June 9-22, 2023 The Log Digital Edition

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New fee under Gov’t Proposal

Female Anglers Bring Significant Revenue Opportunities to the Fishing Industry

Governor Gavin Newsom’s proposed 2021-22 budget, released Jan. 8, includes a proposal to raise the vessel renewal fee from $20 every two years to $70 every two years to help stabilize a $52 million deficit in the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund. P. 8

Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation and Southwick Associates found that increasing women’s participation in fishing can provide an additional $1 billion in revenue to the sportfishing industry. P. 11



It’s official— the International Game Fish Association (IGFA) has recently announced that the 2023 IGFA SoCal Open will take place Sept. 29-Oct. 1. The two-day tournament is open to all anglers and will now offer a new format featuring five major offshore game fish.  P. 13

In January of this year, Dana Point was recognized as the first Whale Heritage site in North America and one of four in the world by the World Cetacean Alliance.

The three-year pilot project launched by the port district and eco-engineering company ECOncrete will demonstrate and study a new design of ECOncrete’s interlocking Coastalock Tide Pool Armor in two different locations on Harbor Island, a man-made peninsula only a few hundred feet wide. P. 11

FREE Ask an Attorney 6 Bizarre 3 Brokerages & Dealers 14 Catalina Connection 10 Classifieds 23 Community 4 FishRap 13 Marine Directory 21 News Briefs 5 Sailing 12 NO. 1208  CALIFORNIA BOATING NEWS SINCE 1971 JUNE 9 - JUNE 22, 2023 SHOREMASTER IS PREPPING BOATERS AS BOATING SEASON APPROACHES
efore boating season kicks off, ShoreMaster is encouraging boaters to inspect their dock, lift, and boat to ensure a safe season with some helpful advice. P. 9 THE AQUARIUM OF THE PACIFIC CELEBRATES 25 YEARS AND HONORS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SEE PAGE 7 FAST FACTS: THE VALUE OF A BABY EEL SEE PAGE 4 CONTROVERSY ARISES AFTER SAILING COACH IS FIRED SEE PAGE 12 FREE Ask an Attorney 6 Bizarre 3 Brokerages & Dealers 24 Catalina Connection 14 Classifieds 30 Community 4 FishRap 18 Marine Directory 28 News Briefs 4 Sailing 16 FISH RAP P. 21 EXECUTIVE ACTIONS HALT NEW DRILLING LEASES SEE PAGE 14 NO. 1148 Our 50th Year CALIFORNIA BOATING NEWS SINCE 1971 FEB. 19 – MARCH 4, 2021 THE HELLY HANSON NATIONAL OFFSHORE ONE DESIGN (NOOD) REGATTA KICKS OFF MARCH 19 SEE PAGE 16 CALENDAR EVENT FESTIVAL
BP. 20
Proposed Budget Includes Potential
% Increase In Vessel Registration Fee

Which is Faster? Climate Change or Salmon?

A new study published on May 1 by Nature Climate Change, a study that is the largest of its kind, has found that salmon migration timing is changing in unexpected ways as a response to climate change. Dr. Eric Ward of NOAA Fisheries’ Northwest Fisheries Science Center was part of a team of more than 50 scientists from government and community organizations across North America who analyzed data from 66 salmon populations over a 70-year span.

“This is the longest, most detailed dataset of its kind and offers a pretty unique picture into the potential response of climate change across salmon species,” said Ward in a news release from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration.

The study uncovered that many salmon species have a migration timing that has substantially changed over the last 20 years. Pink and chum salmon had the fastest rate of change, migrating seven days sooner than before. Other species’ average migration timing was unchanged. However, after further studying the data, researchers found a more signifi-

cant variation between populations within species than between different salmon species. These population-specific changes were unpredictable with currently available climate and geographic data.

“We were surprised to find that the changes in migration timing were so variable,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Sam Wilson of Simon Fraser University. “We expected to see a more consistent response to climate change.”

It was found that due to the same level of warming, some populations had an earlier migration while others had no change or even migrated later in the year.

Concerningly, salmon appear not to respond to changes in the coastal ocean, making mismatches more common under future climate change.

An important takeaway from the study is the significance of protecting salmon

habitats and ensuring that salmon have access to food. While climate change continues altering ecosystems, study author Dr. Jonathan Moore believes that predicting the species and populations that are most vulnerable and prioritizing their ecosystems is essential.

“Climate change is here, and it is

changing salmon and their ecosystems,” said Moore. “Many of these changes are going to be unpredictable, which calls for protecting both salmon biodiversity and their habitats.”

For the complete study, please visit https://www.nature.com/articles/ s41559-023-02057-1.

THE LOG | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | 3 THELOG.COM
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The Value of a Baby Eel

PORTLAND, ME — Baby eels, called elvers, are harvested so they can be used as seed stock by Asian aquaculture companies and are worth more than $2,000 per pound, making them one of the most valuable fish species in the United States. The fishing season for elvers runs from March 22 through June 7. However, the fishery may be closed earlier if Maine’s quota, established by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC), has been fulfilled. The eels are raised to maturity and then used in Japanese food sold in U.S. sushi restaurants in dishes like unagi. Unagi, the Japanese word for freshwater eel, is an elongated fatty fish, rich and bold in flavor.

According to the Maine Department of Marina Resources, the worth of the elvers has once again reached $2,000 per pound when they hit the docks for sale, and fishermen are being limited to 10,000 pounds per year. While the price per pound of the elvers fluctuates, this year it was only slighter cheaper than last year but higher than the previous two years.

The weather has been kind to fishermen this year as they search for the eels, and international demand has kept the fisher-

men in a thriving industry. Due to the withering international foreign sources for the elvers, Maine’s eel sources have become increasingly valuable in recent years.

Other than Maine, South Carolina is the only other state in the country with a fishing industry for baby eels, and even then, that state’s inventory is much smaller.

Maine fishermen harvest the elvers in the spring using nets in rivers and streams. Some fishermen target more rural locations, while others harvest in cities like Portland and Bangor. The eels are also harvested by Native American tribes in the state.

Due to the value of the fish, the worldwide industry has faced the threat of poaching for many years. In recent years, Maine adopted new controls to avert illegal elver fishing and

On Board With J.R. Johnson

dealing throughout the state. In addition, federal law enforcement has also targeted illegal eel selling and fishing. But unfortunately, some efforts are bypassed, and illegal dealing still occurs.

A study published earlier this year led by a research team from the University of Exeter discovered that nearly two-fifths of the North American unagi samples that were tested contained European eels, which are banned from importing or exporting.

For the complete study, please visit https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2665927122000090.

For more information on the Maine eels and elver fisheries, please visit https://www.maine. gov/dmr/fisheries/commercial/ fisheries-by-species/eels-and-elvers/the-maine-eel-and-elverfisheries.

Letters/Online Comments

RE: Fast Facts: Rare Pod of Killer Whales Spotted with a Special Guest (MAY 12-25)

“Beautiful Whales in there Wonderous Wonder Swimming Free ! Please Keep our Whales Safe and Free for all to see their Beautiful Wonderful Everything !”

—Stephanie Milewsky Rossi

RE: Fast Facts: Rare Pod of Killer Whales Spotted with a Special Guest (MAY 12-25)

existing near land. It’s a unique marine environment, and the Sargassum provides an environment for the American eel’s lifecycle to begin and end. First, they’re born there, and after a few decades — they swim back in, spawn and die.

“Having a sister that is heavy involved the world of whales, visit The Whale Museum, San Juan Island. If you aren’t able to go to The Whale Museum then I encourage all to visit their website to follow certain pods of Orcas. Adults and kids alike find it fascinating. Keep up the excellent work! I applaud you!!”

—B. Atkinson

4 | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM
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Editorial, P.O. Box 1337, Newport Beach, CA 92659 thelogeditor@thelog.com.
The Sargasso Sea is an area of the North Atlantic full of Sargassum, a seaweed that floats in the ocean rather than Shutterstock image


“Iditarod on a Boat” Race to Alaska returns June 5

PORT TOWNSEND, WA — Race to Alaska is back for year seven, with 39 teams registered to depart from the Northwest Maritime Center on June 5. No motors or support allowed—the Race to Alaska (R2AK) is about the physical endurance, saltwater know-how, and bulldog tenacity it takes to navigate the 750 cold water miles from Port Townsend, Washington, to Ketchikan, Alaska.

First place wins $10K; second place, a set of actual steak knives. Teams embark on Stage 1, “The Proving Ground,” from Port Townsend, WA, on June 5 at 5:00 a.m.; they have 36 hours to cross the Strait of Juan de Fuca and visit Victoria, BC. June 8 at noon marks the start of Stage 2, “To the Bitter End,” the 710-mile trek from Victoria to Alaska.

This year’s racers include recreational boaters to world-class professional ocean sailors, including a former Rolex Yachtsman of the Year; vessels range from home-built rowing boats to brand-new, purpose-built racing sleds. Human-powered teams in kayaks and rowboats will be jockeying for position with go-fast boats, solo racers, and even those attempting to drag the equivalent of engineless houseboats up the Inside Passage.

“For some, Race to Alaska is about getting the cash,” said Race Boss Jesse Weigel. “But for the majority, whether they end up with a broken boat on a beach or basking in the afterglow in Ketchikan - it’s all about what happens between the start and the end.”

The 2022 removal of one of only two waypoints between Victoria and Ketchikan, Seymour Narrows, gives racers the choice of going up the inside of Vancouver Island or going out of the Strait of Juan de Fuca into the Pacific Ocean—opening up different possibilities as teams endeavor to solve the R2AK puzzle.

The public is invited to come to the Northwest Maritime Center on June 4 to meet the teams and celebrate their impending adventure at the Ruckus—a free block party—and again for the race start at 5 a.m. on June 5 to cheer on the teams, and they embark on Stage 1.

Follow the teams’ progress on our 24-hour tracker, social media streams, and daily content from our media team on R2AK.com.

SkipperScience Partnership Launches Nushagak King Salmon Mapping Project with Bristol Bay Fishermen for the 2023 Season

This summer, boat captains and crews work with BBRSDA, fishery managers, and scientists to document king salmon migration patterns.

Partnership, Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association (BBRSDA), and the University of Washington are expanding on the groundbreaking SkipperScience citizen science program to help fishery managers and researchers better understand migration patterns of Nushagak River Chinook salmon across both time and space. The program could improve understanding of Chinook salmon escapement by identifying and protecting Chinook migration corridors and help sockeye salmon fishermen with the potential of an earlier opening to the season.

One of Skipper Science’s essential tools is a smartphone app and community-owned database allowing fishermen to log observations from the fishing grounds in real-time.

