Mulgoa Valley Gazette June 2020

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JUNE 2020 | Issue 237

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Ted the Survivor See Article Pg 5


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A New Chapter Begins! Wests Leagues Club is not that far west. It’s in Ashfield! But Chris Braga, the new Senior Minister at St Thomas’ Mulgoa and Glenmore Park Anglican Church, has moved from being a stone’s throw from Wests Leagues Club to the real west. Chris has moved locally with his wife Beth and six of their children (they have seven - one is married). Chris and Beth have big shoes to fill as they take over from John and Karen Lavender, who led the church for 23 years. However, it has been a strange year to move. Firstly, the fires, then flooding and now of course COVID-19. “One of the things we looked forward to most was meeting people in the west, and that’s been a little hard” explained Chris. The family moved into the area during mid-February, so that the children could go to school locally. Chris started at the church just before Easter. “Easter is usually such a busy time where we celebrate the most significant events in the Bible - the death and resurrection of Jesus - who is the Son of God”, Chris said. “But this year, the car park was empty and the building quiet”. The staff team at the church are doing things differently, with small ‘Connect Groups’ meeting over Zoom and the weekly message and music on YouTube and Facebook. “While we can’t meet together face to face, we have been able to connect with lots of people online who might not normally come to church on a Sunday” he said. Chris’ wife Beth, who has been supervising online learning for four of their children and juggling being a casual teacher, has enjoyed getting to know people online. Beth said, “I can’t wait until this time of social distancing is over and we can really be part of the community here at the church and in Mulgoa”. You can visit their new website at or follow them on Facebook at glenmoreparkanglican/ r Beth and Chris Braga | Image Supplied FAITH – ANGLICAN PARISH MULGOA


Beth and Chris Braga | Image Supplied

Article Submitted by: Senior Minister Christopher Braga St Thomas’ Mulgoa | P: 47331635 W: | A: 43 St Thomas’ Road Mulgoa Service Times: Sundays @ 9.30am I hadn’t seen mum in two months. We had talked on the phone, but we hadn’t seen each other since before the ‘lockdown’. The daily reminders of the devastating effects of the virus at Newmarch House, so close to us, were reminders of how transmittable this disease is. Our hearts broke each time we heard of another precious resident dying. We knew the best thing for mum was not to see her. Mum was 79 and about to turn 80. Would she be celebrating without family? Would we miss her birthday? People have missed out on so many things – sport, weddings and even funerals. Mum’s birthday was in early May. Just days before, the Premier announced a relaxation of the restrictions. People could see each other for the purpose of care and support. Mum was overjoyed – she was keen for some care and support! I haven’t seen her so happy in ages.

As we sat down for lunch, I read from the Bible. We always read Psalm 103 on birthdays. It was written by King David and part of it says: “The life of people is like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone… but from everlasting to everlasting the LORD’S love is with those who fear him.” No matter what happens, you can always know that God loves you. Even more than the words of King David we have Jesus. He came and showed God’s love to us. By dying on the cross and rising to life Jesus he conquered death and brought forgiveness. While you might have missed out on so much because of COVID19, don’t miss out on experiencing God’s love in Jesus. Come and visit Glenmore Park Anglican Church online each Sunday at 10am at


Article Submitted by: Lyndon Rumsey | P: 4774 1476 M: 0417 174 455 | W: Sunday Service: 9:30 am

Pastor’s Corner During these times of self-isolation, have you found yourself using this time differently, to how you normally live? Perhaps, working in your garden, reading, doing jigsaw puzzles, going for walks, cooking, phoning family and friends, or lots of other activities. Have you found any surprising benefits from these times? Perhaps re-prioritising what is most important to you. Whilst both my wife and I have continued to work throughout this time, we too have needed to adjust and reevaluate some aspects of how we live. For my wife, one of the most enjoyable changes has been a weekly online cooking session, with three of our grandchildren. For me, I have enjoyed our often twice daily walks. Outside of the valuable exercise my body needs, I have enjoyed meeting people that I have never met before. A few weeks ago, I was walking down my driveway and passing by was a woman with her three young boys, and a large white dog. We both introduced ourselves, and we

2 June 2020

realised that we had often passed by each other. She is a primary school teacher and that day; she had received an ‘Education Department Directive’ to go back to work. At the same time, the Federation (Union) was telling its members to stay home. Concerned for the safety of her family and her own health, she was faced with a dilemma. This pandemic has brought with it so many mixed messages, and so many different responses by people. Are you confused? Are you fearful? God understands your fears because He knows you and loves you. God does want to re-assure you, that He is with you, and He wants you to trust Him. Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”. My prayer for each of us is that we will know completely the truth of this promise, as we live through these difficult days.


