The Daily Devil 4.5 | The Haunted Headlines

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table of contents message from your lieutenant governor......1 fall rally north announcement.......................................2 why pay dues?.................................................................................3 region training conference (rtc) info..................,4 rtc packing list.................................................................................,,5 monthly recognition..................................................................,6 why articles and visuals?...................................................7 devil’s golden cup..................................................................8-9 picture spread #1................................................................10-11 division leadership team intro...........................12-13 picture spread #2.............................................................14-15 message from the editor.................................................16 contact us.............................................................................................17

MESSAGE Â FROM Â YOUR Â LTG , .#(!-J &/ 0#&-? ( 3)/ &# 0 ." . #.E- &, 3 ." &&S !#)( , #(#(! )( , ( #- **,) "#(! #( $/-. 1 3-J ( . , ." .J 1 1#&& .. ( #(! && &&3 ),."? " && #- .#' * ,#) 1" , 1 1#&& && /-3 & ( #(! - "))&J '#&3J ( 3 &/ L %()1 ." . #. ' 3 # # /&.J /. %()1 # /&.J ), . ." . # 3)/ *,#),#.#4 1 &&J 3)/ 1#&& & .) -/ ? )."#(! #- #'*)--# & L #( #( #- )'#(! /*J *& - ' % -/, ." . 3)/, &/ , -/, , " - -/ '#.. )( .#)(- .) ." # .,# , /' ,)!, 'L " , #- -* # # 1 3 .) - ( #( )( .#)(-J -) *& - -/, .) -% # 3)/ ( " &*? ( #.#)(J - -)( " - ! (? )/ ( !#( -/ '#..#(! / - .) ." L 3)/ ( 3)/, /- ,( ' ( * --1), J *& - -% 3)/ /&.3 0#-), -#( )(&3 " M-" " - -- .) ." . #( ),' .#)(L ),' .#)(L " ,&3 #, &#( #- )0 ' , 6-.J ." , !/& , &#( #- 3 ' , 6-.J ( / - )' &#(+/ (. - ) ' , 7( L -/, .) )( .#' F % ,&3GL )(E. , # .) -% # 3)/ 0 , " 0 +/ -.#)(- . &&L 3)/ ( " &* & ( #(! 3)/, 1),%J (3 0# J ), ( ' .) & ,# 3 (3."#(! ), 3)/J ' " , ? 1#&& -/,0#0 ." &&J ( ( 3 ." ( ) ."#- . ,'L ?

(! & /

# /. ( (. )0 ,(),

FALL RALLY NORTH tickets: $32 postmarked by Oct. 2nd -足-足-足 $36 on site make sure your club officers have chaperones & ALL FORMS filled out

season pass holders: $5 rally only

other: car parking $20 bus parking $20

key club dues not  a  trick-­  a  TREAT!

Why  do  we  pay  dues?

/ - , * # .) 3 &/ (. ,( .#)( & ( 3)/, #-.,# . F1 , #( &# ),(# K 0 K 1 ##GL " 3 , *, - (. ) # # & ' ' ,-"#* ) ." ),! (#4 .#)( ( &&)1 ), .. ( ( .) #! 3 &/ 0 (.- -/ " - J J ( L

How  much  are  dues?

/ - 0 ,3 3 &/ J /. ." , '#(#'/' ')/(. #- B< .) 3 &/ (. ,( .#)( & ( B9L:5 .) J .). & ) B66L:5 ), / - #( )/, , L

Can  I  be  a  member  even  if  I  don’t  pay?

? ? )/ ( -.#&& ' ' , 0 ( # 3)/ )(E. * 3L )/ ( -.#&& .. ( &/ J #0#-#)(J ( , !#)( 0 (.- 0 ( # 3)/ , (). ( @) # # &@ 3 &/ (. ,( .#)( & ' ' ,L (3 #( ( # & #--/ - , ,#-#(! . ")' J & , .) )(. . , -# (. ), &/ M #1 (#- 0#-),K 1 ' 3 & .) " &*?

