Gulf Coast MotorSports May 2017

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MAY 2017



MAY 2017

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief -

Jas. “Jimbo” Perkins P.O. Box 2847 ∙ Gulfport, MS 39505

Advertizing & Production - 228 596-0664 E-mail: Webmaster - Jeff Westfall:

“ You don’t have to preach to people. You don’t have to try to straighten them out. Just be happy, be friendly, be a person of excellence. That’s how you let your light shine, with your actions, not just with your words. ” …… Joel Osteen Cruizin’ in the passin’ lane By: Jimbo As we slip into May you only have to look at the following pages to see what an active month April was. This month will be no different. The warm weather brings out most of us to the shows and cruise-in’s. Clubs are working hard to get us to attend their event. Flyers advertise the charities that are counting on donations from the car/truck/motorcycle community. These clubs help with supplying the goods for their organizations and money to carry on the great work they do. It is impossible to attend every event but it is important that we help when we can. For those of you who belong to more than one club, your membership is a contribution to that clubs mission. Active club members, (the 10% as some say) realize not everyone will be an active member. It is important to show them appreciation when they show up at your club event to lend their support. If you need a little extra help ask them. This may be what turns a non active member into part of the 10% plus you have been looking for. New members usually join because they were invited by a friend or they are new to the area and looking for folks that share an interest. Club activities should include social events like dinner runs, picnic's and tours to your clubs supporting garages and business. These are the times members get to know each other and form the bond all clubs strive for. Every club has a core group and they may be the driving force behind the scene that plans most of the events (remember the 10% + 1), hopefully this group is made up of people who understand to importance of all their members.

CRUIZIN’ IN THE PASSIN’ LANE Jimbo page……..3 GIZMOS CARRIAGE HOUSE…… Gizmo page……..6 THE COLE REPORT… Al Cole page...…...7 FOOT NOTES…… Lynne Lightfoot page…......8 DIXIE ROD RUN……….. page…....14 17 FOREVER…… Terry Mason page…... 16 NSRA NEWS……. Donna Holland page...….18 TRUNK TALES…… Cubby Hole page…....19 AMISH BUGGY... Candy Cocktail page…....20 WE CAN DO IT…….. Stefanie Lea page…....24 CAFFEINE & OCTANE Cassie Mullins page…....26 HALLOWED GROUND… Brian Barsema page…....27 SHADOW ROSE…. Brian Barsema page…....31 WELCOME TO GEORGIA... Brian Barsema page…....32 AMERICA…. Rooster McGee page…... 34 THE SHOP SCENE…. Gizmo page…....35 ROAD TO SEMA……. Stefanie Lea page…....36 CAR EVENTS………………….... page…….40 MOTORCYCLE EVENTS………. Page…....66 BUSINESS DIRECTORY…… page…....72 CLASSIFIED…………………. Page…....88 SUBSCRIPTION FORM…… page…....95 The publication titled: Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine is owned & published by Dixie Press Publishing LLC. who neither endorses nor warrants the products or services of advertisers, nor does it warrant the completeness or accuracy of the data provided herein. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. welcomes unsolicited editorial, photographs, articles for non compensational consideration of publishing on a space available basis's. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. is not responsible for the return of said photographs, manuscripts or art. Views expressed in these publications are not necessarily those of the publisher, contributing editors, advertisers, or their agents. Subscriptions are mailed to subscribers via Bulk Mail from U.S. Postal service. Re-printing in whole or part can only be done with the permission of the publisher...but then he’s easy

MAY 2017


The Gulf Coast Auto Show (1st Saturday in April each year) is hosted by the Coast Cruisers and shows exactly what we do as a car club family. This is the fourth year the Coast Cruisers have given a handicap accessible van to a family with a special needs child. This years recipient was Brayden Ceuvas and his mom Devan. This project was funded by the Coast Cruizers membership from Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas. Their yearly dues, along with money made at our cruise-ins and the Gulf Coast Auto Show along with the donations and help from great people like Dean Brotzman owner of Dean's Towing. A lot of hands are involved in getting this done during the year including everyone who spends money at the cruisins/shows. But when you have people like Dean step up it's great community involvement. Dean refurbished and made this ride dependable and reliable for this family. So I want to say thank you to ALL the Coast Cruisers, (active or not) Dean and everyone involved. Jimbo Hello Jimbo, I received my copy of the Motor Sports Magazine in the mail today, each new issue is better than the last. The best magazine I have purchased for the price. I have a suggestion that would help all readers of the magazine, how about listing the car shows and cruise nights separately by date. If someone is only interested in car shows it will save their eye balls a lot of pain. Same thing if you only looking for cruise nights. Just a thought that would make the magazine even better for every one. You and your team do a great job with the magazine and promoting the car and bike culture. Thanks, Guy Boudreaux Jimbo, All good Southerners already know these, but in fairness to those Yankees who came to stay down here are some of the rules of the Southern Lifestyle 1. Don't order a steak at a Waffle House. They serve breakfast 24 hrs a day, so let them cook something they know. 2. Don't laugh at people's names. Merleen, Bodie, Luther Ray, Tammy Ann, Mari Beth, and Inez have all been known to whip a man's butt for less than that. 3. Don't order a bottle of pop or a can of soda -- this can lead to a merciless beating. Down South it's called Coke, even if you want a Pepsi. 4. Don't show allegiances to any college football squad that isn't an SEC team. All the others are a bunch of wusses who get to play Wyoming every week. 5. Don't refer to Southerners as a bunch of hillbillies. Many of us are/have been more literate than you (e.g. Welty, Williams, Faulkner), better educated, and generally much nicer to boot. We've got plenty of business sense (e.g. Turner Broadcasting, MTV, and Netscape). Naturally, we can have lapses of judgment from time to time (e.g. Clinton, Duke). We don't care if you think we're dumb, we know better!


MAY 2017

6. We are fully aware that the humidity is high. Quit your fussing, spend your money, and leave if you can't handle it. 7. Don't order wheat toast at the Cracker Barrel. If you do this, everyone will know you're from Ohio. Eat the biscuits like God intended and for goodness sake, don't put sugar in your grits. 8. Don't attempt to fake a Southern accent. Nothing will incite a riot faster. 9. Don't go around talking about how much better it is back home. If you don't like it here, take your Yankee butt back home. 10. We don't play lacrosse, hockey, or any of those other sissy Northern games, so don't ask about the scores. We...simply...don' 11. We know how to speak proper English, we talk this way because we want to and we can. It's like playing jazz, you have to know how to do it right first. 12. Last, but by no means least...DO NOT try to tell us how to Bar-B-Q. This could lead to permanent expulsion and revocation of your work visa. Consider yourself lucky that we let you come down here in the first place. Don't push your luck! easycajun@

Jimbo, Here’s something for everyone and they are some great conversation starters‌.. 1 A rat can last longer without water than a camel. 2. Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks or it will digest itself. 3. The dot over the letter "i" is called a tittle. 4. A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top. 5. A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find a mate. 6. A duck's quack doesn't echo. No one knows why. 7. A 2 X 4 is really 1-5/8" by 3-5/8". 8. During the chariot scene in "Ben Hur," a small red car can be seen in the distance (and Heston's wearing a watch). 9. On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily! (That explains a few mysteries... .) 10. Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants. 11. Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood.

12. The number of possible ways of playing the first four moves per side in a game of chess is 318,979,564, 000. 13. There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with orange, purple and silver. 14. The name Wendy was made up for the book Peter Pan. There was never a recorded Wendy before. 15. The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin in World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo. 16. If one places a tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death. (Who was the sadist who discovered this??) 17. Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to s-l-o-w film down so you could see his moves. That's the opposite of the norm. 18. The first CD pressed in the US was Bruce Springsteen' s "Born in the USA." 19. The original name for butterfly was flutterby. 20. The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.

BACK BAY CRUIZERS FOUNDED: On June 23, 2016 the Back Bay Cruizers created a club that would bring people together that have a passion for all types of modified vehicles. The Back Bay Cruizers is a family oriented organization and their purpose is to maintain a good standing relationship with other car club enthusiast by supporting their shows, cruises, and fund raisers as much as possible. Throughout the year, the Back Bay Cruizers, will have cruises, shows and fund raisers to help raise funds for local charities and causes. They will donate a great portion of the generated proceeds to the local charities and causes that the club has adopted for the year. The purpose of this club is to promote the sport and hobby of owning, altering, building, and modifying vehicles of both past and present years. We want to encourage family participation in the sport and hobby of bringing old cars to life once again. We will have a monthly cruise–in every 2nd Saturday of each month from March thru October from 5pm 9pm, at Pops Pizzeria, 921G Cedar Lake Road, Biloxi, MS 39532 Music, 50/50 drawing. Open to all Cars/Trucks/Bikes - Fun and entertaining for every one of all ages. Great Pizza and more at Pops Pizzeria.

21. The first product Motorola started to develop was a record player for automobiles. At that time, the most known player on the market was Victrola, so they called themselves Motorola. 22. Roses may be red, but violets are indeed violet. 23. By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand. 24. Celery has negative calories. It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with. 25. Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin lookalike contest. 26. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying. 27. Sherlock Holmes NEVER said, "Elementary, my dear Watson." 28. An old law in Bellingham, Washington, made it illegal for a woman to take more than three steps backwards while dancing! 29. The glue on Israeli postage is certified kosher. 30. The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from public libraries. 31. Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a spacesuit damages them. 32. Bats always turn left when exiting a cave! Now don’t you feel smarter already…….. giff1500@

New Location for Misfits Cruise-In!! ------------Our first Cruise-In of the year was moved to a new location in the Bay St. Louis Harbor and it was a great success. We had a nice turnout and everyone enjoyed having so many restaurant options to eat. And the ladies were entertained in all the specialty shops in downtown BSL. At the end of the night, we picked a beautiful car owned by Bill & Debby Brumfield from Picayune. They were in their lovely blue '65 Malibu SS and were presented a Club Choice plaque. They enjoyed the show and are planning to come back again. Hope to see everyone there! Thanks, - Donna

MAY 2017


Gizmos Carriage House AKA Poppys Garage May 2017

You Can Drive Away in the CTC Raffle Truck! Drawing Sunday, October 8, 2017

During my time on this planet we call Earth, I have learned and experienced many things. I learned early in life from helping my Dad, how to trouble shoot early TV sets, repair washing machine transmissions, also how t o f i x wi n d o w t yp e A i r Conditioners. Most all of this came under the guidance of my Dad. So I only learned things his way. Later upon entering the job market (in my late teens) I had to learn how to do things, either the bosses way, or from the other folks that were hired prior to me (most likely still the bosses way). As I progressed along in the work force I started figuring a better or an easier way (at least in my mind’s eye) how to accomplish the task at hand. As I got jobs that were far more challenging, I had to once again learn how to do things from the most senior employees in the group. This worked for me for quite some time until I started once again to figure a better way to do the job. Now let’s move further along and I am now one of the senior employee’s and there is a new batch of young folks that enter the work force, in the same position as myself. Some of these folks were very good at their trade, so it was a pleasure most of the time to work with them. They had their own way of doing things, and from time to time I would share with them how I did things. Many times they had better ideas, and I am not ashamed to say I learned a lot from them as well. I guess the point of all of this rambling is, most of my generation learned from the generation before us. And I am not saying that is a bad thing. But so much can be learned from those that came after us. They are smart, computer savvy, and instantly go to a better and easier way to do a job. My experience with them was most pleasant. I guess they were teaching this old dog some new tricks. I guess we all learn things in different ways, but lately I learn a bunch from the younger guys. I respect the skills of the younger generation, and more often than not I look for them at most automotive events. I think we all should try to do the same. It has been a productive month for me, getting closer to finishing the tile in the Queens bathroom remodel, also lots of progress in the painting of Chases Big Truck project. I am thankful and Blessed to be celebrating another Birthday this month and also one of my Grandboys, Bryce will be 4 as well. Until next month from the Carriage House, Later Gizmo

1936 Ford Pickup • Fat Man Chassis • 350/350 Chevy • Vintage Air Street Rod A/C • Coker Wide Whites • Power Windows •Ticket prices: one for $10, three for $25 •You do not have to be present to win!

go to: All proceeds benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation & Cruisin’ The Coast.


MAY 2017

The Cole Report: We begin at the Charlie Henderson show great show for a great cause hosted by the Mustang Club with about 50 plus cars. Made the next ride over to the 2nd. Sat. Pass Christian Harbor 26 cars hanging out and having fun. Our next stop was the cruise-in cafe in the Kiln nice turnout as usual at this one. Up next was the 5th Annual Gulf Coast Autoshow in Gulfport another good turnout, the Coast Cruizers gave their 4th annual handicap van to a family with a special needs child. That night we headed to Edgewater Mall for the Coast Cruizers 1st. Sat. Cruise-in with over 140 cars/trucks. The next weekend brought us to the Crosspoint Church in Orange Grove for their Crosspoint Cruising for Missions fundraiser great show around 100 cars, with lots of family events/fun on the grounds. Left that show and made it to The Misfits Street Krewzers cruise-in at the Bay St. Louis harbor over 110 cars at this one and lots of places to eat. As always just get out and cruise. Remember to watch for our friends on hikes out cruising also. Allen Cole

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MAY 2017


IN NEW ORLEANS After years of doing so, 2016 was the last year Championship Auto Shows presented the World of Wheels in the New Orleans Superdome. When Championship Auto Shows announced that they would not be returning, the Mercedes-Benz Superdome personnel reached out to Lionel Dowling and Dowling Productions to see if they would be interested in putting on his own premiere show. Lionel presents the Boat Show every year in the Superdome and he stepped up and took on the task of bring a premiere car show to the City again this year. Wild Wheels Car Shows had Kal Smith as the Show Chairman. Kal brought his wife, Aline and son, Jonathan in as part of this team and put his 5 years of running World of Wheels Shows to work. Wild Wheels made its inaugural debut March 17-19. 2017 and brought in what they dubbed “a new experience in car shows,� featuring 251 custom cars, hot rods, race cars, motorcycles and more. Cash awards were made to some of their exhibitors whose vehicles were deemed outstanding. The Jim Johnson Award, sponsored by Vicari Auctions, was presented to KEVIN GOITIA and his 1961 Chevrolet Impala, Audrey. This award was available to entries from within the State of Louisiana and included $2,500.00 Cash. The Walter Carter Crescent City Cup Award, sponsored by Peake BMW, was presented to STEPHEN & MICHAELE GILES of Dallas, Texas, and their 1957 Buick Roadmaster. This award was available to entries from outside the State of Louisiana and also included $2,500 Cash. Of note, Michaele does all of the detailing on their beautiful car and was even presented with the Companion of the Year Award from the International Show Car Association this year for her dedication to ensuring their car is always at her best.


