Oran Park Gazette October 2018

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oran park Distributed from the 1st Week of Every Month Excluding January OCTOBER 2018 www.oranparkgazette.com.au Delivered monthly to Oran Park + Harrington Park + Harrington Grove + Gregory Hills | Cost: Free

Issue 33

New Mayor Elected for Camden Council Camden Councillors Peter Sidgreaves and Theresa Fedeli have been elected as Mayor and Deputy Mayor respectively for 2018-2020 at Council’s meeting last month. Mayor of Camden, Councillor Sidgreaves said he was honoured to be elected and represent the community as Mayor of Camden. “I am looking forward to working with my fellow Councillors and Council staff to provide the services, infrastructure and facilities that improve and support the wellbeing of our residents” Councillor Sidgreaves said. “This is a remarkable time for our community as we experience the fastest rate of growth of any LGA in Australia, and I will maintain the momentum of this Council to achieve the services and projects that we are committed to delivering” he said. “I would like to thank our previous Mayor, Councillor Lara Symkowiak for her fantastic work and acknowledge her great leadership over the past six years”. Councillor Sidgreaves has been on Council since 2012, holding the position of Deputy Mayor on two occasions. Deputy Mayor, Councillor Fedeli has served on Council since 2012 and this is her second term as Deputy Mayor. Councillor Lara Symkowiak, who had previously been the Mayor of Camden since 2012 had this to say about Councillor Peter Sidgreaves. “Mayor Peter Sidgreaves has my full support and I wish him the very best in his new role” she said. Councillor Peter Sidgreaves | Image Supplied

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Dr Roy Abi Hanna Dr Ahmed El Ayoubi Dr Jeeda Pincombe

Dr Kavitha Sathiyanantha Dr Jameel Khan

OPEN 7 DAYS Monday to Friday: 8:30am – 6:00pm Saturday & Sunday: 8:30am – 12:00pm


02 4648 1666 Suite 1, 23 Fairwater Drive, Harrington Park NSW 2567 www.oranparkgazette.com.au October 2018




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October 2018



Toy Drive for Homeless Children With Christmas just around the corner and decorations already flooding our shopping isles, Jack Blewitt, a local 9-year-old Harrington Park boy who attends Oran Park Public School is already planning ahead for those who are less fortunate than he is. Most 9-year-old boys have already put in their requests for the latest toys and gadgets that they hope Santa will bring them. Jack is asking for many things. In fact, Jack’s wishes are that the community can donate lots of toys and clothes to fill as many buckets as he can. Not for him though, but to gift them to local homeless children and those children suffering from domestic violence who may not receive anything for Christmas this year. After hearing about his mum Cheree working with homeless children, he realised just how lucky he was and felt sad that not all children had the luxury that he does. “I felt sad when I heard they get nothing at Christmas time, so I wanted to help them’’ explained Jack. Jack decided on a toy drive and is now seeking the help of the local community to put smiles on children’s faces and to make them feel special for the day. The goal is to gather as many new toys, books and clothes and give them as gifts to children less fortunate for Christmas, so they don’t go without. The toy drive will be going until November and Jack hopes to personally deliver the toys to the children himself. Jack would love to be able to present brand new toys, however he welcomes any donations that are of great quality and worthy of passing on. If anyone would like to donate any items, please contact Jack via email at chereelee22@hotmail.com.  Let’s help fill Jack’s bucket | Image: Cheree Blewitt. Article: Renee Garcia.

