Volume 9 | Issue 3 | July 2020
featuring IP DNEs Dabria Fong & Zoe Yao on page 16 & 17 acalanes | amador valley | california | campolindo | dougherty valley | dublin | las lomas | miramonte | monte vista | san ramon vallley
table of table of contents
division goals
letter from your LTG
july at a glance
devils & friends
12 recognition
f contents... june articles
june recap
8 june visuals
editor’s closing
16 letters from previous DNEs
19 contact us
LTG’s opening Caroline Lobel Lieutenant Governor 2020-21
Happy Summer Blue Devils! Can you believe that we’ve already completed one whole quarter of the 2020-2021 term? I’m so incredibly proud of all of you for keeping up with Key Club during a pandemic!! As shelter-in-place restrictions continue to loosen, Division 26 South will stick on the safe side by continuing our digital events. This way, we can keep up the 100% club attendance rate as well since transportation won’t be an issue. In addition to 100% club attendance, hopefully we can get more members from each club to attend. Since we’re now in the middle of summer, I’m sure you all have plenty of free time to drop in on a division event; we’d love to have you! Hopefully by the end of this month, we can hold small, socially distanced gatherings of 10-12 people. Speaking of small gatherings, July is a great month to start club bonding! Take advantage of summer to build relationships with fellow Key Clubbers! Clubs can play some online games, hold a smal picnic, make some boba together- anything as long as members are safely interacting with each other and forming connections. Now is also a great time to complete more at-home service! Lastly, we have a couple of fundraisers coming your way this month so be sure to participate! Thank you to everyone who contributed to raising our numbers last month! Now let’s continue to go above and beyond by outdoing ourselves this next quarter! Always serving with a SMILE, Caroline Lobel
division goals - 4000 service hours (reach), 8000 hours (target) - 400 dues paid members - $4000 for PTP and other preferred charities - all clubs dues paid!
we’re at... - 133.5 hours of service! - $0 raised for PTP *& others
as of June 14, 2020
dates & deadlines 1: MRFs due (secretaries) 10: MOERS due (presidents & VPs) 10: Articles & Visuals due (editors) 13: June DCM: Dare your LTGs & DLT w/ D26N 20: Officer Training Conference 2020 25: D26S Spirit Team Applications due 27: DWS: Cranes for Cancer & Color a Smile
june vi
club visitations - Chelsea Cao, Monte Vista
card making June DWS - Lindsey Tatsumi, Las Lomas
card making June DWS - Basia Young, Las Lomas
card making June DWS - Christy Quang, Dougherty Valley card making June DWS - Basia Young, Las Lomas
card making June DWS - Yujin Huh, Las Lomas
card making June DWS - Shreeya Surabhi, Dublin
1: MRFs due 10: MOERS d 10: Article 19-25: Ong 1-25: Ongo 26: July DC
ongoing fundraiser -
PTP Raffle! venmo $2 = 1 raffle ticket submit from July 19-25 donate as much as you want prize = free boba door dash door dashed to YOU! more details soon!
July DCM - Banquet -
5-7pm on July 26 joint with Division 26 North meet w/ Red Devils! have fun!
e (secretaries) due (presidents & VPs) es & Visuals due (editors) going fundraiser oing DWS CM - D26N/S Banquet
ongoing DWS -
walk-a-thon charity miles raise $$ for march for dimes can walk July 1-25 to count verification submit: July 26 more details soon!
Region 9 Pen Pals - form due July 15 - paired up by July 20 - meet people from your region! including Oakland, Concord, Berkeley, & more! - dates subject to change!
keep up the great work, blue devils!
go to bit.ly/dccguide to find out how to earn points!