“Skipper Science is a valuable resource for researchers, managers, and policy-makers. Fishermen participating in the Skipper Science Partnership have demonstrated their ability to translate observations into quality data through the app and dialogues with managers. We are thrilled to be working on projects like the Nushagak King Salmon Mapping Project that shows how the program is working directly with fisheries managers and the scientific community to meaningfully incorporate fishermen’s data and observations into their decision-making.” said Hannah-Marie Garcia, Skipper Science Program Coordinator who works for the Aleut Community of St. Paul Island.

“As a Bristol Bay fisherman impacted by fishing closures due to recent low Chinook returns on the Nushagak, I am proud and grateful to be able to lend a meaningful hand to our fisheries managers as we work together as a Bristol Bay community to allow for as much commercial fishing activity as possible while protecting Chinook returns. SkipperScience gives us a tool to do just that, and I hope that fellow fishermen will join me in rolling up our sleeves and lending a hand here so that we can all come out the other side of this with plentiful Chinook escapement up the Nush and abundant early June fishing time as well,” said Michael Jackson, Bristol Bay fisherman, and BBRSDA board member. The Nushagak King Mapping Project gives Fishermen a chance to be part of the solution, and to put their expertise to work.”

“Conservation of king salmon in the Nushagak district during the (predominantly) sockeye fishery is a key issue in the spotlight after several years of extremely strong sockeye runs and relatively weak king returns. A better understanding of the spatial distribution of kings in the Nushagak district and how that might change across the season is critical. The existing Skipper Science app is a perfect platform for the fleet to provide catch rate data that can enable managers in future years to make decisions on when and where commercial fishing can open while still allowing for adequate Chinook escapement,” said Curry Cunningham, an Assistant Professor with the University of Alaska Fairbanks College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences.

Pacific Baja, Sea of Cortez, Mainland - all 3 in 1 updated, comprehensive, Mexico cruising guidebook.

GPS charts of 100s of cruising anchorages too small on govt-issued charts for detail. Covers all the marinas, boat yards, fuel docks, sail & engine repairs, chandlers, provisioning, boat storage, 400 pages. Paperwork Cha Cha: Port Captain, Customs, Immigration, Mexican Navy. Diving, fishing, eco boating. TRUSTED. Written by Pat & John Rains, experienced Mexico cruisers & U.S.C.G. mariners, just for southbound boaters. Mile by mile, no gaps, no fluff. Still $69.95

THE LOG | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | 5 THELOG.COM
DILLINGHAM, AK — The SkipperScience
WORLD NEWS news briefs
MOBILE ISLAND YACHT ANCHORAGE slips@islandyachtmarina.com www.islandyachtanchorage.com 2255'' --5555'' SSLLIIPPSS AAVVAAIILLAABBLLEE NNOO W W !! CALL FOR SPECIALS 310.830.1111
Mexico Boating Guide Mexico Boating Guide


ask a maritime attorney

Founded in 1971

WRITE TO: P.O. Box 1337 Newport Beach, CA 92659 (949) 660-6150 (800) 873-7327


I was in a very small accident in the waters adjacent to my marina in early 2021. The other boat alleged that my boat had nicked his swim step. My insurance company paid him for the repair, and I thought the matter had concluded. I was wrong. A year later the owner of the boat hired a law firm to allege that he was injured, and he threatened to sue me. There has been no movement on the lawsuit, and I sold the boat earlier this year. I am reaching out to you now because I received a letter from the law firm last week, advising that the owner of the other boat somehow managed to get a lien on my old boat. I have no interest in the boat at all, and even if I did there is no judgement against me. Does Maritime law allow a boat to be “arrested” when I no longer own the boat and when there is no money owed?

ANSWER: Our reader has a few different issues on the table. Let’s start with the most basic: She should immediately forward the attorney’s letter to her insurance agent or broker. The policy that covered the property damage claim will also cover the injury claim. The fact that the injury claim may be frivolous doesn’t matter. Even if it is frivolous, it will cost her thousands of dollars to prove her position to a judge, and she won’t be able to recover those costs associated with that defense. I cannot say this strongly enough to anyone in this position- - Work with your insurance company. This is why you have liability coverage with your boat policy.

The “lien” is a separate issue altogether, but before we get into this, we need to distinguish between a “lien” and a “Notice of Claim of Lien.” A lien is a financial security device that provides collateral to secure payment of an obligation. Different types of liens may arise from different types of claims, and they may have different requirements for enforcement. A maritime lien, for example, may be enforced by filing a lawsuit in Federal Court without recording anything with the Coast Guard. Conversely, as the name of the document suggests, a “Notice of Claim of Lien” (a “NCL”) is just that –a NOTICE that somebody has a claim. Basically, they claim to have a lien, but it cannot be conclusively determined until it is litigat-

Is your pet as avid a boater as you?

Send The Log pictures of your fourlegged first mate aboard your boat. To share your Dog Aboard photo, email it to thelogeditor@thelog.com.”


ed. The instrument that is recorded with the Coast Guard is a “Notice of Claim of Lien,” not a “lien.”

Under most circumstances, the filing and recording of a NCL with the Coast Guard has absolutely no legal effect. In our reader’s case, they did not “somehow manage to get a lien” as she suggests in her inquiry. The owner of the other boat (or their attorney) simply filled out some paperwork and sent it to the Coast Guard for recording. The Coast Guard takes no position as to whether a recorded NCL is filed in support of a valid lien. They accept everything for recording as long as it includes a statement from the claimant that it is being filed in good faith and the claimant’s signature is notarized.

A NCL has no legal effect, but it does have a practical effect - - - it “clouds” the title. The recorded NCL may have no legal effect, but a prospective lender or buyer of the boat will not want to deal with it. So, it does make it harder to sell the boat or get a mortgage.

Unfortunately, there is another side to this. It is true that the recording of a NCL has no legal effect. But a claimant may still have a valid lien, regardless of whether anything has been filed with the Coast Guard. When our reader asked about the boat being “arrested,” she was referring to the most common method for enforcing a maritime lien. As noted above, it requires the filing of a lawsuit in Federal Court and the issuance of a warrant for the “civil arrest” of the vessel. The U.S. Marshals execute the warrant by taking the boat into custody. The boat is then held by a commercial custodian while the lawsuit moves forward like any Federal Court lawsuit.

In a lien foreclosure lawsuit, the boat may be seized (“arrested”) without filing anything with the Coast Guard, as long as

the person with the claim states facts under penalty of perjury that would, if proven in court, give rise to a valid lien. Filing and recording a Notice of Claim of Lien with the Coast Guard is not a prerequisite to arresting a boat. In fact, most vessel arrests proceed without recording an NCL. The arresting party prefers a “sneak attack”, so the boat does not escape in the middle of the night.

Our reader’s question about whether maritime law allows a boat to be arrested when no money is owed is not really asked in the right way. A vessel arrest is conducted at the beginning of a lawsuit that is filed in Federal Court. The purpose of the arrest is to secure the boat as collateral before the lawsuit is initiated. The plaintiff in the lawsuit will claim that he or she is owed money, but we don’t really know how much is owed at that time, and we won’t know until the end of the lawsuit. If a court decides that no money is owed, the boat will be returned to the boat owners, and they may be able to recover some of their costs.

Finally, a maritime lien will travel with the boat after it is sold, even if the seller or buyer had no knowledge of the claim. Most yacht purchase agreements include language requiring the seller to indemnify the buyer against any claims that arose prior to the sale of the boat. Our reader will therefore probably be responsible for the defense of this claim, even though she no longer owns the boat.

This is one of those cases where I emphasize the importance of qualified legal representation. This is a complicated legal minefield that warrants the hiring of an experienced maritime attorney. But as noted at the top of this article, your first call in a case like this should be to your insurance broker or agent.

David Weil is licensed to practice law in the state of California and as such, some of the information provided in this column may not be applicable in a jurisdiction outside of California. Please note also that no two legal situations are alike, and it is impossible to provide accurate legal advice without knowing all the facts of a particular situation. Therefore, the information provided in this column should not be regarded as individual legal advice, and readers should not act upon this information without seeking the opinion of an attorney in their home state.

David Weil is the managing attorney at Weil & Associates (www.weilmaritime.com) in Seal Beach. He is certified as a Specialist in Admiralty and Maritime Law by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization and a “Proctor in Admiralty” Member of the Maritime Law Association of the United States, an adjunct professor of Admiralty Law, and former legal counsel to the California Yacht Brokers Association. If you have a maritime law question for Weil, he can be contacted at 562-799-5508, through his website at www. weilmaritime.com, or via email at dweil@weilmaritime.com.

Fax (949) 660-6172


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J.R. Johnson, Bob Vanian, Catherine French, David Weil, Capt. Pat Rains

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6 | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM
4C 2C 2C DARK BKGND BW California’s Boating and Fishing News POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Log, PO Box 1337, Newport Beach, CA 92659. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One year, $39.00 by third class mail. Subscriptions are transferable but not refundable. Call us at (800) 887-1615. The Log is published every other Friday and distributed throughout Southern California.
Does Maritime law allow a boat to be “arrested” after already being sold and no money is owed?
1208 JUNE 9
JUNE 22, 2023

The Aquarium of the Pacific Celebrates 25 Years and Honors Southern California

The Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach is turning 25 this year and its birthday theme is connecting guests to the habitats and ecosystems of Southern California.

LONG BEACH —The Aquarium of the Pacific opened its doors in 1998 and has since been connecting millions of people to the wonders of our ocean planet. This year the Aquarium is celebrating its 25th anniversary with new programming, events, exhibits, and a new podcast called “Aquarium of the Podcific,” all highlighting Southern California and the efforts we can make to restore and conserve it. The underwater exhibit, scheduled to open July 1, features habitats from kelp forests to deep-sea reefs portrayed from a diver›s perspective. The exhibits will also feature native species such as the twospot octopus, sharks, scorpionfish, eels, and pipefish.

Going hand-in-hand with the Southern California highlight, the Aquarium’s 2023 theme is “connecting to nature.” The Aquarium is finding new ways to connect the public to nature to conserve, restore, and protect the ocean world and its association with the land.

The Aquarium’s Vice President of Education and Conservation, Jennie Dean, explained what we could do to help connect with nature and care for it. Efforts include:

• Carbon footprint: you can reduce your carbon footprint by walking, biking, carpooling, or using public transportation; composting your food waste; and making your home energy efficient.

• Enjoy at a Distance: when visiting marine habitats, tread carefully, and never remove an animal. Next time you’re walking the wetlands, remember to try your best not to leave a trace.

• Debris Cleanups: Improve your community and contribute to a cleaner ocean by participating in community trash cleanups. For those seeking a group to become involved with, the Aquarium of the Pacific invites you to join its watershed cleanup program, T.R.A.S.H.—Taking Responsibility And Saving Habitats.

