Topography adaptive grid

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MC172, ARCH1362 Design research seminar ‘TOPOGRAPHICAL INCURSIONS’ 16/10/2013




Melbourne City Council document




How the ploystrene react with super glue?




How could it the flow of glue make the grid?


How could it the flow of glue on different topographies make the grid? STRAIGHT, STAIR, HILLY, GORGE


How could it the flow of glue on existing topography make the grid? RECENT CONTOUR


How could it the flow of glue on organic topography, which is before Melbourne city WITHOUT MANMADE, REFORM CONTOURLINE constructed, make the grid?


How could it the act of flowing glue on model represent as the component of 1. HYDROLOGY : STROMWATER grid system? 2. ROAD SYSTEM 3. HOUSING


If the flow of glue was controlled, how could it the controlled flow to make the grid?


How could it the flow of glue on topography with horizontal cut points make the grid?


With different distance of horizontal cut points on topography, how could this effect to make the grid?


With different direction of cut points on topography, how could this effect to make the grid?


When the flow of glue and existing road system overlay together, how could this inspire to make the grid?


How could it the flow of glue on topography, with existing contour as cut points make the grid?


How could it the flow of glue on topography, with existing contour as cut points, and overlap existing road + bubble diagram, make the grid?




M e l b o u r n e h a s d e v e l o p e d a s a g r i d c i t y. I n h i s t o r y, H o d d l e d e s i g n e d a g r i d s y s t e m c o n s i d e r i n g w i t h e x i s t i n g t o p o g r a p h y o f M e l b o u r n e . F l i n d e r s s t r e e t p l a n e d a p a r a l l e l l i n e w i t h Ya r r a R i v e r a n d p l a n ning Elizabeth Street as the centre of grid is in the middle of hills. This is that Elizabeth Street p l a n e d t h e f l o o d a r e a t o c o n t r o l h e a v y s t o r m w a t e r. I n M C C d o c u m e n t , M e l b o u r n e h a s g r e a t d i v e r s i t y events, for example, graffiti, café, restaurant, busking and local events, occurred on little street, all e y a n d l a n e a r e a . H o w e v e r, e x i s t i n g g r i d s y s t e m s e e m s t o j u s t p u t o n t o p o g r a p h y n o t p l a n w i t h t o p o g r a p h y. I f t h e g r i d h a s d e v e l o p e d b y e x i s t i n g t o p o g r a p h y, t h e s p a c e o f M e l b o u r n e w o u l d b e m u c h m o r e d i v e r s e t h a n t h o s e l i t t l e a r e a s . F u r t h e r, g r i d s y s t e m w i t h t o p o g r a p h y w i l l c a u s e a l o t o f s m a l l areas like little street, alley and lane area. 1. pa r a l l e l t o e a c h h i l l s 2. ho d d l e ’s g r i d p l a n







IMAGE BANK 1. topography as des i gn dri v er _ s tudi o ‘ fate amenabl e c hange’ 2. d raw i ng Mel bourne_abs trac t gri d



3. mex i c o c i ty _hi l l y c i ty 4. barc el ona, s pai n_anti que gri d 5. ams terdam, nederl and_radi al c i ty 6. bern, s w i tz erl and_topographi c al c i ty 7. mi ao, c hi na_tradi ti onal v i l l age






dam a new town developm ent 1. topographi c al l andus e pl an 2. z i gz ag up hi l l 3. outer l i ft 4. topographi c al hous i ng





5. unpl aned tow n_s anbok dong, bus an, 1953(k orean w ar) 6. unpl naed tow n_s anbok dong, bus an, 2013 7. garden ci ty pl anni ng_c anberra 8. garden ci ty pl an di agram






HOW THE PLOYSTRENE REACT WITH SUPER GLUE? - material research The technique of Melting is out of control by human. Thus, the outcome of model can be the organic form rather than intended. In this phase, the layered foam core block was melted by chemical reaction with super glue. With the same thickness of foam core, the condition of melting is affected from the flow of glue. There are two basement of foam core, which are vertical and horizontal layered blocks. Different direction of layer has effected to different melting reactions. 1.

