuing. The National Anti-Gangs Squad (NAGS) was established in 2014 as a multi-agency law enforcement taskforce targeting organised criminal syndicates, including those involving members of outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMCG). Anyone with information that may assist NAGS investigators is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or https:// nsw.crimestoppers.com.au. Information provided to investigators will be treated in the strictest of confidence.

Gold and Bronze for Fox at Canoe Slalom World Cup

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Leonay’s Jessica Fox, Australia’s greatest canoe slalom paddler of all time, left a mark ahead of the Tokyo Olympic Games last month, taking home gold and bronze at the 2021 ICF Canoe World Cup 1 in Prague. The dual Olympic medallist, who also celebrated her 27th birthday, won gold in the women’s C1, after already securing bronze in the women’s K1. Days out from the Tokyo Games, the four-time C1 and threetime K1 world champion Jessica Fox showed her class and smashed it in the women’s C1 final, winning in a time of 105.15 and by over four seconds ahead of Germany’s current world champion Andrea Herzog and local world number three Tereza Fiserova (CZE) in third. It was the first time back on top of the podium of a world-class event for Fox since her double gold and overall World Cup win at the same location in August 2019. “It was definitely the best run of the weekend for me, and I’m really pleased to have put down a clean run on such a challenging course and to improve on the semi especially. I’m really pleased with that run,” an excited Jess Fox said after the race. “Prague is one of my favourite races. It always has a great atmosphere; the organisers are always doing an amazing job. The course is always very tricky and challenging and I love paddling here in terms of training, but racing is quite hard. So, I’m really happy to win”. The women’s C1 event will premiere at the Olympic Games program in Tokyo and with Fox doubling up in both the K1 and C1, she will have the chance to win two medals come Tokyo. “It will be very special for us C1 women to be in Tokyo together and to sit on that start line as the first women to race at the Olympic Games for canoe. Every race we do, K1 or C1, I take a lot of learnings and confidence from, I keep the good bits and I ditch the bad bits. But I think the competition is super fierce and all the girls have really lifted, and everyone is looking fit and fast. So, it’s really exciting to be back here and racing and to see where we are at after being away for so long”.

If this sounds like you, give Judy a call on 0431 109 609 for a discussion and interview.

Please leave your details if unanswered.

r Gold for Jess! | Image: canoephotography.com/Bence Vekassy | Article: Paddle Australia


July 2021 5

Your Local CWA Branch


Article Written + Submitted by: Monica Purcell | Family Facilitator Nepean Community & Neighbourhood Services W: www.nepeancommunity.org.au E: info@nepeancommunity.org.au

“Time In Versus Time Out”

Most of us would have heard of giving kids a ‘time out’ when they’ve done something wrong. You may have experienced sitting alone as a child, in some boring and bare corner of the room, waiting for a parent or teacher to allow you back. ‘Time out’ has been a staple of the child behaviour management tool kit for decades, but many are now asking- is there a better way? The logic behind ‘time out’ is that most kids hate it, so they will behave ‘well’ in order to avoid it. However, what we now know from decades of research into child development, is kids don’t usually set out to be ‘bad’. Often, kids do bad things when they are stressed out. This may be because they are tired or hungry, or they can’t solve an important problem. Recent advances in brain imaging have shown us that a spike in stress reduces functioning in key areas of the brain involved in thinking ahead and considering consequences. These same areas of the brain are already under development in children and teens. So, add a little too much stress, and you have a recipe for disaster! Kids are hard-wired to connect with the important big people in their life so they can survive until they are old enough to take care of themselves. When kids see us paying attention to them, and giving them care, they know they are safe. Safety creates calm, and calm brains can solve problems without hurting anyone or breaking anything. ‘Time in’ is a strategy that uses your relationship with your child to help them settle and think through the situation. What it looks like is taking your child somewhere safe, sitting down and chatting about what went wrong. It’s not about free passes for bad behaviour. It’s about understanding why the behaviour happened, and what can be learned- how can they manage this problem better in the future? It can also involve discussing ways to right the wrong, such as apologising to a hurt sibling or replacing something that was broken. r

