Division 26 South | 10.5 | A Newsletter to September

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Volume 10 | Issue 5 | September 2021

The Daily Devil


14th, 20 21

Table of Contents Division Goals & Stats


Letter from your LTG


Letter from your DNE


Letters from your EAs


July DCM: Region 9 Olympics


July DWS: Personal Pot


August Recap + Calendar


Articles and Visuals


Devil's Golden Cup Points + Point Guide


Monthly Recognition!


July Club Recaps


September Special


Basic Cheers


Pediatric Trauma Program


September At-A-Glance + Calendar


August SOSP: Pediatric Trauma Program


CNH Key Club Socials and Website


Division Goals

funds raised




PUMPKIN SPICE: statistics

service hours

COFFEE: goals



dues-paid members


Letter from your LTG How's it goin', Blue Devils?! I hope everyone has had a wonderful first few weeks of school! With your busy bee schedule, please be sure to make time for Key Club because we're about to get busy 😈 . It's time to start recruiting members and prepare for club rush; I know we are more than capable of reaching our membership goals. With exciting events like FRN, RTC, in-person socials, and even more service opportunities, I have no doubt that we will increase membership! However, this plan only works if we have dedicated Key Clubbers. Hmm... where can I find dedicated Key Clubbers? Look in the mirror, because it's YOU. Without you, Key Club wouldn't exist. Please help contribute to the division's (and CNH district's!) membership goal by spreading Key Club to everyone you know. Stay active and let's start this year off strong!

Serving with LOVE, Joyce Tong D26S Lieutenant Governor d26s.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org

Letter from your DNE What's Poppin', Blue Devils?!! How has school been for you? Are you stressed yet haha :(( It's only been the first week for me (as I'm writing this) and I'm already drowning in work. Please don't be like me and manage your time well!! I'm a sophomore this year, so if any freshman have any questions about high school, feel free to reach out to me- I'd love to help! On the topic of school, I know everyone has been busy with homework and stuff, but please try your best to find time for Key Club events! It is so extremely important that you continue to dedicate time to Key Club and come to events! With that being said, I want to give everyone who made time to go to Key Club events during the summer a HUGEEEE thank you!! I know everyone just wanted to enjoy their summer and relax, so it really means a lot to make some time and volunteer-- even if you only came to one event! Please continue to be an active member ;))

Sparkling with Service, Jessica Wang D26S Division News Editor d26s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com


sAE ruoY morF sretteL

What a summer it has been! Whether it is getting ready to go back to school or watching the Olympics, school is just around the corner! I hope you all had the opportunity to make lifelong memories and made the most out of the two and a half months of summer break! Although summer was all about enjoying a break from school, I hope you all had the opportunity to participate in community service! If you haven’t done much this summer… that’s ok! As long as you were able to relieve some stress, that’s all that matters! Thank you to everyone that has continued their passion towards key club even over summer break. You all have contributed to the success of our division and I applaud you for your consistent commitment to this organization. To everyone that has not been as active, no need to worry! Now is a great time to ignite/reignite your devotion towards the club! You all are capable of building this community into something greater! For the officers that are nervously awaiting their term to be in session during the school year, you guys got this! You all have the knowledge and ability to run the most successful term your home club has seen. With the collective efforts from all of the officers, you will all be unstoppable! Don’t forget to turn back to the lessons you learned at officer training conference and reach out if you ever need help! Recruit as many members as you can and create the wonderful key club community at your school! And last but most certainly not least, enjoy your term! With a blink of an eye, you’ll be at banquet, welcoming your successors to the new term! Enjoy every moment and try your best to make the most out of your term as leaders! And to the members of our division, enjoy this term and have fun! Your success contributes to the success of your officers! Do you best to attend as many events as possible! Create those everlasting memories with the people you cherish! Don’t forget to be active! Your participation and willingness to be a part of this community will contribute to the exhilarating times you will have in this club! Lets have a successful term Blue Devils and never forget to keep serving!