• Spotting Giant Sea Bass: If you see a giant sea bass while exploring waters off California, snap a photo of its side and upload it to the Spotting Giant Sea Bass website. The spots of the giant sea bass are unique to the individual fish, so the database of photos allows researchers to track the population. The Aquarium is a partner in this community science program

to help increase knowledge to aid in conserving this endangered species. • Other suggested efforts include habitat restoration and volunteering.

The new Southern California exhibits will feature Sterling, the octopus. This small octopus figurine will change tanks day-to-day to encourage guests to take a closer look and observe the SoCal habitats up close. From Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend, the first person to spot the sculpture of this mas-

ter of disguise hidden in an exhibit each day will receive a limited-edition commemorative pin. Just snap a photo of Sterling on your phone and upload it to your social media. Then, show it to the staff at the Member Services desk near the Aquarium entrance. If you are the first person to find it that day, you will receive the commemorative pin prize.

The Aquarium of the Pacific is Southern California’s largest Aquarium and was created to conserve nature while fa-

cilitating the need for respect for the Pacific Ocean and its ecosystems.

THE LOG | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | 7 THELOG.COM
CALL US FOR SLIP INFORMATION PIER 32 MARINA *Boater’s Lounge/Workout Room *Pier 32 Waterfront Grill —WATERFRONT DINING *Pool & Spa/Trailer Storage POINT LOMA MARINA *Located in America’s Cup Harbor *Jimmy’s Famous American Tavern —WATERFRONT DINING Pier 32 Marina, 3201 Marina Way, National City, CA 91950 / 619.477.3232 / pier32marina.com Point Loma Marina, 4980 N. Harbor Dr., San Diego, CA 92106 / 619.718.6260 / pointlomamarina.com POINT LOMA MARINA PIER 32 MARINA
Katherine M. Clements image

June Planning for Southerlies

June is a good time to think ahead. Airplane pilots always keep in mind, “Where, in case of emergency, is the nearest safe place to land?” Likewise boaters traveling in Mexican waters in June should stay conscious of all the safe places to land – well, drop the hook or grab a slip.

Wherever we’re planning to be underway down here over the summer months, we probably know that some degree of southerly weather is coming our way. Hopefully they’re gentle southerly breezes that refresh all the lovely little anchorages scattered around the Sea of Cortez. Or they might be hurricane furies roaring up from the tropics.

Whichever end of the wind scale, we can expect some level of south wind and its equivalent wave action.


This issue, let’s look at what anchoring shelter might be available on the outside of Baja, south to north, because no slips are found between Los Cabos and Ensenada. NOAA predicted that El Nino is returning this month. Some boats are heading north in June anyway, toward their U.S. home ports or just to cooler latitudes – like Alaska.

M agdalena Bay: Two hilly barrier islands, Isla Santa Margaritas and Isla Magdalena, shield the 35-mile long inte-

rior of this bay. Four places to think about are (1.) Puerto Magdalena, better known as Man of War Cove, (2.) the north side of low Belcher’s Point four miles north of Mag Bay’s entrance, and (3.) Puerto Cortes, the Mexican Marine’s dock and anchorage area that’s located 13.5 n.m. down from the entrance. It has lighted range markers on the hills in case you need them.

For shallow-draft vessels only, (4.) the narrow, twisty Soledad Channel runs for 35 miles in the sheltered lee close east of Isla Magdalena’s north end. Lined by mangroves and sand dunes, the 4’ to 10’ deep channel meanders from Puerto San Carlos up to Lopez Mateos fishing village and pops out through Boca de Soledad 30 n.m. north of Punta San Lazaro. Pick a private spot a couple miles from either town to keep cell phone service.

Turtle Bay: The south half of this 4-mile long bay is shielded by the Punta Tortola peninsula and a string of four tall rocks running NNW. Unfortunately, the bay’s very south end (El Rincon) is very shoal, less than five feet for two miles off the beach, also heavily mined with aquaculture gear. So anywhere east of Roca Entrada and lighted Roca Ataud gives us

the best possible south-storm protection but still in 15’ to 30’ of water.

Keep in mind that Mag Bay and to a lesser extent Turtle Bay have gotten smacked by later season tropical storms. They are definitely not hurricane holes.

Cedros Island: On the island’s southeast side, Cedros Town’ municipal harbor is enclosed by beefy breakwaters, leaving a 350’ wide entrance opening to the southeast. The far southwest corner would give best shelter, of course, but it is shoal about 450’ out from the gently sloping beach. So one either anchors in 15’ to 25’ in the middle of the harbor, or rafts alongside one of the 100’ steel shrimp boats that are bound to have previously secured themselves to the big concrete cargo platform on the harbor’s northeast sea wall. Or one could always anchor outside, just due north of the bend in the harbor’s northeast sea wall.

S an Quintin Bay: The huge outer anchorage is wide open to south conditions, but for shallow-draft vessels, there’s a natural channel leading inside the enclosed bay that has charted depths of 14’ or more for 6.5 n.m. – except for one 5.2’ spot on the west side, and of course that’s

Soledad Channel: Shallow-draft vessels can find south-wind shelter by navigating the narrow, twisty Soledad Channel that runs 35 n.m. behind the north end of Isla Magdalena.

right outside the entrance.

The wise move is to hire a local panguero to lead you inside, at least just past t he 5.2 spot. Good shelter can then be reached only three miles in, to anchor off the north side of the broad sandbar called Punta Azufre. Tourist pangas zoom in and out from the popular Old Mill fishing resort.

Isla San Martin: If the outer bands of a hurricane have chased you this far north, a small sandspit juts .3 n.m. off the southeast side of Isla San Martin, forming a rustic fishing anchorage (20’ to 30’ over gravel). Called Hassler’s Cove, this spot has provided shelter from the big seas whipped up by stiff south winds. However, the curving rocky sandspit is only about 10’ tall and already shows a couple low spots from previous storms.

From sea level, this volcanic island looks like a Chinese coolie hat with a low spreading brim and thin pointy top. So, not much shelter is gained from the island itself. If aquaculture gear takes up t oo much of Hassler’s Cove, it might be better to press on the welcoming shelter of Ensenada harbor.

Next time, let’s look inside the Sea of Cortez the season’s best, most pleasant south-wind anchorages.

8 | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM
Turtle Bay: South-wind shelter can be found in Turtle Bay, but El Rincon is shallow and sometimes filled with aquaculture gear. Belchers: Belcher’s Point in Mag Bay once held a whaling station, then a fish processing plant. Now it provides shelter from south wind for recreational boaters and fishermen. chart courtesy Mexico Boating Guide chart courtesy Mexico Boating Guide
photo by Pat Rains

ShoreMaster is Prepping Boaters as Boating Season Approaches

this, but not grease, so that moisture doesn’t get trapped in the cable strands,” said Heikes. “And speaking of water, it’s best to avoid leaving lift cables in water for long periods: keep your lift raised out of the water when it’s not in use to prevent it from wearing out. Finally, check for rust spots, fraying, and other signs of damage to know when it’s time to replace your cables.”

It’s that time of the year when the offseason ends for boaters, and for those who will be hitting the lake this season, it’s essential to make sure your dock, lift, and boat are prepped and in stable condition to handle all your water activities.

S horeMaster, a Minnesota-based company, provides boaters with quality waterfront products and has maintenance and inspection recommendations f or them to consider before launching into the boating season.

ShoreMaster offers bottom-standing aluminum boat lifts (or hoists) and docks with a capacity range from 1,200 PWC Lifts to 12,500 Hydraulic Lifts. Of course, the most popular model is our ShoreMaster DVS Vertical Lift. Their docks (or piers) are also bottom-standing aluminum docks used primarily on r ivers and lakes, with the most popular model being the Infinity RS4, which offers a high standard of quality and aesthetics along with good versatility and easy ownership.

“Yearly inspections for your dock and lift are important to maintain the quality of your product,” said Kelli Heikes, M arketing Manager for ShoreMaster. “Visually inspect your dock and boat lift as often as possible to ensure nothing is amiss and take care of any small problems you see before they become much larger ones.”

For boat lifts, ShoreMaster recommends checking your cables and oiling any spots that may be noisy. Boat lift cables are typically made of steel and must be oiled regularly to prevent rust.

“Use penetrating oil or cable fluid for

While consequences for not maintaining a dock are minimal, as long as you install and remove it properly, it should last you and your family a long time. However, not maintaining a boatlift is a different story. Neglecting to inspect for cable damage could run the risk of a cable breaking and dropping your watercraft into the water. If this is your cabin or second home, you might not know your craft is in the water until much later. Cables are easy to replace and often a service that the dealer offers, so it’s simple to take care of but important.

These inspections and maintenance are not just for personal docks and lifts. Depending on the harbor and marinas’ rules and guidelines, they also apply to harbors and marinas. According to ShoreMaster, most often, it is the boater’s responsibility to tell the marina or h arbor that their cable needs to be replaced, and then the service masters can take care of that.

ShoreMaster’s humble beginning started in Carlos, MN, by Dennis Tuel, Sr., who created a lift that was easier to install and built to last longer. A lift that helped waterfront owners make the most of their time on the water. This is still ShoreMaster’s mission today: to make the most of your waterfront. Attention to every detail, every component, and superior welded craftsmanship are what make ShoreMaster systems the envy of the lake. Today, ShoreMaster is located in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, and is sold around the United States by our authorized dealers.

ShoreMaster’s products are limited to our authorized dealers around the United States. If you are searching for your local ShoreMaster dealer, please visit https:// www.shoremaster.com/find-a-dealer/.

THE LOG | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | 9 THELOG.COM
Before boating season kicks off, ShoreMaster is encouraging boaters to inspect their dock, lift, and boat to ensure a safe season with some helpful advice.
of ShoreMaster
Image courtesy
ShoreMaster Image courtesy
Image courtesy of ShoreMaster

Catalina Connection


Catalina Island AKA Kidalina

CATALINA ISLAND — The first day of Summer is June 21, and Catalina Island is hosting kid-friendly events leading up to, the day of, and throughout the summer season.

Pre-summer festivities begin on June 12 when the City of Avalon presents Kidz Day in the Bay. This kid-friendly beach bash will take place from 3-5 p.m. and will consist of competitive relays, music, fun water activities, and individual and team challenges. This event will take place along the waterfront that backs up to Crescent Avenue. For more information,


please visit https://www.lovecatalina. com/event/kidz-day-in-the-bay/1523/.

Nine days later, on the first official day of summer, Joe’s Rent-A-Boat, located on the famous Green Pleasure Pier, will host a Kid’s Fishing Derby from 7-9 a.m. every Wednesday from June 21-Aug. 23. Kids are asked to bring their own rod and reel or dropline to this free event and join in on Joe’s rent-A-Boat fishing guide. Prizes will be awarded weekly for the derby. Bait and gear are available on the pier 7-9 a.m. every Wednesday for those who don’t bring any. For more information, please visit https://joesrentaboat.com/.

