Division 26 South | 10.2 | Once in a Blue June

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Volume 10 | Issue 2 | June 2021

The Daily Devil

Letter from your DNE


Letter from your LTG


May Recap


June at a Glance


Articles and Visuals


Monthly Recognition


Devil's Golden Cup Standings


Meet the Division Leadership Team


June Special


Want to be featured?


Contact Information


funds raised

dues-paid members



service hours



Letter from Hey Blue Devils! My name is Jessica Wang, and I will be gladly serving you as your DNE (Division News Editor) this term. My home Key Club is Dublin KC, and I am a freshman! I've loved anything related to art and design ever since I was a little girl, so this position is super exciting for me! Although creating a newsletter and keeping up with deadlines is new for me and I may struggle with it a bit at times, I promise to serve each and every one of you with my full heart. I value all members of Key Club, so if you ever have any suggestions for the newsletter or anything that I or the DLT can do, feel free to email me! This is my first year in Key Club, and although it was virtual, it was definetely super fun for me! I started school knowing literally no one, but I was able to meet so many wonderful people through Key Club! It honestly shocks me how far I've come. I hope that in the next year, I can get to know everyone better! I'm looking forward to a year full of fun experiences (hopefully now that COVID is getting better!) and of course making newsletters for you Please don't think of me as this unreachable person. I know that it is easy to think that way (I definitely thought that way before haha). Everyone in Key Club is extremely kind and welcoming! I wholeheartedly want to become friends with every single one of you, so if you ever come acrss any struggles in life, feel free to vent to me! I've been told before that I'm a good listener and advice giver, so you can count on me to help anytime! My instagram is @jessicherries if you want to contact me in a less formal way :) Anyways, I already know that this term will be the best one yet, and I am so excited!! Serving with INDIVIDUALITY, (old pics haha)

Jessica Wang d26s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Letter from Hello Devils! It's officially summer, which means the days (and the fun!) last longer! Though this may be a rest period, this is actually a grind period for your officers and DLT members. Be sure to thank them for all they're doing! These next few months are literally A QUARTER OF THE TERM :0. Make the most out of them because once school starts, you won't have as much time to attend some super fun events. I have tons of DWSs, DCMs, fundraisers, and socials planned for the next few months, so don't ever feel like you're bored! Your club officers will also have tons of events planned so don't forget to go to those as well ;). In only two weeks, California will lift all COVID guidelines so we can start having in-person events. I hope to see all of you (in real life, not through a screen) soon and have the best three months ever! Serving with LOVE,

Joyce Tong d26s.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org



EDITORS: A/V due at 6 PM

MAY DWS: Teacher Appreciation


REGION 9 SOCIAL: Lemonade Mouth

MAY DCM: There's a DLT Among Us

MONTE VISTA KEY CLUB: Chipotle Fundraiser



JUNE DWS: Charity Miles

DUBLIN KEY CLUB: T4 Fundraiser

EDITORS: A/V due at 6 PM

June DWS: Amnesty Decoders



Name: D26 South


Date: 5/22/2021

Class: Region 9

"Nearing the end of the school year, we've continued bonding with other members and having fun volunteering. At our meeting on 4/11, Cal High Key Clubbers worked to make their own Blue Devil name tags. Even though it was online, it was a fun meetingconnecting, drawing and gaining service!"

Emily Cooper


-Emily Cooper, California

"As the new term started, it was awesome and so fun to meet with the members again on Zoom. Through the Crafts for the Community service event, all members were able to make beautiful cards and I am so glad that we are able to help Meals On Wheels. Through every card I hope that we were able to help someone feel better throughout their day! Many members were excited to join the event and several cards were made. Yay to LLKC starting this new term strong!"

Anna Friess

-Yujin Huh, Las Lomas

Las Lomas

"This was our very first game night of the new term! Personally, I was super excited and looked forward to this event, and honestly, it did not disappoint! During the event, we played the game "Garctic Phone", which is an online version of the popular game, "Telephone" that I think we all played as children. Basically what happens is, each person has to write random sentences, which get passed on to other people, who then draw pictures about the phrase. Then, the people afterwards will try to guess what the drawing is! The process then repeats. I really enjoyed this event because not only did we just play the game, we also talked a lot while doing so, so it was overall a really enjoyable experience for me! Also, after we were done with one round of "Garctic Phone", we then played "Among Us", which is always fun! I would definitely join the event again!"

Marcus Hsieh, DoughertyValley

Riya Shah, Amador Valley

Rebecca Lee, Dublin

Jordan Fu, San Ramon Valley

Shreeya Surabhi, Dublin

Ryka Dhawan, Dublin

-Jessica Wang, Dublin

"San Ramon Valley Key Club is hosting a service project with the help of The Crayon Initiative! The Crayon Initiative works to repurpose used/old crayons, melting them down to create new crayons for children in hospitals. They collect donated crayons from restaurants, schools, and homes all across the country and with the help of volunteers, sort, melt, and package the new crayons for children’s hospitals all across the US. San Ramon Valley Key Club is working with them to help sort boxes of crayons. Members pick up boxes of unsorted crayons and return the boxes sorted by color when they are finished. Our members have sorted around 15 boxes of crayons which is around 60 hours in total!"