Marie Grima For all your real estate needs. m: 0433 788 820 | e:

With the announcement of various restrictions and shutdowns by the government due to the coronavirus pandemic, many industries have had to adapt to the changes. This has included the wedding industry, which have seen numerous couples forced to postpone their marriages. Of course, there is also the opportunity for the show to go on, minus the audience, as love finds a way. Luddenham marriage celebrant Janice Bradley has officiated in close to 300 weddings since 2012. In that time, she has not seen anything quite like the current climate we are experiencing now. “So far, I have officiated at 4 weddings during the COVID-19 restrictions, with more to come over the following weeks. The couples have live streamed the ceremony to their family and friends who have watched from the comfort of their own homes. I have also been offering the use of my backyard for their ceremonies” explained Janice to the District Gazette. Face-to-face wedding planning has been replaced by emails and zoom meetings. Social distancing is also practiced when signing the Notice of Intent to Marry form and on the big day when conducting the marriage ceremony. “Couples are adapting and doing what is comfortable and right for them. Some were due to get married overseas and decided to be married on their date of choice because that was more important to them than waiting. Others have decided to do the same, then have the party in a year’s time, along with a renewal of their vows. Also, some have taken advantage of the pandemic to just get married to save on the cost of a wedding and/or the politics that sometimes comes with the territory” said Janice. Janice’s local 5-acre rural property has been the ideal backdrop for weddings to take place during the pandemic. With plenty of trees and leafy surrounds, the private area is well enclosed, ensuring that there is no risk of anyone getting too close. “I set up the area using a couple of lovely white columns and a red carpet, along with a signing table. There is a bit of a walk from the front to the back of the house, so the bride still gets to make her grand entrance to their choice of music” she said. For any couples wanting to exchange their vowels soon, Janice has this advice. “Don’t overthink it and do what is right for both of you. If being married is important to you, then just have the small wedding on your original date. You can then have the big party later in the year when restrictions are lifted, and it is safe. If you want the complete package, just wait until it is permitted, when everything dies down and have it then”. r Keylene and Jacqueline with Janice | Image: Tony Martin (Martin Photography)

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Meals on Wheels

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Nepean Food Services (Meals on Wheels) provides a wide range of nutritionally balanced frozen meals delivered safely with no contact to your home by friendly volunteers. We are committed to providing meal deliveries throughout the COVID-19 pandemic with several proactive measures in place to protect the safety of meal recipients and volunteers, and to continue to serve our community in need. Delivery drivers will knock on your door, place the meals near your door and back away to a distance of at least six feet.

Meals We Offer Frozen Meals Meal Pack for full day – B'fast, Soup, Main Meal & Dessert Various types of beef, chicken, lamb, pork & fish meals Omelettes & Soups Desserts We can cater to dietary requirements such as gluten free, low salt, vegetarian & snack items.

If you are interested to purchase a few meals to have on standby in your freezer as a backup option, please call us on 4733 7200. June 2020


Social distancing rules apply to prevent the spread of Coronavirus and save lives in our community. Please keep a 1.5 metre distance from people, don't shake hands or exchange physical greetings. Always cough or sneeze into your arm or use a tissue and put it in the bin straight away. Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds or more with soap and water. All people who arrive in Australia, or think they may have been in close contact with a person diagnosed with coronavirus, are required to self-isolate for 14 days. For more information on Coronavirus visit You can also call the Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.

If I can be of assistance, please contact my office.


331 High Street, Penrith NSW 2750 4722 0600


Authorised by Melissa McIntosh MP, Liberal Party of Australia, 331 High St, Penrith NSW 2750.