June 18 is National Go Fishing Day!

Mark your calendars because the annual National Go Fishing Day is June 18! As a nod to the ancestors that didn’t fish for recreational activity but rather to provide a source of food for their people, grab your rod and reel and switch up your daily routine on this day and celebrate National Go Fishing Day.

In addition to being a long-standing practice providing fun and food, recreational fishing is a pastime for many. The sport has been revised since prehistoric


Temperate weather, safe environment, and the convenient location of Catalina Island–also called Kidalina, makes it a great destination this summer for families with kids of all ages.

times to include conventions, rules and laws, licensing requirements, and sustainable adjustments that all benefit the angler and prevent harm to the habitats and ecosystems.

Fishing has evolved from methods to equipment to apparel. So, celebrate the sport responsibly on June 18 and enjoy the industry’s advancement since bone lures were used.

Before you hit the lake, pond, stream, or ocean, brush up on your states fishing regulations and make sure you’re not violating any laws regarding bag and size limits, gear restrictions, fishing hours, and stream closures currently in effect, and make sure you have

Observed annually on June 18, National Go Fishing Day a day designated to taking time from your daily routine to find a body of water where you can bait your hook, cast your line, and catch a few fish.

your fishing license on hand.

For current California fishing requirements and restrictions, please visit https://wildlife.ca.gov/Fishing.

2. Ear: Prefix

3. Result of unwise lending?

4. Grant

5. Bank claim

6. Parallel-sided ray

7. Costa del ---

8. Morons

9. All together

10. “Baseball Tonight” channel

11. Felt bad about

12. Active

18. Before now

20. Cicatrix

21. 100%

23. Injects into a vein

26. Lake Ontario port

27. Flexible, electrically

28. “--- does it!”

30. Virgin Island

34. “Phèdre” playwright

37. Ziti, e.g.

38. Kind of palm

39. Gulf of ---, off the coast of Yemen

40. --- brat

42. Butcher’s offering

44. “--- the season ...”

46. Schlep

47. Aliens, for short Crossword

June 9 - June 22, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM
Shutterstock image
Unlawful delivery in cricket 7. Directs 13. And the rest 14. Admits 15. Lots 16. Looser 17. Charity, often 19. Film composer Newman 20. Erupt 22. Level connectors 24. Apprentice 25. Big wig 29. Humanities 31. Giants quarterback Manning 32. A head 33. Hold back 35. A-B M operator 36. Beast of burden 37. Ancient Briton 38.
South Asian collaborative body 41. Adversary 43. Deft 45. Get cozy 48. Ruled by Mercury 49. Dine away from home 50. Varieties of chalcedony 51. Insults
1. “The Matrix” hero
solution on page 14
Shutterstock image

Female Anglers Bring Significant Revenue Opportunities to the Fishing Industry

Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation and Southwick Associates found that increasing women’s participation in fishing can provide an additional $1 billion in revenue to the sportfishing industry.

ALEXANDRIA, VA — On May 18, the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF), a non-profit, hyped the idea that female anglers pose a significant revenue opportunity for the fishing industry, according to new research conducted by RBFF and Southwick Associates, a fishing and wildlife consultant.

The research was conducted to learn more about the financial impact of increasing female angler participation, and results found a 10 percent increase in women’s involvement in fishing, insinuating that this increase could provide an additional $1.0 billion in revenue for the sportfishing industry. This means each additional female participant is worth nearly $1,000 in annual income for the industry.

“We know through research that recruiting and retaining female anglers is critical to growing fishing and boating participation overall,” said RBFF President and CEO Dave Chanda in the May 18 press release. “The bottom line is, increasing female fishing participation is also good for business, and the industry stands to benefit greatly from focusing more on this growing audience.”

The research shows an opportunity to focus efforts geographically:

• Women in the South and Midwest regions spent around $3.5 billion each (over $7 billion total) on fishing.

• In the Midwest, female anglers spent an average of $1,106 annually.

• In the South, female anglers spent an annual average of $796 per person.

Additional findings:

• Despite the solid female angler representation in the Midwest, saltwater fishing has emerged as a driving force behind the financial stimulation female anglers bring to the industry. In 2021, female saltwater anglers spent more per capita than female freshwater anglers ($3.7 billion versus $6.6 billion).

• Women spent more on special equipment, including vehicles, boats, and real estate, and more on saltwater fishing than freshwater fishing (35 percent compared to 22 percent).

RBFF recently launched the research-backed, Take Me Fishing “Find Your Best Self on the Water” campaign to help women reel in the benefits of fishing and boating. Through rooted, extensive research, this integrated marketing program aims to create awareness of fishing and boating among diverse new audiences and motivate participation.

RBFF is a non-profit organization whose mission is to increase recreational angling and boating participation, thereby protecting and restoring the nation’s aquatic natural resources. To help recruit, retain, and reactivate participants, RBFF developed the award-winning Take Me Fishing™ campaign to build awareness of boating, fishing, and conservation and educate people about the benefits of participation.

The campaign’s website features howto-videos and an interactive state-bystate map that allows visitors to find local boating and fishing spots, helping boaters and anglers of all ages and experience levels learn, plan, and equip for a successful day on the water.

RBFF also offers its industry stakeholders many tools, including a Fishing License & Boat Registration Plugin to connect customers with the information they need in just one click and an embeddable Places to Fish & Boat Map to help customers discover places to fish and boat near them.

For more information on RBFF, Take Me Fishing, and the research on female anglers, please visit https://www.takemefishing.org/corporate/.

THE LOG | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | 11 THELOG.COM


Yale’s Carmen Cowles Wins Women’s Sailor of the Year 2023

KINGS POINT, NY— Carmen Cowles ‘25 of Yale University was named 2023 Quantum Women’s Sailor of the Year. Established in 2003, the award is sponsored by Quantum Sails and awarded a nnually to the outstanding female collegiate sailor. The recognition followed t he College Sailing Women’s National Championship, where Cowles won A Division, and her team finished second overall.

In the first finals round on May 25, ten races took place for the A and B divisions, and fleets raced in conditions from 10 - 15 knots. As predicted, the breeze quieted throughout the day challenging sailors with staggering conditions. Unfortunately, the finals on May 26 were pa ired with low winds, preventing any racing. With that being that titles were rewarded based on the previous days’ results, and Stanford took home first.

Yale captured the Madeleine Cup after winning the A Division Semifinals through Tuesday and Wednesday’s r acing. The Bulldogs finished with 123 points, 56 in the A division and 67 in the B division.

Cowles was awarded the ICSA Quantum Women’s Sailor of the Year, becoming the third sailor in Yale women’s history to win the title. Cowles joined Morgan K iss (2015) and Jane Macky (2009) as fellow Bulldogs in the history books.

T he Inter-Collegiate Sailing Association (ICSA) made the following selections:

Women’s All-American Skippers:

Carmen Cowles, 2025, Yale University

Emma Cowles, 2025, Yale University

Hannah Freeman, 2024, Stanford

Controversy Arises After Sailing Coach is Fired

A Two-time Olympic sailor for Canada who joined the national sailing team’s coaching staff three years ago was fired only nine days after telling Sail Canada she was pregnant and intended to take maternity leave.

Now, Lisa Ross wants her job back. Ross was in Andora, Italy, in March of 2023, coaching Canadian sailors at the European championship when she was preparing to take off to Spain for her following competitions and training camps. Then, the 46-year-old said she partook in a video call on March 17 with Sail Canada’s CEO, Don Adams, and high-performance director, Mike Milner, when she was instructed to pack her bags and return to Canada following the news that she was terminated.


Starting legal action to get my job back and speaking about this situation publicly are not decisions I made lightly. We need to have a conversation about women, mothers, and parents in high-performance sport.

L eaders and coaches should not have to choose between their role in Canadian sport or being a present and engaged parent. Family should not be seen as a limitation or a barrier to success. I have not sacrificed my pursuit of excellence because of my family.

I am a better coach because I am a mother – I have a broader perspective on my career, sport, and life. I am more purposeful in being value-driven in my coaching practice.


Bridget Green, 2025, Cornell University

Maddie Hawkins, 2024, Dartmouth College

Dana Haig, 2022, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

M ichelle Lahrkamp, 2023, Stanford University

Vanessa Lahrkamp, 2026, Stanford University

Mia Nicolosi, 2025, Yale University

Colleen O’Brien, 2024 Boston College

Honorable Mention Women’s All-American Skippers:

Caroline Bayless, 2023, Brown University

Emily Bornarth, 2024, US Coast Guard Academy

Eva Blauvelt, 2025, US Naval Academy

Cordelia Burn, 2025, Harvard University

Sarah Burn, 2024, Harvard University

Piper Holthus, 2025, Georgetown University

Elizabeth Kaplan, 2023, Bowdoin College

Blaire McCarthy, 2023, Brown University

Michaela O’Brien, 2024, Boston College

Ciara Rodriguez-Horan, 2022, Tulane University

“It was strange and shocking,” said Ross in an interview with Th e Canadian Press . “ It was a five-minute phone call where I was fired, basically, without cause. I was in Europe. I was in the middle of a planned six-week trip.”

Sail Canada credits a lack of funding for the termination, not her pregnancy.

B elow is a statement issued by Lisa Ross on May 29:

“On March 8, I told Sail Canada that I was expecting my third child.

Nine days later, I was abruptly fired while working in Europe, halfway through a six-week training and competition block.

At the time I was the only female coach within the nine-member High Performance coaching staff, a group which had recently added two new male coaches.

I love my sport. I love representing Canada and hope to inspire the next generation of young Canadians. I love the challenge of supporting my team to reach their full potential and perform under


CYC Summer Small Boat Regatta (June 17-18)

From June 17-18, the Coronado Yacht Club (CYC) will host the Small Boat Regatta. The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the current version of The Racing Rules of Sailing. Eligibility and entries are limited to fleets of three or more sport/small boats. In addition, they must have skipper members in good standing of Yacht Clubs or Sailing Organizations recognized by US Sailing. Previous boats that have entered are Mercury; Moth; F18; Laser; 420; FJ; J70; J24; Harbor 20, but other fleets are welcome. All entries must be submitted by June 15 at 3 p.m. The regatta fee is $65 and includes a taco party on June 17 at the CYC. Trophies will be awarded on the evening of June 18 to the top finishers in each class after all the races have concluded. For the complete Notice of Race, please

I have been involved in high-performance sport for over 20 years. During t hat time, the systemic under-representation of women in high performance c oaching has not changed. At the Rio Olympics (where I coached for Canada), only 20 [percent] of Canadian coaches were women. At the Tokyo Games, this number dropped to 16 [percent].