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Servicing All Areas P: 4655 2800 M: 0400 995 640 A: 17 Hill Street, Camden F: 4655 2833 www.oranparkgazette.com.au October 2018


Innovation in Oran Park WSU Launch Pad

Oran Park Smart Work Hub has been a popular choice for business and those who want the convenience of a work environment closer to home without having to travel long distances and battle peak hour traffic. September saw the launch of a new resident at the Hub, in the way of a technology business incubator. Baxter the robot and a digital 3D printer made an appearance and showcased the technology and innovation that is available and being produced in today’s world. This is a wonderful innovative initiative between the Western Sydney University and Camden Council. It is designed to connect entrepreneurs in the technology industry with the support and resources of the university to increase their capacity as a local business. It’s a no brainer that small business is the driver for our economic region and initiatives like this will optimise and open doors for more job opportunities. This is so that more well-paid quality jobs become available in our local area, eliminating the need to travel into major cities and to create more balance with a work, rest, play lifestyle in our own backyard. A digital workforce is the future. For those that are business owners, it is imperative to start thinking about how you’re going to move your business into a time of technology opportunities and be conscious of the ever-growing trends that may affect your industry. The Launch Pad is now operating out of the Oran Park Smart Work Hub.  Article: Renee Garcia

ORAN PARK DENTAL CARE ARE Dr Richard Solomon & Associates

OPEN 7 DAYS Complete Dental HealthCare for the whole family Book Now Hicaps We Bulk Bill Medicare Child Dental Benefit Schedule Shop 4B & 5B, Oran Park Town Centre 351 Oran Park Drive, Oran Park NSW 2570

4604 2400 admin@opdc.com.au Harrington Park Dental Care Shop 15C, Harrington Plaza 567 23 Fairwater Drive, Harrington Park NSW 2567 4647 9768

Festival of


Saturday 20 October 2018

P. 4654 7643 www.camden.nsw.gov.au


October 2018


5pm – 9pm Town Park, Central Ave, Oran Park

Traditional Kerala Dums Bollywood Dancers Ĭ Rangoli Artwork Indian Fashion Parade South Asian food and drinks Henna Tattooing Live Music and much more

A Kickstart for Small Businesses or Locals Thinking about Starting Up Each year, thousands of small businesses are kicked off in Western Sydney. Many are taking their particular skill set or profession and branching out on their own. Sadly, statistics tell us that more than 50% of businesses will fail within the first three years. Local business community, Women with Altitude and the Men’s Altitude Network want to set up business owners for success. They are a professional business network that helps entrepreneurs get support and education through networking groups, mentoring and education sessions. They have partnered with Business Connect to bring their successful Start Me Up Series to Oran Park. Founder Andrea Turner-Boys explains; "We understand the enormous roller coaster being in small business can be. We have brought together successful entrepreneurs, facilitators and educators to run a series of evening workshops to cover all aspects of small business. From making a profit to marketing and social media, we want to resource people starting out or those that have started and are finding it harder than they thought, with the tools and practices that will help them to succeed and build a profitable business”. Business Connect is subsidising this program to make it as accessible as possible. A $2000 program for $220. This is incredible value and is open to all men and women. The program commences in October on a Monday Night at the Oran Park Business Hub. For more information or to book your place, contact 1300 036 615 or email info@womenwithaltitude.com.au. You can also visit www.womenwithaltitude.com.au or mensaltitudenetwork.com.au. Participants in the Start Me Up Series | Image Supplied by Women with Altitude

www.oranparkgazette.com.au October 2018



October 2018


A Man of Many Talents

They say that everyone has at least one talent in life. Local resident Stephen Bullock is proving that it’s possible to have more than one, and in his case it’s three, with the full-time school teacher also a talented photographer and an artist. Picking up a camera in Year 12, Bullock’s interest in photography began to blossom in 2010, when he started as a semi-professional. A gifted artist at school, he didn’t pick up a pencil for around 15 years after Year 12. That was until his then 4-year-old daughter asked him to draw cartoons, which soon progressed to detailed portrait drawings. “I’m a full-time teacher and love my job. Both photography and art were hobbies that have evolved into more and more work that I absolutely love doing as well. Photography is mainly weekend work. With my art, I manage to get an hour or two in each day to work on it. I’m conscious of my family time and getting the balance right is something I’m working on”

