Oran Park Gazette September 2017

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oran park Distributed from the 1st Week of Every Month Excluding January SEPTEMBER 2017 www.oranparkgazette.com.au Delivered monthly to Oran Park + Harrington Park + Harrington Grove + Gregory Hills | Cost: Free



Issue 21

PET CHAT pg.16

Oran Park Walk of Fame Opens The Walk of Fame, it’s not just in Hollywood, we now have one in Oran Park and it really is a special legacy that can be viewed and appreciated by all residents in our local community. OPG were lucky enough to be invited to the unveiling of the Oran Park Raceway Walk of Fame recently, located in the town park opposite the new Camden Council building on the main walkway. Tony and Mark Perich welcomed guests, eagerly looking on as Dick Johnson, Allan Moffat, Lady Margaret Brabham and Beverly Brock unveiled the first stage of Oran Park Town’s Walk of Fame, which consists of 9 drivers and riders who have been honoured with plaques placed along the walkway. A small memorial was also unveiled to honour the competitors who lost their lives while competing at the Raceway. When the Perich Family started planning Oran Park Town, the Raceway was still in operation. They were determined to ensure some of the Raceway’s heritage was preserved in the development of the new town. Seven years into the project, the Raceway’s heritage lives on through street names, park names and even the location of the Straight, but there was still a desire to further celebrate the Raceway’s heritage. Tony Perich AM said “We’ve always made sure the motor racing heritage lives on at Oran Park Town. I’m excited to honour these legendary drivers and riders. My family and I are passionate about keeping the memory of the Raceway alive  (L-R) Dick Johnson, Beverly Brock, Tony Perich AM, Lady Margaret Brabham and Allan Moffat OBE | Image+Article: Renee Garcia

Cont. Pg 12

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www.oranparkgazette.com.au September 2017


COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD Recently moved into Oran Park? Whether you’re an owner or a tenant, the Oran Park Town Development Team would like to welcome you! To receive your Welcome Gift and Information Pack Please Contact the Sales Office on 9043 7500

Wednesdays 10am (During School terms) PlayTime @ NewLife Anglican Church PlayTime is for Mums and Carers with kids 0-5. Cnr Marcus Loane Way + Central Avenue, Oran Park. Enquiries: www.newlifeanglican.org.au/ wp/playtime

Saturday 2 September (1st Saturday of the Month) Cobbitty Village Markets Where: Cobbitty Public School, Cobbitty Rd, Cobbitty. Enquiries: 0438 512 728 cobbittymarkets.com.au

Wednesday 10am – 2pm Oran Park Craft Group Community Room, Cnr Oran Park + Peter Brock Drives, Oran Park. Free (incl. tea/ coffee). BYO lunch and your own craft hobby to work on. New members are most welcome to join in at any time. For Enquiries or to register your interest please contact Billie 0418 668 823

Monday 10am –11.30am Community Playgroup Community Room - Cnr Oran Park Drive + Peter Brock Drive, Oran Park Benevolent Society 0450 840 188 Monday + Wednesday 7pm – 8pm Personal Defence Community Room - Cnr Oran Park Drive + Peter Brock Drive, Oran Park Enquiries: David 0415 805 931 Monday + Tuesday 3:30pm – 6:30pm CB Dance Community Room - Cnr Oran Park Drive + Peter Brock Drive, Oran Park Enquiries: Cassandra 0431 062 030

Wednesdays 10am – 2pm Trauma Teddy Drop Off Point Community Room, Cnr Oran Park + Peter Brock Drives, Oran Park The Oran Park Craft Group is proudly assisting Red Cross Volunteers to make and collect Trauma Teddies. For Enquiries or to register your name as a “knitter”, please contact Billie 0418 668 823 Wednesday + Thursday + Friday 10 am BIBS (Babies into books)

Fun half hour session of stories and rhymes that introduces literacy to 0-18 month olds and their carers. 10am Thursday @ Camden Library 10am Wednesday and Thursday @Narellan Library Thursday 9am – 3pm Oran Park Community Preschool Community Room - Cnr Oran Park Drive + Peter Brock Drive, Oran Park Big Fat Smile 0427 045 905 Thursday 9:30am –11am (During School Terms) Little Joey’s Playgroup Oran Park St Mary Mackillop Catholic Parish 94 Oran Park Drive, Oran Park Cost: $2.00 per child / per week Little Joey’s is a new community based Playgroup for children aged 0 - 5yrs and their parents, grandparents or carers. It is run by St.Mary MacKillop Catholic Parish Oran Park and everyone is welcome. Phone: (02) 4648 2226 Parish Office Email: oranpark@dow.org.au

NOTICEBOARD SUBMISSIONS Email: info@districtgazette.com.au

Heads up! Event dates may alter at short notice. Check with the event organiser for the most up to date details.


