Jordan Springs Gazette May 2021

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HEALTHY B company DY

Your Local PHYSIO


MAY 2021 | Issue 87

Locals Launch Donation Drive

Flood See Article Pg 6


Building to serve Christ.

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A member school of the Anglican Schools Corporation May 2021 1

Get Ready for the Mother’s Day Classic

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The Women in Super Mother’s Day Classic will once again bring Australians together on Mother’s Day to celebrate and honour those affected by breast cancer and raise vital funds for breast cancer research. There are more than 70 locations across Australia where people can join others on a designated route in their local areas to walk, run or jog the Mother’s Day Classic on Sunday, May 9, and get active for breast cancer research. You can register and book your Mother’s Day Classic local locations now. These locations will be smaller and more informal than in previous years due to limits on public gatherings. However, local locations will be big on community spirit, uniting Australians on Mother’s Day. “After having to go virtual last year, the Mother’s Day Classic is returning in 2021 with local community participation. We are very excited to be able to welcome people to so many locations across the country where Mother’s Day Classic Local supporters can don their pink attire, connect with the MDC community, and take part in the event together on Mother’s Day in a COVIDsafe manner” said Zara Lawless, Mother’s Day Classic CEO. “Due to the ever-changing climate we live in, participation numbers are capped at each location, so spots are limited. People will need to book early to secure their location of choice”. Alternatively, participants can take part in the Mother’s Day Classic on a day and time at a location that suits them. There is also a special race pack for kids, and for the first time in MDC history you can register your furry friend. Participating pets will receive a bandana. Registration also includes exclusive access to the MDC portal which features a variety of online content, including fitness tips and workouts, cooking and nutrition advice, health, and wellness tips, and much more – as well as an array of activities for kids. The portal allows MDC entrants to track their training kilometres and fundraising efforts, with all proceeds going towards breast cancer research. Mother’s Day Classic Local Locations NSW: Metro: Blacktown, Western Sydney, Camden, Drummoyne, Cronulla Regional: Huskisson, Port Macquarie, Tocumwal, Armidale, Ballina, Wollongong, Orange Visit to register and book your spot. r Mother’s Day Classic participants | Image/Article: Mother’s Day Classic

2 May 2021


Bringing Back the Lemonade Stand

Who remembers growing up and having your very own neighbourhood lemonade stand? The excitement of riding your bike on a hot day up to the stand and buying a nice cold, refreshing drink. It would seem that this favourite pastime is over, however local sisters Emily and Lucy Sztelma have brought it back. During school holidays last month, Emily (6) and Lucy (4) put together a wooden lemonade stand, complete with handmade sign and set out to sell lemonade in Jordan Springs. The budding kidpreneurs hatched the idea after seeing a stand on a children’s television show. “The girls asked me a couple of times in previous weeks if they could hold the lemonade stand. They had seen one on a Barbie TV show and were motivated from that” said Melissa, Emily and Lucy’s mother. It proved to be a big hit with the community, with the girls charging 50 cents for a cup of lemonade. “We ended up staying outside for about 3 to 3 and a half hours as people were frequently coming by. Within that time, they went through about 4 to 5 litres of lemonade. They are yet to decide on what they’ll spend their money on” Melissa smiled. The question now is, will the lemonade stand return? “Maybe. The girls did ask for another one. I actually got a lot of people commenting on the social media posts asking if there was another” ended Melissa. v Emily and Lucy at their lemonade stand | Image: Melissa Sztelma May 2021 3