This lack of representation continues at the provincial, university and community levels. I believe that women should b e seen as leaders in every aspect of high-performance sport. Not just coaching other women, but leading organizations and teams, regardless of gender.

I believe we must make the Canadian Sport system better, so it truly becomes a healthy and inclusive environment for everyone and where we understand that humanity – including being a parent –does not limit performance and success but fosters it.

I want to thank everyone who has supported me so far. I’m looking forward to resolving this issue and getting back on the water doing what I love.”

visit https://www.regattanetwork.com/ clubmgmt/regatta_uploads/26209/ NORSummerSmallBoatRegatta2023.pdf.

Southern Crossing Race (June 25)

On June 25, the South Lake Tahoe Windjammers Yacht Club will host the Southern Crossing Race. This race will be governed by the rules defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing and is open to monohulls with an LOA of 18 feet or greater. Boats shall hold a current PHRF rating. The race committee may assign or adjust a boat’s rating to comply with ratings established by the SLTWYC and/ or Lake Tahoe PHRF Committee. Eligible boats must register online at the Regatta Network no later than 10 a.m. on June 25; the registration fee is $50. The racing venue will be on the waters of South Lake Tahoe, with the starting and finishing line near Tahoe Keys. Prizes will be awarded based on entries. For the complete Notice of Race, please visit https:// www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/ regatta_uploads/25864/SOXNOR.pdf.

12 | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM
Margaux Cowles photo



Whatever the Weather, Fishing is Better Together

“Things are finally starting to up at the Island! We’ve still got spots available to book this weekend on our 3/4 [next] day on the @ patriotsportfishing from 6am-6pm. Tap the link in our bio to check out our schedule Or give us a call at 949-675-0550. Use code ‘Rock20’ to get $20 off your next trip on the Patriot.”


CDFW Announces $20.4 Million in Grant Funding to Protect Salmon Habitat and Other California Fish and Wildlife Species Statewide

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) announced $20.4 million in awards on May 25 to 15 projects to improve salmon habitat and support climate resiliency, wildlife corridors, and wetlands restoration. This is the third round of grant awards made in 2023, with funding made available last year under Drought, Climate, and Nature-Based Solutions Initiatives, bringing the total grant funding awarded to nearly $80 million.

“As climate-driven challenges to California’s biodiversity continue to grow and shift, our own strategies for new projects must adapt,” CDFW Director Charlton H. Bonham said in the press release. “Saving salmon and rebuilding their populations for Californians is the goal, and we are meeting these challenges head-on.”

The CDFW has developed a single set of General Grant Program Guidelines to get restoration completed faster. In addition, the CDFW is continuing to accept applications for new projects and make awards on an ongoing basis. An overview of eligible project types, priorities, and information is available at www.wildlife. ca.gov/grants.

Projects awarded with Drought for Salmon Protection and Wildlife Corri-

dors funds will support the planning and implementation of projects to enhance habitat for salmon by removing barriers to fish passage, restoring flows, and providing critical habitat for juvenile rearing salmonids.

Within the CDFW’s Inland Desert Region, two new projects supported with Addressing Climate Impact funds will also focus on the effects of climate-driven weather whiplash on the arroyo toad and the desert salamander.

Throughout central and northern California, Wetlands and Mountain Meadows funds will support projects to restore and enhance floodplains, wetlands, and mountain meadows to benefit fish and wildlife species and their habitat. Work will include enhancing waterfowl habitat on Battle Creek in Shasta County.

View all projects awarded today online.

According to the CDFW, in the past 90 days, CDFW has awarded just under $80 million to 53 projects statewide from the $200 million in new initiatives made available this year. The CDFW has streamlined the processes for applying for funding, reviewing and finalizing awards, and getting agreements so projects can start without delays. Projects awarded in March and April of 2023 have agreements in place and are currently starting work.

CDFW’s Cutting the Green Tape Program has streamlined the grant process and continues to improve permitting and environmental review of restoration projects statewide.

• The First Slough Fish Passage, Floodplain Restoration, and Coastal Habitat Connectivity Project, awarded grant funds in this round, is moving forward with implementation with the support of a recent concurrence through CDFW’s Statutory Exemption for Restoration Projects process.

• The Bull Creek Hamilton Floodplain Restoration Project, awarded funding in this round, recently worked with the Cutting the Green Tape program to secure a streamlined Restoration Management Permit.

These two project efficiencies have saved an estimated $100,000 and countless hours, which can now be diverted to more restoration.

The pace and scale of the CDFW grant funding have also been led by sister agencies, including the Wildlife Conservation Board, who, in the first two months of 2023, awarded just under $70 million in block grants and another $59 million to

individual projects for the enhancement and protection of California biodiversity.

This grant funding supports critical initiatives, including conserving 30 percent of California’s lands and coastal waters by 2030 under California’s 30x30 initiative, Nature-Based Solutions, and increasing the pace and scale of restoration through Cutting Green Tape.

Once available, more information about these funding opportunities, including guidelines and how to apply, general information about CDFW’s grant programs, and a schedule for upcoming grant solicitations can be found at www. wildlife.ca.gov/grants.

IGFA Announces 2023 SoCal Open and New Tournament Format Changes

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA — It’s official— the International Game Fish Association (IGFA) has recently announced that the 2023 IGFA SoCal Open will take place Sept. 29-Oct. 1 with weigh stations plotted in San Diego, Newport Beach, and Catalina Island. The two-day tournament is open to all anglers and will now offer a new format featuring five major offshore game fish.

The SoCal Open was previously a swordfish-only tournament, but this year, four new eligible species have entered the

hunt. The change reflects the diverse offshore fishery of Southern California and will include Bluefin tuna, striped marlin, dorado, and yellowtail.

“We’re thrilled to announce the new dates and a new, expanded format to the 2023 IGFA SoCal Open,” said IGFA President Jason Schratwieser in a statement from May 4. “We believe these changes not only reflect the diversity of Southern California’s offshore game fish but the passionate anglers who have cherished this resource for decades as the birthplace of big game sportfishing.”

Trophies and prizes will be award-

ed to the top three anglers and teams and the anglers who record the heaviest of the eligible species, excluding striped marlin, which will be judged on total release points. In addition, a new Junior Angler category has been added and will be based on total points, only eligible for anglers ages 16 and under.

The fishing days are Friday, Sept. 29, and Saturday, Sept. 30, and the awards

THE LOG | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | 13 THELOG.COM
Newport Landing Sportfishing Facebook photo.
Please see SOCAL OPEN, PAGE 14
ceremony will take place on the afternoon of Oct. 1 at the Dana Point Yacht
Shutterstock image Shutterstock image
Starting in Fiscal Year 2022-23, the CDFW will have over $200 million dedicated to restoration, including funding for grants under new initiatives under Nature Based Solutions, Drought and Climate resiliency.

san diego fish report


• Bluefin tuna continue to attract a lot of attention from Southern California anglers and the last few months have provided many days of good offshore fishing for both bluefin tuna and yellowtail. During that time bluefin have been found in offshore waters between Ensenada and San Clemente Island with the most recent good bite area being within 30 miles or so of Point Loma at some of the local offshore banks outside of Los Coronado Islands. The past couple of days have seen the bluefin action drop off to be just fair. The good news is that there are lots of bluefin still around and anglers are expecting better numbers of

SoCal Open

From page 13


Tournament proceeds will support initiatives related to the IGFA’s commitment to research and conservation. Previous tournament initiatives have included research from Barbara Block’s lab at Stanford University, where onsite biologists removed lateral rectus muscles from harvested swordfish as part of ongoing efforts to better understand brain and eye temperature regulation in the species

bluefin to start biting better at any time. In the meantime, even though the bluefin bite is not red hot at the moment, there are still some bluefin biting to go with good numbers of yellowtail that are being found around some of the offshore kelp paddies.

• Areas that are currently producing most of the bluefin and yellowtail activity include banks that are in Mexican waters and U.S. waters and are the 425 Bank, the 371 Bank, the 302 Spot, the 224 Spot, the Corner and the area 4 to 8 miles southeast of Pyramid Head at San Clemente Island. During the past couple of days, the 302 Spot, the 224 Spot and

when pursuing prey.

The IGFA encourages early registration for the tournament, as spots are limited and expected to fill up quickly. Early bird registration is $300 per angler and is available to those who register before Aug. 1. The entry fee after that is $350 per angler. Teams are responsible for chartering or providing their own boats for the tournament.

For more information or to register, visit the IGFA website at w ww.igfa.org/ igfa-social.

the area 4 to 8 miles to the southeast of Pyramid Head have been the best.

• In other areas, there was a private boater who caught a 60 pound bluefin tuna that bit on a trolled Nomad Madmac jig that was trolled through a porpoise school at the 9 Mile Bank. A couple of banks that might be worth keeping and eye on up in the Catalina region are the 209 Spot and the 181 Spot as there have been reports of a few yellowtail starting to show around some of the kelp paddies in those areas. There was also a recent report about what were thought to be bluefin tuna that were being metered on the fathometer in an area of purple-blue color water located about 3 miles east of the 209 Spot.

Full story will be found online. Bob Vanian is the voice, writer, and researcher of the San Diego-based internet fish report service called 976-

Bite which can be found at www.976bite. com. Vanian also provides anglers with a personal fish report service over the telephone at (619) 226-8218. He always welcomes your fish reports at that same phone number or at bob976bite@aol. com.