MAY 2017

MAY 2017


Butch Patrick, who portrayed Eddie Munster on the 1960’s sitcom, The Munsters, was on hand to sign autographs while showing off The Munster Koach, Drag-ula, Eddie’s Chain-Link Stingray bicycle and Eddie’s Go-Kart which were all featured on the show.


MAY 2017

Children were especially delighted by Stephen’s Herbie The Love Bug. The VW is a replica of the car used in the 1969 movie of the same name. The car squirts water at unsuspecting guests, flashes its lights and honks its horn while accompanied by animated, singing bears.

Foot Notes - March 26 By Lynne Lightfoot The Westwego Police Benevolent Association hosted a fundraiser on Sunday, March 26, 2017 at the Farmers & Fisheries Market in Westwego, Louisiana, benefitting the family of, Michael Louviere, a Westwego Police Officer who was shot and killed January 20, 2017.

Entrants included Shelby Juneau, the youngest at only 18 years of age. Starting at age 5, Shelby has been working on his Ford F-150 with the help of his dad, Larry, and his “understanding mom, Sandy. He is very proud of his truck and all the work that they have put into it over 15 years.

The Wild Wheels Tool Chest Award, sponsored by NAPA Auto Parts & Martin Senour Paints, went to JOE CASHIO and his 1966 Chevrolet Nova. This award was available to entries from within a 100-mile radius of the Superdome. And included a tool box valued at $2,500.

Michael Louviere, 26, was a U.S. Marine who served in Afghanistan. He and his wife, Ashley, have two small children. He had ended his shift with the Westwego Police Department at 6:00 that Friday morning and was headed home when he saw what he thought was a traffic accident near the intersection of Ames and Barataria Boulevards. Louviere stopped, called in his position and what he thought the situation was, and got out of his car to help. He found Simone Veal suffering from gunshot wounds inflicted by her estranged boyfriend, Sylvester Holt. Holt was recently released from prison and was angry to discover that Veal was 8weeks pregnant for another man. Sylvester Holt shot Michael Louviere in the back of his head as he was trying to help Veal. Both Louviere and Veal died of their injuries. Holt shot himself later that day after a seven-hour standoff with police officers on the Crescent City Connection Bridge. He, too, died from his wounds. Fellow police officers and the public have been stepping up to help Ashley and her children in any way they can. Ashley Louviere said, “Michael was such a loving person. All I can do is picture him smiling down on us. We are so grateful for all the love and support in the community. The outpouring of love is amazing. It means the world to us, that the community is pulling together for us.” The event included food, music by Tet' Dur', Faith Becnel & The Music Krewe, Cypress and Category 6, and both a silent and live auction. There was a Poker Run that morning with more than 300 motorcycles participating. The Car Show also held at the event, had 138 entries. Charlie and I entered The Turtle, our 1952 Chevy Styleline, and my brother, Herb, entered his 1989 Dodge Pickup. We were very proud to have been a small part of this good cause. We stand with the men and women in blue.

The Baja Bandeeto, a custom, bubble-top hot rod created by renowned designed Fritz Schenck, whose vehicles have been shown worldwide, was also on display. The weekend of the show was a tough one for the Show as there were many events to compete with throughout New Orleans including St. Patrick’s Day and Irish-Italian Parades. Attendance was not what they hoped it would be but the exhibitors brought some truly outstanding vehicles to the show floor. Aline Smith said that indoor car shows are a dying industry. There is nothing else like it. Aline is right. I hope they can get the sponsors they need to bring this Show back again next year.

MAY 2017


These Marines served as the Color Guard for the event.

This wonderful group of ladies are all wives of Active Duty Marines. They come out to events like this to help raise funds for the cause with their Kissing Booth.

Ashley Louviere and her children

Many of the volunteers who made the event a success.

Westwego Police Chief Dwayne Munch is seen here with Andres “Chico” Gonzalez, Ashley Louviere (Officer Louviere’s widow), and others. Chico was a New Orleans Police Officer who was wounded and paralyzed in the line of duty in 2006. He started a nonprofit, Help for Heroes, Inc., that assists other officers and their families when their lives are irrevocably changed forever. Help for Heroes donated a check to Ashley for her family


MAY 2017

The Pink Ladies sold 50/50 and Door Prize tickets

T-Van Falgout, who organized the Car Show for the event, is joined here by Former New Orleans Saints Running Back Buford Jordan and his wife. Buford were very active in putting this event together.

That is a Playboy Pink Mustang – don’t call it Dusk Rose! She is the pride and joy of Paul Kiraly.

MAY 2017


The 39th annual Dixie Rod Run took place on March 17th, 18th and 19th and this was the first time it was opened up to a pre 74 show. This was changed due to a decrease in cars from years past as well as declining weather for the last three years. This year was however different, at our meeting in March we asked Mr. C.W. "Chicken" Willie Smith to send up a prayer for good, if not better, weather. Well he stands in good with the Lord. This was proven by the EXCELLENT weather we had to host this years event. We could not have had any better, cool overcast skies for Friday, partly cloudy and warmer for Saturday, and Sunny and warm for Sunday. Had this not have happened, the club considered changing the name of this show to the "Dixie Rain Run." Friday saw registration open with a waiting line to get things started. Pre registrants picked up their packets. Participants abounded from Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana. At the end of the day ten states were represented. Friday evening the Mississippi Street Rod Association served up a free meal for all registered participants that included, pulled pork, smoked chicken, smoked sausage, hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, cole slaw, baked beans, breads, and a table full of homemade desserts from our lady members that would be the envy of Emeril Laigasse. The meats were prepared by our own "Bald Man's BBQ" Chef extrodenaire Mr. Vic Boggs, with help from other members. (we had taste testers from the whole club to show up, as usual, Funny how that works huh.) When all was said and done and everyone was full, fat, and sassy, the remainder of the food was donated to the Pearl Police and Fire Departments for their support of our event, see, they provide security and fire protection for our event for the whole weekend. Thanks guys and girls of both departments, great job! Saturday morning registration picked back up and ran until noon, Games started at 9:30 and ran until 11:30. The "Ladies Tea" was held at the Holiday Inn across the street from the show, this years theme was "Western". ( no men allowed, unless you wore a dress, didn't see any takers.). The club raffled off an AR-15 and the proceeds went to the Little Lighthouse School for children with Down's Syndrome and special needs. CARA was onboard holding a food drive and you could adopt a new pet. Vendors sold food, pork skins, The Chrome Guy, as he is known, was setup selling his wears, Robbie Grant was painting cars in the parking lot. (This Guy is a real Artist!) The swap meet was held in the back of the stadium where parts were traded and sold. T-Tommy and Miss Cynthia sold event T-Shirts and it seems they under estimated the


MAY 2017

Henry and I are thoroughly enjoying the Mississippi Street Rod Association's 39th annual Dixie Rod Run at Trustmark Park in Pearl. That's my '55 Chevy Nomad behind us. ‌ Phil Bryant

turnout and late Friday evening had to make a mad dash to the shop and print more shirts. (good problem to have, huh Tommy.) Participants of the show walked around and filled out their voting ballots turned them in and all the votes were tallied up for the winners to be announced at the end of the day. Club members picked their choices for all the homemade trophies. Seems they are more sought after than top ten or best of show. (Great job on the homemade trophies guys and girls, some of you are really talented, others are in need of therapy.) Governor Phil Bryant came in his Nomad and made his choice for the Governors trophy, stayed for a while and socialized. Always great to see him support our show and the car club. Garry and Sharron Adams made a surprise visit to the show, that was totally unexpected, Garry, one of the members of the Mississippi Street Rods has been at M.D. Anderson undergoing treatment made the trip for the weekend and had to be back on Monday to continue his on going care. Sure was great to see he is doing so well. The only thing missing at the 39th Dixie Rod Run this year was a certain individual named C.W. "Chicken" Willie Smith who had a family outing that he just could not plan around. (no matter how hard he tried, begged, pleaded his case, ect.) But he called me on Sunday night and got a full report. I just had to tell him how the power of prayer that he laid down for us had come to fruition, and thanked him for it, as he stands in good favor with the Lord and how He blessed us with great weather for this show. ( Now, I want both of ya'll on my side.) Jerry Cuevas from the Gulf Coast was in town for the show doing NSRA inspections and having a good time, or at least looked as if he was. I know he got his exercise because every time I saw him he was in a different place. Maybe a good investment would be a fit bit to keep up with all those steps Jerry. Makes your heart doctor proud, anyway. The club did something a little different this year in the awards, they had a top ten and best of show for both pre 49 and pre 74. This worked out great as none of the street rods were in competition with the pre 74 guys. The sponsor trophies seemed to work out about even with around 45 trophies given out. (Thanks to our sponsors for stepping up for us and there are just to many to list individually.) Thanks go out to two of the members for their efforts on beating the bushes for these, you know who you are. Great job from you guys, keep up the hard work. Sunday morning there was a devotional service led by Rev. Cherry as guest speaker from Crossgates Baptist Church. He was a stand in for Larry and Louise Teal as they are our regular speakers, but due to Ms. Louise recovering from a stay in the hospital, were unable to attend. He did a good job as their stand-in. Thank you Rev. Cherry. It was an uplifting message. The major awards were to follow with top ten for both pre 74 and pre 49. Then on to Best of show for both. (Thanks go out to Mr. Vic Boggs of Leonard Sheet Metals for the top ten and best of show trophies those really turned out great.) Finally the drawing that everyone stayed for, as you had to be present to win, the giveaway motor supplied by the biggest sponsor of all Union Auto Parts. When the drawing was over there was a mass exodus of cars and the club members as always lined up and gave them all a farewell wave and a "THANK YOU FOR COMING and SEE YOU NEXT YEAR"! The next will be a really memorable and special show for the Mississippi Street Rod Association as it will be the 40th. Look for information on the website, e-mails to you, and in Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine. It promises to be one of the BEST EVER! Oh Yes, I was just informed to "NOT" to forget to remind ALL the Ladies that the theme for next years tea is going to be 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70's, so bring your time machine dress and look your best!

Photos by Jeff Huffmaster

Mike Summerlin MSRA

MAY 2017


By: Terry

Mason Barfield

This month we take you to the 2nd Annual C10 Round in Gulfport. The Chevrolet C10 Truck is a Chevy truck made from 1960 to 1998. The C-10 is the 2 wheel drive truck, the K series is the four wheel drive version. These trucks are getting more and more popular. Last year Paul Cuevas promoted the first C-10 Round Up Truck Show on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. The first year it was part of the Gulf Coast Auto Show (2016) and they had 78 trucks. This year the C10 Show was held at the Harrison County Fairgrounds on Saturday April 8, a perfect spot for a truck show, this year there was 100 registered trucks, the weather was great and they have plenty of room to grow at the fairgrounds. Dereck Ladner and Wade Cuevas also helped promote the show. The Top 25 trucks were awarded trophies, Best of Truck Awards were handed out also for each era and 25 Specialty Awards were handed out. Trucks came from Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana. St Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital was beneficiary of this show. The C10 Show was open to all Chevy trucks, plus there were camp sites available. A Corn Hole tournament featured a $100 cash prize to the winner. Southern Favor catering out of Gulfport and Big Boys Bar B Q out of Hattiesburg were the food vendors. Plans are already underway for the 2017 C10 Show in April of next year at the same location. Join me and Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show Friday and Saturday April 28 and 29 for Bama Coast Cruise Car Show in Orange Beach, AL at The Wharf. And then the very next weekend in Destin, at Destin Commons (next door to the Bass Pro Shop) for Burning Up The Beaches Car Show on Saturday May 6. These are two truly great car shows in two great locations. You want to make them both! The Hot Rod better be ready, it’s time to cruise to a car show, see great cars, talk shop and enjoy that 17 FOREVER state of mind! til next month…

Terry 16

MAY 2017 Facebook: Terry Mason's Hot Rod Show Hear a demo of the Hot Rod Show on Facebook by searching for Terry Mason's Hot Rod Show” and “Like Us” while you're there or search for “Terry Mason's Hot Rod Show” on for the show demo or contact Terry @ 228.669.8122

MAY 2017


The Southeast Nationals Car Show was held in Tampa, FL, from March 31st through April 2nd. This was the second year since the show dates were changed from October to April and there was a great turnout again this year. There was even an increase of vehicles from last year, a trend we hope will continue. Our trip down to Tampa was nice - the weather was beautiful and lots of traffic. I guess it was because of Spring Break. Registration started on Thursday at the hotel with an informal 'Meet and Greet' throughout the day. Friday was the opening of the show at the Tampa Fairgrounds. The NSRA Safety Inspection station was set up under one pavilion, where they inspected LOTS of cars with the new 2017 Inspection stickers. In another pavilion, the Circle of Winners - cars picked at past shows - were on display. Saturday was a full day for everyone in the family. There was a model car assembly station for kids to put together model kits that they got to keep! There were also games for kids of ALL ages (even the grown-up kind) too. Saturday evening there was a ladies tea and yes, they do serve tea, dessert, lunch and entertainment. Saturday was also the Rep Pick day. There were 13 NSRA Reps and some teamed up with one of the 6 NSRA Inspectors on hand. We drew numbers in order to pick the cars of our choice. The odd #s picked pre-49 and evens picked 49 and up. It's always fun looking at all the cars, talking with their owners, and trying to make the perfect choice. I chose a 32 Roadster owned by Cliff and Joan Wicks from Spring Hill, Florida. They drive their Roadster to all the shows and I do mean ALL the shows! This will be their 4th year to attend the LA Roadster Show in California, they were in Panama City in March, and they do Cruisin' the Coast every year. They have a top and windshield wipers, but no windows! So they bring plenty of towels because they said the DO get wet, but Cliff Wicks with his 32 Roadster from Spring Hill, Florida they love it! Sunday closed with a non-denominational church service and presentation of awards. It was a fun show with good friends!

