Division 26 South | 10.4 | August You Ready?

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Volume 10 | Issue 4 | August 2021

The Daily Devil

Table of Contents Division Goals & Stats


Letter from your LTG


Letter from your DNE


July Recap + Calendar


Articles and Visuals


Kiwanis Event Recap


Monthly Recognition


Devil's Golden Cup Points + Points Guide


June Club Recaps


July On-Time Submissions


August Special


Dominate & Flaming


Kiwanis Family


August At-a-Glance + Calendar


Letters from the IP DNEs


August SOSP: Education


CNH Key Club Socials and Website


Presidents' and DLT's Contact Info


Division Goals


funds raised


dues-paid members


service hours

LIGHT BLUE: current statistics DARK BLUE: goals




LETTER FRO Happy August, Blue Devils! Summer has flown by and school is starting again :(. On the bright side, many of us will be starting school in-person and we'll be able to have a *somewhat* normal year! Thanks for sticking with us throughout the summer, and goodbye to our graduated seniors who won't be joining us for the rest of the term! Without you, we wouldn't be nearly as close to hitting our goals as we currently are. Give yourselves a round of applause! Though our summer is coming to an end, serving is still possible! Please remember to take advantage of all of the opportunities to serve your homes, schools and communities, despite your busy workloads. Additionally, with club rush season starting soon, it's absolutely vital that we recruit as many members as possible. I challenge each of you to invite at least ONE friend who isn't already in Key Club! With summer wrapping up, I hope everyone has a fantastic start of school. Let's make this one count!

ce Tong Joy




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Serving with LOVE,




ub y cl


OM YOUR Happy August, Blue Devils!! I feel like I say this every time, but I need to say this again! I cannot believe how fast time is going. When I started working on this newsletter, I realized that it would be the fourth issue. I was like "Whaaat??" I can't believe we're already a third way through T^T I also noticed that we aren't getting as many articles and visuals as before! I understand that since it is the summer, clubs aren't as active as in the school year, but don't forget to take visuals at events such as fundraisers, regional events (don't forget to submit articles and visuals from Region 9 Olympics!!), division events, and fundraisers!! With that being said, I hope everyone really enjoys the summer! When this newsletter is published, it'll already be August :( and school will start in a couple weeks too. I hope everyone was able to accomplish something on their bucket list, whether that be educational or recreational!! ssica Wang e J

Sparkling with Service,








c.d n e @ g m a


JULYRecap! 1





Monte Vista Panera Fundraiser



EDITORS: A/V due at 6 PM

DWS: Nature Clean-Up #1

Dublin T4 Fundraiser




FUND: Dos Coyotes


DCM: Region 9 Olympics

Dublin Panera Fundraiser



DWS: Personal Pot

DWS: Nature Clean-Up #2



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07 14 21 28

Thank you for attending our events!

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03 10 17 24 31

The new school year is coming closer and closer, and we can't wait to recruit new members. We have many things planned especially because we will finally be able to see each other in person! Our donation drive with Shepherd's gate was extremely successful, and we loved the amount of participation! Thank you to all those that pitched in! -Sadhika Pani, Amador Valley

Even though I had to wake up super early for this event (6 AM haha), it was really fun and totally worth it! My task during the event was to serve customers orange juice. The task is pretty simple but seeing the smiles on children's faces when they could get orange juice really lit up my heart. At the end, the other volunteers and I even got to eat a free pancake! I got the chocolate chip one, and it was so delicious! I definitely want to attend another one of these events soon :DD

-Jessica Wang, Dublin This was the first Key club fundraiser of this term and I definitely say it went VERY successfully! We had a lot of officers show up and a decent number of members as well as a member from Cal High, which was nice to see! It was a great day to drink boba especially with the blazing heat outside and we got some pretty cute pics too, so definitely would say this fundraiser was a success. We will definitely think of holding more in the future because this is really fun.

-Sanjana Vidhyacharan, Dublin

I enjoyed doing the June DCM! I learned lots of important skills from this DCM such as etiquette and how to manage the role of Editor in Key Club. There were many amazing presentations and I took a lot away from each speaker, who brought lots of information to the table. Key Clubbers were able to learn these skills from the board, who clearly put a lot of effort and consideration into this DCM. I hope that I can incorporate these life skills into my role as a Key Clubber and encourage others to do the same!

-Ashley Nakazato, Monte Vista This event helped to calm me down from some stress that's been going on, and I found the simple activities to be a little calming for me. Part of that could've been the fact that I just enjoy attending club meetings when I can, but regardless I had a good time.

