Motorsports july 2013 issuu

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JULY 2013


JULY 2013

Vol. 18 No. 7

Official Newsletter of the Coast Cruizers Members & subscribers

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief - Jas. “Jimbo” Perkins E-mail: Office & Production Manager - Jimbo Perkins Advertising Sales & Marketing - 228 596-0664 Printing & Bulk Mail by: Baton Rouge Press - 225 275-8429 CRUIZIN’ IN THE PASSIN’ LANE Jimbo HOT COFFEE…… J.R. LONDON BRIDGE... TRUNK TALES…… Greg Hole TEXAS TALES……… Rusty BLAST FROM THE PAST … NEECY’S CANDIDS………. Neecy Cobb MATINEE ROCKER…… DD Thunders FEED MY SHEEP…….. YOUR HORRIBLESCOPE….. Samantha “17 FOREVER” …. Terry Mason Barfield MISS EMELIA…. CAR EVENTS………………….... SWEDISH IRON ……. Peter Ström MOTORCYCLE EVENTS…. CLASSIFIED ADS ……….. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ……

page…...5 page…...7 page…...8 page…...11 page…...11 page…...13 page…...14 page…...16 page…...17 page…...18 page…...19 page…...23 page…...27 page…...45 page…...49 page…...51 page…...56

Who is this famous young lady?

Dixie Press Publishing LLC · PO Box 2847 · Gulfport, MS. 39505 Subscription $20 Year Sent by Bulk Mail The publication titled:Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine is the official Coast Cruizers Newsletter, it is owned & published by Dixie Press Publishing LLC. who neither endorses nor warrants the products or services of advertisers, nor does it warrant the completeness or accuracy of the data provided herein. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. welcomes unsolicited editorial, photographs, articles for non compensational consideration of publishing on a space available basis's. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. is not responsible for the return of said photographs, manuscripts or art. Views expressed in these publications are not necessarily those of the publisher, contributing editors, advertisers, or their agents. Re-printing in whole or part can only be done with the permission of the publisher. 3 JULY 2013


JULY 2013

Cruizin’ in the passin’ lane By: Jimbo We were three street rods cruizin’ down a country road heading toward a Friday night cruise-in and we had eating at someplace different on our mind.. We pulled into the parking lot at Dempsey’s Seafood & Steak… (ya might want to put this in your GPS…, 6208 Kiln-Delise Rd, Kiln, MS 39556) good thing we were a little early, because no sooner did we park our rods and get inside, greeted and seated did we witness how fast a restaurant could fill up. Yep, I was full of anticipation of some good eatin’ and I was reading their menu like it was a street rod parts catalog. Each choice sounded better than the next one... our waitress was no stranger to three ol’ guys with a kitchen pass and the keys to a “Hotrod”... She told us the specials for the night and helped us pick just the right meal for us first timers. Icetea as smooth as mama’s and before long we were looking at a meal that completely destroyed my diet. Like a junkie falling off the wagon, I dug into some of the best country vittles I’ve had in a very long time. This place should be on your clubs next lunch/dinner run. They'll take reservations so call ahead (228-255-2043) and if you do let us know cause we just may meet you there…. Ok now to the mail and other stuff… oh by the way Dempsey’s makes the best home made Tiramisu….. Jimbo, I was standing in line waiting to check out at the store, when I heard the young cashier suggested to the woman ahead of me, that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags weren't good for the environment. The woman apologized and explained, "We didn't have this green thing back in my earlier days." The young clerk responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations." She was right -- our generation didn't have the green thing in its day. Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled. Grocery stores bagged our groceries in brown paper bags, that we reused for numerous things, most memorable besides household garbage bags, was the use of brown paper bags as book covers for our schoolbooks. This was to ensure that public property, (the books provided for our use by the school) was not defaced by our scribblings. Then we were able to personalize our books on the brown paper bags. We walked up stairs, because we didn't have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks. Back then, we washed the baby's diapers because we didn't have the throwaway kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy-gobbling machine burning up 220 volts -- wind and solar power really did dry our clothes back in our early days. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But that young lady is right; we didn't have the green thing back in our day. Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house -- not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of the state of Montana. In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn't have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used wadded up old newspapers to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. Back then, we didn't fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity. We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor

1: What was the main reason the U.S. declared independence? 2: How many people signed the Declaration of Independence? 3: In what city was the Declaration of Independence signed? 4: What are the first seven words of the Declaration of Independence? 5: Who approved the Declaration of Independence? 6: Whose signature is the largest on the Declaration of Independence? 7: Who proposed “Lee’s Resolution” on June 1, 1776, declaring that we were independent of Great Britain? 8: Who was the king of England when the colonies declared their independence? 9: How many people were living in the U. S. in 1776? 10: Where does the word “patriotism” come from? 11: Who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance? 12: What were the colors of the first flag? 13: Who sewed the first official American flag? 14: Why were the stars in a circle on the first flag? 15: How tall is the Statue of Liberty? 16: What country gave us the Statue of Liberty? Answers on page 9 blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull. Back then, people took the streetcar or a bus and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour taxi service. We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn't need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 23,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest burger joint. But isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn't have the green thing back then? GptTeeByrd@ Jimbo, Here is something to think about, the percentage who actually have served their Country in the military. I remember the day I found out I got into West Point. My mom actually showed up in the hallway of my high school and waited for me to get out of class. She was bawling her eyes out and apologizing that she had opened up my admission letter. She wasn't crying because it had been her dream for me to go there. She was crying because she knew how hard I'd worked to get in, how much I wanted to attend, and how much I wanted to be an infantry officer. I was going to get that opportunity. That same day two of my teachers took me aside and essentially told me the following: Nick, you're a smart guy. You don't have to join the military. You should go to college, instead. I could easily write a tome defending West Point and the military as I did that day, explaining that USMA is an elite institution, that separate from that it is actually statistically much harder to enlist in the military than it is to get admitted to college, that serving the nation is a challenge that all able-bodied men should at least consider for a host of reasons, but I won't. What I will say is that when a 16 year-old kid is being told that attending West Point is going to be bad for his future then there is a dangerous disconnect in America, and entirely too many Americans have no idea what kind of burdens our military is bearing. In World War II, 11.2% of the nation served in four years. In Vietnam, 4.3% served in 12 years.

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Since 2001, only 0.45% of our population has served in the Global War on Terror. These are unbelievable statistics. Over time, fewer and fewer people have shouldered more and more of the burden and it is only getting worse. Our troops were sent to war in Iraq by a Congress consisting of 10% veterans with only one person having a child in the military Taxes did not increase to pay for the war. War bonds were not sold. Gas was not regulated. In fact, the average citizen was asked to sacrifice nothing, and has sacrificed nothing unless they have chosen to out of the goodness of their hearts. The only people who have sacrificed are the veterans and their families. The volunteers. The people who swore an oath to defend this nation. You stand there, deployment after deployment and fight on. You've lost relationships, spent years of your lives in extreme conditions, years apart from kids you'll never get back, and beaten your body in a way that even professional athletes don't understand. Then you come home to a nation that doesn't understand. They don't understand suffering. They don't understand sacrifice. They don't understand why we fight for them. They don't understand that bad people exist. They look at you like you're a machine - like something is wrong with you. You are the misguided one - not them. When you get out, you sit in the college classrooms with political science teachers that discount your opinions on Iraq and Afghanistan because YOU WERE THERE and can't understand the macro issues they gathered from books, because of your bias. You watch TV shows where every vet has PTSD and the violent strain at that. Your Congress is debating your benefits, your retirement, and your pay, while they ask you to do more. But the amazing thing about you is that you all know this. You know your country will never pay back what you've given up. You know that the populace at large will never truly understand or appreciate what you have done for them. Hell, you know that in some circles, you will be thought as less than normal for having worn the uniform. But you do it anyway. You do what the greatest men and women of this country have done since 1775 - YOU SERVED. Just that decision alone makes you part of an elite group. "Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few." - Winston Churchill

Jimbo, I left my husband in charge of our little 3 year old daughter recovering at home from an accident while I went out shopping. Someone had given her a little 'tea set' as a get-well gift and it was one of her favorite toys. My husband was in the living room engrossed in the evening news when she brought him a little cup of 'tea', which of course was just water. After several cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea, I came home. Daddy makes me wait in the living room to watch our daughter bring him a cup of tea, because it was 'just the cutest thing!!' I waited, and sure enough, here she comes down the hall with a cup of tea for Daddy. I watched him drink it up, then said to him, 'Did it ever occur to you that the only place that baby can reach to get water is the toilet??' Wish you could of seen him get out of that chair….. coxd@

Remember your first bucket seat complete with steering wheel & gear shift….. yeah, it’s no wonder we're CRUIZERS!!!!

Thank you to the 0.45% who have and continue to serve our Nation. I received this from a friend and I think very well done: Till next month… Jimbo


JULY 2013

Jimbo, Early Saturday morning Me and Teresa fired up the Rambler and cruised over to Bay Springs. Just so happened that the Southern Cruiser's were having their annual car show in City Park, imagine that! Mark Ishee and other members warmly greeted us, that along with a splendid run by the Rambler; we could not have been in better spirits. As a lot of you are aware the Rambler had a rear wheel bearing give up on the very first day of the Deep South Fun Run. We're over that hiccup and well on the way to a new paint job. Weather was great, a bit cloudy, but no rain, just right for a car day in City Park. Along with over a 100 beautiful vehicles to admire, American Legion Post 71, Bay Springs sponsored a Motorcycle Show. No lack of eye candy. Two 50/50 pots sent a good bit to charity. Congratulations to Best of Show Car, a 1937 Ford Streetrod Convertible owned by Mr. Eric Knight, Pearl, MS and Best of Show Truck, 1967 Chevy C-10, owned by Mr. Anthony Bailey, Forest, MS. It was fantastic to see Club President John Stanley Poore doing great. He had a couple of minor heart attacks a few months ago but has recovered nicely. Hard to keep a Chevelle man down. I have been thinking on next year's Deep South Fun Run. John Stanley wants us to visit him and the Club in Bay Springs. Jimbo and I have been discussing the idea of incorporating the Fun Run with the Gulf Coast Auto Show, the 1st weekend in April. If you have a shop that you would like us to stop by, or any suggestions, please contact me. As always stay tuned to the Gulf Coast Motorsports Magazine for updated info regarding the Deep South Fun Run. Ollie Patterson - 601-829-2589

From the Shoulders Up By: Rickey Lewis How much did you pay for that new car you purchased? What about those shoes on your feet or that nice outfit you're wearing? They weren't free. There was defiantly a cost. You wouldn't be driving or wearing those threads if you didn't pay for them. Maybe you didn't pay the price, but someone had to. Success can be broken into these simple things: You must decide what it is you want, figure out what it cost, and pay for it. Those with little or no success in life tend to miss the boat in one of these areas. Some just get what life throws their way because they never figure out what they want. They never set their eyes on a prize. Through some strange set of events, they have convinced themselves that they really don't want much out of life. They struggle from day to day, yet tell themselves that their life is good. It could be fancy cars or a big house, but I'm not just talking about material possessions. What you really want or need may be a healthy relationship or being in good physical shape. You have to want or desire something to get it. If you want nothing, then nothing you will receive. Others want lots of things or they may get fixated on one particular object or desire and never get it because they haven't figured out what it cost to have it. Imagine walking into a store full of running shoes. You want running shoes and you are in the right place. You lift and turn over almost every shoe but find no price tag. In your frustration, you leave the store and have to continue running on those same old running shoes you've had for years. A few simple steps of finding a clerk and finding out how much they cost could have saved your frustration. Next would be the largest group of people out there. They know what they want and they know the cost, but they are not willing to pay the price. "I'll wait until they go on sale." Unlike those Nike, Reebok or Adidas, success never goes on sale. There is a cost and a price to pay. There is no negotiating or haggling. There is no discount super store for success. Wal-mart does not carry success in a box. Decide what you want, find out the cost and pay it. Really simple process. What you want may be very expensive so you're going to have to work very hard to pay for it.