Ted the Survivor

You might have seen Ted (Tadeusz) Stepniewski walking to the shops in Mulgoa, from his house on Allan Road. Despite looking frail, he was determined to be as independent as long as possible. He moved into Newmarch House in Caddens last year and has been fortunate to avoid the Coronavirus outbreak. He is still cheerful and is grateful to be able to see his family through organised closed window visits. Born in 1923 in Berestechko, Ukraine (now part of Poland), Ted is a real survivor. In 1940, 16-year-old Ted and his family answered a knock at the door at 12am. It was the Russian secret Police and the family was given two hours to pack their bags. Ted, his older sister Lusia, and their parents were taken to Siberia on a crowded cattle train, where they were given food in a bucket and used a hole in the floor as a toilet. For over two years, Ted and his family endured starvation and terrible conditions working on the Siberian railway and local farms. In 1942, Ted managed to join a Polish Air Force unit to fight for the Russians against Germany. He was sent to train in Iran and then Canada, and eventually ended up in England. He spoke hardly any English and was told not to contact his family, who had survived the Siberian war camp, to ensure their safety. Ted joined the Royal Air Force in Bomber Command as a navigator and flew many missions, often at night. The Polish Squadrons were recognised as a major factor in winning the war but the government, under pressure from Stalin, did not invite them to the Victory Parade in London on 8 June 1946. After the war, Ted stayed in the RAF in England and married Anne. They both loved ballroom dancing. They had two boys, Richard and Peter. It wasn’t until 1979 that Ted saw his sister, Lusia, again. Her husband was one of the 22,000 Polish officers murdered during the massacre of Katyn. In 1980, Ted was reunited with his parents. He returned to Ukraine and Poland with his son, Richard and his grandsons in 2005 to visit extended family and has visited again several times since. Ted’s wife, Anne, passed away in 1999 and his son, Peter, passed away in 2000. Ted moved to Mulgoa in 2001 to be closer to Richard and their family and continued his ballroom dancing for many years. Ted has 6 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren, who all hope he will survive for a few more years. r Feature Article: [Cover] Ted (recently) at Newmarch House | Image: Margaret Stepniewski [Above L-R]: Ted as a young man | Ted with a Mosquito combat aircraft |Article + Images: Margaret Stepniewski

Join Wollondilly Library’s Online Book Club With traditional book clubs unable to meet together during this time of social distancing, the Wollondilly Library is launching an Online Book Club for locals who want to continue exploring the world of reading with others. The Online Book Club is available for Wollondilly Library members on the third Friday of the month, having commenced last month. An eBook will be selected each month and posted on the Wollondilly Library Facebook page and website. Last month’s book was Six Minutes by Petronella McGovern. Mayor Matthew Deeth, “Although the physical library may be closed, it’s great to see our library staff are still providing a great range of online services to meet the needs of the Wollondilly community”. “While people have been staying at home, they have had the chance to catch up on their reading. Book Clubs are a great way for like-minded people to share their love of books.” The book can be downloaded from the RB Digital app book club collection free for Wollondilly Library members. Those who don’t have a membership can join online at A library staff member will be hosting each session and asking the probing questions to encourage people to join in with the discussion. To join the Online Facebook group, visit To check out other activities available at the Wollondilly Library, follow the Library on Facebook Wollondilly-Library-368826337114/ or visit r Image: June 2020



Article Written + Submitted by: Narelle Smith Family Practitioner E: Blog:


4733 1232 13-19 Candlebark Crt, Glenmore Park

THANK YOU TO OUR FAMILIES AND THEIR PRECIOUS LITTLE ONES Our original owner, Elaine and her team at Glenmore Park have been fortunate to help families for 12 years and would like to thank those families for entrusting her team to care for their precious little ones. If you are looking for care, please feel free to come in and see us, or alternatively go to our website and fill your details onto our waitlist, and we’ll contact you.

Parenting is the longest shortest time isn’t it? While you are in it, it feels unrelenting. When you look on the past year, you think ‘where did that time go?’. How can we make the best of our parenting days?

“Let me parent out of my best hopes rather than my worst fearsâ€? Sarah Bessey I think Sarah Bessey has something there – hope trumps fear. Focusing on the positives and hopes has a different energy to focusing on the negatives and everything that is going wrong. It can also be hard to do, because as humans our brains have a negative bias. As Dr Rick Hanson says ( ‌ If your child did 5 great things today, 4 neutral things, and 1 not-so-great thing, what would keep you awake at night? Now, parents who have been doing the job for quite a while frequently know the benefits of the ‘long game’. Being consistent and persistent. Your kids are not going to learn their manners, to pick up their socks, to speak kindly, to manage their emotions, and to share, any time soon, no matter how quickly you insist they do. Getting frustrated with them just leads to a cycle of frustration – parent gets frustrated, child returns frustration, parent gets more frustrated, and so it goes. This is what I have noticed about parents (and humans in general) - when they focus on the positives, if they try it once, and the child does not respond, they say ‘it didn’t work’. But when they focus on the negatives, and the child does not respond in the desired way, they keep using it. Parenting is like a dripping tap. Saying the same thing over and over again with very little emotion. Dr Becky Bailey in the USA says that you generally need to say something 2000 times before the kids will get it. What is less stressful? Parenting with hope in our hearts and a generous amount of humour? Or parenting out of fear, worry, anxiety, anger, and frustration? How do you want to look back on your parenting days when your eldest is 18 years of age and heading out into the world? (By the way, they don’t have to be complete humans at the age of 18, their brains are still developing into their mid-twenties). r


