Sell with us to
JULY 2013
Living The Dream
Delivered monthly to Jordan Springs and Llandilo
Issue 1
Jordan Springs, Penrith’s Newest community, has many draw cards, some of which worked wonders when Mark and Joanne Graham decided N O to build in the friendly quiet I CAT I L community. B PU At the time they decided to buy, Lend Lease had an offer that was too good to refuse. Offering NO STAMP DUTY for building and with close friends also taking up the same offer it was an even easier decision to make. It was really love at first sight, when not only had they decided to build their dream home, but Mark chose to propose to Joanne with a candle-lit dinner surrounded by the framework that was (and is) their forever home. Currently they are enjoying married life in Jordan Springs and look forward to building a family together in the picturesque settings. With tempting walking tracks, beautiful parks easy access to all amenities such as child cares, schools and a developing shopping centre there was no need to look anywhere else.
Continued on Pg 4...
r Mark and Joanne Graham ‘Living the Dream”
Jim Aitken + Partners Exceeding expectations in local real estate
Emu Plains (Lennox Centre)
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Call for your free market appraisal today
Jim Aitken +
w w w. j i m a i t ke n . c o m . au + July 2013 1
Emergency Services
(Police, Ambulance, Fire)
Managing Editor Belinda Sanders
4733 0792 PO Box 8254 Glenmore Park NSW 2745
Penrith Police Station 4721 9444 Police Assistance Line 131 444 Lifeline 24-Hour Counselling 131 114 Graffiti Hotline 1800 022 182 Blue Mountains WIRES 4754 2946 Churches Anglican Church Cnr Barker St , Cambridge Pk
4731 6060
St Mary & St Marina Coptic Orthodox Church 363 Ninth Ave, Llandilo
4777 5577
General Enquiries... Advertising Enquiries... Account Information & Enquiries... For all artwork submissions & approval...
Breastfeeding Group 1800 686 2 686 Scouts 0409 429 198 Probus Club Penrith Sth 0414 861 390 Penrith Suicide Bereavement Support Group 0402 627 696
Karate Goshin Ryu 0411 136 237 Swimming Club Nepean 0416 311 453 Triathlon Club Panthers
Delivered MONTHLY to 1000 homes across Jordan Springs and Llandilo, and growing. or PICK UP YOUR FREE COPY from ... Australia Post 255 Seventh Avenue, Llandilo IGA 255 Seventh Avenue, Llandilo Llandilo Public School Seventh Avenue, Llandilo Llandilo Quality Fruit Market 312 Third Avenue, Llandilo
Community Groups
Sports Clubs
Are you a local community group or sporting club? Have your details listed here and on our website for free. Contact us: 4733 0792
Want to deliver YOUR local Gazette?
If you would like to have the Jordan Springs Gazette available for collection at your place of business, please contact us.
Call Us! 4733 0792
From the Editor Welcome to the the very FIRST edition of the Jordan Springs Gazette! That’s right, the very first publication delivered directly to your letterboxes and available at numerous pick up points across Jordan Springs and Llandilo. We hope you like what you read and embrace this wonderful publication as your very own! The District Gazette are well known for having produced many successful ‘community publications’ since our inception over 15 years ago. We welcome your stories, announcements, news and achievements. This is YOUR publication and we truly look forward to becoming a key part of the local community, helping to keep the communication alive and continue building the wonderful foundations that are already in place! Each month our resident experts will provide some interesting articles for your reading leisure, including our Anglican Church Update, School Updates, Parents Corner, What’s Cooking, Paws a While, Money Matter$ and Fitness with Rj. This first edition brings to you many local stories, from the heart of Jordan Springs and Llandilo. None more fitting than ‘Living the Dream’ on the front cover! What a wonderful story to share in our first publication. This month’s publication also brings with it lots of local activities, articles and events. Visit our ‘Community Calendar’ on page 14 to find out what’s on this month. While our story on page 15 is sure to send sparks flying. We are very thankful for the huge amount of support we have received from local businesses, residents and the schooling community. It’s time to put the kettle on for a warm cuppa’ and enjoy this, your very first community news, the Jordan Springs Gazette. Remember, every positive thought propels you in the right direction.