Deadline: June 15, 2023

Prints or high-res digtal photos are preferred.

email to: thelogeditor@thelog.com


Dana Pride is Serving Great Catches for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

“The Dana Pride had 3/4 day duty today and Capt Tommy found some quality reds and bocaccio for their anglers. 3/4 day is FULL tomorrow but we have room on our AM 1/2 day at 6:30 AND twilight departing at 5:30pm! #danawharf @ danapointharbor”

14 | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM
Dana Wharf Sportfishing Facebook photo
Bob Vanian’s 976-BITE FISH REPORTS www.976BITE.COM For Internet Reports Visit www.976bite.com For Personal Reports Call (619) 226-8218
Seeking Quality Listings Exclusive Dealer Bigbayyachts.com 2811 Dickens St., Suite 130 San Diego, CA 92106 Scott Lampe (619) 222-1124 Sales Management Construction Licensed & Bonded since 1982 Brokerage Slips at Intrepid Landing CATCH A DEAL TODAY! Pick a Cobia and GO! The lawyers say we have to add the fine print, call for more details.....Subject to prior sale. Prices does not include sales tax or registration fees. Financing Available! Good Times, Great Boats! LIVE ZOOM TOURS & CHAT! 35' Cobia 350CC 2023 Currently Flagship of the fleet! 35' to 20' Center Consoles- order today! 28’ Cobia 280CC 2023 On Order for Winter delivery! Yamaha power- many options! Call for full details and EarlyBird $aving$!' LOA 21’7” Beam 8’ 6” Haze gray hull/ Matte black powder coating accents Ameratrail dual axel trailer Garmin GPSMAP 8610XSV Airmar B60M transducer JL audio stereo and speakers Windlass features and quality of Cobia boats! Perfect for fishing and family fun! Call to schedule your appointment to preview today! 22’ Cobia 220CC 2023 IN Stock! Boat Today! Seeking Quality Listings Exclusive Dealer Bigbayyachts.com 2811 Dickens St., Suite 130 San Diego, CA 92106 Scott Lampe (619) 222-1124 Sales Management Construction Licensed & Bonded since 1982 Brokerage Slips at Intrepid Landing The lawyers say we have to add the fine print, call for more details.....Subject to prior sale. Prices does not include sales tax or registration fees. Financing Available! 24’ Cobia 240 CC 2024 Center Consoles from 22-35’ Dual Consoles from 24’-33’ Call for full details and Early Bird $aving$! 31’ Cobia 301 CC 2024 Get ready and build your way! $pecial pricing for 2024 models! Limited time for maximum $avings! LOA 21’7” Beam 8’ 6” Draft 18” weight (approx with engine) 3,640 Lbs Fuel capacity 89 Gallons Deadrise 20 degrees Yamaha 200XCA hp Hydraulic controls/ steering Haze gray hull/ Matte black powder coating accents Ameratrail dual axel trailer Garmin GPSMAP 8610XSV Airmar B60M transducer JL audio stereo and speakers Windlass T-Top 26 gallon livewell Insulated fishbox 50 gallons Boarding ladder Electric head Big Bay New Boat package Best in her class with all the features and quality of Cobia boats! Perfect for fishing and family fun! Call to schedule your appointment to preview today! 22’ Cobia 220 CC 2023 IN Stock! Boat Today! LIVE ZOOM TOURS & CHAT! Seeking Quality Listings Exclusive Dealer Bigbayyachts.com 2811 Dickens St., Suite 130 San Diego, CA 92106 Scott Lampe (619) 222-1124 Sales Management Construction Licensed & Bonded since 1982 Brokerage Slips at Intrepid Landing CATCH A DEAL TODAY! Pick a Cobia and GO! The lawyers say we have to add the fine print, call for more details.....Subject to prior sale. Prices does not include sales tax or registration fees. Financing Available! Good Times, Great Boats! LIVE ZOOM TOURS & CHAT! 35' Cobia 350CC 2023 Currently Flagship of the fleet! 35' to 20' Center Consoles- order today! 28’ Cobia 280CC 2023 On Order for Winter delivery! Yamaha power- many options! Call for full details and EarlyBird $aving$!' LOA 21’7” Beam 8’ 6” Draft 18” weight (approx with engine) 3,640 Lbs Fuel capacity 89 Gallons Deadrise 20 degrees Yamaha 200XCA hp Hydraulic controls/ steering Haze gray hull/ Matte black powder coating accents Ameratrail dual axel trailer Garmin GPSMAP 8610XSV Airmar B60M transducer JL audio stereo and speakers Windlass T-Top 26 gallon livewell Insulated fishbox 50 gallons Boarding ladder Electric head Big Bay New Boat package Best in her class with all the features and quality of Cobia boats! Perfect for fishing and family fun! Call to schedule your appointment to preview today! 22’ Cobia 220CC 2023 IN Stock! Boat Today! You certify that the photograph you are submitting to FishRap’s “Kiss Your Katch” gallery promotion is original to you, and that FishRap’s use of the photograph will not violate any laws or rights of any other person or entity, including, without limitation, any copyright rights or rights of publicity or privacy. You agree to indemnify and hold FishRap harmless from any claims arising from use of the photograph.
Solution from CROSSWORD, PAGE 10
Us Your Best Shot by June 202315,
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60’ M2 POWER CAT 2007 - Twin MAN power, 2 staterooms, 2 heads, Kevlar construction, total refit of soft goods & paint, low hours. Dan Wood (206) 719-1800. 48’ HATTERAS MOTORYACHT 1981 - Live aboard moorage available, 3 staterooms, huge aft stateroom & aft deck, 6V92 mains, new generator. Dan Wood (206) 719-1800. 48’ SWAN 2001 - World-renowned Swan quality, one of the finest builders ever, Frers design, 2 private cabins, 2 heads, carbon fiber rig, electric winches. Bob Steel (949) 422-2633. 42’ TIARA OPEN 2004 - All-new dash with push button switches, Furuno CH600 Dual-Frequency Searchlight sonar, mostly boathouse kept, great condition. Vic Parcells (206) 229-3134. 83’ BURGER 1967 - Once in a lifetime special vessel, kept in state of the art boathouse, cared for by knowledgeable yachtsman, fresh paint. Dan Wood (206) 719-1800. 58’ WEST BAY SONSHIP 2001 - 3 double cabins, 2 heads, 3 control stations, upgraded engines CAT 3406Es 800hp each, many upgrades in 2021. Dennis Riehl (949) 697-4120. 42’ SABRE EXPRESS 2017 - Bristol condition, a rare find on the west coast, very well equipped with twin Volvo IPS 500s, LLC owned. Steve Besozzi (949) 355-4644. 38’ VAN DAM 2003 - Major refit in 2021, new paint on deck, bottom, & hard top, Honduran mahogany sanded to raw before new stain & clear coat. Dan Wood (206) 719-1800. 78’ WEST BAY SONSHIP 2005 - 2nd owner, very clean, loaded w/ options incl. ABT Zero Speed stabilization, hydraulic bow & stern thrusters. Michael Gardella (619) 540-4444. 42’ BERTRAM CONVERTIBLE - Asking $179,500. Major refit in the last few years! Half tower, hard top, rebuilt engines, cockpit has been painted with LP paint. Alan Baron (949) 933-2112.
31’ PURSUIT 315 OFFSHORE 2009 - Popular model! Twin 300hp Yamahas (4-stroke), great accommodations, gear, & equipment. Low hours! Todd Sherman (714) 325-8181.
52’ VIKING SPORT CRUISER / PRINCESS 2000 - Nice blend of power & economy for extended cruising, great visibility, wide side decks, roomy flybridge. Steve Besozzi (949) 355-4644. 55’ HACKER-CRAFT BRIDGE DECK 1926 - Family owned for 70 years, covered moorage and 2 major refits. This classic is ready to go anywhere. Dan Wood (206) 719-1800. 96’ OCEAN ALEXANDER MY 2009/2012 - CAT ACERT C32s, 4 double cabins, 2 crew cabins, large California deck / upper boat deck, Zero Speed. Paul Enghauser (949) 606-3952.
65’ FOUNTAIN 2001 - Will consider trades for real estate, vessels, or equipment. New CAT C-32 repower w/ under 500 hrs. Fresh prop/running gear tune-up. Dan Wood (206) 719-1800.
NEWPORT BEACH (949) 574-7600 SEATTLE (206) 625-1580 WWW.CROWSNESTYACHTS.COM Each Crow’s Nest Yachts office is independently owned and operated.
106 HORIZON 2005 | SAN DIEGO, CA ERIK MAYOL (949) 338-7907 108 MONTE FINO 1996 | MARINA DEL REY, CA ALEKS TALDYKIN (310) 569-3821 77 CUSTOM 2013 | OXNARD, CA JEAN-MARIE CABRI (310) 600-9670 ALMOST THERE $3,250,000 MARBELLA $1,899,990 EL PAVICA $1,850,000 +1 949.791.4220 Sales@DenisonYachting.com DenisonYachting.com San Diego, CA Newport Beach, CA Long Beach, CA Marina del Rey, CA San Francisco, CA Seattle, WA 619.822.2715 949.791.4220 562.594.9716 310.821.5883 510.981.2021 206.686.5400 1948 70ʹ JOHNSON 2006 | MARINA DEL REY, CA WILL PETERSEN ( 310) 430-1502 60ʹ HORIZON 2015 | LONG BEACH, CA STEVE BECK (562) 243-9710 70ʹ CHEOY LEE 1988 | NEWPORT BEACH, CA ERIK MAYOL (949) 338-7907 72ʹ PRINCESS 2017 | NEWPORT BEACH, CA ERIK MAYOL (949) 338-7907 55ʹ PRESTIGE 2015 | MARINA DEL REY, CA ALEKS TALDYKIN • (310) 569-3821 55ʹ PRESTIGE 2015 | SAN PEDRO, CA BILL PALMER • (760) 809-6333 59ʹ OYSTER 2015 | SAN DIEGO, CA DAVE MILLETT (714) 260-5901 54ʹ HANSE 2008 | SEATTLE, WA BYRON SHIRLEY • (206) 316-9807 BILL PETERSEN • (310) 871-1977 44ʹ CABO 2012 | SEATTLE, WA JASON SMITH • (206) 331-2523 THE FLYING WASP $999,000 SANCTUARY $2,595,000 FOUR ACES $699,000 SEXSEA $3,390,000 BLUE SKY $999,000 BELLE VIE $1,295,000 KELLY $1,297,000 BERLIN $345,000 FLYING CLOUD $839,000
