Division 26 South | The Daily Devil 9.12 | A Look Back

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Volume 9 | Issue 12 | April 2021

acalanes | amador valley | california | campolindo | dougherty valley | dublin | las lomas | miramonte | monte vista | san ramon valley

Spotlight on SRV


Letter from your LTG



Front cover Letter from your DNE


Table of Contents


March DWS Recap

5 10


March recap

March DWS Recap

table of contents 2

DLT Messages


Free Rice: Dublin & LL

15 Free Rice: Monte Vista

16 Club Elections Recap



28 Devils’ Golden Cup

Term in Review: DCMs Contact Info


Term in Review: DWSs



Back Cover


Term in Review: Fundraisers 3

letter from your

Dear Blue Devils,


lieutenant governor

So… we made it. We have 10 days left of this term. I swear it was just yesterday that we “ZOOMed INTO THE NEW TERM” together. This past year has been unconventional in every way possible, and yet, I don’t feel as though I missed out on any part of the LTG experience because of you. Thank you for being the most phenomenal members ever. This term wouldn’t have been as successful as it was if it weren’t for all of your greatly appreciated efforts. We surpassed our service hour goal of 4,000 and raised a little under $1,000 for our fundraising goal! Thank you to SPC Jade Kessinger and FC Lois Hong for all the fun division events you’ve planned for us this past term. And thank you to DTE Steph Su for creating all the beautiful promotional graphics to go along with them. Thank you x11 to DNE Christine Oh, one for each spectacular division newsletter you’ve created. To SCs Carter Soe and Richard Chung, thank you for spreading division spirit despite being in a virtual setting. To MERCs Isabella Gonzales and Christy Quang, thank you for engaging the division through your member education presentations and monthly recognitions. Last but certainly not least, to Mikayla Chen and Yujin Huh, the best EAs any LTG could ask for, thank you for all the support you’ve given both me and the division this past term. DLT aside, I want to especially thank club officers for exhibiting exceptional leadership throughout this term. None of you signed on to serve virtually during a pandemic, yet you did an amazing job doing so. I would not have made it through this term if it weren’t for your willingness to help and passion for Key Club. Saving the best for last, thank you members for sticking it out through this virtual term. Despite everything being online, I hope you all still had fun and were able to make memories that you’ll forever cherish. I know I have. Thank you everyone for making me feel loved during a year characterized by social isolation. During my very first Key Club election speech back in freshman year when I ran for club editor, I mentioned I had “like five friends.” Here I am, four years later, leaving Key Club with a whole family of Blue Devils, 350+ of which are dues paid members ;). Thank you for taking a chance on me 14 months ago when you elected me to serve as your LTG. I’ve had such a blast serving you, and it’s been the perfect conclusion to my Key Club journey.

Always serving with a SMILE,

Caroline Lobel




letter from your

division news editor

Hello Blue Devils! It definitely feels quite bittersweet writing this email, as this will be my last letter to you as Division News Editor. Before I get into my gratitude and (sappy) feelings, let’s take a moment to reflect on everything we’ve accomplished this term! When I was appointed to this position and elected Vice President of my home club, nobody could predict that this ENTIRE term would be remote. Fortunately, we had one of our only in person events this March, where Blue Devils cleaned up local parks by picking up trash. We also had a wonderful time bonding over Zoom and making many remote memories. You can take a trip back to the beginning of the term on pages 22-27 in this issue’s special “Term in Review” section. Anyways, I hope you enjoy my last issue, which will include farewell messages from your Division Leadership Team, recaps of all the DCMs, DWSs, and fundraisers we’ve done, FreeRice recaps from the past month, as well as a recap of the club elections that individual clubs have been holding in the past month. Have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading! Burning with service,

Christine Oh





DWS: Community Clean-Ups


FUNDRAISER: Virtual Painting Session


DCM: One Last Hoo-Sizzle

spotlight on

San Ramon Valley

submitted by SRV President Jordan Fu

Our Key Club is hosting a book drive where we will give books donated by you to a local Bay Area book drive called, “Books for the Barrios”! This is a fantastic opportunity to earn service points and help out your community. Books for Barrios is based in Walnut Creek, CA that sends books to underprivileged children in the Philippines. Founded by Nancy Harrington in 1991, this wonderful organization has shipped 16 million books to schools in the Philippines since! If you want to be a part of this fantastic project, we will be accepting colored pictured books (grades 1-3) and preschool to sixth grade literature. Any old school materials/ resources like colored pencils, pens, crayons, etc. are gladly accepted as well! Any further information will be sent via email to those who register! Thank you! - Beatrix Hermann, SRV Vice President

See page __ for contact information. 7

Photo submitted by Marcus Hsieh, Dougherty Valley


March DWS Recap mmunity Clean Ups

On March 6th, with D26S, we helped clean A San Ramon! It was the first in-person event w time, so I was able to see and meet new pe bunch of cans, bottles, and tissues around the cleaning the community with my friends an Clubbers while following COVID standards. I more in-person events soon!


