1. GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION Loca on The city is located near the lake with the same name, next to the hill of RozafaCastle. Shkodra Municipality is confined in the North with Malësi e Madhe Municipality, in the West with Montenegro, in the East with Tropoja Municipality, in the South with Vau i Dejës Municipality and a part of it with Lezha Municipality. The rural centre of this municipality is Shkodra City. 2. POPULATION AND VILLAGES According to 2011 Census, the Shkodra Municipality has a popula on of 135,612. Meanwhile, according to the Civil Register, this municipality has 203,633 inhabitants. The new municipality comprises 864.67 km2 with a density of 235.5 inhabitants/km2 according to the Civil Register, and 156.83 inhabitants/km2 according to2011 Census. It has 11 administra ve units: Shkodër, Ana e Malit, Bërdica, Dajç, Guri i Zi, Postribë, Pult, Rrethinat, Shalë, Shosh, and Velipojë. It administers one city and 93 villages. 3. NATURAL RESOURCES AND MANAGEMENT Shkodra Municipality has many natural resources. The Shkodra Lake is the biggest in the Balkan and has a surface of 369 km2, out of which 149 km2 are in the Albanian territory. The average depth is 10 m, median water temperature is 16.50 °C. The lake has a so ening impact upon the city climate and is very rich in fish. The coastline is 14.5 km, out of which 10 km is rocky and 4.5 km plain. The lake's surface covered by this coastline is about 2300 hectares. There are also three rivers going through the municipality: Drini, Buna and Kiri. Over the Drin River there a two water power plants: Vau i Dejës power plant, 20 km away from the city, and Koman water power plant, 40 away from the city. In the South-West, about 30 km away from the city, there is the Velipoja Beach. Shkodra has a Mediterranean low climate with a combina on of seaside and con nental influences. At the feet of Tepe Hills in the outskirts of the city's southern side, there are archaeological digs which have uncovered life beginning in the Early Bronze era (2,000 BC). In V – IV B.C. the building of the city castle began. It is situated on a hill at the entrance of the city with a height of 130 m. In the city of Shkodra there are three religious communi es: Muslims, Catholics, and Orthodoxies. Each of the communi es has its own ins tu ons and places of worship. Chris anity in Shkodra has an early history and according to historical sources since the end of the IV century it was a centre of Archbishop. The Islamic faith began to spread in the XV century. Shkodër Municipali es has 54.300 hectares of agricultural land. 4. MUNICIPAL BUDGET 2016 Budget transferred by the government Expected local income
6,084,857EUR 4,156,007EUR
5. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY Shkodra is a city rich in water resources, fields, minerals, and the economy is mainly oriented toward trade, apparel industry and processing and produc on industries. In 2015 there have been 3859 trade companies and businesses offering services, 326 enterprises in processing and produc on industries, 98 transport businesses, 37 construc on companies, and 7 agricultural farms. There are 6 state enterprises and 7 state-private enterprises. The number of the employed people according to 2015 sta s cs is 17,657, out of whom 6,671 in the state sector and 10,986 in the private sector. 6. MAIN PUBLIC SERVICES Water supply and sewage Waste management and electricity grid Sanitary service, greenery Road maintenance and transport Culture and sport 4 nursery and 59 kindergartens 75 9 – level schools 22 general high schools 6 professional high schools 1 university, comprising 6 facul es 6hospitals and 74 health centres and 11 mother and child care centres 6 non-state ins tu ons for social care 7. POLITICAL REPRESENTATION City Council 51 council members / 13 poli cal par es (PD, PS, LSI, FRD, PR, MDL, PBKD, POSH, PAA, PSM, PLD, PDK, PSD) 22 women councillors (11 PD, 1 POSH, 4 PS, 5 LSI, 1 PLD) The prepara on of the material is based on the informa on taken on from webpage www.bashkiashkoder.gov.al
Shkodër Municipalty
Dldp support package during 2015 - 2016 1. Support to Shkodra municipality for improving Waste Management in touris c areas Dldp during September-October 2015, supported municipality of Shkodra in audi ng the waste services as a first measure to start consolida on of the service a er territorial reform. Based on first findings and discussions with local authori es from Shkodra municipality dldp will support during second semester of 2016 elabora on of an integrated waste management plan for the whole territories of new municipality of Shkodra. Due to different typologies of the service provision, different deadline of exis ng contracts and exis ng on-going organiza onal set up measures of municipality, it was agreed that for elabora on of waste management plan for the whole territory of Shkodra municipality to follow a step by step approach star ng with infrastructural improvements of waste management in touris c areas like Velipoja and Dajç, and later on to dra an integrated waste management for the whole Shkodra municipality. 2. Technical assistance on preparing the fiscal package, annual budget and implementa on of the plan on communica ng with ci zens and interest groups During 2015, a main point in the decentraliza on process has been the improvement of the capaci es of Shkodra Municipality on the process of developing the financial planning and management. DLDP, in the framework of suppor ng this municipality for the consolida on of the territorial administra ve reform, is focused on giving assistance and trainings for the trainings in preparing the annual budget as well as fiscal package in coopera on with ci zens and local groups of interest. The coopera on with Shkodra Municipality will con nue during 2016 as well, to give technical assistance in preparing the fiscal package, annual budget, medium-term budget program related with the territorial strategy, paying special a en on to the par cipa on of interest groups through consulta ons and by building a communica on pla orm of the municipality to talk to ci zens during the prepara on of these strategic documents.