May 5 - 7, 2017 Street Rod Nationals South Chilhowee Park & Exposition Center Knoxville, Tennessee May 26 - 28, 2017 Mid-America Street Rod Nationals Ozark Empire Fairgrounds Springfield, Missouri June 2 - 4, 2017 Street Rod Nationals East, York Expo Center York, Pennsylvania June 23 - 25, 2017 Rocky Mountain Street Rod Nationals Colorado State Fairgrounds Pueblo, Colorado August 3 - 6, 2017 48th Annual Street Rod Nationals Kentucky Exposition Center Louisville, Kentucky September 8 - 10, 2017 Street Rod Nationals North, Kalamazoo County Expo Center & Fairground in Kalamazoo, Michigan September 15 - 17, 2017 Northeast Street Rod Nationals Champlain Valley Exposition Burlington, Vermont

The safety of your street rod is of vital importance. If the street rod does not meet a certain set of guidelines, an accident can cause more than just replacing the parts. The NSRA or National Street Rod Association is the organization doing the safety inspections. Keep in mind that these safety inspections are completely voluntary. In most cases, safety inspections can be done at many of the street rod shows around the country. Generally, when a safety inspection is done, it is good for one year.

NSRA Southern District 2366 Safety Inspectors MS Gulf Coast Area Jerry Cuevas 228 326-7489 18

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Brandon MS Area Thomas Yates 601 832-9646

Little Rock MS Area Johnny Knochenmuss 601-938-3060

W, Hare & Son

James Polk was President of the United States of America when W. Hare & Son started, and cars were nowhere to be found. It was 1847 and founder Wesley Hare began what would become one of the largest carriage and wagon companies in the Midwest. Cars were half a century away. Today, 170 years later, Hare bills itself as America’s oldest transportation company. It is also one of the oldest Chevrolet dealerships, selling “Bow Ties” since 1921. Now the sixth generation, a pair of sisters is at the helm of Hare Chevrolet. Courtney Cole and Monica Peck bought majority ownership from their parents, Dave and Jackie Cox in 2008. Monica Peck remembers watching her Grandpa Jack Hare making coffee and greeting customers. Hare’s business advice to his son-in-law Dave Cox and granddaughters was that people enjoy doing business with people they know and trust. Back in the old days potential customers would come in and sit on a park bench that was a fixture in the showroom. They would come in and shoot the breeze about sports, the weather, family, or other topics. It wasn’t until the third day that the topic of buying a car was even brought up. To do so sooner would be considered too brash. It is different today when people want to get on with their business as quickly as possible. “Not much has changed,” says Monica Peck, who manages the operations of Hare Chevrolet. “I make coffee every day and thank customers for their business with a hand shake.” The family business plays up its history with an 1879 buggy hanging from the ceiling and a 90 foot long mural depicting the history of the company hanging on the showroom wall. W. Hare & Son is not only Noblesville’s oldest business, it is America’s oldest continuously family-owned transportation company! Wesley Hare, the son of German immigrants, started it all in 1847 building wagons, carriages, and buggies with 45 employees. It was named the “Hamilton County Wagon Works” then. In 1900 Wesley turned the business over to his son Elbert (E. M.) and renamed the business “W. Hare & Son”. Hare was producing 700 buggies annually when automobiles first arrived on the scene. Within a few years they were selling more cars than buggies. Between 1909 and 1915, the third Hare generation came to work. They were E.M.’s sons, Frank, Albert, and Willard (Bill). Now, the sixth generation piece of history has been sold to Asbury Automotive Group, Duluth, Georgia. It was a family decision that became necessary with Courtney Cole’s fight against stage-four lung cancer. Sadly the era of the Hare’s as car dealers ends. The saga of the car dealership ends just as a new one begins, as the great granddaughters of Wesley Hare continue as pitch persons. Since 2010 Monica Peck and Courtney Cole have been known to local radio listeners as “The Sisters of Savings” through their commercials. Those commercials will continue well into the future. Uncle Ezra says: It’s what you do that determines how you feel!


Cruise! Cubby

MAY 2017


The Amish Buggy By Candy Cocktail Not unlike the cars packing our metropolitan roadways, the Amish buggy is the way of life for most Amish. While they use scooters or bicycles for short distances, they still consistently use buggies to get around just as they always have. Yet much to ones surprise, the Amish buggies are much more similar to our cars than you may have thought, with customizations to make each one unique. This past fall, my mother and I (and my dog Sugar) made a fallage trip to the northeastern part of our great country to see the leaves turn and visit several new places. I had never been anywhere in the northeastern United States, but Pennsylvania ended up being one of my favorite places. It was so versatile, from the historical busy city of Philadelphia to tranquil Lancaster, there was so much to see. We made a 3 day detour to Amish Country or Dutch Pennsylvania, as it is known. It was somewhere I suggest everyone visit; it is beautiful and quaint, with lots of wonderful shops selling handmade Amish goods, delicious homestyle cooking and pastries and a large number of friendly Amish and Mennonite residents and visitors. We even opted to take a buggy ride ourselves to get the authentic Amish experience. You can hear the click of horses' shoes trotting the pavement as they pull their carriages throughout the town. While visiting the primarily Amish towns of Bird-in-Hand, Intercourse and Lancaster, we opted to get the full Amish experience by doing an Amish Country tour through the Plain & Fancy Farm. Since 1959, they have been Amish Country’s original destination for memorable tours of their incredible farmlands. In an air-conditioned 14-passenger guided shuttle, we took a tour of the Amish locations you would never find on your own and were given a unique glimpse into the customs and way of life of the Amish. While on the 3part tour, we visited a working Amish dairy farm, an Amish home where the family welcomed us and told us about their way of life, and the third part, which I knew our readers would find particularly interesting, was that we visited the local buggy maker. The tour stopped at the Leola Coach Shop in Leola, Pennsylvania. The carriage shop specializes in new carriages and repair and restoration. The shop is owned by Paul A. Stoltzfus and his family works closely with him. His son gave us a tour of their workshop. Inside there were carriages in various stages of completion. It typically takes about a week for the shop to complete a carriage for an Amish family. Even though the carriages are simply the common mode of transportation in the area, the Amish craftsmen of the Leola Coach Shop do not work solely on Amish carriages. They have crafted sleighs, restored antique carriages and have on occasion done restoration work on vintage cars. While I was there, there was an exquisite white antique funeral carriage that they were working on (pictured below). You may notice that there are only photos of the work they do at their shop. The Amish religion does not allow the Amish people to have their photo taken.


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Two of the many possible custom dashes.

While abstaining from things that we "English" (as the Amish would call us) use daily like cell phones and the internet, the carriage shop has customers around the US. So how do they receive carriage orders and show their work to potential customers, primarily Amish consumers who refrain from using modern day devices? They use good old fashioned mail to send their catalog to potential clients. The catalog displays their high quality workmanship and custom items that can be made to specific specifications. Power needed for the shop comes from a fuel powered generator. The carriages, sleighs and even buggies are sometimes sold to non-Amish buyers. Despite the old fashioned exterior of the coach, it is still a modern day mode of transportation. The horse and buggy are used for daily transportation, but what about for far distances? We asked just that and if the Amish had an exceptionally long distance to travel, they typically travel by train. The Amish can travel by plane in emergency circumstances if given permission by their bishop. In addition to the buggy, Amish travel by bicycle, which is popular in Florida, or by scooter, which was extremely popular in Pennsylvania. The horse drawn buggy is intended for the Amish ideal that journeys away from home are less frequent and not far away so that the family stays close. The technology in these buggies is surprisingly modern for an 1800s method of transportation. Primary components of the carriage are the torsion axle gear with air bags, a battery box which is placed on the side for

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easy access, wheels, a switch box and underdash (the customer can choose a custom combination featuring various colors and styles), stains and finishes for the interior in over 20 different shades, custom shapes of brass, nickel and bronze knobs and handles, an air compressor and air compressor gauge, a wide selection of patterns and colors of sculptured carpet and absorbent mats, a clock, speedometer, toggle and rocker switches, mug holders and various colors and shapes of mirrors, marker lights, tail lights, strip lights and fog lights. The 40 inch wheels come in four types of composition: wood, fiberglass, and aluminum (all three types weight 46 pounds per wheel) and steel which weighs 54 pounds per wheel. The wheels contain a thick rubber that helps to reduce the sound of the tires on the road while cushioning the impact of potholes on their carriage. The windshield wipers are there but they must be manually twisted from left to right using a small handle or knob inside the buggy's


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front windshield. Brakes are automotive-style, non-powered drum or disc brakes mounted to two wheels. These carriages will typically cost around $8,000 (horse not included). The price is about the same price as most of us spent on our first car, yet because these buggies are made in the high-quality way that the Amish have become known for, they will last a long time. Typically a buggy can last for 20 to 30 years before any major rebuilding needs to be done. Even then, it is not uncommon for the same buggy to be used for 50 years, being rebuilt several times. States with large Amish populations, such as Ohio and Pennsylvania, require drivers to turn their lights on when using public roads shared with cars. As long as the local church approves, an Amish community is allowed certain forms of technology. The battery can be used to power the lights as well as kerosene or gas lamps inside. A single 20-volt/6-amp battery, the type that powers an electric drill, runs the whole electrical system for two to three hours on a charge. Those traveling for longer carry spare batteries. Most buggies have a front console, much like our front dashboard, with a switch box that contains all of the electrical switches a driver would need (headlights, taillights, interior lights and turn signals). A horse and buggy's vintage looking exterior is similar to that of the average car. The exterior can be made from fiberglass, aluminum, oak, wood and other fabrics or modified wood. In the Amish world, the carriages come in different colors and those colors correspond to what variation of religion the Amish are. Designs designate specific communities and groups. In places where Amish and Mennonites live side-by-side, like in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, there are different styles on the road; the Amish drive gray-topped buggies while the Old Order Mennonites have black buggies with a boxier shape. Gray buggies are the most common although they can be yellow, brown, white, etc. and range in style from carts to open wagons to enclosed buggies. Interiors may vary based on what is accepted in a given Amish church, and the age of the driver, in which you would be likely to find the more creative interiors found in the vehicles of the younger generation. Amish youth further customize their buggies with interior and exterior decorations, woodwork and even music systems. Just like English youth, Amish youth typically get their first buggies at age 16. Purchased by the parents, they will buy the horse, harness and a used buggy. There is a strong demand for good used buggies because of the Amish youth. Some buggies enable passengers to enter through a sliding door, while others use roll-up curtains. Buggies can be two-seater, fourseater, half-enclosed, completely open and so on. In Amish areas, many businesses, from mom-and-pop stores to McDonald’s and Wal-Mart, provide buggy parking areas and hitching posts. Crucial to the Amish lifestyle, the horse and buggy come to be a symbol of the plain people. Amish feel that the horse-drawn carriage

promotes a slower pace of life and a greater reliance on community. Amish cannot own an automobile, but most Amish are allowed to ride in a bus or car. Amish not only use horses for their buggies, they additionally use a number of horse-drawn devices in their daily lives, especially for farming. The Discover Lancaster website said it best: "The Pennsylvania Amish of Lancaster County are America's oldest Amish settlement, where thousands still live a centuries-old "Plain" lifestyle. Arriving in Pennsylvania Dutch Country allows you to step back in time to enjoy a slower, more peaceful pace - one where the horse & buggy remains a primary form of transportation, and where windmills dot the landscape, providing power harnessed from nature."

I cannot recommend a visit to Dutch Pennsylvania without also suggesting a wonderful accommodation! If you do decide to make a stop in the lovely little town of Intercourse and are looking for a place to stay, I would highly recommend making a reservation at the Best Western Intercourse Village Inn & Suites. The hotel not only has an ideal location, but it is beautiful, clean, charming and the staff are some of the friendliest I have encountered. We were so impressed with the hotel that we ended up staying there at both the beginning and end of our trip!

