Homegrown Frederick 2015-2016

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Creating the Perfect Farm Name | Find a Favorite Farmers Market or CSA | Produce Farm Fresh Recipes In partnership with Frederick County Office of Economic Development | Supplement to Frederick Magazine

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VOTED F O BEST ICK! R FRErDtheE2nd year Fo

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• Farm & Companion Animals • Farm & House Calls

• Specialized Rehabilitative Services including Acupuncture

• Reproduction Services with Board-Certified Specialist • Boarding & Grooming

• Dog Training Classes including Nose Work • Underwater Treadmill

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Supplement to Frederick Magazine

PUBLISHERS Shawn Dewees Joseph Silovich MANAGING EDITOR Nancy Luse ART DIRECTOR & PRODUCTION MANAGER Matthew Piersall GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Annie Ellis Dan Jae Smith EDITORIAL INTERN BreAnn Fields CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Turner Photography Studio BreAnn Fields FREDERICK COUNTY OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Helen Propheter, director Anne Bradley, land preservation administrator & agricultural liaison Sharon Hipkins, administrative assistant ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Linda Dove ldove@fredmag.com Leslie Lillo llillo@fredmag.com DISTRIBUTOR Josh Ensor alloutdist@aol.com SUBSCRIPTIONS Stephanie Dewees subscriptions@fredmag.com

Telephone: 301-662-8171 FAX: 301-662-8399

www.fredmag.com Letters to the editor: editor@fredmag.com Homegrown Frederick is an annual publication of Diversions Publications, Inc., 6 N. East Street, Suite 301, Frederick, MD 21701-5601 (ISSN 006-923). Periodicals postage paid at Frederick, MD. Subscriptions to Frederick Magazine, $24.95 per year, which includes the Homegrown Frederick and all other annual guides (available through the business office). Back issues w/in the last 12 mo/$3.95. Prior to 12 mos. ago/$7. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frederick Magazine, 6 N. East Street, Suite 301, Frederick, MD 21701-5601. Customer inquiries to same address or call 301-662-8171. Distributed through mail subscriptions, home delivery, and sold at newsstands and other locations in Frederick, Upper Montgomery counties, and throughout the Central Maryland region. Advertising rates available on request. Manuscripts, drawings, and other submissions must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Frederick Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited material. All rights to submissions, including letters and e-mail, will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and as subject to Frederick Magazine’s unrestricted right to edit and to comment editorially, unless otherwise negotiated with the author. © DIVERSIONS PUBLICATIONS, INC. 2015. All Printed on contents of this publication are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced in whole Recycled or in part for any reason without prior approval of the publisher. Paper


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Take $2 off one entry to a farm tour when you use this coupon! (Original price: $7.50) Reservations must be made in advance. Call today to reserve your tour: 301.371.8565

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ABOUT THE COVER Merle Mayne stands among the corn growing on his farm on Buckeystown Pike.

What’s Behind a Farm’s Name?


Markets Abound in Frederick County


A History of Agriculture


Recipes from the Markets


New Technology Comes to Farming


Agricultural Groups Important


Writer Promotes Local Food


Listing of Agricultural Offerings


Project Shows Students Origin of Their Food


Farmers to Watch


Breweries and Distilleries on the Scene


Sprouts of Wisdom


Family Festival @ the Farm


Agricultural Facts You May Not Know


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Naming their two children was fairly easy, says Andrew Barnet, but when he and his wife, Mary Kathryn, turned to naming their farm on Rum Springs Road, Myersville, “we talked about it for some time,” he says, discarding names until they finally settled on Open Book Farm. “The reason was our farming principal, we believe in transparency in our growing procedures, making sure our customers know what we’re doing, that we’re an open book,” he says of the farm that produces more than 100 varieties of vegetables, some small fruit, as well as pastured chickens, turkeys and pigs. “Plus, we’re both kind of bookish and like to read,” he adds with a chuckle. Naming a farm is a tradition almost as old as farming itself, with


many of the operations taking on the name of the owners. Sometimes the farms have been in the same family for so long that new owners outside the clan just continue to

keep the name because of the rich history. A little humor is occasionally behind the name selection. Lisa Check, who with her husband own

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Flying Goat Farm on Bartonsville Road, says their pasture contained apple trees which they fenced off from the goats, but somehow “more and more of the trees were eaten. We wondered how the goats could do that with the fence and then we joked that when we left for work the goats would fly” over the fence “and when they saw us coming would get down and be like regular goats.” Check says “we learned our lesson and moved the goats away from the trees, but how they were able to eat them is still a mystery.” But it makes a catchy name for what she calls their “fiber farm” of 25 goats and 25 sheep. They also have free-range chickens, fruit and nut trees and berries. At Fox Haven Organic Farm on Broad Run Road in Jefferson, farm manager Dick Bittner says the owner, Harriett Crosby, “loves animals, particularly foxes, wolves and coyotes,” so it was a natural for her to single out the fox for the name of her farm. “Foxes are part of our whole natural setting. We have a lot of reserves set aside, quite a bit of wildlife habitat. I have pictures that would knock you over,” Bittner says. “It all started with our concert series,” says Ilene Freedman of House in the Woods Farm, Park Mills Road in Adamstown. The family had regular house concerts and needed a name to publicize the events, she says, and House in the Woods fit the bill. “We didn’t even have a garden then.” But later, when they began growing

vegetables and establishing a CSA, the obvious choice was to stick with the name for their farm. “It was a placeholder name,” Freedman says, “but we never looked” for a different name. “It’s served us for 16 years.” Sometimes customers will equate the name to the Laura Ingalls Wilder book, Little House in the Big Woods, or others may joke, “how come you have a farm in the woods?” she says. The farm grows a wide variety of crops to fill CSA baskets as well as plenty of heirloom tomatoes and sweet potatoes for wholesale customers. “Why is it called Sycamore Spring Farm?” owner Carol Rollman repeats the question. “Well, right smack dab in the center, in the heart of the farm, is a spring that’s in a grove of sycamore trees.” The farm, located on Elmer Derr Road, is more than 300 years old and has since been subdivided so that it’s now on a little more than seven acres, surrounded by land leased for additional crops. According to a handwritten deed, the farm was once referred to as Mulhein. “I don’t think that’s a family name,” Rollman says. “I’ve gone through the county records” as much as she could and wishes for time to go to Annapolis

and search records to learn more of the history. She recalls first seeing the property and being advised by the Realtor to raze the house, but her own instincts, as well as having a restoration specialist tell her that the place was a gem, saved the structure. “It’s the perfect house,” she says, especially considering the large part history and tradition play in the farm that embraces a homestead style. “If you didn’t make it or grow it, you don’t have it in your life,” Rollman says. “We’re preserving the old ways, just like we preserved the house.” The farmer says she’s “living the lifestyle I always wanted to live.” It doesn’t get better than that, no matter what name a farm is called.


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AGRICULTURE WOVEN INTO FREDERICK COUNTY’S FABRIC The history of Frederick County is the early history of agriculture in the United States. Since the initial settlement in the mid 1700s, agriculture has been and remains to this day one of the most important sectors of the local economy. The county’s fertile soils, sufficient water and favorable climate and topography were a strong attraction to the early settlers. The productivity was such that Frederick County was the largest wheat producing county in the United States in 1790. The growing agricultural industry was well diversified from the early settlement days with grain crops, livestock, dairy, vegetables and fruit orchards. For a short period, Frederick County was even a major tobacco producer. One of the strongest advantages that Frederick County has is its proximity to the major markets of Baltimore and Washington. While that proximity brings pressure on the land base resource from competing land uses it also brings the markets that support a growing, diversifying agricultural economy. Frederick County has one of the strongest agricultural economies in Maryland and agriculture remains important to the overall county economy as one of its leading


industries with an agricultural output of more than $150 million in 2012, the last time data was compiled. Frederick County is both the leading dairy producer and the leading beef producer in the state. Other leading agricultural crops include hay and corn for silage. Equine, horticultural and produce are important sectors of the agricultural economy. Included in this is the expanding wine and wine grape operations as well the barley and hops production for the emerging craft brewing business. In order to ensure that the land base is intact to continue a variety of agricultural land uses, the county has been one of the nation’s leaders in agricultural land preservation ranking in the top 10 of all counties nationwide for the amount of agricultural land preserved. To date the county has preserved more than 50,000 acres of land through a variety of land preservation programs including the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation (MALPF) Program, Rural Legacy Program and county-run programs as well.