Image: www.pixabay.com

6 July 2021 www.emuleonaygazette.com.au

Glenbrook Evening Country Women’s Association (CWA) Branch started in 2019 and is one of many branches throughout the country. In fact, the CWA is the largest women's organisation in Australia and aims to improve conditions for country women and children, by lobbying for change, helping the local community, and creating a network of support. Nearly $19 million has been distributed by NSW CWA in recent years to over 10,000 families and individuals adversely affected by drought. Even through COVID-19, Glenbrook Evening Branch has managed several achievements. This year, the group volunteered their time to assist at the CWA Kiosk at the Royal Easter Show. They also assisted Gateway Family Services which provide support to people in need in the Western Sydney area and beyond. This involved organising a Harvey Norman $500 gift voucher as a donation to Gateway. The local group held their second shoebox pamper pack drive with donations of goods from other CWA branches, friends, businesses, and community members. Approximately 90 pamper packs were packed with military efficiency and passed on to Gateway to distribute. Last year, through their regional and rural CWA network, they donated round 100 pamper packs to women in drought and fire affected areas. They held a garden tool drive, in partnership with Lower Blue Mountains Rotary, and these were gratefully received by Cobargo Bushfire Relief Centre. Their country of study this year was Ecuador, so its food, craft and general facts and figures were the focus of one of their meetings. They plan to test their culinary skills with each member bringing a dish from a CWA cookbook at their next meeting. There are some keen gardeners in their Branch, so last year they rejuvenated a garden at Blaxland High School with both purchased and donated plants. They have also recently asked the BMCC Council for space for a community herb garden at their CWA Hall in Ross Street, Glenbrook. For more information, visit www.cwaofnsw.org.au.

r Members of the Glenbrook CWA Evening branch packing pamper packs for donation to Gateway Services | Image: Leanne Talbot/Glenbrook CWA | Article: Glenbrook CWA

Local Club Breaking the Stigma

Emu Plains Junior Rugby League Club came together recently for an important cause to host the Under 15’s Youth Mental Health and Fitness Event. The local initiative, which was organised by the Emu Plains JRLFC Under 15 – 2’s Darren Wills (Manager) and Dave Harris (Coach) was held at Emu Sports Club with over 100 people in attendance. Gus Worland from Gotcha4Life, Ivan Cleary and Tyrone May from the Penrith Panthers, Alan Harding from Penrith Men’s Walk and Talk and Sean Hogan who was MC of the event were joined by the Under 15’s players, coaches and guests. The special event helped to fight the stigma surrounding mental health, with several speakers lending a hand. The key speaker was Gus Worland, Founder of Gotcha4Life. He also had a Q & A session with Ivan Cleary and Tyrone May from the Penrith Panthers, which gave an insight into the importance of mental fitness in sport. Attendees donated over $1,000 to Gotcha4Life on the night, which doubled the donation made the previous year. Mr Worland was given an Emu Plains JRLFC Under 15’s jersey and was made an honorary Emu! “We received positive feedback from the players and their parents about the event. I am sure that they all took something out of the evening with the skills and the knowledge that they learnt” said Darren Wills, Emu Plains JRLFC Under 15 – 2’s Manager and Organiser. “Thank you to everyone that was involved with making the night a success. We hope to have more events like this in the future” ended Darren. r Feature Article [Above] Gus is made an honourary Emu [Cover] Gus Worland from Gotcha4Life talking to the players | Images: Patric Lyneham/Emu Plains JRLFC

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July 2021 7







8 July 2021 www.emuleonaygazette.com.au

ty July





Puzzle 2 Puzzle 4 Puzzle 3


Puzzle 1


July 2021 9

FAITH - EMU PLAINS ANGLICAN Article Written + Submitted by: Roger Cunningham | Senior Minister | P: 4735 1001 | E: roger@epac.org.au W: www.epac.org.au Service Times: Sundays @ 8:00am, 9:30am and 6:30pm | Plus activities for adults and young people throughout the week

The Bible, again?