September 2017


Welcome to Oran Park Oran Park isn’t just a suburb, it’s a community and anyone who moves here instantly feels welcomed and safe. We could say it’s because it has that new fresh feeling or that it holds a special history behind it, but what makes a good community are its people and those who support it; and this is why it’s comforting to know that Greenfields Development Company contribute to making our town welcoming. If you’re new to the area, look forward to meeting Karren Kapitanow, the new Community Facilitator hired by Greenfields. Karren individually welcomes new residents into the Oran Park Town Community and presents them with a gift on behalf of the development team, whilst also giving new residents an information pack which has been especially designed to help people settle in and connect with their new community. Additionally, Karren will encourage and support a variety of community events and interest groups initiated by residents. When asking Karren what she is looking forward to most about her new role, she replied “I love getting out into the community and meeting each resident and seeing their enthusiasm for living here. It’s great to see people from different suburbs, different cultures and backgrounds come together to create the Oran Park Town Community. Over the next year, I look forward to several more wonderful facilities opening and providing more places for residents to connect with others, unwind and enjoy what life has to offer in Oran Park Town. As Oran Park Town evolves, I would like to see it continue to be a community that cares for one another, looks out for their neighbours, and supports one another”. Karren is eager to talk to residents that are interested in organising different types of community activities. She would also like to hear from any residents that haven’t yet received a welcome pack. Karren can be contacted on 0407 103 321 or email karren. kapitanow@greenfields.net.au.  New family accepting their welcome pack from Karren (left) | Image: Greenfields Development Company. Article: Renee Garcia

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Servicing All Areas P: 4655 2800 M: 0400 995 640 A: 17 Hill Street, Camden F: 4655 2833 www.oranparkgazette.com.au September 2017



Article Written + Submitted by: Lead Pastor Stuart Starr @ New Life Anglican Church W: newlifeanglican.org.au E: stuart@ newlifeanglican.org.au A: Cnr Central Avenue + Marcus Loane Way, Oran Park

Humility and Work Last month I spoke about an attitude of humility. This month I thought we might see how Jesus’s call to place ourselves as the servant of others might impact our work life. First, this isn’t about becoming a doormat in your place of work. If there’s inappropriate treatment then you should stand up and bring it to the attention of those who can put a stop to it. With that in mind what might it look like? If you’re reading this column you won't be surprised that this advice is framed with God clearly in mind. Indeed, in a letter to the Church in ancient Greece one of the early Church founders (Paul) writes that those who are slaves and servants should serve their bosses as if working for God Himself. Now, that might be misunderstood to mean that we treat our bosses as god! That’s not the idea. Instead Paul says, “Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.� The truly humble response is to look beyond your earthly boss and serve wholeheartedly out of love and devotion to your ultimate boss - God. What might change about your effort and attitude at work if God were your boss? Lest we think it all one way traffic, Paul has some advice for bosses to remember here too. He says, “Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven. � In other words, bosses aren’t all powerful. Treat those who work for you as if you work for another who will hold you to account. Sounds like time to get back to work.. With our ultimate boss in mind.

We moved here fifteen months ago, we liked the area plus my husbands dream of living in Oran park itself. He had been coming here since a teenager .When he found out from a local Real Estate man a Walk of Fame would be occurring he was excited. No more was mentioned about this event until he was told by the same gentleman it would be that Thursday. I rang and asked about it as we wanted to go. We were told it was invitation only. How sad to be a resident but not included in such a exciting event. He walked up to see any drivers he remembered but it was all over and finished with. How disappointing it should have been a communal event I'm sure it won't occur again. Mrs Harold

Submit your SAY IT OUT LOUD to districtgazette.com.au/sayitoutloud and your SAY IT OUT LOUD may be printed in the next issue of the Oran Park Gazette. 4

September 2017

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Scorpions Ready to Sting The Harrington Park Scorpions Softball Club are set to have their biggest year yet, with the new 2017-2018 season beginning later this month. The successful local club had over 100 registered players for the season of 2016-2017, fielding 11 sides. From that they had 3 teams make the Grand Final, with all 3 succeeding to be the outright winner for the season. The club fields teams from 8 years up to Adults. Last season’s highlights for the ‘Scorpions’ included Grand Final winners in 3 age groups: Under 12’s, Under 14’s and A Grade Ladies. They had New South Wales State players in the Under 17, Under 19, Mens and Women’s teams with Gabbie Plain, Sam Glover, Peter Wards, Josh Bond, Chris Plain and Harri Peters. Gabbie Plain, Peter Ward and Harri Peters represented Australia, with Chris Plain and Josh Bond selected in the Aussie Squad for 2017. Season 2017-2018 also sees the appointment of Tracy Maher as the new President. “This is my first year in this role and stepping into big shoes from the previous President Jason Plain. This season, for the first time we have offered our members the ability to register online. I look forward to watching all our players succeed over the coming season, whether that be in learning new skills, making new friends, setting goals like representative teams, Macarthur, SWSAS, NSW, Australia and International. As we approach the 2020 Japan Olympics, we are all keen to see this sport flourish and grow and we would love to see many more take up the sport� said Tracy. Registrations are still open for the coming season 20172018 and their registrar is waiting to help any member of the community that wants to come on down to Camden Softball Fields and join the club.