What  are  my  benefits?

- ( ) # # & * # 3 &/ ,J 3)/ ! . ." )**),./(#.3 .) - **&3 ), # , (. & 0 &- ) , )!(#.#)( 1 , - ( - ")& ,-"#*-L )/ &-) ! . .) -#!(K/* .) .. ( & ,! 3 &/ 0 (.- 1" , 3)/ & ,( '), )/. ." ),! (#4 .#)( ( & ,-"#*?

regions training conference regions 9 & 17

learn more about your position(s) at our training conference. ours is the only overnight training conference!

h c l g u d,

s oa e R n ero 020

o j p Pescad CA 94

cam11000 Honda La

RTC packing list b r i n g


flashlight bottled water sleeping bag pillow key club casual wear (pjs & warm layers) comfortable shoes towel toiletries money

o pt io n al -

camera (and charger) notebook & and writing utensil homework change for pay phones sandals for showers

d o n o t b rin g: - food (raccoons) - bad attitude; dont ruin rtc for yourself or ] anyone else!

t e g r o f t ’ n o d anything!

recognition " - #( #0# / &- " 0 !)( )0 ( 3)( && 2* . .#)(- & # )/. 3 )/,

(! &J ( ' 4 /- && 1#." ." #, " , 1),% ( # .#)( ."#- * -. ')(."L " ,- .) 3)/?

club: miramonte

officer: andrew chuang

member: jeebin lee





70 10

monte vista

1800 1360

de la salle


dublin california

doug herty va lley 796


- san ramon valley - 0 - las lomas - 0

785 455


%&7*-\4 (0-%&/ $61 )NV SN BNKKDBS ONHMSR EARLY MRF - 20 points ON-TIME MRF - 10 points LATE MRF - 5 points ARTICLES - 10 points EACH VISUALS - 10 points EACH MEMBERS at DCMs -15 points EACH OFFICERS at DCMs - 10 points EACH SERVICE PROJECT- 50 points FUNDRAISER- 50 points ANSWERING ??? CORRECTLY @ DCMs - 5 points EACH

division  lead

1" . #- 3)/, 0),#. ."#(!

angel lau large  key  club  events  such  as  RTC  &  FRN! Â

luci lu

1 1 (. .) %()1 1" . & . /- %()1 1" . /./'( ), " &&)1 ( #- )( ." *)-. )( )/,

vinson kwan

colder  weather  &  naked  trees

“I  don’t  like  fall  put  a  picture  of  my  dogâ€?

vivian pae

andrew chuang

colors  of  the  trees Â

FRN  &  cheering  during  friday  night  football  games

dership  team

)/. /./'( ), " &&)1 (S

&)0 )/. /./'(? 0),#. ."#(! )/. 3 & 0#(! )'' (. #0#-#)( ))%?

vivian chu

halloween,  costumes,  &  free  candy

kayla del mundo

christina chu

fall  drinks  at  starbucks  &  FRN

FRN  &  sweater/cuddle  time  with  dogs

dabria fong

junna yanai

halloween,  fall  scents,  &  crunchy  leaves

halloween  &  collecting  cans  with  friends

message from the editor 3 &/ 0#&-? **3 **3 .) ,? ")* 3)/’, && )#(! 1 &&J ( - "))& " -(’. ( .)) ,)/!"L - ." 1#(. , ')(."- )' &)- ,J *& ((#(! 0 (.- ' 3 #. '), # # /&. 1#." ." 1 ." , ))&#(!J ( '), ")&# 3- ! .K .#(! #( ." 1 3J /. 1 ’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

[contact|us] [cnh|cyberkey]



[division|twitter] @d26southdevils

[division|instagram] @d26southdevils

THE END 3 &/ (. ,( .#)( & / &# .#)( , . 3 ,# )(! #0#-#)( 7; )/." .) , 756:

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