1. mel ti ng proc es s per 5mi ns 2. bubbl e at the edge 3. A w hol e proc es s

Basic material: foam core (polystyrene) Melting method: Chemical reaction Glue (organic solvent)




1. s equenti al s ec ti on _hori z ontal l ay ered bl oc k 2. pl an _hori z ontal l ay ered bl oc k




3. p l a n vie w _ h o r izo n ta l la ye r e d b lo ck 4. s e c t i o n vie w a a _ h o r izo n ta l la ye r e d b lo ck




1. sequential s ec ti on _verti ca l l ay ered bl oc k 2. secti on _veti cal l ay ered bl oc k




How the ploystrene react with super glue? research question driver

FLOW: key characteristic of melting nature = organic



natural model making method

development of research question sub categories

The grid system of Melbourne CBD was planned by Hoddle. It was considered with existing topography and river edge, but grid itself completely is manmade environment. In contrast, topography is created by natural forces. It is absolutely out of control from human being. If topography involved in t h e g r i d s y s t e m , i t w o u l d b e t h e u n i n t e n d e d p l a n n i n g o f c i t y. I n a w h o l e p r o c e s s , ‘ H o w c o u l d i t t h e t o p o g r a p h y, w h i c h i s n a t u r a l f o r c e , m a k e t h e g r i d ? ’ s e t u p t h e g o a l o f s e m i n a r. T h i s q u e s t i o n w i l l b e defined and developed by each phase. 4 block of Melbourne CBD between Flinders st, Bourke st, Swanston st and exhibition st is chosen to engage with this practice. The site is the starting place of hilly topography in CBD, and it is a part of grid. This 4 block of grid will be redeveloped by topograp h y a s d r i v e r.



Bourke st

Flinders st

1. s it e plan 2. s it e loc a t i o n 3. s it e s ec t i o n a a


exhibition st


russell st

swanston st

Collins st



HOW COULD IT THE FLOW OF GLUE ON DIFFERENT TOPOGRAPHIES MAKE THE GRID? How the ploystrene react with super glue? research question driver

FLOW: key characteristic of melting nature = organic



natural model making method

development of research question sub categories

How could it the flow of glue make the grid?

From pervious work, the flow of glue is a sort of uncontrolled act. The process of melting depends on the way of layering. In this phase, ‘How could it the flow of glue, which is unintended action, make the grid?’ will be examined. In the process, 3mm foam core (polystyrene) was used to make an existing contour model of site. T h e n , p o u r s u p e r g l u e o n t h e t o p o f m o d e l a n d o b s e r v i n g m e l t i n g p r o c e s s . H o w e v e r, t h e r e i s a c r i t i cal problem, when super glue drop on the model. Each layer of contour model has a flat surface r a t h e r t h a n a n g l e r. T h u s , m o d e l h a s t o p l a c e o n s l o p e s u r f a c e t o m a k e t h e g l u e f l o w. M e l t i n g p r o c e s s is intended. The contour model melted like the irregular branch growth. Numbers of islands were created.



H m 1. proc es s o f w o r k




1. di rec ti on of fl ow _ proc es s of i s l ands 2. fl ow of gl ue 3. c ontour pl an draw i ng


HOW COULD IT THE FLOW OF GLUE ON DIFFERENT TOPOGRAPHIES MAKE THE GRID? How the ploystrene react with super glue? research question driver

FLOW: key characteristic of melting nature = organic



natural model making method

development of research question sub categories

How could it the flow of glue make the grid? unintended action

1st test flow + topography

How could it the flow of glue on different topographies make the grid? STRAIGHT, STAIR, HILLY, GORGE

A solid blue foam block is used to make sure a slope. This is a first true test of how topography makes a grid. With four different conditions of topographies, the characteristic of melting is defined. S t r a i g h t , s t a i r, h i l l y a n d g o r g e t y p e s o f t o p o g r a p h i e s a r e c h o s e n d u e t o s i m i l a r t o e x i s t i n g c o n d i tion and compare contrast different flows. Most flows directed to more significant slope and some of g l u e g a t h e r e d t h e e n d o f s l o p e , s o t h o s e a r e a s m e l t e d d e e p e r. M o r e o v e r, w h e n t h e b l u e f o a m m e l t e d , there is a lot of bubbles occurred. This resulted in a pockmarked texture. Existing topography of site contained a lot of different slope types, so next stage will examine the flow on existing condition of site.