6 June 2020

With over 12 years experience we know what you need for care including: 5 Smaller separate rooms for greater care, – 1 room with separate cot rooms for 6 weeks to 15 months old, – 1 room for over 15 months to 24 months old, – 1 room for transitioning 2 years to 3 years old, – 1 room for over 2 years to 3 years old, and – 1 room for over 3 years up to 6 years old. 5 separate meals daily, freshly prepared and nutritiously cooked throughout each day by our on-site cook. We provide all your children’s needs including nappies and as your children grow and prepare for primary school provide a School Readiness Program delivered by qualified teachers. We can quickly communicate with you about your child, and also store your child’s growing progress through our real-time online application for your assessment. Our outdoor areas are designed for fun activities allowing your children to run and play. We are proud of running our Centre for over 12 years and hope to see you soon for a tour.

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Latest @ Luddenham by Wayne Willmington

Now in the third month of the COVID-19 lockdown, lots of residents are working from home and we all wonder what the future has instore. This month, I thought we would have a look back at The Northern Road in 1981, when a major upgrade took place giving us the current road. Things were quite different then no traffic control, the road was open all the time and you had to dodge the machines and the material heaps. How things have changed. The photo below was taken near the front of the old General Store, looking south to the hall. Could you imagine that happening nowadays? The Planning of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis is continuing. The Western Sydney Planning Partnership (Planning Partnership) has the responsibility for delivering the Final Plan and Precinct Plans within the Western Sydney Aerotropolis to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces. The initial precincts are Aerotropolis Core, Northern Gateway, Badgerys Creek, Wianamatta-South Creek and Mamre Road Precincts. The Community Liaison Group have been holding their meetings on Zoom and documents and plans were on exhibition until 13 March. They received a total of 695 submissions, with Luddenham Village being one of the top issues raised. Western Sydney Airport Major Earthworks project involves moving up to 25 million cubic metres of earth to support construction of the major elements of the airport, including the runway and passenger terminal. This project is being delivered by the CPB Contractors and Lendlease Joint Venture, on behalf of Western Sydney Airport. Construction activities at the moment are: major earthworks, construction of main and northern workshop, topsoil stripping, Aboriginal heritage and

salvage work, vegetation clearing, construction of haul roads, dewatering pre-existing waterways and dams, construction of temporary basins, removal of existing utilities and fences and relocation of native plants. Construction of the main site compound has been completed, and other satellite site compounds will be set up in the future. It is with great sadness that we share the news that Mr Frank Thomas passed away on Friday 24th April and was laid to rest at Kemp’s Creek Lawn Cemetery. Mr Thomas was the Principal at Luddenham Public School from 1983 to 1986 and was well known in the community. If you have an opinion on what Luddenham of the future should be like, please email your thoughts or views to

r Old Northern Road | Image Supplied

Who Can Design Your Project? What to consider when designing your new home

Land Choice An important part of your planning is the purchase of the land. Make sure that there is no flood history, mine subsidence, land that has been filled in after draining, a dam or garbage tip. Another important issue - is the land prone to bushfires and at what level? Let’s assume your land is fairly level and even. If it is not, the construction of the residence floor would be an issue here. Either a concrete floor, if the site is fairly level, or a timber bearers and joist timber floor, if the land is uneven or hilly. Once you have purchased the land, it would be a good idea to have a surveyor issue you with a surveyor’s certificate and site drawing. If the land is very hilly, then a surveyor’s drawing with contours is a must to get the right ground levels. The issues regarding bushfire ratings will be discussed later. At this stage, let’s assume that the land is in a great area and good to build a new home on. (See next issue for a continuation of this topic)

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Article Written + Submitted by: Camille Brandt from Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital A: 49 Wentworth Rd, Orchard Hills P: 4736 2027

Coronavirus Crisis: In response to the evolving situation with COVID-19, Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital has increased safety measures to ensure the safety of our staff, clients and patients. As we have been deemed an essential service, we will continue to remain open and treating patients, however, in order to limit face-to-face consulting, clients will no longer be able to enter the hospital. We are taking these measures to ensure that we protect our staff and can continue to care for your pets. When you are booking your appointment, please let us know if any of the following applies to you: • You are unwell (fever, coughing, sore throat, fatigue, shortness of breath). • You have travelled overseas in the last 14 days, or a close friend/relative has travelled overseas in the last 14 days. • You have come into contact with a person that has tested positive for COVID-19. If YES, we advise a friend or relative to bring your pet to the veterinary hospital and we can keep you informed via telephone. If YES, our nursing team will wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when meeting you to ensure infection control. If NO, • When you arrive at Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital, please remain in your car and call reception on (02) 4736 2027. • If you do not have access to a mobile phone, knock on the door and a member of staff will come outside to assist you in your car. • We will then ask you to wait in your car until the veterinarian

