Division 26 South | 10.3 | Can't July It!

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Volume 10 | Issue 3 | July 2021

The Daily Devil

Table Table of of Contents Contents Goals & Stats


Letter from your LTG


Letter from your DNE


June Recap


Articles and Visuals


June DWS Recap


June DCM Recap




Devils Golden Cup Standings


May Club Recaps


July Special


"How Do You Feel" Cheer


Guide to SafeKEY


CNH Children's Fund


July At-a-Glance


July Service Projects & Fundraiser Ideas


Ending Note from your DNE


Division Goals Goals Division

funds raised


dues-paid members

current statistics


PINK: goals for the division

service hours





Letter from your

Lieutenant Governor Happy July, Devils! Whoa, we’re halfway there! WH-OA, SERVICE IN THE AIR! You like my Bon Jovi parody? Even if you don’t, I hope you love the plentiful amount of events this month, including our annual Region 9 Olympics! That’s right, we get to hang out with the rest of Region 9 IN-PERSON <3. I personally can’t wait to meet everyone and finally see all of your beautiful faces in real life (and hear your gorgeous voices when there’s no way to mute hehe). One of my favorite parts about summer is the amount of free time I have. I can pick up new hobbies and discover talents I wouldn’t have learned otherwise, as well as hang out with people I love whenever I want. I encourage you to do the same as well and use these talents for great things (like Key Club, hint hint). Because you now have a ton of free time, I’d like to see more of you at division and club events and start learning more about Key Club so when someone asks “What did you do this summer?”, you can say “I made a bunch of Key Club friends!”. Use this summer wisely and I can’t wait to see you all at our next in-person division event!

Serving with LOVE, Joyce Tong d26s.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org

Letter from your Division News Editor Hey Blue Devils!! Can you believe it's already July? Where did all the time go? :o I feel like it was just yesterday that I joined Key Club, and now we are already in July! Speaking of July, my birthday is July 6 so make sure to wish me a happy birthday ;) Just kidding, you don't have to haha Anyway, as summer is creeping in (since Summer technically started on June 22), I hope to see Key Clubbers being more and more active! There will definitely be more in-person events, so make sure to look forward to that!! I really hope to see everyone's faces and be able to actually talk and bond with people in person! You won't be able to hide from me anymore >:))) (Just kidding again I'm probably shyer than anyone here lol) This is my second newsletter, so I'm still pretty new to things. Joyce told me that she got some feedback from members, and that they really like my newsletters! I will keep working hard and improving :D As always, if you have any tips or suggestions, feel free to email me or text me on Discord!!

Sparkling with Service, Jessica Wang d26s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

JUNE recap

(title style inspired by IP DNE Christine Oh)






JUNE DWS: Charity Miles




EDITORS: A/V due at 6 PM

June DWS: Amnesty Decoders


19 JUNE DCM: Sanri-OTC


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Thank you to everyone who attended events in June!

ARTICLES & Leanne Yang, Dublin

Anna Friess, Las Lomas

Jessica Wang, Dublin

Marissa Cheng, San Ramon Valley

& VISUALS The school year has finally come to an end, and ended this month playing games and having fun. This month, we wrote cards to healthcare kids to spread some love and joy in these tough times. Gaining service, making others feel good, and having fun with others- what more could you ask for? -Emily Cooper, California

Amador Valley Key Club had its last meeting of the year on May 21st! As a way to bond with the members, we played games with them and took a final group picture! This year definitely did not go as planned, but we survived! I can't wait to see everyone in person next year, have a great summer everyone!! -Sadhika Pani, Amador Valley

I had a lot of fun bonding with free rice because it is such an easy way to get hours as well as volunteer for a good cause. It was great seeing my friends there. It was a good time to relax and listen to music before finals too. I absolutely love free rice events. -Srividhya Chandramouleeswaran, Dublin