-Joshua Choi, Dublin

This month, we had a few events, and my favorite one was the Amnesty Decoders event. At this event, I had fun talking with other key clubbers while working hard on the website to identify security cameras in New York. It was great bonding with others and helping others at the same time.

-Emily Cooper, California Today I first did the free the ocean activity, where we answer 1 questions of marine trivia. This will then be used to reduce 1 bottle of plastic from the ocean. Then, I did math for Unicef, where each questions we answer, 50 cents gets donated to children. This made me feel like a key-clubber because, I volunteered.

-Arvin Andiappan, Dublin


-M an, yachar h d i V na -Sanja



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-Maahika Samudra la, Dublin



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Kiwanis Event 4th of July Pancake Breakfast: "In a normal year, the streets of downtown Danville would be full of thousands of spectators watching the Kiwanis Danville 4th of July Parade. Due to restrictions related due to the pandemic, the parade was postponed. The Kiwanis Club of San Ramon Valley organizes this parade and it is their biggest service project/fundraiser for the year. Funds raised goes to the club's Foundation, which gives grants to local non-profits. Since there was no parade this 4th of July, the Kiwanis Club of San Ramon Valley held a Pancake Breakfast instead and $2500 was raised for the club's Foundation. We partnered with the Town of Danville and Luna Loca Restaurant for this event where over 300 people came to have pancakes (including chocolate pancakes and blueberry pancakes - which were a hit!), sausages, fresh fruit, coffee, and orange juice.

Shout out goes to three members of your DLT, Richard Chung, Jessica Wang, and Ivy Valine, for getting up super early, helping serve the food and drinks, and for cleaning up. We truly appreciate your help! The Kiwanis Club of San Ramon Valley always appreciates the help from Key Club. Our next big event where we will need a lot of volunteers will be the Kiwanis Danville Parade, which will now be held on Saturday, September 4, 2021. Signups for this event will be out soon" -Cindy Gin, Key Club Advisor, Kiwanis Club of San Ramon Valley

"During the morning of July 4th, our Kiwanis Advisors held a Pancake Breakfast to residents in the area. There, me and 2 other Key Clubbers helped make hundreds of pancake breakfasts to raise money for a charity. Overall, it was a lot of fun, and we made many families happy! You might even say it was "stacking" with service. :))" -Ivy Valine, D26S Expansion Coordinator

"The kiwanis breakfast event was really fun! I was so happy to go to an in-person volunteering event and had a great time! I was serving coffee to guest and although we continuously ran out it, everyone was super helpful! I had a great time and I was able to get closer to more people within key club!" -Richard Chung, D26S Executive Assistant #1

~Monthly Recognition~

Congrats! Member

Officer Sarah Min, Dublin

Colleen Gu, Dougherty Valley Dublin

Mrs. Gin



Keep Up the good work!




Dougherty Valley



3 San Ramon Valley


California: 851 Monte Vista: 610 Las Lomas: 605 Amador Valley: 320

! sgniknar eht ni tnemevom emos deen eW


Acalanes: 160 Campolindo: 135 Miramonte: 0

points as of 7/19/2021



10 10


50: club service project + fundraiser 25: attend a division fundraiser, attend a Kiwanis DCM 20: on-time MRF, article submission, DWS attendance


5 10: visual, DCM attendance, consecutive MRF + A/V 5: IG repost, Devil's Golden Cup question 3: answering a monthly feature


CLUB RECAPS acalanes

Attending OTC

amador valley

This month Key Club took a break from meetings at the start of our summer break. The officers are using this time to plan for the school year and summer events for our members.


During summer, our key club decided not to have meetings, but so far the division meetings we've attended have been fun and a really great way to stay in touch over the summer! Our members also attended a Kiwanis DCM and even though summers can be really busy, have made time for other division meetings! Overall, the month has gone well and I'm glad that our members can take this time to relax and recharge before a whole new chapter in our lives begins next year.


Our officers all went to OTC and did our meeting with the lieutenant governor.

dougherty valley

This month, we made sure to keep the AMR updated. We had an officer meeting in which we went over our goals again and brainstormed ways to make it happen. We also met up with the LTG in which those goals were created. I'd like to highlight a few of our officers, including: Marcus Hsieh, Aidan Tatlonghari, and myself, for attending almost every division event. I'd also like to showcase Matthew Ayabe and Marcus Hsieh for presenting their sections at the OTC in which our club had 100% officer attendance. We look forward to mainting the great work over the summer as well as encouraging our members to volunteer during the break and introducing new service events to the club!