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Keeping up with ever changing technology is yet another job facing farmers, but it’s worth it to improve their ability to do things faster, easier and more efficiently. Many local farmers and growers are embracing changes that include sophisticated computer programs and even robots. South Mountain Creamery in Middletown installed a robot four years ago at their Locust Valley Farm dairy parlor allowing cows to be milked on their own. Since installing the robot the cows have produced more milk than those being traditionally milked, and overall are calmer due to the relaxed nature of the robot barn, say owners Randy and Karen Sowers. This new technology is created primarily for efficiency on the farm, and to allow farmers the opportunity to have more time with their families. The Sowers say that robots are the future, they’re consistent and they get the job done. The couple will continue exploring other new technology in order to have the best possible product without sacrificing quality and to maintain a sustainable agricultural future. At the fourth generation Lamberts farm on Lenhart Road, Frederick, there are 270 cows that are milked, producing 17,550 pounds of milk daily. The dairy parlor features a walk-through ID system that keeps track of the cows being milked. Charlie Lambert says that the new technology is more efficient and does a better job than the older units. Farming is still hard work and long hours, he says, but new technology is easing the situation.

With all the new technology that Lambert Farms is putting into the dairy parlor, it makes farming a lot easier but it still takes a lot of hard work and long hours to get the job done, he says. The farming operation at Peace and Plenty Farm, Union Bridge, owned by Joe and Nona Schwartzbeck, continues an agricultural tradition that reaches back to the 18th century. Their barns have climate control fans that either speed up or slow down depending on the temperature outside. They also have mattress-like pads in the pens for cattle to lie on, recently turning to a more cost efficient method of using dried up manure made into bedding through a machine called the Separator. Joe Schwartzbeck says he never thought in his 70 years of farming he would be using manure as bedding but, “it’s incredible.” In the recently redone milking parlor are automatic gates that make it easier for the cattle and makes milking times run smoother. The couple says they eventually want to pass the farm down to their children and grandchildren and continue to move along with the new technology.


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Julie Castillo enthusiastically offered some cringeinducing pieces of information to the folks gathered earlier this year at the Curious Iguana bookstore on North Market Street where she unveiled her book, Eat Local for Less: The Ultimate Guide to Opting Out of Our Broken Industrial Food System. “Some of the apples in your grocery store had been sitting in cold storage for up to a year.” And you want to know why they don’t necessarily look like it? “Because they’re coated in wax,” said the Frederick author and anthropology teacher at Frederick Community College. Don’t even get her started on the stuff we often overlook on food labels. “Yikes,” she exclaimed. “We don’t even know what some of these ingredients are. Some labels have 800 numbers and many times when you call with a question or concern they hang up on you.” Castillo would rather talk to local farmers and growers. The writer’s interest in the local food movement came about in part with her anthropology classes. “I asked students what they thought some of today’s social issues were and food kept coming up,” she said, whether it was looking at huge government subsidies for factory farms at the expense of the small grower, health issues such as diabetes and obesity that keep climbing upwards, lack of fresh food options in our inner cities, or negative impacts on the environment. Castillo also was prompted to change her eating habits because of wanting to provide the best food options for her husband and their two sons.


She told the bookstore crowd that her favorite sources for the best food starts with cooperatives. “This is a great first step” when you’re looking at eating mindfully. “They often are modeled like a grocery store,” she says, but are jointly owned by members and democratically run. “The overall emphasis is on food quality and health.” Farmer’s markets are also a favorite, “where the person selling you the food is often the farmer who grew it.” Another is Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) where “you pay a farmer to grow the food for you.” Then there’s “your own vegetable garden. It doesn’t get any fresher than that,” Castillo said. “It’s a great way to involve yourself in nature and if you don’t have the space, get involved in a community garden and you’ll also have the social element as well.” In touting her book and her outlook, Castillo boiled it down to showing people “how to bring what’s on your plate in line with what’s in your heart.”

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PROJECT TEACHES KIDS THE ORIGIN OF THEIR FOOD Things are sprouting for the folks of Seed of Life Nurseries, a non-profit that has a mission to increase Frederick’s garden potential and support local growers, get good food into the hands of low-income families and help at-risk youth. As part of that mission, founder Michael Dickson, aka “Farmer Mike,” is working with Frederick County Public Schools to have a garden at each of the 38 elementary schools. At the end of May, Waverley Elementary School held an event to recognize the start of the first garden with local officials kicking off their shoes on a balmy spring day to celebrate with students. In addition to the public schools, Seed of Life is also partnering with United Way, The Great Frederick Fair, AmeriCorps, Habitat for Humanity and the Boys & Girls Club, Dickson says. The school gardens are an off-shoot of last year’s My Plate Garden at the Great Frederick Fair, a project that won an award from the International Association of Fairs and Expos. “We’re working with FCPS to install gardens in all elementary schools. We also are getting sponsors” to finance the plots, which will cost an estimated

$1,000 to establish and maintain for a year at each school, Dickson says. Not only will the gardens be used for lessons on food and nutrition, plus Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) skills, a social justice component will also play a part. “We’ll look at the good things we can do in our community when we grow a garden,” such as donating a harvest to a food bank. Each garden is designed to reflect the components of a well-balanced diet, including fruits, vegetables and grains. For protein, they will be growing beans, quinoa and peanuts.


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For years people have been thrilled with the notion of eating local, of having corn for dinner that was picked just that morning at the farm up the road, and now the idea of getting locally-crafted spirits is expanding from Frederick County’s established vineyards to also include artisanal beers, cider and liquors. Tom Flores, brew master for Monocacy Brewing Company and a member of the National Brewers Association, says local is indeed fine, but it also has to be backed up by being good, something he and his colleagues are pulling off in Frederick County. “The subject of local production of brewing raw materials and local beer is very near and dear to me,” says Flores who has been involved in a malting operation using local grains for the past 15 years. The growing number of breweries “is a return to what used to be normal,” he says, “when every town had a brewery.” He believes the movement is mainly consumer-driven. “People are concerned about the origin” of products they consume and use. “It matters where it’s made.” One of the newest farm breweries is Mad Science Brewing Company at Thanksgiving


Farms in Adamstown. Mad Science owner Brian Roberts says that according to state legislation allowing these operations, as least one ingredient must be grown on the farm. His ingredient is hops, with plans to experiment with the farm’s fruits and vegetables, particularly intrigued with how peaches could be used. Victor Aellen, whose family is known for Berrywine Plantations/Linganore Winecellars in Mount Airy, moved back to Maryland last year and started Red Shedman Farm Brewery & Hop Yard located at the winery. “Marrying a brewery to the highly successful family wine business, seemed to be the perfect storm,” according to their website. Aellen had previously trained with two brewers in Michigan and had been the chief brewer at a small brewpub outside of Grand Rapids. “It’s my third career,” says Aellen, who was in the chemical industry and then financial services.

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13601 Glissans Mill Road Mount Airy 301.831.5889

1619 Buckeystown Pike 240.409.8723



44463 Black Ankle Road Mount Airy 301.829.3338

8253 Dollyhyde Road Mount Airy 301.829.6950



15010 Roddy Road Thurmont 240.449.0677

DISTILLERY LANE CIDER WORKS 5533 Gapland Road Jefferson 301.834.8920

8546 Pete Wiles Road Middletown 301.473.3568

RED SHEDMAN FARM BREWERY 13601 Glissans Mill Road Mount Airy 301.831.5889

ELK RUN 15113 Liberty Road Mount Airy 410.775.2513

FREY’S BREWING COMPANY 8601 Mapleville Road Mount Airy 301.639.7146

LOEW VINEYARDS 14001 Liberty Road Mount Airy 301.831.5464

SPRINGFIELD MANOR WINERY & DISTILLERY 11836 Auburn Road Thurmont 301.271.0099

“There’s the artist in all of us and this is very creative and rewarding.” He looks back to the years when people basically could only get Budweiser, Miller and Coors. “It was the same blah, blah, blah,” and “you didn’t know how old the beer was.” That has all changed with the local brew movement. They have 275 hops plants used in the making of Red Shedman products and even after the hops do their thing creating the beer, they’re not wasted, instead going to a local farm where “it’s like candy for the cows,” he says. Another operation blending a winery with other spirits is Springfield Manor in Thurmont. One of the owners, Amy St. Angelo, says when they were starting the winery, “people from the state let us know that other markets were opening up with the changed legislation.” They jumped on it, becoming the first distillery in Frederick County. Currently they are making batches of brandy, using local fruit, as well as a lavender-infused gin from lavender growing in their fields, plus grappa from the pressed grape skins leftover from wine production. Corn and rye whiskeys are also in the plans along with rum. St. Angelo says she is inspired and excited by all the potential to be found here and quips that “if you can’t find something to make you happy in Frederick County, you’re not a happy person.”