Have you ever wondered why ‘the Bible’ or ‘in the Bible it says’ keeps coming up in this column? It could be that I’m not very creative – a one trick pony. It could be because – “well of course a minister would say that”. But we were reading a part of the Bible the other day at church which really hits the nail on the head. The Bible claims it’s God’s word, with God’s authority. Paul says, “All Scripture (the Bible) is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). That’s a huge claim, but if God is in charge of everything, and he’s spoken to us (that’s what God-breathed means) then it makes sense. The challenge with knowing God, and knowing ourselves, and knowing the good news of how he’s brought us together again is whether we trust the Bible has that authority and power over us. Some people disagree. Some people agree but actually rely on some other authority in their lives more. Some draw on their experience, some on long held traditions, some on human reason. Everyone draws on all of them to some extent, but when it comes down to it, only one can have the final say. What about you? What’s your final authority when it comes to your faith, and understanding the world, and knowing God and yourself? I’ve benefited in some way or other from all those authorities I’ve mentioned, but I’m convinced the Bible is the best and final authority on what it means to be a Christian, because it’s the book about Jesus Christ, by Jesus Christ, who put the Christ in “Christians”. If you haven’t already, check it out! HEALTH MATTERS

Article Written + Submitted by: Andreas Klein Nutritionist + Remedial Therapist from Beautiful Health + Wellness P: 0418 166 269

Chronic Shoulder Pain – Cured By What You Eat? Some people come to the clinic with what seems like a simple shoulder problem that should respond well to physical therapy, but then doesn’t. Ongoing shoulder pain may not be driven only by the original injury and on such occasions gut-derived autoimmune/inflammatory processes should be considered as a possible contributor. Recently a patient presented with two sore shoulders, brought on by workers comp pre-return to work shoulderstrength testing. Ultrasounds showed evidence of bursitis, slight shoulder tendons wear and tear, pain in the front of both shoulders; extremely limited range of motion - especially of the left. The patient received physical therapy for several weeks with minimal improvement. She was advised that the inflammatory processes in her shoulders may be being exacerbated by components in her diet. Initially, not keen to make suggested dietary changes and within one week, achieved almost full range of motion. Why might dietary change help sometimes? The patient history showed a previous but unrelated work injury requiring years of pain medication. Long term intake of such medications

10 July 2021 www.emuleonaygazette.com.au

may lead to compromised integrity (leakiness) of the intestinal lining. This allows immune stimulating proteins from foods such as grains and milk (even whole microbes) to leak across to where immune cells reside. Immune cells see such foreign proteins and microbes as signs of danger and become activated. They enter the blood stream, migrate to other sites of injury, and produce large amounts of inflammatory mediators that augment local inflammation increasing pain at those sites. For this client, her strenuous shoulder-strength tests likely caused some local injury. Once such local shoulder inflammation began, it attracted circulating and activated gut-derived immune cells. These cells then exacerbated the local shoulder inflammation and prevented the shoulder tissues from moving from the inflammatory phase into the repair and resolution phase of the healing process. In this case, dietary change likely reduced exposure of gut immune cells to immune stimulating proteins, resulting in a relatively quick reduction in shoulder pain. So, if you have unresolved shoulder (or neck) pain, among other causes, you may want to consider the impact of elements in your diet.