Café Climb

1316 30th Ave Gulfport, MS. 39501

John and I went to the Café Climb for breakfast a few weeks ago. I heard that the food was good and it was. The breakfast croissant is great, with egg, sausage and cheese. The croissant is not small by any means. If you're a Starbucks coffee person, they have your coffee. The next time I want to try the quiche. The Café has a lunch menu and daily blue plate special that runs from $8 to $10. The Café is set up with a drive thru. Call ahead 228-214-4287 and go by to pick up your breakfast or lunch. There is plenty of seating for a small or medium size group up to 150 guests. The hours are Monday to Friday Breakfast 7-10 am · Lunch 11-2 pm on-line menu at Phone orders at 228-214-4287 Now the rest of the story as Paul Harvey would say. The Café's slogan is “DINING THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE”. Café Climb is the first program of its type in Mississippi. All of the money from the café goes back into the program, and tips help provide scholarships for students. The students spend 2 months of classroom training before they begin learning at the Café. During the rest of the program, they learn restaurant cooking, customer service, equipment operation and maintenance, and catering. A new instructor, Matt Carver, is taking over all of the training, and will work closely with the kitchen manager to make sure that students apply in the Café what they learn in the classroom and test kitchen. Matt is an experienced culinary educator and catering specialist having worked at Pearl River Community College. Café Climb is part of the CLIMB Community Development Corporation, a charitable non-profit organization. Their mission is to promote strong communities by providing individuals access to opportunities that inspire self - reliance. The Café doesn't receive any state or city money, but has received support from foundations and local companies. The U.S. Dept. of Labor provides funds for the YouthBuild program. Climb CDC ( sponsors the Workforce Training Institute offering work force training that includes a YouthBuild construction program, Café Climb Social Enterprise, Climb Micro Business Training and Climb Tech Networking and Installation. There is also Life University that supports the other programs by teaching employment readiness, budgeting, savings and credit. CLIMB CDC also provides disaster recovery services and housing solutions such as homeownership, foreclosure prevention and financial counseling. Youth Build and Café Climb are 7 to 9-month programs, for at risk, out of school young adults 16 to 26 years of age, who are committed, drug free, hardworking and looking for a second chance. These programs will give young adults a chance to earn a living wage and support a family. Other cities in the state are asking how they can start a program like this. Anyone can donate at or by mail at 1223 30th Ave. Suite A, Gulfport, MS. 39501. Facebook users, go to

JULY 2013


KATHLEEN RAYE Welcome to the Arizona desert - land of the coyotes, diamondbacks and scorpions! Oh, and some very hot, very fast cars!!! Beautiful Lake Havasu City, Arizona. Home of the world famous London Bridge, the world's largest antique! Lake Havasu City was founded by Robert McCulloch, the famous chainsaw mogul, back in 1963. Located almost exactly half way between Las Vegas, NV and Phoenix, AZ, we have become the hot rod capital of Arizona - in fact, we probably have the highest hot-rod-to-person ratio in all the western states. Lake Havasu is famous, not only for the bridge, but for having the biggest personal home garages around! Some of them have 7-8 doors, and can house 20-30 cars, easily. In fact, opening a garage door in this town will usually provide some pleasant surprises! We have to keep these fast and beautiful cars inside, because they just don't hold up to the 120 degree weather we experience around here. But, of course, it's a dry heat! Anyway, over the years, Havasu has grown into a real “racing town” - we have a quarter-mile paved oval track that is very popular (Havasu 95 Speedway). In May, we have the largest big boat show event in the West - Desert Storm - much bigger even than the L.A. Boat Show. 40+ft boats come from as far away as Florida, Michigan and New York for a week of racing, poker runs and show-and-shines! In October we have the world jet -ski finals competition, where racers from all over eastern and western Europe, Australia, Canada and the United States, come to compete for the fastest and best jet-skiers in the world! We even have an event in January that brings over 300 small sailboats to town from all over the states and Canada for a week of friendly racing and sailing. Lake Havasu is a real motor-head town. So, It was only natural that a few of us got together about a year and a half ago to try and get a drag strip built here. The idea started last February (2012) with the idea of creating a small 1/8th -mile strip, located next to our oval track - a place where locals could compete against each other and have a little fun. Well, the property wasn't really going to work out, so the City (which is very much in favor of our idea), offered us about 110 acres on the north side of town, at the end of our airport runway. By bringing in a few other “locals”, as well as some outside interests, our little 1/8th mile track project has turned into a major undertaking. The London Bridge Raceway Park drag strip will be a full ¼ mile, state-of-the-art track that is already fully NHRA-sanctioned! The track will be a full ¼-mile, single-pour, all concrete (from start to the end of the shut-down - asphalt does not do well in the desert), with a class-9, “run-flat” concrete finish. NHRA has told us that this will be the first track built where teams will be able to work on their cars in on-site shops, and will then be able to take the car from the shop to the track, run it, and return to the shop without having to trailer the car at all. To add even more fuel to the fire, Lake Havasu has the perfect climate for drag racing. We sit at about 500ft in elevation, and have a very low water content in our air. We have already spoken with some of the pro teams, and they have expressed interest in possibly making this their winter headquarters - a perfect place for racing and testing. But we will also focus on divisional races, as well as local “run-what-you-brung” events and much more. The CEO of the London Bridge Raceway Park Corporation is Bill Doner, member of the LHDRA Hall of Fame. At one time, in the 70's and 80's, Bill ran and promoted most all the tracks on the west coast. So, he has hundreds of ideas for all sorts of racing events, concerts, car club events, etc. And, we have begun working to put together a very strong effort to include the youth of the community with our Jr. Drag Racing program.


JULY 2013

At this time, we are getting all our ducks in a row, to prepare for a ground-breaking ceremony around the end of summer, and we are hoping to be racing in part of the 2014 NHRA season. We would like to invite everyone on the Gulf Coast to follow our progress on, where our progress will be constantly updated. And, if any of you are ever in our neck of the woods, please come through Havasu - we'd love to show you around and share our “western” hospitality.


POP QUIZZ 1: What was the main reason the U.S. declared independence? Answer: We declared independence because we were taxed without representation. 2: How many people signed the Declaration of Independence? Answer: 56 people signed the Declaration of Independence. 3: In what city was the Declaration of Independence signed? Answer: The Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 4: What are the first seven words of the Declaration of Independence? Answer: The first seven words of the Declaration of Independence are “When in the course of human events." 5: Who approved the Declaration of Independence? Answer: The Second Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence. 6: Whose signature is the largest on the Declaration of Independence? Answer: The largest signature on the Declaration of Independence is John Hancock’s. 7: Who proposed “Lee’s Resolution” on June 1, 1776, declaring that we were independent of Great Britain? Answer: This is one of the hardest Fourth of July Trivia Questions. Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed Lee’s resolution. 8: Who was the king of England when the colonies declared their independence? Answer: George III was king of England when the colonies declared their independence. 9: How many people were living in the U. S. in 1776? Answer: There were 2.5 million people living in the U. S. in 1776. 10: Where does the word “patriotism” come from? Answer: The word “patriotism” comes from the Latin “patria” meaning “fatherland” or “homeland”. 11: Who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance? Answer: Francis Bellamy wrote the Pledge of Allegiance. 12: What were the colors of the first flag? Answer: The colors of the first flag were red, white, and blue. 13: Who sewed the first official American flag? Answer: Betsy Ross sewed the first official American flag. 14: Why were the stars in a circle on the first flag? Answer: The stars were in a circle on the first flag to show that all the colonies were equal. 15: How tall is the Statue of Liberty? Answer: The Statue of Liberty is 151 feet tall. 16: What country gave us the Statue of Liberty? Answer: France gave us the Statue of Liberty.

Are you going to the Georgia Mountain Moonshine Cruiz-in August 8-10? Wouldn't you love a nice shady covered space to hang out during the show, just $50.00 for 10x15 registered vehicles only. See the staff at vendor registration to reserve your booth, or call 662-587-9572 limited spaces available....... The show is in Hiawassee, GA.

Have your registered yet?

Pre-Registration Ends - July 15 check out the website for more information.

JULY 2013


The D’Iberville, MS DQ Grill & Chill parking lot was a full house at the 3rd Saturday night cruise-in. Street rods, lowriders, tricked out mini trucks and tuner cars all converged on this popular ice-cream stop. The Boggie Van pumped out some great tunes to keep the people hoppin and boppin, and DQ had some great door prizes. This 3rd Saturday cruise-in just maybe the ticket during hot weather. Where else can you get a Blizzard on a hot day.!


JULY 2013

The Silent Sermon

An Important Holiday…. I have been in and out of prison for the last six years. I am scheduled to return again in October. Every time I enter the prison and they are searching me, it reminds me of my freedoms. As I pass through the three sets of locked doors that must be buzzed open and then locked behind me with a loud click, I am acutely aware of a lack of freedom. One buzz, open, close, click! Another buzz, open, close, click. Buzz, open, close, click. Now I am standing in an open yard with hundreds of men milling around me. I feel alone…really alone! I feel scared! This is a dangerous situation. Suddenly I am aware of my vulnerability, the lack of protection, and the potential for harm. My senses go on full alert. I pull myself together and begin the long walk across the facility to the classroom. I say “hello” to the residents as I encounter them. There is the aroma of food from the kitchen. I pass by “PEN PRODUCTS” where the men work. Finally, I pass the church and come to the Education building. I check in with the guard and go to the classroom to prepare for my students and a two hour class. I am a volunteer. “Quenching the Father Thirst” is a study on fathering. Not the genetics of it, but education on becoming a better father. It is a program with great value to all men and fathers. Presenting this program in a prison offers an entirely new set of obstacles. The 10 men that have qualified and been accepted to this program will now spend 10 weeks with me learning to parent, and additionally how to get along with the mother of their child in an environment that considers what is best for everyone. It is a LONG journey for all of us! I never thoroughly understood what freedom really was and how precious it is until I came into this prison setting. I had always had freedom. I guess I took if for granted. Prisoners give up all their rights. Although, I am free to come and go from the prison, it makes me aware of how wonderful it is that I am able to make my own choices. I can eat when I want, what I want, and as much as I want. I go to sleep on my schedule, watch what I want on television, go outside at my whim, travel, work on my street rod, drive my street rod, visit friends, or do countless things at my desire. That is the freedom that I take for granted. Everyone doesn't have freedom. That isn't just unique to prisoners. Our nation has advantages that are not afforded in other countries. July 4 is the holiday that celebrates our freedom. Many brave men and women suffered great hardship to fight for a government that gives its citizens great opportunities… opportunities that are unique to the United States of America. Other countries do not have the freedom that is afforded to us. We should never lose sight of how unique we are. Independence Day is a monumental celebration for us every single year, and we must remember it every day of our lives. NOBODY has the freedoms that we do here. We need to honor the Patriots who fought to birth our nation by never allowing our Constitutional rights to be abridged. Freedom isn't free! As we go to our car shows, picnic, or however we celebrate this FOURTH OF JULY, we should be aware of this great country where we live. Enjoy the drive. Observe the beauty of this marvelous land. Be thankful for our families and friends. Happy Independence Day!