our all new website
irth ing . ts . b advertis 00 local n e 45,0 pcom able es . u s . afford ore than i r bleeups . com . spreadintgories . upc ble . locanounceml o t l t s m l a n a e o c c t m an lo lo ls ta ng gro th . news unce ble .. sportingle advertisi onth . loca e . repu ents . birtehvery monvertis a anno ding the t u l a b ouncem people ncemad ab ep nts ry m spre u le . rcoming eveents . affordpeople eve al . reliia loc ents .secures b ann 0policy... Advertising local Payment a y e i t l anno on booking l m c 0 n b h 0 t o u , a re ries . up ouncem 00 local r l i costueffective m your loffers . 45 ThetsBusiness cem nth . bi Directory realphabetical an space. ,0 n o nformat. . . com re thadvertising n businesses o 5 sto n n e l s 4 l a n m p to in an a e m a a v h n l u e c o c e b ng gro s to m nPremium lo omay be. bavailable, nc Placement l a birt ore tha irth peatopanle extra u . t . o s u t e i s ew an n ep bl em ort enton a0local cal men ws to m y an An editorial focus e le . revents . spreading e nommunity . recharge. 0 lo business puta b ,0the unit may be uncpermits, 5 o a m i 4 n the n l c included if space at Editor’s discretion. p m n n a abl . co utGazette e tha nThe nity mornews... l . re. upcomingertising . s. sporting . reliablemmuCommunity wsJordan p Springs e a e c r e o . events, l tories h to co eand l. adv events cemlocal ews eadcommunity ing t s ablobituaries, able inews loca g groups n. g the nwelcomes nounweddings, l r . n e the p a achievements, births, deaths, local . afford coming r s e . h l . t s b sportin preadi roupengagements l anniversaries p dingfreeryof a ts bir (published a a u t . n . e c and e r s u s o t p g e s . l m .s en eve ng be stori . repng events g . spree . . sporting tab le . Articles charge) of interest accepted com isiwill ople at lthe p t e r u p e . local liable l v i sdiscretion. in d ts a ca necessarily do not epu Editor’s 4733 v0792 e com torie w: ertis ble a Articles even 00 lo . lotcoreflect d 0792 e opinions Editor. le . r local sthe ries l al . r ies . urpd4733 fordaof the 45,0 f b b ble a upcomin a n s a a a . a i printed and edited s th Editor may be to ntLetters . e the e r s o e . affo m i m s r asto necessary. Names must be submitted but can be local newswithheld from publication at the writer’s request.
2 July 2013
Every effort is made to print correct information but no responsibility can be taken for errors or omissions.
Keeping You Posted New owners, Afzalur Afzal and wife Rayhana Roma have taken on the exciting new venture that is Llandilo Post Office. Originally from Bangladesh the couple are looking forward to serving the community by providing an honest reliable service. Together they have a 7 year old son and are in love with the local community and how warm and welcome they have been made to feel in their short time in the business. With 15 years’ experience behind him as an accountant, Afzalur enjoys his new role. He and Rayhana take on the Post Office from the previous owners who have since retired. They have new items coming and pride themselves on the convenience they offer. The store offers all stationery supplies, postal items, gift cards bill payments, banking and postal boxes (with some available for rent). Pop in, and extend a warm welcome.
Luke Priddis Foundation
r New Owners Afzalur Afzal and Rayhana Roma
Did you know that as many as 1 in 88 people are on the Autism Spectrum? While many people with Autism are able to live a relatively “normal” life, for many life is a daily struggle. Imagine having a child who doesn’t know how to express love, who doesn’t hug you and who becomes violently ill when exposed to new smells or bright lights. Imagine a child who needs constant supervision so they don’t hurt themselves, run away or hurt others. There is no cure. But there is hope. Early intervention, like the programs run by the Luke Priddis Foundation make a difference and give kids and their families the support and assistance they need to overcome hurdles so they can participate fully in their community. We need YOUR help as we endeavour to do more and reach more kids – for more information, email General Manager Shane Skeen at July 2013 3
Rev Andrew Kukulka • Corner of Barker & Oxford Street, Cambridge Park. • Phone: 4731 6060
Service Times Sundays. Traditional Service @ 7.45am, 9.30am Family Service with Sunday School, 6.30pm Evening Service. Other groups throughout the month for Seniors, Mothers Groups and Youth Groups.
What is the meaning of life? There are many people who think that there is no meaning. We are smart animals created by chance. And if God does not exist, then this view would be right. But what if there really was a god? The Christian faith teaches that there really is a god who has made the entire cosmos with a purpose. The meaning of life is; to have a relationship with God.
God made us have a relationship with Him. Not the sort of relationship where we might visit and talk to each other once or twice a year. God has made us for a relationship that’s like a stay-at-home-parent and a toddler. It is a relationship where we are in constant engagement and conversation. God wants us to enjoy everything there is in the cosmos while also enjoying a constant relationship with Him. If you want to ask further questions about my editorials or suggest topics for me to write about, please write to OR visit our website www. Rev Andrew Kukulka
Would you like to Manage your pain?
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Talk to Rhonda at
Rhonda specialises in EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique, sometimes referred to as Tapping Therapy
What is EFT?
