Newsletter VI-th EDITION

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Newsletter Dldp aims through this newsletter to share to the readers the main achievements of each quarter as well as the main activities planned for the next quarter. This format further enriches the ways of transmitting information through our website


1 Management Board of Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation visits dldp programme PSI programme from

1 Kyrgyzstan visits

dldp programme in Albania

2 Meeting of the Steering Committee in Shkodra National Conference:

2 “ Waste Management: Lessons and findings after the Territorial Administrative Reform”

3 Integrated One-Stop Shop system – a successful implementation in Albania

3 Dldp contributes to preparation of Draft Law on Local Finances

4 Continues Training Program for Local Public Administration in Public Finance Management

4 Women in Politics Network Meeting with the Swiss Ambassador of Switzerland, Mr. Christoph Graf


Management Board of Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation visits dldp programme HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation is an international network of independent affiliate member organisations working in the field of development cooperation and emergency response. As a network, it promotes the fundamental rights of individuals and groups and strengthens governments and other duty bearers in their service provision. The HELVETAS network builds upon six decades of development experience. With 1400 collaborators, it is engaged in more than 30 countries. The Management Board delegation (MB) represented by Melchior Lengsfeld, Executive Director of HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation and Remo Gesù, Co-Head International Programmes/ Member of the Management Board accompanied by Jens Engeli, Co-Team Leader Regional Unit Eastern Europe and Matthias Herr, Co-Team Leader Regional Unit Eastern Europe / Advisor Financial Sector Development paid a visit to the projects in Albania during 17 – 19 April, 2016. The visit of the Management Board delegation started with a meeting with Swiss Ambassador and SDC representatives, where SDC highlighted the quality of program inputs

implemented by the projects in Albania. The second day of the visit continued with a joint meeting of HSI projects in Albania (dldp, Risi Albania and PERFORM) to introduce the context and projects. Presentations, open discussion with partners and projects staff were provided a lot of information for the visitors from the Management Board. Dldp organized also a meeting with Minister of State for Local Issues. In the meeting Mr. Blendi Çuçi expressed his high appreciation for the dldp contribution in Territorial and Administrative Reform emphasizing the further consolidation of functionality criteria through its application in the General Local Plans through Albanian governance assistance for 26 LGUs. He acknowledged as a potential replication of dldp developed models in waste management and other public services for local level. At the end of discussions Mr. Çuçi expressed interest for a wider and reciprocal recognition of HSI and Swiss practices which may embody further collaboration in the future. Swiss delegation visited different practices developed by the programs in Shkodra area related with public

services, social cohesion, public private partnerships, youth employment and tourism promotion. The visit was closed with a joint event with dldp and Risi programmes to share the reflections and future steps. HSI representatives appreciated the positive results achieved by the p ro g r a m s i n A l b a n i a . T h ey recommended that exposure, sharing and the promotion of good practices developed within the organization in Albania in such areas as policy influence, women in politics involvement and innovation should be used to increase the efficiency of HSI interventions.

PSI programme from Kyrgyzstan visits dldp programme in Albania Dldp programme in Albania was visited from PSI programme (Public Service Improvement) implemented from Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation in Kyrgyzstan on the 10th till 13th of May, 2016. Part of the management staff together with a representative of SDC office in Kyrgyzstan and the Co-Team leader Governance and Peace in Helvetas came to closely profit from the long experience that dldp has built on improving the public services in urban and rural areas in Albania. The Delegation from Kyrgyzstan was introduced with different practices and partners of the programme in national and local level. Mrs. Valbona Karakaçi, dldp Programme Manager, broadly explained the history of dldp, objectives, main interventions, results, challenges and the progress done in the main thematic lines the programme has worked on. Albanian experience with Territorial Administrative Reform and dldp contribution in it were presented by Mr. Enea Hoti, Advisor for Local Issues to the Albanian Ministry of State, meanwhile Mrs. Elda Bagaviki, representative of Swiss Embassy explained

the Swiss Cooperation Strategy with Albania 2014-2017. During their visit in Albania, colleagues from Kyrgyzstan and Helvetas had also the opportunity to exchange with their colleagues from dldp and local service providers on specific dldp activity lines such as support to the Women in Politics initiative. Shkodra Municipality councilor Mrs. Senida Mesi was invited to inform the visitors with all the challenges and the hard work women in politics have to face in their every day life. Other dldp core working areas as Functional Area Programme as a planning and project identification instrument was presented by Blendi Bushati, and dldp local experts presented Territorial Strategic documents and Financial Planning In the third and fourth day the Kyrgyzstan delegation was hosted by dldp staff in Shkodra. They had the possibility to visit the One Stop Shop in Shkodra municipality and to get to know the DEMOS programme implemented by Helvetas in Kosovo and presented by its Programme Manager, Mr. Norbert Pijls. The delegation has shown a great interest in

the presentation done from, Mr. Arben Kopliku on Waste Management. They were known with the manual on Local Waste Planning, the cost and tariff, benchmarking system. These were enriched with the discussion of practical examples on recycling, waste optimization and rule of law on Waste Management. The last day was opened with the presentation of the policy making and policy influence from the, Mr. Erton Kashta. The Kyrgyzstan mission has also enjoyed the beauty that Albania offers. During the week they could visit the lake of Shkodra, the Marubi museum, the Rozafa Castle, hospitality and the wonderful food of Shkodra.