Colour Comes to the Park With the new season beginning later this month, the Oran Park Cricket Club is set to have their biggest year yet. The local club are going into their third season and making history by introducing coloured clothing for all junior teams, a first for juniors in the Camden District Cricket Association. Last season, the Oran Park Cricket Club had over 200 members in junior and senior teams. This season, they are aiming to compete in the juniors from the Under 10’s to the Under 16’s and have a further six plus senior teams, with their highest grade being 2nd Grade. The club also provides Milo In2cricket for 5 to 8 year olds and Milo T20Blast for 7 to 12 year olds, who have never played cricket before. The club also hopes to improve on their impressive results from last season, with the highlights being their 7th Grade Seniors team becoming their first ever premiership side, 4 out of 6 junior teams making the semi-finals with 2 of those teams going down in the grand final. “We are excited to introduce coloured clothing for all our juniors this season. We believe the kids will love them and all other clubs will soon follow” said Karl Bennett, President of Oran Park Cricket Club. “The best part about being Club President is being able to lead from the front in growing the game for our local community and providing a fun, safe and exciting environment for our kids to be a part of” added Karl. The 2017/2018 season begins on the 23rd September. Registrations can be done online at www.playcricket.com.au. For more information about the Oran Park Cricket Club, visit their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/Oranparkcricket.

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 OPCC’S 7th Grade Premiers | Image: www.facebook.com/Oranparkcricket

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Email: admin@justpower.com.au Phone: 02 4722 8777 www.oranparkgazette.com.au September 2017


FAITH – ST MARY MACKILLOP CATHOLIC PARISH ORAN PARK Article Written + Submitted by: Fr David Catterall MTh - Parish Priest @ St Mary MacKillop Catholic Parish Oran Park | P: 02 4648 2226 W: www.marymackillopparish.org.au A: 94 Oran Park Drive, Oran Park NSW 2570 Facebook: www.facebook.com/ oranparkparish Twitter: www.twitter.com/oranparkparish

These days I find people make resolutions not only at the beginning of the New Year, but throughout the year. Some people resolve to lose weight, eat healthier, pay off debt, quit smoking, spend more time with family or friends etc. May I propose that if you’re looking for a great ‘spiritual’ resolution why not try Alpha. What is Alpha ? Alpha is an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed manner. It’s low key, friendly and fun. It’s supported by all the main Christian denominations. While our Church here in Oran Park will be hosting Alpha please know that Alpha isn’t just open to those who might call themselves Catholic or even Christian. Alpha is for everyone and anyone. First there's Food... Every evening we start with food and a time to get to know each other. Then a Talk... Around 20-30 minutes long film. We explore the big issues around faith and unpack the basics of Christianity. Followed by Discussion... Probably the most important part of any Alpha: the chance in a small group to share thoughts and ideas on the topic. There's no obligation to say anything and there's nothing you can't say (seriously). It's an opportunity to hear from others and contribute your own perspective in a friendly and open environment. After successfully running our inaugural Alpha earlier this year, we will again be running Alpha over eight thought provoking weekly sessions. We’re calling our first Alpha evening A Taste of Alpha – come once and see if you like it. It will be held on Tuesday 19th September @ 7pm (finished by 9.15pm) at St Mary MacKillop Church, 94 Oran Park Dr, Oran Park. A map with


directions to the Parish centre can be downloaded from our website www.marymackillop.org.au - To RSVP just contact us on 46482226 or send an email to oranpark@dow.org.au As those who have already taken part in Alpha would testify, if you and I chose Alpha as one of our resolutions (no matter what the time of the year), it could change our life. Fr David Catterall

September 2017 www.oranparkgazette.com.au

Challenging Behaviour Workshops

Community Links Wollondilly and Dr Steven Walker of Brief Therapy Solutions are once again running their very much in demand workshops to help families better cope with children with challenging behaviour. Challenging and disruptive behaviour of children will be the focus of a series of workshops to begin on Monday 16 October, 2017. The workshops will be presented by Carmel Flavell and Nicole Humphries from Community Links Wollondilly on behalf of Dr Steven Walker. The workshops will be presented over a series of eight consecutive sessions, each session building on the previous.

The series of eight sessions has been aimed to assist families experiencing the impact of challenging and disruptive behaviours such as suspensions from school and aggression to family members. The workshops targeted families that might have already sought assistance with the behaviours but there had been no change, and parents who were desperate to take part in an interactive program so that they could encourage changes within their family. Some children might have been diagnosed with conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Conduct Disorder (CD), or Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), while some parents were feeling as though the challenging and disruptive behaviours controlled the household. Families are sometimes at breaking point, not knowing where to turn or they are on a continuous search for some kind of relief or answers to help them cope. The workshops will help parents and carers develop networks and support structures even after the workshops have ended. The workshops are free of charge and will be conducted at the Oran Park Sales and Information Centre, Oran Park Drive, Oran Park, each Monday from 16 October, 2017 until 4 December, 2017. All these dates need to be attended to complete the workshops. Each session goes for from 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm. While the workshops are free of charge, a gold coin donation at each workshop for refreshments would be appreciated. These workshops are strictly for families. Bookings to the series of workshops are essential. For Details ring 46833371, or 46832776, ď ś Image: www.pexels.com


























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www.oranparkgazette.com.au September 2017


Camden Festival Sunday



Macarthur Park, Menangle Road, Camden | 10am - 4pm | P. 4654 7822 | FREE ENTRY Bring a picnic rug or chairs and relax in the beautiful surrounds of the Park while enjoying live acoustic entertainment. Sample delicious treats from the variety of food stalls and try floral crown making and pot plant painting. Camden Council will also be handing out free native plants. There are plenty of activities to keep the kids entertained with a jumping castle, face painting and petting zoo.