Sizzling with PASSION, Richard Chung D26S Executive Assistant #1 d26s.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com

My name is Adi Ramesh and I am honored to serve you all as your Executive Assistant (EA) this term! My home club is Monte Vista Key Club and I am currently a sophomore. This was my first year in Key Club and this past year has been filled with fun experiences for me! From attending fun service events to making new friends, I have had a great time being a part of our wonderful community! This year, I hope to make more memories during club projects, division events, fundraisers and more. With school starting soon and our clubs holding in-person events, I am looking forward to meeting more of you and getting to know everyone better! Also, please feel free to reach out to me on any platform! Whether is be through text, email, Discord, or Instagram (@_adi_ramesh_), I am more than happy to respond to all and any questions you have! After all, as EA, it is my responsibility to serve as a liaison to the division as a whole and I am thrilled to do just that! :D Thank you for reading my letter and let's have a great year of service together!!!

Serving with KINDNESS, Adithya Ramesh D26S Executive Assistant #2


sAE ruoY morF sretteL




REGION 9 Anna Friess | Las Lomas

The Region 9 Olympics was an all around amazing experience. It was great meeting several new people from different schools at the event, and my team (Dom Toretto's Family) placed first! I was impressed with the effort that the organizers had put into the event, and I’m looking forward to attending more events in the future!

Submitted by Aidan Tatlonghari | Dougherty Valley



Sanjana Vidhyacharan | Dublin

This was the first DWS I have gone to in person and honestly I wouldn’t change anything about it! Literally every part of it was amazing from meeting with fellow officers and members, painting the pots and everyone just laughing and having a great time! That day was even more fun as our club held a fundraiser at Panera Bread where officers could bond even more. Overall, I absolutely LOVED this event and I was so glad I could make a pot that my mom could use to plant her pots as well! This was so fun and refreshing instead of everyone just sitting at home in front of a computer screen and I look forward to way more in the future!

Maahika Samudrala | Dublin

The July DWS Personal Pots was a very fun event as it was my first in-person service event since the pandemic started. The Dublin Key Club members and I sat together at a table where we attempted to paint our pots and had fun conversations. It was also nice to meet new people in our division and see them outside of a zoom box. Overall, I enjoyed the July DWS and am excited for future service events

Jessica Wang | Dublin

Submitted by Marissa Cheng | San Ramon Valley

AUGUST recap 1



EDITORS: A/V due at 6 PM




21-22 DWS: Clifford the Big Red Dog

DWS: Cards 4 Kids

29 FUND: Trivia Night

28 DCM: Movie Night






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Be on the lookout for future events! Follow our Instagram (@d26sdevils @d26sdevils)) for updates >:))

(ARTICLES AMADOR VALLEY SADHIKA PANI The new school year is coming closer and closer, and we can't wait to recruit new members. We have many things planned especially because we will finally be able to see each other in person! Our donation drive with Shepherd's gate was extremely successful, and we loved the amount of participation! Thank you to all those that pitched in!

Submitted by Anna Friess, Las Lomas


Submitted by Jessica Wang, Dublin

Submitted by Annabel Shic, Las Lomas

MONTE VISTA ASHLEY NAKAZATO We also had an Interkey with another Key Club! I enjoyed getting to know others from other key clubs and interacting with other people! It's been very difficult especially because everything was on Zoom but it's been nice knowing that there are others that we can talk to and that others are going through the same times as us!





Dougherty Valley

San Ramon



California: 1321 Las Lomas: 1153 Amador Valley: 575 Monte Vista: 360

Acalanes: 280 Campolindo: 228 Miramonte: 0 As of 9/1/2021



10 10


50: club service project + fundraiser 25: attend a division fundraiser, attend a Kiwanis DCM 20: on-time MRF, article submission, DWS attendance

3 5 10: visual, DCM attendance, consecutive MRF + A/V 5: IG repost, Devil's Golden Cup question 3: answering a monthly feature

Monthly Recognition Congrats!

Eric Kang, Dougherty Valley

Hannah Yang, Monte Vista Dublin

Doug Gin

Keep Up the good work!


CLUB RECAPS acalanes*

We didn't do anything this month.

amador valley

This month may look empty, but the board was focused on recruiting members for this upcoming school year. At our club fair we were successful in getting lots of sign ups and interest in the club. We planned on starting meetings the first week of school, however we are unable to begin until after 9/9 because we must meet with leadership to authorized to begin. We have planned our first meeting and some after as our goal is member retention and to keep people interested!


We has two service projects this month! Our zoom meetings went smoothly and we played lots of fun bonding games like charades and online cards (Something new I learned about myself: charades is definitely not my forte). Our member of the month in May was Dihini Withana, an outstanding member who devoted a lot of time to service! This month was a success and I hope to see my key club members faces in person when the school year starts again!