Some additional information was used for this article from and

Candy Cocktail follow me on Instagram @candycocktail

MAY 2017


I'm sure we all have seen the iconic poster from the War World ll era. The famous "WE CAN DO IT" poster. With the young women posing with a rolled up work shirt on. With a polka dot bandana in her hair. After watching a documentary on how this movement started. I was moved to share what I thought some of you might not know. Kind of like me. See Rosie the Riveter is a cultural icon of the United States. Representing the American women who worked in factories and shipyards during World War II. These women took entry level jobs replacing the male workers who were in the military. Rosie the Riveter was used as a symbol of feminism and women's economic power. Rosie the Riveter wasn't just one women. It was a number of women the stepped up to support the United states during the World War II. Like these two real-life "Rosie the Riveters", they are getting recognition for their contributions during WWII. Phyllis Roullier and Mary Jezowski-Serge built planes at Willow Run during the war. They were honored at the Yankee Air Museum. Not even a mile from where the original plant stood. Phyllis Roullier told Highway Media she's proud of the work she and her fellow riveters did. "I was really proud to be Rosie the Riveter and be an American and doing my part for the war," Roullier says. Women workers were widespread in the media as government posters, and commercial advertising was heavily used by the government to encourage women to volunteer for wartime in factories. Millions of women were encouraged to work in industry settings and take over jobs previously done by men. Nearly 19 million women help jobs during World War II. Many of these women were already working in a lower paying job or were returning to the work force after being laid off during the depression. One government advertisement asked women: "Can you use an electric mixer? If so, you can learn to operate a drill."[ Although most women took on male dominated trades during World War II. They were expected to return to their everyday housework once the men returned from the war. Being able to support the soldiers by making all different products made the women feel very accomplished and proud of their work. African American, Hispanic, White, and Asian women worked side by side. Kirstine Vrooman shares about the time when she decided to take action and become a riveter. She got a job building B-17s on an assembly line, she shares just how exciting it was saying, “The biggest thrill — I can tell you — was when the B-17s rolled off the assembly line. You can't believe the feeling we had. We did it!"[ In 1944, when victory seemed assured for the United States. Many women returned to traditional work such as clerical or administration positions, despite their reluctance to re-enter the


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lower-paying fields or the role of the housewife. However, some of these women continued working in the factories. According to the Encyclopedia of American Economic History, "Rosie the Riveter" inspired a social movement that increased the number of working American women from 12 million to 20 million by 1944. Even after the men returned home for the war. Although the image of "Rosie the Riveter" reflected the industrial work of welders and riveters during World War II. The majority of working women filled nonfactory positions in every sector of the

economy. The experiences of these women was that they proved to themselves and our country that they could do a "man's job" and could do it well! For some, World War II represented a major turning point for women as they eagerly supported the war effort. After the war, the "Rosies" and the generations that followed them knew that working in the factories was in fact a possibility for all women. So when you see the iconic "WE CAN DO IT" poster, (designed in 1942, by a Pittsburgh artist named J. Howard Miller that in later years would be called "Rosie the Riveter") you should stop and thank each and every "Rosie" that stood up and took action to help support the United States of American. In a time and place where the women were housewife's. Dinner on the table by 6, and cleaning the house was the only thing they were told they could do right. They showed up in great numbers to support our troops. Doing this was unheard of for some women, but a challenge to many others. And that is something we should all take a moment to be grateful for. So with my closing, Id like to say thank you to all the service men an women that have not only made the United States of America what it is today, but what it will be for our future generations to come also. And thank you to all the Roise's of the world. I know that this movement changed the way many people thought about the women. The Roise’s of America allowed other women to be strong and show what we really can do. They did it‌. And we can we do it, too!! XoXo

MAY 2017


Caffeine and Octane in the Morning By Cassie Mullins - Shadow Rose Photography Saturday March 18th, I woke up and realized I needed my daily dose of Caffeine and Octane. I hopped in my car with the lovely pinup model Shevi De Lux and we took off for Jekyll Island in Georgia to one of the biggest car events of the year. The amount of vehicles were insane. There was everything from mustangs to Allards. There was also a large collection of motorcycles and other fabulous cars built by the Fuller Moto Company. I have been photographing car shows for some time now so this show was no exception. Shevi De Lux and I both came in full pinup and had a wonderful time talking with car owners, browsing all the vendor booths, and even getting a few pictures taken by Joe Valicenti, who is one of the show’s creators. Everyone was awesome and I cannot wait to attend the next Caffeine and Octane car show.


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Hallowed Ground! Photos & Story by: Brian Barsema Any show that can display over a thousand rides, is a site to witness. Standing In the infield of one the most historic tracks in racing brings awe to all that enter. Welcome to Mega Show Weekend in Florida! March 25th! Living in Florida comes with hard choices for any car lovers. Massive Mustang shows to the North and Central Florida, Billetproof at Don Garletis Museum in Ocala, Spring Turkey Run, and many more little shows. We decided to get our weekend dose of car show fun in Daytona, Florida. The 28th Annual Spring Turkey Run. Turkey Run is a very large tradition for my family. I remember coming to the track with my father usually during Thanksgiving. Truck or camper always full leaving with a bunch of new car parts, every time. The shopping is always great. The clubs are always welcoming, especially to out of towners. Out in town, is so welcoming with more great cruises and people loving the cars at each cruise. For my kids to share the same tradition it is priceless. This show is mostly contained within the historic track. The different car clubs usually park together around the different turns of the track. It is a good time had by all. It is a very large show that takes a lot of hard work from the track and all the clubs to make it successful. Rat Rod, imports, antiques, whatever your heart's desire can be found within these walls. Grab a map because this show is monster of a show and you never know what you might miss out on. This particular show, I spent time near the AMC club. Owning my father's old Nash Metropolitan, they are few and far apart these days. Any knowledge is useful! This show is so big I had multiple friends from as far away as Louisiana and South Carolina in the track walls. I still missed multiple people inside this track that I have met from everywhere inside this massive event. Bring walking shoes, good clothes, and sunscreen. Spring or Fall this event is completely another level of show. Be prepared bring cash and be prepared to lose the cash on goodies because once the fun starts you will either be dead tired or not wanting to leave. I will continue to visit this massive show year after year. Time and travel are well worth the trip. I cannot wait to see what the future of this show holds for this Mega Show on Hallowed Grounds!


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MAY 2017

Shadow Rose Photography's Pinup Shootout Story by Brian Barsema March 14th, 2017 Twice a year, I have the wonderful privilege to work this event. This event is to help pinups, photographers, and car owners learn from one another and build contacts within each other's communities. This time we hosted it in the beautiful grounds of the Trout Creek Fish Camp in St Augustine Florida. (A Photographer's Dream Site for picture taking.) We have held this event a couple times in different locations. It keeps growing! Our family of car and pinup culture keeps growing. We have the best car owners around who try to support us time and time again. Everything from Hot Rods to Rat Rods to even our first imports to the list. This time we needed all the support we could get. We had a couple clubs schedule last minute shows, one being a bigger show. Our event was held the last day of the Concourse in Amelia Island and they cancelled completely due to strong storms rolling through our areas. We decided to gamble and roll the dice. We held it despite. We lost a lot of big tire Drag Cars and Rat Rods because of the storms. We found a way to make it work. We put the large Jeepers Creepers and all the cars under the pavilion during the rain kept on shooting. Our farthest traveling Pinup lady Shevi De Lux came all the way from Texas to participate. It was quite a pleasure to get our family of misfits together. We had reappearances from: Jeepers Creepers the 850 plus HP Mega Truck Rat Rod and Bevin's Garage Rat Rod Tow Truck No Mater. These trucks are absolutely fan favorites anywhere they go around Florida. This year we even hosted a best shot contest judged by a local car club representative, a representative from the Great Race that is starting in Jacksonville in June (where it originally began), our main host Mrs. Shadow Rose Photography, and the owner of Grease Rags Clothing company (a locally owned pinup shop in North Florida). Sadly, due to watching the bad weather coming in and prepping, and helping one car owner who lost a radiator trying to attend, my pictures were limited. Making sure everyone is safe and okay kept me on the phone checking making sure the car made it home safely. I asked Mrs. Shadow Rose Photography (Cassie Mullins) to include some pictures in on this article. We all had a blast. The photographers, pinups, and car owners still came away knowing we had fun and we created just a little bit of magic!

MAY 2017


Welcome to Georgia April Fools Rod Run April 8, 2017 Waycross, Georgia Photos & Story By: Brian Barsema Welcome to Georgia, April Fool's Rod Run is next visit to get car show fix going. Perfect weather, not to hot or cold. This show is country fair atmosphere in a car show. Rods come from all over. Everyone brings their cars, tents, and families out for this one. I recognized cars from Pensacola to Edgewater Florida making the long drive up for this one. Family on Saturday is name of the game here. While you enjoy the show your kids have plenty to do. Power truck bucket rides, slides, bouncy houses, tractors for climb on, and displays from the local first responders. The cars on the field hold your attention, but shows on stage highlight this great venue. Little kids dancing, singing, and school participation make this medium sized show a truly great atmosphere it was. Enough about the perks of this show, let's get down to rides. Entering the gate first thing you see is no mater for the kids. Then great ride after great ride. I will tell you right now. I have seen some these rides in multiple car magazines. The first famous ride I noticed was Ken Cornine's PAC RAT for Edgewater Florida with multiple features in magazines. Up and down every row I recognized certain rides that I have in features at my house or have seen recently. This show has pull. Georgia has its best and brightest on display for this show. The rides and rods are not done justice by any picture I can take at show. Rodders traditionally meet up on Friday night after day one of this show and they do some cruising. The draw is here, rodders go behind the Apple Bees and motel nearby and light them up. They show case these rods for everyone to see. In the car community, I could see messages from a state away car people talking and preparing to attend this part of the show. They go out and have good old fashion fun with these rides. I was sad to have to leave this show and hope to return one day. This show has room to grow. If you ever are around Georgia for April Fool's Rod Run it's an amazing stop on my travels from show to show. You would have to be Fool to not attend this Rod extravaganza.


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By: Rooster McGee Living and lovin’ life Hey everybody its rooster! Hope this note finds everybody happy and in good health. Just wanted to state the fact that this car life helps me! It helps me believe in myself. It helps me stay motivated to breath air and stay focused on what's important in life! I believe that my cars help me stay healthy and movin’ through my journey! You can ask anyone that loves cars if they think it helps them stay healthy! I’m sure the answer is yes.....I myself have been sick in the past and found myself dreaming about the fix or the work that has to be done on one of my cars! I needed to get out of the slump or get better so I could get back to work. The rooster is in the process of getting all my ratrods running and road worthy!! I will be attending a car show at the end of June, and will attempt to take all the ratrods I have and possibly 1 new one to that show. I’ll start on that new build May 1st. Very top secret! But I can tell you it will encompass many, many, years of cars...and different types. I guess I can throw a hint. Sports car! So stay tuned for that story as it has yet to be written. So, what makes you happy? Sometimes it’s the simple things in life. Can you name your top ten? ... Here is Roosters top 10!! #1 God #2 my wife #3 my kids #4 my mom #5 my lowrider #6 my ratrods # 7 having food to eat #8 having gas in vehicles # 9 breathing fresh air #10 seeing happy people!!!!! Some of these can change daily, but it is a good motivation to have. I tell myself everyday someone has it worse than I do out there, very true statement.... I love being free to live my life the way I choose in the greatest country in the world... America!!!! This ratrod life makes me feel alive. Building my dreams, caring for my family, earning an honest living are all important to me and I never forget to


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This is what KOOL guys look like! with Charles Hunter, Mark Worrell, Jimmy Williams, Chris Eggleston and “Rooster McGee”.

thank God every morning for another day. At night as I lay and rest I thank him for helping me walk the path. So love yourself, love your cars, and go out there and smile!!! I hope that whoever reads this can feel better! So livin’ life is great!!! And lovin’ life is even better!! Hope y’all find it like the rooster with that being said I have to go pull another motor.. cockadoodle doo!!!

AND REMEMBER ..The difference between the Pope and your boss, the Pope only expects you to kiss his ring. ..My mind works like lightning, one brilliant flash and it is gone. ..The only time the world beats a path to your door is if you're in the bathroom. ..I hate sex in the movies. Tried it once. The seat folded up, the drink spilled and that ice, well, it really chilled the mood. ..It used to be only death and taxes. Now, of course, there's shipping and handling, too. ..A husband is someone who, after taking the trash out, gives the impression that he just cleaned the whole house. ..My next house will have no kitchen just vending machines and a large trash can. .. Definition of a teenager? God's punishment...for enjoying sex. Thought for the day: Be who you are and say what you feel... because those that matter..don't mind...and those that mind... don't matter!

Thanks Rooster Mcgee….he was one happy boy all day long — Rooster and Christy Jones Leupold.

And as you slide down that Banister of Life you should pray that all the splinters are pointed the other way...

By: Gizmo I met these folks a few years back, while I was rebuilding my 3 window coupe. Mike Miller and Benjamin Miller of True Custom Steering Wheels in Carriere Ms. Their specialty is building steering wheels. But not just their idea of a custom wheel, but pretty much anything a customer could want or dream up they can build it. If you can sketch it out roughly or communicate to them what you desire your wheel to look like, they can draw it up nice and show you a rendering and with your approval proceed to build your wheel the way you imagined it. Mr. Mike started doing machine shop work in Florida in 1988, and opened shop here in Carriere in 2003 doing the custom steering wheels. He was doing this as a one man operation until about 2012 when his son Benjamin retired from the Navy he decided to join forces with his Dad. They are both quite capable machinists and turn out some truly remarkable stuff. They recently built some things to support the efforts of Travis Motorsports on Shane Lester’s new Mustang, The Evil Twin. They are not limited to just steering wheels they can pretty much build or solve most all machining projects or problems. They have built more than a few one off custom pieces for me for both the Chases Big Truck project and my 32 roadster. They are both well versed in Hot Rod speak and are both gearheads at heart.

One of their customers wanted a twelve inch diameter steering wheel for his racecar; needless to say none were available on the aftermarket. Oh and he wanted it in aluminum. So off they went figuring out how to build a tube roller to bend a perfect circle of aluminum tubing, one of the pictures shows that neat little machine they built to do that. Their shop is equipped with a compliment of machining tools typical of those required to do complicated machining processes and they are very reasonable on their rates. Plus the fact they enjoy solving problems and machining up a solution. A third generation machine shop protégé is coming up behind them, and he expressed interest in a project that the senior Mr. Miller had started a while back, the 32 sedan in the picture has been handed over to that grandson to move forward with. When I first met them the Sedan was pushed way to the back of the shop and barely visible, not at all what it looks like today. So if you are in need of a custom wheel, or a special bracket, or a neat little mount machined, stop in and see them or give them a call, you won’t be disappointed. Later Gizmo

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Stefanie Lea As you know Jeramie and The Flammin 8 Speed Shop are well on their way with the Rat Rod they will be driving to SEMA this fall. As we watch this team get closer to what will be a great addition to The International Rat Rod Build Off Competition for this years show in Vegas. Its my honor to introduce you to another team representing TEAM U.S.A.! They call themselves Team Cutters.... from Trementina, New Mexico. Charlie Pacheco with his wife Karen and their beautiful children Isaiah, Anjelica and Aubri. Along with Charlie's parents Elmo and Rita Pacheco. Who are all proudly supporting him on this adventure. Mix in a few hard working friends and cousins then you have yourself *** TEAM CUTTERS!!