-Jordan Fu, San Ramon Valley

recognition Congrats! Member


Sanjana Vidhyacharan, Dublin

Dihini Withana, California Dublin Key Club Mrs. Sheaff, Dublin Advisor


Keep up the good work!



Dougherty Valley

3 San Ramon Valley

Campolindo: 79 Acalanes: 10 Miramonte: 0

Las Lomas: 376 Monte Vista: 355 California: 306 Amador Valley: 105

Points as of May 24, 2021



10 10


50: club service project/fundraiser 25: attend a division fundraiser/attend a Kiwanis DCM 20: on-time MRF, article submission, DWS attendance

3 5

Points Guide Pattern inspired by IP DNE Christine Oh

10: visual, DCM attendance, consecutive MRF + A/V 5: IG repost, Devil's Golden Cup question 3: answering a feature

DIVISION LEAD Joyce Tong | Lieutenant Governor

Jessica Wang | Division News Editor

What’s up, Blue Devils?! My name is Joyce Tong and I proudly serve as your Lieutenant Governor. In my spare time, I enjoy graphic design and playing Bedwars. My favorite boba is Thai Tea (please buy me boba) and I love taking long walks with my dog to get it. While this last year has been a bit unconventional, things are starting to look up and I can’t wait to meet all of you in person!

Hey Blue Devils! I'm Jessica Wang and I will be serving you as your Division News Editor! I'm currently a freshman from Dublin high school. Some of my hobbies include listening to music, drawing (or anything art related) and of course, drawing while listening to music haha. Since the covid situation is getting better now, I look forward to meeting everyone in person! Please contact me if you have any questions or if you just want to say hi :D

Richard Chung | Executive Assistant 1

WHAT’S UP FIERY BLUE DEVILS! My name is Richard Chung and I am a rising Senior at Dublin High! Many of you may already know me as your IP Spirit Coordinator and I am so excited to serve you all for another term! I am extremely honored to be serving on the DLT and can’t wait to see what you all accomplish this term! In my free time, I LOVE to hangout with friends, play games, and most importantly, listen to music! I’m a huge fan of R&B so if you have any song suggestions please let me know! I can’t wait to meet and serve with you all! Let’s make this the best term yet!

Adithya Ramesh | Executive Assistant 2

Hey, Blue Devils! My name is Adi, and I am currently a rising Sophomore at Monte Vista High School. I will be serving as an Executive Assistant for the 2021-2022 term! Outside of Key Club and school, I love binge-watching Netflix shows and spending time with my friends and family. I am looking forward to a term filled with service and fun events and I hope to see everyone in person soon!

Carter Soe | Division Tech Editor

Hey Blue Devils! My name is Carter Soe and I'm super stoked to be your Division Tech Editor this term! Imma be a rising senior at California High School and also serve as the President there. Even though I may look and act like I'm 5, I swear im 17. In my free time I love to bullet journal, make tiktoks, hang out with friends, and go on boba marathons. I'm super looking forward to meeting each and every single one of yall this term and hope we can accomplish all of our goals! HOOHA!!

DERSHIP TEAM Ivy Valine | Expansion Coordinator

Heya Blue Devils! My name is Ivy Valine and I am so excited to be your Expansion Coordinator for the 20212022 term! I'm a rising Sophomore at Monte Vista High School and I love playing my instruments, especially my ukulele. If you ever want to talk about life or need someone to listen, I'm just a text away. Can't wait to get to know you all!

Annabel Shic | Spirit Coordinator

Lani Yee | Spirit Coordinator

HEY!!!! My name is Annabel, and I am one of the Spirit Coordinators! I am a rising Sophomore at Las Lomas High School, and I love running and listening to Olivia Rodrigo during my free time. This year we are GOING TO BE TAKING HOME THE SPIRIT STICK, so get ready to scream your hearts out during our events ;)).

Hey Blue Devils! I'm Lani Yee and will be your Spirit Coordinator this year. I teach English to people in the Ukraine, and enjoy writing and trying to produce my own music. Something you may not know about me is that I have chickens, dogs, and cats as pets! I also enjoy dancing and love to volunteer and help my community by spreading kindness!

Matthew Ayabe | Member Education & Recognition Coordinator

Anna Friess | Service Projects Coordinator

Lauren Wang | Fundraising Coordinator

Hi everyone! My name is Matt, a rising Junior from Dougherty Valley and the current Member Education & Recognition Coordinator. I’m so excited to get to meet you all! In my free time, I love listening to music and talking with friends on Discord!

Hey guys! I’m Anna, and I proudly serve as your division Service Projects Coordinator! I’m a rising Junior attending Las Lomas High school, and I enjoy going hikes, reading books, and listening to music. I can’t wait to get to know everyone this term!!

