1. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION Dajç lays South-West of Shkodra city in a distance of 22 km from its centre. Dajç is confined in the North and North-West with Buna River, in the East and South-East with the Bërdicë administra ve unit and Bushat Municipality, and in the South with Velipoja administra ve unit. The Dajç commune had a total surface of 36.5 km². 2. POPULATION AND VILLAGES According to 2014 data, the Dajç commune has a popula on of 8895 inhabitants, distributed in 11 villages (Dajç, Samrish i ri, Samrish i Sipërm, Suka Dajç, Pentar, Belaj, Rrushkull, Shirq, Darragjat, Mali i Gjym t, Mushan). 3. NATURAL RESOURCES AND MANAGEMENT The Dajç area has considerable natural, water and environmental resources. The main ac vity is agriculture, where the main part is farming. Dajçi has 3,652 hectares, which is almost completely agricultural land. There are 79 hectares of urban land, 3,383 hectares of rural land and 190 hectares of pastures. The Buna River contains different kinds of animals and birds, making the area a poten al one for tourism and fishing. 4. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Dajç has an agriculture-based economy. Apart this, there are also 62 small private businesses, comprising trade, small produc on units as well as 8 small units of milk products processing. Also there are 8 units for the produc on and trading of decora ve plants as well as public transporta on lines. 5. INCOME AND UNEMPLOYMENT The value of the popula on income for 2014 has been 290-400 ALL/capita (declining, influenced by floods). Unemployment stands at 16%. 6. MAIN PUBLIC SERVICES Water supply and sewage Waste management and electricity grid Sanitary service, greenery Road maintenance and transport Culture and sport 4 kindergartens, 4 9 – level schools 1 general high school 3 health centres 1. The prepara on of the material is based on the informa on taken in “Strategic Development Plan of the Dajç Commune”
Administrative Unit Dajç
On July 31st, 2014, the Albanian Parliament approved the law No. 115/2014 “On the Administra ve Territorial Division of Local Government Units in the Republic of Albania”. The new territorial division put an end to the extreme administra ve fragmenta on of the country, by organizing territory and local government in just 61 municipali es. Dajç is an administra ve unit of Shkodra Municipality. Before the reform, it was a commune of Shkodra County. The data refers to the Dajç Commune.
Support to Shkodra municipality for improving Waste Management in touris c areas During 2016, it was agreed that for elabora on of waste management plan for the whole territory of Shkodra municipality to follow a step by step a p p ro a c h s t a r n g w i t h i n f ra s t r u c t u ra l improvements of waste management in touris c areas like Velipoja and Dajç, and later on to dra an integrated waste management for the whole Shkodra municipality.
Dldp main objec ves with the support in Velipoja and Dajç are: Support municipality of Shkodra to design a dra short term ac on plan for touris c area of Velipoja and Dajç. Support municipality in implemen ng waste management ac on plan in Velipoja through community involvement and staff training (informa on, fiscal policy, tariffs, recycling… etc.). Support Municipality of Shkodra to include in the next process of elabora on of an integrated waste management plan, the lessons learnt from the implementa on of the short term ac on plan in touris c areas of Velipoja and Dajç.