(DO recommended)
FORUM, 350m
DOT Tickets app
Single ticket - 4,03 € (30 DKK)
Bicycle Metro ticket (zone 1-4) - 1,88 € (14 DKK)
24 hours City Pass ticket (zone 1-4) - 10,74 € (80 DKK)
48 hours City Pass ticket (zone 1-4) - 20,14 € (150 DKK)
BAISIKELI VALBY - BUTIK & RENTAL, Valhøjvej 2, 2500 Valby
1 Euro = 7,45 Danish Kroner (DKK)
Prima diena apima Soerne ežerus, aplink kurios galima pasivaikščioti pėsčiomis arba apvažiuoti dviračiu. Vienas iš įspūdingesnių objektų yra The Potato Rows gyvenamųjų pastatų urbanistinis kvartalas realizuotas net 18731889 metais. Čia galima pamatyti kaip gatvės yra pritaikytos žmogui, o jose verda gyvenimas. Gatvėse yra žaidžiamas popietinis mini futbolas, susitinkama su draugais, gatvių erdvėse atsiduria žaidimų aikštelės, o želdinių ir pagrindinių įėjimų įvairovė išpildo viso kvartalo gyvybingumą.
Turint noro dviračiais galima pasukti link šiaurinės Kopenhagos pusės. Aplankyti Frederiksberg Palace iš kurio atsiveria nuostabus vaizdas į sodus bei zoologijos parką. Atkreipkite dėmesį į kapines. Jos iš tiesų yra išskirtines savo urbanistine struktūra bei išpildymu labiau primena parkus ar viešas erdves. Vestre Kirkegård kapinės yra vienos iš tokių. Vakarinei siūloma apsilankyti Meatpacking district.
Gero starto Kopenhagoje linki DO
► Urban plaza, 2014
■ Central plaza was once where the city ended in a ring of protective fortification. As the city gradually expanded, the plaza became a vibrant market square – until the 1950s, when it was turned into a lifeless car park.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
► Urban plaza and train station, 2015
■ Nørreport Station is not only a station but an urban landscape for people. It transforms Copenhagen’s busiest space into a single unified flow and becomes an integrated part of the pulsating city around it.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
The King’s Garden (Rosenborg garden) / THE KING
► Denmark’s oldest royal gardens, 1600s
■ Tree-lined paths, rose-bound arches, Hercules Pavillion and the statue of Hans Christian Andersen. The Kings Gardens includes herbaceous borders, a rose garden and several fountains.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 7-10 pm
► Gardens, butterfly house and a tropical palm house, 1874
■ The Botanical Garden is Denmark’s largest collection of living plants.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
National Gallery of Denmark / VILHELM DAHLERUP
► Gallery, 1896
■ The collection includes around 9000 paintings from both Danish and foreign artists from different times. The older part of the collection comes largely from the art collections of members of the Danish Royal Family.
■ Entrance: 120 DKK
▬ Opening Hours: 10-18 pm
► Urban project, 1873-1889
■ The potato rows were built to provide cheap and hygienic accommodation to working people. Originally, each three-story house was shared by two to three families with each family occupying one floor.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
Plads / COBE7
Red Cross Volunteer House / COBE
► House for the colunteers, 2017
■ This is a building for the Red Cross volunteers to meet and share knowledge, but it is also a public space for everyone.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
Centre For Cancer Patients / NORD ARCHITECTS
► Healthcare centre for cancer patients, 2009
■ “Research shows that architecture in itself can be healing and have a positive influence on peoples’ recovery. The key is to have a human scale in the architecture and create physical surroundings with a homey atmosphere”
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
Guldbergs Plads / 1:1 LANDSKAB
► Residential Parks, 2015
■ 10 grassy hills, 75 larch trees and 200 blue poles mark Guldbergs Plads as a spot where people of all ages can engage in activities and relax.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
► Medical facilities, 2017
■ The Tower is an extension of Panum, the University of Copenhagen’s Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, and contains both research and teaching facilities.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
Forfatterhuset Kindergarten / COBE
► Kindergarten, 2014
■ The kindergarten consists of five small houses in one to three floors - all with green roofs and roof gardens. From the outside the kindergarten appears as a village for children, but from the inside it is coherent and efficient.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
Nuuks Plads Station / METROSELSKABET
► Metro station, 2019
■ Underground Copenhagen Metro station located at Nuuks Plads, off Jagtvej, in the Nørrebro district of Copenhagen, Denmark.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
Frederiksberg Palace / ERNST
► Palace, 1700s
■ A summer palace by King Frederik IV and a home of King Christian VI. The royal family left Frederiksberg Palace in 1852 and have not lived there since; in 1869 the Royal Danish Army Officers Academy moved in.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
Vestre Kirkegård / Hans Jørgen Holm
► Cemetery, 1870
■ The cemetery is noted for its scenery, offers a maze of dense groves, open lawns, winding paths, hedges, overgrown tombs, monuments, tree-lined avenues, ponds and other garden features.