How cou topograp

1. proc es s o f w o r k


1. tex ture _ s trai ght 2. deep of mel t _ s trai ght 3. fl ow of gl ue _ s trai ght



1. tex ture _ s tai r 2. deep of mel t _ s tai r 3. fl ow of gl ue _ s tai r




1. tex ture _ hi l l y 2. deep of mel t _ hi l l y 3. fl ow of gl ue _ hi l l y




1. tex ture _ gorge 2. deep of mel t _ gorge 3. fl ow of gl ue _ gorge






How the ploystrene react with super glue? research question driver

FLOW: key characteristic of melting nature = organic



natural model making method

development of research question sub categories

How could it the flow of glue make the grid? unintended action

1st test flow + topography

How could it the flow of glue on different topographies make the grid? STRAIGHT, STAIR, HILLY, GORGE

unintended action

2nd test flow + existing topography

How could it the flow of glue on existing topography make the grid? RECENT CONTOUR

Further development from pervious practice, the process of making grid system by existing topography is examined. In the existing condition, there is the diversity of slope. Most types are irregul a r a n d i t i s h a r d t o e x p e c t t h e o u t c o m e . T h e t o p s u r f a c e o f m o d e l s e t u p t h e s t a r t i n g p o i n t o f f l o w. 18g of super glue was used. The process of flow is slightly slow due to chemical reaction occurred. H o w e v e r, t h e r e w a s a n u n e x p e c t e d f a c t o r d e c i d e d m o s t m e l t i n g p r o c e s s . E x i s t i n g c o n t o u r s h o w e d t h e area of road is little bit lower than other areas. Thus, the flow of glue is animated on the road area. R o a d h a s m e l t e d d e e p e r t h a n o t h e r. T h i s r e s u l t c a n n o t s u p p o r t t o m a k e t h e g r i d b y t o p o g r a p h y.


Bourke st

Collins st

Flinders st

exhibition st

russell st

1. proc es s o f w o r k

swanston st

lower area = flow into


1. texture draw i ng pockmarks o c c ured by bubbl es (du ri ng mel ti ng)

The outcome is similar to existing road form. In this time, existing road is a driver to make grid.



FLOW: key characteristic of melting nature = organic



natural model making method

development of research question sub categories

How could it the flow of glue make the grid? unintended action

1st test flow + topography

How could it the flow of glue on different topographies make the grid? STRAIGHT, STAIR, HILLY, GORGE

unintended action

2nd test flow + existing topography

How could it the flow of glue on existing topography make the grid? RECENT CONTOUR

unintended action

3rd test flow + organic topography

How could it the flow of glue on organic topography, which is before Melbourne city WITHOUT MANMADE, REFORM CONTOURLINE constructed, make the grid?

The unexpected factor from previous task is fixed in this phase. Road contour lines were reformed a s o r g a n i c t o p o g r a p h y, s u c h a s b e f o r e M e l b o u r n e w a s c o n t r a c t u r e . T h e g l u e f l a r e s o u t t o f i n d l o w e r a r e a s . T h e o u t c o m e s e e m s t o a d e l t a , w h e r e i s t h e e n d o f r i v e r. S o , w h a t c a n t h i s f l o w l e a d t o m a k e grid? The whole process of research until this stage still remained the prologue of making grid system.


1. t r a c e o f me ltin g


HOW COULD IT THE ACT OF FLOWING GLUE ON MODEL REPRESENT AS THE COMPONENT OF GRID SYSTEM? How the ploystrene react with super glue? research question driver

FLOW: key characteristic of melting nature = organic



natural model making method

development of research question sub categories

How could it the flow of glue make the grid? unintended action

1st test flow + topography

How could it the flow of glue on different topographies make the grid? STRAIGHT, STAIR, HILLY, GORGE

unintended action

2nd test flow + existing topography

How could it the flow of glue on existing topography make the grid? RECENT CONTOUR

unintended action

3rd test flow + organic topography

How could it the flow of glue on organic topography, which is before Melbourne city WITHOUT MANMADE, REFORM CONTOURLINE constructed, make the grid? definition : “the act of flow”

How could it the act of flowing glue on model represent as the component of 1. HYDROLOGY : STROMWATER grid system? 2. ROAD SYSTEM 3. HOUSING