Curry Reserve, Camden Valley Way, Elderslie | 10am - 2pm | P. 4645 5034 | FREE EVENT Parents and carers of children ages 0 - 5 can enjoy roving entertainment, a performance by Ronald McDonald, face painting, clowns, a special visit from Batman and the Batmobile, loads of children’s activities including an inflatable footy, a giant slide, animal farm, storytime, novelty stalls, hair spraying, as well as a free BBQ lunch, drinks and much more.




The Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan, Narellan Road, Mount Annan | From 4pm | P. 4645 5034 | FREE ENTRY Grab a blanket, some cushions or chairs and get comfortable in front of the HUGE 12x7m movie screen to enjoy Disney’s MOANA (PG). Enjoy a Macarthur Lions BBQ, grab something to eat or a nice warm drink from one of the many stalls on offer around Lakeside. Theres fun activities for the kids before the movie commence’s once the sun has set.


Narellan Town Centre | 6.30pm | P. 4645 5034 | www.bit.ly/2ukrisQ | $5 per ticket, includes popcorn and drink combo


Young people, 15 – 25 years, who live, work or study in the Camden Local Government area can watch Kingsman: The Golden Circle (MA 15+) for just $5. A popcorn and drink combo is included in the ticket price. Tickets are available for purchase through United Cinemas, Narellan www.bit.ly/2ukrisQ. Print out your receipt and bring it with you on the night.




Camden Town Farm, Exeter Street, Camden | 12pm - 5pm | P. 4645 5034 | FREE ENTRY Treat your senses to delicious food, gourmet treats and wine tasting from some of the region’s best wine makers. Enjoy live music, entertainment, face painting, an animal farm and jumping castle for the kids while taking in the stunning views from the Camden Town Farm. PLUS don’t miss cooking demonstrations at 1pm & 3pm as well as a meet and greet with The Living Rooms Miguel Maestre.

There are many more exciting events happening as part of Camden Festival. Visit the website for details.

For more information Ph: 4645 5034 camdenfestival.com.au 8

September 2017

Meet Miguel Maestre at ‘TASTE’ Food, Wine & Music Festival. Miguel will be whipping up some of his own delicious recipes for the crowd to enjoy.


Meet Celebrity Chef Miguel Maestre @ Camden Festival

Step into Spring, tantalising your taste buds at Camden Festival from 10 - 24 September and enjoy four signature events celebrating Camden’s people, places and produce. To kick-start the festival, an outdoor picnic extravaganza Picnic in the Park on Sunday 10 September from 10am to 4pm at Macarthur Park offers plenty of outdoor fun for families, featuring a variety of children’s entertainment, plenty of desserts from churros, scones, pancakes, sure to please the fussiest sweet tooth. The family fun continues at Kid’s Fun Day on Wednesday 13 September from 10am to 2pm at Curry Reserve. The event will feature roving entertainment, an appearance by Batman and the Batmobile, face painting, clowns, an animal farm and more. Gather the kids around for an ultimate outdoor movie experience watching Moana at Cinema Under the Stars at the Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan on Saturday 16 September from 4pm to 9pm. Bask in the sights of the night sky, pack a picnic, bring a rug and enjoy pre-movie entertainment and attractions including Hawaiian themed activities, lay throwing games, coconut bowling and pizza. Lovers of wine and gourmet food can eat and drink to their heart’s content at TASTE Food, Wine and Music, Camden Town Farm on Sunday 24 September from 12pm to 5pm. Celebrity chef Miguel Maestre will headline the event and present a live cooking demonstration, whipping up traditional Spanish paella for the crowd to sample. There won’t be a short supply of delicious gourmet food options from 35 food trucks and stalls, as well as wine tasting from some of the region's best wine makers. Entry to all events is free, including the movie screening. For further information on all events, visit camdenfestival.com.au.  Locals enjoying last year’s festival | Image: Brett Atkins

www.oranparkgazette.com.au September 2017



WE ARE NOW OPEN! Exceed Early Education & Care is a privately owned “super service” offering lon ng day care, before and after school care and long and vacation care, a swim school, tutoring, dance, children’s hairdressing services an nd a full physical education and sports program. We offer a range of children’s services which is unprecedented in one location, all a designed to support family quality time together. We hope that by developing our very own “child focused community” that we will assist children and parents to build connections between their carers, mentors, teachers and other families. Exceed Early Education & Care Before and After School Care and Vacation Care re offers centre based care for primary aged children. Before and After School Care operates during school terms and Vacation Care operates during all school holidays, with the exception RI SXEOLF KROLGD\V '\QDPLF DQG ŴH[LEOH SURJUDPV EDVHG RQ WKH My Time Our Place National Curriculum Framework will be provided, allowing the children to choose activities and experiences they would like to participate in each day. In addition, our program includes opportunities for a large amount of outdoor play, encouraging children to challenge themselves physically and work as part of a team as they participate in a wide range of free choice and organised sporting activities.