is ready for your appointment. • The veterinarian will call you to obtain the relevant history and any concerns you may have. • Once ready, a nurse will come to your car to greet you and collect your pet to see the veterinarian for the consultation. Please remain in your car and maintain social distancing from other clients also waiting. • Once your pet has been examined, the veterinarian will call you and advise of any treatments/medications that your pet requires, or if they need to be admitted to hospital. • We will be asking if you prefer to pay over the phone, or if you require a mobile EFTPOS terminal to be brought to your car. NOTE – we will not be accepting cash at this time. • After the consultation has been completed, the nurse will return your pet to you in your car, with any required medications, food, merchandise, etc. • All invoices will be sent via email. Counter Sales: For over the counter medications and food, call us ahead of time so we can get the items ready for you, to reduce your waiting time. Your assistance in furthering the health and safety at Orchard Hills Veterinary Hospital is greatly appreciated. Government guidelines for Covid-19 are constantly changing, and we will provide updates as more information becomes available. Check out our website for more information. www. or join us on Facebook.

For Appointments Call

4736 2027

Camille Brandt BVSc(Hons 1), MVS(SAP)

CONSULTING HOURS Monday to Friday: 8am - 7pm | Saturdays: 8am - 2pm Services provided include: • General Surgery (desexing to orthopedics) • Vaccinations and in-house pathology • Radiology and Dentistry • Visiting specialist radiographer and ultrasonographer • Puppy preschool • Grooming and hydrobath • Home visits • Cat boarding and Kitten adoption • Secure off leash dog park CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION or Join us on Facebook

49 Wentworth Road, Orchard Hills – 4736 2027 10 June 2020

Brayden Raises Thousands for 65 Roses With National Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Awareness Month taking place last month, local Brayden Koevoets has just completed the 65 Roses Challenge, raising over $4,000 in much needed funds for the charity - Cystic Fibrosis Community Care (CFCC). The inspirational 11-year-old was joined by his family when taking the 65 Roses Challenge. This involved daily exercise of 65 squats a day until he reached the initial goal of $650, which he smashed thanks to the support of the local community. Brayden was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) via a newborn screening test at just 8 weeks old. According to Cystic Fibrosis Australia, CF ‘primarily affects the lungs and digestive system because of a malfunction in the exocrine system that’s responsible for producing saliva, sweat, tears and mucus. People with CF develop an abnormal amount of excessively thick and sticky mucus within the lungs, airways and the digestive system’. “Brayden decided to get involved with the 65 Roses Challenge as he is living everyday with the disease and he wanted to help raise funds for the organisations that help us” said Michelle Koevoets, Brayden’s mother. “Brayden spends around 90 minutes a day on nebuliser machines or pressure devices, to keep his lungs healthy. He also needs to stay fit, so a lot of exercise as well as extra nutritional requirements (in other words - a lot of food!) as his body cannot absorb the fat and nutrients the way our body does. Brayden also takes around 30 tablets a day. Besides all this, he is a typical 11-year-old boy who loves school, sports, and mates” she explained. If you would like to support Brayden, you can donate at r

Brayden joined by his sisters Tarnisha and Charlotte | Image: Michelle Koevoets


Article Written + Submitted by: Andreas Klein Nutritionist + Remedial Therapist from Beautiful Health + Wellness P: 0418 166 269

Is Knee Joint Replacement Surgery the only option for Severe Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) Osteoarthritis occurs most commonly in the knee joint and causes significant pain and disability in over 10% of people over 60. Many people immediately think of a knee replacement. However, for people under 70 who maintain a more active lifestyle, the lifetime risk of revision surgery is high. Men in their early 50s have a 35% risk for needing a second knee replacement. The median time for revision surgery for people who have had a knee replacement aged 60 or younger was only 4·4 years. An alternative procedure called ‘knee joint distraction’ (KJD) has emerged for treatment of knee osteoarthritis symptoms, to delay a knee replacement. ‘Distraction’ means ‘creating a space’ between cartilage of the top and bottom knee bones by gently pulling them apart using a ‘distraction device’. Joint distraction is indicated for patients under 65, under 120 kg, with end-stage (predominantly tibiofemoral) knee osteoarthritis, and Kellgren and Lawrence scores between 2-4. The procedure takes 30-45 minutes. It involves surgical placement of eight bone-pins, 2 on each side of the femur shaft, same for the tibia, leaving the joint itself undisturbed. Two distraction devices are applied between the femur and tibia pins, one on the lateral side, the other on the medial side of the knee (see picture). Once in place, 2mm of distraction is applied, then another 3mm over several days. Knee cartilage is completely unloaded (you walk on crutches) for 6 weeks, then the device and pins are removed in day-care under anesthesia, rehab starts - leg fully loaded, and results are noticeable in 2 months. The procedure comes with 3 main risks: 1. infection at implants (effectively managed with antibiotics) 2. pulmonary embolism (managed with prophylactic anticoagulants) and 3. limited knee flexion (very rarely, self-resolves) The procedure has a success rate of 75%, increasing cartilage thickness by 1mm. A recent systematic review found joint distraction a viable alternative for certain patients. Clinical and structural benefits persisted for 9 years. Most patients indicated that they would have the procedure again. A great advantage is that having KJD avoids a total knee replacement but does not prevent the use of this or any other knee surgery options later if and when required. r Image Supplied: June 2020