The Gift of Time 21-year-old Hartley Dhyon from Emu Heights conceived D’HYON Watches during the difficult times of 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic. He envisioned a timepiece that connected people at a time when connection seemed distant. “I wanted to make a watch for people that would be an expression of them and be with them on their own personal journey,” said Hartley. To make the project a reality, he worked with German watchmaker David Bana, a watchmaker with years of experience in the industry. After months of work and collaboration to bring together their dream, the result was five watch cases. Each minimalist but classic in its design. Creating a watch is only half the story. A strap will influence the feel of the watch and adds a personal flair. D’HYON Watches provides high quality genuine leather, nylon and 316L stainless steel mesh straps with quick release functions. The addition of a quick release function lets the wearer change their watch to complement their surroundings. With 50 combinations of watches and straps at the user’s disposal, D’HYON Watches is both versatile and dynamic. “With 50 combinations to choose from, D’HYON Watches provides each user the choice to find a watch that means something to them,” said Hartley. The young entrepreneur has launched a campaign on Kickstarter to back D’HYON Watches, which ends soon. So far, they have raised over $5,000 for the campaign. If you would like to pledge to the project, visit: https://www. kickstarter.com/projects/dhyonwatches/dhyon-watcheskickstarter. After the Kickstarter campaign, they will have three months of initial production of the watches, followed by fulfilment. They will also be opening pre-orders in the near future on their website www.dhyonwatches.com.

r Hartley Dhyon wearing a D'HYON Watch | Image: Hartley Dhyon. Article: D'HYON Watches

Emu Sports Club Receives Funding Boost

Stuart Ayres MP, Member for Penrith has announced that Emu Plains Sporting and Recreation Club (Emu Sports Club) will benefit from $80,000 in funding to support disability access under the NSW Government’s Infrastructure Grants program. Stuart Ayres said the funding will help Emu Sports Club to continue supporting our local community. “Upgrading the bathroom facilities at the club to meet Australian standards will ensure those less mobile or with a disability have improved independence and accessibility,” Stuart Ayres said. Stuart Ayres said the latest round of ClubGrants funding has awarded over $6 million to 56 projects across sport and recreation, arts and culture, disaster readiness and essential community infrastructure. “This funding is much-needed and will boost our local economy by helping local organisations to continue to serve our community,” Stuart Ayres said. Mr Andrew Gardner, CEO of Emu Sports Club said supporting our community has always been a focus for Emu Sports Club, and our recent developments have focussed on ensuring the Club can meet the needs of our local community and members. A large part of this is ensuring fully accessible facilities are available for use by community members living with disability. “Receiving the $80,000 grant will allow a much needed upgrade to the disabled bathroom facilities which, coupled with the recently installed lift, will allow easy access to services for people with limited mobility.” The $12.5 million annual program aims to fund projects to build or upgrade community facilities, and the latest round was one the largest yet in a response to weather events including drought, floods and bushfires, as well as the impact we have seen through COVID. The Infrastructure Grants program is made possible by Clubgrants Category 3, a fund which re-invests profits from registered clubs’ gaming machines into community projects. Since 2015, the NSW Government has funded more than 439 community projects worth $73 million under the Infrastructure Grants program. Applications for the next round of funding open on Monday, 5 July 2021. To find out more information or to apply, please visit responsiblegambling.nsw.gov.au r

Much needed funding for Emu Sports Club | Image Supplied


July 2021 11


Article Written + Submitted by: Camille Brandt from Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital A: 49 Wentworth Rd, Orchard Hills P: 4736 2027

Happy Second Anniversary in the New Premises

Can you believe that it has been two years since we moved premises to 49 Wentworth Road, Orchard Hills in July 2019? Wow, time flies! We have settled in well and are loving the new premises. The hedges and the Jacaranda tree are growing well. We hired 4 new staff members during the Coronavirus crisis and another 2 veterinarians in January 2021. Thank you for your continued support to allow our steady growth. We can’t wait for you to meet the new team members. Our new premises are so beautiful with 3m ceilings, double brick throughout, green bull nosed verandahs and lots of open

space on the acreage. You will not believe how big the premises are! Come and check out the off leash dog park. Your dog will have so much fun! We also have a cat waiting room, which is separate from the dogs, so your cat will be less stressed. We look forward to meeting you and your pets at Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital, and please feel free to pop in anytime and meet the team. For more information check out our Facebook, website www. orchardhillsvet.com.au or call 02 4736 2027. r