Campolindo has done well with communication and setting up meetings.

dougherty valley

This month, we kept the AMR updated. As we get closer towards the new school year, we begin our preparations as a club; Including creating posters for the student orientation. Although we've seen a decline in the amount of hours submitted this month, there has been an increase in the amount of participation in the Division Events. I would like to shoutout Eric Kang, Matthew Ayabe, as well as myself, Ivan Del Rio, for attending every in-person event so far. In the upcoming weeks, we look forward to getting more people involved in Key Club and a smooth transition into the school year.


This month was definetely was more packed with diverse KEY club events and we also had a lot of variety as well. We started off the month with our consistently successful weekl open volunteering event and then we followed up with our first ever fundraiser of this term, the T4 fundraiser. As you can see, it defintely was very successful as we raised a total of $16.50 from just that fundraiser alone, which we agreed will go to our club. Then, we had some division service events which was incredibly fun, mainly because all of them were in person events, which was really refershing after a year of just online events. Most of the officers and one member came to the Personal Pot which was extremely fun to bond and after, we followed that same day with our again highly successful Panera Fundraiser. This month was really big for our club and officer bonding and we look forward to doing more events like we did this month!

las lomas N/A


Although we haven't done much this month, we are planning new projects & preparing for the new school year.

monte vista

Monte Vista Key Club did not host any general meetings this month, but had members attend every division event. Most of our service hours from this month came from one of our ongoing projects, Pause For. The MVKC board also began preliminary and informal discussion regarding a merchandise fundraiser later in the term.

san ramon valley

Communication between officers and putting up slides for our members has been really great. Thank you to the club Secretaries for submitting a response in the "Club Snapshot" of the Monthly Report Form! Learn about what other clubs have been up to!

*response given by club President/VP with prompt of "What has the club you serve done well in during the past month?" due to lack of response in MRF.


ON-TIME SUBMISSIONS Monthly Report Form (MRF) Aysha Craig [Acalanes] Zayna Azimi [Amador Valley] Elnur Tuman [California] Ivan Del Rio [Dougherty Valley] Sanjana Vidhyacharan [Dublin] Vera Nguyen [Miramonte]


Articles & Visuals (A/V)

Sadhika Pani [Amador Valley] Emily Cooper [California] Aidan Tatlonghari [Dougherty Valley] Jessica Wang [Dublin] Sydney Tatsumi [Las Lomas] Ashley Nakazato [Monte Vista] Jeiane Hypnar [San Ramon Valley]


Monthly Officer Evaluation Report (MOER) Carter Soe [California] Marcus Hsieh [Dougherty Valley] Sarah Min [Dublin] Stella Canez [Las Lomas] Grace Tong [Monte Vista]

presidents vps

Submitted by Sadhika Pani, Amador Valley

Submitted by Carter Soe, California

Upload a meme that represents your reaction to school starting soon!

Images were found on the internet! CNH Key Club do not own any of the images/memes :)


Submitted by Maahika Samudrala, Dublin

Upload a meme that represents your reaction to school starting soon!

Submitted by Joselyn Li, Monte Vista

er Special!!

Images were found on the internet! CNH Key Club do not own any of the images/memes :)

BASIC C Each month, you can learn cheers from your Spirit Coordinator, Annabel Shic, and the Spirit Team! This month, they're featuring all of the basic cheers. Find the videos to follow along at tinyurl.com/d26s cheers2122.


2-4-6-8 Who do we appre YOUUUUUUUUU

super cla

Hey, what's tha You deserve a supe *clap* Woooowoooo *clap*


S,U,P-E-R, Superstar is what yo

D26S Spirit Coordinator Annabel Shic | d26s.cnhkc.spi@gmail.com



eciate? UU


at? er clap.



ou are!

good job

G, double O, D, J-O-B Good job! (clap clap) Good job! (clap clap) (Repeat as desired)

we are proud We are proud of you Say we are proud of you


L-O-V-E We LOVE our ___ (3 letter acronym)

D26S Spirit Coordinator Annabel Shic | d26s.cnhkc.spi@gmail.com




CNH Kiwanis works to provide community outreach, education, and materials to children and families. They utilize the knowledge and expertise of their partner hospitals to identify projects the Kiwanis family can undertake to address the issue of Pediatric Trauma.