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12 June 2020


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BUILDING Concrete Footings, Bag Rendering, Block Work, Window Repairs, Saw Cutting, Stone Walls, Decorative Stone Laying, All Brickwork BUILDING REPAIRS Tiles, Plastering, Carpentry, Doors & Locks, Painting, Fly Screens, Leaky Taps Lic No: R84571


Don’t be silly... ADVERTISE HERE

Lic No. 219463C

4733 0792 |



0400 430 363

*Domestic *Commercial *Data/Phone Points * Ducted Vacuums *Hot Water System Repairs *TV Outlets *Electrical Tagging *Installation & Repairs ABN 78 738 702 949



EXCELLENCE IN GARAGE DOORS SINCE 1977 Sales, Service, Installation and Repair of, Roller Doors, Panel Lift Doors, Tilter Doors and Remote Control Openers 24 Hour Emergency Service VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT 1/25 PEACHTREE RD. PENRITH



ABN: 16178332181


0419 018 866 • Truck, Bobcat Skid Steer Loader, Excavator Hire • Auger, Forks & Hammer • Rubbish Removal & Site Cleaning • Landscaping, Turf & Plants • Retaining Walls


All Work Guaranteed

4774 1283


Agent for U-Haul Trailers KITCHENS

Your local renovation specialist servicing the Penrith and Blue Mountains district  Complete Kitchen Renovations  Complete Bathrooms Renovations  Make-Overs - Replacing Doors, Benchtops, Splashbacks  Detailed Custom Joinery  Personalised Service  Quality Workmanship Guaranteed  Over 30 Years of Industry Experience  Fully Licenced to Project Manage all Trades  Designs to Suit your Lifestyle and Budget


0418 433 868

7 Year Warranty onJUST Merlin Auto operators QUALITY COSTS A LITTLE MORE



Renovators Licence No. 236100c




Professional Structural Landscaping Grant Tattersall

0418 645 582 Licence No: 155424C | Member of Landscape Contractors Association of NSW

LICENCE: 339062C


0422 650 444 ABN: 76 634 451 237 DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL



Call Someone



Gardens, Decks, Retaining Walls, Turfing, Irrigation, Paving & Garden Maintenance Call Ben

Carpentry,Decking,Flat pack assembly,Hanging doors,Repairing or replacing locks,Gyprock repairs,Painting,Concrete repairs,Grinding,cutting,Small slabs,Replacing broken roof or wall tiles,tv antenna,relocate or add outlets,ExcavationsTight access. Not listed here just ask..

Licence No. 223594C

0448 844 314


0416 171 667 - 0431 511 879 June 2020







Bubbles Mobile

Pet Sitting


• Sand, Soil, Gravel, Decorative Pebble, Recycled Products • All your Landscaping and Building needs

2 Econo Place Silverdale 02 4774 2440 LAWNS + GARDENS

DA Lawns & Gardens call David 0413 569 743 or 0403 311 072 ‘Reliable friendly service’ NDIS Provider No. 4050012834

Contact Tabatha 0420 608 133


Shipways Effective Plumbing 24 Hrs - 7 Days Licensed Plumber, Drainer & Gasfitter Emergency Hot Water Repairs & Replacements

Gift certicates available Daytime & Evening appointments




4735 4007 / 0408 025 232 Bins ranging from 2m³ to 7m³

• Remove most types of rubbish. Open 6 days • Scrap metal bins • Prompt & reliable • Competitive price for domestic & commercial


Wallacia Plumbing Wallacia Plumbing ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Plumbe r Lic No. L9397 Drainer N.G. & L.P. Gasfitter Backflow Pre vention Accredite d Hotwater Systems Re paired and Replace d

Greg Beatson Tel: 4773 8698 Mob: 0418 610 509 Wallacia


Sue’s Sanctuary...