■ Entrance: free :)
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
Theodora House / ADEPT
► Apartments and Offices, 2020
■ The historic Carlsberg Brewery site in Copenhagen has opened to the public to become part of the city - and is now seriously embarking on the successful transformation to a dense urban neighbourhood of its own, the Carlsberg City.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
Living Places / EFFECT
► Residential, Reseach, 2020-2023
■ The Living Places concept holds the lowest CO2 emissions in Denmark, demonstrating that we do not have to wait for future technology to build more sustainably.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
► Landscape and Masterplan, 2019
■ The historical Enghavepark has been transformed and is now the biggest climate project in Copenhagen. The park is answering a need to handle Copenhagen’s current and future challenges with water.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
Cactus Towers / BIG
► Residental, 2015
■ The two sharp buildings, which will accommodate 495 youth homes with an average of 30 square meters, have become a new, significant focal point in the area.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
► Oldest Theme Park, 1843
■ Tivoli is a playground for young and old and a spot so full of wonder that it inspired Hans Christian Andersen and Walt Disney. Whether you come for the gardens, music or rides, you’ll have a blast.
■ Entrance: 145 DKK - 155 DKK
▬ Opening Hours: 11-00h
Copenhagen City Hall / MARTIN NYROP
► City Hall, 1892-1905
■ The National Romantic features shine through throughout the building - from the richly decorated exterior to the detailed interior with hidden gems hidden in everything from murals to stair railings.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 9-4pm
Šeštadienį nusiteikite dviračių grand tour aplink Amager salą. Maršrutas susideda iš urbanistinės dalies ir Amager laukų, kuriuose gausu laukinės gamtos. Kelionę pradėsim Amager salos viršutinėje dalyje (Orestad šiaurėje), viename iš Kopenhagos universiteto fakultetų. Judėdami žemyn į pietus apžiūrime vieną iš labiausiai kontraversiškų rajonų Kopenhagoje, dėl savo didelio užstatymo tankio, pastatų aukštingumo, kuris kontrastuoja su aplinkine horizontale gamta. Taip pat, funkcinės įvairovės trūkumo. Nors su metais situacija keičiasi į gerąją pusę. ‚Masterplan‘ schema sugalvota dviejų imonių MAPRT ir KHR 2007 metais laimėjusiais savivaldybės konkursą . Šis rajonas yra juostinės proporcijos (600m x 5000m). Orestad pradžioje buvo pristatytas kaip labai ambicingas projektas, kuris turėjo išnaudoti nenaudojamą valstybinę žemę, o pelnas padengti metro infrastruktūros vystimą mieste ir Orestad rajone. Būdamas visiškai naujas rajonas toli nuo istorinio konteksto, ši teritorija tapo savotiška architektūrine žaidimų aikštele. Palikus Orestad rajoną pasileisime į Amager laukus ir judėsime į Holmene rajoną, kuris pasižymi savo utopiniu kopenhagietišku gyvenimu tarp/ant kanalų. Šiame rajone buvo bandoma suteikti kiekvienam gyventojui galimybe gyventi prie vandens. O pirmo aukšto gyventojams tiesioginį ryšį su vandeniu, taip leidžiant lipti į baidarę ar motorinį laivą tiesiai iš savo buto lango. Šiuo
metu šis rajonas laukia metro stotelės, kuri sukurs dar patogesnį ryšį su miesto centru.