Gotta Cruise! Cubby

A member of the church, who previously had been attending services regularly, stopped going. After a few weeks, the pastor decided to visit him. It was a chilly evening. The pastor found the man at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire. Guessing the reason for his pastor's visit, the man welcomed him, led him to a comfortable chair near the fireplace and waited. The pastor made himself at home but said nothing. In the grave silence, he contemplated the dance of the flames around the burning logs. After some minutes, the pastor took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning ember and placed it to one side of the hearth all alone then he sat back in his chair, still silent. The host watched all this in quiet contemplation. As the one lone ember's flame flickered and diminished, there was a momentary glow and then its fire was no more. Soon it was cold and dead. Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting. The pastor glanced at his watch and realized it was time to leave. He slowly stood up, picked up the cold, dead ember and placed it back in the middle of the fire. Immediately it began to glow, once more with the light and warmth of the burning coals around it. As the pastor reached the door to leave, his host said with a tear running down his cheek, “Thank you so much for your visit and especially for the fiery sermon. I will be back in church next Sunday.” We live in a world today, which tries to say too much with too little. Consequently, few listen. Sometimes the best sermons are the ones left unspoken. The Lord is my Shepherd . . . that's a Relationship! I shall not want . . . that's Supply! He maketh me to lie down in green pastures . . . that's Rest! He leadeth me beside the still waters . . . that's Refreshment! He restoreth my soul . . . that's Healing! He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness . . . that's Guidance! For His name sake . . . that's Purpose! Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death . . .that's Testing! I will fear no evil . . . that's Protection! For Thou art with me . . . that's Faithfulness! Thy rod and Thy staff comfort me . . . that's Discipline! Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies . . . that's Hope! Thou annointest my head with oil . . . that's Consecration! My cup runneth over . . . that's Abundance! Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life . . . that's Blessing! And I will dwell in the house of the Lord . . . that's Security ! Forever . . . that's Eternity! Face it, God loves you! Sent in by Gene Shaw

A new England General was inspecting one of the numerous military bases in Texas and was being shown around by a Texas General who kept telling about Sam Houston, Crockett, Bowie and other heroes of the Lone Star State. At last the visitor interrupted: "That's all very well, but you don't have a Paul Revere. " " Paul Revere? " The Texan repeated the name as though it was vaguely familiar, Then his face brightened: "Oh, you mean that fellow that rode around all night yelling for help? No, we don't have anybody like that." Have a nice day,

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JULY 2013


Maureen Radzewicz

Penny Noble

Linda Miller

John Hans

The LOOK Magazine November 16, 1965 reported on the fastchanging South. As I turned the brittle pages of stories about the South of our fathers and grand-fathers, it was surprising how much of what was reported then is still with us today. But this magazine was given to me by Mike Longo and John Hans to publish the photo’s on this page. I found it interesting the mostly favorable comments LOOK published in that issue, about the Coast, talked about what a great future in tourism the Coast had to offer. Our beaches, fishing, golf, casino’s and liquor, not legal at the time but both were openly available. And ‘Southernhospitality’ extended to visitors and locals alike didn’t go unnoticed. As you look at these photos, and think about the forty-eight years that have passed, we are the lucky ones…. still living the dream.. hot rods, motorcycles and boats. Storms have changed our scenery, age has changed our taste for some things, but here we are still living on our Mississippi Gulf Coast Riviera. John Hans has a love of the Coast that goes beyond what most collectors of memorabilia display. When John started the Busted Wrench Garage & Exhibit it was a way of giving back to the Gulfport home he grew up in. A collection of cars, boats and motorcycles along with memorabilia from days gone by bring back memories to the visitors that stop by. Like most collections it’s never finished and there is always something new to be added but if you take the time to stop by chances you’ll leave with a smile and a great place to add to your “places to take your friends to” There’s even a 25¢ Coke machine….. Photos by: Slim Aarons - 1965

Gene Radzewicz

Judy Ballard

A new sailboat design, the Bikini, glides to berth at the $3,500,000 Broadwater marina.

“They do not own it, but the Gulf Coast belongs to the young.”… The young population of Ocean Springs, complete with dogs, turns out for Henry Ehrlich - 1965 test run in oak-lined alley of Wyndillhurst. 13 JULY 2013

By: Denise “Neecy” Cobb Laissez les bons temps rouler is "let the good times roll.” That’s what us cajuns say

when we are about to have a good time or are having a good time. There is a whole bunch of car people out there that are living by that motto. They are rolling to the car shows showing off their rides, meeting new people and hanging out with old friends. Whew! What a whirlwind, half the year gone! I’ve attended, photographed and written about many shows this year like, Back 2 Basics in Lafayette, Louisiana, the Atomic Blast in Gulfport, Mississippi to all the way to Georgia to Waller-n-Hollar. All of these shows were different in one way or the other, but they all had one thing in common...a passion for anything on wheels! They featured everything from classic cars to rat rods, mini trucks to motorcycles and even rolling ice chests. Every one was a new experience but most of all, lots of fun! There is nothing like driving to an event in your own classic car or bike. People see you coming and give you the thumbs up as you are passing them on the road. You can’t help but grin. All of the blood, sweat and tears you put into your ride (let’s not forget the money) is paying off. They are appreciating the site of your unique vehicle. Pulling into the show is a thrill as well. Spectators look on as you park to see what you will be showing. You get out and stroll around, enjoying the fruits of the other owners labors. There are people constantly asking you questions about your own wheels. You proudly answer explaining that yes, you did make these door panels yourself or you found your seats at Pull-a-Part and installed them yourself. Let’s not forget about all of the activities that are planned at these shows. You can watch pin-up contests, compete in hot sauce chugging contests, see bands play and pin-stripers doing their thing. Those things are only a smidgen of what can happen there.


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Have you gone to any car shows this year? If not, be sure to mark your calendar to attend the next one. Get ready to see some memorable sites. don’t have to own a hot rod to attend. It is just as much fun being a s p e c t at o r ……. B u t be careful. When you see all of those fantastic rides, you may want to own one yourself!


JULY 2013


The Matinee Rocker: By: DD Thunders. I'm still knee deep in blockbuster summer releases so I decided to give in and get busy watching anything I could fit into my very, very busy schedule! Well, I do have a bit of free time on my hands! First up is a big release that I have a connection to, Now You See Me. Directed by Louis Letterrier and written by Ed Solomon and Boaz Yakin. this film has a ton of talent in it but stars Jesse Eisenburg, Woody Harrelson, Isla Fisher, Dave Franco, Michael Caine, Mark Ruffalo and Morgan Freeman. The genera is crime thriller, rated pg 13 with a running time of 1hr 55m. I got to do a few days of extra work on this film and couldn't wait to see if I made the final edit and I am in a wide shot for a second or two. I spent three days sitting a few seats away from Morgan Freeman and really enjoyed watching him work. I learned a little bit about the business by just sitting next to him. What a nice guy and a true star. Well, back to the movie. I was a bit disappointed and was hopping this would be a new classic but.... The basic story is someone recruits the best in street level and hasbeen magicians and puts them together as a top draw Vegas magic act. The idea is fresh and the film should have been way better. Basically, the story follows the group as they seem to rob international banks while on stage doing there act. Personally, I couldn't wait to see how they did this because I was in those scenes and had no idea how that would play out. Like I said earlier, it all looks good on paper but someone dropped the ball. I think it was the director. They had a bunch of top actors and maybe that's the problem. They couldn't develop the characters enough to have some lasting power. I'm not much of a fan of magic shows and I liked the way they made fun of that side of show business but also showed what could be possible if you have a talent and work as a team to achieve fame and fortune. Trust me, that is not easy. One of my favorite actors, Mark Ruffualo played a over worked cop how is put on the case to catch these outlaws of Vegas. His female partner and him seem to be always behind all the capers that the magic super team pull of on stage, in front of thousands of people. They spent to much time on the high tech magic tricks and should have been using the talents of some of the best actors on earth. I have to admit, I didn't see the end coming and it was fun to finally see who was behind everything. I will give this film 7 out of 10 pics.

addition to the final installment, is a veteran of film comedy John Goodman, who played the bad guy. The genera is comedy has a running time of 1hr 55m and is rated pg13. This is another major film franchise and I was a bit reluctant to see a number 3 when 2 was not half as good as 1, but math was never my strong point so I got a ticket and hoped for the best. The last hangover was a bit scattered but still worth the ticket price. The first hangover is a modern gross out blow out that will have major staying power. This script has our favorite party boys going back to where it all started, Vegas. the Wolfpack had to set something straight and what better way to do it than go back to the town that almost killed them. The premise of this hangover is some bad people have kidnapped one of the Wolfpacks friends and the boys are forced back into sin city. There was a script for this funny flick. That’s what makes the difference in what will last and what was just a fad being flogged to line the producers pockets. There was probably no way to top the first hangover and I don't think they tried. Instead, they brought the saga full circle and tied up the final episode with plenty of laughs but let the main characters grow a little. That is probably hard to do in a movie that counts on low brow jokes and gags. There is a big difference between this project and others, like fast and furious. You can tell some smart people wanted to make a stupid film and put some love into making it instead of just trying to cash in. It was fun to see some cameos from the past hangovers and it really helped move the story along. I enjoyed this farce and hope they might make one more. I just hope they keep all the people who made the first one a classic and keep the Wolfpack howling at the neon lights and doing things that should kill them. But you know the old saying, what doesn't kill you makes you laugh your a... off! I give this funny film franchise fun flick (try to say that 5 times real fast) 7 out of 10 pics. On a personal note, I would like to thank the producers from the food network for using one of my original songs in a new reality show for their network. My band and I got to be on an episode and looks like they might use me in more episodes. They also might use more of my music. This is my first TV series to be involved in and I'm excited to be included. I will let you know how that works out. I really got a bunch of good feedback on my last column. Thanks for all your support. DD To book DD Thunders Band send inquiry to:

I watched the next blockbuster just for my editors sake, Fast and Furious. It was directed by Justin Lin and written by Chris Morjan and Gary Scott Thompson. It stars Van Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson, Tyrese Gibson and Ludacrise. The genera is action, rated pg13 and has a running time of 2hr 10m. I get it. Film franchises make tons of money and people like to see something they are invested in and are familiar with. But that's no excuse to get this lazy. I saw the first F&F at a drive in theater when it was released. That was not a bad movie and started a car fad that made certain Japanese car companies tons of money. But I guess a few films in and everybody calls it in. I don’t really think they had much of a script and just hoped everybody would just dig all the car stunts and muscle bound, action film stars trading tag lines and body oil. I saw this movie in a college town with the theater packed full of freshmen, I hope, movie goers and they did laugh at all the stale one liners. They actually seemed to enjoy this installment and that's probably exactly what the producers were going for. Job well done boys. I will make this review fast and furious and give this car crashing muscle pumping waste of a couple hours 4 out of 10 pics. Last up is a big comedy release, Hang Over 3. It was directed by Todd Phillips and written by Todd Phillips and Craig Mazin. It stars Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galfinakis, Ken Jeong and Justin Bartha. A new 16 JULY 2013

...and Jesus said, "Feed My Sheep." (John 21:15) Feed My Sheep is a non-judgmental, faith based program dedicated to providing nourishment to the homeless, homebound and needy of the Gulfport, MS area. Even though there is no “structured religious element” of the Feed My Sheep program, the Christian Spirit is alive and well in everything that we do. When Jesus instructed his disciples to “...feed my sheep,” He not only meant physical nourishment, but also spiritual nourishment. In 1983, a small group of concerned Christians planted a seed of hope for hungry and needy individuals in the Gulfport area. Through countless hours of prayer and work, and with the cooperation of hundreds of individuals and organizations, today this seed has matured into one of the most unique programs for the homeless and homebound in the State of Mississippi. So unique, in fact, that Feed My Sheep was named one of America’s “Points of Light” by former President George Bush.