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That’s why we have been buying and providing local produce and meats from area growers for decades. Deliveries come straight to our stores from local farms so that we can provide the freshest product at its peak of perfection. It’s one of the ways we bring you the “best from the earth” all season long. It’s in this spirit that we are proud to support, promote, and partner with the local farm to fork movement. Visit www.wegmans.com for information on products and events. 240-575-7300 | 7830 Wormans Mill Rd. Frederick MD 21701

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FAMILY FESTIVAL @ THE FARM ASSURES A GOOD TIME BY ALL It’s a toss-up as to who has the most fun at the annual Family Festival @ the Farm—the families who get to interact with animals and walk through farm fields searching for the perfect pumpkin, or the farmers and growers who host the visits, happily telling their guests about life on the farm. The festival is held the third weekend in October when close to two dozen farms open their doors for self-guided tours. Additionally, there’s a variety of special activities from hay rides to sampling apples and making scarecrows. Mixed in with all the fun, visitors may even learn something new about where agricultural products originate and the steps that it takes, for instance, to turn milk into ice cream or fiber from Alpacas into yarn. The owners of Lawyer’s Farm & Moonlight Maze, 13001 Creagerstown Road, Thurmont, have participated in Family Festival @ the Farm for more than five years. They say that it has been the perfect opportunity to advertise their farm and show what they can offer to the public. They add that it’s an event they look forward to every year. At nearby Catoctin Mountain Orchard, 15036 N. Franklinville Road, Thurmont, the owners say that the festival comes at their busiest time of the year when many of the fruit is ready to be picked. Robert Black, president of the orchard operation, says the festival is a good way to make people aware of Frederick County’s farming diversity. Many will visit every


farm on the tour, he says, because each is different. He likes to tell visitors to “please support local farms and they will be there to help you.” You’ll have the chance to meet “the girls” at Three Streams Farm, 6775 Burkittsville Road, Middletown, also known as Rhode Island Red hens that have been named Henrietta. The third generation operation also offers a meet-and-greet with other animals on the farm that also grows produce. Much more awaits as you travel the county on that weekend, whether it’s a stop at an alpaca farm or bottle-feeding calves. For more information, visit www.discoverfrederickmd.com/funfarm. —BreAnn Fields contributed to this article.

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LOCATION MAP PARTICIPATING FARMS 1. Brookfield Pumpkins 2. Catoctin Mountain Orchard 3. Gaver Farm 4. Glade Links Farm 5. Jumbo’s Pumpkin Patch 6. Lawyer’s Farm 7. Mayne’s Tree Farm 8. Oakie Doke Farms 9. Persistence Run Farm 10. Rocky Point Creamery 11. Scenic View Orchards 12. South Mountain Creamery 13. Sycamore Spring Farm 14. Thanksgiving Farms 15. Three Streams Farm 16. Twin Hills Farm 17. Whispering Meadows Alpaca Breeders


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Eating Local Couldn’t be Easier In the search to find food that hasn’t traveled thousands of miles, Frederick County residents have options ranging from weekly markets held during the growing season or Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) enterprises where you share in whatever bounty the farmer produces. Following are resources for freshfrom-the-farm-to-the-table offerings:

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9380 Butterfly Lane Fridays, 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Mid-May to mid-November


Great Frederick Fair Market

Dragonfly Farms

Frederick Fairgrounds Saturdays, all year, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

240.353.8408 www.dffarms.com

Linganore Farmer’s Market

Full Cellar Farm

Corner of Eaglehead and Coldstream drives Thursdays, 4 p.m.—7 p.m. June-August

301.639.9711 www.fullcellarfarm.com

Grace Farmer’s Market

Everedy Square & Shab Row

FARMERS’ MARKETS Brunswick Farmer’s Market Near the MARC Station Saturdays, 9 a.m.—noon End of May to end of September

Emmitsburg Farmer’s Market 302 S. Seton Ave. Fridays 3 to 6:30 p.m. Mid-June to end of September

Everedy Square & Shab Row Market Church and East streets Thursdays 3 to 6 p.m. Early June to end of October

Farmer’s Market at NCI-Frederick Fort Detrick Tuesdays, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Mid-June to October

Frederick City Market 331 N. Market St., Frederick Sundays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. May to October

Goodwill Industries of Monocacy Valley 101 Willowdale Drive Wednesdays, 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. June through October

House in the Woods Farm

Middletown Farmer’s Market

301.607.4048 www.houseinthewoods.com

12 S. Church St., Middletown Thursdays, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. May to October

Hometown Harvest

Mount Airy Farmer’s Market

Oakie Doke Farms

3 N. Main St. Wednesdays, 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

301.473.0723 www.oakiedokefarms.com

Thurmont Main Street Market

Open Book Farm

Thurmont carnival grounds Saturdays, 9 a.m. to noon Mid-June-September

240.457.2558 www.openbookfarm.com

Urbana Library Market

301.471.2699 www.pleasanthillproduce.com

9020 Amelung St., Urbana Sundays, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. May to October


Pleasant Hill Produce

Walkersville Market School building “B” at Nicodemus Road and Frederick Street Fridays, 4 p.m.—7 p.m. June through September

West Frederick Farmer’s Market 800 Oak St., UnitedHealthcare parking lot Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. May through November

YMCA of Frederick Market 1000 N. Market Ave. Tuesdays, 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. May-early October

Michael Dickson of Seed of Life Nursery 21

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Glade-Link Farms at Everedy Square & Shab Row Market

Seed of Life Nursery & CSA 240.344.6533

Summer Creek Farm 301.271.9399 www.summercreekfarm.com

Sycamore Spring Farm 301.788.6980 www.sycamorespringfarm.org

Thanksgiving Farms 301.662.1291 www.thanksgivingfarms.org

Twin Hills Farm 301.788.2784 www.twinhillsfarmllc.com 22

ORCHARDS CATOCTIN MOUNTAIN ORCHARD 301.271.2737 www.catoctinmountainorchard.com

COUNTRY PLEASURES 6201 Harley Road, Middletown 301.371.4814

PRYOR’S ORCHARD 13841 B Pryor’s Road, Thurmont 301.271.2693

SCENIC VIEW ORCHARDS 301.271.2149 www.scenicvieworchards.com

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In operation since the mid-1800s, family owned and operated for seven generations! Visit us at the farm or find our produce at local farmers markets. Farm market open daily from 10 am — 6 pm. Check our website for details and events.

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Do what you love... love what you do. Farming can be hot, and dirty, with super long hours and no time for breaks. But when you see the kids walking around the show ring, or putting their ribbons in a frame, you know that this is what you were made to do. There’s nothing that we’d rather do than work in agriculture either. We’re here to help you be successful, so that you can keep doing what you love. Give us a call today—we’d love to be a part of what makes you love what you do!

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Creamy Honey Sesame Dip INGREDIENTS:

¾ cup nonfat mayonnaise ¼ cup rice vinegar ¼ cup honey 3 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds

1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger root 1 small garlic, minced ¾ teaspoon sesame oil 1/8 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes Salt, to taste


l. vinegar and honey in a small bow red in • Whisk together mayonnaise, ly. Dip may be stored tightly cove ough thor mix ts; dien ingre g • Add remainin s. table vege fresh p k. Serve with cut-u the refrigerator up to one wee This recipe comes cour tesy


n currently boasting about of Allen’s Apiary, an operatio

150 hives.

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other squash available ys has plenty of zucchini and Scenic View Orchards alwa they contributed: pe reci perfect for the following during the market season,


6 small/medium summer squash (mixture of zucchini, yellow, and zephyr if possible) 3 - 5 small spring onions Chopped fresh garlic to taste


2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch 2 tablespoons wine 1/3 cup stir-fry sauce 1-2 tablespoons oyster sauce 1/2 cup soy sauce


, oyster sauce and cornstarch; add wine, stir-fry sauce • Make sauce by mixing sugar and set sauce aside. soy sauce. Mix until smooth and onions, keeping the about ½-inch thick. Chop spring • Chop washed squash into slices chopped green tops separately. onions. Stir and cook ns of canola oil, then add garlic and • Using wok, heat 2-3 tablespoo until squash are crisp cook and stir to squash and continue about 2 minutes. Add chopped and serve. tops n onio is heated. Add chopped tender. Add sauce and stir until it coli. broc or peas snap as such additions Note: This recipe is good with

Ben Sayler and his wife, Heather, run Pleasant Hill Pro Broccoli Salad is duce. He says tha a favorite recipe. t Courtesy of Food Network’s Alton Brown.