Karen Blixens Plads / COBE
► Urban plaza at the University of Copenhagen, 2019
■ The square works as a campus landscape with an important functional role as well as a recreational resource. Infrastructure is turned into a three-dimensional student hang-out.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
► Housing, 2005
■ The Tietgen dormitory project was made possible by a donation from the Nordea Denmark Fund. The intention was to make ‘the dormitory of the future’.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
Blue Box / Jean Novel
► Concert Hall, 2009
■ When the sun goes down, it is transformed into an ethereal, dematerialized object with images of musicians eerily flitting across the screens of glass fiber with a PVC coating.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
► Secondary School, 2021
■ The school’s special focus enable pupils to relate theoretical teaching with physical, sensory and experience-based learning.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
Frøsilo / MVRDV
► Residential, 2005
■ The Frøsilo is a radical waterfront conversion located in the old harbour area of Copenhagen. As well as boasting excellent waterfront views and close proximity to the city, these former silos have a seemingly incomplete character; a bare structure.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
► Residential, 2019
■ This urban residential area is coming together with nine different firms contributing. A variety of high-end apartments and houses are built on the former industrial ground.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
school on Islands Brygge / C.F. MØLLER ARCHITECTS IN COLLABORATION WITH TREDJE NATURHavnevigen Harbour Bath
► Artificial beach by the water
■ In addition to the newly built apartment blocks, there is also a good selection of cosy cafés, eateries and bars in the area around Havnevigen.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
Mountain Dwellings / BIG
► Residential, 2008
■ What if the parking area became the base upon which to place terraced housing - like a concrete hillside covered by a thin layer of housing, cascading from the 11th floor to the street edge?
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
VM Houses / BIG
► Apartments, 2005
■ The VM Houses are two residential blocks formed as the letters V and M. The blocks are formed as such to allow for daylight, privacy and views.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
Royal Arena / 3XN
► Stadium, 2017
■ Copenhagen Arena combines two key ambitions: to create an attractive and flexible multi-purpose arena, while ensuring that the building’s presence will add value and an urban feel to the surrounding neighborhood.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
Ørestad School and Library / KHR ARKITEKTER
► School and Library, 2014
■ This is a CO2-neutral pioneering building with green roofs and exemplary architectural robustness both in materials and spatial distribution.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
8 House / BIG
► Housing, 2012
■ The 8 House stacks all ingredients of a lively urban neighborhood into horizontal layers of typologies connected by a promenade and cycling path up to the 10th floor creating a three-dimensional urban neighborhood.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
Amager Naturpark / ADEPT
► Public Park, 2020
■ The development of Naturpark Amager activates a unique landscape habitat through clear storytelling and a subtle architectural palette that underlines landscape qualities, functions and communities.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
Metropolis / Future Systems Danielsen
► Residential, 2008
■ The design for the futuristic residential building is a result of a collaboration between the architectural firms Future Systems from London and Danielsen Architecture.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
South Harbor School / JJW ARKITEKTER
► School, 2015
■ The school follows the parameters in the DGNB-approach, which focuses on both the technical, economic and social sustainability. The outdoor areas work as both school yard and public park.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
Scandialage / 1:1 LANDSKAB
► Residential Park, 2022
■ A boring grass area mainly used for dogwalking has been transformed into a local park with room for social gatherings, tranquillity and rainwater.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
Living Places / EFFECT
► Residential, Reseach, 2020-2023
■ The Living Places concept holds the lowest CO2 emissions in Denmark, demonstrating that we do not have to wait for future technology to build more sustainably.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
CARLSBERG AREA / Urban project
► Apartments and Offices, 2020
■ The historic Carlsberg Brewery site in Copenhagen has opened to the public to become part of the city - and is now seriously embarking on the successful transformation to a dense urban neighbourhood of its own, the Carlsberg City.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
► Landscape and Masterplan, 2019
■ The historical Enghavepark has been transformed and is now the biggest climate project in Copenhagen. The park is answering a need to handle Copenhagen’s current and future challenges with water.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
Cactus Towers / BIG
► Residental, 2015
■ The two sharp buildings, which will accommodate 495 youth homes with an average of 30 square meters, have become a new, significant focal point in the area.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
21 22
► Bicycle Bridge, 2008
■ Floating above street level, this bicycle bridge winds elegantly in and out between the surrounding buildings, connecting one bridge with another.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
