The Daily Devil 4.4 | Empire State of Service

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table of contents message from the ltg .................................................1 division wide summer olympics...............................2 picture spread #1......................................................3 recognition ..................................................................4 spirit packs ................................................................5 devils golden cup .................................................6-7 member recruitment ..................................................8 club rush prep ..........................................................9 kiwevils ......................................................................10 regions training conference .....................................11 pictures spread #2 ....................................................12 how to: submit money .............................................13 september dcm .........................................................14 message from the editor .......................................15 contact us ..................................................................16

message from the ltg Hey Blue Devils! About 3 months of summer have already passed; I hope that the transition to school was smooth and that you got a lot of work and planning for Key Club done during the summer! If not, please arrange an officer bond-­ ing/work day so that things can be shared and that you all can come to consensus what your goals are and what you all want to accomplish this Key Club term. I have yet need to make 3 club visitations: Las Lomas, Mira-­ monte, and San Ramon Valley. Please reach out to me and let me know what day(s) everyone is available. As major events like Region Training Conference and Fall Rally North are ap-­ proaching, it's crucial that you all begin to look for chaperones by talking to your Faculty advisor, Kiwanis advisor, parents, and any teachers. You never know who is willing to do a favor. Remember that overnight trips have a chaperone ratio of 10:1 and gender specific. This will be enforced. Howev-­ er, if clubs want to share chaperons; that is also applicable if the ratio is fol-­ lowed accordingly. School has begun, and the fall and winter months are when people begin to fall off track and burn out. I hope that won't be you! Always keep in mind the reasons why you serve, why you chose to be a part of a big family called Key Club, and why you are here today doing what you are. Think back to your first Key Club event, first General meeting, and first Key Club Moment. Take the passion you have right now and disperse it throughout the year to help teenagers experience the same "first moments" we felt. Push through th the year strong; I know that you all can do it!

Angel Lau Division 26s LTG

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>K>H>DC L>9: HJBB:G DANBE>8H The summer olympics was a super fun event where we played various competitive games against each other such as basketball and kickball. We were split into two teams for kickball and had fun running after each other and even throwing the kickball at one another which ended in a laughing fit. I got the opportuniBEE to meet many new people that were placed on my team which was really exciting. Anyways, we soon were all tired out so we ended with some squad pictures which were hilarious to take. This event was a good way to force me out of the house and actually socialize and exercise for what felt like the first time this summer! Of course my fellow devils always know how to fatten me up as well because there was a massive array of food from pasta salad and chips to cookies and cupcakes. Overall, it was a great experience to hang out with some new friends and bring out the competitiveness in each other while having a good time. I definitely recommend going to these events as well as the service events so you can meet people from many different schools and have time to relax because the long, di stressful school year is soon approaching! I hope you all had an unBEElievably awesome summer!

recognition these individuals are being recognized for their hard work in serving ther homes, schools, and communities. they have gone above and bee-­yond what was expected them, and completed all tasks efficiently and effectively.

club: Dublin officer: Lilly Mei, Dougherty Valley member: Vannie Ho, Miramonte

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-­ waterbottles -­ shirts -­ devil tails -­ devil stickers




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[member|recruitment] Recruit the real STAR students of your school with ease using our recruitment flyer! You can find it on our division website directly tunder “SPIRIT”


BY: LILIAN WANG The school year is almost upon us and that can only mean one thing; CLUB RUSH! I’m sure all of us are being busy bees preparing for the wave of incoming freshmen so let’s work hard and make this year the best one yet! Dublin Key Club did their part by spending a productive afternoon preparing for the new year making a poster, decorating sashes, tagging candy to hand out, and training me, their newest Editor, Lilian. Having just moved into the Blue Devil territory, I was introduced to our club president Kayla by a mutual friend and met most of the other officers during club rush preparation. I can say that if we’re this welcoming to all the incoming club members, the next few weeks are going to be a breeze! I was a little nervous transferring to a new school senior year but it’s nice knowing that I have the Blue Devils on my side. I definitely look forward to serving my home club and D26s to my best ability this term! te

#kiwevils check out the new #kiwevils vlog on youtube! find us by typing “kiwevils” in the searchbar.

regions training conference regions 9 & 17

learn more about your position(s) at our training conference. ours is the only overnight training conference!

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<CK HC GI6A=H :IB8F5=G98 ACB9M the pediatric trauma program STEP ONE: Write a check payable to Cali-­Nev-­Ha (CNH) Key Club STEP TWO: If you want/need a receipt, include a slip requesting a receipt in the envelope, and make the check payable to “Kiwanis Cali-­Nev-­Ha Foundation” instead of CNH Key Club

To ATTN: Bruce Hennings, Key Club PTP Donation Cali-­Nev-­Ha (CNH) District Office 8360 Red Oak Street #201 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

From: Beeville High School Division 26 South, Region 9 1234 Beehive St Beeville, BE 12345 (your address)

the eliminate project STEP ONE: Write a check payable to Kiwanis International Foundation Memo: The ELIMINATE Project STEP TWO: Put the check in an envelope with the Eliminate Form filled out. You can find this form on our website directly under CONTACT To: The Eliminate Project Campaign Office Kiwanis International Foundation 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268 USA Memo Line: Club name or number

From: Beeville High School Division 26 South, Region 9 1234 Beehive St Beeville, BE 12345 (your address)

[september|dcm] september 12th 1pm diablo vista park

we will be practicing our spirit cheers which you can access on our division website! we will also be selling ice cream for a $1 donation

message from the editor Hello my fellow Blue Devils! I hope you’ve all been well and you’ve been enjoying this summer. As summer comes to an end, the reality that we have to go back to school hurts a little bit more each time you think about it. However going back to school isn’t all bad! You get to see your friends practically everyday, you’ve got plans 5 out of 7 days in the week, and you bring back Key Club spirit to your school. Although the thought of tests, homework, and projects isn’t too exciting; try to enjoy the long summer nights while they’re still here, and fill your days with little adventures. As always, if you’re in need of a friend I’m just a text or Facebook message away, and I’m happy to be there for you! I hope to see all of your lovely faces at our next event, but until then, always remember to keep calm and devil on. Dabria Fong Division News Editor

[contact|us] [cnh|cyberkey]






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