Bro ccol i Sa l ad INGREDIENTS :

1 tablespoon white wine vinegar 1 lemon, zested 1 tablespoon freshl y squeezed lemon juic e 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard


1 teaspoon kosher salt Pinch of freshly gro und black pepper 1/4 cup olive oil 1 pound broccoli, rin sed, trimmed and chopp ed into bite-size pieces

6 ounces cherry or grape tomatoes, halved 3 ounces coarsely chopped, toasted pec ans or hazelnuts 2 tablespoons chiffo nade of fresh basil leaves

• Whisk together the vinegar, zest, lemon juice, mustard, salt and pepper in a medium mixing bowl. While whisking constantly, gradually add the oliv e oil. Add the brocco li and toss to coat. Cover and place in the refrigerator for 1 hou r. • Stir in the tomato es, hazelnuts and bas il. Cover and allow it sit at room temperatu to re or in the refrigerat or for another 15 minutes before ser ving. of that makes great use Ross, comes a recipe Company owner Elin s. oom shr mu of ton From City Loaf Bread car bread and that random few slices of leftover


tine Mushroom Tar INGREDIENTS Artisan bread slices

Butter Salt gh chopped Mixed mushrooms, rou

Olive oil Fresh thyme Balsamic vinegar Fresh cracked pepper ed Parmesan cheese, shredd

tively grill bread slices and alterna salt on each side of the le ink spr and ter but of • Spread a thin layer stems, cooking to your preference. mushrooms and thyme or sauté until browned in a sauté pan and add oil vinegar and salt ve ic soli sam oon bal lesp of sh tab spla • Heat 1-2 st of their liquid, add a mo off s may be cooked en oom giv e shr hav Mu s te. until mushroom Toss with cheese to tas t. hea from ove rem and pepper to taste and ooms in), place your just cooked the mushr in advance. fe dish (or in the pan you l-sa the mushrooms are il gril unt or l n gril ove or an n on ove • To finish: oom mixture. Heat in the shr mu the on pile toasted bread and is melted. warm and the cheese



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FARMERS AND GROWERS FIND STRENGTH IN ORGANIZATIONS The agriculture community is important to Frederick County and a number of organizations and government agencies exist not only to promote and improve the industry, but also provide the community with information about agriculture. Included are: The Agriculture Business Council (ABC) The 10-member council is appointed by the county executive and county council. Members include representatives from agri-business, agri-tourism, beef, dairy, equine, grain, horticulture, specialty crops, wineries and others. The council investigates and implements ways to promote, develop and preserve the county’s agricultural industry. Frederick County Equine Alliance The alliance is a nonprofit, volunteer organization that promotes equestrian activities and seeks to preserve open spaces in the county. They are a voice when there are zoning issues and support educational activities relating to equine, plus increase awareness of equine businesses in the county. They work with the Maryland Horse Council, Frederick County Office of Economic Development and Maryland Farm Bureau. Frederick County Farm Bureau This private, non-profit membership organization has a goal “to increase net farm income and improve the quality of life by providing a legislative voice, increasing public understanding and promoting member involvement. The organization helps members accomplish their goals together— something they cannot do alone,” according to their website. The group has sponsored a farm safety camp for the past 20 years and awards scholarships to students enrolled in ag-related studies. Frederick County Sheep Breeders Association The purpose of the Frederick County Sheep Breeders is to promote sheep, goat and lamb activities in Maryland, improve registered and commercial breeding stock, market lambs and market goats, promote and support the


area’s sheep and goat farm flocks and fiber and wool industries, be a resource for and between members, support youngsters in 4-H and educate the public. The Frederick County Sheep Breeders is Maryland-based with members from many counties; plus, a few members from Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. Farmers Co-op The co-op has been serving customers for more than 90 years with feed, fertilizer and petroleum products. They are at 820 E. South St. Grange The Grange, a national group, was founded in 1867 with a mission to promote farm life. Frederick County has several Granges, with one of the most active being the Thurmont Grange, which helps sponsor the Thurmont & Emmitsburg Community Show the second weekend in September, a celebration of the farming community. The Grange gives 4-H and FFA clubs a meeting place and supports their trips to state and national conventions as well as awarding scholarships. Maryland Extension Service In Frederick County the extension office at 330 Montevue Lane is associated with the University of Maryland and assists farmers, growers, 4-H members, Master Gardeners, homemakers and others with help in everything from finding out what’s destroying a tomato crop to how to draw up a household budget.

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FINDING IT ALL ON THE FARM PROVES POSSIBLE Clearly some of the county’s agricultural past has disappeared, but farming continues to play an important part in the local economy with 65 percent of the land zoned for agriculture. Increasingly, consumers are seeking fresh, locallyproduced food and other products and Frederick County farmers and growers are meeting the demand—whether it’s raising alpacas, beef cattle and heirloom vegetables, or inviting you to pick-yourown fruits and vegetables or enjoy a corn maze and hay ride. THE FOLLOWING ICONS DESIGNATE SPECIAL FARM FEATURES. Farm to Fork


Family Festival @ the Farm


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ALLEN’S APIARY 9980 Harvest Drive, Frederick 240.409.3589 • 240.793.5532 www.allensapiary.com Allen's Apiary is a great source for fresh, local honey, 100 percent beeswax candles and homemade honey oatmeal soaps. They also distribute woodenware and beekeeping supplies from Forest Hill, in Lancaster County, Pa. Stop by to pick up your honey or visit them at one of the local farmers markets.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT The apiary has more than 100 hives spread throughout Frederick County and is producing honey for a few local restaurants.

ALPACAS OF WINDSWEPT FARM 2887 Station Road, Middletown 240.235.1597 • www.windsweptalpacas.com Nestled in the rolling hills of Middletown, Alpacas of Windswept Farm is home to more than 30 Huacaya alpacas. The family-owned and operated farm offers foundation and show quality breeding stock, fiber/roving for spinners, yarn for knitters and a variety of finished products. The farm raises both silver and rose gray colored alpacas, plus fawn and brown. Visitors are welcome by appointment.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Yarn is offered in natural shades and hand-dyed colors. Finished products from their yarn and from Peru are also available, including socks, scarves, throws, sweaters and stuffed animals. Tours for school groups available. 30

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BELLE CREEK FARM 9703 Bethel Road, Frederick 301.695.3745 • www.bellecreekfarm.com Belle Creek Farm is a family-owned sustainable homestead minutes from Downtown Frederick. Having a great interest in the slow food movement, the owners specialize in pastured brown and blue eggs from heritage breeds, raising and selling meat rabbits, pastured Gloucestershire Old Spots and other pig breeds, heirloom vegetables, especially garlic, onions and squash. Additionally, they grow and sell several varieties of heritage dry beans. Visitors are welcome by appointment.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Visitors can see how poultry and pigs are raised in a stress-free environment, as well as view the gardens and berry patches.

BLACK ANKLE VINEYARDS 14463 Black Ankle Road, Mount Airy 301.829.3338 • www.blackankle.com This 145-acre farm has 42.5 acres planted in wine grapes. Cows, pigs and chickens graze in the non-vineyard land in support of the vineyard operation. The tasting room is 100 percent wind-powered. For a fee visitors can try a selection of wines. Glass and bottle sales are also available. Tasting room hours vary by season. For the most up-to-date tasting room information, please visit www.blackankle.com

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT All wines are sold at the farm and online. In addition, a cheese plate featuring an assortment of locally-produced cheese is available.


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BROOKFIELD PUMPKINS, LLC 8302 Ramsburg Road, Thurmont 301.898.3527 • www.brookfieldpumpkins.com Brookfield Pumpkins is a pick-your-own pumpkin patch located on a six-generation cash crop farm with a view of the Catoctin Mountains. Three generations of the Ramsburg and Roop families are active in running it. Many customers start their visit with a hayride out to the 10-acre patch, returning to participate in the numerous activities around the barn. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Hay ride, petting zoo, corn fun (table filled with shell corn and miniature farm equipment), face painting ($), (weekends only), Molly Moo (life size cow replica that can actually be milked), Corn Maze for the Cure ($) 32

CATOCTIN CREEK FARM 4939 Broad Run Road, Jefferson 301.834.6427 • www.catoctincreekfarm.com Catoctin Creek Farm raises award-winning Romney sheep. A new solar array has been established to make the farm carbon neutral. They are an example of sustainable agriculture—a small ag business concerned most with maintaining high environmental standards. Visitors are welcome by appointment.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Their Romney wool is highly prized by hand spinners. They also make wool products including blankets, roving, historic throws, yarn, socks and various other wool crafts.

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CATOCTIN MOUNTAIN ORCHARD 15036 N. Franklinville Road, Thurmont 301.271.2737 • www.catoctinmountainorchard.com Catoctin Mountain Orchard is a third generation fruit, vegetable, and berry farm celebrating more than 49 years in business. One hundred-plus acres produce products sold at the retail market on the farm. Pick-your-own crops and flowers are available. Call or visit the website for hours and farmers market locations.