For enrolment information: Please visit our website www.exceedgroup.net.au and follow the links or contact our Centre Director Katrina Baines 02 4648 2733


September 2017


Exceed Early Education and Care www.exceedgroup.net.au PHONE: 02 4648 2733 Address: 67-77 Lasso Rd, Gregory Hills

Belgenny Farm Celebrations This Father’s Day, escape to the country and treat Dad to a day out at a rare opening of Australia’s oldest farm in the historic Macarthur region, just one hour south-west of the Sydney CBD. Established by Elizabeth and John Macarthur in 1805, the convict-built Belgenny Farm was renowned for many years for growing wheat, horticulture and grapes, as well as producing dairy and wool. Despite the harshness of early colonial life and the long absences of her husband in England, Elizabeth Macarthur was a devoted mother to her eight children, and is regarded as one of Australia’s greatest women. Families can celebrate with their Fathers at the fun family event, which will take place on Sunday, September 2nd from 10am and 4pm. Activities include craft stalls, bush bands, animal farmyard nursery, pony rides, face painting, food stalls, reptile show, gold trail re-enactments and historical tours of the 212-year-old farm and of course the Famous Carlton Clydesdale team. Those from the city can get a taste of old-fashioned country life, with sheep shearing demonstrations, working dog shows, cow milking demonstrations and a series of novelty races which families are invited to compete in – including tug-of-war, egg and spoon and three-legged races. A popular part of the annual event is a gourmet buffet lunch, served in the Granary, which overlooks the extensive Camden Park estate. Bookings are essential. Just one hour south-west of the Sydney CBD, the event promises to be a very special day for everyone in the family. Farm entry is $10 for adults and children under 16 are free. The gourmet buffet lunch costs $55 for adults and $29 for children. Where: Belgenny Farm, Elizabeth Macarthur Avenue, Camden South, NSW When: 10am – 4pm, Sunday 3rd September 2017 Tickets: Farm entry: Adults $10; Children under 16 years free. More Information: Visit www.belgennyfarm.com.au Contact: Belgenny Farm 4654 6800 Belgenny Farm will also be offering Christmas Day Lunch. Bookings are essential. Get in early!

League Zone Sports Has You Covered With the NRL Grand Final just around the corner, there is no better time to get behind your favourite team by visiting local sports business, League Zone Sports, located in Gregory Hills. League Zone Sports commenced in 2006 and began trading at their Homemaker Centre store since 2015. The business specialises in sporting apparel, equipment and memorabilia as well as custom sports clothing. The most popular items that the local business sells are their in-store customisation of apparel. “Our short-term goals with the business is to grow the awareness of our store. Long term, we would like to build relationships with local sporting clubs” said Ben, Owner of League Zone Sports. “My favourite thing about working in Gregory Hills is the central location” added Ben. League Zone Sports are located at Homemaker Centre, 12A Steer Road in Gregory Hills. Their phone number is 02 9822 4453. You can also find them on Facebook at www. facebook.com/LeagueZoneSports.  Image: www.facebook.com/LeagueZoneSports

www.oranparkgazette.com.au September 2017



Article Written + Submitted by: Sharon Ruddleston | CPM | Business Strategy | Marketing & Growth Specialist | 0418-861-562 If you’re a local business that has experienced rapid growth as a result of an exploding local economy, I’d hazard a guess that sustaining business is your #1 priority for 2017/18. Marketing is a huge factor in your success and NOW is the time to build leverage and create sustainable growth. Like most business owners, you probably already promote your business in some way. However, are you doing enough to survive competition AND grow your business? Devising a comprehensive marketing plan is often overlooked by budget-strapped owners. The truth is, outlining a marketing plan to boost profit and support your business does not have to break the bank. Optimise your budget by asking the following: Where Do We Start? There is no “one size fits all” solution. Who Is Our Target Market? Identify your intended target customer. Keep it simple but focused. What Is Our Product? Begin with identifying what your product is and how it relates to your market. You’ll want to determine how to best communicate its attributes to your intended audience. Who Is Our Competition? You should have an idea of who your competition is. How does your product differ from what your competitors are offering? What Is Our Intent? Put your intent on paper. This statement should reference: 1. The customer you’re selling to 2. The product you’re selling 3. How this product differs from what else is in the market What Tactics Will Our Strategy Include? Your marketing strategy should include tactics that help you reach customers. There are plenty of budget-friendly paths available. What Is Our Budget? When documenting your plan, include a budget for each of the tactics. This will help you determine what aspects can be handled in-house to save costs. How Will We Measure Success? For your plan to be successful, you’ll want to track progress throughout the year and make changes if necessary. Creating a solid plan takes time. However, it’s time well spent because it provides your business the focus and direction you need for the upcoming year.