What is the act of flow can be as part of grid system? The definition or potential of flow might be needed to step over next. From researching the precedent of topographical city planning, the act of flow could be starting points of road operation, housing and eco-friendly d e v e l o p m e n t . R e g a r d t o N e w Ta m a To w n p l a n n i n g , t h e circulation of vehicle and people depends on the form of mountain edge and slopes. There is a standard housi n g m e t h o d h o w t h e h o u s e s p l a c e w i t h t o p o g r a p h y. O n the other hand, in the middle of hill recommended as the p r e s e r v a t i o n o f e n v i r o n m e n t t o d e a l w i t h n a t u r a l d i s a s t e r. l i fe ci rcul ati on l ong w al k short w al k radi al road (outer ci ty) 2.

l i ner housi ng

stai r housi ng

uni ts c ompl ex 3.

preservati on area

1. road s y st e m 2. hous ing s t a n d a r d 3. pres erv a t i o n a r e a


organi c topography

1. hydrol ogy 2. road devel opment 3. housi ng




IF THE FLOW OF GLUE WAS CONTROLLED, HOW COULD IT THE CONTROLLED FLOW TO MAKE THE GRID? How the ploystrene react with super glue? research question driver

FLOW: key characteristic of melting nature = organic



natural model making method

development of research question sub categories

How could it the flow of glue make the grid? unintended action

1st test flow + topography

How could it the flow of glue on different topographies make the grid? STRAIGHT, STAIR, HILLY, GORGE

unintended action

2nd test flow + existing topography

How could it the flow of glue on existing topography make the grid? RECENT CONTOUR

unintended action

3rd test flow + organic topography

How could it the flow of glue on organic topography, which is before Melbourne city WITHOUT MANMADE, REFORM CONTOURLINE constructed, make the grid? definition : “the act of flow”

How could it the act of flowing glue on model represent as the component of 1. HYDROLOGY : STROMWATER grid system? 2. ROAD SYSTEM 3. HOUSING

identify those

4th test flow + organic topography + mancontrol

If the flow of glue was controlled, how could it the controlled flow to make the grid?

test the method of control horizontal cut

How could it the flow of glue on topography with horizontal cut points make the grid? horizontal cut + control distance

With different distance of horizontal cut points on topography, how could this effect to make the grid? changing direction of control vertical cut + control distance

With different direction of cut points on topography, how could this effect to make the grid?

Making grid with only natural process has come to a deadlock. The method of flow has limited and it i s a f e w w a y o f a p p l y g r i d s y s t e m , w h i c h i s h y d r o l o g y. F r o m n o w, o n e s u p p o s i t i o n w i l l b e a d d e d . “ I f the flow has been controlled,� there are three options to control, which make the stopping points of f l o w. 1.Horizontal (cut) stopping points 2.Horizontal (cut) stopping points + different distance 3 . Ve r t i c a l ( c u t ) s t o p p i n g p o i n t s These options will cause the alternative encounter to making grid by the flow of glue.


CONTROL 1. How could it the flow of glue on topography with horizontal cut points make the grid?

First flow control is the wide horizontal stopping point. Horizontal cut is opposite direction of downward slope, so the flow is getting slower or stop when it met with cutting points. This also causes changing the direction of flow to cutting edge. Stopping areas can be soft surface area, such as gard e n o r p o n d s . M o r e o v e r, t h i s f o r m w o u l d b e s t a r t i n g points of housing and road system as well.


stoppi ng [cut] poi nts 1. plan drawing 2. r o a d d e v e l o p m e nt 3. f l o w w i t h s t o p p i ng p o in ts 4. d r e c t i o n o f f l o w _ h yd r o lo g y 5. s e c t i o n _ t o p o g r a p h y a d a p tive h o u sin g 6. h o u s i n g d e v e l o p m e n t _ to p o g r a p h y a d a p tive







CONTROL 2. With different distance of horizontal cut points on topography, how could this effect to make the grid? T h i s i s m o s t i n t e r e s t i n g f l o w e v e r. S e c o n d f l o w c o n trol is the narrow horizontal stopping point. Several cut points lead to dynamic flow of glue and there is a lot of tunnel in the melting space. This can be a sort of arcade system with topography and the operation of melting is suitable to road system plus drainage syst e m t o g e t h e r. T h e h o u s i n g t y p e w i l l b e a p p r o p r i a t e f o r topography emphasis form


stoppi ng [cut] poi nts 1. plan dra w i n g 2. road de v e l o p m e n t 3. f low wit h s t o p p i n g p o i n t s 4. drec t ion o f f l o w _ h y d r o l o g y 5. s ec t ion _ t o p o g r a p h y e m p h a sis h o u sin g 6. hous ing d e v e l o p m e n t _ t o p o g r a p h y e m p h a sis







CONTROL 3. With different direction of cut points on topography, how could this effect to make the grid? Third flow control seems to failure. This is due to the same flow direction and stopping points. Thus, the glue just flows up to down, like previous “flow on the different topographies (straight)�. This will not support to hydrology system. Road system could be similar to existing grid system. The housing will be suitable to topography neglect type, which is similar t o M e l b o u r n e C B D n o w.


stoppi ng [cut] poi nts 3.