So far, the summer has started with a great start since the attendance for the summer open volunteering event was amazing even despite this being summer. Also, this month we had our first club visitation where we talked numbers about our expectations and goals for the term and this helped motivate me to achieve those goals even more. We ALSO had another informal board meeting right after our summer volunteering event where we talked next steps and dates especially since the fundraiser we had planned originally was cancelled. Besides that, this month was VERY successful in terms of the diverse events we organized, member participation and determining our goals for this term and all of the officers were on the same page about everything, which was great to see!

las lomas*

We hosted a social with Northgate Key Club and met our Kiwanis advisors.


Our club is planning on doing an event at the Contra Costa Food Bank as well as offer our members the opportunity to volunteer from home.

monte vista

While due to the summer break, not a TON happened this month, the main highlight was probably the Mod Pizza Fundraiser.

san ramon valley

No participation this month in anything other than the DCM which was just the officers and the officer training. Thank you to the club Secretaries for submitting a response in the "Club Snapshot" of the Monthly Report Form! Learn about what other clubs have been up to!

*response given by club President/VP with prompt of "What has the club you serve done well in during the past month?" due to lack of response in MRF.


ON-TIME SUBMISSIONS Monthly Report Form (MRF) Aysha Craig [Acalanes] Zayna Azimi [Amador Valley] Elnur Tuman [California] Ivan Del Rio [Dougherty Valley] Sanjana Vidhyacharan [Dublin]


Articles & Visuals (A/V) Sadhika Pani [Amador Valley] Emily Cooper [California] Ryka Dhawan [Dublin] Ashley Nakazato [Monte Vista]


Monthly Officer Evaluation Report (MOER) Kavin Shah [Dougherty Valley] Sarah Min [Dublin] Anna Friess [Las Lomas] Beatrix Hermann [San Ramon Valley]

presidents vps

August Special

Expectations: Sleeping more and not staying up as late, relaxing and not having to worry about school, spending as much time with friends and family as possible. Reality: Sleeping way less because I’m up on the phone with friends playing games, having to plan for college and my future, and not allowed to go out with friends often because of COVID and parents -Joselyn Li, Monte Vista

I was hoping to work at a boba shop during this summer and hopefully continue it to the school year, however each place I applied to has either rejected or ghosted me.. :). So I guess working at a boba shop wasn't my destiny. However, on the bright side I have been working out/exercising more often. Since most of my extra curricular activities (aside from key club) have been moved to online sessions, I have more time to hit the gym or go running at a park. -Carter Soe, California

Omg I had so many but probably one of my biggest expectation for summer was that I was actually going to leave America for a family vacation and maybe go to India, but thanks to COVID, we all know that isn’t possible anymore (yay…) I also expected that I would be at school and with my friends hanging out and going to Starbucks or whatnot but I guess it’s not COMPLETELY different from what my reality of summer is. This summer, I have focused a lot on growing my skills and taking this time to relax as well because we all need some relaxation sometimes. So if I am being honest, this year definitely was NOT the ideal year for me, but I consider myself blessed to even be here writing this message, no matter how many restrictions we might have because of COVID. -Sanjana Vidhyacharan, Dublin

This summer I expected to go out more and maybe fly to China to visit my cousins on my mom’s side, but unfortunately the pandemic is still pretty serious. Instead, I’ve been keeping myself busy by studying for the SAT and participating in a business camp. Also I did get to go out more, but only to places where it wasn’t crowded with people. Hopefully, I’ll get to see and hangout with more people though, before the break is over. -Leanne Yang, Dublin

-Stella Canez, Las Lomas

I didn't expect much. I knew I wanted to get a job and now that I had my license I wanted to go to places I had never been. I also wanted to make new friends and lasting memories. Now, I'm about half way through summer, I have a job and have greatly expanded my social network. I go out almost everyday and have made lasting memories. I couldn't have asked for a better summer and can't wait for the next few weeks before school. -Sebastian Peng, Monte Vista

My expectations for the summer were to travel somewhere, study and work! And I accomplished all of those things :) I went to Monterey for 3 days, studied for my biology college course and went to work at least twice a week. My summer has been full of productivity this year and I’m so glad that I chose to work hard over laziness. -Norah Hom, Las Lomas

My expectation for the summer was getting time to organize and also relax and reset for the next school year. I also wanted to get started on some projects I have been meaning to start in the school year and engage in community service opportunities! My reality for the summer was definitely a lot of relaxing, and also organizing my workspace. Although I participated in some service events, in the future I would like to do more, and plan on participating later in the month. -Nina Damiano, Campolindo

Expectations VS Reality of Summer!