Charlie is someone I can relate to more then I thought at first. He is in this competition for the love of the build. The passion he has for Rat Rods is dully noted. With his family by his side this is something they chose to do as a hobby together. Just like with my dad and our family, with every Rat Rod Dad has built over the years, we all come together to add something to each of his builds as a family. I'm sure Charlie and his family will do the same. And they will be making plenty of memories along the way. Team Cutters build is a 1942 International KB 3 truck. They will be making a scaled down version of a semi. This plan started when Charlie went to an auction held for an elderly farmer in Endee, New Mexico. They are putting the ’42 on a 1 ton Chevy Chassis, with a 12 valve Cummins diesel engine under the hood. Along with a P7100 fuel pump with a 5 speed Allison transmission. Running a tandem rear axle, with 10 x 22.5 inch Alco wheels and tires. Also they will put a 32 inch sleeper on the back of this beast. All this riding on a air ride suspension. Of course it will be dropped a few inches as any true Rat Rod builder would do. Its sure to be a show stopper. Charlie and his team started this build in February. They already have the wheels on the chassis. Along with the body on the frame and the front clip mocked up. I’d say they are well on their way to a great build. So sit back and enjoy what's yet to come from these two amazing teams. As we not only watch these Rat Rods being built but come to life. We also get to watch two teams come together, building life long friendships as well. I can say they are both proud to be working together to make TEAM USA all it can be. Good luck TEAM CUTTERS! As we all look forward to more from both of them on THE ROAD TO SEMA 2017! XoXo


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Jim “JR” Roberts

Phone: 228-314-4405

Vehicle Safety Inspector Jerry Cuevas · 228 326-7489

Lynne Lightfoot Phone: 504-228-1337 P.O. Box 2847 · Gulfport,MS. 39505

www· Stefanie Lea Photographer / Reporter


MAY 2017

June 3 IHRA Summit Super Series One Race 1/8 mile JuniorsFootbrake-Electronics Gates open at 4pm June 7 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune June 9-11 King of the Coast 1/8 mile Gaylon Rolison, promoter 228 323-7325 June 14 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune June 21 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune June 23 Friday Night Tugs & Truck Meet open at 6pm June 24 Street Wars 1/4 Mile Challenge & After Party Gates open at 3pm Hourly payouts begin 6pm June 28 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune June 30 TGIF 1000” Race Footbrake & Electronics Gates open 6pm July 5 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune July 8 IHRA Summit Super Series One Race 1/8 mile JuniorsFootbrake-Electronics Gates open at 4pm

I-10 Exit 31 Go south on Canal Rd. Cross over the railroad tracks. Go about one mile. Turn left onto Racetrack Rd.

Gates Open 6 p.m. ∙ Time Trials Start 6 p.m. ∙ Eliminations at 9 p.m. Car & Driver: $25.00 ∙ Spectators: $8.00 ∙ 10 Yrs. & Under: $5.00

$50 plus Trophy for each Winner - Minimum 4 Cars required for each Bracket. Once time trials have ended, there is no rainout! May 3 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune May 5-7 King of the Coast 1/8 mile Gaylon Rolison, promoter 228 323-7325 May 10 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune May 12 Test & Tune Only Gates open 6pm-10pm May 13 IHRA Summit Super Series Double Hitter 1/8 mile Race 1 Junior-Footbrake-Electronics Gates open 9am. Race 2 Footbrake -Electronics Gates open 4pm May 17 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune May 26-28 Memorial Day Blowout ALL MOTORCYCLES May 31 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune

July 12 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune July 19 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune July 26 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune July 28 TGIF 1000” Race Footbrake & Electronics Gates open 6pm August 2 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune August 9 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune August 12 IHRA Summit Super Series One Race 1/8 mile Juniors-Footbrake-Electronics Gates open at 4pm August 16 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune August 23 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune August 18 Friday Night Tugs & Truck Meet open at 6pm August 25 TGIF 1000” Race Footbrake & Electronics Gates open 6pm August 30 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune September 6 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune September 8 Test & Tune Only Gates open 6pm-10pm September 9 IHRA Summit Super Series Double Hitter 1/8 mile Race 1 Junior-Footbrake-Electronics Gates open 9am. Race 2 Footbrake-Electronics Gates open 4pm September 13 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune September 20 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune September 22-24 King of the Coast 1/8 mile Gaylon Rolison, promoter 228 323-7325 September 27 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune September 29-30 Hazardous Waste Rat Rods Friday gates open 5pm meet and greet Saturday gates open 9am October 4 King of the Hill Wednesday Test & Tune October 6 Asphalt Assault 1/4 mile gates open 4pm Free Stoplight racing 4pm Progressive payouts 6pm Cruising Parade 8pm Burnout 10pm October 6 SmackDown 1/8 & 1/4 mile win lights - No ET slips heads up - dragradials or slicks only. Gates open 11pm-2pm

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1764 Denny Ave, Pascagoula, MS 726 Bienville Blvd., Ocean Springs, MS 10229 Central Ave, Diberville, MS 291 Beauvoir Rd, Biloxi, MS 2223 25th. Ave, Gulfport, MS 15248 Dedeaux Rd, Gulfport, MS 19097 Pineville Rd, Long Beach, MS. 1043 Frontage East, Wiggins, MS Auto Zone is built on customer service, spirit and pride. We have a rich history and culture that’s both friendly and casual. But our ULTIMATE goal is to EXCEED our customers’ expectations.

320 HWY 90, Waveland, MS 1590 South Main St, Poplarville, MS 802 Memorial Blvd, Picayune, MS

MAY May 4–7 Destin, FL Burning Up The Beaches the MOST partyin, fun, BEST value classic car weekend on the circuit! If you are looking for a fun, relaxing weekend on the beach to meet other gearheads and have a BLAST at the beach, THIS IS IT! Car show central is located at Destin Commons, located in the heart of Destin Fl, All Burning Up The Beaches net funds go to The Arc of the Emerald Coast serving those with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, and other developmental disabilities. Registration opens 9:00am – 5:00pm Address: 4100 Legendary Dr, Destin, FL 32541 Car Show!! 10:00am – 5:00pm Location: Destin Commons Valve Cover Racing, Vendors, Destin Commons GREAT restaurants and shops, Mega 50/50. Our awards include: 1. Public Choice 2. Sponsors Choice 3. Boardwalks Best 4. Horizons Clients Choice 5. The Wild Bill award, in memory of Burning up the Beaches supporter Wild Bill Tuttle, awarded by his family to the most fun car and crew. “The Street Party” – After the Car Show (5:30 pm-8:30 pm) – we will be dancing in the streets to the tunes of Emerald Gold! Tastings will be provided via the fabulous restaurants of Destin Commons along with the ever famous Draw Down with Cash and Prizes!!! Car Corral and swap meet are open all weekend! Here is a great video to show what Burning Up the Beaches is all about! Contact Us Phone: 850-376-1037 or Email: May 5 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. May 6 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Information Jimbo 228 596-0664 (Continued on page 44)


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May 6 Franklinton, LA Classic Car & Truck Show from 8:00 a. m. until 1:00 p.m. at the Washington Parish Fairgrounds in Franklinton, LA. The car show is in conjunction with “Springtime in Mile Branch Pioneer Settlement” and an antique tractor show. Registration for the car & truck show is $25 per vehicle. Awards are given. For more information, contact the Franklinton Chamber of Commerce at 985-839-5822, by email at or website at Sponsored by the Franklinton Chamber of Commerce May 6 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner (KFC at Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds benefit local charities. Event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. Info Jo-Jo 251 367-6666 & enjoy the KFC Buffet May 6 Ocean Springs, MS 3rd Annual Classic Car and Truck Show: Saturday, May 6, 2017 at the Ocean Springs Civic Center, 3730 Bienville Blvd. Sponsored by Ocean Springs Health and Rehab. $20 Registration Fee, registration from 8am - 11am, AWARDS at 1pm! Top 15 Cars (pre 1980), Top 10 Trucks (pre 1980), 5 Specialty Awards (open class for all years) 50/50 and lots of door prizes! ALL PROCEEDS will go to the Ronald McDonald House of Greater New Orleans. BBQ and much more! DON'T MISS IT! May 6 Slidell La. 1st Saturday Night Open Cruise-in the Coastal Cruisers Open Cruise Night is at North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. & I-12, Slidell, La. Music and 50/50, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. 1st Saturday of each month Feb thru Oct for information or membership inquires. Call John at 985 400-0527 May 12 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 May 13 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-in at the Harbor. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Open to all Car/ Truck/Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers May 13 Biloxi, MS Second Saturday Super Cruise-In at Edgewater Mall west parking lot. 6-9 p.m. March thru September (except April). Music, 50/50, fun and friends. Spend a warm evening with cool cars and friendly people. Hosted by Antique Auto and Engine Club of Mississippi & Mississippi Coast Mustang Club. May 13 Biloxi, MS Annual Honoring our Veterans Car show at the Biloxi VA. Open show 9 AM to 3 PM. Awards Music, games. Door prizes and 50/50. All proceeds go to VA Services Division. Registration $20. More information call 228 392 6134 May 13 Biloxi 2nd Saturday Cruise-In. Every 2nd Saturday of each month from March to October from 5pm - 9pm, Music, 50/50 drawing. Open to all Cars/Trucks/Bikes - Fun and entertaining for every one of all ages. Great Pizza and more at Pops Pizzeria, 921G Cedar Lake Road, Biloxi, MS 39532 Hosted by the Back Bay Cruizers. May 13 Mandeville La. 10th Annual Cruisin' With YFM 1088 (Youth For Mandeville). Open Car and Truck Show. $20 Entry Fee Day Of Event Registration 8:30am to 11am, Awards at 2:30 pm, “Top Twenty-five & Peoples’ Choice Awards”, “Best of Show”, “Best Paint” “Best Interior” “Best Engine” “Best Car” & “Best Truck” “Dash Plaques for The First 50 Entrees”, 50/50 Drawing, Silent Auction, As Well As Other Drawing Thru-out The Day. (Rain or Shine) Indoor Facility to Accommodate All Guests, Early Bird Breakfast, Jambalaya, Gumbo, Hot Dogs, Soft Drinks, and Lots More Available on Site. This Is A Non-Alcohol Family Friendly Event. Bring the Kids and Grandkids, Spacewalk will be provided. Lots of Fun for all. All Proceeds Benefit Youth Group (Continued on page 46)


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Activities. For More Info Contact Lloyd, At (504) 451-1522 or David at Show Located At Mandeville Christian Fellowship Church 1211 Hwy 1088. Get on I-12 and take exit 68, 1088 West toward Mandeville and go 2 miles to four way stop, proceed 500 more feet Car Show on the right (Mandeville Christian Fellowship Church) May 13 Orange Park FL County Cruzers Rev It Up! Car Show All makes & models welcome. Vendor spaces available. Saturday May 13, at 1701 Park Ave. Orange Park Fl 32073. $25 entry for cars. All you can eat breakfast $6. Hand made trophies. All funds raised for local charities. Gates open 9am May 13 Purvis, MS 6th annual Purvis car truck and bike show. At the Lamar county shelter building. Check in 8am-12, Awards at 2pm, cars, trucks, bikes and unfinished classes. Lots of awards including best of show and Cub Scout choice, and many more! Door prizes, silent auction, live auction and 50/50 raffle. Concessions are available. Vendors are welcome (no food vendors) , All proceeds will be donated to our local Scout program! For info call Cindy Reid 601 596-7085 or Eric Reid 601 596-4205 May 13 Slidell, LA Habitat for Humanity presents the Louisiana Veterans Festival Car & Truck Exhibition. Get ready for the fourth annual Louisiana Veterans Festival, including live entertainment, fabulous food, games, rides and a spectacular Car and Truck Exhibition. It's your opportunity to show off your prized vehicle and help the East St. Tammany Habitat for Humanity in their efforts to provide affordable homes for deserving veterans. Saturday, May 13, 2017 - Festival 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Car & Truck Exhibition 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Awards at 3:00 p.m. Northshore Harbor Center, Slidell, LA $20 Advanced Registration Fee or $25 day of show. Your registration fee includes: Reserved space for your vehicle in the Car Exhibition, Admission for two into the Louisiana Veterans Festival ($16 value), Dash Plaques for first 100 vehicles registered, Goody Bags for first 100 vehicles registered. May 13 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 5pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 May 19-20 Nashville, TN The 3rd annual indoor car show at the Nashville Boogie Vintage Weekender. Just $5 spectator fee or FREE w/ the festival wristband. No charge after 6pm. Reg fee is $25 and comes with a FREE shirt! Live music, vintage clothing, vendor market and pinup contest included. Daily load in and out is available. All pre 72 cars, bikes and trucks welcome. Friday May 19 & Saturday May 20 10 am to 10 pm. Stop by Gulf Coast MotorSports Pit Stop and meet Stefanie Lea http:// May 19-20 Lumberton, MS Lumberton Lions Club Buster Crider Memorial Car, Truck & Bike Show at Little Black Creek Waterpark - Lumberton, MS. Entry $20 Day of Show / every entry gets a plaque. Door prizes and Awards. Good Food, Oldies Music, (Continued on page 48)


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Mon - Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday

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2595 Pass Rd Biloxi, MS 39531 Call 228 331-1749 WE MAKE EVERYTHING FRESH DAILY !