Dealer of the Year ‘22 • ‘21 • ‘20 • ‘19 • ‘16 MARINE SERVICENTER San Diego Seattle Bellingham 2700 Shelter Island Dr.2442 Westlake Ave. N1801 Roeder Ave. #128 619.733.0559 206.323.2405360.770.0180 info@marinesc.com • www.marinesc.com 2024 Jeanneau 440 #77848 $548,532 • SAVE $37,763 2023 Jeanneau Yacht 51 #76709: $798,790 • SAVE $90,374 2023 Jeanneau 410 #77038: $329,766 • SAVE $43,744 2023 Jeanneau 349 #77845: $258,355 • SAVE $15,345 2023 Jeanneau 380 #77418: $359,835 • SAVE $38,990 Your SoCal & Pacific NW JEANNEAU Sailboat Dealer! Yacht Sales Since 1977 2024 Jeanneau Yacht 60 #78210: $1,658,074 • SAVE $33,000 2024 Jeanneau 490 #77391: $694,683• SAVE $35,727 Arrives July Arrives January 2023 Jeanneau Yacht 65 #7: All New! • $2,458,190 Ready Now! 2018 Prestige 630 MY • $2,195,000 Transferable Slip at Sun Roads Marina 2020 Jeanneau 410 • $394,800 2023 Jeanneau 380 • $368,500 2015 Jeanneau 509 • $489,000 Your West Coast Dealer for La Mare Houseboats! Modern on-water f loating homes, offices, guest houses, vacation homes, “she” sheds or “man” caves! Ideal for water front properties & marine vessels - no permits required! Several models to choose from, custom interior layouts, custom f inishes, and more! Ranging from 26' - 50'. Easily moored in a marina, equipped with twin OB engines and steering station, or as a barge. Just Arrived! Arrives June In Stock • Sale Priced In Stock • Sale Priced 2018 Beneteau 45 • $379,500 New Listing! Arrives July New Listing!
18 | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM FILAC O RNIA YACHT BROKERS ASSO C I NOITA MEMBER Mark W. Mowery Owner/Broker We have slips in Newport for our new brokerage clients, call us directly at 949-548-9999 AlliedNewport@gmail.com | MovieYachts.com FILAC O RNIA YACHT BROKERS ASSO C I NOITA MEMBER Viking 65 Conv. 2001  LLC owned CATS $1.19m $949k TransferableSlip NicelyUpdated $599k 1988/2008 Bertram 54’ LLC, $2m total refit incl Cat C18s new genset. New electronics. New everything! 1. 2004 Tiara 29’ Open $99,000 2. 1986 Tiara 36’ Open $74,999. Needs tlc. CallMark! Reduced! $125k 2006 TP (JV) 52’ Huge Sail Inventory 24or36moleasew/own $40kdwn $583/mo-$40kownopt 2012 Sea Ray Sundancer 450 $469,000 CallMark! LLCOwned NBdockavail Highfield Classic 380 GT Limited 30HP Suzuki; $27,000 Highfield Classic 360 w/ FCT kit 2023 11’10’’ 259 LB Hypalon 30HP Suzuki $22,000 Highfield Sport 420; new for 2023 70HP Suzuki Starting at $41,000 Highfield Patrol Series 600 150HP Yamaha $66,000 16’ Marlon Welded Utility Boat 30HP Suzuki Highfield Classic 340 w/ FTC 20HP Tohatsu; $18,500 2727 Shelter Island Dr., San Diego CA 92106 | (619) 222-1200 | shelterislandinflatables.com Shelter Island Inflatables is San Diego’s Premier Tender & Outboard Motor Dealer. We are a proud dealer for Highfield, Williams Jet Tenders, Apex Boats and Tohatsu, Mercury and Suzuki Outboards.  Now carrying Marlon Boats/Trailers, and Karavan Trailers. Contact Dan or Gideon for Sales inquiries and Ray at 619.269.5702 for all Service requests.
THE LOG | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | 19 THELOG.COM HOW WILL YOU DO CATALINA THIS SUMMER? The DB/43 OB promises moments of pure exhilaration. Full speed crossings, with a pause for sunbathing and a swim, stunning sunsets, shared smiles, a glass in hand... you don’t have to choose between enjoying intense sensations and simple pleasures. Jeanneau’s DB/43 will get you to Avalon in the style you deserve not to mention how comfortable you’ll be when you get there. www.schockboats.com DB/43 Avalon is only 30 minutes away! HUNTINGTON HARBOUR 16214 Pacific Coast Hwy. Huntington Beach, CA 92649 949-673-2050 www.schockboats.com SAN DIEGO 2700 Shelter Island Dr. 619-880-8892 42’SILVERTONCONVERTABLE2006 Summer’shere,timetofish!Tall&broadbeamed w/classicSilvertonlines.Greatforfishing&family. Steven:310-720-6999 $280,000 55’HI-STARCPMY1988 Immaculate!Twostateroomswithislandbeds moreliketwomastercabins.Spacioussalon. Paul:949-306-7135 $165,000 42'BERTRAM42CONVERTIBLE1986 Exceptionalseakeepingabilities,superbfishability, long-range&qualityconstructionmergetogether. Jack:323-422-8966 REDUCED! $115,000 42’CRUISERS420EXPRESS2009 Beautiful,spaciousanduniquedesign. VolvojoystickPODdriveforeasydocking. Jack:323-422-8966 $279,000 310-748-5409 yachtbroker@pacbell.net www.shorelineyachtgroup.com 36’JERSEYCONVERTIBLE1987 Beautiful&wellcaredfor.Singlestateroom,galley downlayout.Builtonasolidfiberglasshull. Nick:310-748-5409 $85,000 31’SEARAYSUNDANCER1998 Veryclean&wellequipped.Repoweredwith MercruiserHorizon350s.Newcockpitenclosure. Helen:310-254-4081 $49,000 WEST COAST YACHTS NEWPORT BEACH 2600 Newport Blvd #122 (949) 673-2060 WCYACHTS.COM 35’ Tiara 1997 $125,000 2017 Pursuit S328 $299,000 441 Meridian 2012 $525,000 VISIT WCYACHTS.COM FOR MORE INVENTORY Waterfront Offices in DANA POINT 24450 Dana Point Harbor Drive #A1 2017 325 Edgewater $259,000
20 | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM Nautilus 14 DLX w/Honda BF60 Nautilus 15 DLX w/Honda BF75 Nautilus 12 DLX w/ Honda BF40 2810 S. Croddy Way, Santa Ana, CA 92704 949-574-8667 www.twimarine.com Foroptimumperformanceandsafety,werecommendyoureadtheOwner’sManualbeforeoperatingyour HondaMarineproduct.Alwayswearapersonalflotationdevicewhileboating. Nautilus 10 VSX w/Honda BF20SRT Trade Wind Inflatables 40 Years of Customer Satisfaction! Boats 8' – 28' • 10 Year Warranty • Orca CRM Fabric All Boats Powered By Honda Marine Engines “30 Years in the Same Location” 2006 Carver 43 Motoryacht $335,000 2006 Sea Ray 320 Sundancer $139,000 2900 Tiara 3600 Open $269,000 2003 Hunter 466 $229,995 1999 46' Ocean Alexander 460 $210,000 (619)295-9669 “30 Years in the Same Location” www.CaliforniaYachtSales.com 2006 54' Jeanneau $354,900 199 8 Hallber-Rassy 36 $159,900 36 Pacifica $105,000 2004 Hunter 46 6 $150,000 1985 40' Passport $134,900 1987 42' Ocean Alexander $90,000 1994 35' Island Packet $93,000 SOLD (619) 295-9669 www.CaliforniaYachtSales.com NEWENGINES! 1999 46' Ocean Alexander 460 $210,000 (619)295-9669 “30 Years in the Same Location” www.CaliforniaYachtSales.com 2006 54' Jeanneau $354,900 199 8 Hallber-Rassy 36 $159,900 36 Pacifica $105,000 2004 Hunter 6 $150,000 1985 40' Passport $134,900 1987 42' Ocean Alexander Sedan $90,000 1994 35' Island Packet $93,000 SOLD 1987 Bertram 54’ Sportfisher $295,000 2021 Chris-Craft 502 Custom Call for Pricing 2811 Dickens St., Suite 130 San Diego, CA 92106 Sales Management Construction Licensed & Bonded since 1982 Brokerage Slips at Intrepid Landing Bigbayyachts.com Price Reduced Keen Seller Just Listed at BBY Showdock Seeking Quality Listings Exclusive Dealer Scott Lampe (619) 222-1124 30’ Cobia 296CC 2016 Super Clean* Twin 300hp Yamaha Ameratrail trailer* Garmin package Ready to go!  call  Fisher DeVoe 53’ Drake Yachtfish 1966 California deck* 8v71DD *dual gens*bait tanks MX and Alaska vet* lovingly updated *new topside LP* Call Bob Woodard at 619-227-5478 REDUCED! 35’ Cabo Express 2004 CAT 3126B, 420hp each* updated Garmin/ Simrad electronics* 100 Gal cockpit baittank* Great shing boat- Great value! Call Joel Swan for boarding and information 40’ Jersey Convertible 1988 Twin CAT 3208, Great interior! Fish and family fun! Upgrades!  Call Joshua or Scott for info! REDUCED! for Live Zoom, Personal Walkthrough Tours of our Boats CALL TO ARRANGE www. SEACOASTYACHTS.COM Santa Barbara Channel Islands LA Harbor Long Beach Newport Beach San Diego 805.962.8195 805.200.3161 310.547.8007 562.431.8699 949.287.3585 619.209.7360 Get ready for Summer Fun on the Water! 2004 Grand Soleil 45 Marina del Rey, CA $230,000 2015 Crownline 350 SY Santa Barbara, CA $199,000 2004 Formula 31 PC Long Beach, CA $74,900 2019 Beneteau Antares 27 • Channel Islands, CA • $219,500 Join thousands of satis ed clients who have bought and sold their boats with Seacoast Yachts.
THE LOG | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | 21 THELOG.COM MarineDirectory Toplaceanad,calltheclassifiedexpertsat: 8 00-887- 1615 ADDEADLINE: EveryotherFriday@5PM • Email: classifieds@thelog.com G E T R E S U LT S ! FromAtoZ,You’llFindWhatYouNeed! BOATINGCOURSES&SCHOOLS CANVAS&UPHOLSTERY CUSTOMWELDING&FABRICATION 2835 Canon Street San Diego, CA 92106 6 19-224-5220 www.thomasmarinewelding.com DESIGN WELDING MACHINING METALFABRICATION BOAT/YACHTMAINTENANCE What’stheworstthatcanhappen whenyoudon’tadvertise? Nothing! en Startyouradtoday! Call 800-887-1615 DECKING&FLOORING WhyFISHwhenyoucan targetyourmarine customersdirectlyin theMarineDirectory? YOURADHERE ViewMarineDirectory &ClassifiedAdsOnline at www.thelogclassifieds.com ADSPACEAVAILABLE
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10’CARIBE: Inexcellentcondition.Brandnew Tohatsu6horsepowerfour-strokeoutboardwith 4yearwarranty.Neverused.Customcover. Bottompaint.$2,750.Call310-351-3522.