In the beginning, the program fed approximately 20 homeless people a noon meal from a vacant restaurant in downtown Gulfport. Prior to Hurricane Katrina, we were feeding approximately 500 meals a day, five days a week from the Gaston Hewes Recreation Center. Of these meals, 100 were delivered to the homebound individuals in the area. Unfortunately, Katrina left Feed My Sheep with nothing, and for the past three and a half years, we have been working towards rebuilding a facility. Today, we are excited to have a state-of-the-art facility to serve our community once more. With the help of businesses and individuals in our community and the City of Gulfport, we reopened our doors to the public in January 2009. We are currently serving over 400 meals a day, five days a week. Our Meals on Wheels program was designed to assist local churches in their ministry to homebound individuals in their surrounding area. Currently six churches are participating, delivering a total of 179 meals a day. The Prayer of Feed My Sheep

Oh, God, when I have food, help me to remember the hungry; When I have work, help me to remember the jobless; When I have a warm home, help me to remember the homeless; When I am without pain, help me to remember those who suffer; and remembering, help me to destroy my complacency and bestir my compassion. Make me concerned enough to help, by word and deed, those who cry out for what we take for granted. Amen We invite you to join us in our efforts to feed the needy in our community, through a monetary donation or as a volunteer serving food!

JULY 2013


LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) You are compassionate, understanding, and sympathetic; that’s why you are known among friends as a sucker. Your parents secretly gave your brothers and sisters hundreds of toys, and while you slept the rest of the family ate meat. You wore hand-me-downs even though you were the oldest child. Tomorrow P.M. check career opportunities at McDonald’s. VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Virgos are clever and able to achieve notoriety; that’s why your friends regard you as a self-centered boor. You most likely have never watched a PBS program, but it you did, you didn’t understand it. If you were at all likeable, friends would pity you; as it is, no one ever thinks about you. No Virgo has ever been elected to public office. A.M. best time for sulking. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) You are shrewd in business matters and can usually get your way with others. That’s why everyone despises you. Closest friends enjoy having parties that are kept secret from you. Coworkers often mimic your poor posture. Even Dale Carnegie wouldn’t like you. P.M. good time to commit fraud you’ve been considering. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21) You are optimistic, enthusiastic, and ambitious. Too bad you have no talent. Most Scorpios end up in prison or on welfare, and it has been documented that all Scorpios have husbands or wives who cheat. There has never been a Scorpio with a successful marriage, and all Scorpios have less-than-average children. P.M. best time to spy on spouse. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You are artistic and imaginative, but that stems from your warped view of reality. Very few people admit to being a Sagittarian, but the rest of us know who you are because all Sagittarians are left-handed. If you are not left-handed, your mother has lied to you about your birthdate as part of a cover-up. A.M. good time to search for real father. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Capricorns can often be trained to be fairly good bus drivers and reasonably successful shoe sales clerks, but they cannot be taught to succeed at personal relationships. You probably have no social plans for the weekend anyway, but if so, they will result in disaster. It is unfortunate that Capricorns have no sex appeal to go along with their inordinately powerful sex drive. P.M. good time to rent videos. We are a group of enterprising individuals who have come together to create a marketplace for innovative products. Each one of our team members have been involved with technology from an early age. We share the passion for new technology and ideas that are shaping our future – at this very moment. Our start may be a very humble one, but we aim to be the best in our industry. Since the inception of our facebook page ‘Cool Products’ in July 2012, we have split tested a large number of ideas that appeal to a wide range of customers. Ever since, we have been studying new product ideas and networking with the brilliant innovators to help them execute their ideas. Our aim is simple – to change the way the world thinks about new product idea development.


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AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19) You are inventive and imaginative, which explains your habitual lying. Because Aquarians have no sex appeal whatsoever, they are fortunate to have no sexual drive. Of course, everyone regards you as being dense, but you never notice. Your idea of fine food usually involves some form of hot dogs. Inherent dishonesty may cause problems in P.M. PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20) Your idea that you are attractive to the opposite sex is rooted in your vivid imagination. The rest of us laugh a lot about that. Research shows there are twice as many Piscean jokes as Polish jokes, but you, of course, are not aware of that. Hair in nose presents social handicap in P.M. Good day to practice alphabet. ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You are loyal, hard working, and trustworthy, which helps explain why you are a minimum wage flunky. You have no special skills not involving a broom. Most likely, you drive a used Camaro with empty Burger King sacks under the front seats. Avoid wearing swimsuit until very late P.M. TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) You are persistent and determined when striving for a goal, but have no clue how to achieve it. All your friends pretend not to notice your lack of intelligence–at least to your face. Research shows that if Taureans were not counted in student tests, grade point averages in this country would rise 4.5 percent. A.M. good time to quit school. GEMINI (May 22 - June 22) You are extraordinarily intelligent and articulate, and those around you appreciate intelligence in someone so ugly. Geminis are known to become more repulsive as they grow older; future looks bleak. You are known among co-workers as “Horse Face”. P.M. best time for plastic surgery; A.M. good time to buy breath mints wholesale. CANCER (Jun 23 - Jul 23) You are conservative and against taking risks. This makes you the dullest person in your circle of friends (if you have any friends), especially considering your utter lack of ambition and/ or imagination. There has never been a Cancer who has amounted to anything. Ignore your fantasy of meeting Pat Sajak in person, since he wouldn’t like you either. P.M. don’t miss Tournament of Champions on “Family Feud”.

Strawberry Margarita Jello Shots Ingredients: 24-30 large strawberries 1 box Strawberry Jell-O 1 cup tequila 3/4 cup cointreau sugar 1-2 limes Directions: 1) Cut the top part of the strawberry. 2) Cut a little piece from the bottom to form a cup. 3) Scoop out the inside with small measuring spoon. 4) Repeat with all strawberries. 5) Place them on a baking sheet. 6) Mix 3/4 cup boiling water and Jell-O mix and stir until it dissolves fully. 7) Measure out 3/4 cup of cointreau and 1 cup of tequila. 8) Add in the Jello-mix and stir. 9) Pour mixture into the strawberries. 10) Refrigerate for a couple of hours. 11) Garnish with lime and sugary lime zest mixture. Enjoy!

What happened to spring? We went from spring to full blown summer. I don't know if I'm just getting old or what, but it is hot and I'm having a hard time dealing with it. I look at my 2012 Ford F-150 and then at my 1923 Ford T-Bucket, the a/c makes the F-150 win most of the time this time of year. I don't know about you, but the night time cruise-ins look a lot more attractive than the daytime car shows right about now. Regardless of the heat…it was time for the 30th Annual Blueberry Jubilee and Car Show in Poplarville, MS. Poplarville is a small quant Mississippi town that goes all out for this annual downtown festival. Vendors selling mostly handmade or homegrown items are stacked like cord wood throughout the downtown area. Folks come from miles around to attend this annual tradition. Thousands and thousands of people! This year the weather was awesome… no rain and not as hot as I remember the previous year. I was told that a couple of early frosts had hurt the local blueberry harvest but it was not evident at the festival. There were plenty of cartons of blueberries heading out of there and blueberry plants everywhere for sale. The weather made the car show turnout soar. There were cars parked just about everywhere you could put one around the bank. Now if I shut up right here…I might get a few more pictures in than normal. Oh, plan on attending the Georgia Mountain Moonshine Cruizin' in Hiawassee, GA August 8, 9 & 10. It's a great show in the mountains of Georgia situated in a beautiful park on a big gorgeous lake. The Hot Rod Show will be there providing the music. We have also been hired once again for Emerald Coast Cruizin down in Florida on the World's Most Beautiful Beaches… Panama City Beach. Emerald Coast Cruizin' will be November 4-9. Two great shows with a ton of cars you want to plan for… the car show, the adventure and the getaway! Enjoy the photos from the 30th Annual Blueberry Jubilee. Til next month… Terry Facebook: Terry Mason Barfield

JULY 2013


EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT Gates Open & Time Trials Start 6 P.M. ¡ Eliminations At 9 P.M. CAR & DRIVER - $20 SPECTATORS - $7 â˜ş 10 YEARS & UNDER $5 Gulfport Dragway is located I-10 exit 31. Go South on Canal Rd, cross over the railroad tracks. Go about 1 mile, turn left onto Racetrack Road and continue to Gulfport Dragway.