Meeting of the Steering Committee in Shkodra The Program on Decentralization and Local Development Program (DLDP) held in Shkodra on June 10th, 2016, the meeting of the Steering Committee. The dldp Steering Committee is a platform used not only for the participatory management, but also to exchange experiences and practices, discussion on legal framework and public policies. In this meeting there were representatives of 11 partner municipalities, including mayors, vicemayors, departments’ chiefs and finance and administrative services specialists. The host of the meeting was Shkodra Municipality. In her opening remarks, the chairwoman of Shkodra Municipality, Mrs. Voltana Ademi, except thanking the program for the help it is giving to municipalities for overcoming post-reform challenges, invited her colleagues from other municipalities to be more careful in implementing functions transferred from the central government. Through tangible examples, such as the irrigation board, preelementary schooling, fire-fighters service and civil emergencies, the Shkodra mayor highlighted some of the difficulties through which local governments have had to go through. In the presentation of the dldp Programm Manager, Mrs. Valbona Karakaçi, there were information about the challenges facing the program in the first half of the year 2016 as well

as the expected contributions for the second half of the year. There were given details about the progress in the implementation of dldp support packages in strategic planning (setting up of local general plans), public finances management (setting up of annual and medium-term budget, such as Shkodra Municipality budget model), inputs given from dldp on local finances law, urban waste management with integrated plans of waste management and rehabilitation of landfills, government decree draft on costs and tariffs and positive practices, procedures and current progress on projects financed through the grant fund, closing with further steps on One Stop Shops and Women in Politics Network. Then the meeting continued with the presentation of Shkodra Municipality vice Mayor, Mrs. Emilia Koliqi, on the process of budget drafting and the challenges related to this process in the framework of the consolidation of the territorial reform. Dldp officer, Mr. Elvin Hoxha, presented the new

features of the law on local finances in the framework of the financial management. In this meeting, members of the Steering Committee were closely acknowledged with positive practices of the host municipality in the field of administrative services, where Mrs. Helga Sallaku, did a full presentation of the process and progress made by the municipality in improving services given and information toward citizens through this institution.

National Conference: “Waste Management: Lessons and findings after the Territorial Administrative Reform” The developments after the Territorial Administrative Reform, such as the new law on local government, decentralization strategy, the new draft-law on local finances and the waste management are facing the challenges that are encountering the local level in achieving strategic objectives in the framework of the national strategy. In continuity of the consultative platforms, on June 15, 2016, dldp, in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment organized the national conference “Waste Management: lessons and findings after the Territorial Administrative Reform”. In this important meeting participated chairmen from 61 local government units, public service experts on waste in the LGUs, ministries engaged in the waste management sector, programs and donors with a focus on supporting waste sector. The conference opening remarks were held by the Viceminister of Environment, Mrs. Olijana Ifti, who explained the objectives of the conference for the discussion of best practices and the instruments developed to respond as best as possible to the consolidation of the territorial administrative reform, as well as to publicly present the draft-decree on costs and tariffs of waste management, as an instrument for experts in national and local level. Mrs. Debora Kern, representative of the Swiss Embassy in Albania, in her remarks stressed the current achievements with the support of the Swiss Government through its implementing program, the dldp, to improve waste management in local level as well as in policies in national level. Dldp has achieved that the model developed for costs

and tariffs to improve budgeting and increase income for LGUs and through this activity to be widely consulted. Also there are developed recycling, composting and reuse models, as well as curricula of the relevant trainings, which are under an evaluation process after the Territorial Administrative Reform through new piloting practices. However, issues to be resolved remain, such as waste processing, even though there is an elevated interest of the international factor in the waste management sector. During the conference, the participants followed with interest presentations made from the international expert Felix Shmidt, who presented the model of the costs of the landfills illustrated also with the case of Bushat landfill. Meanwhile, dldp expert, Mr. Arben Kopliku, made a presentation of the preparation of local plans based on the performance system, according to the new law on the organization of local government. Special attention was paid to the public hearing on the Draft Decree “On rules for determining costs and tariffs of urban waste management, presented by Mrs. Lediana Karalliu, Environment Ministry expert. According to this draft, the waste management will be left to local units and when

they don't have financial means the Environment Ministry will intervene. Responding to new challenges in the waste management sector, experts of the field presented the best practices as cases from which lessons could be learned. There were presented best practices on waste management in beach areas by Shkodra Municipality, waste management in rural areas by Lezhë Municipality and cost calculation of the landfills and plans to rehabilitate existing landfills by municipalities of Malësi e Madhe, Pukë and Dibër, illustrated with the case of Bushat Municipality.