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Believe, Achieve, Succeed at Penola Catholic College Penola Catholic College Emu Plains is a co-educational college Years 7-12 providing high quality education for students of the Greater Penrith and Blue Mountains area. The newly transformed college is named in the spirit of Australia’s first saint Mary Mackillop and her first school in Penola South Australia. The College learning and wellbeing programs focus on building the key values of courage, compassion, integrity, and hope in all aspects of school life. We are also part of the prestigious P-TECH program that allows students to work in close partnership with Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC), Telstra and IBM. The students have the opportunity to develop skills in design thinking, problem solving and critical thinking in application to cyber security, robotics, artificial intelligence and communication capabilities. Students work with our partners both as mentors on school sites, virtually and off-site. Students have developed strong employment capabilities and credentials that will assist their resume and post school options. This model of learning and powerful partnership is contemporary and allows students to be exposed to cutting edge technology and design thinking processes. Learning at Penola is dynamic and aims to build student confidence to learn through inquiry developing skills to be both an independent and collaborative learner. Our staff are highly professional and experienced in the most effective ways to engage and empower students to learn and develop their capabilities. The contemporary Learning Spaces are open, light filled and inspire innovative and creative learning experiences. The college has several spaces that enable students to learn by collaborating with peers and developing independent learning skills. The Mackillop Learning Centre, Junior and Senior Learning Hubs all promote contemporary learning skills essential for future employment. Our engaging and rigorous Learning Framework starting in Year 7, enables our students to work in close partnership with teachers

and build their learning capabilities and self-confidence. Stage 5 and 6 students learn to be independent and self-motivated in their learning achieving success. Our 2020 HSC results were absolutely outstanding, making us the premier college for HSC success in the Greater Penrith and Blue Mountains region. The college supports students in their HSC learning pathway by ensuring each student has a HSC Learning Coach to guide and mentor students throughout the challenging HSC journey allowing them to be successful in achieving their HSC goals enabling them to secure a University placement or securing work placements. At Penola we have high expectations, believe in our students and support each student with a HSC Learning Coach to achieve their absolute best enabling them to flourish in the career choices post school. In 2021 our students commenced wearing the new Penola uniform proudly which reflects the modern and contemporary needs of our learning community. Our Year 7-10 students will be participating in a Careers’ program through BECOME education where they will be exploring personal and career goals throughout the year as part of a holistic approach to learning and student wellbeing. As Principal Leader of this fine college, I am extremely proud of the high-quality learning environment that is delivered, the focus of building positive relationships and wellbeing, the development of core values that empower students to be responsible and respectful global citizens. Enrolment growth has been strong over recent years and we encourage interested students to apply now for the 2022 and 2023 intake as there are limited places for 180 students. Our constant focus on school improvement and student focused learning, has made us the school of choice for students seeking excellence in education. Come to Penola where our mantra is Believe, Achieve, Succeed for ALL students. May 2021 5

Locals Launch Flood Donation Drive



The impact of the recent floods in New South Wales has been devastating. Many people and families are slowing beginning to survey the damage and rebuild their lives. A local Ropes Crossing business has put their hand up to help those affected by the floods by organising a Flood Donation Drive. Brittney Anderson and the team at Cherry Bridge Station at Ropes Crossing Plaza are behind the appeal, which has been embraced by both local businesses and members of the community. “We started the Flood Donation Drive in light of the flood disaster in New South Wales and were saddened to hear how deeply affected many people we knew or knew of that had been impacted by this. As we live near the local Hawkesbury area, some of our staff are from there or have loved ones there. We wanted to contribute to help in any way we could” said Brittney to the Jordan Springs Gazette. “It began with just staff, where an allocated area was placed in the front foyer of our service which then spread through community awareness on social media pages. Companies reached out as well as members of the community who wanted to donate and since then, we have received heartfelt donations to our service directly each day” Brittney continued. A donation point has been set up, allowing for essential items to be dropped off and allocated to those in need. Donations can also be made to the SES in support of their amazing work throughout the disaster. Local community members can deliver essential items, large or small, to Cherry Bridge Station’s service in Ropes Crossing. You can also place an item in a separate giftbox for the SES crew. “I believe Drives like this bring the community together to support one another. Tough times bring out strength and resilience in people. As the floods were so close to home, we all felt the devastation of others in one way or another and it’s nice to lend a helping hand to help them get back on their feet” reflected Brittney. If you would like to help, please call Brittney at Cherry Bridge Station in Ropes Crossing Plaza on 02 9833 9829 or email r Feature Article: [Cover] Kalika Krishna and Brittney Anderson of Cherry Bridge Station [Above] Some of the many donations | Images: Cherry Bridge Station Ropes Crossing Plaza