EFT is a combination of acupressure and psychotherapy, based on the TCM model of acupuncture. It quickly, gently and easily releases the negative emotions and beliefs that are at the root of most of our problems and pain, by releasing stress in the body. Stress is known as the silent killer. It leads to a multitude of health problems including high blood pressure, depression, anxiety disorders, mental illness, heart attack and stroke. Many experts believe that the number one killer on the planet is STRESS! Up to 95% of all physical and nonphysical health problems have stress as their origin. Every time we have a health problem we should be asking, “What stress is causing this, and how can I eliminate it?” EFT is one of the very few Complementary Therapies with clinical trials which prove its effectiveness. It is stress relief right at your finger tips.You owe it to yourself and your family to get your life back on track.
What is EFT used for?
It is used for a wide variety of issues. • Stress, Distress, Trauma & PTSD • Anxiety & Panic Attacks • School-Yard or Work-Place Bullying, Abuse • Depression • Insomnia • Fear & Phobias: Fear of Flying, Mice, Snakes, Spiders, Public Speaking • Addictions: Alcohol, Drugs, Smoking, Food • Emotional Eating & Eating Disorders • Chronic Pain • Food Intolerances, Environmental Sensitivities • Autoimmune Disorders • Intimacy & Relationships • Achieving Goals • Increased Sales, Sports and Artistic Performance
Harmonising Health is located at Seventh Avenue, Llandilo. Appointments necessary. Contact Rhonda on
0430 047 421 or
Do you have a story to share ? Contact us! Phone: 4733 0792 or
visit the web site
Living The Dream Continued From Pg 1.....”The street BBQ’s with friends and neighbours have to be the highlight” says Mark of his new community. Mark and Joanne couldn’t be happier with their decision to make Jordan Springs their forever home, they look forward to creating memories and starting a family in the growing suburb.
r Candle-lit proposal as Mark & Joanne’s ‘Dream Home’ takes shape
4 July 2013
Facebook Page Stirs Up Old Memories Graham Chapman who grew up in Llandilo had no idea the impact his Facebook page ‘Memories of Penrith’ was going to have on the greater Penrith region and community. Launched in May, it had 10,000 followers in the first week and currently stands at over 15,000 likers. The page became the fastest growing Facebook page in Penrith. His Facebook page is not only designed to attract attention from locals but allows you to take a walk down memory lane. People are reliving places such as the old mud baths, swimming in the weir, the pulley system at Warragamba Dam and the floods from the past. Old friendships have been rekindled and many are finding those they had lost contact with through the site. “I have had probably 60 to 70 messages from people who have rekindled old friendships and relationships.” said Graham. Mr Chapman has also started Memories of Blue Mountains. “Like” the page at, and take a trip down memory lane.
“On Seventh Avenue, Llandilo you will find Wilson Park. It was named “I close my eyes and can still remember Bob Fraser on Eighth Avenue Llandilo, as he spent months preparing for the annual cracker night, after this man Jack Wilson who proudly served the community with his wife every spare fallen tree or bit of rubbish was dragged onto his property for for so many years. Do you remember JACK?” (Photos courtesy a bonfire”
• • • • • •
Courses available for the very beginner to elite 4 week courses 8 week courses For all ages to fitness levels Private lessons and workshops available Gift certificates
OW us N o a l l a C t ok in to bo
E FRtEory class duc
Pole Dance Fitness Studio
Ph: 4732 2226 July 2013 5
Butcher Shop On-Line
Country Fresh Grass Fed Beef/ Lamb “ A Healthier Choice”
“Delivered ” “Deliveredfree freetotoJordon JordanSprings Springs” . Bulk Meats . Meat Packs. Stir-Fries. Gourmet Sausages. Riverlea Pork. Milton District Beef/Lamb. Cockel Bay Chicken
Win $100 of meat Just go to Sign up for our weekly newsletter and you’re in! (Drawn at the end of each month)
(02) 9627 6940 15 Garfield Rd E, Riverstone NSW 2765 6 July 2013
MONEY MATTER$ With David & Leonie Jackson Great Aussie Dream Ph: 4733 8592 Email:
No Deposit? No Worries! The biggest hurdle for most people stopping them from purchasing a home is the deposit. Trying to save up while paying the ever increasing rent can seem impossible. Traditional mortgages allow you to borrow up to 95% of the value of a home, but you need to show the bank that you have at least 5% ‘Genuine’ savings plus enough funds to cover Stamp Duty, Mortgage Insurance, Legal Fees and other costs. On a $450,000 purchase this can easily add up to over $40,000! But do not despair, there are a number of products available from a range of banks and lenders that can reduce and even eliminate the need for a deposit, meaning that you can jump into the property market now and escape the rent trap. Give us a call to discuss your options. Home ownership may be closer than you think.