Integrated One-Stop Shop system – a successful implementation in Albania Shkodra Municipality is awarded with the "Albanian ICT Awards IV 2015” and ranked in the top of the list for the Implementation of the Law 119/2014 "On the right of the information at the local government level" In the previous two phases of its implementation, dldp developed an OSSH model based on “front office” and information management software for each of the old LGUs that were functioning as remote OSSHs, while the TAR implementation necessitated the identification, standardization and integration of public services using one integrated system. So the main challenge to introducing the integrated OSSH concerned the distrust of the new administrations in implementing the rules on administrative procedures using a digitalized system. The old communes (e.g. Kallmet, Dajç), where dldp has set up the OSSH, still have an office where requests for public services are received and now with support from the integrated OSSH in the new and enlarged municipality (e.g. Lezha, Shkodra) the requests are processed and the customer does not need to go to the municipality but is able to receive the necessary services in their own administrative unit. A successful case study: Shkodra Municipality Integrated One Stop Shop Dajç is one of the old partner LGUs in the Qark (district) of Shkodra that took part in dldp’s IOSSH initiative. Since the territorial reform, Dajç is now functioning as an administrative unit of the new Shkodra municipality. As dldp has previously

built OSSHs in old LGUs of Shkodra and Dajç, dldp has selected these 2 units for the feasibility study and pilot project of Integrated OSSH model before and after TAR implementation. The Integrated OSSH project has been a completely new concept of public services delivery, as it was based on the digitalization of all administrative serviced identified. The main results in the successful I-OSSH of Shkodra are seen in the quality of service offered to citizens, time efficiency, costs reduction of service delivery, reducing the scope for corruption (by avoiding direct communication of citizens with municipality administration and the supervision tools developed through the system for the administration performance), building a new culture for public services and in capacity building if human resources of the municipality. Dldp measured the results through surveys, interviews, municipality database analyses, and service providers’ reports. Dldp uses the above analyses Innovation Mrs. Milena Harito attended the event. and reports to improve the I-OSSH model in order The second awarded success of Municipality of to replicate it in other new partners LGUs such as Shkodra is the first place in the list for the Klos, Mat and Vau Dejes. Implementation of the Law 119/2014 "On the Recognition of hard work and excellent right information at the local government level ". In collaboration the national monitoring report it was published on Dldp Programme proudly shared with partners in monitoring data for five key components of law media and social media the latest achievement of enforcement "The right information at the local Shkodra Municipality Integrated One Stop Shop government level ", conducted by The Center for system, which has been awarded in the "Albanian Public Information Issues. ICT Awards IV 2015” as the finalist of the category “The best Public Service of the Figure: It shows the raking in the top list of Shkodra Municipality year”. This event was organized on the 29th of April, 2016 and the award was delivered from Infor mation and Communication Technology and Social Media, an independent leading media promoting the innovation in t e c h n o l o gy a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n ( Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Niko Peleshi and Minister of State for Public Administration and

for Implementation of the Law 119/2014 "On the right information at the local government level ".

Dldp contributes to preparation of Draft Law on Local Finances

The process of preparation of the Draft Law on Local Finances (LFL) has been initiated earlier in January 2016, led by Ministry of Finance and PLGP - the Local Governance Program of USAID. Both MoF and PLGP/USAID requested dldp to contribute in the LFL preparation process, considering the fact that dldp has accumulated a huge experience in this area and enjoys a very good support of international expertise in PFM. Ministry of Finance (MoF) announced by end of

last year its intention to go for a new Law on Local Finances, trying to improve the situation of public finances at the local level and contribute to the consolidation of the Territorial and Administrative Reform (TAR). Public Finances at local level is seen as one of the most important factor which affects the quality of services provided to citizens by the municipalities. Decentralization and Local Development Program (dldp) has been engaged for a long time now in supporting the local level in the Public Finance Management (PFM) sector, as well as providing inputs to the national level for a better informed policy making process. Dldp engaged in the process was convinced that the combination of international best models with the evidence based policy making was the right approach to be adopted. Through international expertise it has been possible to elaborate a good starting model.