Images: www.pixabay.com

For Appointments Call

4736 2027

Camille Brandt BVSc(Hons 1), MVS(SAP)

CONSULTING HOURS Monday to Friday: 8am - 7pm | Saturdays: 8am - 2pm Services provided include: • General Surgery (desexing to orthopedics) • Vaccinations and in-house pathology • Radiology and Dentistry • Visiting specialist radiographer and ultrasonographer • Puppy preschool • Grooming and hydrobath • Home visits • Cat boarding and Kitten adoption • Secure off leash dog park CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION www.orchardhillsvet.com.au or Join us on Facebook

49 Wentworth Road, Orchard Hills – 4736 2027 12 July 2021 www.emuleonaygazette.com.au

Dine and Discover Extended to July 31 Stuart Ayres MP, Member for Penrith has welcomed the announcement that the NSW Government’s Dine & Discover initiative will be extended by a month to give people in more time to use all of their vouchers eating out or trying a new activity this winter, including in the upcoming school holidays. The latest data shows more than 4.23 million people in NSW have downloaded the vouchers since they were launched in March spending a combined total of more than $357 million with registered businesses when adding in the additional spend on top of the voucher amount. Stuart Ayres said the stimulus had proved popular and played a valuable role supporting local businesses as well as reviving consumer confidence. “This program is win-win for communities – it’s provides local businesses with much needed stimulus and families with hip pocket relief,” Stuart Ayres said. “People of all ages and walks of life are giving them a go and we don’t want anyone to miss out. This extension will ensure everyone has a chance to use all four of their vouchers, which I’m sure will be particularly handy in the school holidays.” Every adult in NSW is eligible for four $25 vouchers worth $100 in total, to spend across the 14,000 participating businesses. Dining out has been particularly popular, with patrons across the State spending on average $41 for every $25 voucher used. Stuart Ayres said the enthusiastic take up of the vouchers showed digital initiatives were the way of the future. “It’s not too late for businesses to register and customers are encouraged to sign up and spend their vouchers before they expire on July 31, 2021,” Stuart Ayres said. “We’re giving people more time to take full advantage of these vouchers, so make sure you sign up and use them before you lose them.” The vouchers had been due to expire on June 30. The vouchers can only be used at eligible businesses that have implemented a COVID Safety Plan and are registered as COVID Safe. BUSINESS DIRECTORY

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July 2021 13


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Mobile: 0439 664 866 Our Commitment to Give Back The District Gazette supports the Lung Foundation Australia, with specific financial support of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, through their IPF Program. In memory of the late, courageous, strong and determined, Wendy Frame



Emergency Services

4733 0792 editor@districtgazette.com.au www.districtgazette.com.au

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Online: 1st August 2021 Letterboxes: 3 + 4 August 2021 MEET OUR TEAM

(Police, Ambulance, Fire) Penrith Police Station Police Assistance Line Lifeline 24-Hour Counselling WIRES (Wildlife Rescue) NSW Rural Fire Service

000 4721 9444 131 444 131 114 4754 2946 1800NSWRFS

State Emergency Service

132 500

Churches Anglican Church St Paul’s, Emu Plains Baptist Church Emu Plains Community Catholic Church Our Lady of the Way, Emu Plains Uniting Church 7 Green Street, Glenbrook Blaxland Presbyterian 15a Wilson Way, Blaxland The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Spiritual Church Elevation Church Penrith

47351001 4735 1050 4735 1041 4739 6295 0491 174 725 0438 006 290 0439 453 430 4722 8489

Community Groups Girl Guides Glenbrook Lions Club Emu Plains Lung Support Group Probus Nepean Rotary Club Scouts Sitters Club Toastmasters Glenbrook VIEW Club Nepean