Sluseholmen Harbour / Urban project
► Urban, 2008
■ Sluseholmen used to be dominated by heavy industry, including a Ford car factory. As industry left the area, a plan was conceived to develop Sluseholmen into a canal district. This was the result of co-operation between the Dutch architect Sjoerd Soeters, Arkitema, the Port of Copenhagen and the City of Copenhagen. Construction started in 2004, the first residents arrived in 2007, and by 2008 development of the new canal district had been completed.[.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
Kaip ir kitas dalis šią dieną rekomenduojama praleisti su dviračiu. Maršrutas prasideda nuo tolimesnių Nørrebro rajono urbanistinių erdvių - Superkilen parko ir Mimels aikštės. Nuo 12 val. būtina aplankyti Grundtvig’s bažnyčią, esančią rajono šiaurinėje dalyje. Vėliau maršrutas tesiasi Østerbro rajonu, kol pasiekiamas Nordhavn. Nordhavn yra industrinė miesto uosto teritorija, kuri nuo 2008 metų pagal Cobe projektą plečiama ant vandens. Šiandien tai teritorija, pilna šiuolaikinės architektūros ir kokybiško miesto elementų. Neskubėdami apžiūrėkite pažymėtus objektus, praleiskite laiką ant krantinės. Dienos pabaigai rekomenduojame judėti link centrinės miesto dalies ir apsilankyti muziejuose - Designmuseum
Denmark ir Copenhagen
Contemporary (CC) (abu muziejai dirba iki 18 val.). Po turiningos dienos atsiduraime prie pat ReffenKopenhagos gatvės maisto erdvės, kurioje siūloma praleisti vakarą ir pavalgyti.
Sekmadienio dviračių maršrutas prasideda nuo tolimesnių Nørrebro rajono urbanistinių erdvių - Superkilen parko ir Mimels aikštės. Nuo 12 val. būtina aplankyti Grundtvig’s bažnyčią, esančią rajono šiaurinėje dalyje. Vėliau tęsiame maršrutą pravažiuodami Østerbro rajonu (žemelapyej rasite pažymėtas interjero detaliuų parduotuves į kurias galite pakeliui užsukti), kol pasiekiame Nordhavn. Nordhavn yra industrinė miesto uosto teritorija, kuri nuo 2008 metų pagal Cobe projektą plečiama ant vandens. Šiandien tai teritorija, pilna šiuolaikinės architektūros ir kokybiško miesto elementų. Neskubėdami apžiūrėkite pažymėtus objektus, praleiskite laiką ant krantinės. Dienos pabaigai rekomenduojame judėti link centrinės miesto dalies ir apsilankyti muziejuose - Designmuseum Denmark ir Copenhagen Contemporary (CC) (abu muziejai dirba iki 18 val.). Po turiningos dienos atsidursime prie pat ReffenKopenhagos gatvės maisto erdvės, kurioje siūlome visiems kartu praleisti vakarą ir pasidalinti dienos įspūdžiais.
Superkilen / BIG
► Public space, 2012
■ Superkilen is a heterogenous site-collage in a dense, centrally located neighbourhood in Copenhagen.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
Mimers Plads / EFFECT
► Landscape, 2020-2021
■ Mimers Plads is a prominent area is in the proximity of Nørrebro Station, one of the largest commuter hubs in Copenhagen, Denmark
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
The Library / COBE
► Extension of existing culture house including new library and concert hall, 2011
■ The social hub is a library designed as a diverse and unifying space – a place where visitors can read, play with their children, meet new friends or simply relax.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
► Church, 1940
■ Six million yellow bricks on a hilltop just outside Copenhagen form one of the world’s foremost, if not perhaps comparatively unknown, Expressionist monuments.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 9-4pm
Dortheavej Residence / BIG
► Social Housing, 2018
■ BIG was asked to create much needed affordable housing and public space in the area, while keeping the pedestrian passageways open and the adjacent green yard untouched.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
ØsterGRO (Rooftop Farm)
► Restaurant, 2014
■ Have dinner among heads of cabbage and lettuce at Gro Spiseri at Denmark’s first rooftop farm.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 10-11pm
Orientkaj and Nordhavn Metro Stations / COBE
► Two metro stations, one above-ground and one underground, and tunnel, 2020
■ The two stations possess distinct visual characteristics that reflect the local communities they serve.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
The Silo / COBE
► Apartments, 2017
■ In order to bring The Silo’s industrial concrete facade up to current standards, the exterior of the existing silo has been reclad, while the interior has been preserved as raw and untouched as possible.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
Konditaget Lüders aka. “PARK’N’PLAY”/ JAJA ARCHITECTS
► Green facade and activity landscape on a Parking house, 2016
■ It rethinks the monofunctional parking house and transforms what is often an infrastructural necessity into a public amenity
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
BIG BIO Nordhavn Cinema / Arkitema
► Cinema, 2019
■ On the last building plot in the prestigious Nordhavn in Copenhagen, Arkitema has designed the eye-catching cinema BIG BIO, which is Denmark’s first sustainable cinema.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
► Office building, 2014
■ The Portland Towers are former industry silos that was built back in 1979 and used to store cement – something you can’t tell from the ultra-modern design they feature today.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
UN City / 3XN
► Institutional buildings, 2013
■ Bringing together the various agencies and functionsof the United Nations offices in Copenhagen, the new main office building is located at the northern harbour of Copenhagen.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
Copenhagen Contemporary (Pirmadienį nedirba!)