Contact Susan




4774 1074 or 0414 741 472


Darren Calleja – 0401 537 793 e: w: Lic No. 287832C


For more information on treatments please visit

4774 1944

Lic: 158889C

All Aspects of Plumbing • Drainage • Gasfitting Hot Water • Blocked Drains Bathroom Renovations • Extensions Complete Home and Commercial Maintenance

Repair & Servicing of all makes of mowers, chainsaws & line trimmers

We specialise in Relaxation, Remedial, Sports, Reexology/Raindrop massages; Reiki treatments also available Cranial Sacral Therapy

Open Monday - Saturday (Closed Sunday) for Lunch & Dinner Open Mothers and Fathers Day

Environmentally friendly company

Call Bert

...for massage and healing


Michael and Sally Wu


0419 981 001

4774 1253

Fully licenced Air conditioned Take away service Function Catering EFTPOS, Bankcard, Visa & Mastercard Welcome

Shop 2, Lot 1, Weir Rd, Warragamba

M: 0410 638 342

No Job Too Small


at wo

Blocked Drains Leaking Taps & Toilets, Gutters, LP Gas & Natural Gas, Water Leaks, Rainwater Tanks

Call your local Plumber on

P: 4773 8744



Chinese Restaurant

Caring pet sitter will provide: • Fresh food & water daily • Playtime with your pets • Dog walking (available on request)

Airport Transfers • Cruise Ship Transfers Special Events • Concerts Weddings • Nights Out


Warragamba Plumbing Services Pty Ltd • • • • •

Blocked Drains Toilet & Tap Repairs LPG & Natural Gas Renovations Rainwater Tanks

Call 0488 003 754 Category – Tiling

01 Proof – District Gazette

• Burst & Leaking Pipe Repairs • H.W.S Repairs &Installs • 24/7 Emergency Services • Pensioner Discounts

Paul’s Tiling

Licence No.239747C

• All Small & Big Tiling Work • Domestic & Commercial • Free Quotes - No Obligation • 15 Years Experience

0432 690 167

Mobile: 0439 664 866



Lic 253202c

Moosehead Woodworks • Domestic and Commercial • Interior and Exterior ask • Wallpapering our t about • Decorative Finishes guaren year ante • Roof Restoration e • Fully Insured • Clean and Professional Service Phillip Pyliotis

0420 983 393 “get the job done by a professional ”

find us on facebook for some pictures and videos

0419 634 323 Having a Function?

Book at Pietro’s Seats 130 people • Available LunchƟme and Dinner

• Christenings • Birthdays • Anniversarys • Engagements • ConrmaƟons • Communions 41 Fourteenth St, Warragamba Open Wednesday – Sunday Nights 5pm Ɵl 9pm Phone Orders on 4774 1584 Party Enquiries on 0407 431 043

14 June 2020

Cabinets & Woodwork Our Commitment to Give Back The District Gazette supports the Lung Foundation Australia, with specific financial support of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, through their IPF Program. In memory of the late, courageous, strong and determined, Wendy Frame




Emergency Services (Police, Ambulance, Fire) Penrith Police Station Police Assistance Line

4733 0792

Warragamba Police

4774 1105

Lifeline 24-Hour Counselling NSW Fire Brigade Warragamba Graffiti Hotline Penrith

General Enquiries


Artwork Submissions + Approval Distribution Enquiries



Online: 1st July 2020 Letterboxes: 7th + 8th July 2020 MEET OUR TEAM

131 444 9677 7499

PO Box 8254 Glenmore Park NSW 2745

Account Information + Enquiries

4721 9444

St Marys Police Station

Wollondilly SES

Advertising Enquiries


WIRES (Wildlife Rescue) NSW Rural Fire Service

131 114 4774 1222 1800 022 182 4677 1417 4754 2946 1800NSWRFS

Anglican Church St Thomas Mulgoa,

4733 1635

Catholic Church Sacred Heart, Luddenham + Warragamba

4773 4321

Uniting Church The Northern Road, Luddenham Wallacia Community Christian Park Rd, Wallacia Baptist Church 38-40 Nineteenth St, Warragamba

0409 818 091 4773 8232 4774 1476 0417 174 455

Mt Schoenstatt Shrine + Retreat Centre 230 Fairlight Rd, Mulgoa

4773 8338

Elevation Church Penrith 4 Production Pl, Penrith

4722 8489

Rural Fire Service 0414 482 732


4773 9887 0438 336 887


4773 4142


4774 1252

Community Groups 4774 1273

Home + Community Care

4774 2589

Penrith Suicide Bereavement Support Group

0402 627 696

Progress Association Mulgoa

4773 8230 4773 4454

Progress Association Wallacia

0411 523 296

Warradale Community Action Association Inc.