Today was the last day of our open volunteering event! I am really happy with attendance this week :) I honestly thought way less people would show up. I'm also thankful to all the officers for consistently attending when they had time <333 -Priya Bhatia, Dublin


Amesty Decoders

D26S Service Projects Coordinator Anna Friess|d26s.cnhkc.ser@gmail.com



Our June DCM was linked with our annual Officer Training Conference with a Sanrio theme! We offered several workshops catered to each mandatory club officer position, as well as non-officer workshops for those who weren't officers and/or weren't interested in some of the positions' workshops. This DCM was also our first event of the term with 100% club attendance! Keep it up, devils, and I hope to see you at future events :).

D26S Lieutenant Governor Joyce Tong|d26s.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org

Recognition Officer

Congrats! Member

Jeiane Hypnar, San Ramon Valley

Golden Shao, Dublin Las Lomas Mrs. Neach, San Ramon Valley



Keep up the good work :)

DEVIL'S GOLDEN CUP points as of June 30, 2021



Dougherty Valley

3 San Ramon Valley

Acalanes: 130

California: 681

Campolindo: 114

Las Lomas: 575

Miramonte: 0

Monte Vista: 530 Amador Valley: 250



10 10


50: club service project + fundraiser 25: attend a division fundraiser, attend a Kiwanis DCM 20: on-time MRF, article submission, DWS attendance

3 5 10: visual, DCM attendance, consecutive MRF + A/V 5: IG repost, Devil's Golden Cup question 3: answering a monthly feature


CLUB RECAPS acalanes N/A

amador valley

For our last month of Key Club this year we held two meetings, one in which we chose to draw and color pictures for Color a Smile an organization that distributes these drawings to senior citizens. In our last meeting we listened to music together and played online games as a fun way to say goodbye for the year. We awarded Carolyn Carranza for her service in the club as Member of the Month. The officers also met with VitiligoPride an organization that raises money to fund research on vitiligo and have planned upcoming events with them for next year.


We has two service projects this month! Our zoom meetings went smoothly and we played lots of fun bonding games like charades and online cards (Something new I learned about myself: charades is definitely not my forte). Our member of the month in May was Dihini Withana, an outstanding member who devoted a lot of time to service! This month was a success and I Hope to see my key club members faces in person when the school year starts again!


we didn't do anything

dougherty valley

This month, we kept up with the AMR, keeping it updated. We had many division meetings over Zoom from which we gathered many visuals. This month, we saw an outstanding amount of participants in our ongoing Charity Miles Event. We'd like to highlight one of our officers, Aidan Tatlonghari for his outragous amount of hours and effort put into the Charity Miles event. We look forward to keeping up the great work and same effort over the summer and throughout the rest of the school year!


This month was way better in terms of organization, member and officer communication and officer roles since we established Google Calendar as our main way of tracking and organizing the district and service events we have. Also, this month was better since we hosted more events with diversity like fundraisers and weekly service events. Promotion was amazing this month and we had quite a lot of members especially with this month being the last one of the school year. Member attendance was much better than we had anticipated and we definetely ended the school year with a bang and informed the members of ways they could gain service hours even throughout the summer.

las lomas*

Our club has recently improved our communication towards each other. We are working on reminding others to complete tasks, respond to emails, and complete the MOER forms.


I think the best our club has done was to recruit more members this year. We had gone from around 25-30 members to a whopping 40 members.

monte vista*

We have done well in being persistent in our duties, we have also done well in planning fundraisers.

san ramon valley*

Our communication within our officers has been great this past month, from holding more officer meetings and getting to know each other even more, we are always one step ahead of each other, and it makes running a club go that much more smoothly.

Thank you to the club Secretaries for submitting a response in the "Club Snapshot" of the Monthly Report Form! Learn about what other clubs have been up to!

*response given by club President/VP with prompt of "What has the club you serve done well in during the past month?" due to lack of response in MRF.