Pereira Realty Group Opens New Office in Harrington Park Local Real Estate agency Pereira Realty Group officially opened their new office at Harrington Plaza in Harrington Park in July, adding to their existing office at Oran Park. The stylish new office at Harrington Park has five local staff members working at the location. Pereira Realty Group was formerly at Smeaton Grange, but has been serving the local residents of Harrington Park and the surrounding suburbs since they launched their business back in 2014. “When the opportunity arose to gain a presence in the suburb, we knew that this would enable us to better service the local residents of Harrington Park and the surrounds and also give our clients better exposure for their properties” said Shaun Pereira of Pereira Realty Group. The local business is always looking for opportunities to better service their clients, making themselves more accessible. Their location at Oran Park in the Smart Work Hub is where some of their administration tasks are handled and they have been there since early 2015. Harrington Park is where you will find their Sales and Property Management Divisions. “What I enjoy most about working in Harrington Park is how welcoming the suburb and its residents are. It is a very unique suburb with its many parks, waterways, friendly residents and picturesque tree lined streets. It is also a very central suburb with close proximity to the M5 Motorway, Camden and its popular eateries, as well as the new developments of Oran Park, Gregory Hills and Gledswood Hills to name a few” said Shaun. Periera Realty Group’s new office is located at Shop 13, Harrington Plaza, 23 Fairwater Drive in Harrington Park. The phone number is 02 4647 9727 and 02 8572 8221. Their website address is www.pereirarealty.com.au.

From. Pg 1

Oran Park Walk of Fame Opens in Sydney’s fastest growing town”. The honourees that were unveiled on the day were Sir Jack Brabham AO OBE (represented by Lady Margaret Brabham), Wayne Gardner AM , Mick Doohan AM , Alan Jones MBE, Peter Brock AM (represented by Beverly Brock), Dick Johnson (in attendance), Allan Moffat OBE (in attendance), Craig Lowndes OAM and Mark Skaife OAM. Over the next few years, further stages will be unveiled to include a total of 30 drivers and riders who will be honoured that the Perich Family have selected. Thank you to the Perich family for continuing and respecting the history and legacy of our great town.


September 2017


Small Business Success

Personalised small group tutoring Locally based with over 12yrs experience FREE no obligation appointment

END OF YEAR EXAMS ARE COMING GET YOUR CHILD PREPARED This month, Small Business Month will be celebrated, with many local businesses in our area showcasing the experience and knowledge that they have available to them when a product or service is needed. In Oran Park alone, we have many small, home based businesses that are succeeding and offering exceptional services to our local residents. Add to this the opening of Oran Park Smart Work Hub in the podium, which has opened the door for many larger businesses to create a local foot print. Camden Council has recently announced a new initiative. The Camden Region Economic Taskforce is being set up, which will focus on helping Council to deliver the right conditions to create jobs, attract investment and to support the growth of business and industry, now and into the future. Council has appointed accomplished local business owner and legal specialist, Adriana Care as the Independent Chairperson of the Taskforce and nominated Cr Lara Symkowiak and Cr Peter Sidgreaves as its representatives and Directors on the board. “We are very fortunate to have Ms Care as chairperson of the Taskforce. Ms Care is a successful business owner with the proven skills and experience needed to be a passionate advocate for the economic development of our area” Cr Symkowiak said “I feel the area is in need of a strong business leadership group that is solely dedicated to actively lobbying businesses in the Camden LGA and to formalise a plan for the economic growth of the area. To lead this Taskforce is nothing short of an honour” Ms Care said. “It is my preliminary view that the objective of the Taskforce is to progress the economic development goals, policies and strategies by creating a comprehensive plan as well as any other goals for the Camden LGA” she said. According to Camden Council, economic growth in the Camden area has increased in recent years, with a current 14.9 per cent annual growth rate. The number of local businesses has also steadily increased during this time, with 5,896 businesses active for GST in 2015/16. During the month of September, Camden Council will actively be promoting, supporting and sponsoring a range of business related events and training to the Camden business community. To find out more, visit http://www.camden.nsw. gov.au/business/

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 September is Small Business Month | Image: www.pexels.com. Article: Renee Garcia

www.oranparkgazette.com.au September 2017



Lasagna Party Ring ingredients 3 tablespoons canola oil ½ onion, diced 4 cloves garlic, minced ¾ pound ground beef, 80:20 ratio of lean to fat ¾ pound ground sweet Italian sausage 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 28 ounces tomato sauce 15 ounces ricotta ½ cup shredded Parmesan ¼ cup basil,chopped 1 egg 18-20 cooked lasagna noodles 2 cups shredded mozzarella ½ cup marinara sauce, to serve preparation 1. Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C). 2. In a large pot over high heat, add oil, onions, and garlic, and cook until they begin to brown, stirring occasionally. 3. Add the beef, sausage, salt, and pepper, cooking until all of the moisture has evaporated and the meat is starting to brown on the edges, breaking the meat up as you stir. 4. Add the tomato sauce, then reduce heat to a simmer, cooking the sauce down until the mixture becomes extremely thick, almost paste-like. Remove from heat and set aside. 5. In a bowl, combine the ricotta, Parmesan, basil, and egg, mixing until smooth. Set aside. 6. Slice 6 of the lasagna noodles in half. These will serve as the layers in between the meat and the cheese mixture. 7. Spray a bundt pan with nonstick cooking spray, then lay about 10-12 noodles into the bottom of the pan, fanning them out in an overlapping pattern. One end of the noodles should be just as tall as the centre of the pan, and the other end of the noodles should hang over the sides of the pan. 8. Sprinkle half of the mozzarella into the bottom of the pan on top of the noodles. This will help bind the noodles together when cooked. 9. Spread half of the meat mixture evenly in a ring over the top of the mozzarella, then lay half of the cut noodle pieces over the top to create a noodle layer. 10. Spread all of the ricotta mixture over the noodles in an even ring, then layer with the rest of the noodles and the rest of the meat sauce. 11. Fold the edges of the lasagna noodles hanging over the sides of the pan back towards the centre, creating another overlapping pattern. 12. Sprinkle the rest of the mozzarella evenly on top. 13. Bake for approximately 45 minutes, or until the cheese is a deep golden brown. 14. Cool for about an hour, then carefully invert the ring onto a cutting board. 15. Slice the ring, then top with any extra Parmesan and basil. 16. Place a small bowl filled with marinara at the centre of the ring, for dipping. 17. Serve! Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/alvinzhou/want-to-dominate-theappetizer-game-bust-out-this-lasagna?utm_term=.pqqR8LnpWa#. cuY1WMYXzj