CELEBRATION FARM 9961 Green Valley Road, Union Bridge 443.745.0207 • www.celebration-farm.com Celebration Farm is a boarding and training center featuring lessons in dressage and eventing. Lessons and some sale horses are available. The farm also has an award-winning small Oldenburg and Trakehner breeding operation. Visitors are welcome by appointment.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Products also include plums, peaches, nectarines, apricots, apples, pears, grapes, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, kale, fruit pies, cookies, crumb cakes, apple butter, cider, apple sauce and honey. Participant in the Frederick County Public School Lunch Program

Dressage Show Series , PVDA Schooling Show, monthly clinics with Eugene Abello, photos with Santa in December. Equine boarding and training, Daily Dose Equine Natural Horse Feed.


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CHESTNUT HILL FARM 9610 Gravel Hill Road, Woodsboro 301.845.4222 • www.brookmere.com The 68-acre farm is home to Brookmere Alpacas and was Frederick County’s first alpaca breeding farm, established in 2001. Chestnut Hill is the original name of the hill on this farm as shown on maps in the 1800s. There are stunning views of Glade Valley, Sugarloaf and the Catoctin mountains. Visitors are welcome by appointment.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Alpaca fiber (raw and processed), Alpaca products: yarn, coats, sweaters, mittens, gloves, hats, socks, stuffed animals, finger puppets and scarves; Alpacas: registered Huacaya breeding stock; Alpacas: registered pet quality; orchard grass hay (subject to availability), high quality fertilizer (alpaca manure).

CLEMSONVILLE CHRISTMAS TREE FARM 10120 Clemsonville Road, Union Bridge 410.848.6083 • www.clemsonville.com This 250-acre Christmas tree farm is home of the world’s largest wreath, as listed in the Guiness Book of World Records. Cut-your-own trees—fir, pine and spruce—plus wreaths, swags and tree stands. All trees are $20. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Fifty years with trees and wreaths for all. See the “Christmas World” indoor display. Witness the legend of the smallest reindeer called Clemson. Visit the decorated Christmas barn and explore the natural maze.


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COOLING SPRINGS FARM 2455 Ballenger Creek Pike, Adamstown 301.874.0235 • www.coolingsprings.org Cooling Springs Farm has been operated by seven generations of the same family since Andrew and Barbara Michael founded the farm in 1768, making Cooling Springs Farm one of the county’s oldest farms owned by the same family. Passed-down oral tradition tells of the family using the farm to shelter Underground Railroad freedom seekers in the 1800s. Visitors are welcome by appointment.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Cooling Springs Farm has been open to the public since 2004 as an Underground Railroad historic site. Come hear the history and the farm’s involvement on a free tour. The farm is powered entirely by sun and wind.

CRUMLAND FARMS 7612 Willow Road, Frederick 301.845.8099 • www.crumland.com Crumland Farms has activities from late spring through fall. School tours of farm life including the Pizza Farm in the spring and summer, to the pick-your-own pumpkin patch in the fall. An eight-acre corn maze to get lost in, various animals to interact with and a huge play area makes for a great place for birthday parties, reunions and company outings. Fun for all ages!

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Nights in the fall can get truly terrifying with Screamland Farms. Three different haunted attractions, zombie paintball, and other types of entertainment await. Not suitable for younger ages. www.screamland.com


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5533 Gapland Road, Jefferson 301.834.8920•www.distillerylaneciderworks.com

13415 Liberty Road, Union Bridge 301.898.4232 • www.eberlechristmasfarm.com

Distillery Lane Ciderworks, located just outside of historic Burkittsville, specializes in growing a wide variety of apples perfect for cider, baking and eating. The family-owned and operated farm and cidery offers unique apple varieties, sweet cider and hard cider. Their heritage apples are prized by apple lovers, bakers, and home brewers for their exquisite taste. Open year-round, Saturdays and Sundays noon – 5 p.m. Check the website in the fall for extended hours.

They are a family-owned and operated Christmas tree farm located on 40 rolling acres with Civil War-era buildings. They offer a great variety of tree species ranging from 4 to more than 12 feet for u-cut. Fresh-cut trees range from 6 to 11 feet and are kept in water for you. Open the day after Thanksgiving from 9 a.m. till dark 6 days a week. Closed Tuesdays.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Hard and fresh cider featured on this heritage apple farm.


A full service farm with a wide variety of trees and accessories. Hand-made wreaths of all shapes and sizes by on-site artist. Shaking and baling included.

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15113 Liberty Road, Mount Airy 410.775.2513 • www.elkrun.com

5620 Detrick Road, Mount Airy 301.865.3146 • www.englandacres.com

Elk Run grows 25 acres of classic wine grapes, practicing sustainable agriculture since 1980. Elk Run has won more than 600 national and international awards. Open for tasting year round, guests are invited to enjoy a glass of wine on the patio, bring a picnic or enjoy local cheeses and breads, while listening to some of the best local musicians in Frederick. A gift shop feaures local artisans.

Family-owned and operated by life-long farmers, the goal is to provide quality local products and services. Home to pasture-raised Angus beef cattle, meat and egg producing chicken flocks and fiber/meat sheep. The land provides berries, vegetables, flowers, forages, hays, straw and a variety of grains used on the farm and sold. Products from other local farmers help meet the demand for fresh, local and natural products. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT See us on Net Flicks’ House of Cards this season. Special Events www.elkrun.com

Visit at lambing time, watch chicks grow to maturity, frequent the gardens as the produce ripens, help to plant potatoes in April and dig them in August, press apples into cider, all to learn the benefits of eating with the seasons. 37

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FLYING GOAT FARM 5241 Bartonsville Road, Frederick 443.538.8303 • www.flyinggoatfarm.com


The owners have 25 acres that they farm in an organic and sustainable way, with fruit, berry and nut trees, free-range chickens, guinea fowl, Angora goats, cormo and BFL sheep. They sell organic eggs, jams, and pickles at the farm or at local farmers markets. As their orchard matures they will also offer fruit, berries and nuts. They sell mohair locks, fleeces, roving and yarn and hand-dyed commercial quilting fabric and yarns. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT They offer spinning, dyeing and weaving workshops and have occasional farming specialty classes such as pruning and animal husbandry as well.

FOX HAVEN ORGANIC FARM 4855 Broad Run Road, Jefferson 240.490.5484 • www.foxhaven.org The 629-acre farm emphasizes conservation practices designed to improve water quality in the Catoctin Creek and the Lewis Creek watersheds. The farm is operated under guidelines of the Md. Dept. of Agricultures’ Organic Certification Program. A solar powered irrigation system, 190 aces of Conservation Reserve Enhancement practices, large scale production garden and lots of other innovative programs serve to educate visitors to farm field days, farm stay retreats and the newly established learning center.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Farm tours, field days and mini-seminars are held. Organic hay and vegetables are raised and sold.


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FRANZ TREE FARM 12056 Fingerboard Road, Monrovia 301.865.1798 or 301.717.8449 franztreefarm@gmail.com Franz Tree farm is 144 acres of beautiful countryside with 35 acres in Christmas trees. The remaining acreage is made up of woodlands and hay fields. Choose and cut your own tree (saws are available). Call or email for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Scotch and white pines, Norway spruce and Colorado blue spruce are available.

FULL CELLAR FARM 3901 Lander Road, Jefferson 301.639.9711 • www.fullcellarfarm.com They grow fresh vegetables, herbs, cut flowers and pastured poultry, pork and eggs on the scenic westward slopes of the Middletown Valley. Though not certified organic, they aim to grow the prettiest and tastiest food for the local community in a way that leaves the farm healthy and productive for future generations. You can find them at area farmers markets, CSAs and local food hubs.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT They bring your CSA right to one of the local farmers markets – no need to miss out on the best produce.


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GAVER FARM, LLC 5501 Detrick Road, Mount Airy 301.865.3515 • www.gaverfarm.com Gaver Farm is a family-owned operation with a farm market, Fall-Fun-Festival, pick-your-own pumpkin patch and apple orchard and cut-your-own and fresh-cut Christmas trees, along with wreaths, roping, swags, tree stands, tree bags and more. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Visit the farm in the fall for all your seasonal needs from pumpkins and apples to gourds, corn stalks, straw, cider, mums, fresh-baked pies, carving supplies and fall decor. The Barn Grill and Bakery is open on weekends. 40

GLADE-LINK FARMS, LLC 12270 Woodsboro Pike, Keymar 301.898.7131 • www.gladelink.com Glade-Link Farms is family-owned and operated. For 40 years, it has provided customers with fruit, vegetables, cut flowers and fall decorations. Pick-your-own strawberries, blueberries, pumpkins and fall vegetables. Wedding and event design with homegrown cut flowers available. They participate in local farmers markets. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Acres of strawberries and blueberries are complimented by cauliflower, cabbage, collards, kale, green beans, turnips, pumpkins and fall decorations and cut flowers.