Track Phone - 228 863-4408 Check us out on FACEBOOK! July 10 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p July 13 Saturday Swapmeet (free) 11a -4p Jimbo 228 596-0664 July 13 Saturday NIGHT Midnight Madness gates open 9pm-1am Monte 228 861-6071or Shawn 228 323-4047 July 17 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p July 24 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p July 31 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p August 2 Friday Test & Tune Friday 6pm-10pm August 3 Saturday Summit Races gates 3p time trials 4pm August 7 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p August 10 Saturday Swapmeet (free) 11a -4p Jimbo 228 596-0664 August 10 Saturday NIGHT Midnight Madness gates open 9pm-1am Monte 228 861-6071or Shawn 228 323-4047 August 14 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p August 21 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p August 28 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p September 4 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p September 11 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p September 14 Saturday Swapmeet (free) 11a -4p Jimbo 228 596-0664 September 14 Saturday NIGHT Smackdown w/drag radials & slicks gates open 9pm-1am September 18 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p September 25 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p September 27 Friday Test & Tune Friday 6pm-10pm September 28 Saturday King of the Coast gates open 8am Gaylon Rolison 228 323-7325 September 29 Sunday King of the Coast gates open 8am Gaylon Rolison 228 323-7325 October 2 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p October 9 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p October 11 Friday Asphalt Assault gates open 4p-11p October 11 Friday LATE NIGHT Smackdown w/drag radials & slicks gates open 11p-3a October 12 Saturday Hourly Rumble gates open 4p-11p October 16 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p October 19 Saturday Ford vs Chevy pre-race gates open 10 am October 20 Sunday Ford vs Chevy gates open 8am October 23 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p October 30 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p November 6 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p November 8 Friday Test & Tune Friday 6pm-10pm November 9 Saturday King of the Coast gates open 8am Gaylon Rolison 228 323-7325 November 10 Sunday King of the Coast gates open 8am Gaylon Rolison 228 323-7325 November 13 Wednesday King of the Hill Races gates open 6p


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July July 3 Gulfport, MS Wednesday Night Cruise-in at Foxes Pizzeria & Sports Pub. 12449 Hwy 49, Gulfport, MS Car & Bike Clubs mark your territory on our walls, bring photos, plaques, logo's club shirts, memorabilia, awards, etc. Everyone is Welcome at Fox’s. Info 228 206-7667 July 5 Pass Christian, MS Store by the Shore 1st Friday Cruise-in at the Wal-Mart on Hwy 90, Pass Christian, MS. 6pm - 10pm. 50/50, music, prizes. July 6 Biloxi, MS Coast Cruizers 1st Saturday Night Cruize-In at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90 in Biloxi, 6-9pm. 50/50, great door prizes and Terry Mason's Hot Rod Show. All are welcome! Hosted by Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast Motorsports Magazine, the merchants of Edgewater Mall and Auto Zone. Information Jimbo 228 596-0664. July 6 Mobile, AL Benefit Open Car Show / Cruise-in for Brookleigh Nicole Gant. Live band NaNa Sha in Concert. 1pm - 8:30pm. Dash plaques to first 100 cars. Donations Appreciated, 50/50 tickets, Door Prizes. No Tillmans Corner (KFC at Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5pm - 8:30 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars Po-Boy's Cruise-In @ KFC events are for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds to benefit local charities. Jo-Jo 251 367-6643 ( enjoy the KFC Buffet ) July 6 Slidell, LA. Coastal Cruisers Cruise-in at North Shore Square Mall in front of Sears. (take exit 80 off I-12, North Shore Blvd./Airport Dr.) Slidell, LA. Cruise night, 1st Saturday of each month, 5-9pm. Hosted by the Coastal Cruisers Car Club Info: Vince 504 430-3006 July 10 Gulfport, MS Wednesday Night Cruise-in at Foxes Pizzeria & Sports Pub. 12449 Hwy 49, Gulfport, MS Car & Bike Clubs mark your territory on our walls, bring photos, plaques, logo's club shirts, memorabilia, awards, etc. Everyone is Welcome at Fox’s. Info 228 206-7667 July 12 Lucedale, MS Lucedale Breakfast Cruise-in every 2nd Friday at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 and Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more contact Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 July 13 Gulfport, MS 2nd SATURDAY SWAP MEET Swap Meet · Car Corral · Garage Sale Flea Market · Farmers Market · etc. 11am - 4pm FREE ENTRY For ALL Vendors & Spectators. Gulfport Dragway is located I-10 exit 31. Go South on Canal Rd, cross over the railroad tracks. Go about 1 mile, turn left onto Racetrack Road and continue to Gulfport Dragway. No Food Vendors Gulfport Dragway - 228 863-4408 July 13 Bay St. Louis, MS 2nd Saturday Night Cruise-in location is Market Town Plaza Hwy 90 Bay St. Louis, MS restaurants are Neal's Diner, Brooklyn Pizza, King Wah, and Subway also a grocery store Frugels. 6pm - 9pm. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers, Always draws a big crowd of people enjoying the "Swamp pop music", 50/50, prizes. Walking distance to restaurants. Info: call Terry 228 216 1259 July 13 Biloxi, MS Second Saturday Super Cruise-In at Edgewater Mall west parking lot. 6-9 p.m. April thru September. Music, fun and friends. Spend a warm evening with cool cars and friendly people. Hosted by Mississippi Coast Mustang Club & Antique Auto and Engine Club of Mississippi. July 14 Gulfport, MS M.A.C Inaugural Cruise-in Car & Bike Show. Advance Auto Parts 11220 Hwy 49, 1:00pm - 5:00pm. Open to All Cars & Bikes! Free Registration, Free Admission... Award for Best in show, $5 meals from CiCi's all day. Door Prizes. more info: 228 355-1550 July 17 Gulfport, MS Wednesday Night Cruise-in at Foxes Pizzeria & Sports Pub. 12449 Hwy 49, Gulfport, MS Car & Bike Clubs mark your (Continued on page 28)

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territory on our walls, bring photos, plaques, logo's club shirts, memorabilia, awards, etc. Everyone is Welcome at Fox’s. Info 228 206-7667 July 19 Long Beach, MS 3rd Friday Night Cruisin' Jeff Davis Ave. ... July 20 D’Iberville, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Dairy Queen - 4pm to 8pm -10634 Auto Mall Pkwy. Music by “The Boogie Van”, FREE NSRA Vehicle Safety Inspection by: NSRA Safety Inspector Jerry Cuevas with support from members of Singing River Street Rod Association. Car Clubs & Independents, Everyone Welcome. DQ Grill & Chill Cruise night specials. Info: Jerry 228.326.7489 July 20 Mize, MS 35th Annual Mississippi Watermelon Festival car, truck & bike show hosted by the Smith County Cruisers on July 20, 2013 on Main Street in Mize, Ms. Event time is 8:00am-3:00 pm. Awards will be presented to Best of Show car, truck & pre '49, Top 15 Cars, Top 15 Trucks, Top 5 Pre '49, Top 5 Race Cars, Top 5 '90 Model & Up, Top 5 Bike, Top 5 Four Wheeler, Best Project, Long Distance, Club Participant. Dash plaques and goody bags will be given to the first 100 entries. There will be door prizes and a 50/50 drawing. For more information contact: Max at 601-405-7685 (day or night), or email visit us on Face Book at Smith Cty Cruisers July 20 Gulfport, MS “All Jucied Up!!!” it’s the 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 6pm-9pm at the Acadian Plaza 2 miles North of I-10 (exit 34) on Hwy 49. next to Golden Corral. Valve cover racin’, 50/50, music, prizes, and walkin’ distance to restaurants. Come-on-ya’ll lets have some fun!!!! July 24 Gulfport, MS Wednesday Night Cruise-in at Foxes Pizzeria & Sports Pub. 12449 Hwy 49, Gulfport, MS Car & Bike Clubs mark your territory on our walls, bring photos, plaques, logo's club shirts, memorabilia, awards, etc. Everyone is Welcome at Fox’s. Info 228 206-7667 July 26 Gulfport, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at Sam’s Club, please bring items for Food Drive for Feed My Sheep. 10431 Old Hwy 49. (I-10 & Hwy 49 · Exit 34) 5pm-8pm. Everyone Welcome for Cruisein. Secured parking, entrance to café, restrooms, pharmacy. All cruisers that join or existing Sam’s Club Members will be entered for chance to win Sam’s Club Gift Cards July 27 Harrison Central Softball/Baseball Cruise-in fund raiser at Harrison Central High School (15600 School Rd. Gulfport, MS 39503 off Hwy 49) from 8:00am till 2:00pm. Please join us and help support the team, we will have classic car, trucks 50/50 pot, door prizes come out and bring the family and see all the beautiful cars and trucks on display. Information 228 697-4878 July 27 Dothan, AL New South Cruisers 4th Saturday night Cruisein, 5-8 pm at McAlister's Deli Ross Clark Circle at West Main Street. Big time valve cover racing, music, 50/50, door prizes. For more info call Steve at (334) 702-1224 or (334) 714-1166 or email July 27 Gonzales, La 1st Annual Aces for Angels Poker Run to benefit The Little Angels Foundation OPEN TO ANYTHING WITH WHEELS! All Don's Seafood stops. Starting at Don's Seafood Hut Gonzales-2405 W. Cabela's Pkwy, Gonzales, La 70737- to Denham, Hammond, Covington, ending back at Gonzales. 5 draws. 50/50 at each stop. Last stop 3pm- live auction, live music by Tuzack, and crawfish boil at Gonzales location for final stop. $25 per hand or $40 per hand with all you can eat crawfish boil dinner. Check-in starts at 8am. Ride at 9am. Final stop with band and crawfish at 3pm. PRE-REGISTER at Fiya on the Bayou rally Friday July 26th from 8pm-11pm, online, or register at checkin morning of event. Questions? Call Shae at 225-439-3100 or 225-4397976. For more information or to PRE-REGISTER online visit Also check out TheLittleAngelsFoundation July 31 Gulfport, MS Wednesday Night Cruise-in at Foxes Pizzeria & Sports Pub. 12449 Hwy 49, Gulfport, MS Car & Bike Clubs mark your territory on our walls, bring photos, plaques, logo's club shirts, memorabilia, awards, etc. Everyone is Welcome at Fox’s. Info 228 206-7667 (Continued on page 30)


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Auto Zone Domino's Pizza An-Jacs Bar B Q Mandal GMC Buick Classy Chassis Car Wash Street Dreams Hot Rod Parts White Cap Seafood Restaurant


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August August 2 Pass Christian, MS Store by the Shore 1st Friday Cruise-in at the Wal-Mart on Hwy 90, Pass Christian, MS. 6pm - 10pm. 50/50, music, prizes. August 3 Wiggins, MS Car Club Appreciation Day Picnic at Flint Creek Water Park. Car Clubs and independents are invited to attend, Red Creek Classics car club will be grilling Hamburgers and Hot Dogs. there is a large air conditioned building (just incase you need to get out of the heat) and there are plenty of shade trees. No charge to attend. info Charlie 601.528.1172. or Terry 601.528.1361 August 3 Biloxi, MS Coast Cruizers 1st Saturday Night Cruize-In at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90 in Biloxi, 6-9pm. 50/50, great door prizes and Terry Mason's Hot Rod Show. All are welcome! Hosted by Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast Motorsports Magazine, the merchants of Edgewater Mall and Auto Zone. Information Jimbo 228 596-0664. August 3 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner (KFC at Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5pm - 8:30 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars Po-Boy's Cruise -In at KFC events are for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds to benefit local charities. Info call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6643 (enjoy the KFC Buffet) August 3 Slidell, LA. Coastal Cruisers Cruise-in at North Shore Square Mall in front of Sears. (take exit 80 off I-12, North Shore Blvd./ Airport Dr.) Slidell, LA. Cruise night, 1st Saturday of each month, 5-9pm. Hosted by the Coastal Cruisers Car Club Info: Vince 504 430-3006 August 7 Gulfport, MS Wednesday Night Cruise-in at Foxes Pizzeria & Sports Pub. 12449 Hwy 49, Gulfport, MS Car & Bike Clubs mark your territory on our walls, bring photos, plaques, logo's club shirts, memorabilia, awards, etc. Everyone is Welcome at Fox’s. Info 228 2067667