My expectations for the summer were to have fun, prepare for college and try to get some volunteering. The reality is better than I expected! To begin with, I took a last minute trip to my hometown of Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. I was also able to explore colleges through online tours and it has been really helpful. Lastly, I was able to get some volunteering working in a doctor’s clinic and also doing some other community service hours online!



Dominate and flaming, we'll blow you all away Devils are number one and we are here to stay Dominate and flaming, we'll blow you all away Devils are number one and we are here to stay

Each month, you can learn cheers from your Yee! This month, they're featuring "Dominate along at tinyurl.com/d26scheers2122. D26S Spirit Coordinators Annabel Shic & Lani Yee | d26s.cnhkc.spi@gmail.com

& FLAMING & flaming]

Dominate and flaming, we'll blow you all away Devils are number one and we are here to stay (Total 3x, get louder each time!)

r Spirit Coordinators, Annabel Shic and Lani e and Flaming". Find the videos to follow

D26S Spirit Coordinators Annabel Shic & Lani Yee | d26s.cnhkc.spi@gmail.com

The all-inclusive umbrella dedicated to serving our home, school, and community from all walks of life. Founded in 1915 by a group of businessmen in Detroit, MI, members of the Kiwanis family dedicate more than 18.5 million service hours and raise more than 100 million USD to support various causes every year. The family includes Kiwanis, Aktion Club, Circle K, Key Club, Builders Club, and K-Kids.

KIWANIS KIWANIS FAMILY FAMILY D26S Member Education & Recognition Coordinator Matthew Ayabe | d26s.cnhkc.mer@gmail.com


The adult volunteers who serve the children of our society. These adults fundraise and volunteer to foster the passion to serve, the desire to lead, and the strength to engage. These influential people are slowly creating a wave of change that will last for generations.

The service club for adults with disabilities, where members use their talents to develop confidence and self-esteem by being a leader within their clubs. This fast-growing branch of the Kiwanis Family creates a feeling of belonging and provides the opportunity to serve.

The world’s largest student-led service organization for college students. Part of 19 countries, Circle K includes some of the most passionate members for service in all of Kiwanis.




Founded in 1925, Key Club is committed to provide opportunities for high school students to make a positive impact in their community. Along with volunteering, members of Key Club gain leadership skills to set them up for the rest of their lives.

Designed for middle school students, members learn self-confidence, teamwork, goal-setting, and action. Young students allot their time and energy into serving others, and ultimately, discover their passion for service.

This branch in the Kiwanis Family targets children in elementary school. These students develop a basic desire to serve others. They are taught leadership skills, strong moral character, and are given the opportunity to participate in service projects.

D26S Member Education & Recognition Coordinator Matthew Ayabe | d26s.cnhkc.mer@gmail.com

AUGUST at a glance! 1



EDITORS: A/V due at 6 PM




21-22 DWS: Clifford the Big Red Dog

DWS: Cards 4 Kids

27 FUND: Trivia Night

28 DCM: Movie Night






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07 14 21 28

Be on the lookout for August events! Follow our Instagram (@d26sdevils @d26sdevils)) for updates >:))


Christine Oh

Hello Blue Devils! It’s been a couple of months since I’ve used that greeting, but it seems like ages ago. I hope you have all been well and happy! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Christine Oh, and I served as your Division News Editor in the 2020-21 term as well as the Vice President of my home club, California. I sincerely hope that in-person Key Club events will return, because so many of my fond Key Club memories were from when we could build a community together at events: simply walking up to people, introducing myself, and laughing at whatever jokes were being made. For a little update on myself, I plan to attend UC Berkeley this fall studying either sociology or economics. I know many other Blue Devils who will also be going to college soon, studying a wide range of topics including nursing, mathematics, computer science, and more. Hopefully as you read this and think about your own future, you know that there are so many paths ahead of you (which may include not going to college at all!) and that there are many Blue Devils before you that have had similar experiences as you.

I still remember my Key Club experience, especially as DNE, as one that was incredibly enjoyable and meaningful. I made so many amazing friends through Key Club as well as memories with those people. I hope you all will be able to have the same experience! And before I sign off, for what I hope is not the last time, HOOHA!! Go Blue Devils!