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MAY 2017

50/50 tickets. Free Movie Drive-in style by lake Friday night. Come out and HELP Give Someone the Gift of Sight and support our community. Camp sites and Cabins available or 601 794-2957 Questions call Kent 601 329-6996 May 20 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Twin Peaks 4pm till. Lakeview Village, 3516 Sangani Blvd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Good Eats, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 May 20 Pascagoula, MS 12th Annual Show By The Shore Car Show at Beach Park. Silent Auction, Bingo games, Wipe Out Board, Door Prizes, 50/50 Drawings. Registration 8am -10:00 am Judging starts at 10:00 am / Awards 3:30pm Top 40 plus Sponsor Awards. Best of Show, Pre 1991, Best of Show, Post 1990, Rat Rod Class, Model T and A (NON MODIFIED) Club Participation, Host Class. Dash Plaques For updates see: Web Site : Facebook : Magnolia Classic Cruisers MCC Supported Charities for 2016 Disabled American Veterans Chapter 17, American Cancer Society, Relay for Life Jackson County, Ms., Dream Program, Inc. Information: Betty Carter 228218-9831 or Shannon Broom 228-2173629 - Rain date June 10 May 20 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. May 20 Slidell, LA 3rd Saturday night cruise-in at Fremaux Town Center. Take Fremaux exit off I-10 Slidell, La. 5:00-9:00PM. Music, 50/50, Shopping & Restaurants. All cars, trucks & bikes welcome. Hosted by Irons C.C. For information leave a message for Bart @ 504-913-9715 (March-November.) May 26 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In Café. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. For more info. call Randy at 228-254-5270 May 26-27 Biloxi, MS AAECM 39th Annual May Show at Point Cadet Plaza in Biloxi, MS (located just off Hwy 90 at the west end of the Biloxi/Ocean Springs bridge). This is an open car, truck and cycle show. Trophies and plaques awarded for pre-war, post-war and modified vehicles, as well as a “trouble” trophy and Kid’s Choice trophy. Vehicles newer than 1990 will be for display only. Boy Scouts will have food available for sale. Friday night meal provided for registered guests. Free Bingo with cash prizes on Friday and Saturday afternoon. 50/50 on Saturday. Limited RV and vendor spaces available (pre-registration required). Single car registration is $25.00 advance (by May 17th) and $30.00 at the gate. Free admission and plenty of parking for spectators. Presented by the Antique Automobile & Engine Club of MS,, call Peter (228) 832-7710, Andy (228) 547-9030, Mark (228) 332-1700. May 27 Biloxi, MS 4TH Saturday Cruise Night . Cedar Lake shopping Center Biloxi. 6-9 PM. Hosted by MS Beach Cruisers. More info call 228 324 1301 (April thru August) May 27 Grand Bay, AL Country Cruzers 4th Saturday Morning Cruise-in. "Everyone Gets to Park in the Shade" Next to Sam's

(Continued on page 52)

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Superburger by Greer's ( 10126 Grand Bay Wilmer Rd, Grand Bay, AL 36541 ) 9am - 1pm Music from the 50's, 60's & 70's...Fun for the whole family. Classic Cars, Trucks, Tractors and more.... (March thru September) Questions call 251-209-9253 May 27 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome May 27 Pascagoula, MS. 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in at Ingalls Engineering Complex 3943 Denny Ave. (Hwy 90) Pascagoula, MS Large lighted Parking lot, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. For additional Info: Call Shannon Broom at 228-217-3629, Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS. May 27 Pascagoula, MS Elk's BPOE 1120 3rd Annual Car Show. 9 am till 3 pm Location 314 Krebs Ave. Pascagoula Ms. Directions: Coming from the west turn left on Pascagoula St. immediate left on Laurel St. turn left onto Magnolia st. go under bridge turn right onto Frederic st. turn right onto Krebs. Coming from the East turn right onto Pascagoula St and follow the the above Directions after turning onto Pascagoula St. Preregistration $15.00 till May 22 after that $20.00 TOP 25 AWARDS and 50/50, Door Prizes, Burgers, Hot Dogs, Fries, Beverages ( soft & hard ). Awards at 3 pm. Contact- Thomas Browning 228-217-6491 George Haines 228-623-0865 May 27 Picayune, MS Boulevard Cruisers' 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in. Memorial Hwy. at Burger King, Picayune, MS. 6 till 9pm. 50/50 & Oldies music (March through October.) May 27 Waveland, MS Please join us for Second annual Classic Car Show a fun-filled car show on May 27, 2017 held in conjunction with the St. Clare Seafood Festival. The St. Clare's Seafood Festival presents the Second annual Classic Car Show being held in conjunction with the annual festival. All proceeds benefit St. Clare's Church. The festival provides all types of food, (Continued on page 56)

$20 Day of Show / Every entry gets a plaque. Door prizes and Awards. Good Food, Oldies Music, 50/50 tickets. Free Movie Drive-in style by lake Friday night. Come out and HELP Give Someone the Gift of Sight and support our community. Camp sites and Cabins available or 601 794-2957 Questions call Kent 601 329-6996 52

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craft vendors, children's rides and activities, silent auction, dash plaques and top 10 awards. The beautiful view of the Gulf, the sandy beaches, the smell of great food, music and cool breezes provide a great day of fun and relaxation. Registration begins at 8 am. Awards at 3 pm. There will be a Blessing of the Cars during the Show by our Pastor. There is great food, craft vendors, rides for the kids, all combined with the beautiful view of the gulf. For more info contact John or Mary Ann at 228-586-2194 or 228-4674639

JUNE June 2 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. June 3 Biloxi, MS Deliver the Cure. Treasure Bay Casino MDA Fundraiser Fish Fry Open Car/Truck Show. Sponsored by National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 1374. All proceeds go to Muscular Dystrophy Association. 9:00 - 3:00 (Awards at 2:00) Across from Treasure Bay Casino on the beach side, Highway 90, Biloxi, MS. Top 35 Awards. Treasure Bay Choice (this car or truck will be featured on their Rolling Thunder t-shirts in October at Cruisin' the Coast) Ronnie's Choice, Best Engine, Best Interior, Best Paint, Most Unusual, Top Two Motorcycle Awards, Top Three Rat Rods Awarded, Top Five 1986 and Newer. DOOR PRIZES! 50/50 Tickets Available for Purchase Come and Join Us For a Day of Good Food, Good Music and Silent Auction! All for a Wonderful Cause! Fish Plates $7.00. Vehicle Registration $20.00 For more information contact Crystal 228.348.0425 or Ronnie 228.365.7884 June 3 Biloxi, MS 1st Saturday Night Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Information Jimbo 228 596-0664 June 3 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner (KFC at Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds benefit local charities. Event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. Info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 & enjoy the KFC Buffet June 3 Pascagoula, MS Classic Car, Truck and Rat Rod Show 8:00am - 3:00pm at the Pascagoula Service Center, 2453 Amonett St. Pascagoula, MS Registration from 8:00am - 11:00am. Awards Presented 3:00pm. Awards - Top 25, 4 Sponsorship Trophies presented by Sponsors, Best Paint, Best Interior, Best Engine, Best of Show Car, Best of Show Truck, Best of Show Rat Rod, Overall Best of Show. All Best categories and Sponsorship trophies are 3ft high with Overall Best Of Show trophy standing 7ft. Any other information call 228-218-4980 June 3 Slidell La. 1st Saturday Night Open Cruise-in the Coastal Cruisers Open Cruise Night is at North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. & I-12, Slidell, La. Music and 50/50, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. 1st Saturday of each month Feb thru Oct for info or membership inquires. Call John at 985 400-0527 June 9 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 June 10 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-in at the Harbor. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Open to all Car/Truck/ Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers June 10 Biloxi, MS Second Saturday Super Cruise-In at Edgewater Mall west parking lot. 6-9 p.m. March thru September (except April). Music, 50/50, fun and friends. Spend a warm evening with cool cars and friendly people. Hosted by Antique Auto and Engine Club of Mississippi & Mississippi Coast Mustang Club. (Continued on page 58)


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June 10 Biloxi 2nd Saturday Cruise-In. Every 2nd Saturday of each month from March to October from 5pm - 9pm, Music, 50/50 drawing. Open to all Cars/Trucks/Bikes - Fun and entertaining for every one of all ages. Great Pizza and more at Pops Pizzeria, 921G Cedar Lake Road, Biloxi, MS 39532 Hosted by the Back Bay Cruizers. June 10 Jackson, MS 7th Annual Veterans Appreciation Fun Run. Power cruise from Jackson, MS to Collins, MS. FREE Event. This is a salute to our nursing home veterans. Let them enjoy the day admiring our vehicles. Open to all cars, trucks and motorcycles. Event starts at 9am til 11am at the Mississippi State Veterans Home in Jackson, MS (4607 Lindberg Drive). 11 am til 2 pm travel to lunch (Berry's Seafood, 2942 US Hwy 49 North, Florence, MS 39073) and on to Collins, MS. 2 pm til 4 pm MS State Veterans Home Collins. (3261 Hwy US Hwy 49 S, Collins, MS) this is a rain or shine event - Ollie Patterson 601 829-2589 June 10 Poplarville, MS 10th Annual Blueberry Jubilee Car/ Truck/Bike Show. Registration opens at 7 am, Awards at 2:30 pm. Bring the family and enjoy the day at the Blueberry Jubilee. The usual best of awards and some unusual ones. Jeff 228-216-6863 or The Blueberry Jubilee is an arts and crafts fair held on the Second Saturday in June of each year. It is at that time, because that is when the blueberries are available. The Blueberry Jubilee is located in Downtown Poplarville, Mississippi and attracts about 10,000 visitors each year. The Blueberry Jubilee features Handmade Arts and Crafts, Storytelling, Live Entertainment, Lots of Food, and Down Home Southern Hospitality. The Blueberry Jubilee Council is made up of all volunteers, and our goal is to promote Blueberries and Pearl River County. June 10 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 5pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 June 17 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Twin Peaks parking lot 4pm till. Lakeview Village, 3516 Sangani Blvd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Good Eats, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 June 17 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. June 17 Slidell, LA 3rd Saturday night cruise-in at Fremaux Town Center. Take Fremaux exit off I-10 Slidell, La. 5:00-9:00PM. Music, 50/50, Shopping & Restaurants. All cars, trucks & bikes welcome. Hosted by Irons C.C. For information leave a message for Bart @ 504-913-9715 (March-November.) June 23-25 Biloxi, MS 15th Annual Scrapin' The Coast. Best show on the Gulf Coast! * Car & Truck Show * Vendors * Live Bands * Triple point Usaci Stereo competition sponsored by Advanced Audio and Kicker Car Audio * Frame Dragging * Burnout Contest * Wild Bikini Contest * Hydraulic and Airbag competition sponsored by CCE Hydraulics * And more!!! This is a chance to get your vehicle shot by one of the many photographers and (Continued on page 60)


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videographers that we have coming! Media Coverage by: Truckin', Street Trucks, GrinderTv, Solo Films, Krookid photography, Ten31 video,, Gauge Magazine, All Time Low Magazine, and More!! Registration and drive thru judging this year is on site at the coliseum and will be inside a fully a/c building in the new convention center!!!!!! Vendor setup Friday 9am-6pm Registration and drive thru judging Friday 9am-6pm Saturday 7am-4pm Show hours Saturday 8am-6pm Sunday 8am-5pm If you would like to become a Vendor or a Sponsor email For More Information Call Greg 228-324-7671 June 23 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In CafĂŠ. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. For more info. call Randy at 228-254-5270 June 24 Biloxi, MS 4TH Saturday Cruise Night . Cedar Lake shopping Center Biloxi. 6-9 PM. Hosted by MS Beach Cruisers. More info call 228 324 1301 (April thru August) June 24 Grand Bay, AL Country Cruzers 4th Saturday Morning Cruise-in. "Everyone Gets to Park in the Shade" Next to Sam's Superburger by Greer's ( 10126 Grand Bay Wilmer Rd, Grand Bay, AL 36541 ) 9am - 1pm Music from the 50's, 60's & 70's...Fun for the whole family. Classic Cars, Trucks, Tractors and more.... (March thru September) Questions call 251-209-9253 June 24 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome June 24 Pascagoula, MS. 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in at Ingalls Engineering Complex 3943 Denny Ave. (Hwy 90) Pascagoula, MS Large lighted Parking lot, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. For additional Info: Call Shannon Broom at 228-2173629, Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS. June 24 Picayune, MS Boulevard Cruisers' 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in. Memorial Hwy. at Burger King, Picayune, MS. 6 till 9pm. 50/50 & Oldies music (March through October.)

July July 1 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 July 1 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner (KFC at Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds benefit local charities. Event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. Info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6666 & enjoy the KFC Buffet (Continued on page 62)


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July 1 Slidell La. 1st Saturday Night Open Cruise-in the Coastal Cruisers Open Cruise Night is at North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. & I-12, Slidell, La. Music and 50/50, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. 1st Saturday of each month Feb thru Oct for information or membership inquires. Call John at 985 400-0527 July 7 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. July 8 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-in at the Harbor. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Open to all Car/Truck/ Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers July 8 Biloxi 2nd Saturday Cruise-In. Every 2nd Saturday of each month from March to October from 5pm - 9pm, Music, 50/50 drawing. Open to all Cars/Trucks/Bikes - Fun and entertaining for every one of all ages. Great Pizza and more at Pops Pizzeria, 921G Cedar Lake Road, Biloxi, MS 39532 Hosted by the Back Bay Cruizers. July 8 Biloxi, MS Second Saturday Super Cruise-In at Edgewater Mall west parking lot. 6-9 p.m. March thru September (except April). Music, 50/50, fun and friends. Spend a warm evening with cool cars and friendly people. Hosted by Antique Auto and Engine Club of MS & Mississippi Coast Mustang Club. July 8 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 5pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 July 13-15 Hiawassee, GA Georgia Mountain Moonshine Cruizin’ Georgia Mountain Moonshine Cruiz-In is a annual event held in Hiawassee, GA the event site is at the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds on beautiful Lake Chatuge. Camping is available " Stay right at the show site". Enjoy three fun filled days of good ole mountain hillbilly fun. See a Pioneer village, real moonshine still in the works, mountain crafts, and plenty of hot classic cars, trucks, bikes, rat rods and more! July 14 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 July 15 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Twin Peaks parking lot. 4pm till Lakeview Village, 3516 Sangani Blvd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Good Eats, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 July 15 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. July 15 Slidell, LA 3rd Saturday night cruise-in at Fremaux Town Center. Take Fremaux exit off I-10 Slidell, La. 5:00-9:00PM. Music, 50/50, Shopping & Restaurants. All cars, trucks & bikes welcome. Hosted by Irons C.C. For information leave a message for Bart @ 504-913-9715 (March-November.) July 21-22 Wiggins, MS 6th Annual Red Creek Classic Car Appreciation Picnic & Cruise-in at Flint Creek Water Park, Highway 29, Wiggins, MS. Friday July 21st - Local stamping stops for prizes. Friday night cruise-in. Saturday July 22nd - 8am - 4pm 6th Car Club Appreciation Day Picnic & Cruise-in. NOT A SHOW & NO AWARDS. All Car Clubs and independents are invited to attend - there will be hamburgers, hot dogs & cold drinks. (contributions and donations accepted). There is a large air conditioned building (just in case you need to get out of the heat) and plenty of shade trees. No charge to attend. Places to stay: Best Western Woodstone - 535 East Frontage Drive, Wiggins, MS 39577 Phone: (601) 928-1616 / Hampton Inn & Suites Wiggins 1121 East Frontage Drive, Wiggins, MS 39577 Phone:(601) 5285255 / Flint Creek Water Park, - 1216 Parkway Drive, Wiggins, MS. 39577 Cabin, RV, Campground reservations (601) 928-3051 or (601) 928-2753 This show is hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. July 22 Biloxi, MS 4TH Saturday Cruise Night . Cedar Lake shopping Center Biloxi. 6-9 PM. Hosted by MS Beach Cruisers. More info call 228 324 1301 (April thru August) July 22 Grand Bay, AL Country Cruzers 4th Saturday Morning