ON-TIME SUBMISSIONS Monthly Report Form (MRF) Aysha Craig [Acalanes] Elnur Tuman [California] Echo Doggett [Campolindo] Ivan Del Rio [Dougherty Valley] Sanjana Vidhyacharan [Dublin] Vinnie Savadkouhi [Las Lomas] Vera Nguyen [Miramonte] Aidan Campbell [Monte Vista] Marissa Cheng [San Ramon Valley]


Articles & Visuals (A/V)

Sadhika Pani [Amador Valley] Emily Cooper [California] Aidan Tatlonghari [Dougherty Valley] Ryka Dhawan [Dublin] Sydney Tatsumi [Las Lomas] Aya Banaja [Miramonte] Jeiane Hypnar [San Ramon Valley]


Monthly Officer Evaluation Report (MOER) Lois Hong [Amador Valley] Carter Soe [California] Marcus Hsieh [Dougherty Valley] Sarah Min [Dublin] Joselyn Li [Monte Vista] Jordan Fu [San Ramon Valley]

presidents vps


What are your summer plans? Honestly, my summer plans are very .... underwhelming? Fun-but-at-home? Relaxing? Yes, relaxing is the word. Rather than a hot-girl-summer vibes I'll be rocking at home in my pjama's (much like I'm doing now) and watching season 5 of Kim's Convenience. What do I call it, cool-at-home-withicecream girl kind of vibes! And yes, I get to bond with Key Club while I'm at it!

-Sarah Min, Dublin

After 15 months of doing nothing at my house, I'm super excited to go to the Big Island, Hawaii this summer! It's been quite a while since I've been on an airplane, and I low key miss the smell of it as well as popping my ears once the plane reaches the clouds. I look forward to going to the beach/pool everyday with my family and friends, exploring various lava tubs along the highway, and eating lots of good food everyday. I plan on coming back without a tan line, but who's counting on that? :)

-Carter Soe, California

Over this summer, I’m planning on expanding and working on my Etsy shop to reach my goal of 400 sales. I’m also planning on running—a LOT—to train for my cross country season coming up during the beginning of the school year. This will also help me with getting service hours for Key Club with the Charity miles and will give me an incentive to go out and run!

-Annabel Shic, Las Lomas

-joshua Choi, Dublin

I plan to travel to Washington, D.C. this summer to visit the monuments, memorials, and museums as well as visit some colleges! It's my first time traveling in a while so I'm very excited. I also plan to begin my college applications and spend lots of time with my family. I'm trying to read more during the summer (I have a huge list of books to read...). I look forward to the coming school year with lots of in-person Key Club events!

-Eunice Oh, California

I'm having a staycation this summer! I am going to stay home, spend time with my family, play board games, binge watch my favorite shows, and get some work done for school next year. Even though I won't be able to go anywhere this summer, I am looking forward to staying active in Key Club and attending all the fun service events!

-Adithya Ramesh, Monte Vista

Ill take SAT preparation lessons over at some tutoring place. I will also be working on summer homework for AP classes that I have decided to take next year. I will also be hanging out with friends and traveling when I want to, volunteering, and practicing guitar.

-Colleen Gu, Dougherty Valley

Thank you to everyone who submitted a response!

What are your summer plans?

My current summer plan is to learn the coding language C, and from that I want to ease myself into C#. With C#, I'll be able to learn how to create games in Unity 3D, which I believe will be a good learning experience for me. Aside from that, I also want to hang out with my siblings more by going on hikes with them.

HOW DO Y [how do you feel?] I feel good! Oh, I feel so good! OH! I feel fine, all of the time! Abooga, abooga, abooga booga booga!

Each month, you can learn 2+ cheers from Yee! This month, they're featuring "How Do Find the videos to follow along at tinyurl.com D26S Spirit Coordinators Annabel Shic & Lani Yee | d26s.cnhkc.spi@gmail.com


[blue devil remix] Hold up, wait a minute! This is how blue devils do it!