1. plan dra w i n g 2. road de v e l o p m e n t 3. f low wit h s t o p p i n g p o i n t s 4. drec t ion o f f l o w _ h y d r o l o g y 5. s ec t ion _ t o p o g r a p h y n e gle ct h o u sin g 6. hous ing d e v e l o p m e n t _ t o p o g r a p h y n e g le ct






WHEN THE FLOW OF GLUE AND EXISTING ROAD SYSTEM OVERLAY TOGETHER, HOW COULD THIS INSPIRE TO MAKE THE GRID? How the ploystrene react with super glue? research question driver

FLOW: key characteristic of melting nature = organic



natural model making method

development of research question sub categories

How could it the flow of glue make the grid? unintended action

1st test flow + topography

How could it the flow of glue on different topographies make the grid? STRAIGHT, STAIR, HILLY, GORGE

unintended action

2nd test flow + existing topography

How could it the flow of glue on existing topography make the grid? RECENT CONTOUR

unintended action

3rd test flow + organic topography

How could it the flow of glue on organic topography, which is before Melbourne city WITHOUT MANMADE, REFORM CONTOURLINE constructed, make the grid? definition : “the act of flow”

How could it the act of flowing glue on model represent as the component of 1. HYDROLOGY : STROMWATER grid system? 2. ROAD SYSTEM 3. HOUSING

identify those

4th test flow + organic topography + mancontrol

If the flow of glue was controlled, how could it the controlled flow to make the grid?

test the method of control horizontal cut

How could it the flow of glue on topography with horizontal cut points make the grid? horizontal cut + control distance

With different distance of horizontal cut points on topography, how could this effect to make the grid? changing direction of control vertical cut + control distance

With different direction of cut points on topography, how could this effect to make the grid? cut + distance + direction + existing road

When the flow of glue and existing road system overlay together, how could this inspire to make the grid?

In this phase, the practice will back to pervious work “flow on organic topography� as basement, w h i c h w i l l m a k e t h e p o w e r o f c o n t r o l w e a k e r. Z o o m i n f o u r d i ff e r e n t p a r t a n d a n a l y s i s h o w t h e r o a d s y s t e m i s b r e a k b y c o n t r o l l e d f l o w. T h e n , c o m p a r e w h a t t h e d i ff e r e n c e i s b e t w e e n . W h a t t h e p o t e n t i a l of this is.

1. expe c t bad ex ampl e hy drol ogy 2. expe c t l oc ati on of s oft areas or w ater c atc hment

Bourke st

exi sti g road

Collins st

stoppi ng [cut] poi nts

exhibition st

russell st

swanston st


di rec ti on of fl ow

Flinders st


Mostly the melting occurred toward downward, so the melting will be more dynamic when the stopping points against to slope. In vertical model, spreading flow at the cut points will be boundary between soft and hard surface areas, for example, rainwater garden or can be water catchment areas.

1. three di fferent road s y s tem 2. col l a borati on ol d and new road s y s tem

Bourke st

mel ti ng area = new road di rect connecti on top and dow n

Flinders st

exhibition st

russell st

swanston st

Collins st


ex i s ti g road = c onnec ti on eac h mel ti ng area 2.

When the slope is steep, the process of melting i s s i m p e r. T h i s s h o w e d t h e s p e e d o f f l o w d e cide to spatiality of melting. From this practice, the way of collaboration between melting area and existing road will be predict. For example, melting space will be connection between top and surrounded lower area directly and existing road will be connection point of different melting areas. Thus, if the flow assumes as the road from top to down, the road will be coexi s t e d r e g u l a r a n d i r r e g u l a r f o r m t o g e t h e r. F o r example, natural and artificial are combined into grid system.