September 2017


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Job Vacancy Chef And Wait Staff Required For Ala Carte Restaurant Location: Silverdale Must Be Available To Work Weekends Μust Have Experience EMAIL your resume to ambrosiaolives@bigpond.com or PHONE 4774 1491 or FAX 4774 1730

Think Spring - Think Leura Leura Gardens Festival

September 30 to October 8 - 9.30am to 4.30pm • Enjoy 11 magical gardens All gardens ticket - $25 Single garden ticket - $8 • Two new to the festival Festival bus tickets: • Four returning after a short break $5 per day (Tues-Fri) • Several old favourites $10 per day (weekends) • Music in the gardens Tickets are available at Leura Mall; Festival HQ, Fitzroy Street, Leura; and at all gardens • Plant sales Proceeds used to purchase medical equipment at Blue Mountains ANZAC Memorial Hospital

For information: T: 0431 095 279 - www.leuragardensfestival.com.au Email: leuragardensfestival@fastmail.com.au

Think Spring – Think Leura!

Gardeners looking for inspiration or just wanting to experience the beauty of spring in the Upper Blue Mountains, will again be flocking to the annual Leura Gardens Festival in September and October. The 2017 festival will have 11 enchanting gardens on show, including two new to the festival, four returning after a break and also a selection of favourite gardens that keep visitors returning year after year. This year’s festival, the 53rd, will take place from Saturday, September 30 to Sunday, October 8. The cost of an all-gardens ticket is $25 and $8 per person per individual garden. Holders of the $25 all-gardens ticket will have unlimited access to the Music in the Gardens performances held from 1pm in the beautiful grounds of the Waldorf Leura Gardens Resort from Sunday October 1 to 8. Several new acts will be appearing as well as favourites such as the Katoomba Jazz Quartet and the Heathens Choir of Blackheath. Visitors can also take home a permanent memento of the festival from the plant sales centre which will this year feature plants from several new participating nurseries, providing a much wider range of both native and exotic species. The centre will also have on sale metal garden art and an interesting range of garden tools. Also of interest is the Art Show presented by the Society of Mountain Artists featuring work created in the gardens during the festival. All proceeds go to the Blue Mountains District Anzac Memorial Hospital and other health related organisations. More details of this not-to-be missed event for garden lovers are available at www.leuragardensfestival.com.au or on 0431 095 279.

Just some of the beauty on display at the Leura Gardens Festival this month | Image Supplied

Oran Park Probus Club We had a most interesting and informative presentation by Tony Law at our August Meeting of the Oran Park Probus Club. He spoke on the topic of Astrophotography and illustrated his talk with excellent photographs and told us how we could use a good camera to photograph the heavens. Other club activities included a dinner at the Miracle Mile Restaurant, Tabcorp Park, Menangle during the month. Lunches are organised for most months at local venues. We have a craft afternoon and “coffee and chat” morning each month. September has a guest speaker from My Aged Care, lunch at a local café and a trip to the Bowral Tulip Festival. The Club meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 10am at NewLife Anglican Church, corner Central Avenue and Marcus Loane Way, Oran Park. If you would like more information about our club then contact the secretary: Helen Duhs at phduhs@gmail.com or 041508828.

Tony's Presentation | Image Supplied

www.oranparkgazette.com.au September 2017



Article Written + Submitted by: Michael Robertson| 5th Year Veterinary Student | University Veterinary Teaching Hospital Camden A: 410 Werombi Road, Camden | NSW | 2570 P: 4655 0777

Rat Bait Poisoning When people see feral rats and mice in and around homes they often put out various rat baits and poisons to rid themselves of these unwanted pests. However our domestic pets can sometimes fall victim to these poisons when they either ingest them directly or ingest the poisoned rodent itself. Even pets with extremely vigilant owners can fall victim to rat bait poisoning so it's important that all owners are prepared as rapid veterinary treatment is critical. Unlucky Uni Vets Pet Sunny had to be rushed to the clinic for this very reason earlier this year, after he ingested five sacks of rat bait. Thankfully Sunny’s human brought him into the clinic within a few hours of the incident, making the prognosis quite good as timing is critical in rat bait poisoning cases. The sooner a pet is treated by a Veterinarian, the less likely significant amounts of the toxin are absorbed. Symptoms of rat bait poisoning can include coughing, difficulty breathing, lethargy, weakness and bleeding from the mouth, nose or eyes but are often only seen days after the pet eats the rat bait. By that time, the risk of death is very much higher. So even if your pet is not showing any of these clinical signs but you suspect they have ingested rat bait, it is essential to get them to the vet as soon as possible. If you can also bring the packet, that can be very helpful. Early, rapid treatment is both cheaper and gives your pet the


September 2017

best chance of life. No rat baits are safe for pets regardless of what the label says.