MoF has opted for a draft LFL which would entail both revenue and expenditures part, and dldp has contributed to the Public Finance Management part. Dldp conducted a Quick PFM Appraisal of Local Finances in three partner municipalities: Shkodër, Lezhë and Durrës. This exercise carried out with the local experts of the municipalities provided a good insight of the actual stage of local finances and the practices followed by municipalities in PFM. Various workshops with Ministry of Finance, PLGP and other stakeholders have followed for the preparation of a final draft of LFL. Consultations with international PFM actors have produced a very fruitful discussion. A final integral document of the draft law has been delivered to Ministry of Finance by both PLGP and dldp, and will be further on submitted to the experts Working Group. A process of broad consultations of the draft law is expected during July 2016, and dldp has committed to support Ministry of Finance and the local level in organizing discussions platforms and involving all interest groups.

Continues Training Program for Local Public Administration in Public Finance Management In the frame of dldp support on Strategic Territorial Planning (municipal development plans) and Public Finances Management at local level it was organized a two days event, on the 12-13th April in Durrës. The national training programme for 61 municipalities aims to enable local experts with capacity and skills in public finances management. The harmonization of national policies on strategic territorial planning and public finance management is a twofold approach: top-down and bottom up. Dldp is therefore facilitating on one side exchange between local and national level in order to assure coordinated and coherent policy making, and on the other side dldp is supporting reforms on local public administration through capacity building of local experts. The training was co-organized by ASPA (Albanian School of Public Administration), in partnership with Ministry of Finance and Minister of State for Local Issues. In the training were invited local officials of Finance, Budgeting and Tax offices from 51 municipalities. The other 10 LGU-s were trained through dldp Centre of Competences that took place on April 5-6th. In the event there were present representatives of Ministry of Finance, Ministry of State for Local Issues, ASPA, SDC representatives, dldp experts and PLGP/USAID.

There were also invited from development agencies/programme (STAR/UNDP, EU, SIDA, Italian Cooperation). The Training Programme was compiled in 5 training modules that will be delivered in 2 advanced training courses within 2016. At the end of training programme, all participants will be certified based on the participation level and results of the written test that will be conducted by ASPA. The first day of the training was focused on Strategic Development Plan and Medium Term Budget, Local revenues and local expenditures planning, Budget preparation, Program budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation in relation to the MTBP presentation. In the second day of the training the session was concepted as an informative and exchange platform between the panel and participants. Dldp service providers presented the issues encountered in the annual budget preparation process in the Municipalities supported by dldp during 2015. The discussions continued with the presentation from the government experts on the initiatives of the Ministry of Finances and the

Minister of State for Local Issues in strategic planning and local finance management. The programme Manager, Mrs Valbona Karakaçi introduced the dldp approach in Public Finance Managment and the initiative of law on local financies. She moderated the discussions and the exchange between partners and development actors invited at the training and stressed out in her speech that the dialogue between local and national level as well as with development actors will contribute to the coherent policy making.

Women in Politics Network Meeting with the Swiss Ambassador, Mr. Christoph Graf Introduction of the 50% quota of women representation in local elections (2015) in the Electoral Code have given more space to an intensively engagement of women in policy and decision-making in national and local level. In cohesion to this reality dldp in collaboration with the Women in Politics Network organized on the 22nd of June a meeting with the Ambassador of Switzerland in Albanian, Mr Christoph Graf. This meeting aimed to: - enhance effective cooperation between parliamentary and local councilors’ women. There is a clear potential in such cooperation to impact the important cause’s that are of mutual interest. - and to expose the Swiss Development Support to the needs of Women in Politics and the identified drivers of change in the women communities. Dldp has been supporting the public actors/politicians in local and national level which have proved being able to impact the decisionmaking on the benefit of the communities they represent. Regarding the women representation figures in

the 5 regions of dldp area the percentage of women councilors in m unicipal councils reached the figure of 25% for the 2015-2019 mandate versus 18% referred to 2011-2015 mandate. During the discussion it was emphasized that the representation of Women in Politics at local level is perceived as a greater voice for women and the community’s they represent, an enabler of inclusive and sensitive decision making as well as a potential to enhance accountability and transparency. Taking into consideration that most of women councilors have no experience in the local policy and decision-making as they come from different professions and are working in various areas of the public and private sector, achieving such a result requires empowerment of women councilors in the several aspects. The basic one is knowledge in policy and decision making for local level, which

in the meantime should be accompanied by concrete actions or self-initiatives to empower the public profile of Women in Politics. In fact, Women in Politics are making effective efforts to demonstrate that they are cooperating among them beyond their political affiliation in order to serve better to the interest of the citizens that voted them. In the meeting by sharing the actual problems and future challenges it was also appreciated the good initiative of the parliamentary women and councilors women alliance as an appropriate approach to overcome the political agenda and accomplish concrete results.

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