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GRINDSTONE RIDGE FARM 2710A Monument Road, Myersville 301.908.5985 • www.grindstoneridgefarm.com The farm contains sheep, angora goats and alpacas. Natural colored and hand-dyed commercial yarns, fleeces, wool, mohair and alpaca rovings for spinning or crafting. Dates for needle felting classes on the website. Visitors are welcome by appointment.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Free-range chicken and duck eggs, egg ornaments, handmade natural soaps, holiday gifts and jams, jellies and hot sauces made from the garden.

HARA-VALE FARM 4309 Cap Stine Road, Frederick 301.788.5409 • www.edscountrybakery.net Hara-Vale Farm has been a four-generation family dairy farm for more than 50 years and is transitioning from dairy farming to pasture-raised beef, hay and straw sales and livestock hauling. The farm is also home to Ed’s Country Bakery. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT They offer baked goods, including wedding cakes, all natural pasture-raised and grain-finished beef sold by the quarter or half or in a variety of cuts and ground beef; hay and straw bales and livestock hauling.


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HEDGEAPPLE FARM 3760 Buckeystown Pike, Buckeystown 301.662.0226 • www.hedgeapplefarm.com Hedgeapple Farm dates to 1731. Since 1956, the Jorgenson family has operated a dairy and a beef farm on the property. Since 1997, it has been a nonprofit research and educational foundation farm dedicated to improving and promoting grass-fed Angus beef. In 2006, the owners reconstructed a 1790s-era log cabin to serve as a market to sell the grass-fed and grass-finished beef raised here. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Individual cuts of beef are available as well as jerky and pulled beef BBQ. Beef is sold by the cut, not by the cow.

HILLSIDE TURKEY FARMS 30 Elm Street, Thurmont 301.271.2728 • www.hillsideturkey.com Hillside Turkey Farms is a family-owned third generation farm specializing in today’s family needs. The main focus is further processing of poultry to make meals easier for the working family. At the same time they also carry many fresh items for those who choose to prepare meals at home. Hillside Turkey Farms is a USDA inspected plant serving the public in a retail store and in many restaurants in Frederick County. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Turkeys, ground turkey, soups, smoked turkey jerky and stix, turkey sausage, fresh chicken, deli-sliced roast beef, country ham, pork bacon and other products.


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HOUSE IN THE WOODS FARM 2225 Park Mills Rd, Adamstown 301.607.4048 • www.houseinthewoods.com House in the Woods Farm is a certified organic diverse farm near Sugarloaf Mountain. They offer a 20-week CSA, featuring heirloom vegetable varieties and heirloom tomatoes. In May, they sell seedlings to home gardeners, featuring many varieties of heirloom tomato plants. They have been in operation since 2000. Visitors welcome by appointment.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT It’s the mission to get people involved during Farm Hands Days, lending a hand to plant, tend and harvest the crops. Produce available for sale at the farm by appointment. Educational tours and harvest events.

J BAR W RANCH 10530 Green Valley Road, Union Bridge 301.898.9841 • www.jbarwranch.com This father, son and daughter partnership has received recognition nationwide for producing and hosting pro-bull riding. The ranch has been credited for professionalism displayed at their Battle of the Beast. They maintain more than 750 head of Generation of Genetics Bucking Livestock. Call or visit the website for hours and event dates.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Battle of the Beast event, pro-bull riding, cowgirl barrel racing, mutton bustin’, face painting, food, souvenirs, including T-shirts, cowboy hats, etc.


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JUMBO’S PUMPKIN PATCH, LLC 6521 Holter Road, Middletown 301.371.6874 • www.jumbos.org Homestead Farms is home to Jumbo’s Pumpkin Patch, LLC. Purchased in 1870 by the Huffer family, Homestead has been home to seven generations of their family. Includes an 28-acre pumpkin patch and 14-acre Crazy Corn Maze. Take a hayride, visit the general store in the renovated milking barn and the Craft Attic for some fall shopping.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Visit the Kids Barn for pint-sized fun, stop at the snack shack for one of Greta’s famous hot beef sandwiches or “The Jumbo Dog.”


LAWYER’S FARM 13001 Creagerstown Road, Thurmont 240.315.8133 • www.LawyersFarm.com This family entertainment spot offers a different theme each year. Let your children play for hours in the indoor area complete with a hay maze, playground and picnic area. Outdoors enjoy a teepee and bonfire. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Five corn mazes cover 42 acres. A movie theme is tied into the design and then is played on a 30-foot screen. Feel the thrill of shooting the two pumpkin cannons at speeds of 70 mph-plus. There is something fun to do for all ages!

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6800 Lily Pons Road, Adamstown 1.800.999.5459 • www.lilypons.com

13601 Glissans Mill Road, Mount Airy 301.831.5889 or 410.795.6432 www.linganorewines.com

Lilypons is an aquatic plant farm that was started in1917. In addition to harvesting and selling aquatic plants, they offer a full line of water gardening products such as liners, pumps, filters and fish. The farm is located along the scenic Monocacy River and is a destination for nature lovers. Visit the website for hours and events.

Linganore Wine Cellars is the oldest family-run vineyard on the Maryland Wine Trail. The Aellen family first opened Linganore in 1976 and it currently boasts 86 acres of active vineyards. The Aellen family produces more than 30 varieties of wine, ranging from elegantly dry white and red dinner wines to luscious semisweet varietals, fruit and dessert wines.



Aquatic plants, fish, pumps, filters, gift items, birding products, heaters for ponds, nets and more.

Linganore offers it all—wine tasting, tours, festivals, and hosts private events. Open 7 days a week, 361 days a year. Come and join the family adventure.


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LOEW VINEYARDS 14001 Liberty Road, Mount Airy 301.831.5464 • www.loewvineyards.net The history of winemaking in the Loew family dates back to the mid19th century in Eastern Europe. To renew that tradition, Bill and Lois Loew put down roots (literally) in Frederick County. They planted their first grapevines in 1982, and since that time, have focused on producing a diverse selection of fine handcrafted wines. They take great pleasure in sharing their love of wine with visitors to the winery.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Wine tasting, winery and vineyard tours and picnic grounds. Several varieties of dry white, dry red, red semi-sweet and sweet wines and wine-related gifts are available.

MAYNE’S TREE FARM 3420 Buckeystown Pike, Buckeystown 301.662.4320 www.maynestreefarm.com This is a full-service farm offering everything from asparagus and pickyour-own strawberries in the spring and sweet corn all summer long to a hayride to the pumpkin patch in the fall. In December is the opportunity to come cut your own Christmas tree and to visit the wreath barn. Call or visit facebook for hours.

Hayrides to the pumpkin patch, pick-your-own fruits, vegetables and pumpkins, cut-your-own Christmas tree. Pumpkin barn set up for group and bus tours and gatherings.




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MIOLEA ORGANIC FARM 5301 Doubs Road, Adamstown 301.466.2151 www.mioleafarm.com This certified organic farm nestled in the foothills of the Catoctin Mountains offers chickens, eggs, vegetables, herbs, berries and native fruits. Products sold on the farm and at farmers markets. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Farm tours offered for a fee and in the winter Italian cooking classes are offered for a fee.

NICK’S ORGANIC FARM 2733 Buckeystown Pike, Adamstown 301.874.4854 or 301.983.2167 • nicksorganicfarm.com Founded in 1979, Nick’s Organic Farm sells directly to consumers. They raise all grass-fed Black Angus cattle, pastured chickens and turkeys, free-range eggs and food grade corn, soybeans and small grains. Located outside Buckeystown on a 165-acre certified organic farm, they are committed to constant improvement of the soil. Join the mailing list by emailing nicksorganicfarm@comcast.net.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Grass-fed beef, no hormones, grain or antibiotics; ground beef, beef sausage and jerky; organic pastured chicken and turkey, heritage and standard breeds; organic free-range eggs; organic heirloom grinding corn, popcorn, and cornmeal, non-GMO; organic poultry feeds, hay and straw.


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10330 Oak Hill Road, Keymar 301.473.0723 • www.oakiedokefarms.com

10430 Rum Springs Road, Myersville 240.457.2558 • www.openbookfarm.com

Oakie Doke Farms is family-owned and operated, GMO-free produce and egg farm offering many hybrid and heirloom varieties of fruits and vegetables. Sustainable practices are used and visitors can shop at their farm store. Affordable commitment-free summer and winter CSA shares available. Roadside stands are at Frederick Memorial Hospital and Calvary Assembly Church in Walkersville.

They grow more than 100 varieties of vegetables and some small fruits as well as raising pastured chickens, turkeys and pigs. Eggs also sold. Although not certified organic, they don’t use pesticides, herbicides, parasiticides, antibiotics or artificial hormones. Beef is 100 percent grass-fed. Majority of products marketed through their Community Supported Agriculture program, but also offer on-farm sales. Call for availability. Visitors are welcome by appointment.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT A wide variety of sustainably-grown GMO-free produce and fresh eggs from happy chickens. Offering a pay-as-you-go CSA, home preserved goods and canning and cooking classes on the farm.


HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT The farm is focused on soil health, livestock wellbeing and direct to consumer sales.

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PENNY’S PLANTS 6706 Millime Court, New Market 301.865.0517 • pennysplants@gmail.com Penny’s Plants offers heirloom and hybrid fruit, vegetable and herb garden transplants. Hand-sown and grown from seed, they come in biodegradable direct sow pots. Transplants are available throughout the spring and fall planting seasons, herbs are available all year. Thirteen raised-bed gardens are filled with fruits and vegetables available at several local farmers markets and the farm. Visitors are welcome by appointment.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Private educational opportunities available to learn about raised bed and lasagna gardening, companion gardening and starting plants from seed.

PERSISTENCE RUN FARM 10171 Masser Road, Frederick 240.409.1006 • www.persistencerunfarm.com This small, family-run farm is nestled in the foothills of the Catoctin Mountains. Located 7 miles north of Frederick City, ½ mile off of U.S. 15, they breed and raise registered Belted Galloway beef cattle and Berkshire pigs. Cows are rotationally grazed and fed hay produced on the farm. Pigs are rotationally grazed on pasture as well. See website for hours of the on-farm market.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Products include 100 percent grass-fed beef, pastured non-GMO pork, organic eggs and seasonal produce. Animals receive no hormones, antibiotics, steroids or any other growth promoting chemicals. Their diet is free of corn, soy, pesticides and herbicides. 49

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PICNIC WOODS FARM 6433 Picnic Woods Road, Jefferson 301.371.9202 www.picnicwoodsfarm.com Picnic Wood Farm is the home of a flock of Romney Sheep, miniature donkeys to guard them, Angus cattle and bossy geese. Their wool is sent to Prince Edward Island in Canada and spun into wool blankets in many colors. Visitors are welcome, including Tosee "Hank" the wellknown soccer ball playing donkey.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Natural Maryland wool blankets are available in a variety of colors, both tweed and solids and are made from the wool from Picnic Woods Farm sheep.

PLEASANT HILL PRODUCE 10009 Kelly Road, Walkersville 8522 Biggs Ford Road 301.471.2699 • www.pleasanthillproduce.com Pleasant Hill Produce was founded in 2014 by Ben and Heather Sayler. They grow a wide variety of seasonal produce using safe and environmentally friendly practices on two farms totaling four acres in Walkersville. Products are available through Community Supported Agriculture shares and local farmers markets. Visitors are welcome by appointment.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables, herbs and eggs. They offer both full and half share CSA memberships.


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PRAIRIE LAKE ALPACAS 13711 John Cline Road, Smithsburg 301.416.0833 • www.prairielakealpacas.com Prairie Lake Alpacas is a full-service alpaca farm offering Suri alpaca sales, breedings, raw fiber and U.S.-made Alpaca products. Suris are the rarest of breeds and known for high luster, dreadlock style fiber with its elegant drape and movement. They specialize in breeding show quality alpacas with the ideal fiber needed for making their yarns and end products. Visitors are welcome by appointment.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT They have raw fiber, natural and hand dyed yarns, one-ofa-kind women’s jackets and coats designed by Frederick based, New York runway designer Holly Kristen exclusively for Prairie Lake Alpacas.

RIGHTS OF MAN FARM, LLC 9120 Ball Road, Ijamsville 240.674.2727 or 240.674.2733 www.rightsofmanfarm.com


This family-owned farm sells certified organic vegetables, turkeys, chickens and eggs and has a large herd of all-natural beef cattle and goats that are raised on organic grasses and hay. The chickens are raised cage-free and all-natural pork is available. They sell frozen beef, organic eggs and organic vegetables at several farmers markets. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT They operate a farm store with items such as freezer beef, goat, chicken and pork, plus fresh organic eggs and seasonal vegetables.


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ROCKY POINT CREAMERY, LLC 4323A Tuscarora Road, Tuscarora 301.874.5005 www.rockypointcreamery.com The creamery has 60 flavors of ice cream, along with milk, eggs and Catoctin Mountain Orchard’s apple cider. They have 200 cows and 1,500 acres of corn, soybeans, wheat and hay, along with 2.5 acres of sunflowers for sale with proceeds going to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT The goal is milking healthy cows and mixing flavorful recipes to bring the highest quality ice cream and old fashioned country experience.


SADDLEVIEW RANCH 2719 Thurston Road, Frederick 301.831.8715 www.saddleviewranch.net This small family-owned and operated farm has horses for sale, lease, boarding and horse shows for both English and Western riders. There’s access to miles of trails on Sugarloaf Mountain, two large arenas with sandstone footing and a round pen, plus gift shop. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Gifts for the equine enthusiast, as well as a therapy section with essential massage, bath and body oils, aromatherapy lotions and remedies. They also have handcrafts, gifts, housewares, transfers and custom embroidery.

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SCENIC VIEW ORCHARDS 16239 Sabillasville Road, Sabillasville 301.271.2149 • www.scenicvieworchards.com Scenic View Orchards has been family-owned and operated for the past seven generations. In the mid-1800s, the farm was mostly a hay and grain operation. Today, it raises a variety of fruits, vegetables, flowers and beef. Set in the Catoctin Mountains, the orchard is ideally located to view the changing seasons. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Produce includes strawberries, red and black raspberries and blackberries, cherries, peaches, plums, nectarines, pears, apricots, apples, spring and summer vegetables, specialty cheeses, eggs, jams, jellies, birdhouses, fall decorations, bedding plants, mums, sunflowers and bouquets.

SCHIFFERSTADT ARCHITECTURAL MUSEUM 1110 Rosemont Ave., Frederick • 301.668.6088 www.fredericklandmarks.org Built in 1758, the museum is one of the oldest buildings in the City of Frederick. It prides itself as being among the best examples of early colonial architecture in the country. The house is a great example of German Colonial architecture, built by an early German immigrant family, the Brunners. Open for weekend tours Saturday and Sunday 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. for a suggested donation of $5 per adult, and during weekdays by appointment. The Heritage Garden is always open for people to see daily until dusk. Visit the website for special events.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Dried herbs, seeds and preserves made from heritage garden produce, house tours ($3 per person)


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SOUTH MOUNTAIN CREAMERY 8305 Bolivar Road, Middletown • 301.371.8565 www.southmountaincreamery.com South Mountain Creamery is Maryland’s first on-farm dairy processing plant that delivers farm-fresh and all-natural products door-to-door. Since 2001, SMC delivers to homes in DC, Md., Va., W.Va., and Pa. SMC’s goal is to instill healthy eating habits, educate about the benefits of local agriculture and provide a sustainable future for the next generation.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Watch the cows being milked and help bottle-feed the calves. Visit their store for glass-bottled milk, certified humane eggs, ice cream, yogurt, cream, butter, beef, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb and goat.

SPRINGFIELD MANOR WINERY & DISTILLERY 11836 Auburn Road, Thurmont 301.271.0099 • www.springfieldmanor.com Springfield Manor Winery & Distillery is an historic 130-acre estate. The farm features vineyard and beautiful lavender field with 2,500 plants of English and French varieties. Lavender plants, flowers and products are available for purchase. The winery produces awardwinning wines as well as sparkling wine. The distillery features fine handcrafted spirits such as brandy, rum and whiskey.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Variety of wines and sparkling wine. Distillery producing handcrafted brandy, rum and whiskey. Lavender plants, flowers and products.


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STADLER NURSERIES 5504 Mount Zion Road, Frederick 301.473.9042 • www.stadlernurseries.com Stadler Nurseries has been a growing family business since 1932 with one of the largest selections of plants in the area. They specialize in annuals, perennials, herbs, landscape shrubs, native and unusual accent plants. The vast majority of plants they sell are grown by them or purchased locally from family-run operations. The nursery is especially known for trees, growing shade, flowering and evergreen trees. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Trees, shrubs, annuals, perennials, bulbs and holiday plants, garden accents including fountains, statuary, wind chimes, firepots, birdbaths and containers of every size and style, also garden care products including an extensive selection of organic plant health care options.