4739 6087 4735 5120 4735 1542 4782 5593 0419 725 302 1800 SCOUTS (1800 726 887) 4733 1179 0408 692 770

ABN: 65 601 734 472 trading as:


Sports Clubs Baseball Club Penrith BMX Penrith Panthers Junior AFL Cricket Club Hockey Junior Rugby Union Junior Rugby League Karate Goshin Ryu Little Athletics Emu Plains Little Athletics Glenbrook Netball Rugby League Self Defence Emu Heights Tennis Club Glenbrook Soccer BMFC Swimming Club Nepean

0434 116 940 0434 267 785 0412 579 061 0418 209 105 0419 226 698 4736 3912 0404 116 226 0411 136 237 0438 039 913 0438 357 478 0419 357 165 4736 3912 0422 648 206 4739 1675 4739 5121 0416 311 453


Flynnko Pty Ltd

True to form, COVID continues to keep us on our toes. With recent outbreaks across Sydney, we are reminded to stay vigilant. July is always a great month, not only is it the month I celebrate another year of memories and experiences I have gained along the way but it's also a timely reminder that we're 'almost' half way through Winter. Although I do love the opportunity to recharge during Winter. Life seems to slow down a little, allowing us some time to soak up the warmth of the heater, devour our favourite home-made soups and catch up on Netflix (am I right?). For the school parents out there, enjoy the school holidays, it won't be long before they come to an end once and for all and you'll be yearning for the 'good old days' to return. 'Until it's your turn, keep clapping for others!' Time to catch up on all the latest happenings in Your Community News.

4735 4982

Triathlon Club Panthers

Managing Editor Belinda Sanders Writer / Sales Cim Sanders Advertising Sales Michele Collins


SMALL PRINT Advertising Policy... Payment on booking secures your space. The Business Directory offers cost effective advertising to businesses in an alphabetical format. Premium Placement may be available, at an extra charge. An editorial focus on a local business may be included if space permits, at the Editor’s discretion. Community News... The Emu+Leonay Gazette welcomes community news and events, local achievements, births, deaths, obituaries, weddings, engagements and anniversaries (published free of charge) Articles of interest will be accepted at the Editor’s discretion. Articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editor. Letters to the Editor...may be printed and edited as necessary. Names must be submitted but can be withheld from publication at the writer’s request. Every effort is made to print correct information but no responsibility can be taken for errors or omissions.

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cal 19 on lo f COVID- health and o t c a p m he i the mind, Due to t es, and with team in s busines f our extended s during this int pohomes in Emu Plains, afety o MONTHLY sDelivered ck up to ary. s at pi& iLeonay may+vPick opieHeights d s c o Emu Up iPoints r e p nue ain n i a t c r ll ont unce Glenbrook & Blaxland News wi enging times. y t i n u l mm Your Co to these chal ness t YOUR FREE COPY ll busi adap smafrom... or UP wePICK , r e v e n a h t e r Now mo ur support! us follow Emu Sports s yo Club need ime to o receive t t a e r t a g is Leonay Leonay ur SCRIBE This Pde, and SUB irectly to yo EBOOK Newsagent d N O I on FAC Lennox Village T I D GITAL E y: a DIVillage hl Lennox GWH, Emu PlainspmIQ5 ontCentre, inbox m m/g

co Chatterbox Cafe eepurl. p://Centre, httVillage Lennox GWH, Emu Plains Good Practice (GP) Surgery 19 Watt Place, Emu Plains Michel’s Patisserie Lennox Village Centre, GWH, Emu Plains Penola Catholic College 75 Mackellar St, Emu Plains NSW 2750

If you would like to have the Emu + Leonay Gazette available for collection at your place of business, please contact us.


July 2021 15

INSURANCE 16 July 2021 www.emuleonaygazette.com.au

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