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Cruise-in. "Everyone Gets to Park in the Shade" Next to Sam's Superburger by Greer's ( 10126 Grand Bay Wilmer Rd, Grand Bay, AL 36541 ) 9am - 1pm Music from the 50's, 60's & 70's...Fun for the whole family. Classic Cars, Trucks, Tractors and more.... (March thru September) Questions call 251-209-9253 July 22 Long Beach MS 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in 6-9 pm at the Long Beach Harbor Hwy 90. Everyone Welcome July 22 Pascagoula, MS. 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in at Ingalls Engineering Complex 3943 Denny Ave. (Hwy 90) Pascagoula, MS Large lighted Parking lot, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. For additional Info: Call Shannon Broom at 228-2173629, Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS. July 22 Picayune, MS Boulevard Cruisers' 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in. Memorial Hwy. at Burger King, Picayune, MS. 6 till 9pm. 50/50 & Oldies music (March through October.) July 22 Wiggins, MS The Mississippi NSRA Appreciation Day will be Saturday July 22, in conjunction with 6th annual Red Creek Classic Appreciation Picnic at Flint Creek Water Park, Wiggins, MS. 39577. The Mississippi Rep. Chicken Willy and the Mississippi Adviser, Donna Holland will be there giving out NSRA appreciation pins. Members of the NSRA can show your current membership card and get your pin. We also will be signing up new members. The Mississippi Safety inspector Jerry Cuevas will be inspecting vehicles. You can get the new 2017 / 23 point inspection sticker that day. We will also give a NSRA Merit Award. The award is given to a dedicated Rodder for excellence in construction, design and safety of their vehicle. This award is very special. July 28 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In Café. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. For more info. call Randy at 228-254-5270 July 29 D'Iberville, MS 5 TH Saturday Night Cruise-in. Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market/Hardies in D'Iberville. April and July. 6-9 PM Hosted by Ms Beach Cruisers. Details call 228 392- 6134. July 29 Pascagoula, MS 5th Saturday Night Cruise-in at AutoZone on Hwy 90 from 5pm to 8pm. 50/50, Door Prizes Hosted by Magnolia Classic Cruisers & Sponsored by AutoZone

August August 4 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. August 5 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 August 5 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner (KFC at Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds benefit local charities. Event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. Info Jo-Jo 251 367-6666 & enjoy the KFC Buffet August 5 Slidell La. 1st Saturday Night Open Cruise-in the Coastal Cruisers Open Cruise Night is at North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. & I-12, Slidell, La. Music and 50/50, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. 1st Saturday of each month Feb thru Oct for information or membership inquires. Call John at 985 400-0527 August 11 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 August 12 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-in at the Harbor. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Open to all Car/Truck/ Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers August 12 Biloxi 2nd Saturday Cruise-In. Every 2nd Saturday of

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each month from March to October from 5pm - 9pm, Music, 50/50 drawing. Open to all Cars/Trucks/Bikes - Fun and entertaining for every one of all ages. Great Pizza and more at Pops Pizzeria, 921G Cedar Lake Road, Biloxi, MS 39532 Hosted by the Back Bay Cruizers. August 12 Biloxi, MS Second Saturday Super Cruise-In at Edgewater Mall west parking lot. 6-9 p.m. March thru September (except April). Music, 50/50, fun and friends. Spend a warm evening with cool cars and friendly people. Hosted by Antique Auto and Engine Club of MS & Mississippi Coast Mustang Club. August 12 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 5pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 August 19 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Twin Peaks parking lot. 4pm till Lakeview Village, 3516 Sangani Blvd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Good Eats, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 August 19 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. August 19 Slidell, LA 3rd Saturday night cruise-in at Fremaux Town Center. Take Fremaux exit off I-10 Slidell, La. 5:00-9:00PM. Music, 50/50, Shopping & Restaurants. All cars, trucks & bikes welcome. Hosted by Irons C.C. For information leave a message for Bart 504-913-9715 (March-November.) August 25 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In Café. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. For more info. call Randy at 228-254-5270 August 26 Biloxi, MS 4TH Saturday Cruise Night . Cedar Lake shopping Center Biloxi. 6-9 PM. Hosted by MS Beach Cruisers. More info call 228 324 1301 (April thru August) August 26 Grand Bay, AL Country Cruzers 4th Saturday Morning Cruise-in. "Everyone Gets to Park in the Shade" Next to Sam's Superburger by Greer's ( 10126 Grand Bay Wilmer Rd, Grand Bay, AL 36541 ) 9am - 1pm Music from the 50's, 60's & 70's...Fun for the whole family. Classic Cars, Trucks, Tractors and more.... (March thru September) Questions call 251-209-9253 August 26 Pascagoula, MS. 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in at Ingalls Engineering Complex 3943 Denny Ave. (Hwy 90) Pascagoula, MS Large lighted Parking lot, 6:00 P.M. til 9:00 P.M. Cruiser of the Month Award, 50/50 with door prize drawings from 50/50 tickets. For additional Info: Call Shannon Broom at 228-2173629, Magnolia Classic Cruisers of Jackson County MS. August 26 Picayune, MS Boulevard Cruisers' 4th Saturday Night Cruise-in. Memorial Hwy. at Burger King, Picayune, MS. 6 till 9pm. 50/50 & Oldies music (March through October.)

September September 1 Pass Christian, MS 1st Friday Night Cruise-in. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. September 2 Biloxi, MS Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS Join us for a casual get together where car - truck and motorcycle owners can socialize, dine and shop all at one location on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. 6pm - 9pm This monthly event is hosted by the Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine and the Merchants of Edgewater Mall. Info Jimbo 228 596-0664 September 2 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's 1st Saturday Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner (KFC at Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds benefit local charities. Event sponsored by: Alston Brothers Lawn & Tractor, Advanced Auto and Metal Brothers. Info call Jo-Jo 251 367-6666 & enjoy the KFC Buffet September 2 Slidell La. 1st Saturday Night Open Cruise-in the Coastal Cruisers Open Cruise Night is at North Shore Square Mall, Northshore Blvd. & I-12, Slidell, La. Music and 50/50, 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. 1st Saturday of each month Feb thru Oct for

information or membership inquires. Call John at 985 400-0527 September 8 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Breakfast Cruise-in at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 & Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 September 9 Bay St. Louis, MS. 2nd Saturday Cruise-in at the Harbor. 4pm - 8pm. Music - 50/50 - Prizes. Open to all Car/Truck/ Bikes Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers September 9 Biloxi 2nd Saturday Cruise-In. Every 2nd Saturday of each month from March to October from 5pm - 9pm, Music, 50/50 drawing. Open to all Cars/Trucks/Bikes - Fun and entertaining for every one of all ages. Great Pizza and more at Pops Pizzeria, 921G Cedar Lake Road, Biloxi, MS 39532 Hosted by the Back Bay Cruizers. September 9 Biloxi, MS Second Saturday Super Cruise-In at Edgewater Mall west parking lot. 6-9 p.m. March thru September (except April). Music, 50/50, fun and friends. Spend a warm evening with cool cars and friendly people. Hosted by Antique Auto and Engine Club of Mississippi & Mississippi Coast Mustang Club. September 9 Kiln, MS 4th Annual Knights of Columbus Classic Car & Truck Show at Annunciation Church. 5370 Kiln Delisle Road. Registration $25.00 8 t0 11 am. Awards will be presented at 1 pm. Lots of 50's music. 50-50 split pot, lots of give-a -ways. Awards for top 30 cars, top 5 trucks, 5 cars 80's and above. Dash Plaques for the first 75 cars & trucks. Awards for best Paint, Interior, Engine, Rat Rod, Best of Show. And the longest distance traveled. Great parking area, air conditioned building for your comfort to sit and relax with other car guys and gals. Food will be served at 11 am. For additional information Contact Jim 228 4937833 or Richard 228 493-7416 See You There September 9 Wiggins, MS Second Saturday Cruise-in at Wendy’s on Hwy 49 Wiggins. 5pm - til Hosted by the Red Creek Classic Car Club. info call Charlie 601-528-1172 September 16 D'Iberville, MS Gear Head Cruizers 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 4pm till at Twin Peaks parking lot. Lakeview Village, 3516 Sangani Blvd., D'Iberville, MS 39540. Good Eats, 50/50, music. Info: Perry 228-348-0409 or Dave 228-669-9256 September 16 Pass Christian, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruisein. 4pm-8pm at the West end of the New Pass Christian Harbor. September 16 Slidell, LA 3rd Saturday night cruise-in at Fremaux Town Center. Take Fremaux exit off I-10 Slidell, La. 5:00-9:00PM. Music, 50/50, Shopping & Restaurants. All cars, trucks & bikes welcome. Hosted by Irons C.C. For information leave a message for Bart @ 504-913-9715 (March-November.) September 22 Kiln, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at the Cruise In Café. 16331 Highway 603, Kiln MS. from 5pm - 8pm, Award for Best Car, Oldies Music and Food Specials. For more info. call Randy at 228-254-5270 September 23 Grand Bay, AL Country Cruzers 4th Saturday Morning Cruise-in. "Everyone Gets to Park in the Shade" Next to Sam's Superburger by Greer's ( 10126 Grand Bay Wilmer Rd, Grand Bay, AL 36541 ) 9am - 1pm Music from the 50's, 60's & 70's...Fun for the whole family. Classic Cars, Trucks, Tractors and more.... (March thru September) Questions call 251-209-9253 September 23 Gulfport, MS Ales, Arts and Autos. Join us for an afternoon of local craft beers, home brews, and arts while surrounded by vintage cars, motorcycles, bicycles and boats. Home Brew Competition! Create an art car! March with the Bay Ratz! See vintage cars and local art! Unlimited beer samples* 12P - 3:30P Visit the “Car Club Corral” to see what each has to offer the car enthusiast. Participate in the silent auction which raises money for the Tired Dog Rescue, a local non-profit organization. Live music by the Bay Ratz from Bay St. Louis and local food from

check out all Events listed at

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To list your event or Check for event updates May 4-7 Fort Walton Beach, FL. Emerald Coast Biker Bash this huge bike rally put on by Emerald Coast Harley-Davidson®, hosted at The Boardwalk on Okaloosa Island, will feature… Free Concerts all day everyday, Quality Vendors, Miss Emerald Coast Earthquake Bikini Contest, Bike Shows, Food and Beverage specials at all Boardwalk Restaurants, Charity Poker Runs, and hundreds of Harley-Davidson® motorcycles. May 3 - 7 Panama City Beach, FL. Thunder Beach Motorcycle Rally will be held at Panama City Beach, 14700 Panama City Beach Parkway beginning at 9:00 am. Some activities will take place at other locations. There are no admission fees. The event will include The Sgt. Kevin Kight Memorial Bike Parade, and several motorcycle shows. The motorcycle shows will have various categories and awards will be given to winners. The event also includes vendors, entertainment, pageants, demo rides, stunt shows, tattoo contests, a motorcycle give-away and more. For more information call (850) 249-7627 May 6 Bay St Louis, MS CMA Run for the Son from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Calvary Chapel Bay St. Louis (Behind C-Spire near the corner of Hwy 90 & Dunbar Ave.) Over the past twenty-nine years, CMA has been able to extend the open arms of Christ to millions of people around the world, through the fruits of Run for the Son. By partnering with three like-minded ministries, we have been able to place the message of hope and salvation in front of the multitudes in 192 of the 196 countries of the world. Run for the Son has enabled CMA to equip the saints here in the United States and all over the world to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since its beginning Run for the Son has raised over $63 million dollars to help spread the Good News of salvation through Christ; Resulting in over 22.5 million salvations. Some pray, some go, and some send; will you help? Host CMA Wheels of Fire Rider Info Bob Bradley 228 222 5572 - May 13 Jackson, MS 5th Annual Cruzin The VA 9:00 AM This is an annual event held at the G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery VA Medical Center, 1500 E Woodrow Wilson Ave in Jackson, MS 39216. So rinse off your motorcycle or your old car or truck and come JOIN us in all of this Fun. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each category. The food is free, Hamburgers and hotdogs along with something to drink, but if you want to make a donation then go ahead. We get to fellowship with each other an make new friends but the real thing is that we will get to talk to a lot of veterans that to have born the battle before us. events/195030804316152/


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May 18-20 Mobile, AL GWRRA Alabama District Rally Rides, Seminars, Games, Entertainment, Bike Show, Vendors and More Location: Ashbury Hotel & Suites West I-65 Service Road South, Mobile, AL 36608 Contact Phone 205-424-4717 Email May 26-29 Arcadia, LA 1st Annual Memorial Day Biker Bash This will be the biggest bash in Louisiana!!! Live Music, Bike & People Games, Wet T-Shirt Contest, Vendors and More. The event is being held on 130 acres of private property with plenty of space for camping - RV & Tent. Bonnie and Clyde Trade Days and RV Park, 20550 Highway 9, Arcadia, LA 71001 Host Howling Wolf Services. info 318 263-2437- Sherry Bond. May 26-29 Gulfport, MS Mississippi Gulf Coast Memorial Day Blowout 2017 Host ASGARD MC Recommended for Adults only. Free live music Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Tattoo Contest Ring toss - Slow Race - Weenie Bite - Barrel Race WINNERS TAKE ALL! FREE BIKE SHOW BIKINI & WET T-SHIRT CONTEST Burn Out & Live music Camping on 100+ cleared acres. Designated motor home camping (no hookups). Food & beer available No dogs. Covered by National Motorcycle Magazines Some of this years events... OPEN TO ALL Gulfport Dragway Address, 17085 Racetrack Rd, Gulfport, MS 39503 June 3, 2 Sanford, FL 6th Annual Shake the Lake Poker Run and Party to Benefit Just Our Soldiers' Helpers Sponsored by MFC MC CFL. The poker run starts at Route 46 Entertainment District, 4316 West State Road 46 in Sanford. Registration begins at 10:00 am and the motorcycles go out at 1:00 pm. The ride ends with vendors, music, raffles, an auction, entertainment, 50/50, and food. Proceeds will benefit Just Our Soldiers' Helpers. For more information call (321) 302-0222 June 22- 25 Forkland, AL Bama Bike Fest Summer Motorcycle

(Continued on page 71)

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Just a heads up. Those good times you're waiting for, or that easy road, or that long prolonged time of drama free living. It's Never going to happen. Things in this life are never going to be easy. The road is never going to be smooth. Drama will always be there right over the horizon. What will change is You. The ability to strengthen your tolerance for all the hiccups that life brings on a daily basis. The wisdom to overlook petty bullshit like traffic or a wrong lunch order,or somebody that owes you money, and not let it ruin your day. I personally have never even cared about gas prices. Even when I had No Money, I knew I needed to go places in my car. So I just got what I could afford, and kept rolling for as far as I could go. So don't get bogged down by this normal life. Don't think everyone and everything is out to get you. It's always going to be You vs the world till the day you die. Build up your armor and battle through it as it comes. Don't ever wait for things to get easier. Get stronger so it makes it easier.