- Public Welcome -

August 8-10 Hiawassee, GA Georgia Mountain Moonshine Cruiz-in. Georgia Mountain Moonshine Cruize In, is held in Hiawassee, Georgia located in the North Georgia mountains. If you have never been to this part of the country, what a treat awaits you. It's breathtaking views of the Blue Ridge Mountains, ice cold clear streams, charming landscape, and some of the world's friendliest people will truly spoil you. Located on Lake Chatuge, The Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds will host the event. You will enjoy strolling the pioneer setting, with live mountain music, folk exhibits, local crafts, and of course hundreds of hot classic cars. With plenty of automotive vendors on display to help you with a hard to find part for your classic car or street rod. You will love the shade trees, lakeside views, and a chance to relax in your chair beside your hotrod with a cold glass of lemonade. All of this will convince you to stay forever. Thanks to the City of Hiawassee and the kind people of the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds, there will be some good ole mountain music shows, held Friday and Saturday night at the Anderson Music Hall located on grounds. The nominal admission charge for the show will prove to be one of your best deals for the summer. Don't miss it! Registered vehicles will receive a discount. Show info: 662 587-9572 So make your plans now for the best Classic Automotive fest you have ever attended. August 9 Lucedale, MS Lucedale Breakfast Cruise-in every 2nd Friday at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 and Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more contact Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 August 10 Gulfport, MS 2nd SATURDAY SWAP MEET Swap Meet · Car Corral · Garage Sale Flea Market · Farmers Market · etc. 11am - 4pm FREE ENTRY For ALL Vendors & Spectators. Gulfport Dragway is located I-10 exit 31. Go South on Canal Rd, cross over the railroad tracks. Go about 1 mile, turn left onto Racetrack Road and continue to Gulfport Dragway. No Food Vendors Gulfport Dragway - 228 863-4408 August 10 Bay St. Louis, MS 2nd Saturday Night Cruise-in location is Market Town Plaza Hwy 90 Bay St. Louis, MS restaurants are Neal's Diner, Brooklyn Pizza, King Wah, and Subway also a grocery store Frugels. 6pm - 9pm. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers, Always draws a big crowd of people enjoying the "Swamp pop music", 50/50, prizes. Walking distance to restaurants. Info: call Terry 228 216 1259


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August 10 Biloxi, MS Second Saturday Super Cruise-In at Edgewater Mall west parking lot. 6-9 p.m. April thru September. Music, fun and friends. Spend a warm evening with cool cars and friendly people. Hosted by Mississippi Coast Mustang Club & Antique Auto and Engine Club of Mississippi. August 14 Gulfport, MS Wednesday Night Cruise-in at Foxes Pizzeria & Sports Pub. 12449 Hwy 49, Gulfport, MS Car & Bike Clubs mark your territory on our walls, bring photos, plaques, logo's club shirts, memorabilia, awards, etc. Everyone is Welcome at Fox’s. Info 228 206-7667 August 16 Long Beach, MS 3rd Friday Night Cruisin' Jeff Davis Ave. August 17 D’Iberville, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Dairy Queen - 4pm to 8pm -10634 Auto Mall Pkwy. Music by “The Boogie Van”, FREE NSRA Vehicle Safety Inspection by: NSRA Safety Inspector Jerry Cuevas with support from members of Singing River Street Rod Association. Car Clubs & Independents, Everyone Welcome. DQ Grill & Chill Cruise night specials. Info: Jerry 228.326.7489 August 17 Gulfport, MS “All Jucied Up!!!” it’s the 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 6pm-9pm at the Acadian Plaza 2 miles North of I-10 (exit 34) on Hwy 49. next to Golden Corral. Valve cover racin’, 50/50, music, prizes, and walkin’ distance to restaurants. Come-on-ya’ll lets have some fun!!!! August 21 Gulfport, MS Wednesday Night Cruise-in at Foxes Pizzeria & Sports Pub. 12449 Hwy 49, Gulfport, MS Car & Bike Clubs mark your territory on our walls, bring photos, plaques, logo's club shirts, memorabilia, awards, etc. Everyone is Welcome at Fox’s. Info 228 206-7667 August 23 Gulfport, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at Sam’s Club, 10431 Old Hwy 49. (I-10 & Hwy 49 · Exit 34) 5pm-8pm. Everyone Welcome for Cruise-in. Secured parking, entrance to café, restrooms, pharmacy. All cruisers that join or existing Sam’s Club Members will be entered for chance to win Sam’s Club Gift Cards August 24 Dothan, AL New South Cruisers 4th Saturday night Cruise-in, 5-8 pm at McAlister's Deli Ross Clark Circle at West Main Street. Big time valve cover racing, music, 50/50, door prizes. For more info call Steve at (334) 702-1224 or (334) 714-1166 or email August 28 Gulfport, MS Wednesday Night Cruise-in at Foxes Pizzeria & Sports Pub. 12449 Hwy 49, Gulfport, MS Car & Bike Clubs mark your territory on our walls, bring photos, plaques, logo's club shirts, memorabilia, awards, etc. Fox’s. Info 228 206-7667 Everyone is Welcome at Fox’s August 31 Gulfport, MS 5th Saturday Night Cruise-in at Fox's Pizzeria & Sports - HWY 49. 5 lights North of I-10 - you Can't miss it... it's where everyone goes… Info: 228.206.7667


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September September 4 Gulfport, MS Wednesday Night Cruise-in at Foxes Pizzeria & Sports Pub. 12449 Hwy 49, Gulfport, MS Car & Bike Clubs mark your territory on our walls, bring photos, plaques, logo's club shirts, memorabilia, awards, etc. Fox’s. Info 228 206-7667 Everyone is Welcome at Fox’s September 6 Pass Christian, MS Store by the Shore 1st Friday Cruise -in at the Wal-Mart on Hwy 90, Pass Christian, MS. 6pm - 10pm. 50/50, music, prizes. September 7 Gulfport, MS Car/Truck & Bike Show, Cruise-in & Poker Run. 9am-3pm Proceeds go to for Paralyzed Veterans of America. Registration $20 ($10 donation to be a judge.) Live music starts at noon, at Paralyzed Veterans of America building 15489 Dedeaux Rd, Gulfport, MS 39503. Sponsored in part by Auto Zone, Waffle House, Gulf Coast MotorSports magazine. For more info call Reb 217-201-1313 or September 7 Biloxi, MS Coast Cruizers 1st Saturday Night Cruize-In at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90 in Biloxi, 6-9pm. 50/50, great door prizes and Terry Mason's Hot Rod Show. All are welcome! Hosted by Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast Motorsports Magazine, the merchants of Edgewater Mall and Auto Zone. Information Jimbo 228 596-0664. September 7 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner (KFC at Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5pm - 8:30 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars Po-Boy's Cruise-In @ KFC events are for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds to benefit local charities. Information call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6643 ( enjoy the KFC Buffet ) PO-BOY'S CAR OF THE MONTH WINNER September 7 Slidell, LA. Coastal Cruisers Cruise-in at North Shore Square Mall in front of Sears. (take exit 80 off I-12, North Shore Blvd./ Airport Dr.) Slidell, LA. Cruise night, 1st Saturday of each month, 5-9pm. Hosted by the Coastal Cruisers Car Club Info: Vince 504 430-3006 September 13 Lucedale, MS Lucedale Breakfast Cruise-in every 2nd Friday at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 and Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info contact Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 September 14 Gulfport, MS 2nd Saturday Swap Meet · Car Corral · Garage Sale Flea Market · Farmers Market · etc. 11am - 4pm FREE ENTRY For ALL Vendors & Spectators. Gulfport Dragway is located I10 exit 31. Go South on Canal Rd, cross over the railroad tracks. Go about 1 mile, turn left onto Racetrack Road and continue to Gulfport Dragway. No Food Vendors Gulfport Dragway - 228 863-4408 September 14 Bay St. Louis, MS 2nd Saturday Night Cruise-in location is Market Town Plaza Hwy 90 Bay St. Louis, MS restaurants are Neal's Diner, Brooklyn Pizza, King Wah, and Subway also a grocery store Frugels. 6pm - 9pm. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers, Always draws a big crowd of people enjoying the "Swamp pop music", 50/50, prizes. Walking distance to restaurants. Info: call Terry 228 216 1259 September 14 Biloxi, MS Second Saturday Super Cruise-In at Edgewater Mall west parking lot. 6-9 p.m. April thru September. Music, fun and friends. Spend a warm evening with cool cars and friendly people. Hosted by Mississippi Coast Mustang Club & Antique Auto and Engine Club of Mississippi. September 21 D’Iberville, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Dairy Queen - 4pm to 8pm -10634 Auto Mall Pkwy. Music by “The Boogie Van”, FREE NSRA Vehicle Safety Inspection by: NSRA Safety Inspector Jerry Cuevas with support from members of Singing River Street Rod Association. Car Clubs & Independents, Everyone Welcome. DQ Grill & Chill Cruise night specials. Info: Jerry 228.326.7489 September 21 Gulfport, MS “All Jucied Up!!!” it’s the 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 6pm-9pm at the Acadian Plaza 2 miles North of I-10 (exit 34) on Hwy 49. next to Golden Corral. Valve cover racin’, 50/50, music, prizes, and walkin’ distance to restaurants. Come-on-ya’ll lets have some fun!!!!

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September 27 Gulfport, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at Sam’s Club, 10431 Old Hwy 49. (I-10 & Hwy 49 · Exit 34) 5pm-8pm. Everyone Welcome for Cruise-in. Secured parking, entrance to café, restrooms, pharmacy. All cruisers that join or existing Sam’s Club Members will be entered for chance to win Sam’s Club Gift Cards September 28 Dothan, AL New South Cruisers 4th Saturday night Cruise-in, 5-8 pm at McAlister's Deli Ross Clark Circle at West Main Street. Big time valve cover racing, music, 50/50, door prizes. For more info call Steve at (334) 702-1224 or (334) 714-1166 or email September 28 Laurel, MS 6th Annual September Show Off will be held Sept. 28th, 2013 at Jones Family Medicine Clinic in Laurel, MS. Rain out date will be Oct. 5, 2013. First 150 entries will receive dash plaques and goodie bags. There will be door prizes, 50/50 cash raffle, music, food and drinks. Registration on site starting 7:00am-11:30am. $20 Entry fee. Participant judging. Many awards for Cars, Trucks, and Bikes. All proceeds benefit the American Red Cross. Call 601-425-0092,