How the locals like it
255 Seventh Avenue
Enter Via The Northern Road
Tel: 4777 4885
Sat/Sun 7.30am - 6pm
Ph: 4777 4885
Third Av
Terrybrook Rd
Opposite Llandilo Public School
Seventh Av
Support the STORE that SUPPORTS your community
Mon-Fri 7.30am - 6.30pm
Jordan Springs
Opening Hours
IGA Llandilo
Llandilo The Northern Rd
For all your Grocery, Continental Deli and Fresh Fruit & Vegetable needs
Second Av
Come and friendly staff
Fresh Sarina, Roy + Team – IGA Llandilo 28/06/2013 7:53:09 PM
IGA Llandilo is owned and operated by local couple Sarina and Roy Fabiano who have lived in Llandilo for 24 years and boast a whopping 22 years in the business. Together they have two children who themselves are heavily involved in the business along with 6 other staff members. The family pride themselves on the product they sell. If they wouldn’t buy it, they don’t sell it! If it’s not fresh- they don’t stock it. They treat their customers with the same morals and ethics that they themselves expect. You will always find a friendly smile and a warm community feel when shopping with them. The team at IGA Llandilo go above and beyond to exceed expectations. Whilst Roy opens the store daily and insures its day to day running, Sarina keeps all ordering and bills in check and is referred to as the heart and soul of the business, but they couldn’t do it without their amazing staff some of which have been working for them for over 15 years. July 2013 7
WHAT’S COOKING? Grandma’s Apple Pie
single sided business cards 310gsm matt or gloss laminated includes design + print + delivery
$199 4733 0792
• Serves 8 Double-Crust Sour Cream Pastry Filling Ingredients Ingredients 21/2 cups all-purpose flour 8 apples (about 1.5 kg) 1/2 tsp salt 3/4 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup cold butter, cubed 2 tbsp cornstarch 1/2 cup cold lard, cubed 1 tsp cinnamon 1/4 cup (approx) Ice water 1 pinch ground nutmeg 3 tbsp sour cream 1 pinch salt 1 egg yolk 2 tbsp butter, softened 2 tbsp coarse sugar Pastry Preparation 1. In large bowl, whisk flour with salt. Using pastry blender, cut in butter and lard until in fine crumbs with a few larger pieces. 2. In liquid measure, whisk water with sour cream. Drizzle over flour mixture, tossing briskly with fork and adding a little more water if necessary, until ragged dough forms. 3. Divide in half; press into 2 discs. Wrap; refrigerate until chilled, 30 minutes. (Make-ahead: Refrigerate for up to 3 days or freeze in airtight container for up to 1 month.) Method 1. Peel and core apples; cut into 1/4-inch (5 mm) thick slices and place in large bowl. In small bowl, toss together sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt ; add to apples and toss to coat. 2. On lightly floured surface, roll out half of the pastry to generous 3 m) thickness; fit into 23 cm pie plate. Trim to leave 2 cm overhang; fold under and flute edge. Scrape filling into pie shell; dot with butter. 3. Roll out remaining pastry. Whisk egg yolk with 1 tbsp (15 mL) water; brush over pastry rim. Fit pastry over filling; trim to leave 2 cm overhang. Fold overhang under bottom pastry rim; seal and flute edge. Brush egg mixture over pastry. Cut steam vents in top; sprinkle with coarse sugar. 4. Bake in bottom third of 230°C oven for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 180°C; bake for 65 minutes or until bottom is deep golden and filling is bubbling and thickened. Let cool on rack. (Make-ahead: Set aside for up to 24 hours.)
For all your Conveyancing Needs Versatile Conveyancing Offers • Personal attention • Affordable rates • FAST, efficient conveyancing • Complete protection with professional indemnity insurance If you can’t come to us, we will visit you at your home or work
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Save On Your Winter Electricity Bills
The winter months can mean a spike in electricity bills as heaters come out of hibernation and lights are switched on earlier. But there are a few things householders can do to reduce the winter increase without sacrificing comfort. “Now is the ideal time to start thinking how you can reduce your winter energy bills,” Penrith Mayor Mark Davies said. “Tips include replacing light fittings with energy efficient light bulbs, using door snakes and draught-proof strips on doors and plugging appliances into a stand-by saver powerboard.” “Eligible households in our City can also take part in the Home Power Savings Program and learn how to reduce energy use and save money.” For more information go to ... or call 1300 662 416.
Phone: 1300 664 661
$5 OFF
9am - 2pm
Thursday 18th July
Glenmore Park Town Centre
* Offer valid for purchases in store or orders to be collected at Glenmore Park Town Centre on Thurs 18th July 2013 only. Minimum Purchase $30. Must present coupon to redeem. Single Use Only. Not valid with other offers. Delivery Additional.