In 1924, The Kiwanis CNH Foundation noticed the lack of education and training in pediatric trauma and injury prevention. The Pediatric Trauma Program was then established, working to eliminate preventable deaths and injuries from trauma. Here are the facts: In the United States, unintentional injury is the #1 cause of death in children under the age of 14. Around 90% of these injuries are preventable with proper techniques, equipment, and experience.

D26S Member Education & Recognition Coordinator Matthew Ayabe | d26s.cnhkc.mer@gmail.com

PROGRAM They work with partner hospitals in San Diego, Loma Linda, Madera, Honolulu, and Reno, providing grants so they can buy the newest equipment, and offer advanced training to their medical professionals.

Now, you may be wondering, "How can I help?" We are always fundraising for PTP! Whether that be division fundraisers, or large-scale events like Fall Rally North, attending and donating at these events help save lives.

D26S Member Education & Recognition Coordinator Matthew Ayabe | d26s.cnhkc.mer@gmail.com


at a glance









EDITORS: A/V due at 6 PM

Devil's Cafe CLOSING

DWS: Healthcare Cards




FUND: Penny Wars

DCM Spirit Social

DWS: 1000 Cranes Initiative









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Don't forget forget to to take take Don't visuals >:)) >:)) visuals

[spotlight on ser

PEDIATRIC TRAU SERVICE PROJECTS Making first aid kits for organizations (homeless shelters, women's shelters, etc) and donate them! Examples of things that can go inside are band-aids, gloves, masks, bandages.

School has started again and since students are back on campus there are people that will read the posters in the hallways. The posters can be anything relating to PTP, the cause, maybe fun facts, and so on!

Food Banks require early registration for large groups but only one adult is required for a party so this can be easily organized. A Google Sheet sign-up with limited capacity would be a smart way to do sign-ups.

D26S Service Projects Coordinator Anna Friess | d26s.cnhkc.ser@gmail.com

rvice program]

UMA PROGRAM FUNDRAISERS Members would donate $3-5 to pie the president or an officer of their choice. The proceeds will then be donated to PTP. To go even further, the club can create a bingo sheet where members choose a dare for the officers.

Host a movie night/virtual movie night, and sell popcorn at or prior to the event for an appropriate price! (No admission fee because of legality issues.) The proceeds are then donated to PTP.

Host a contest where the members create designs that represent D26S, then people vote on the best design. After, the stickers can be distributed to the members and possibly the division, either individually or in sheets.

D26S Fundraising Coordinator Lauren Wang | d26s.cnhkc.fund@gmail.com

(CNH Key Club) District Social Medias and Newsletter

DISTRICT NEWSLETTER: issuu.com/cnhkc CYBERKEY: cnhkeyclub.org INSTAGRAM: @cnh_keyclub TWITTER: @CNHKeyClub YOUTUBE: CNH Key Club

Make sure to follow the District's social medias and check out the District newsletter published on the 1st of every month >:)

Contact Us!! PRESIDENTS Shrida Pandley, Acalanes


Lois Hong, Amador Valley lh1964@pleasantonusd.net

Carter Soe, California


Crystal Zhang, Campolindo


Matthew Wang, Dougherty Valley mattwg04@gmail.com

Sarah Min, Dublin


Yujin Huh, Las Lomas yhuh26@gmail.com

Lia Toyama, Miramonte lia.toyama@gmail.com

Joselyn Li, Monte Vista josey4868@gmail.com

Jordan Fu, San Ramon Valley jordanjfu@gmail.com

DLT Joyce Tong, Lieutenant Governor d26s.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org

Richard Chung, Executive Assistant d26s.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com

Adithya Ramesh, Executive Assistant d26s.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com

Jessica Wang, Division News Editor d26s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Carter Soe, Division Tech Editor d26s.cnhkc.dte@gmail.com

Ivy Valine, Expansion Coordinator d26s.cnhkc.exp@gmail.com

Annabel Shic, Spirit Coordinator d26s.cnhkc.spi@gmail.com

Lani Yee, Spirit Coordinator d26s.cnhkc.spi@gmail.com

Anna Friess, Service Projects Coordinator d26s.cnhkc.ser@gmail.com

Lauren Wang, Fundraising Coordinator d26s.cnhkc.fund@gmail.com

Matthew Ayabe, Member Education & Recognition Coordinator d26s.cnhkc.mer@gmail.com

Thanks for reading! @d26sdevils Division 26 South Blue Devils

Join the Discord! tinyurl.com/d26sdiscord


Text @d26sdevils to 810-10 for text notifications!


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