0419 685 422

Wallacia Rotary Club

0421 997 777

Managing Editor Belinda Sanders Writer / Sales Cim Sanders Writer / Educational Consultant Sara Drebber

Mulgoa Valley Landcare

0411 487 512

Flynnko Pty Ltd

Probus Club

ABN: 65 601 734 472 trading as:

Seniors Mulgoa

4774 1357 4773 8974 0408 304 006

Penrith SouthProbus Club

0422 410 146


0409 429 198

Girl Guides

0414 619 382

Sports Clubs Rugby League Tennis Warragamba

4774 2069 4774 1681

Little Athletics

0411 047 080


0407 497 606



Delivered MONTHLY to homes and businesses across Mulgoa + Wallacia + Silverdale + Warragamba + Luddenham. or PICK UP YOUR FREE COPY from...

Neighbourhood Centre

Seniors Warragamba


Find us on Facebook


Progress Association Luddenham

It’s hard to articulate how very challenging the last few weeks have been for all of us. Could anyone possibly have imagined that (in 2020) our everyday lives and daily activities would be curtailed, sanctioned, restricted and in part - even outlawed? Like almost every local business The District Gazette has also been impacted. Business closures and restrictive practices have definitely weighed heavily on small business owners ability to advertise. Despite the challenges, The District Gazette has continued to share the amazing community spirit we have all played witness to during these times, directly to your letterbox! You asked, and we continued.... to deliver. We thank you, our readers and our friends in business, for your support during these tough times! Behind the Gazette masthead, we are a local family owned and operated business, just like yours or your friends, or neighbours. Just like you, we shop local, our children attend the local schools and we dine out at the restaurants and cafes down the street (when we’re allowed!). It’s true, we are your biggest cheerleaders and are thankful you are ours! As I write this, there are glimmers of hope and light somewhere deep in the tunnel ahead; announcements to return to school and work have just been made. This may just be the beginning of ‘back to a ‘new’ normal’, one where I am certain we will all do things ‘a little differently’. Enjoy Your Community News. Let yesterday be yesterday, no matter what has changed.

4774 2153

Penrith Baseball Club

0420 581 276

Swimming Club

0415 926 155

Mulgoa on local Newsagency / Post Office of COVID-19 t lth and c a a e p h m i e e h Warragamba ue to th s, and with t eam in mind, D t se Warragamba Club xtended s during this busines fWorkers e t o our Wallacia safety t pick up poin ry. a a Newsagency copies n period may v as ntinue tai Wallacia uncerHotel will co g times. s w e N n ty i i g n n u e m Wallacia Golf Club l m l o ha Your C ess these c Wallacia l busin apt toClub we adBowling r, smal Post Officeore than eve Now m us pport! Luddenham follow your su needsClub time to to receive t Hubertus a e r g E s is a and SUBSCRIB y to your ThiStall Davids ectl BOOK on FACE L EDITION dir Silverdale A T I G I D a Silverdale IGA onthly: m box like inwould /gpmIQ5 If you to have the Mulgoa comGazette l.Valley rplace u p e e / available for collection at your of business, please / http: contact us.

SMALL PRINT Advertising Policy... Payment on booking secures your space. The Business Directory offers cost effective advertising to businesses in an alphabetical format. Premium Placement may be available, at an extra charge. An editorial focus on a local business may be included if space permits, at the Editor’s discretion. Community News... The Mulgoa Valley Gazette welcomes community news and events, local achievements, births, deaths, obituaries, weddings, engagements and anniversaries (published free of charge) Articles of interest will be accepted at the Editor’s discretion. Articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editor. Letters to the Editor...may be printed and edited as necessary. Names must be submitted but can be withheld from publication at the writer’s request. Every effort is made to print correct information but no responsibility can be taken for errors or omissions. June 2020




Fairlight Rd, Mulgoa


sold wallacia


“Murray has been very helpful right from the inspection of the property to settlement. The whole journey of 42 days was smooth and it was a wonderful experience. We would like to thank Murray for his help and cooperation he extended during these times.� - Anubhav & Kiran - Sellers -


call me for a free market appraisal MURRAY TREUER 0412 617 754

Discover their bright future Enrolling now Pre-K to Year 12 2021

To Serve Christ

ENQUIRE NOW Visit our website or call 4736 8100 for more information or to organise a personal tour.

16 June 2020 A member school of the Anglican Schools Corporation

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