Submitted by Caroline Lobel, DV

I had a wonderful time at our first in-person DWS of the season, trash pickup in San Ramon and Walnut Creek. Walking around with friends and laughing over absurd finds was a blast, and we even met some new people along the way. One kind woman who worked with the local homeless population was kind enough to stop and talk to us, asking about the Key Club organization as well as sharing some details about her own service. All in all, it was great to be back in person, and I can’t wait for our next in-person DWS!


Submitted by Aidan Campbell, MV Submitted by Ivy Valine, MV


Th to Ih to W p of ha g a tim

Athan Downs Park in we've had in a long eople! There was a e park. I had a blast nd other fellow Key hope there will be

mitted by Marcus Hsieh, DV

At the March DWS, we had our first (and probably last) in-person event of the term! Though we were wearing masks and fairly distanced from each other, I still enjoyed being able to see and talk to everyone in real life and not through a screen. Grace and I arrived at Civic Park at around 12:50, and the first person we saw was Jade, our Service Projects Coordinator. Jade, Grace, and I hung out at a nearby table while we waited for everyone else to show up. Once everyone was there, Jade explained what was going to happen. She gave us some trash bags from her car, and another Key Clubber gave me a pair of gloves so I didn’t get my hands dirty from the trash. Because there weren’t enough trash bags, Carter and I shared one, which was amazing because I got to talk to him for the whole two hours! We started off by walking around the playground, then the library, and eventually back to the bridge. Carter and I pretty much caught up on everything, both Key Club and non-Key Club related! As my first Key Club friend, it was nice to see that the conversation spark between us was still there. We got back to our original meeting spot at around 2:15 and all 8 of us walked through the trail to pick up trash. Again, we had some great conversation while also picking up a ton of trash. The trail was filled with bottle caps and cigarette butts, so we made sure to get those. I felt appreciated because there were a lot of people walking by, thanking us for picking up the trash! After we walked through the trail, we walked through downtown Walnut Creek and back to Civic Park. Judging by how well this event went, I hope this upcoming term allows us to have in-person events! All of it felt very natural and the calmness of the park accentuated that for us.

mitted by Marcus Hsieh, DV

Submitted by Joyce Tong, MV

his event was super fun! I was so happy o be able to go to an in-person event! had so much fun and it was really nice o meet new people from the division. We were able to finish cleaning the park relatively quickly so we spent a lot f time bonding with each other and aving fun! After the event, we even got boba! Overall I loved the event and hope there is another one someme soon!

Submitted by Richard Chung, Dublin

Submitted by Marcus Hsieh, DV


Submitted by Richard Chung, Dublin

Submitted by Marcus Hsieh, DV

Submitted by Marcus Hsieh, DV


Submitted by Marcus Hsieh, DV

This DWS was definitely a favorite of mine this term, mainly because we were able to physically go to a location, talk with other key clubbers in person, and have a change of scenery that isn't our bedroom over a computer screen. After we split up into 2 groups and took a lap around the park looking for trash, we met back together and decided to have a bonding event with the spare time. The Athans Down park alone was a really fun park to hang out at. It was really nice to go out over the weekend, get some exercise, vitamin D, and meet with some new people. Submitted by Amber Chu, Dublin

Submitted by Ivy Valine, MV



dublin + las lomas

Submitted by Isabel Shic, LL

In a combined event with Dublin and Las Lomas Key Club, we divided into teams and competed against each other while gaining rice on the app Freerice. The winning team received Key Club merch. Although I was not on this winning team, I enjoyed getting to know Dublin Key Clubbers. In total, we raised a little less than 10,000 grains of rice. - Isabel Shic, Las Lomas -