8 July 2013
On the Grow! Read All About It! The communities of Jordan Springs and Llandilo will be receiving their very first (and own) community news this July! Delivered to their letterboxes and a variety of local pick up points, the Jordan Springs Gazette will share the local stories that matter. The District Gazette portfolio of publications is an independant community newspaper group written for local people, about local people, by local people. “We have received an overwhelming response from local residents and business owners alike, within the Jordan Springs and Llandilo communities, we are thrilled to be launching (and expanding) our publication into this area”, said Managing Editor, Belinda Sanders. The communities of Jordan Springs, Llandilo and surrounding areas can expect to receive their monthly edition of their Community News from the second weekend of every month. Containing local news, helpful articles including ‘Parents Corner’, our very own ‘Paws A While’ vets corner, Recipes and local Business Directory - the Jordan Springs Gazette will prove a beneficial part of this growing area and its community. Responsible for the Emu+Leonay Gazette, Glenmore Gazette and Mulgoa Valley Gazette for almost 15 years, the District Gazette’s reputation of local, reliable and reputable precedes it. “We welcome local stories about local people, that’s what makes the District Gazette such a valuable source of information. Our publication’s include stories about local people doing local things, stories that are relevant and relatable.” said Belinda “Thank you for welcoming us into your local area, and embracing this, YOUR community news Jordan Springs & Llandilo” You can view all publications online at www.districtgazette., or follow us on Facebook.
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF MUSIC provides music education for children of all ages.
Jitterbugs 2 YEAR OLD
Lots of singing, percussion, dancing and musical games THEY LOVE IT!
Beebopper MUSIC 3 YEAR OLD
incorporating singing, percussion, music & movement,musical games, co-ordination development, rhythm, LOTS OF MUSICAL FUN!
Group piano/keyboard courses studying all styles of music for students from 4 years of age. Individual and ensemble experience. Reading, aural and rhythmic skills developed simultaneously. Musically stimulating, effective, in an unpressured environment, Students grouped in small classes according to age.
DOG LOVERS... Join the growing Pet Care & home service Industry. Enjoy a fantastic income from washing, clipping, grooming and retail sales.
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Contact us Today... Ask about a trial of your new career and an information pack .
Ph: 1300 369 369 | Email: | Web: Aussie Pooch is Australia’s 1st & Premier Dog Wash & Gr0oming Service. Commencing in the 1991 recession, it’s a Proven System! July 2013 9
Re Mus
Mamre Anglican School is a co-educational
Prep-12 day school with Year 11 beginning in 2015 and proceeding to Year 12 in 2016. The school is committed to achieving high academic outcomes for its students in addition to growth in understanding of the Christian faith.
Mamre Anglican School Talented Cricket Program aims to support the school’s strong academic endeavours by having a high quality, co-curricular cricket program for talented and developing players. For more information on how to be considered for selection in the MAS Cricket Program, please download and complete the MAS Cricket Program Registration Form from our website ( • The school provides programs in all Key Learning Areas from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12 • MAS Private Bus servicing the area • Exciting extra curricular programs including Music, G&T, Football, Gymnastics, and Futsal • Creative Arts groups: ensemble, choir, dance • Other In-school activities
Mamre Anglican School ph: 9834 1881
10 July 2013
PARENTS’ CORNER Article by: Narelle Smith (Family Worker) NepeanStudent-Wellbeing Worker – Mulgoa Public School Nepean Community & Neighbourhood Services Ph: 0409 986 121 Centre: 4721 8520 Blog:
There are two base emotions – fear and love. How do fear and love play out in your parenting? Fear-based parenting views the child as bad, annoying, or timeconsuming. Love-based parenting views your child as worthy of your love, time, and attention. Fear-based parenting views the child as “manipulative and attention seeking”. Love-based parenting recognises that all behaviour arises from a need (physical, emotional, intellectual), and sometimes behaviour is a way of attempting to make a connection with the parent. Fear-based parenting emphasises the need for discipline and punishment. Love-based parenting emphasises the need for guidance, education, and relationship. Fear-based parenting seeks revenge or payback for a child’s behaviour. Love-based parenting seeks belonging and connection for the child. Fear-based parenting notices “bad” behaviour. Love-based parenting notices mistaken behaviour (Dan Gartrell). When we move from fear-based parenting to love-based parenting we move from ME (parent’s agenda) to WE (parent and child together). It is no longer us versus them. In fear-based parenting the parent reacts. In love-based parenting the parent responds. In times of high emotion, the parent remembers to Stop-Breathe-Think-then Do. In fear-based parenting the child’s feelings are dismissed. In lovebased parenting the child’s feelings are acknowledged. In fear-based parenting, the parent persuades, nags, begs, yells, and hits. In love-based parenting, the parent employs the “no talking, no emotion” strategy in dealing with mistaken behaviour (Dr Thomas Phelan). Fear-based parenting focuses on the person doing the wrong thing. Love-based parenting focuses on the behaviour. Through fear-based parenting, the child experiences shame, which can last a lifetime. Through love-based parenting, the child experiences guilt, which is short-term (Dr Daniel A Hughes). In fearbased parenting, the parent feels shame, blame, and guilt. In lovebased parenting, the parent tries to be real (Scott Noelle http://www. In fear-based parenting, the parent burdens the child with his or her own feelings, demands an insincere apology, and does not apologise for his or her own inappropriate behaviour. In love-based parenting, the parent talks about OK/not OK for self and child, seeks relationship repair, admits wrongdoing, and role models saying sorry. Fear-based parenting values the child for what he or she does. Love-based parenting values the child for who she or he is. In fear-based parenting, the parent is operating at a head level. In love-based parenting, the parent is operating from a heart level. “How do your words fall on your child’s heart?” (Lisa Nichols).
