Music Project
General Ideas •
My general ideas are to show the main character walking down a street /park while bumping into people that he knew from the past. He then has a conversation with different characters and they talk to him about how he used to be and how he's changed, and forgotten everyone he knows. There will also be an element of performance from the artist, on his own with a graffiti background which can help define the audience he is talking to, and what type of music he makes.
My inspiration came from this film because it shows another character making it in life but when he goes back to visit his old life things have changed and all of a sudden people want to know him for his money
Who is the artist
• Cashtastic • • • • •
Grime artist from south London He usually represents himself by wearing casual clothing Often talks about the area he is from (Peckham) talks about his past in the song Talks about his own experiences
Visual styles and Techniques •
Establishing Shot to show the area and can relate it to the life he was talking about. This can represent the artist that he is
Close ups show him speaking and also his expressions and emotions
Two shot to show conversation between two people for example in the video I would use it to show the conversation between the two people and also their different body languages Add a flashback in black and white to show the change in time through the colour contrast
Target Audience • • • • • • • •
Age: 14-20 Gender: mainly male Area they live in: London Interests: making music wanting to change their lifestyle Making money people that use social networking sites Casual clothing for example hats jeans trainers hoodies
Locations •
I would use a gritty location due to the representation of the artist it shows the difference between his past and were he is now. It shows the trouble he went through and what he had to overcome to make it in music
Also I would use a nicer location somewhere in London to show the other side to him were he has made it in music
These two areas represent the two different sides to the character as they contrast with one having a more positive atmosphere in a nicer location such as a park while the other area would be shown in flats or somewhere run down. To make him seem more of a genuine artist with an interesting background wich will appeal to his audience as there appears to be more to him
Equipment •
To film I would be using a HD camera, which would link up to final cut, to create a sharper image of my music video
A tripod would be used to get steady shots of the video, however for some parts I may use handheld to make the footage seem more realistic.