This event made me feel more comfortable in Key Club, because I know what I am doing now. Because of the distance learning format, I wasn't able to really understand how community service hours work, but now I do and I feel much better. This event specifically made me feel good as I enjoy helping others, and I think I helped people by doing this event. - Joshua Choi, Dublin -


monte vista

Submitted by Adithya Ramesh, MV

Submitted by Adithya Ramesh, MV

Submitted by Adithya Ramesh, MV

Submitted by Carolyn Yang, MV

Submitted by Carolyn Yang, MV

Submitted by Carolyn Yang, MV


CLUB ELECTION It's nearing the end of our crazy Key Club term! This year has definitely been a unique one for Key Club, with all of our events and meetings happening virtually. Cal High Key Club is super proud of how resilient and encouraging our members and officers have been throughout this entire process. We recently had our first day of officer elections, and despite not being able to feel the Key Club energy physically in the room, we had a successful speech and caucus process. It was great hearing newer Key Clubbers get more involved in the club and we're excited to see what the next term brings! Submitted by Eunice Oh, California

The election was very organized and professional which surprised me quite a bit. I didn’t expect it to be a silica conducted event. Only 28 people were part of the audience half of an hour in. Some of the candidates were very characteristic and charismatic, and I was deeply impressed how so many were so young. Also their confidence and ability to keep their composure when asked questions was an admirable quality. At the end of every speech, the candidates were asked caucus questions and had on with all questions from Richard. Submitted by Ainsley Guan, Dublin


The MV Key Club elec and gave dues paid m vote for great candida officers for next year. incredible and it was v what each of them h during caucus questio got to ask them abou the club. They all had help the club be even already is. I put full trus and I can’t wait to se Monte Vista Key Club n


Monte Vista Officer Ele photo. Next year’s off Joselyn, VPs Sebastian Aidan, Treasurer Hannah


ctions went very well members a chance to ates to represent us as Every candidate did very interesting to see had to say, especially ons, where members ut their aspirations for d wonderful ideas to more amazing than it st in our future officers ee what’s in store for next year!

tted by Franchesca Mariano, MV

ects smile for a lineage ficers include President n & Grace, Secretary h, and Editor Ashley! Submitted by Joyce Tong, MV

Election experiences may vary depending on whether one is a candidate or a voter. I personally ran as a candidate for the President position. Like any other huge event, it was nerve-wracking. It was scary presenting in front of dozens of people knowing that they’ll judge your qualifications, however, you know it’ll be worth it because even if you didn’t get the position you ran for, having that courage to run proves that you are capable. I was really passionate about Key Club and I wanted to do something more for the community. I was Vice President last term so I wanted to strive and aim for higher. My motivation to run was the feeling of serving our community and making it a better place for countless other people. I believe that doing community service shouldn’t just be for college applications, but rather because you enjoy helping other people and because you want to provide and give back to your community. I was really passionate about meeting new people within my community as well and felt as if serving alongside other board members would help in doing so. When election results came out I was delighted to find out I was going to be serving MV’s Key Club as next term's President! Submitted by Joselyn Li, MV


GOODBYE FRO I have loved my time serving as a DLT member and I loved being able to give back to the club that means so much to me. All of my favorite moments have definitely revolves around all of the amazing people I was able to serve on DLT with, like playing among us while waiting for people to pick up their baked goods at our bake sale or just talking in the group chat. As a senior it is bittersweet having to leave Key Club, but I know that D26S will continue to be a powerhouse :)

- Isabella Gonzales, Member Education & Recognition Coordinator

Hey D26S! With this term being my last, I had a great time serving you all as one of your MERCs. I’m proud of all of the achievements every club in our division has accomplished and I hope to have been able to bring spotlight to them! Some of my favorite memories this term was starting it all off with the joint DCM with D26N. I had a great time watching my fellow DLT members perform dares. Another fond memory was our bonding activity where we played Jackbox and learned more about each other. I’ll miss everyone on DLT and I can’t wait to hear back from the great things D26S will accomplish next term!

- Christy Quang, Member Education & Recognition Coordinator


OM YOUR DLT Serving on the division leadership team will be an experience to remember forever! Not only was I able to meet new peers and be part of amazing service events, I was truly able to learn and go through the steps in how I can be a dependable and thoughtful servant leader. Helping clubs thrive to their highest potential, even from their lowest points, shows how Key Club can do achievable and valuable deeds to create a strong community. I love all my friends who I met this term and hope to create more friendships to cherish. I also hope that I can guide other Key Club members to see the true meaning of service and what it means to help your local community. I love our Division 26 South and amazing DLT!!