explained Stephen. Growing up watching David Attenborough documentaries and a fascination with wildlife, it’s easy to see that Stephen’s inspiration in both his photography and art is the natural world. This developed over the years after many trips to the zoo and anywhere else he could find time in nature. Stephen’s photography business, Bullock Photos, is an amazing display of his work covering everything from sport, travel, wildlife and weddings. His artwork, which uses the medium of graphite, pastel pencils and colour pencils, is an array of detailed portraits of both people and animals. “With both photography and art, what I love is the reaction and emotion that it results in. Completing a portrait drawing for someone or photographing a wedding both offer feelings of satisfaction when someone complements your work. When you see the look on someone’s face when they see that image or artwork for the first time, that is priceless” he said. For more information about Stephen’s work, visit www. bullockphotos.com. You can also find him on Facebook at www. facebook.com/stephenbullockphotos and www.facebook. com/Bullock-Drawings. On Instagram, you can catch him at @ bullock_weddings and @bullock_drawings. Stephen Bullock with his artwork | Image Supplied

Daylight Savings Begins at 2:00 am Sunday, 7 October 2018 Ends at 2:00 am on Sunday, 7 April 2019 All times are in Eastern Australia time e

www.oranparkgazette.com.au October 2018



October 2018


Oran Park Public School Update

A project is underway to upgrade the existing Oran Park Public School to accommodate 1,000 students. The project will deliver: • 24 new future-focused classrooms to accommodate 1,000 students • An upgrade to administration and staff areas • A larger covered outdoor learning area (COLA) • Additional student amenities and landscaping These upgrades are being coordinated with the delivery of the new Oran Park High School. The construction contract has been awarded to Hindmarsh Construction Pty Ltd. Site establishment commenced on 24 September 2018. Site establishment prepares the area so that construction works can begin. As part of the site establishment, Hindmarsh will: • Erect construction fencing • Install the site office and work sheds • Deliver equipment These works will take place on Monday-Friday between 7am and 6pm and Saturdays from 8am-1pm. No night works are scheduled for this project. Site signage will be in place and boarding put up to minimise noise and ensure the safety of the local community.  Image: Artist Impression. Source: NSW Department of Education – School Infrastructure.

Oran Park High School Update A new high school is being planned at Oran Park to accommodate 2,000 students. The project will deliver: • More than 90 learning spaces • Core facilities • A hall to accommodate two basketball courts These upgrades are being coordinated with the delivery of the new Oran Park High School. The construction contract has been awarded to Hindmarsh Construction Pty Ltd. Site establishment commenced on 17 September 2018. Site establishment prepares the area so that construction works can begin. As part of the site establishment, Hindmarsh will: • Erect construction fencing • Install the site office and work sheds • Deliver equipment These works will take place on Monday-Friday between 7am and 6pm and Saturdays from 8am-1pm. No night works are scheduled for this project. Site signage will be in place and boarding put up to minimise noise and ensure the safety of the local community.

0 0 0 5 6 7

 Source: NSW Department of Education – School Infrastructure

www.oranparkgazette.com.au October 2018


What’s Cooking

Lemon Chicken Noodle Salad Ingredients 500g chicken breast fillets, thinly sliced 1 stem lemongrass, pale section only, finely chopped 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon rind 1/2 teaspoon turmeric 2 long fresh red chillies, deseeded, finely chopped 80ml (1/3 cup) fresh lemon juice 100g dried egg noodles 1 small red onion, thinly sliced 150g sugar snap peas, thinly sliced diagonally 1/4 small red cabbage, shredded 100g grape tomatoes, halved 1 cup fresh mint leaves 1 cup fresh coriander leaves 2 teaspoons fish sauce 2 teaspoons brown sugar Preparation 1. Combine the chicken, lemongrass, lemon rind, turmeric, half the chilli and 2 tablespoons lemon juice in a shallow glass bowl. Cover and place in the fridge for 30 minutes to marinate. 2. Cook the noodles following the packet directions or until tender. Drain. Refresh under cold running water. 3. Heat a large wok over high heat and spray with oil. Stirfry the chicken for 2-3 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through. Transfer to a large bowl. 4. Add the noodles, onion, sugar snap peas, cabbage, tomato, mint and coriander to the chicken. Combine fish sauce, sugar, remaining chilli and 2 tablespoons lemon juice in a small bowl. Stir until sugar dissolves. Add the dressing to the salad. Gently toss to combine. Serve warm.