6 May 2021

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Powerlifting Physio on her Way to the National Titles Lifting more than twice your own bodyweight may sound close to impossible - but this is a feat achieved by local physio Renee Coleman from The Healthy Body Company in Jordan Springs. Renee is a relative newcomer to the sport of powerlifting, having only taken up the sport in 2020 but already she is on her way to the National Titles in October 2021 on the Gold Coast. Renee initially got into the sport because she wanted to try something new and being a physiotherapist, she had a deep understanding of the importance of strength in maintaining optimal health. She has come to be quite passionate about powerlifting and greatly enjoys the sportsmanship and the support of her team of coaches. Renee told us, “I love the improvements I noticed in myself and my strength week after week. I love how it pushed me beyond what I thought I could do”. When she first started with the sport, Renee could manage a 60kg squat, 40kg bench press and a 90kg deadlift. After competing last week in the NSW Championships, Renee’s current PBs are a 110kg squat, a 62.5kg bench press and a 135kg deadlift. An amazing effort! Working with the team at Adonis Athletics in Penrith, including Dan Wellington, William Le and Shaun Wells, Renee has been able to make these amazing gains without injury. She also believes that her knowledge and expertise as a physiotherapist has been helpful. Renee said that, “being a physio has helped me in the sport to understand how to push my body and when to not push my body to avoid injury. My knowledge as a physio helps me because I am better able to understand the meaning of gradually loading the body and the importance of recovery in order to get stronger”. While Renee is striving to continue her own improvement and success in the sport of powerlifting, she enjoys sharing her knowledge with fellow powerlifters. Renee would like to see the sport injury free, though she has seen some other lifters develop challenging shoulder issues. She is keen to work in her professional capacity with powerlifters to keep everyone strong and safe. r

Renee at the NSW Powerlifting Championships | Image: Michael Coleman | Article: The Healthy Body Company May 2021 7

Corpus Christi Primary CRANEBROOK


Article Written + Submitted by: Narelle Smith Family Practitioner E: Blog:

We work in partnership with our parish, families and local secondary schools, Xavier College Llandilo, Caroline Chisholm College (girls) Glenmore Park, to provide quality Catholic schooling from Kindergarten to Year 12.

Too Much Violence Don’t turn away. This is serious! Our lives and our children’s lives are being eroded by this insidious crime every day, all day, for years and years on end. It robs adults of their mental health and wellbeing and it robs

children of their potential. It costs the Australian economy in excess of 13 billion dollars per year in lost productivity and support services and hospital admissions. Imagine if a government department was losing that amount of money every year, there would be a public outcry, a royal commission, politicians would be losing their jobs. This problem is domestic and family violence (DFV). You have probably read the stats. It’s more prevalent than you are led to believe. And unlike any other crime, the victims are usually blamed for the problem – ‘why doesn’t she leave?’ ‘if she didn’t do this, he wouldn’t do that’. The victim blaming causes more inaction and the problem just gets worse. What is DFV? It is a pattern of manipulation, coercion, control, and violence. It’s not just incidents of violence, it is not just hitting. One person systematically erodes the other person (a partner, spouse, or a family member) financially, verbally, spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, sexually, and technologically. The victim is degraded to such a point that they don’t know who they are anymore, they constantly second guess what they are thinking, feeling and experiencing. DFV undermines the parent’s ability to be the best parent they can be and children are victims too. Sometimes the User of Violence is really sweet for a while and the victim thinks everything is OK, but it always comes around to what the user of violence does each and every day to exercise power and control over the victim. It is NOT about anger management because many Users of Violence do not behave this way in the community and at work. Users of Violence frequently minimise and deny their behaviours and they blame the victim. It’s part of the pattern of abuse. They’ll do anything to not take responsibility for their actions. To be clear - there is absolutely NO circumstance where anybody is entitled to use violence within their family. The answer is to stop blaming victims and make Users of Violence responsible for their beliefs, thoughts, and actions. We need to raise our sons to be respectful towards girls, and we need to raise our girls to have self-respect and be attuned to the warning signs of coercion and control. Let’s stop it at the start. Unmute yourself Violence against women, it’s a men’s issue – Jackson Katz A mile in her shoes - Ryan Calvert If you are in danger, call 000 For support, contact 1800RESPECT or https://www.1800respect. r Image:

8 May 2021

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10 May 2021

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Article Written + Submitted by: Andreas Klein Nutritionist + Remedial Therapist from Beautiful Health + Wellness P: 0418 166 269

So, are Some People Really Just “Inflexible”? Folks often try stretching eventually resigning themselves to believing they’re naturally “inflexible”. The key to their inability to lengthen muscles, comes down to two issues. Poor stretching: 1. regularity and 2. technique Usually individuals stretch for a few seconds, probably for less than 30. They often ‘push’ their stretches – to ‘feel the pain’, of a good stretch. Stretching-associated-pain is often a key reason why they don’t like to stretch and don’t do it for long. Stretching aggressively for short periods is often unlikely to gain effective long term increases in flexibility. Little organelles ‘muscle spindles’, send signals from muscle to brain telling indicating muscle length. A bigger stretch sends a stronger signal. A strong-enough will elicit a ‘myotatic reflex contraction’ stopping you stretching your muscle further, and will be interpreted as painful. In short, flexibility has little to do with actual muscle and connective tissue length, but rather with how strongly and at what stretch-length the myotatic reflex elicits a contraction that resists further stretching.

Done correctly over a period of weeks, regular stretching modifies the way the ‘spindle-brain’ system reacts to stretch: 1. It dampens the strength of the signal sent to the brain by muscle spindles, 2. It makes the brain less sensitive to muscle spindle signals, 3. Reduces the likely hood of a stretch being able to elicit pain, and 4. Reduces the likelihood of any stretch being able to elicit a myotatic reflex contraction. Thus, after regular stretching it takes a lot more muscle length to generate a spindle-signal strong enough to stop you stretching. That is, your body ‘learns’ to stretch further. Hopefully, you can now understand that stretching is simply just a ‘learned skill’! As with any other skill, correct repetition of the skill, improves performance. So, to become flexible, a person must practice stretching regularly, and keep stretching to remain good at it. Next month we will review how to stretch your hamstrings effectively so that your practice doesn’t hurt and can be done just once or twice a week in order to reach and maintain an excellent range of motion.

FAITH – ST DAVIDS CHURCH LLANDILO Article Written + Submitted by: Rev John Hebblewhite A: Lot 257A Seventh Ave, Llandilo P: 4736 3592 Service Times: 10am each Sunday, with additional services held: 2pm on the Third Sunday + 8am on the Fourth Sunday

The life, work, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ: is it possible to argue that it is relevant for today? The answer itself defies demonstration as it is answered in faith based on reason and an understanding of history. The choice does it not, comes down to a decision based on ‘yes or no’ to the challenge of its relevancy. Passion Week and Good Friday sets out the question why did Jesus offer his life? It is interesting that in the lead up to his trial and death he did not confront his followers but invited them to a meal. That meal became a constant in Christian worship following his resurrection. The meal records the words “the blood of the Covenant that is shed for many”. This is an ancient sacrificial concept that is somewhat foreign in our day and generation, but when reason is applied to gain understanding the first surprise is that the greater our efforts to understand the greater the silence of Jesus. The silence comes about as we look to ourselves and note the dominance of selfishness both at individual and community level. People are happy to follow a life that takes rather than gives. This becomes evident in a lot of religious practice: ‘God will give and make me happy’. However, the meal that Jesus invites us to is the reverse: ‘I will lose my life but in doing so will gain life’: even death will not separate us from that life. As always, the moment is part of the eternal. The meal is the essential core of the Faith as the meal (Holy Communion) in sharing the bread and the wine is the outward visible sign of the actual sharing of Jesus’ death and Resurrection. Our faith gives the affirmation that it is relevant. r Image:

12 May 2021


Article Written + Submitted by: Camille Brandt from Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital A: 49 Wentworth Rd, Orchard Hills P: 4736 2027

Mini Foxie Show at Castle Hills Showground

Sunday 30th May 2021

The Mini Foxie Club of Australia has been around for more than 30 years with the aim of standardising, improving, promoting and safeguarding the breed. The Club is seen as the "peak organisation" for this iconic Australian breed around the world. Their first show scheduled to be held in January 2021 at Castle Hill Showground had been postponed due to Covid clusters in the Sydney area. It has been rescheduled to Sunday 30th May 2021, depending on Covid. Start time: 10am Finish time: 3pm Entries close: 21 May 2021 Members are strictly for financial MFCA members and their registered dogs only. Send entries to or call the show secretary (Joanne Gregory 0437 703 353) The Mini Foxie Club of Australia has invited Dr Camille Brandt from Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital to be a guest judge. Check out the Mini Foxie Club of Australia’s website and Facebook: • • If you are new to the whole show thing – relax – there are events that are fun and not too serious. Everyone can participate and we welcome visitors and their Mini Foxies. There will be fancy dress and other novelty events to enter. Check out our website for more information. or join us on Facebook. We look forward to meeting you and your pets at Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital, and please feel free to pop in anytime and meet the team. r Image Supplied

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In memory of the late, courageous, strong and determined, Wendy Frame




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Managing Editor Belinda Sanders Writer / Sales Cim Sanders Advertising Sales Michele Collins

Things are looking up. A travel bubble from Australia to New Zealand has opened. Things are certainly looking very different to this time last year. It’s promising and giving great hope, as the roll out of the COVID vaccine continues. I know I’m excited to see events returning to calendars and more people out and about, supporting local businesses who have operated in a bleak void for the past 12 months. We’re on the cusp of Mothers Day which is the perfect timing to put your Dine & Discover vouchers to good use. If you haven’t already taken advantage of this great Government initiative, search for more information via Service NSW. Narelle broaches an important topic in ‘Parents Corner’ this month. Domestic Family Violence, let’s stop it at the start! Read more on Page 6. Time to catch up on all the latest happenings in Your Community News. ‘Life is short, take the trip, buy the shoes and most importantly, eat the cake!’. Happy Mothers Day to one and all, and to my amazing Mum in the clouds....3 years without you and it doesn’t get any easier xox

SMALL PRINT Advertising Policy... Payment on booking secures your space. The Business Directory offers cost effective advertising to businesses in an alphabetical format. Premium Placement may be available, at an extra charge. An editorial focus on a local business may be included if space permits, at the Editor’s discretion. Community News... The Jordan Springs Gazette welcomes community news and events, local achievements, births, deaths, obituaries, weddings, engagements and anniversaries (published free of charge) Articles of interest will be accepted at the Editor’s discretion. Articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editor. Letters to the Editor... May be printed and edited as necessary. Names must be submitted but can be withheld from publication at the writer’s request. Every effort is made to print correct information but no responsibility can be taken for errors or omissions.


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Australia Post 255 Seventh Avenue, Llandilo IGA 255 Seventh Avenue, Llandilo Llandilo Public School Seventh Avenue, Llandilo Corpus Christi Primary School 86-92 Andromeda Drive, Cranebrook May 2021 15


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16 May 2021

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