Upcoming Workshops
(see the blog for descriptions of these groups)…
Resilience Doughnut Floribunda Community Centre
23 July
10am – 12:30pm
Eat It To Beat It 24 July South Penrith Neighbourhood Centre
10am – 12:30pm
Triple P 7 Aug –11 Sept 10am – 12:30pm South Penrith Neighbourhood Centre Special Playtime 4 Sept South Penrith Neighbourhood Centre
10am – 12:30pm
10am – 12pm Triple P Avoiding Parent Traps 8 to 15 Aug Floribunda Community Centre ... For parents who have completed Triple P
CELEBRATE! SundayLET’S 28 July 2013
Penrith Sports Stadium Herbert St Cambridge Park HAPPY BIRTHDAY Aunty Margret Love U Lots! Flynn & Kobhi xx
FREE LISTING for special announcements.
The largest range quality Send your detailsof to:gorgeous. preloved baby & kids goods Success is simply failure turned on toys, it’s head!to books and From prams to cots, “If market at first youhas don’t succeed, clothes to shoes, the it all try, try again”
9am to 12noon $4 entry Kids free
1300 554 476
– William Edward
Plus 'handpicked' local designers featuring their unique & stylish new goods
From the Principal’s Desk
Llandilo Public School Principal: Bruno Zuliani
What an honour it is to have the opportunity to be part of the very first Jordan Springs Gazette. Our school is your local Public School and we have been serving the children and families of Llandilo and its surrounds since 1866. Over the years our school has established a strong reputation for academic achievement, good citizenship and extracurricular achievements. Our motto is “Walk With Truth And Pride”. Moving into the 21st Century our collaborative and cohesive teaching team is committed to improving the learning outcomes of our students in Literacy, Numeracy and all Key Learning Areas, using latest technologies. Students work in a safe, caring environment which promotes respectful relationships and builds positive self concept. Enquiries for enrolment are most welcome and our school is inclusive of students and communities from all backgrounds. We look forward to meeting you and sharing in the partnership of educating the future generation of democratic citizens and leaders of our great country. July July2013 2013 11 17
with Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital
Staff Continuing Education
Even though the veterinarians and nurses at Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital have studied and completed their relevant courses, there is always something new to learn. New products, drugs and procedures are being discovered all the time and we need to keep up to date with the current technology. For example, Hills Pet Nutrition is releasing a new veterinary only product range for cats and dogs. We allocate time each week where company representatives visit our clinic to provide on site training on new products. We also attend seminars and conferences, participate in webinars and complete many online refresher courses. Belinda attended the Veterinary Nurses Conference in Melbourne recently and came back with many new ideas and different ways of doing things to ensure the smooth running of the veterinary hospital. Come and ask us a question, if we do not know the answer, we will find it for you. One of my favourite quotes is ‘If you learn one new thing a day, then it is a good day!’.
Welcomes boys and girls aged 4 to 16 years to
TRY BASEBALL Sunday 28 July 10am to 12pm Sunday 4 August 12.30pm to 2.30pm Andrews Road Baseball Complex, Cranebrook
Free batting, base running, catching and throwing activities conducted by current State League and National Championship players. Free sausage sizzle for all participants. Secretary: 0434 116 940 Registrar: 0420 581 276 Find Penrith Baseball Club on Facebook See our website
Orchard Orchard Hills Hills Veterinary Veterinary Hospital Hospital Camille Brandt Untitled-1 1
28/06/2013 7:46:34 PM
BVSc(Hons 1), MVS(SAP) CamilleErin Brandt BVSc(Hons 1), MVS(SAP) Short 1) Erin Short BVSc(Hons BVSc(Hons 1)
•• •• •• •• •• • • • •
Services Services provided provided include: include:
4736 4736 2027 2027
General General Surgery Surgery (desexing (desexing to to orthopedics), orthopedics), Vaccinations, in-house pathology, Vaccinations, in-house pathology, Consulting Radiology, Consulting Hours Hours Radiology, Dentistry, Dentistry, Visiting Monday Visiting specialist specialist Monday to to Friday: Friday: 9am-7pm 9am-7pm radiographer & ultrasonographer, radiographer & ultrasonographer, Saturdays: Saturdays: 9am-12pm 9am-12pm Puppy preschool, Puppy preschool, Grooming, hydrobath, Check Check out out our our website website for for more more information. information. Home visits, Cat boarding, kitten adoption, or join us on Facebook. Secure off leash dog park.