 OPG has been told that Sunny has made a full recovery | Image Supplied














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September 2017



oran park 4733 0792 editor@districtgazette.com.au www.districtgazette.com.au

PO Box 8254 Glenmore Park NSW 2745 General Enquiries info@districtgazette.com.au Advertising Enquiries advertise@districtgazette.com.au Account Information + Enquiries accounts@districtgazette.com.au Artwork Submissions + Approval design@districtgazette.com.au


18th September 2017 MEET OUR TEAM Managing Editor: Belinda Sanders

Sales Support: Cim Sanders

Sales/Reporter: Renee Garcia


Emergency Services Police, Ambulance, Fire 000 or 112 mobile Narellan Police Station 4632 4499 Police Assistance Line 131 444 Lifeline 24-Hour Counselling 131 114 WIRES (Wildlife Rescue) 4754 2946 NSW Rural Fire Service 1800NSWRFS Camden SES 4647 0319 (For emergency help in floods and storms call NSW SES – 132 500) General OPT information, Contact the Sales & Information Office 9043 7500

Health Services Camden + Campbelltown Hospital Switchboard 4634 3000 After Hours Medical Clinic (Campbelltown) 4634 3290 Heathdirect Australia 1800 022 222 Get Healthy 1300 806 258 Beyond Blue 1300 22 46 36 MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78 Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 Karitane Careline 1300 22 74 64 Breastfeeding Helpline (NSW) 1800 686 268 (1800 MUM 2 MUM) Pregnancy Birth + Baby 1800 882 436

Sports Clubs Camden Athletics Club + Little Athletics Veronique Jackson 0424 880 080 Macarthur District Softball Association Lesley Darby 0401 740 023 Oran Park Physical Culture Club Mandy Weiling 0417 020 549 Mount Annan/Currans Hill Knights Softball Club Jennifer Tadros 0404 629 710 Camden RSL Youth Club Boxing Ron 4646 1658 Macarthur Bushwalkers Ken 4628 2528 Narellan Jets Junior Rugby League Cindy Morley 0413 086 601 Camden District Cricket Association Kyle Malcolm - President 0411 371 115 Cobbitty Narellan Cricket Club Mark Bush - 0497 555 071 - mbush@hvg.net.au

Distribution: Deborah Brown

Flynnko Pty Ltd ABN: 65 601 734 472 trading as:

Oran Park Cricket Club Karl Bennett coaching@oranparkcricket.com.au Oran Park Netball Club Rachael Cecil 0433 994 591 Oran Park Rovers Football Club Nathan Hawthorne 0422 139 993 Oran Park Junior Rugby League Kim O'Grady 0412 081 144 Oran Park Hockey Club Michelle Brennan 0400 050 078 Camden Junior AFL Club Naomi Porter 0417 683 768 Harrington Park Scorpions Softball Club Sharon Feeney 0403732837

INCLUDE YOUR CLUB DETAILS Email Us: info@districtgazette.com.au

FROM THEWORD EDITOR THE LAST Well 'Hello' Spring! Where have you been? This month is Small Business month, take a read of our 'Small Business Feature' on page/s 12 and 13. As you know, we have an amazing list of professional and talented trades, services and businesses right here in our community. Supporting local business keeps locals employed and our local economy thrives. Live. Love. Local! Be sure to show your support by shopping local; and when you ring let them know that you found them in the Gazette! As always, there’s plenty to read, see and do, outlined in this month’s edition. The happiest people in life are the givers, not the takers. It's time to enjoy some ‘metime’ with Your Community News!

Belinda Find us on Facebook facebook.com/districtgazette facebook.com/oranparkgazette PICK UP POINTS Delivered MONTHLY to homes in Oran Park + Harrington Park + Harrington Grove + Gregory Hills or PICK UP YOUR FREE COPY from... Oran Park Town Café Unit 2 No.5 Cnr Peter Bock Dr & Oran Park Dr Oran Park Sweet 4 U Patisserie Shop C6 Oran Park Podium, Oran Park Oran Park News Agency Oran Park Podium, Oran Park Harrington Park News Agency Shp8/ 23 Fairwater Drv, Harrington Park If you would like to have the Oran Park Gazette available for collection at your place of business, please contact us.

SMALL PRINT Advertising Policy... Payment on booking secures your space. The Business Directory offers cost effective advertising to businesses in an alphabetical format. Premium Placement may be available, at an extra charge. An editorial focus on a local business may be included if space permits, at the Editor’s discretion. Community News... The Oran Park Gazette welcomes community news and events, local achievements, births, deaths, obituaries, weddings, engagements and anniversaries (published free of charge) Articles of interest will be accepted at the Editor’s discretion. Articles do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editor. Letters to the Editor... May be printed and edited as necessary. Names must be submitted but can be withheld from publication at the writer’s request. Every effort is made to print correct information but no responsibility can be taken for errors or omissions.

www.oranparkgazette.com.au September 2017


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