Best, Christine Oh Division News Editor 2020-21


Mikayla Chen

What's poppin' Blue Devils! Happy August! It’s been a hot minute since I last wrote for a newsletter but I hope you all are enjoying your summer break so far. If you don’t know me already, I’m Mikayla, an IP-DNE & EA for D26S~ I’ve been quite busy lately so I’ve been MIA but here are some little updates. I got my first job so that’s been keeping me pretty occupied but I honestly don’t mind it because I’m getting the experience. Not to mention, since my senior year is coming up, I’ve been preparing with college research and such but obviously, I’m just trying my best to enjoy my last summer as a high schooler because who knows where I’ll be next year. Last but not least, here’s a fun fact: it’s my birthday as I’m writing this! Enough about me, now it’s about you the members! Get pumped for this new term because everything is opening back up which means more physical events to attend! My tip: go to as many as you can because after everything we’ve been through and missed the past year or so, you deserve it. However, continue doing service while staying cautious and safe! Anyway, I’ll be signing off now. I really hope each and every one of you take on the opportunities that the division, region, district, and international have to offer! If you ever need anything or have questions, feel free to reach out to me (my IG is @c.mikaylaa) or the DLT. I’ll see you around blue devils! <3

Thriving on sizzling service, Mikayla Chen Division News Editor 2019-2020

[spotlight on ser


SERVICE PROJECTS Since school is starting again next month :( there will be students to read educational posters placed on the hallways again. Clubs can get together whenever they meet to create fun/motivational/informative posters to put up!

Food Banks require early registration for large groups but only one adult is required for a party so this can be easily organized with an advisor. Sign up with limited capacity through a Google sheet!

Let's donate used children's books to schools across the Bay Area! This would be an ongoing service event with a collection box set up at school. Hours should be rewarded based on time spent donating the books.

D26S Service Projects Coordinator Anna Friess | d26s.cnhkc.ser@gmail.com

rvice program]


FUNDRAISERS Tutor others for a small fee and donate the profits to a preferred charity! Members can sign up to tutor kids at a local elementary/middle school and the hours used to tutor can be service hours.

Bring fun to your family with a Devil Family Night! Have an admission fee and set up various stations where families choose what activities to do together, like board games. Members can also sell concessions for a small fee.

To help elementary/middle schoolers explore different passions, host workshops for job explorations. Ideas for workshop topics include business, computer science, arts, writing, medicine, engineering, and more!

D26S Fundraising Coordinator Lauren Wang | d26s.cnhkc.fund@gmail.com

(CNH Key Club) District Social Medias and Newsletter

DISTRICT NEWSLETTER: issuu.com/cnhkc CYBERKEY: cnhkeyclub.org INSTAGRAM: @cnh_keyclub TWITTER: @CNHKeyClub YOUTUBE: CNH Key Club

Make sure to follow the District's social medias and check out the District newsletter published on the 1st of every month >:)



Shrida Pandley, Acalanes

Joyce Tong, Lieutenant Governor

Lois Hong, Amador Valley

Richard Chung, Executive Assistant

shrida.pandey22@auhsdschools.org lh1964@pleasantonusd.net

Carter Soe, California


Crystal Zhang, Campolindo


Matthew Wang, Dougherty Valley mattwg04@gmail.com

Sarah Min, Dublin



Adithya Ramesh, Executive Assistant d26s.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com

Jessica Wang, Division News Editor d26s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Carter Soe, Division Tech Editor d26s.cnhkc.dte@gmail.com

Ivy Valine, Expansion Coordinator d26s.cnhkc.exp@gmail.com


Annabel Shic, Spirit Coordinator

Yujin Huh, Las Lomas

Lani Yee, Spirit Coordinator


Lia Toyama, Miramonte lia.toyama@gmail.com



Anna Friess, Service Projects Coordinator d26s.cnhkc.ser@gmail.com

Joselyn Li, Monte Vista josey4868@gmail.com

Lauren Wang, Fundraising Coordinator

Jordan Fu, San Ramon Valley



Matthew Ayabe, Member Education & Recognition Coordinator d26s.cnhkc.mer@gmail.com

Thank you for reading! @d26sdevils Division 26 South Blue Devils

Join the Discord! tinyurl.com/d26sdiscord


Text @d26sdevils to 810-10 for text notifications!

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