2-4-6-8, devils, devils, we don't hate 1-2-3-4, 2-6 South, hear us roar! HOO-HA!

your Spirit Coordinators, Annabel Shic and Lani You Feel?" and the "Blue Devil Remix". /d26scheers2122. D26S Spirit Coordinators Annabel Shic & Lani Yee | d26s.cnhkc.spi@gmail.com


Upholding the objects of Key Club International: aring eadership nclusiveness haracter- building



Always be appropriate Never cyberbully Be smart on social media Be respectful to everyone Refrain from using profanity Know of the dangers technology can bring

Understand what being SafeKEY is Educate others to spread awareness Be an example for younger people Promote a healthy learning environment Be kind to everyone on social media NEVER condone cyberbullying

D26S Member Education & Recognition Coordinator Matthew Ayabe | d26s.cnhkc.mer@gmail.com

IMPORTANCE Foster inclusiveness & a comfortable, nonjudgmental environment for all Preserve online safety & security Promote Key Club to spread influence further Be the example for other people & organizations

Keep your settings private to protect personal info Don't engage in online contact with people you don't know Ignore rude comments made to you by other people Talk to a trusted adult about any problems you have Save evidence just in case!

D26S Member Education & Recognition Coordinator Matthew Ayabe | d26s.cnhkc.mer@gmail.com

(learn ab

CNH CHILD scholarships grant funding




leadership training Unintentional injury is the #1 killer of children age 14 and under in the US Unintentional injury kills more kids every year than any other cause Including disease, homicide, and suicide Each year in the US, 8,000 families lose a child because of a preventable injury Studies indicate 90% of these unintentional injuries can be prevented

D26S Member Education & Recognition Coordinator Matthew Ayabe | d26s.cnhkc.mer@gmail.com

bout the)

REN'S FUND IRIS LA | 2012 McElwain Recipient Til this day, I give thanks to the Kiwanis Family for helping me become the leader I am today. Without [Kiwanis], I wouldn’t be able be a Past Division 25 West Key Club Lt. Governor or the 2012 McElwain Scholarship recipient. Without Kiwanis I wouldn’t be able to say, “My name is Iris La and I’m a Civil Engineering major with a minor in Applied Mathematics at UC Irvine.”

KRISTI RYONO | CNH Children's Fund scholarship recipient I am so grateful for the donors who have helped me fund my college journey. I am currently in my third year at UC Irvine... Circle K and the Kiwanis Family definitely has been an integral component to my growth personally, and I am so grateful that it has also supported me academically.

JEREMY PEROS | Kenneth C. Forror, MD Scholarship Thank you for supporting my dream to continue my education through college. I plan on studying a field in Engineering or Computer Science & this scholarship will help me pursue my goal to obtain a degree as well as gain vital knowledge and experience in my specific field. Thank you Kiwanis for all of your hard work and effort you put into supporting high school students.

Read more at cnhfoundation.org/latest-news! D26S Member Education & Recognition Coordinator Matthew Ayabe | d26s.cnhkc.mer@gmail.com


at a glance 1




Monte Vista Panera Fundraiser




EDITORS: A/V due at 6 PM

DWS: Nature Clean-Up #1

Dublin T4 Fundraiser




FUND: Dos Coyotes

JULY DCM: Region 9 Olympics

Dublin Panera Fundraiser




DWS: Personal Pot

FUND: BEE-ing Environmentally Friendly

DWS: Nature Clean-Up #2




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Please attend as many events as you can in July!



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[spotlight on ser


SERVICE PROJECTS Clean up beaches and creeks near you! This event will require gloves and trash bags. Bring extras in case others don't have any. RSVP with a Google Form and send the location of the creek or beach to all attendees!

Using the website freetheocean.com, members can answer one question everyday to help remove plastic from the ocean! The number of service hours will be counted on an honor system basis.