377 Wentworth Road, Orchard Hills 4736 2027 12 July 2013 2013 16
Fre ac
r Winny & Alex have got Talent!
Locals Alex Robinson and girlfriend Winny are set to send sparks flying as they take to the stage on Australia’s Got Talent, due to be screened later this year on Channel 9. Winny is set to entertain the audience by singing Taylor Swift’s “Sparks Fly” while executing amazing, high flying cheerleading stunts while Alex, a former Penrith High School student, dazzles viewers performing break-dancing and backflips throughout their routine. The pair’s first audition received excellent praise from the directors of the program with special mention of Winny’s song choice and the entire performance. The pair was invited to perform their routine in front of judges Gerri Halliwell (Ginger Spice), Timomatic, Kyle Sandilands and Dawn French at the Riverside Theatre (Parramatta) last month. The advertisement for the live show quoted, “be one of the first to see the SPARK’S FLY”, referencing the duo’s spectacular act. Be sure to tune-in later this year and offer your support for our local talent!
Kick start your day with a Green Smoothie! Green smoothies are all the rage these days. They are a delicious blend of fruit and vegetables and are great for assisting with weight loss and overall health. Full of antioxidants, adding just one glass to your diet each day, can help you to achieve your daily recommended intake of fruit and vegetables. There are heaps of great recipes out there but to start you off, try blending 2-3 cups green vegetables (spinach, kale), 2-3 serves of fruit (pineapple, banana, grapes), a squeeze of lemon, water and ice. For a smoothie consistency you may need to blend several times or invest in a heavy duty blender. Also, try experimenting with your own combinations. Green smoothies are filled with nutrients and packed with vitamins and minerals. Including them in your daily diet can lead to a clearer mind, smoother skin, more energy and less cravings for junk food. Kick start your day with a green smoothie today!
Rj Tierney (owner) Pure Fitness Penrith Ph: 4732 2884
1300 834 778
Treadmills – HIRE – NEW – USED Spare Parts for all Models Electronic Repairs Gym Cable Replacements Gym Upholstery Repairs Preventative Maintenance Specialists Gym & Treadmill Relocations & Removals
• Domestic Fitness Equipment Sales & Rentals • MMA and Boxing Gear • Supplements and Nutrition Specialists • Group and 1 on 1 Personal Training available 6-9am, 4-8pm • Easy Equipment Financing ie Certegy, GO Getta.. Fitlease!
“Fitness Starts with U!” Your ONE STOP shop for body transformations, at home or on the go!
1800 834 778 Unit 2 66 Preston St, Penrith NSW 2750
OPEN July 2013 13
Community Noticeboard Glenmore Park Monthly Market Last Sunday of Every Month
Monday July 15 Nepean Evening VIEW Club Nepean Evening View Club will be holding its Dinner meeting at Panthers Penrith 7:00pm. Cost $25 . Women of VIEW support the Smith Family’s Learning for Life project. New members warmly welcom ed. Details and bookings by Apr il 8: Joyce 4731 2851
10am – 2pm Glenmore Park Community Centre Cnr Luttrell Street & Town Terrace
Thursday August 8 h Meeting Red Cross Penrith Branc CWA Hall Tindale St, Penrith 0am Coffee available from 9:3 9623 9789 ne Dia – s tail de r the Fur
Monday July 15 Nepean / Blue Mountains Prostate Cancer Support Group 6.30pm. Lecture Room 1, Learning & Development Unit, SWAHS 2 building Nepean Public Hospital Tonight we have as our guest speaker Angela Pendlebury from Nepean Food Services who will speak about Meal on Wheels and Let’s Dine Out project.All meetings are available to males and their partners who are seeking information on this cancer, and who live in the Blue Mountains, Blacktown, Hawkesbury and Penrith areas. Come along and experience the caring and benefits offered by our Support Group whose moto is YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Alan Moran OAM, President 1300 133 878
Thursday July 18 South Penrith Probus Club
Glenmore Park Community Centre 10:00am Visitors welcome Social Club for active retirees Contact Merle Blatch ph: 4733 1614 fax: 4733 0986
Wednesday August 14 Arthritis NSW Penrith Branch Meeting
CWA Hall Tindale St, Penrith Coffee available from 9:30am Further details – Diane 9623 9789
Saturday July 20 (3rd Saturday each month)
Lower Blue Mountains Rotary Clu b
Mulgoa Public School 017 Enquiries: Sarah 0438 390
Saturday July 27
** Fortnightly
EFT Workshop tips Stress Relief at your Finger 1.45pm to 4.00pm eet Penrith. CWA Rooms, Tindale Str Booking Essential 421 Phone Rhonda 0430 047 Sunday 28 July
Thursday July 18 9am – 2pm Lollylicious POP UP SHOP
Glenmore Park Town Ce ntre Chocolate Bouquets for all occasions Order online & collect OR choose from our collection instor e on the day
1300 664 661
Sunday August 25 Country Market Day 10am – 3pm
Monthly Markets Glenbrook Infants School, Ross Street, Glenbrook. Rotarians helping their commun ities.