13’1”AVONSEASPORT380DLTENDER: 135 hrs.Yamaha50hpserviced@135hours. FusionBT4speakers.includestendercover. Oneowner,newin2019.Excellentcondition. $23,500.Call949-922-3101


DeepV,seats7,150hpYamahaoutboard with140hours.Garmin,stereo,marine radio,Pacifictrailer,newtires,lookslike new.Greatoceanboat.$27,500.



60HPMercury4-strokeoutboardwith70 hours.FullyservicedinJunealongwith bottompaint.$9,500orbestoffer. Call951-795-8725


w/70HPSUZUKI.Thisbrandnew2023 inflatablehas0hrs.&issittinginour showroomrightnow.$41,000.

ShelterIslandInflatables,call619-222-1200 email kim@shelterislandinflatables.com


Beautiful!40hp4-strokeHonda,low hours.Looksandrunsgreat!$10,500. SportPortfloatavailable,$1,000.Long Beachsliprentalavailable.

Gary:562-209-5692 (corrected#), garylevine@verizon.net

13’APEX2001: 50hpYamaha600hours. GarminGPS/fishfinder,VHS,stereo/CDplayer, chaps.$5,000.Call714-745-0503.

14’APEXINFLATABLE2008: 50hpYamaha w/271hoursonengine.Alwaysmaintainedby Yamahadealer.Currentannualserviceasof May1st.Alwayscoveredwithcustomcover. $22,000.949-929-7447, mlmichel@aol.com

with150HPYamaha.This2023Dealer DemoBoatforsale@20hours.Istotally loadedwithalltheextras.$66,000. ShelterIslandInflatables,call619-222-1200 email kim@shelterislandinflatables.com

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Pristinecondition.SecondOwner.Engine 2019repoweredMercury115power thrust,lowhours.Recentlyserviced.Like newgalvanizedtrailer.Built-incustom high-capacitybait-tank.Gelcoatexcellent condition-nooxidization.DolphinT-Top, removablesuncover.Infinitystainresistantteakdesignmarinefloor covering.Fullcover.GarminGPS.Pro SportBatterycharger.VHF.Fusion Bluetooth,500wattFusionAmp.2x marinespeakers+2-300wattmarine bulletspeakers.Stainlessrodholders.Yeti Cooler65,Removablewalkaroundbow deckplatform.Dropdownfootrests.Seethroughcanvaswindguard.Fullwater proofcover.$42,900.714-920-8083


Completewithseats,paddles,peddle drives,andboat-railcarryracks.One kayakwithMiragesailsystem.$1,350for sailingkayak,$1,250forother. 310-748-3630

THE LOG | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | 23 THELOG.COM
G E T R E S U LT S !





19’SEARAYBOWRIDER1996: Seats8. SignatureSeriesModel190.Only406hours. Freshwater5.7LMerCruiserAlpha1, CD/AM/FM,VHFradio,fishfinders.Excellent. Extras.$11,900.661-644-5894.



condition.With200hpYamahaoutboard. Includestrailerwithdiscbrakes.Redondo slipavailablewithapproval.$109,000. ShorelineYachtGroup,Jack:323-422-8966, jack@shorelineredondo.com

30’CRUISERS2980ESPRIT1989: Dual-Helm Sportfisher.Twin270HPCrusaders.20MPH+, (2)100gFuel,45gWater,Chart-plotter,VHF, Windlass,Bait-tank.Sleeps6.$41,500. ShorelineMarina,LB.Capt.Mase:562-4943885, Maesonic@msn.com


2stateroom,2headpracticallayout. Insidehelm,galleyup,dinetteandsalon table,330HPTwinCumminsdiesel.LLC OWNED.$148,000.702-292-1851, joanniewilliamslv@gmail.com


20’SKIPJACKOPENCRUISER,1984: 650 hours.Inoriginalcondition.Trailer.LongBeach slippossiblewithmarinaapproval.$14,900. Privateparty:323-715-7062

27’BOSTONWHALER1990: “Picante”.Classic Whalermeticulouslymaintainedandinexcellent condition.2x250E-TechOutboards-Only450 hours.LargeV-Berth;RadarArchw/Rocket Launchers;NewGarminGPS;NewS/SFridge; BaitTank;FurunoRadar;Super-ToughBoatBuilttoLast.$52,888.Mike:949-923-7489

on2019EZthreeaxletrailer.Twin350L6 Mercswithonly148hours.Joystick.Self Levelingtabs.15”RaymarineElectronics NavigationPackage.Radar.Manymore options.Fulllistuponrequest.Locatedin BellinghamWA.Readytogo!$334,000. CallLes:206-948-0921

1995BAYLINERCIERA2355SUNBRIDGE for saleinverygoodcondition.Greatforfamily cruisingorfishing.Comeswithtraileranddry storagespace.LocatedinSanPedro.$13,750. Eric:804-350-3713, ericwjoh@gmail.com



Excellentconditionandwelllookedafter. Boathousekeptuntil2019.TwinVolvo dieselsRecentlytraileredtoSanDiego. Recentsurvey.$145,000. ContactJackson:920-819-8049, jackson@wsyachtbrokers.com



GreatweekendCatalinacruiserand coastalfisherman’sdelight.Updated electronicsandwindlass.Veryclean interior.Pricedtosellat$25,000. ShorelineYachtGroup,Bill:949-466-2206, mrforsythe@hotmail.com


Turn-key,noadditionalexpense necessary.LOL46’,lowhours.1446 Cummins6BTA5.9,manyupgradeswith receipts.Greatliveaboardorforfishing, etc.$CALL$. Johnny@BarnacleFlush.com, 619-732-6287.

38’TRUENORTHDOWNEAST: Partial ownershipLLCowned.DockednexttoBalboa YachtClub.PerfectweekendCatalinaboat. Professionallyupgraded,managed& maintained.Truehassle-freeownership.VIP service.$40,000.310-529-0491

Twin 380hpCumminsw/ZeusPoddrives.Onan generator.Twostaterooms.Raymarine electronics.Skyhookstabilizer.20+knotcruise. LLCtitled,REDUCED!$439,000.Richard: 310-430-1769,BKR.


1973: Woodhullandmahoganyinterior. Spaciousmainsalonwith6’2”headroom.Large aftstateroom&headw/shower.V-berthforward. TwinDetroit671dieselswitheasyaccess. Hauledlastyear.Newbottom&topsidespaint. Greatliveaboardorweekendgetaway.Located inSanDiego.$35,000,orBestOffer.CallChris formoreinformation/photos:858-905-0123.

24 | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | THE LOG THELOG.COM LogClassifieds TOPLACEANAD,Call800-887-1615,oronlineat thelogclassifieds.com




Letussellyourboat!Wehavethe expertisetogettheresultsyoudesire. Fromattractingbuyersthroughthesale andclosing,wehaveyoucovered. Call310-748-5409


PrimolocationinMDR.Veryspaciouswith approximately700sfoflivingspace. Liveaboardstatuspossiblewithmarina approval.$74,900. ShorelineYachtGroup,Jack:323-422-8966, jack@shorelineyachtgroup.com


16'JOELWHITEHAVEN121/2: Gaff-rigged sloop,stripplankedAtlanticwhitecedaron streambentoakframes,bronzefastened. $12,000/obo.Contact scarpy47@aol.com, 619-694-7696

40’HUNTER2014: TheMarlow-Hunter40 offerscomfotableandspacious accommodationsforupto6guests.Theinterior featuresamoderndesignwithhigh-qualityand amplenaturallight.$249,875.959-722-6668.


LocatedNewportBeach,ca.$699,000. Freshwatervesseluntil18monthsago. 400hoursonVolvoIPSD6Diesels. CallortextKoryat801-550-2528.


Beautifulandwellmaintainedyachtisina successful6-packcharterbusiness.Boat andbusinessarebeingoffered.$399,900. ShorelineYachtGroup,Don:949-274-6595 donross4yachts@yahoo.com


ArarefindontheWestCoast.Strong, rugged,elegantandfast.TwinYanmarturbo diesels,3staterooms$275,000.

ShorelineYachtGroup,Helen: 310-254-4081, helenmkaz@gmail.com

23’PRECISION1998: Verywellequippedfor cruisingandracing.Manyupgradeswithnew standingandrunningrigging,8sails,including spinnaker.Galvanizedtrailerw/rercentbrakes andbearings.$18,500.760-518-8170

50’REICHEL/PUGH50-2,2002: Performance inshore-OffshoreRacer,designedbyReichelPughtobefirsttotheweathermarkin50’ class.DesignedtobeBlazingfastinlightair conditions.REDUCED$199,500.StephenRock YachtBroker:619-857-9297, stephenfrock@gmail.com


(310) 514-4985



End-Ties available for Catamarans. Beautiful New Marina! Shortest Run to Catalina!


WellsuitedforLiveaboard,Channel IslandsCharterorworld-class“comfort cruising”.Fullyequipped,professionally maintained,comfortablecruise accommodationfor12.30+yearowner.

DeliveryReady!$219,000/obo. 808-630-6084, gomorrishi@gmail.com

30’CATALINA1984: Recentbottompaint,new coolingsystem.Wheelsteering.Refrigerator, microwave,stereo.Monthlybottomcleaning! DockedinAlamitosBay.$22,500/obo 562-668-4668

30CATALINA1978: Atomic4gasengine.New bottompaint.Newbilgepump.Newwater pump.Duelstove/oven.AutopilotwithRaymond navigation.Location:Ventura.$9,000.Call 310-944-4996


Newtomarket!Superiormotoryacht,LLC owned.Potentiallytransferrableslip.16’ beam.4cabin,twin3406Catdiesels. $525,000. ShorelineYachtGroup,Steven: 310-720-6999



Sailboats for sale ranging from 22ft to 30ft, located in Los Angeles Harbor in Leeward Bay Marina: 310-830-5621 & Pacific Yacht Landing: 310-830-0260

Visit us at www.pacificyachtlanding.com

35.5’HUNTERLEGEND1990: Yanmar3GM, Northsails,rollerjib,spinnaker,depth/windinst, AP,CNGstove/waterhtr.Lasthauled/bottom paint7-20.11’Tender,8hp.$30,000,makeoffer. 714-728-4738.

30’NEWPORTHARBORMOORING and30’ JensenCalsailboatpackage.Lowhourson diesel.Goodcondition.Internalleadkeel,radar, chartplotter.Mooringjustoverhauled.$39,000. 714-356-0089

30’ SLIPS AVAILABLE Redondo Beach n (310)376-0431

THE LOG | June 9 - June 22, 2023 | 25 THELOG.COM TOPLACEANAD,Call800-887-1615,oronlineat thelogclassifieds.com
60’ & 70’ SLIPS AVAILABLE San Pedro n (310)732-2252 TAKING RESERVATIONS Coronado n (619)435-5203 30’ SLIPS AVAILABLE STARTING AT $11.25 PER FT Los Angels Harbor n (310)834-7113


Lowmaintenancefees.Recentlyserviced. GreatlocationnexttoMarinaPark,two publicdocks,washdock,andcleanout. ClosetotheAmericanLegion.Easy access.Available6/5/23.$40,000. 714-335-7678.

(310) 521-0200



375 Spaces to 45’ KAYAK RACKS Now Available!



Pacific Yacht Landing: 310-830-0260

25’ slips @ $11.00/ft. 26’-32’ slips @ $12.00/ft. 33’-45’ slips @ $13.00/ft., End-Ties @ $14.00/ft.


Leeward Bay: 310-830-5621

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CaptainNikolayAlexandrov858-531-1175 CaptainAssenAlexandrov858-531-4788

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