Cafe, Bistro, Catering Fully Licenced Open 7 days breakfast & lunch Friday & Saturday dinner


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10-Minute Choc-Caramel Mini Cheesecake Cookie Sandwiches Ingredients 250g cream cheese, softened 1/4 cup icing sugar mixture 12 Ultimate 40% Choc Chip Cookies 1/2 cup salted caramel topping 100g dark chocolate, melted Preparation 1. Using an electric mixer, beat cream cheese and sugar for 1 minute or until smooth. Place in a piping bag fitted with a 1.5cm fluted nozzle. 2. Pipe cream cheese mixture onto flat side of half the cookies. Drizzle with caramel topping. Top with remaining cookies. Drizzle with chocolate. Serve. https:/www.taste.com.au/recipes/10-minute-choc-caramel-minicheesecake-cookie-sandwiches


October 2018


4/1 Gregory Hills Drive, Gledswood Hills Gregory Hills Business Centre Ph:95139323 extractespresso.com.au info@extractespresso.com.au facebook-instagram @extractespresso Trading Hours Monday to Friday 6am – 4pm Saturday 6:30am – 3.30pm Sunday 7:30am – 2pm breakfast-lunch-dessert-catering-functions fully Licenced

Additional Facilities for Doohan Reserve

Our Commitment to Give Back

At District Gazette, we have chosen to align ourselves with a charity that is very close to our hearts. We support the Lung Foundation Australia, by giving a percentage of all advertising revenue and hosting fundraising events to support Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, through their IPF Program. In memory of the late, courageous, strong and determined, Wendy Frame

Oran Park Town acknowledges that their residents love parks and play spaces. Last month, Camden Council gave the green light for additional facilities to be dedicated and built at Doohan Reserve over and above what was originally planned. The sportsground will include new cricket and footy fields, tennis courts and playgrounds. A new sporting mecca right here at Oran Park Town. Landcom and Greenfields entered into an agreement with Camden Council called a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA). It means that Landcom and Greenfields as developers build facilities for Council upfront to benefit the community. Sir Jack Brabham Reserve, Gardner Reserve and Oran Park Library have been built using this agreement so far. Doohan Reserve was originally proposed on 5.8 hectares, but that space wasn’t enough to fit all the facilities our residents need. They proposed dedicating 10.4 hectares, a much larger space. This change triggered a formal amendment to the VPA. The amended VPA went on public exhibition and recently was formally endorsed by Camden Council. The new bigger and better Doohan Reserve can now be approved by Council. Tenders have already been let so construction should be underway in the first quarter of 2019. The build is expected to take 18 months.

Camden Council Library Services Narellan Library Movie Club

Meeting every second Wednesday of the month


ď ˛ Artist impression of Doohan Reserve | Image Supplied




FRESH VEGETABLES MEAT & POULTRY www.oranparkgazette.com.au October 2018


Oran Park Probus Club We have had a busy month, with day trips, lunches and coffee mornings. All these promote friendship, fellowship and fun which are part of our mission where we aim to connect retired people in our district. If you are interested in finding out more about our club come along as a visitor to see how we operate. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month (excluding January) at 10.00 am at NewLife Anglican Church, corner Central Avenue and Marcus Loane Way, Oran Park. The next meeting is 2 October. If you would like more information about our club then contact the secretary, Helen Duhs at phduhs@ gmail.com or 0412508828.  September Meeting | Image Supplied