October October 4 Pass Christian, MS Store by the Shore 1st Friday Cruisein at the Wal-Mart on Hwy 90, Pass Christian, MS. 6pm - 10pm. 50/50, music, prizes. October 5 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner (KFC at Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5pm - 8:30 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars Po-Boy's Cruise-In @ KFC events are for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds to benefit local charities. Information call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6643 ( enjoy the KFC Buffet ) October 5 Slidell, LA. Coastal Cruisers Cruise-in at North Shore Square Mall in front of Sears. (take exit 80 off I-12, North Shore Blvd./ Airport Dr.) Slidell, LA. Cruise night, 1st Saturday of each month, 59pm. Hosted by the Coastal Cruisers Car Club Info: Vince 504 430-3006 October 11 Lucedale, MS Lucedale Breakfast Cruise-in every 2nd Friday at Hardees in Lucedale, corner of Old Hwy 63 and Cowart Street from 8:30am till. For more info contact Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 October 12 Biloxi, MS Coast Cruizers Mega Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90 in Biloxi, 6-9pm. 50/50, great door prizes and Terry Mason's Hot Rod Show. All are welcome! Hosted by Coast Cruizers, Gulf Coast Motorsports Magazine, the merchants of Edgewater Mall and Auto Zone. Information Jimbo 228 596-0664. October 17-20, Daytona Beach, FL Biketoberfest Sponsored by Daytona Beach Area Convention and Visitors Bureau The event is headquartered at Daytona Beach Area Convention and Visitors Bureau, 126 East Orange Avenue in Daytona Beach, however events will be taking place at various locations around the Daytona Area. The event begins at 8:00 am on Thursday. Events include bike shows, organized rides, motorcycle racing, vendors, music, food and more. For more information call (866) 296-8970 or go to October 19 D’Iberville, MS 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in at Dairy Queen - 4pm to 8pm -10634 Auto Mall Pkwy. Music by “The Boogie Van”, FREE NSRA Vehicle Safety Inspection by: NSRA Safety Inspector Jerry Cuevas with support from members of Singing River Street Rod Association. Car Clubs & Independents, Everyone Welcome. DQ Grill & Chill Cruise night specials. Info: Jerry 228.326.7489 October 19 Gulfport, MS “All Jucied Up!!!” it’s the 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 6pm-9pm at the Acadian Plaza 2 miles North of I-10 (exit 34) on Hwy 49. next to Golden Corral. Valve cover racin’, 50/50, music, prizes, and walkin’ distance to restaurants. Come-on-ya’ll lets have some fun!!!! October 19-20 Madison MS 10th Annual Scarecrow Cruise & Car Show, - Scarecrow Cruise & Car Show - 10th Annual - October 18-19, 2013 in downtown Madison MS, 10 minutes north of Jackson off I-55. Open event for all cars & trucks, domestic and imports, all years, makes and models, with more than 140 awards in various classes. Friday's

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November 2 Mobile, AL Po-Boy's Cruise-in at Tillmans Corner (KFC at Tillmans Square) Hwy 90, Mobile AL. 50/50, DJ Music, 5pm - 8:30 pm. Mobile's Showcase for Antique, Classic and Custom Cars Po-Boy's Cruise-In @ KFC events are for all of us who love Antique Cars, Classic Cars, Custom Cars, Hot Rods, Street Rods and Rat Rods. Proceeds to benefit local charities. Information call Jo-Jo Johnson 251 367-6643 ( enjoy the KFC Buffet ) November 4-9 Panama City Beach, FL Emerald Coast Cruizin' the South's Best Blast from the Past family fun event. Thousands of classic cars, hot rods, custom cars and trucks make way to beautiful Panama City Beach, Florida for this week long festival. Panama City Beach's breath taking emerald green coastline and the famous Miracle Strip gleams with chrome, hot colors, and the deep rumble of power. There will be over 125 + top name automotive vendors on hand, as well as a huge swap meet. Oh we also include a ladies section with great crafts, jewelry, and so much more. Kids will love the kiddy area with fun rides games and more! so much for all to enjoy!. Each night is full of activities from parades, great bands, and special shows. Even if you're not a gear head, there is plenty to do for all. This years event will be much larger, with much more fun and activities being planned for the 2013 event. So make your plans now, stay tuned to the website for updates, and get in on the fun. For show info: 662 587-9572 November 16 Gulfport, MS “All Jucied Up!!!” it’s the 3rd Saturday Night Cruise-in 6pm-9pm at the Acadian Plaza 2 miles North of I-10 (exit 34) on Hwy 49. next to Golden Corral. Valve cover racin’, 50/50, music, prizes, and walkin’ distance to restaurants. Come-on-ya’ll lets have some fun!!!!

Check the events page at activities include registration and Cruisen-4-Cash; Saturday's activities include registration, a Classic Car Caravan, open car show, Shopping for SIDS, Hope Hollow's silent auction, a magic show with a special appearance by Darth Vader and his Stormtroopers at the Madison Square Center for the Arts. More than 500 classic vehicles are expected to participate. Door prizes, food, event T-shirts, vendors and lots of family fun. To learn more about this event visit our web site at or contact Tom Phillips at 601-259-5248 or or Keith Bates at 601-720-4606 or You'll have a GREAT time! October 26 Bay St. Louis, MS 2nd Saturday Night Cruise-in location is Market Town Plaza Hwy 90 Bay St. Louis, MS restaurants are Neal's Diner, Brooklyn Pizza, King Wah, and Subway also a grocery store Frugels. 6pm - 9pm. Hosted by the Misfits Street Krewzers, Always draws a big crowd of people enjoying the "Swamp pop music", 50/50, prizes. Walking distance to restaurants. Info: call Terry 228 216 1259 October 25 Gulfport, MS 4th Friday Night Cruise-in at Sam’s Club, 10431 Old Hwy 49. (I-10 & Hwy 49 · Exit 34) 5pm-8pm. Everyone Welcome for Cruise-in. Secured parking, entrance to café, restrooms, pharmacy. All cruisers that join or existing Sam’s Club Members will be entered for chance to win Sam’s Club Gift Cards October 26 Dothan, AL New South Cruisers 4th Saturday night Cruise-in, 5-8 pm at McAlister's Deli Ross Clark Circle at West Main Street. Big time valve cover racing, music, 50/50, door prizes. For more info call Steve at (334) 702-1224 or (334) 714-1166 or email

November November 1-3 Crossett AR 23rd Annual Fun Run by the Klassy Kruzers. Host Motel America's Best Value Inn, Hwy 133 T. Phone 1.870.364.4101 (48 hour cancellation.) Grand prize $500. Friday welcome in bash: 6-8pm Registration 4-8 pm. Saturday Registration 8an - Noon. Info Danny 870.364.3842, Jim Bob, 870.364.2713 or Bill 870.364.9481


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Send-a-Photo of your “Ride” along with some info about the pictures to:

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Join us for the Great Southern H.O.G. Rally September 20-22 where you will be riding the Southern Edge of Freedom. Biloxi, Mississippi sits right on the Gulf of Mexico. Our rally site is the Biloxi Convention Center and the host hotel is right next door; both sit on Beach Boulevard with full view of the Gulf. After a nice ride in, you can register into the Quality Inn, unpack your bags, relax for a few minutes and then walk or ride next door to register at our rally headquarters in the Convention Center. After checking out the layout and opening ceremonies, we have a treat for all you Northerners; a Pirate’s Beach Party complete with bonfire, entertainment, and beverages will be available. It’s a chance to kick off your boots and get sand in your toes. Get reacquainted with old friends and make some new ones. This year marks two great anniversaries; 110 years of Harley-Davidson and 30 years of H.O.G. These two themes will be celebrated throughout the rally in our rides, our exhibits, and a big Birthday Bash Saturday night. Biloxi sits on a peninsula. You can’t travel anywhere without crossing bridges. Both of our two main bridges that connect our beautiful 26 miles of beaches were washed away by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Both were replaced by two brand new, up to date, very wide 6 lane bridges. We will make a 30 mile trek across these bridges with 26 miles of Beach Boulevard between the two. This will be our premier H.O.G. ride escorted by our finest Mississippi Highway Patrol Motorcycle Brigade. Saturday night’s entertainment will be provided by one of our best Southern bands on the coast; The Rochelle Harper Band. Rochelle has a powerful southern voice with a little jazz, a little Janis Joplin, and a lot of kick. We will also have entertainment at Thursday night’s Pirate Beach Party and Friday night’s pool party. So don’t forget your beach clothes and swimming suits. It’s time to ride and have fun, and party southern style. Vendors: If you would like to become a vendor for this great event, please call Mike Uli. 318-220-6040 or email - Check us out on Facebook: MS State State Rally


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July 6 Baton Rouge, LA Fourth Annual Passing the Flag The Passing the Flag ceremony will be held at Baton Rouge Harley-Davidson, 5853 Siegen Lane in Baton Rouge begin at 9:00 am sharp. The time of departure of the riders carrying the Flag to Lafayette will be no later than 10:00 am. Please arrive prior to the start of the event as food and coffee will be available. All donations collected here in Louisiana, stay in Louisiana to help our local needy veterans families. July 13 Scott, LA Trey Duplechin Benefit Ride The ride starts at Cajun Harley Davidson in Scott. Registration begins at 8:30 am and the ride leaves at 9:30 am. The ride fee is $25.00 and includes one poker hand, door prize ticket and a lunch ticket. $200.00 will be awarded for the best poker rand and $50.00 for the worst hand. There will be 50/50 drawings at each stop. The ride ends in Kaplan with a live auction and door prizes. Proceeds go to an accident victim for medical and related expenses. For more information call (337) 652-6774 July 14 Gulfport, MS M.A.C Inaugural Cruise-in Car & Bike Show. Advance Auto Parts 11220 Hwy 49, 1:00pm - 5:00pm. Open to All Cars & Bikes! Free Registration, Free Admission... Award for Best in show, $5 meals from CiCi's all day. Door Prizes. more info: 228 355-1550 August 16 - 18 Holly Springs, MS. Hill Country Motorcycle Rally Sponsored by Oxford Skateboard Shop The rally will be held at 159 Old Highway 7 South in Holly Springs. The gates open at 11:30 am. The rally includes A.M.R.A Drag Races, a bike show, bike games, bands, camping, contests, 50/50 drawing, vendors, and more. The bike show will award trophies in various categories. Bike show entry is included in the rally fee. There will also be various bike games with plaques awarded to winners. Racing categories include Pro fuel, Pro Gas, Modified, Pro Mod, V Mod, Top eliminator, Super gas, Super Pro, Pro eliminator, Eliminator, Outlaw Street, Hot street, and Dresser. Vendor fees begin at $60.00 for a 12 X 12 space. For more info call 662 202-2018 August 30 - September 2 Sandy Hook, MS Labor Day Biker Party The event will be held at 611 Hurricane Creek Rd. in Sandy Hook. The gates open at 8:00 am. The motorcycle activities are an organized ride, Poker run, bike games and bike show. Cash prizes will be awarded to poker run winners. Bike games will include ride the plank, weenie bite, slow race, helmet toss, balloon toss, beer race, road kill. and more. Prizes will be awarded to the top two winners in the bike games. There will be a burnout contest with $150.00 awarded to the winner. There will also be live bands, vendors, and contests. For more info: call 601 441-1106 September 7 Gulfport, MS Bike-Car-Truck Show, Cruise-in & Poker Run. 9am-3pm Proceeds go to for Paralyzed Veterans of America. Registration $20 ($10 donation to be a judge.) Live music starts at Paralyzed Veterans of America building 15489 Dedeaux Rd, Gulfport, MS 39503. Sponsored in part by Auto Zone, Waffle House, Gulf Coast MotorSports magazine. For more info call Reb 217-201-1313 or

September 20 - 22 Biloxi, MS Mississippi State H.O.G. Ralley Sponsored by Gulfcoast Harley-Davidson, MS Coast Tourism Commission The rally will be held at the Mississippi Coast Convention Center on Highway 90 in Biloxi. On sit registration begins at 9:00 am on the 20th. The event includes rides, poker runs, bike games, a bike show, venders, and more. Participants may pre-register before August 1, 2013. H.O.G. rallies are open to H.O.G. members and their guests only. For more info: call 228 388-5971