Centrinė miesto dalis išsiskiria lankytinų objektų įvairove. Čia galite pamatyti ne tik modernios ir šiuolaikiškos architektūros pavyzdžių, bet ir daugybę parkų, muziejų, istorinių pastatų. Tuo pačiu nepraleiskite progos užeiti į dizaino parduotuvėles, tarp jų - pasaulyje garsių daniško dizaino prekinių ženklų Hay, Muuto, Carl Hansen & Son atstovybės.
Iš visų sužymėtų objektų, rekomenduotina nepraleisti danų architektūros centro (angl. Danish Architecture Centre). Čia, tikėtina, rasite sau įdomią parodą, o ir pats pastatas įdomus, kaip architektūrinis objektas (arch. OMA, 2018). BIG’ų projektuota šiukšlių perdirbimo gamykla (angl. Copenhill) - kita rekomenduotina vieta. Nors greičiausiai teks pavažiuoti (tinka dviračiai, viešasis transportas), bet pastatas tikrai išskirtinis, pamatyti verta. Į viršų galėsite užkilti liftu, o pamatę visą Kopenhagos panoramą iš viršaus, žemyn nusileisti galėsite laiptais, arba, kas drąsesnis - slidėmis! Verta paminėti, kad kelias į Copenhill veda per turistų pamėgtą Kristianijos rajoną. Jį žemėlapyje taip pat pažymėjome. Modernaus meno mylėtojams būtina nueiti į netoli Copenhill įsikūrusį CC (angl. Copenhagen Contemporary).
Galiausiai, jei bevaikščiodami nuvargsite, trumpam sustoti ir atsigaivinti galite ne tik skania kava, kurią rasite kas antras žingsnis, bet ir ypač švariame kanalų vandenyje! Vieną iš siūlomų maudymosi vietų rasite tarp žemėlapyje pažymėtų objektų. Maudymasis - itin populiarus vietinių miestiečių užsiėmimas karštą vasaros dieną. Tad keliaujant vasarą, būtinai į lagaminą įsimeskite maudymosi kostiumėlį ar kelnaites.
Taigi, pasirinkimo galimybių, kur eiti, ką pamatyti ir nuveikti, kiekvieno skoniui ir nuotaikai yra labai daug, todėl šiai miesto daliai konkreti ėjimo trajektorija nėra siūloma. Patys geriausiai žinosite, į kurią pusę kreipti bures!
Island Brygge harbour bath / ► Bathing zone
■ One of the most visited is located at Islands Brygge, right across the bridge from the city centre. This spot has become iconic, and here you get open air swimming right in the centre of the city.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
Danish Architecture Centre / OMA
► Apartments and Offices, 2018
■ Danish Architecture Center (DAC), contains exhibition spaces, offices and co-working spaces, a café, a bookstore, a fitness centre, a restaurant, twenty-two apartments and an underground automated public carpark.
■ Entrance: 115 DKK
▬ Opening Hours: 10-18
Royal Library Gardens / JENS PEDER ANDERSEN
► Public garden, 1920s
■ In the middle of the gardens, you’ll find a 1918 bronze statue of existentialist philosopher Søren Kierkegaard by the sculptor Louis Hasselriis.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
► Church, 1752
■ Our Savior’s Church’s iconic tower contains six large bells and a fantastic carillon which holds special meaning to Christianshavn. With as many as 48 bells, the carillon plays its delicate melodies daily.
■ Entrance: 69 DKK
▬ Opening Hours: 9-8pm
Freetown Christiania
► International Community, Micronation
■ Christiania was founded in 1971, when a group of people cut a hole in the fence to the military barracks in Bådmandsgade. Soon the area was known for Pusher Street, where you could buy hash and pot (but no hard drugs).