Keep our communities clean by holding a recycling drive! Collect materials or go around looking for items that can be recycled. The number of service hours will be counted on an honor system.

D26S Service Projects Coordinator Anna Friess | d26s.cnhkc.ser@gmail.com

rvice program]


FUNDRAISERS Partner with Global Goods Partners by promoting their products that are safe for the environment. They will give you a code and a percentage of money earned from the sales using the codes will be given to your club!

Hold in-person bake sales that include recycling bins for trash, and members can earn service hours by baking sweets (i.e. cupcakes, cookies, etc.) for the bake sale and/or working a “shift” in selling the sweets at the actual sale.

Craft items that support the environment, such as greeting cards with recycled paper, crafts out of plastic straws and paper lunch bags, etc. This event can either be sponsored or the crafts can be sold to donate to preferred charities!

D26S Fundraising Coordinator Lauren Wang | d26s.cnhkc.fund@gmail.com

WANT TO BE FEATURED? Email me with any questions! d26s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com Make sure to write articles and take pictures (visuals) at every event you attend! Then, send them to your respective club editor so that they can submit your articles & visuals by the 10th at 6 PM of every month! If you want to be featured, make sure your articles and visuals are of high quality! 3+ sentences Be detailed about how the event made you feel! Take pictures of the activity you are doing (i.e: making cards, baking, etc) Visuals preferably should be candid if at an in-person event Please also let people know that you are taking pictures to get their consent!


Anna Friess, Las Lomas

Yujin Huh, Las Lomas

Contact Us

PRESIDENTS Shrida Pandley, Acalanes


Lois Hong, Amador Valley lh1964@pleasantonusd.net

Carter Soe, California


Crystal Zhang, Campolindo


Matthew Wang, Dougherty Valley


Joyce Joyce Tong, Tong, Lieutenant Lieutenant Governor Governor d26s.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org d26s.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org

Richard Richard Chung, Chung, Executive Executive Assistant Assistant d26s.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com d26s.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com

Adithya Adithya Ramesh, Ramesh, Executive Executive Assistant Assistant

d26s.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com d26s.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com

Jessica Jessica Wang, Wang, Division Division News News Editor Editor d26s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com d26s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Carter Carter Soe, Soe, Division Division Tech Tech Editor Editor d26s.cnhkc.dte@gmail.com d26s.cnhkc.dte@gmail.com


Ivy Ivy Valine, Valine, Expansion Expansion Coordinator Coordinator

Sarah Min, Dublin

Annabel Annabel Shic, Shic, Spirit Spirit Coordinator Coordinator

Yujin Huh, Las Lomas

Lani Lani Yee, Yee, Spirit Spirit Coordinator Coordinator


d26s.cnhkc.spi@gmail.com d26s.cnhkc.spi@gmail.com

Lia Toyama, Miramonte

Anna Anna Friess, Friess, Service Service Projects Projects Coordinator Coordinator



Joselyn Li, Monte Vista keyclubmv@gmail.com

Jordan Fu, San Ramon Valley jordanjfu@gmail.com

d26s.cnhkc.exp@gmail.com d26s.cnhkc.exp@gmail.com d26s.cnhkc.spi@gmail.com d26s.cnhkc.spi@gmail.com

d26s.cnhkc.ser@gmail.com d26s.cnhkc.ser@gmail.com

Lauren Lauren Wang, Wang, Fundraising Fundraising Coordinator Coordinator

d26s.cnhkc.fund@gmail.com d26s.cnhkc.fund@gmail.com

Matthew Matthew Ayabe, Ayabe, Member Member Education Education && Recognition Coordinator Recognition Coordinator d26s.cnhkc.mer@gmail.com d26s.cnhkc.mer@gmail.com


@d26sdevils Division 26 South Blue Devils


Join the Discord! tinyurl.com/d26sdiscord Text @d26sdevils to 810-10 for text notifications!

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