Article Written + Submitted by: Sharon Ruddleston | CPM | MBA | AFIML | Speaker | Author | Mentor | Advisor www.sharonruddleston.com.au | 0418-861-562

Is it Time to Increase your Competitive Strength? The rapid growth of our local economy represents great opportunity but it also carries a range of pressures, forces and disruptions to existing businesses as competition heats up. Maintaining the status quo is no longer enough if you want to survive and thrive. Australian statistics continue to report the alarming rate at which businesses fail. Whilst businesses fail for different reasons, too often it’s because the owners have not done their homework thoroughly and just get their offer to the market wrong or increasingly, the market moves faster than the owner notices. With today’s market moving at such a rapid pace, it’s easy to get left behind. When owners become consumed in running the operations, they no longer devote enough time to working on their business and the vital planning to keep it alive and successful into the future. If you are wanting to: • increase your competitive strength

• generate above average sales growth • build your brand equity • improve business continuity Then you know it’s time to do things differently. To think differently. To make different decisions and to take different actions. Continuing to do what you’ve always done is no longer enough to get ahead of the game. Taking the time to face facts and ask yourself what is really happening in your business can take courage, but it is vital to your success. Here’s two questions you need to be asking if you want to increase your competitive strength: 1. When did you last deliberately identify the elements in your business that are working and those that aren’t? And which elements could be leveraged for growth? 2. Are you consciously thinking about how to strengthen your competitive advantage so that you survive and thrive into the future?


Article Written + Submitted by: Lead Pastor Stuart Starr @ New Life Anglican Church W: newlifeanglican.org.au E: stuart@newlifeanglican.org.au A: Cnr Central Avenue + Marcus Loane Way, Oran Park NSW 2570

Parenting Advice? I Need It Can you imagine a world where you are nailing being a parent every day? In my ideal world it would feel seamless as I drop the kids off at school, day care, or the station. On my return in the evening the table would be set, dishwasher unpacked, and over dinner everyone would have a civil and wide ranging discussion about the events of the day, things they’ve learnt, and the goals for being great citizens. Woken up yet? It would be great if I was the sort of parent who didn’t need help parenting - but I do. I’m not hopeless by any measure - and it’s not like there aren’t lots of people with advice. But more opinions isn’t what I need. I’m after advice that I can trust, that’s presented practically, and that’s exactly what we’ve lined up. On Saturday October 27th we’ve invited renowned author and psychologist Justin Coulson to the Church to talk to us about


October 2018


how to create happier families. It’s not a magic show - Justin will speak to us from the latest research and his experience as a father of six kids. Justin is not just a dad of a big family, he’s written articles, presented on the Project, and his books cover topics from 9 ways to raise a resilient child, to 10 things every parent needs to know, and much more. When he’s with us Justin will be unpacking a variety of specific strategies to help every parent be at their best with evidence based ideas and advice on how to strengthen your relationship with your children. The tickets are $22 and available via our website newlifeanglican.org.au. I live in a world where I’d love some help - I hope you join me in getting a little, especially when it’s offered in Oran Park.

It's Time for Camden Kids to “Give it a TRY” One of the most exciting events of the year – the Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon - is heading to Camden for the first time thanks to Camden Council. Taking place on Sunday, 24th February 2019, at Onslow Oval and the Camden War Memorial Pool, the event is part of the world’s largest under 16s triathlon series with entries opening in early October. Now in its 21st year, The Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon supports kids’ wellbeing by giving them an opportunity to have fun with their friends, enjoy healthy outdoor activity and boost self-confidence and resilience. All kids who complete the achievable course at their own pace receive a special gold medallion. The swim leg is divided by age and gender into small groups at the start. Younger kids in the seven to 10 age group do a 75m swim, 3km cycle and 500m run. Older kids aged 11 to 15 do a 150m swim, 6km cycle and 1km run. There’ll also be lots of extra fun things to do in the Expo Village including a sports expo, making it a great day out for the whole family! Entries open early October. For more event details and updates, visit www.tryathlon.com.au  Sanitarium Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon | Image Supplied

COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD Recently moved into Oran Park? Whether you’re an owner or a tenant, the Oran Park Town Development Team would like to welcome you! To receive your Welcome Gift and Information Pack. Please Contact the Sales Office on 9043 7500

Wednesday 10am (During School terms) PlayTime @ NewLife Anglican Church PlayTime is for Mums and Carers with kids 0-5. Cnr Marcus Loane Way + Central Avenue, Oran Park. Enquiries: www.newlifeanglican. org.au/wp/playtime

Wednesday 4.30pm – 5.30pm Sprouts Academy (tuition). For information call Inderpreet on 0449 573 927 or email sproutsacademy.au@gmail.com

Saturday 6 October, 3 November (1st Saturday of the month) Cobbitty Village Markets Where: Cobbitty Public School, Cobbitty Rd, Cobbitty. Enquiries: 0438 512 728 cobbittymarkets.com.au

Wednesday 10am – 2pm Oran Park Craft Connections Community Room, Cnr Oran Park & Peter Brock Drives, Oran Park. Join the group for a cuppa, chat and craft every 2nd Wednesday. BYO lunch and your own craft hobby to work on. New members welcome. For enquiries call Gwen on 0417 294 576

Thursday 9:30am –11am (During School Terms) Little Joey’s Playgroup Oran Park St Mary Mackillop Catholic Parish 94 Oran Park Drive, Oran Park Cost: $2.00 per child / per week Little Joey’s is a new community based Playgroup for children aged 0 - 5yrs and their parents, grandparents or carers. It is run by St.Mary MacKillop Catholic Parish Oran Park and everyone is welcome. Phone: (02) 4648 2226 Parish Office Email: oranpark@dow.org.au

Saturday 13 October (Next: 13 October ,15 December) Oran Park Town Art & Craft Markets 9am - 2pm Oran Park Podium. Stallholder Applications: www.oranparkpodium.com. au/markets Tuesday 10am –11.30am Community Playgroup Community Room - Cnr Oran Park Drive + Peter Brock Drive, Oran Park Benevolent Society 0450 840 188

Wednesday + Thursday + Friday 10 am BIBS (Babies into books) Fun half hour session of stories and rhymes that introduces literacy to 0-18 month olds and their carers. 10am Wednesday @ Oran Park Library 10am Thursday @ Camden Library 10am Wednesday and Thursday @Narellan Library

Wednesdays + Saturdays Storytime @ Oran Park Library, 11am Wednesdays, 10.30am Saturdays

Friday 6.30pm – 7.30pm GKR Karate. For information call Ashley on 0401 919 338

Heads up! Event dates may alter at short notice. Check with the event organiser for the most up to date details.




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www.oranparkgazette.com.au October 2018







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October 2018



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oran park 4733 0792 editor@districtgazette.com.au www.districtgazette.com.au

PO Box 8254 Glenmore Park NSW 2745 General Enquiries info@districtgazette.com.au Advertising Enquiries advertise@districtgazette.com.au Account Information + Enquiries accounts@districtgazette.com.au Artwork Submissions + Approval design@districtgazette.com.au Distribution Enquiries wedeliver@districtgazette.com.au


15th October 2018 MEET OUR TEAM

Managing Editor Belinda Sanders

Writer / Sales Cim Sanders

Writer / Distribution Lisa Finn-Powell

Writer / Educational Consultant Sara Drebber

Writer Renee Garcia

Flynnko Pty Ltd ABN: 65 601 734 472 trading as:


Emergency Services Police, Ambulance, Fire 000 or 112 mobile Narellan Police Station 4632 4499 Police Assistance Line 131 444 Lifeline 24-Hour Counselling 131 114 WIRES (Wildlife Rescue) 4754 2946 NSW Rural Fire Service 1800NSWRFS Camden SES 4647 0319 (For emergency help in floods and storms call NSW SES – 132 500) General OPT information, Contact the Sales & Information Office 9043 7500