Rally The deep south's wildest motorcycle event. Live Bands, Wet T-Shirt Contest, Bike Games, People Games and a Whole Lot More. The saloon will be open!! New pool tables, tv's with sports, DJ.... Armbands just $30 for the weekend!! RV power/water spots available for extra fee. All primitive camping is free!! Free hot showers. Come down and party with us, we promise you'll love it! The rally grounds are located about 7 miles north of Demopolis, 15 miles south of Eutaw. 16971 US Hwy 43, Forkland, AL 36740 Info (334) 341-2301 Alan June 24 Florence, MS Roses for Warriors Run 8:30 AM Benefit Charity Event. Door prizes, yeti raffle, and much more!!!! $25 single rider includes wristband, shirt, & lunch $40 couple rider includes wristband, shirt, & lunch for both $20 shirt only Ride will benefit the Wounded Warriors of MS. Location Berry's Seafood & Catfish House, 2942 Highway 49 S. Florence MS 39073 July 29 D'Iberville, MS 4th Annual Brothers and Sisters in Blue Poker Run 9am at Twin Peaks Restaurant. 3516 Sangani Blvd, D'Iberville, MS 39540 September 24 Ridgeland, MS 2017 Mississippi Ride for KidsŽ Holmes Community College, 412 W. Ridgeland Ave., Ridgeland, MS 39157 Registration 11:30 a.m to 1 p.m. Kickstands Up at 1:30 p.m. Enjoy a fun ride, food and entertainment! Cheer our Stars, local children fighting brain tumors Fundraise to earn incentives like T-shirts, jackets and more Get a chance to win a new Honda motorcycle and other great prizes. Connect with other enthusiasts for a great cause Come join us with any make or model of street legal motorcycle, or just enjoy the day with family and friends! By raising funds for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, you’ll give kids battling the deadliest form of childhood cancer a brighter future. Event Host Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. September 29-October 1 Monticello, MS A.B.A.T.E. of Mississippi Annual State Field Meet at Atwood Water Park. Venders, Bike Games, Bike Show, Poker Run, Raffles. Bands Friday & Saturday Night. Camping available - Fees due upon entering. Camper hook-ups $25 / tents $10. Advance tickets: Members - $15 / Non-members - $20. Gate tickets $20 / $25 Children 6-17 $8 (under 6 Free) For more info contact Robby 601 436-1231 or Jamie 601 529-0476 or Any Chapter Director October 12-14 Gulfport, MS 2017 Mississippi GWRRA District Motorcycle Rally Masquerade on the MS-Coast. Vendors, Seminars, Couple of the Year Selection, Ticket Sales 50/25/25, Guided Beach Tour Rides, Hospitality Room, Scavenger Hunt, Thursday night Dinner/Ice Cream Social, Costume Contest, Lighted Bike Parade, Talent Contest and More. Rally Site -9515 Highway 49 Gulfport MS 39503 Info 662-420-7238 October 26 - 29, Mountain Home, Ark Twin Lakes Thunder Rally Sponsored by Twin Lakes Thunder Inc. The event will be held at Baxter County Fair Grounds,1507 Fair Grounds Drive in Mountain Home. Gates open at 1:00 pm on Thursday. The family

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MAY 2017 MAY 2017

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MAY 2017

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77 77

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78 78

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High Performance Racing Parts from Engines to Engine Parts. Distributors, Carburetors, Main Bearings, Rod Bearings, Gaskets, Connecting Rods, Roller Rockers, Stud Girdles, Racing Starters, Air Cleaners and Accessories, Performance Spark Plug Wires. We have racing cams & racing parts for Chevrolet, Ford, Chrysler, Oldsmobile & Pontiac.

MAY2017 2017 MAY


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Classified Ads - 2 months - Description with 1 (one) Picture - $10 · Non Picture Ad Only - $5

1928 Ford Truck 1949 Merc eng, 3/4 Isky race cam, 3-97 carbs, high compression heads, Vortex mag, elect fuel pump, duel exhaust, auto tranny (C-4), Winters quick change rear. $29,500 Call Killer 662 356-6035 posted 5/17

1951 Merc. Bumpers chromed. All chrome removed from car. Two 50 Merc shell used to make this 51 perfect. 54 Pontiac grill, frenched headlights, rounded hood corners, chopped top, Merc rear window, door corners rounded, Cadillac tail light, Merc skirts, 57 Caddy hub caps, spot lights, 68 sub frame, disc brakes, 4 wheel air tech ride, 350 Chevy eng, 700 R tranny, 9” rearend, new radiator, Vintage air & heat, power steering, power brakes, custom gauges, remote doors. Needs upholstery. $33,000 Call Killer 662 356-6035 posted 5/17

1991 Mercedes SL 500. Perfect Southern Car. No dents or rust. Two owners, serviced by one person all it’s life. $13,950 Call Killer 662 356-6035 posted 5/17

1947 Merc. 350 Chevy eng / 350 tranny. Power brakes and steering, chop top, rounded door corners, frenched head & taillights, Plymouth bumper, custom grill, power windows and doors. $29,500 Call Killer 662 356-6035 posted 5/17

1931 Chevrolet. 56,000 miles. New paint and upholstery. No dents or rust. Drives like a 31...GM built $15,000 O.B.O. Call Killer 662 356-6035 posted 5/17

1981 - 181” Bruce Todd Chassis 468 cubic inch Chevy Kinsler Injection Hillbourn set up Trans brake MDS #7 Injection TCI Converter Fuel system fresh Weld wheels Raced A.H.R.A. and I.H.R.A. ( as Bad Influence) Ready to Race $14,000 Pick up in Mississippi Killer Racing 662 356-6035 posted 5/17

Classified Ads 2 months in Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine 2 months on

Description with 1 (one) Picture - $10 · Non Picture Ad Only - $5 NOW YOU CAN LIST & PAY ON-LINE AT MAY 2017


1981 GMC Jimmy or K5, true 2 wheel drive this truck is a great driver on a great platform, its been lowered (static drop) and is sitting on brand new 22x11's in the rear and 22x9's in the front, US Mag's with new tires, truck has new carpet and headliner other than that all original interior and aftermarket steering wheel, small nice sounding stereo, a/c and heat. I have the rear cab also painted to match, engine just had a tune up, carb rebuilt, intake bead blasted, new belts, new plugs, plug wires, cap coil and rotor, and installed a dress up kit. Engine is a center bolt 305 w/ a turbo 350 trans, it Runs, Drive, and Stops as it should. Asking $14,000 OBO, NOT looking for trades... $14,000 Call Randy 228 547-9999 PS. The Coke Cooler is NOT Going With posted 5/17 the Truck...!!!!

1928 Ford Coupe. All steel. Off-body restoration. New rebuilt 350 Chevy engine. 350 Turbo Trans. A/C & heater. Edlebrock 650 carb, Chrome compressor & alternator. Headers. Smitty mufflers. Lokar floor shifter. Chrome booster & master cylinder. Front disc brakes, rear drum brakes. GM tilt steering. Turn signals. New steel floor. Carpet, rolled & pleated interior. New stainless steel rock guard. New chrome radiator cover. Brand new tires. Many more extras. Asking $26,500.00 OBO Ph: 228-832-3255 posted 5/17

1974 VW. $7,000 Call James 228-219-4646

posted 5/17

1938 Chevy. 350 + 350 All steel $25,500 OBO Call James 228-219-4646 posted 5/17

"According to a recent study, men on dating sites are more popular if they mention dancing or cooking. Because if there's one thing women love, it's a man who can lie."

2015 HellCat Challenger for sale by owner. Loaded & Like Brand New. 707 H.P., 6 speed, black interior, tinted windows and more. 3300 miles. $49,550 call 228-806-3500 posted 4/17

1930 Ford Coupe ALL STEEL, 454 Chevy engine, two 4 barrel carbs. Engine all chrome, 400 trans, Mustang ll front end. 12 bolt rear end. Asking $17,000 Preston 601-596-0408 or Jerry 228-326-7489 posted 5/17


MAY 2017

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220" wheelbase Front Engine Dragster Chromoly slip tube chassis, will certify 6.0 and faster SPE Steering box & steering wheel, Single Wheel wheelie bar, Stroud parachute. Fire Suppression System Mark Williams 9" Rear-end, brakes, coupler, and axles, 5/8" wheel studs, 3.50 gear, Chromoly driveline cover 468 BBC, 12:1 comp, Crower Stack Injection 2-7/8" (by Alky Digger), Full Roller motor, New never fired up Fresh PG Trans, full SFI case and Tailshaft, 6500 Stall Converter, Biondo Outlaw electric Shifter Cerama-coated Mooneyham Zoomie Headers Centerline Convo Pro 15 x 14 rear wheels with M/ T 15 x 33 slicks with new tubes, Weld wheel spoke fronts Have set-up for SBC also (mounts, plates and zoomies) Vintage Outlaw 26' enclosed trailer. First $25,000.00 cash takes it all, Dragster and trailer. Here is all it needs to get it running: Battery, ignition, coil, starter, finish the fuel lines, connect the shift cable, connect the fuel posted 5/17 shut-off cable, connect the throttle, add fuel and go. Call Tom 228-238-5506

1997 Sonoma Race Truck 383 sb,750 Holley,TCI 350 turbo,4.10 8.8 posi M/H slicks. Everything new. 11.60@115 mph. $8500 Call 504-577-4178 for info & pics posted 4/17 GTO car parts I have for sale: 400 block WS code Ram Air with exhaust manifolds. 4 rally 11 rims with trim rings. 4 red line Coker tires 14�. 1 Rochester 650 carburetor. All are for 67 -70 GTO. Questions call Mike 901-827-2701 posted 4/17

1935 Ford Coupe. 5 window. All steel. Stock flathead. Restored in 80’s, all original. Rust Free. Runs and drives great. Interior like new. All chrome like new. Rumble seat. Tires & paint good. Always kept in garage $26,500. call Richard 317 627-5865 (IN) posted 4/17

1986 Pontiac Fiero GT-V8. 4.6 Cadillac Northstar V8 with approximately 35,000 miles. Getrag 5-speed with short throw shifter and high-strength gears, custom exhaust and radiator. Lowered suspension, upgraded brakes, custom dash and interior. Body modifications. $6800.00 Call 985-302-5305 posted 4/17

1968 Corvette 427, 20K O.B.O. call Terie 228-697-7272

MAY 2017

posted 3-17


1934 Ford. Street Beast body, 502 Chevy crate engine, turbo 400. Walker radiator, Vintage Air & Heat. Interior by Terry Mathis (Ocean Springs, MS) Disk breaks all four, American Racing wheels. 35K O.B.O. call Terie 228 697-7272 posted 3-17

1966 Mustang Convertible, 289, A-code, automatic, P/S, P/B, Power Top, always garaged, rust free, $27,500. Negotiable. Call: 601 940 8206 posted 3-17

1969 Camaro SS X11 Lemans Blue 400/400/ Mosier Rear. Nicely built car. Runs great and strong. Fast. Nice interior, Solid Car. Need the room in the garage $25,000 Call for more pictures or info. 850 218-2919 posted 3-17

2010 Camaro, 12k miles, Magna super charger, ARP long tube headers, GM performance exhaust, 4:10 gears, 11" cross drilled rotors, Hurst 6 speed, large spoiler. $20k firm, no trades, 228-324-6565. posted 3-17

1976 MG MGB white with black interior, super clean, 76K original miles, 4 speed manual, NC clear title vehicle, born, raised and always kept in garage in NC, I am 3rd owner, guy I bought from has had in garage since 1997, has tons of extras, like new top, magnetic cover for vents, kenwood detachable face radio, polk speakers, boot cover for top, padded custom fit car cover, dew cover, carpeted dash pad cover, new tires on rear, alternator conversion, weber 2 barrel carburetor - gives her a little pep. I would drive anywhere! Bring cash and make reasonable offer - ready to move it! No trades I don't have room for 6 cars I have. I bought in July, drove a good bit, took to couple car shows including cruisin the coast. Call 678 654-1331 3/17

1969 Chevy C-10. Crate 350 engine, rebuilt 700 R-4 trans, P.S., P.D.B., New aluminum radiator, bumpers, wheels, tires, carpet, seat, bed cover. A.C. not installed. Call for details. posted 3-17 $16,000 - O.B.O. 251-518-6659

1953 Chevy Pick-up. Long wheel base. 400 cui short block, 350 3speed auto, B&M floor shifter, 273 rear. Wood bed with box. Needs paint. $9500. call Jimmy 205-673-2692 3/17 2002 Heritage Softail, 12,000 original miles, new tires, needs nothing except a younger rider. 84 yr old man says it's time to quit. Any reasonable offer considered so come make a BUY. 601-250-4808 or posted 3-17

2 months in Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine

Description with 1 (one) Picture 1950 Chevy Styleline parade car (topless) New interior. Rewired with E-Z Wiring. Recently refreshed turbo 350 transmission. New 350 engine built by McMurtry Racing Engines, approx 500 miles. painted in 2015. $28,500 228-348-1456 3/17


MAY 2017

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