SUGARLOAF ALPACA COMPANY 1347 Buckeystown Pike, Adamstown 240.500.0007 • www.sugarloafalpacas.com Nestled beneath Sugarloaf Mountain, 150 alpacas produce one of nature’s finest fibers; warmer than wool, softer than cashmere and hypoallergenic. Visitors can meet the alpacas and tour the on-farm spinning mill. Shop for locally grown and spun yarns as well as other alpaca products including hats, gloves, scarves, sweaters and socks. Open 7 days a week, call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT They offer daily hands-on alpaca experience. Visitors can “adopt” an alpaca for a year or purchase a share of raw fiber. Year-round spinning, knitting and weaving classes are available. 55

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SUGARLOAF’S BREEZY VALLEY FARM 1215 Buckeystown Pike, Adamstown 301.874.0958 • sugarloafsgoats@gmail.com This family farm is nestled in the picturesque valley between the Catoctin Mountains and Sugarloaf Mountain. The family humanely raises meat goats. They sell goats as breeding stock, to consumers and restaurants, as well as for 4-H projects, companions for horses, for weed control and as pets. They offer breeding services of their two full-blood Boer bucks and sell orchard grass hay in small square bales. Visit on Facebook. Visitors welcome by appointment.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Early spring is the time to come meet the goat kids.April is a great time to make an appointment and see the goat kids playing in the field. If you happen to come at feeding time, you can see the goat stampede. 56

SUMMERS FARM 5620 Butterfly Lane, Frederick 301.620.9316 www.summersfarm.com Summers Farm is a 100-acre working farm. Each fall they host an annual harvest festival to share their agricultural heritage. Activities include a 14-acre corn maze, slides, farm animals, two jumping pillows, farmer golf, pig races and more. Farm fresh food and bakery items include their famous homemade apple cider donuts.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT In the fall, take a free hayride out to the pumpkin patch and select the perfect pumpkin sold by the pound. A large assortment of gourds, straw, cornstalk bundles available for all your decorating needs.

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6003 Elmer Derr Road, Frederick 301.788.6980 • www.sycamorespringfarm.org

1619 Buckeystown Pike, Adamstown 301.662.1291•www.thanksgivingfarmandgarden.com

This 300-year-old, diversified, sustainable small family farm practices a homestead style of farming, working and living off the land. The life of a homesteader involves all facets of farming, animal husbandry, gardening and food preservation. They also teach others what they have learned. Weekend market offers seasonal produce, jams, homemade soap and crafts. Call or visit the website for hours.

This 57-acre family-owned operation has more than 50 acres of produce and orchards with a vast selection of fruits, berries and vegetables. A large 40-greenhouse garden center specializes in odd and unusual annuals, perennials, herbs and shrubs. Thanksgiving Farms offers a CSA program throughout most of the year. The garden center and farm market are open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Educational tours and classes, pastured meats, beef by the quarter or half. Winter program features hoop house produce and poultry.

Pick-your-own options are available along with fruits, vegetables, annuals, perennials, herbs, evergreens, shrubs and trees, a selection of gardening enhancements—pottery, statuary, trellises— and tools and gifts for gardeners. 57

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THREE STREAMS FARM 6775 Burkittsville Road, Middletown • 410.409.0436 or 240.398.0298 • www.threestreamsfarm.com Three Streams Farm is a third generation family farm specializing in 100 percent grass-fed lamb/mutton from Khatahdin sheep and beef from Oreo cows. They don’t use growth hormones or antibiotics. Livestock is raised humanely on pastures and butchered locally. Pastured eggs are from heritage breed Rhode Island Reds named Henrietta that are moved weekly to fresh pasture with insects to enjoy, making them the happiest hens in the county. Produce is available from the Middletown Farmers Market and “pick your own” is an option by appointment.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Know where your food comes from. Visit Three Streams Farm for pastured eggs, grass fed lamb/beef, and pesticide/herbicide free produce.

TWIN HILLS FARM, LLC 3630 Park Mills Road, Frederick 301.788.2784 www.twinhillsfarmllc.com They are a small family farm dedicated to providing customers with the full farm experience. Come and see the animals, walk through gardens and even get down in the dirt. This year they will be managing the Stone Barn Community Gardens and will offer education, seedlings and answer any questions customer may have. They will also be offering a CSA program, limited to 25 customers.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT The farm offers fresh eggs, chicken, herbs and fruit.



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WHISPERING MEADOWS ALPACA BREEDERS 13959 Unionville Road, Mount Airy www.openherd.com/farms/3743/whisperingmeadows-alpaca-breeders Established in 1999, the farm maintains 30 alpacas. They started the first 4-H alpaca club in Frederick County. Their motto is first in fiber, first in fun, first in Frederick. They breed high quality alpacas as well as their own hay and have a variety of other animals on the farm year round. Call or visit the website for hours.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT A variety of hand-made, home-grown, made in the USA, and some Peruvian alpaca products available. From natural to dyed yarns, raw fiber, rovings, bears, hats, scarves, gloves, purses, sweaters, vests, socks, finger puppets, throws and more.

WHITMORE FARM 10720 Dern Road, Emmitsburg www.whitmorefarm.com Whitmore Farm specializes in pastured pork and eggs. They also produce a limited amount of lamb, vegetables and cut flowers. They sell at farmers markets, to restaurants and from the farm. They also sell day-old chicks. Visitors welcome by appointment.

HOMEGROWN HIGHLIGHT Pork, eggs, lamb, seasonal vegetables and cut flowers.


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"U Y A R M O N T H E& O R /N L I NE When you buy directly from farmers, you get fresh, healthy produce, keep your food dollars close to home, and support a local farm family.

Family Festival @ the Farm There’s a wagonload of fun waiting for you down on a Frederick County farm, so pack up the family and visit some of the most beautiful and hardest working farms in Maryland. Frederick County Office of Economic Development Virtual Farmers Market Frederick County farmers showcase their farms and products through this website. Visit www.discoverfrederickmd.com to plan a daytrip or order online!

60-61_ads_HG15_Layout 1 7/21/15 11:55 AM Page 61

Frederick counTy 4-H BeeF, SHeep & Swine Sale

Thursday, September 24th, 2015 Time: 5:30pm The GreaT Frederick Fair BeeF Show rinG, BuildinG 18

• Sale Order: Swine then Alternating Beef and Sheep through remainder of the sale •

Registration Procedure: Registration begins at 4:30pm at the Beef Show Ring. You will need to provide name, address, phone number, and drivers license. You will then receive a buyers number. This card needs to be provided to the auctioneer when a purchase is made. The auction begins at 5:30pm

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SPROUTS OF WISDOM “The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of — Masanobu Fukuoka human beings.”

“Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and you’re a thousand miles from the corn field.” — President Dwight D. Eisenhower

“Clean, tasty, real foods do not come processed in boxes or bags; they come from the earth, the sea, — Suzanne Somers the field, or the farm.”

“In the city, we work until quitting time. On the farm, we work until the job is finished.” — John Bytheway


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1. Frederick County is Maryland’s top turkey producer.

2. The number of Frederick County farms is 1,308, according to the 2012 Census of Agriculture. 3. The first cow in America arrived in 1611 to the Jamestown colony. Until the 1850s nearly every other family had its own cow.

4. The total number of farm acres in Frederick County is 181,512, with the average farm size at 139 acres.

5. Chickens can’t taste sweetness in foods however they can detect salt, and most choose to avoid it.

6. On average an ear of corn has 800 kernels in 16 rows.


8. Principal operators of Frederick County farms include 1,070 men and 238 women.

9. President Woodrow Wilson grazed sheep on the White House lawn and the wool was sold and the money given to the Red Cross during World War I.

7. The market value of products sold from

10. There are

Frederick County farms is more than $150 million. The average per farm is $115,030.

thousands of apple varieties.

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Our Roots Farming. Farming. It’s It ’s in our blood. My father and grandfather farmed med 225 acr acres es in Walkersville Walkersvil alkers le from from the the grandfather far early on the far farm, m, early 1900’s 1900’s until the late sixties. Growing Growing up working working on with my sister Sharon, invvolvement in FFA FF FA A and a 4H gave gave me Sharon, and our involvement an appreciation mayy appreciation of the value of hard hard work—although, work—although, my Dad ma have word have taken exception exception to the wor d ““worked” worrked ” when rreferring efferring to me. IItt h has as b been een ov over er fi fifty fty years years since I last worked worked on on the family family farm farm and yet, the the memories memories make it seem like it was just yesterday. yesterda dayy. W hile I yet, While didn’ ntinue the far ming legac y, my family family has continued continued to to support suppor t didn’t’t co continue farming legacy, our agr icultural co mmunity over over the years years through through the he Frederick F Frrederick agricultural community Count ctivity Center and The Great Great Frederick F Frrederick F air. Countyy 4H A Activity Fair. F rederick Count waays had a strong, strong, economically economically viable Frederick Countyy has al always agr icultural co mmunity. L et ’s help keep it that wa ayy. agricultural community. Let’s way. ~ Doug St Stauffer, taauffer, President President esideent off St Stauffer taauffer F Fune Funeral uneral Homes Homes

301.663.1690 Boonsboro Boonsboro | Brunswick Brunswick | Frederick Frederick | Mt. Airy Air y | Thurmont Thurmont | W Walkersville alkersvil alker le

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C4_FCB_full_HG15_Mariachi 7/14/15 10:22 AM Page C4

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