September 19-22 Lafayette, AL The Renegade Ranch Bike Rally will be held in Lafayette, Alabama Location: -2418 County Road 164, Lafayette, Alabama 36862. Registration: -$30 for weekend pass -$20 for a day pass Must be 18 years of age to enter! We will be checking cars and RVs for under age persons. Arm bands must be worn at all times. No off road vehicles, dirt bikes, or golf carts allowed. There will be lots of primitive camping, food and apparel vendors. Live Music with “Barstool Prophets�. There will be a Poker Run, Field Events, Bike Show, and a Tattoo Contest. For more information about this event, Jack Smith 205473-1361 334-338-0385

JULY 2013



JULY 2013

Classified Ads You get 2 months in Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine & 2 months on Web Site

Picture Ad $10 · Non Picture Ad $5


36 Ford Pickup RatRod, 283/350 Trany, Turn Key, drive it home. $18,500 Call Mark 228-239-8861 7/13

1957 Chevy 150 series 2-dr post California car, 350 engine, 400 turbo--- frame off. EVERYTHING ON FRAME NEW. New floor shift, El Camino rear end and have lots of new parts on car. Car is ready for paint and needs carpet. $15,400.00 - Kevin at 601-928-1605 or 228-860-4276. 7/13

1963 Thunderbird, Texas car, 10 year old restroration w/ less than 12,000 miles on it, first class: PW, PB, PS, factory air, factory tinted glass, it all works. Wire wheels. Drive anywhere. Too many toys, something's got to go. $15,000... Tommy at 228.219.3349 7/13

23-T Land Speed Car, built to run the mile or change gears and run Bonneville. No motor, trans or radiator. The previous owner ran a mild 305 and 350 turbo, his best run was 146mph. Car has 4” drop axle and 8.8 Ford rear with 270 gears. Car will need upgrades, seatbelts, fire system, new tires, maybe a chute if you plan on going fast. $3500 firm. No Trades Call Dan 228 861-1010 7/13

NOS Parts: 43 Assorted water pumps, 28 starters, 42 cluch plates, pressure- plates, box of wheel bearings, box of starter repair parts, 200+ switches, rotors, condensers, points, caps, etc., 54 assorted motor mounts, 42 fuel pumps. All this fits a verity of automobiles and trucks. All boxed new. Asking $2000.00 OBO 228-216-6863 Classified Ad 2 Months in the Magazine & 2 Months on Words ONLY……. $5 Words & Photo……$10

2000 Toyota Tacoma Show Truck. 4 cyl. With air, 5 speed transmission, bagged and body dropped, fiberglass dash/console. Excellent condition. Call David 601.616.2007 $7,500 OBO 6/13 or Info - 228 596-0664

JULY 2013


1957 Plymouth Belvedere convertible, 318 rebuilt engine, push button trans, no top but frame is rebuilt, painted and ready for new top. Asking $35,000 Call 228 617-6660 7/13

1957 Chevy 210 - 228 323-0705

1969 Chevelle SS396, now LS1 - 4L60, no expense spared, rust free, cold A/C, all original sheet metal $40,000 OBO. Call Marc 601-672-8830. 7/13 –MCC 1929 Pontiac Sedan "Big Six" restored to original condition except for the interior. Runs & drives good. Flathead six cylinder engine, 3spd trans with floor shift. Starter switch on floor as in original. Wood spoke wheels. Many extra parts including but not limited to frame, 4 matching wheels, bumpers, fuel tank, head lamps, etc. Photo can be seen at Rumblin n Ridgeland Photo Gallery 1 Page 6 Asking $12,500 OBO. Call Guss 228-806-5284 or Bob 601-918-9592. 7/13 –MCC


1966 Mustang 6 cyl, 3 speed trans, engine dress-up kit, duel exhaust, electronic ignition, new clutch and pressure plate, factory air (has electrical problem) wire wheels hubcaps (2 extra), interior and headliner excellent condition, numerous new parts, original valve covers & air cleaner. Color: dark shadow gray metallic. $8200 OBO. Call 228.493.2033 e-mail 6/13

1984 Camaro (RS) with air, new 350 motor, rebuilt 350 trans. & rear (273) with new bearings. Large aluminum radiator with dual fans. Nice rims. Front tires P215/65R15 Rear P295/50R15. White with Blue stripes. asking $10,000 OBO This car is like New!!! Call Dick at 228 332-0850 6/13 1967 Sunbeam Alpine, a California car with full body restoration and professional rebuild and installation of a Ford V6, 5 speed transmission and 3:55 ford rear. $9,500 or best offer. Mike Lalo 601-842-1424 7/13 –MCC


JULY 2013

23-T Land Speed Car, built to run the mile or change gears and run Bonneville. No motor, trans or radiator. The previous owner ran a mild 305 and 350 turbo, his best run was 146mph. Car has 4” drop axle and 8.8 Ford rear with 270 gears. Car will need upgrades, seatbelts, fire system, new tires, maybe a chute if you plan on going fast. $3500 firm. No Trades Call Dan 228 861-1010 7/13

1965 Mercury Comet Convertible. 289 V-8, 4 barrel, C-4 auto, Cobra dress-up kit, P/S, dual exhaust, new tires, bumper re-chromed, engine detail, under carriage detail. $9,500 OBO - Bob 601 693-3896 Meridian, MS 7/13

1929 Model A Roadster. 350/350 turbo trans, new paint & top. Runs good - 769 232-9479 7/13

Have 1941 Ford Business Coupe. I am looking for someone to do engine swap. I will be replacing stock V8 flathead with Chevy 327. I have all parts needed. Steve 601-680-5418

1968 Chevy Truck Take me to the car show! ZZ4 Engine, 700 R4 Transmission, 4 wheel disc brakes, Headman headers, custom leather interior, air conditioning, power steering. Pristine condition and has won MANY awards! $30,500.00 Call 985-630-3099 6-13


1929 Buick - all steel - Runs and drives great. One of kind paint job with a total of 17 coats PPG paint. Rebuilt 1970 Pontiac GTO 400/400, fuel cell, GM 10 bolt limited slip rear end, 1960 Buick finned drums with power brakes. New BFG wide whites on '60 Buick wheels. Corvair steering box with Ididit column, power windows, white leather seat, custom dash. Less than 1000 miles since final build. Call or text Wayne 334-728-0095. Located in Phenix City, AL 6/13

1923 T-bucket 302 small block Ford with mild cam, has C-4 trans, 9 inch rear end, Edelbrock carb. Has brand new top and many extras. call John 228 669 5096 6/13

1939 Ford standard coupe. Research chassis 350 / 290 h.p. crate motor (2000 miles on motor), 700 R Transmission. All steel body except for front fenders. Stainless exhaust, fuel tank & brake lines. Billet wheels. Ford 9 inch rear end. Mustang front end. Car has been totally restored and is in excellent condition. Asking $35,000.00. Call 985-502-1293. 6/13

1949 Pontiac 350c.i.-330h.p. Chevy engine, 700R4 Trans, power steering, power brakes, air cond, 6 way Caddy seats, power windows & door locks, lot’s more. Great driver. $15,000. 601-749-0684 or 504-382-2111 5/13

1964 Chevy custom stepside, 307 V-8 with chrome, auto, p/s, p/b, power windows, shaved with popper doors, duel exhaust, custom tail gate & tail lights with beautiful custom wood bed. Chrome tool box, performance radial GT tires, runs excellent, ready to drive to your next car show. $12,800. No Trades. Call Sid 228.467.0165 6/13

“Viper” most powerful factory built truck !!! 500 hp - 525 lbs. torque, low miles, non smoker, new tires beautiful.... ground pounding... burning rubber... head turning looks !!!!!! Horsepower, performance with 4-doors. Visit x-press wholesale online at to see more pictures of this vehicle or call us at 337-258-6772 today to schedule your test drive. 6/13

2003 S10 Extreme LS - Clean - Low Miles. Rare Yellow Exterior - Black Interior. Last Year for 2WD S10; Vortec V6, 4 Speed Auto Trans w/ OD, Ext Cab, Sportside (Stepside) Body; Extreme Sport Appearance Package, ZQ8 Sport Suspension Package, and LS Package; All Stock except K&N Air Filter; Mature Owner - Only 50K Miles; $10K Firm Please contact Mike at or call 601-883-8383 7/13 –MCC

1955 Chevy 6400, tilt flatbed truck, runs good, could use a little work but truck is in sound condition $1500 Call 228 669-3480 7/13

Check the classifieds at JULY 2013


1976 Ford Pinto Station Wagon, 4 cyl., standard transmission. Looks good & runs good. $3000 OBO possible trade. Call Donnie at 228 493-1906 7-13

1970 Dodge Challenger R/T Special Edition. Numbers matching 440 Magnum, auto, air, rallye wheels. Mostly original. Great car that I don't have time for. Less than 750 made. Rare car that turns heads. Asking $55,000. 601-569-0599 or . Will send photos. Let me know what you want to see. 7/13

1932 Ford Red Hi-Boy Roadster, 350/350, 9" Ford, Bop Top, Ultra leather, $30,000 Spanky 318-331-3992 or 318-281-6782 5/13

1930 Ford 5-window, all steel, 302ci, c-4, 4bar suspension, Flaming River, leather interior, Lokar, Autometer gauges. Great shape, runs and drives good. located in Bogalusa, La. call Glenn 985-570- 3671 4-13

1998 Ford Van. V-6, new tires, new breaks. Less than 150K miles. Asking $3500. Call 228 206-7610 7/13

Vintage Soap Box Derby Car...found it in an old store I bought, with much other stuff... I'll ask a grand, but if someone comes up with an interesting offer they won't back out of...we'll talk. Raymond Huffmaster 601-527-2055 Lauderdale, MS

1972 Monte Carlo. Garage Kept. All Orig. Excellent Cond. Virtually a Rust Free Car. Car has never had any body repair. Interior is in Excellent Cond. 350ci. Auto. Trans. Runs and Drives Great. This is a must see car. $7500.00 Firm. Call Danny at 540-247-3305 5-13

1999 Roadstar, Yamaha, 98 cubic inch V/twin air cooled, 5 speed trans, belt drive, lot' of extras, only 14,000 miles, garage kept since new, one senior rider, like new. $4,500. O.B.O. 985-732-3155 7/13

1977 Mercedes 450 SL Convertible. Contact Erin Mahan at 618 972-9245


JULY 2013

7/13 –MCC

List you classified ad at

1996 HD 1200 single fire $7500 OBO Mark 228 861-1136 7/13

2009 Harley-Davidson Sporster 1200. This bike is in like new condition, extra clean and runs excellent Less than 5,000 miles. Asking $6000 O.B.O Call 228 206-7610 7/13

96 Harley-Davidson Ultra - loaded, new tires. $9500 O.B.O. Jimbo 228 596-0664 7/13

Harley 2002 Heritage Soft-tail. 10,500 miles on garage kept old mans toy. Clean, well cared for machine with tasteful extras. After 66 years of riding, it's time to stick to four wheels. Priced at $10,500.... located in McComb, Ms. phone 601-250-4808

JULY 2013


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God Gives every bird it's food, but He does not throw it into its nest.

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THIS SPACE IS FOR RENT $20 MONTH Coast Marble, LLC Cultured Marble Specialist! Whirlpool Tubs 路 Vanity Tops Tub Alcoves 路 Showers Gene Whitney 228.860.9238 Fax: 228.539.9185 Romans 10:9


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JULY 2013

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