1. topography emhas i s hous i ng 2. topography adapti v e hous i ng

Bourke st

Collins st

exhibition st

russell st

swanston st


Flinders st


When the slope is steep, the process of melting i s s i m p e r. T h i s s h o w e d t h e s p e e d o f f l o w d e cide to spatiality of melting. From this practice, the way of collaboration between melting area and existing road will be predict. For example, melting space will be connection between top and surrounded lower area directly and existing road will be connection point of different melting areas. Thus, if the flow assumes as the road from top to down, the road will be coexi s t e d r e g u l a r a n d i r r e g u l a r f o r m t o g e t h e r. F o r example, natural and artificial are combined into grid system.

Bourke st

exhibition st

russell st

swanston st

Collins st

Flinders st


publ i c area garden, square..etc

This stage is a sort of arrangement what each practice does and zoom in what is the potential of each areas. The melting area can be road, h o u s i n g a n d h y d r o l o g y. I f w e t h i n k a b o u t t h e grid, road system might be answer what is the r o l e o f m e l t i n g a r e a . F u r t h e r, t h e c u t p o i n t s , which are stopping points, will be more potential for public areas with soft surface to collect s t o r m w a t e r.


HOW COULD IT THE FLOW OF GLUE ON TOPOGRAPHY, WITH EXISTING CONTOUR AS CUT POINTS MAKE THE GRID? How the ploystrene react with super glue? research question driver

FLOW: key characteristic of melting nature = organic



natural model making method

development of research question sub categories

How could it the flow of glue make the grid? unintended action

1st test flow + topography

How could it the flow of glue on different topographies make the grid? STRAIGHT, STAIR, HILLY, GORGE

unintended action

2nd test flow + existing topography

How could it the flow of glue on existing topography make the grid? RECENT CONTOUR

unintended action

3rd test flow + organic topography

How could it the flow of glue on organic topography, which is before Melbourne city WITHOUT MANMADE, REFORM CONTOURLINE constructed, make the grid? definition : “the act of flow”

How could it the act of flowing glue on model represent as the component of 1. HYDROLOGY : STROMWATER grid system? 2. ROAD SYSTEM 3. HOUSING

identify those

4th test flow + organic topography + mancontrol

If the flow of glue was controlled, how could it the controlled flow to make the grid?

test the method of control horizontal cut

How could it the flow of glue on topography with horizontal cut points make the grid? horizontal cut + control distance

With different distance of horizontal cut points on topography, how could this effect to make the grid? changing direction of control vertical cut + control distance

With different direction of cut points on topography, how could this effect to make the grid? cut + distance + direction + existing road

When the flow of glue and existing road system overlay together, how could this inspire to make the grid? unintended control point control points = contour line

How could it the flow of glue on topography, with existing contour as cut points make the grid?

M a k i n g t h e g r i d s y s t e m w i t h t h e c o n t r o l l e d f l o w h a s b e e n p r a c t i c e d u n t i l n o w. E v e n t h o u g h t h e f l o w of glue is controlled, vertical and horizontal way is too much artificial. What is the way of natural c o n t r o l ? I t i s a c o n t o u r, w h i c h i s t h e t o p o g r a p h y. F l o w o n t h e t o p o g r a p h y i s c o n t r o l b y t o p o g r a p h y. I t seems to repeat marks. In this phase, back to “if the flow of glue was controlled,…..” and test how could it work.

bui l di ng


The outcome faces to the other potential, which is the alternative division of land form. The spread of flow is based on the slope of topography and being stopped by contour line. As a result, only steep areas are melted and gentle area is only remained. This gentle area could leave to buildings. This can be standard for how the grid starts.



FLOW: key characteristic of melting nature = organic



natural model making method

development of research question sub categories

How could it the flow of glue make the grid? unintended action

1st test flow + topography

How could it the flow of glue on different topographies make the grid? STRAIGHT, STAIR, HILLY, GORGE

unintended action

2nd test flow + existing topography

How could it the flow of glue on existing topography make the grid? RECENT CONTOUR

unintended action

3rd test flow + organic topography

How could it the flow of glue on organic topography, which is before Melbourne city WITHOUT MANMADE, REFORM CONTOURLINE constructed, make the grid? definition : “the act of flow”

How could it the act of flowing glue on model represent as the component of 1. HYDROLOGY : STROMWATER grid system? 2. ROAD SYSTEM 3. HOUSING

identify those

4th test flow + organic topography + mancontrol

If the flow of glue was controlled, how could it the controlled flow to make the grid?

test the method of control horizontal cut

How could it the flow of glue on topography with horizontal cut points make the grid? horizontal cut + control distance

With different distance of horizontal cut points on topography, how could this effect to make the grid? changing direction of control vertical cut + control distance

With different direction of cut points on topography, how could this effect to make the grid? cut + distance + direction + existing road

When the flow of glue and existing road system overlay together, how could this inspire to make the grid? unintended control point control points = contour line

How could it the flow of glue on topography, with existing contour as cut points make the grid?