Hey Blue Devils, my name is Lauren Wang and I'm currently a rising Sophomore at California High School who's going to be your Fundraising Coordinator for the 20212022 term!! Some things you should know about me are that listening to music in my free time helps me properly function (recs are much appreciated!) and my favorite foods include Korean seafood pancakes and butterscotch flavored sweets. I'm extremely thrilled to not only work with the amazing people on the DLT, but also bond and host events with you all in the Key Club community that has always welcomed me with open arms. I don't consider myself scary, so feel free to reach out to me whenever you want to talk! :)

High school this year was kind of dull since, at least at my school, we couldn't do in-person learning for most of the year. Since school was mostly online, the highlight of my year has been a lot of stress trying to keep my grades up. I missed out on some of the key aspects of junior year, which hopefully I will get a chance to experience next year, unlike the seniors. I guess a positive thing is that the few fun times I had either online or in-person at the end of the year were extra special since there were so few of them.

-Vera Kostko, Campolindo

I have mixed feelings about this past school year. Even though I was lucky enough to somewhat dodge the hardest year in high school, my study habits and productivity has significantly declined. I often waited last minute before turning in assignments and pulled many all nighters before tests and major projects. I hope next year, everything can be back to normal so I and the other rising seniors can end our high school career back in school and be able to learn in an classroom setting again!

-Carter Soe, California This past school year has definitely been a one in a lifetime thing for many of us. My favorite parts of this year was definitely, waking up late, rolling out of bed and going straight to class. I definitely missed being at school and seeing friends but there were definitely some positives that came out of this change. Some things i didn’t like as much was the immense amount of work we were given lol. Being a junior was definitely more challenging this year and I thought it was definitely more mentally draining than other years. I’m just happy to finish this school year and hopefully go back to school next year!

-Richard Chung, Dublin

My thoughts on this past school year is that it has been full of struggles and stress, but also plenty of fun and comfy moments. As similar with most students, distance learning has been a hassle with less in-class time to learn and internet issues. To counter that, key club has been an amazing and essential part to this school year. All of the Dublin club, division, region, and district events that I have attended have been super fun as key club is overall a comfortable and exciting community! <3

-Maahika Samudrala, Dublin Its been hectic and stressful to say the least. I don't really think anyone knew what was going on combined with trying to do online school, it made it really difficult to get through the first semester. But I think in the second semester of school things started to get much better, as hybrid began and teachers and the hang of online school. I was able to learn my material better when I was going in person and being able to see my friends which helped me to be less stressed.

-Echo Doggett, Campolindo My thoughts on this past school year was good, as I am able to do online school within fighting through the pandemic. I have enjoyed hanging out with friends online, as we can still have fun and chit chat through zoom rather than going out to a danger zone with covid. It was sometimes tough, because we had to miss some fun like how we could have had the fun in person. It was boring at some time, where we can't go out to eat or have a party in person. The best thing is that it was an easy attendance to do every clubs while on zoom, and we can meet new people.

-Golden Shao, Dublin The transition from a physical classroom to an online one was challenging for me at the beginning. Online school seems to lack a routine schedule since things are changing constantly. I also miss the group interactions and other inclass activities that my past teachers implemented into the curriculum when we were in-person. In the beginning, the biggest challenge for me with online school was staying motivated. But over the past year, online school has helped me improve my sense of self-direction and I have been able to get good grades and stay on top of my classwork!

-Adithya Ramesh, Monte Vista

Want to be featured?

Email me with any questions! d26s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Make sure to write articles and take pictures (visuals) at every event you attend! Then, send them to your respective club editor so that they can submit your articles & visuals by the 10th at 6 PM of every month! If you want to be featured, make sure your articles and visuals are of high quality! 3+ sentences Be detailed about how the event made you feel! Take pictures of the activity you are doing (i.e: making cards, baking, etc) Visuals should be candid Please also let people know that you are taking pictures to get their consent!

Yujin Huh, Las Lomas

Marcus Hsieh, Dougherty Valley

Contact Us! Shrida Pandley, Acalanes

Joyce Tong, Lieutenant Governor

Lois Hong, Amador Valley

Richard Chung, Executive Assistant

shrida.pandey22@auhsdschools.org lh1964@pleasantonusd.net

Carter Soe, California


Crystal Zhang, Campolindo


Matthew Wang, Dougherty Valley mattwg04@gmail.com

Sarah Min, Dublin



Adithya Ramesh, Executive Assistant d26s.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com

Jessica Wang, Division News Editor d26s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Carter Soe, Division Tech Editor d26s.cnhkc.dte@gmail.com

Ivy Valine, Expansion Coordinator d26s.cnhkc.exp@gmail.com


Annabel Shic, Spirit Coordinator

Yujin Huh, Las Lomas

Lani Yee, Spirit Coordinator


Lia Toyama, Miramonte lia.toyama@gmail.com



Anna Friess, Service Projects Coordinator d26s.cnhkc.ser@gmail.com

Joselyn Li, Monte Vista josey4868@gmail.com

Lauren Wang, Fundraising Coordinator

Jordan Fu, San Ramon Valley



Matthew Ayabe, Member Education & Recognition Coordinator d26s.cnhkc.mer@gmail.com

@d26sdevils Division 26 South Blue Devils @d26sdevils




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