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
Hart Bageri Holmen / SPACON & X
► Bakery, 2021
■ The man behind one of Copenhagen’s most popular and innovative bakeries, Hart Bakery, Richard Hart, has opened his second place in the Danish capital.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 8-6pm
Copenhagen Opera House / HENNING LARSEN
► Opera House, 2005
■ It totals 41,000 square meters. Five of the fourteen stories are subterranean. The main stage of the opera seats an audience of 1400.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
► Sustainable dorms, 2016
■ By introducing a building typology optimized for harbor cities we can introduce a housing solution that will keep students at the heart of the city.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
► Infrastructure, 2019
■ BIG has completed the “cleanest wasteto-energy power plant in the world” in Copenhagen, Denmark, which is topped by an artificial ski slope that is open all year round.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
Royal Danish Academy Canteen
► University Canteen
■ Enjoy a cup of coffee, a sandwich and exhibitions with lots of student impressions. The Café is the place for a little break for visitors who come to see the Schools’ exhibitions.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 11-6pm
► Transformation from seaplane hangar, 2001
■ From navy activity to office space to educational space, the hangar now functions as a workshop for 300 students from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine arts.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
► Residential and retail, 2016
■ Rather than inventing a new building type, Krøyers Plads is a reinvention of the industrial warehouse adjacent to the site.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
Danmarks Nationalbank / ARNE JACOBSEN
► National Bank, 1818
■ Arne Jacobsen shaped his last major work, the National Bank of Denmark from 1971, as a modern, monumental building with a meticulously designed interior and a detailed garden plan.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: -
The Round Tower / CHRISTIAN IV
► Tower and Observatory, 17th century
■ In the middle of the gardens, you’ll find a 1918 bronze statue of existentialist philosopher Søren Kierkegaard by the sculptor Louis Hasselriis.
■ Entrance: 40 DKK
▬ Opening Hours: 10-6pm
Stork Fountain
► Public Fountain, 1888
■ the Stork Fountain was a present to Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Louise in connection with their upcoming silver wedding anniversary.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
HAY House
► Store
■ HAY House has been redone to include the original two-storey boutique plus two additional floors with a showroom and a multipurpose work, event, and meeting space
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 10-6pm
► Store
■ By expanding this heritage with forwardlooking materials, techniques and bold creative thinking, our ambition is to deliver new perspectives on Scandinavian design.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 10-5pm
► Store
■ Timeless beauty, comfort, craftsmanship, and sustainability are so deeply ingrained in all our furniture works that only sight and touch are required to understand and fall in love with them.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 10-6pm
Hansen and Son Flagship StoreAmalienborg Palace / NICOLAI EIGTVED
► Residence, 1760
■ Amalienborg was originally built for four noble families; however, when Christiansborg Palace burned on 26 February 1794, the royal family bought the palaces and moved in..
■ Entrance: 120 DKK
▬ Opening Hours: 10-5pm (Closed on Monday)
Little Mermaid / EDVARD ERIKSEN
► Statue, 1913
■ It was inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s famous fairytale about a mermaid who gives up everything to be united with a young, handsome prince on land.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
The King’s Garden (Rosenborg garden) / THE KING
► Denmark’s oldest royal gardens, 1600s
■ Tree-lined paths, rose-bound arches, Hercules Pavillion and the statue of Hans Christian Andersen. The Kings Gardens includes herbaceous borders, a rose garden and several fountains.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 7-10 pm
► Harbour area, 17th century
■ Originally it was a commercial port where ships from all over the world would dock, and it was packed with sailors visiting its pubs, alehouses and ladies of pleasure.
■ Entrance: free
▬ Opening Hours: 24h
► Store
■ The Danish design brand Paustian has opened its second concept store in Copenhagen, and this time it is at a unique location in an old bank in the centre of Copenhagen.
■ Entrance: -
▬ Opening Hours: 11-6pm
Copenhagen Contemporary
► Art Gallery
■ Installations, performance art and monumental video works find a home at Copenhagen Contemporary (CC), Copenhagen’s center for contemporary art. It’s in the city’s hip cultural district, Refshaleøen.
■ Entrance: 120 DKK
▬ Opening Hours: 11-6pm (Closed on Monday)