+human intended

+ road system

How could it the flow of glue on topography, with existing contour as cut points, and overlap existing road + bubble diagram, make the grid? from studio “ fate amenable to change�

ex i s t i n g t o p o g r a p h y

the fl ow of gl ue/ contorl l ed by contourl i ne

Ho w c o u l d i t t o p o g r ap h y m a ke th e g r id ?

H ow coul d i t the fl ow of gl ue, w hi c h i s c ontrol l ed by contour l i ne, make the gri d ?

o v e r l a p e x istin g r o a d

bubbl e di agram

Bourke st

exhibition st

russell st

swanston st

Collins st

Flinders st

H o w c o u l d th o se th e flo w o f g lu e , wh ich is control l ed b y c o n t o u r lin e , a n d o ve r la p e xistin g r o a d , make the grid?

H ow coul d those the fl ow of gl ue, w hi c h i s c ontrol l ed by contour l i ne, and overl ap ex i s ti ng road, and bubbl e di agram, make the gri d?

In studi o “fate to amenabl e c hange�, the bubbl e di a gram, w hi ch combi ned w i th c ontour l i ne, i s a des i gn fi el d to di sposal the l anduse of c ar park . The maj or characteri sti c of bubbl e, w h i c h oc c urred duri ng mel t i ng, happen every edge of hori z ontal l ay ered bl oc k (fi rst materi al research). Thu s , c ontour l i ne s et-up as the end of l ayer, l i ke the fi rs t l ay ered c ontour model , then, draw the ci rcl e betw een tw o c ontour l i ne. Thi s w i l l conti nue unti l fi l l a w hole area w i th bubbl e. Thi s di agram w i l l hel p to defi ne t he l oc ati on of hous i ng and di sposal l anduse.





1. draw outl i ne of mel ti ng 2. draw depth of mel ti ng 3. c reate bubbl e di agram 4. c onnec t c entre of s urrounded bubbl e 5. ex i s ti ng road ov erl ay 6. c ombi ne together



BIBLIOGRAPHY An dr ew S ot t , ‘ R e N e w To w n ’ , 2 0 1 2 Se ok J eong, ‘ pro p o s e d o l i c y g u i d e l i n e s fo r hi l l si de housi ng redevel opment ’ , 1995 Hy ungdu Yun, ‘ to p o g ra p h y a d a p ti v e u rb a n pl anni ng techni ques based on geo-envi romental anly si s m et hod ’, 20 0 8 Je y oung J ung, ‘ a s tu d y o n c h a ra te ri s ti c s of urban ti ssue of hi l l si de resi denti al area i n S eoul ’ , 2010 ‘ ta m a new t own , w e s t o f to k y o : a n a l y s y s o f a shri nki ng suburb ’ , uni versi ty of tsukuna, 2008 ht t p: / / pr at t int ok y o .w o rd p re s s .c o m /2 0 1 3 /0 6 /04/tama-new -tow n-suburban-pl anni ng/ ht t p: / / www. japa n ti me s .c o .j p /c o mmu n i ty /2 011/11/01/how -tos/j apans-new -tow ns-are-fi nal l y-getti n gtoo- old/ #. Ul3t o y QfN e U ht t p: / / japanpr op e rty c e n tra l .c o m/ta g /ta ma -new tow n/ ht t p: / / www. f lic k r.c o m /p h o to s /4 3 7 7 4 6 8 4 @ N05/4604328658/ ht t p: / / www. gr iff i n s o c i e ty.o rg /Bi g Im a g e .a s p?P i cfi l e= 1205-01_0078_C anberraP l an. j p g& S ubm it = S u b mi t ht t p: / / www. digita l c a me ra w o rl d .c o m /2 0 1 2 /0 1/28/your-facebook-photos-austral i a-day/426539_10 15 0621006403126 _ 6 6 7 2 0 8 1 2 5 _ 1 0 8 4 0 9 9 7 _ 404863842_n/

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