Health Services Camden + Campbelltown Hospital Switchboard 4634 3000 After Hours Medical Clinic (Campbelltown) 4634 3290 Heathdirect Australia 1800 022 222 Get Healthy 1300 806 258 Beyond Blue 1300 22 46 36 MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78 Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 Karitane Careline 1300 22 74 64 Breastfeeding Helpline (NSW) 1800 686 268 (1800 MUM 2 MUM) Pregnancy Birth + Baby 1800 882 436

Sports Clubs


I can remember piecing together the first publication of 2018, and here we are, with only 2 more issues before Christmas arrives! I find October to be the month when reality sets in. Whether it's the warmer weather, the increased number of social festivities, school events ramping up, or the Christmas decorations starting to pop up in every shop you enter... there's no denying that Christmas is just around the corner [again!]. This month, we share plenty of great stories, full of community spirit and local achievements! 'Dance before the music is over'. Bask in the sun and enjoy your Community News.

Belinda Find us on Facebook facebook.com/districtgazette facebook.com/oranparkgazette PICK UP POINTS

Camden Athletics Club + Little Athletics Veronique Jackson 0424 880 080 Macarthur District Softball Association Lesley Darby 0401 740 023 Oran Park Physical Culture Club Mandy Weiling 0417 020 549 Mount Annan/Currans Hill Knights Softball Club Jennifer Tadros 0404 629 710 Camden RSL Youth Club Boxing Ron 4646 1658 Macarthur Bushwalkers Ken 4628 2528 Narellan Jets Junior Rugby League Cindy Morley 0413 086 601 Camden District Cricket Association Kyle Malcolm - President 0411 371 115 Cobbitty Narellan Cricket Club Mark Bush - 0497 555 071 - mbush@hvg.net.au

Oran Park Cricket Club Karl Bennett coaching@oranparkcricket.com.au Oran Park Netball Club Rachael Cecil 0433 994 591 Oran Park Rovers Football Club Nathan Hawthorne 0422 139 993 Oran Park Junior Rugby League Kim O'Grady 0412 081 144 Oran Park Hockey Club Michelle Brennan 0400 050 078 Camden Junior AFL Club Naomi Porter 0417 683 768 Harrington Park Scorpions Softball Club Greg Trevena and MB: 0417 257 385

Community Groups Gledswood Toastmasters David Johnson 0417 423 458

Delivered MONTHLY to homes in Oran Park + Harrington Park + Harrington Grove + Gregory Hills or PICK UP YOUR FREE COPY from... Oran Park Town Café Unit 2 No.5 Cnr Peter Bock Dr & Oran Park Dr Oran Park Sweet 4 U Patisserie Shop C6 Oran Park Podium, Oran Park Oran Park News Agency Oran Park Podium, Oran Park Harrington Park News Agency Shp8/ 23 Fairwater Drv, Harrington Park If you would like to have the Oran Park Gazette available for collection at your place of business, please contact us.

SMALL PRINT Advertising Policy... Payment on booking secures your space. The Business Directory offers cost effective advertising to businesses in an alphabetical format. Premium Placement may be available, at an extra charge. An editorial focus on a local business may be included if space permits, at the Editor’s discretion. Community News... The Oran Park Gazette welcomes community news and events, local achievements, births, deaths, obituaries, weddings, engagements and anniversaries (published free of charge) Articles of interest will be accepted at the Editor’s discretion. Articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editor. Letters to the Editor... May be printed and edited as necessary. Names must be submitted but can be withheld from publication at the writer’s request. Every effort is made to print correct information but no responsibility can be taken for errors or omissions.

www.oranparkgazette.com.au October 2018


Camden’s Annual

Wedding Expo Sunday 14 October, from 10am - 2pm


October 2018


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