- Yujin Huh, Executive Assistant

Hey Blue Devils! Thank you so much for a great year of service! Although this year's events weren't ideal, I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did. My favorite event was our most recent Community Clean-Up; something about in-person events makes it more special :) I'll be looking forward to new great events (perhaps some in-person?) in the next term. Keep up your fiery passion for service blue devils! I'll miss you all next year.

- Jade Kessinger, Service Projects Coordinator


GOODBYE FRO Hey Blue Devils! It's Carter Soe again, proudly serving as one of your spirit coordinators this year. Although Richard and I weren't able to physically meet with each and every single one you or host any spirit socials, I hope you were still able to feel that blue devil spirit through our virtual division meetings and bonding events. One of my favorite memories this year, was being able to share some of those crazy division cheers and yells the spirit team created during for our August bonding event. Although it wasn't what we expected, it was so nice being able to see you guys laugh, yell, and pump your fists up in the air through our computer screens. Even though we weren't physically next to each other, I definitely felt that blue devil spirit arising within ourselves and I hope we can carry that fiery energy into our next term!! I totally won't be crying in my bed watching all you senior devils graduate and moving on to the next chapter in life.... but definitely after covid is over, I can't wait to meet everyone and create another amazing term next year. HOOHA!

- Carter Soe, Spirit Coordinator

What’s up! Thank you Blue Devils for a wonderful term! Even though we had to endure a whole year of online Key Club, you all made it bearable. I loved having the opportunity to design these newsletters for you each month, and I highly encourage those interested in graphic design to apply for the position next year! I can’t wait to see what D26S accomplishes in the future!

- Christine Oh, Division News Editor


OM YOUR DLT WHATS UP BLUE DEVILS! I wanted to start off by saying thank you to all the people that have made this term amazing! Sadly I was not able to bring my unmatched level spirit at frn and spirit socials but I promise to be around next year! I loved meeting you all at DCMs and other events and I hope we all continue our friendship throughout the next term and even further. Personally I did not get the most of my term by leading spirit chants and so much more, but serving on the DLT still has been worth it. With the strong bonds that I have created with the other officers and the fun memories we’ve created have made every second worth it. I am so excited to see what the future has to hold for our division and if you are interested in going for DLT I would highly recommend it!

- Richard Chung, Spirit Coordinator

As the fundraising coordinator of the dlt, I had so much fun coming up with different ideas even through the virtual setting! Even though this whole year was different than normal, I felt so much more connected through key club and the dlt. I’m a junior, so I am excited that I get another year to be a part of key club and I hope to meet more new people and bond with them. I am so thankful for this amazing term and all the great people I got to meet<33

- Lois Hong, Fundraising Coordinator 21

Photos 1. May 2020 DCM: Get to Know Your 2020-21 LTG


2. June 2020 DCM: Dare the Devil$ 3. July 2020 DCM: Banquet 4. August 2020 DCM: Blue Devil Bonding 5. September 2020 DCM: RTC 6. October 2020 DCM: Key to College 7. October 2020 DCM: Key to College 8. November 2020 DCM: New Member Orientation


9. December 2020 DCM: Holiday Movie Night 10. December 2020 DCM: Holiday Movie Night 11. December 2020 DCM: Holiday Movie Night 12. February 2021 DCM: Winter Workshop


division 26 south

a term in review





1 2

9 5




7 23

Divison 26 South te

June DWS

Color A Smile & Cranes 4 Cancer

November DWS Gifts of Gratitude

September DWS Words of Thanks

January DWS

Transcribing Smithsonian Docs


Words o


Transcribing Sm

planned & organized by your Ser 24

erm in review: DWS

mber DWS

October DWS

November DWS

ary DWS

March DWS

March DWS

of Thanks

mithsonian Docs

Math for UNICEF

Park Cleanup

Gifts of Gratitude

Park Cleanup

rvice Projects Coordinator, Jade! 25

Divison 26 South term in




devil’s golden cup Las Lomas


Monte Vista




Dougherty Valley: 5177 points California: 2575 points Miramonte: 1035 points San Ramon Valley: 855 points Campolindo: 820 points Amador Valley: 410 points Acalanes: 75 points points as of March 18, 2021

points guide


club service project or fundraiser

attend a division fundraiser


on time MRF article submission DWS attendance





consecutive on time MRF consecutive article consecutive visual

visual submission DCM attendance


devil’s golden cup question


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