points as of june 17, 2020
member of the month
officer of the month
las lomas
serendipity nebres
maya rassai
club of the month
las lomas
san ramon valley
advisor of the month
Ms. Sheaff dublin
devils & friends I would have the power of invisibility because I think it would be really fun to be able to pop up places unexpectedly and scare friends. It also would help me if I wanted to be sneaky for particular circumstances. - Ella Trinh, 28 East
Teleportation, because I can go any place I want w ithout wasting gas or needing permission from parents. - Symphony Cheung, 2 North
If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? If I could have one superpower it would definitely be flying. I mean if you can fly you could basically go anywhere you wanted to. - Vincent Wu, 26 South
If given the chance, I would definitely want the ability to teleport anywhere I want anytime! For less obvious reasons such as never having to be stuck in traffic again, it saves both time and the cost of a plane ticket. Teleportation would allow me to travel hassle-free! - Jocelyn Mendoza, 26 North
If I could have one superpower, it would be honesty. I would be able to detect lies or people would be unable to lie when my superpower is used. This could be very hepful in many situations! - Fiona Wu, 2 South
letters from What's poppin', Blue Devils? For those of you who don't know me, my name is Zoe Yao. I served as Division News Editor for D26S for the 2016-2017 term, from my freshman to sophomore year. It feels like forever since I've had the pleasure of serving D26S. I also served as CNH District News Editor for the 2017-2018 term and District Secretary for the 2018-2019 terms. Those were good times :,) I graduated from Amador Valley High School just a year ago in 2019, and I'm currently studying Government at Cornell University. College has been a whirlwind experience, and I've learned that college can change you for the better in a very short period of time. I'm currently involved with on-campus organizations like a pre-law professional fraternity and a social Asian-interest sorority, as well as other cultural and professional organizations. My plan is to attend law school straight away out of my undergraduate career, hopefully practicing civil rights litigation. In college, I've come to learn that you can only push yourself so far - you can't force yourself to do things you don't genuinely enjoy. The same goes for high school; don't feel obligated to do things that you don't have fun doing. That is definitely the biggest lesson I've learned in college, and it's something that I'll keep with me for the rest of my life. My advice for you in high school is to enjoy these four years, but also keep an open mind with the next chapter of your life. Develop good habits and make good friends in high school, it'll make the transition to college and adulthood a lot easier. Don't take yourself too seriously in high school - you're still a kid! Have fun while you still can, and make the most of the time you have at home. Don't stress out too much. My personal philosophy is that as long as you put the work in, everything will work out. So, take a deep breath, relax, and know that everything will be okay. Keep sizzlin' and serving your community! Zoe Yao DNE 2016-17
m previous DNEs Hello Blue Devils! It's been a long time since I've used that greeting, haha. My name is Dabria and I was the Division News Editor for D26S for about two years when I was in high school! I graduated from Cal High in 2016, and now as I sit here typing this message I'm officially a college graduate too. I'm sure you hear this all the time, but time really does fly by!! I was part of Key Club for four years, and one of my biggest fears after graduating was losing the friendships that I made throughout my time as a blue devil. Being apart of this international student organization is something that is truly unique and wonderful. I don't think I've ever been in a position where I've been able to meet so many different kinds of amazing people ever since I graduated and parted ways with Key Club. Something that I learned throughout my time in college is that figuring out who you are and what you're passionate about is not a 1-step process. However, when you have a really solid support system made of friends, mentors, and others who genuinely care about you and your success surrounding you, even the most difficult tasks will feel easy. I hope that you're all able to find people you connect to, and build long-lasting friendships! Stay safe, and take care! Cheers, Dabria Fong DNE 2015-16
DNE’s closing Christine Oh Division News Editor 2020-21
What’s poppin’ Blue Devils! Hope you’re all doing well and hanging in there. I also hope you enjoyed this issue of The Daily Devil! It’s already July, which means we’re truly in the depths of summer... which means we’re halfway through 2020! Even though the first half of this year hasn’t been too promising, let’s continue to keep our spirits up, and do what we do bestserving the community around us. Lots of future events were listed in this newsletter, so I hope you take advantage of the opportunities that are given to you! I really do hope to see all of you at in person events soon! With that said, that’s all for this newsletter! Happy summer! Can you believe there’s only one and a half (ish) months until school starts?! Best, Christine Oh
contact us club presidents
leadership team
Acalanes Shrida Pandey shrida.pandey22@auhsdschools.org
Lieutenant Governor Caroline Lobel d26s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Amador Valley Rachel Zhang rzhang3651@gmail.com
Executive Assistant 1 Mikayla Chen d26s.cnhkc.ea@gmail.com
California Sophie Cooper sophieplanetz@gmail.com
Executive Assistant 2 Yujin Huh d26s.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com
Campolindo Sophia Taylor stay5735@gmail.com
Division News Editor Christine Oh d26s.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com
Dougherty Valley Stephanie Su stephanie.fenhua@gmail.com
Division Tech Editor Stephanie Su d26s.cnhkc.dte@gmail.com
Dublin Richard Chung chung4217@mydusd.org
Service Projects Coordinator Jade Kessinger d26s.cnhkc.ser@gmail.com
Las Lomas Jade Kessinger jadekessinger13@gmail.com
Fundraising Coordinator Lois Hong d26s.cnhkc.fund@gmail.com
Miramonte Naomi Cheng nanasushi@icloud.com
Spirit Coordinators Richard Chung & Carter Soe d26s.cnhkc.spi@gmail.com
Monte Vista Arizza Cristobal ariswooped@gmail.com
Member Education and Recognition Coordinators Isabella Gonzales & Christy Quang d26s.cnhkc.mer@gmail.com
San Ramon Valley Jordan Fu jordanjfu@gmail.com
thank you for reading!! catch up with us on our socials!