Sunday July 28 Baby & Kids Marke t
Penrith Sports Sta dium Herbert St Camb ridge Park
Penrith Sports Stadiu m Herbert St, CambridgThe larg e Parkest range of gorgeous. quality 9:00am – 12 noon preloved baby & kids goods m prams to cots, toys, to books and www.babykidsmar Fro to sho keclot t.chesom es, the market has .au it all 1300 554 476 9am to 12noon Plus 'han $4 entry Kids free
1300 554 476
dpicked' local designers featu ring their unique & styli sh new goods
Events **
Senior Ladies Train Travellers 2nd & 4th Friday each month Retirees 60 and over looking to find ways of travelling using Seniors Concession Rail ticket $2.50 combined with unaided walking for excersie. Guest speakers, discover new places and friendships, group meetings. Enquiries– send stamped, self addressed envelope & phone contact to: Senior Ladies Train Travellers PO Box 7710 South Penrith NSW 2750
ip Jumpstart your Career with a Council Traineesh paid to study and gain skills serving our community? Would you like to be in ested inter n perso ted Are you a motivated, talen ns are now open for places in nistration, childcare, IT or hospitality? Applicatio and experience in a field such as business admi and traineeships start in January for 2014. Applications close in September 2013 Council’s award winning traineeship program workforce, our traineeships HSC, looking to change careers or return to the 2014. Whether you’re currently completing your riences that help them realise Mark Davies said trainees gain a variety of expe offer great opportunities. Penrith Mayor Councillor regarded and has provided a and confidence. “Our traineeship program is well their potential and develop vital skills, knowledge le workplace,” he said. For more rding careers, and Council is a friendly and flexib strong foundation for many successful and rewa Council tab) or call 4732 7596. (see the Careers section under the Our information or to apply, visit www.penrithcity.nsw 13 and 15 August in the Penrith Civic Centre. We will also be holding information evenings on FREE LISTING for local events and meetings Send your details to:
14 July 2013
Your Local BUSINESS DIRECTORY Advertise your business here and online for just $10.00 (single) per month; $20 (double) per month Phone: 4733 0792 email: AWNINGS & CARPORTS
Louis McLachlan
Southern Sun Painting & Decorating
• Colourbond Carports and Patios Flat, Gable and Dutch Gable roofs • Free Measure & Quotes • Hail Damage / Insurance Work • DIY Kits Available
Call Mark on 0404 163 158 Lic No. 169819C
Licenced Electrical Contractor Lic no 39282
Specialising in garden lighting and all purpose ambient lighting
Mobile 0414 351 987 ELECTRICIAN
All types of work
Builders License No. 159595C
Home Improvements ! !
- Deckings - Carports and awnings - Screen enclosures - Extensions/ renovations - Glass rooms - Insulated roof panels - Interior fit out - General carpentry and maintenance
Call Shane for a FREE quote on 0422 316851 or 02 47742 610
All painting work domestic & commercial
Domestic, Commercial & Industrial Fully Licensed & Insured FreeKowalczuk Quotes - No Paul Lic.Obligation No. 191875C Paul Kowalczuk Lic No. 191875C Mb: 0408 741 548 Mb: 0408 741 548
0418 245 053
DESIGN • INSTALL• MAINTAIN • Lighting & Power Points • TV & Phone Outlets • Smoke Alarms • 3 in 1 Heaters & Ceiling Fans • Stove & Hot Water • 24 Hr Emergency Service Available
• Pre-purchase & Termite Inspection • Termite Specialist • Domestic & Commercial Pests • Friendly, local pest controller with 15years experience
Tim Franklin p: 4774 0802 m: 0430 334 186 e:
Visit our website for detailed information about our services
Call 4737 9990 or 0423 877 630 Lic No 205620C
Seniors Card accepted!
PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHY – WORKSHOP/LESSON Join Harry on a Photography WorkShop/Lesson and learn how to use your DSLR Camera to take great photos.
Unit 3 / 55 York Road, PENRITH
For more details please contact Harry on 0425 828 955 or visit his website.
p: 0247 325091 m: 0434 552 807
LAWN CARE Your Lawn Care Specialists Save water with Coochie and enjoy a healthy green lawn
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning
Complete balanced liquid lawn fertiliser Weed Control eg. bindi, clover etc Beetle, grub and army worm control
Locally owned & operated. On time, every time. Quality work at competitive prices.
We treat all types of lawns. Talk to us about our lawn care program.
1300 557 548 or 4774 9618
Fabian Gemin 0401 701 322 Freecall 1800 245 955
less than $1 per day Phone: 4733 0792
E: July 2013 15
4777 4898
(Squeezed from 100% Australian Oranges)
312 Third Ave, Llandilo 16 July 2013